public void Fetch(string[] commandStrings)
     MessageBox.Show(CommonCode.TranslateText(58), "Attention", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
     Manager.manager.GfxObjList.Find(f => f.Name() == "ibValider").Visible(true);
Beispiel #2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (EventId > 0)
                var eventService = IoC.Resolve <IEventService>();
                var eventData    = eventService.GetById(EventId);
                EventNameLabel.Text    = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(eventData.OrganizationName);
                EventAddressLabel.Text = System.Web.Security.AntiXss.AntiXssEncoder.HtmlEncode(CommonCode.AddressMultiLine(eventData.StreetAddressLine1,
                                                                                                                           eventData.StreetAddressLine2, eventData.City,
                                                                                                                           eventData.State, eventData.Zip), true);

                EventType           = (short)(RegistrationMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(RegistrationMode), eventData.EventType);
                EventDateLabel.Text = eventData.EventDate.ToString("dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy");

                var hospitalPartnerRepository = IoC.Resolve <IHospitalPartnerRepository>();
                var hospitalPartnerId         = hospitalPartnerRepository.GetHospitalPartnerIdForEvent(EventId);
                if (hospitalPartnerId > 0)
                    var organizationRepository = IoC.Resolve <IOrganizationRepository>();
                    var hospitalPartner        = organizationRepository.GetOrganizationbyId(hospitalPartnerId);
                    HospitalPartnerLabel.Text = hospitalPartner.Name;
                    SponsoredInfoDiv.Visible  = true;

                if (!SelectedPackageTests.IsNullOrEmpty() || !SelectedAddOnTests.IsNullOrEmpty())
                    var javaScriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

                    if (!SelectedPackageTests.IsNullOrEmpty())
                        foreach (var packageTest in SelectedPackageTests)
                        Page.ClientScript.RegisterArrayDeclaration("selectedPackageTests", string.Empty);
                    if (!SelectedAddOnTests.IsNullOrEmpty())
                        foreach (var addOnTest in SelectedAddOnTests)
                        Page.ClientScript.RegisterArrayDeclaration("selectedAddOnTests", string.Empty);
                    Page.ClientScript.RegisterArrayDeclaration("selectedPackages", SelectedPackage);
 public void Fetch(string[] commandStrings)
     MessageBox.Show(CommonCode.TranslateText(61), "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
     GameStateManager.ChangeState(new SelectPlayer());
        public bool Check()
            Battle b = Battle.Battles.Find(f => f.IdBattle == _actor.idBattle);
            Actor  actorBattleInstance = null;

            if (_actor.inBattle == 1)
                actorBattleInstance = b.AllPlayersByOrder.Find(f => f.Pseudo == _actor.Pseudo);

            if (CommandStrings.Length != 2)

            _locationString = CommandStrings[1].ToString();

            // incrementation du timestamp contre le spam waypoint qui se libere apres 2seconds
            _actor.timeBeforeNextWaypoint = CommonCode.ReturnTimeStamp();

            // verifier si le joueur a un wayPointList
            if ((_actor.inBattle == 0 && _actor.wayPoint.Count > 0) || (_actor.inBattle == 1 && actorBattleInstance.wayPoint.Count > 0))
                int x, y;
                if (!int.TryParse(_locationString.Split(',')[0], out x))
                    Security.User_banne("client inject a non int 'waypoint past'", Nc);

                if (!int.TryParse(_locationString.Split(',')[1], out y))
                    Security.User_banne("client inject a non int 'waypoint past'", Nc);

                _location = new Point(x, y);

                // arrondissement
                Point p = new Point(_location.X / 30 * 30, _location.Y / 30 * 30);

                // verification si c'est la derniere offset pour mettre a jour la position du joueur
                if ((_actor.inBattle == 0 && p.X == _actor.wayPoint[0].X && p.Y == _actor.wayPoint[0].Y) || (_actor.inBattle == 1 && p.X == actorBattleInstance.wayPoint[0].X && p.Y == actorBattleInstance.wayPoint[0].Y))
                    // modification du way point sur la bd seulement si le joueur n'est pas dans un combat
                    if (_actor.inBattle == 0)
                        ((List <mysql.connected>)DataBase.DataTables.connected).Find(f => f.pseudo == _actor.Pseudo).map_position = (_actor.wayPoint[0].X / 30) + "/" + (_actor.wayPoint[0].Y / 30);
                        ((List <mysql.players>)DataBase.DataTables.players).Find(f => f.pseudo == _actor.Pseudo).map_position     = (_actor.wayPoint[0].X / 30) + "/" + (_actor.wayPoint[0].Y / 30);
                        // sustraction de 1 du nombre des pm2

                    if (_actor.inBattle == 0)
                        _actor.map_position = new Point((_actor.wayPoint[0].X / 30), (_actor.wayPoint[0].Y / 30));
                        actorBattleInstance.map_position = new Point((actorBattleInstance.wayPoint[0].X / 30), (actorBattleInstance.wayPoint[0].Y / 30));

                    // supression de la 1ere position depuis le way point
                    // verification du temps passé apres le passage du waypoint
                    if (_actor.inBattle == 0)
                        switch (_actor.wayPoint.Count)
                        case 0:
                            if (_actor.wayPointCnt > 1)
                                int elapsedTime = CommonCode.ReturnTimeStamp() - _actor.wayPointTimeStamp;

                                if (_actor.animatedAction == Enums.AnimatedActions.Name.walk)
                                    //double trueTime = (im.SenderConnection.Tag as PlayerInfo).wayPointCnt * 0.8;
                                    int trueTime = (int)(Math.Round(_actor.wayPointCnt * 0.2));

                                    if (elapsedTime - trueTime < -1)
                                        // seuille de 5 seconds tolléré (1 = 0.2 * 5 seconds)
                                        // le joueur a triché en diminuons le temps de relance pour chaque tuile passé
                                        Security.User_banne("time too short between 2 tile", Nc);
                                else if (_actor.animatedAction ==
                                    //double trueTime = (im.SenderConnection.Tag as PlayerInfo).wayPointCnt * 0.8;
                                    int trueTime = (int)(Math.Round(_actor.wayPointCnt * 0.2));

                                    if (elapsedTime - trueTime < ((_actor.wayPointCnt < 10) ? -1 : -3))
                                        // le joueur a triché en diminuons le temps de relance pour chaque tuille passé
                                        Security.User_banne("time too short between 2 tile", Nc);

                            _actor.wayPointTimeStamp = 0;
                            _actor.animatedAction    = Enums.AnimatedActions.Name.idle;
                            _actor.wayPointCnt = 0;
                        switch (actorBattleInstance.wayPoint.Count)
                        case 0:
                            if (actorBattleInstance.wayPointCnt > 1)
                                int elapsedTime = CommonCode.ReturnTimeStamp() - actorBattleInstance.wayPointTimeStamp;

                                switch (actorBattleInstance.animatedAction)
                                case Enums.AnimatedActions.Name.walk:
                                    //double trueTime = (im.SenderConnection.Tag as PlayerInfo).wayPointCnt * 0.8;
                                    int trueTime = (int)(Math.Round(actorBattleInstance.wayPointCnt * 0.2));

                                    if (elapsedTime - trueTime < -1)
                                        // seuille de 5 seconds toléré
                                        // le joueur a triché en diminuons le temps de relance pour chaque tuille passé
                                        Security.User_banne("too short time between 2 tiles, err2", Nc);

                                    //double trueTime = (im.SenderConnection.Tag as PlayerInfo).wayPointCnt * 0.8;
                                    int trueTime = (int)(Math.Round(actorBattleInstance.wayPointCnt * 0.2));

                                    if (elapsedTime - trueTime < ((actorBattleInstance.wayPointCnt < 10) ? -1 : -3))
                                        // le joueur a triché en diminuons le temps de relance pour chaque tuille passé
                                        Security.User_banne("too short time between 2 tiles, err3", Nc);

                            actorBattleInstance.wayPointTimeStamp = 0;
                            actorBattleInstance.animatedAction    = Enums.AnimatedActions.Name.idle;
                            actorBattleInstance.wayPointCnt = 0;
                // cette condition n'est pas possible vus que le client devera avoir un waypoint > 0
                // mais pour des raisons de sécurité on le bloque si ce cas arrive

    private void LoadData(string id)
        DataTable dt = bll.GetContactDataByID(id.Trim());

        if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            string workFlowStatus = dt.Rows[0]["WorkFlowStatus"].ToString().Trim();
            if (workFlowStatus != "4")//供应商确认
                ShareCode.AlertMsg(this, "play", "确认信息出错,请重新选择。", "Distributor.aspx", false);

            lbTime.Text   = dt.Rows[0]["CreateTime"].ToString();
            lbBuyOrg.Text = dt.Rows[0]["BuyOrg"].ToString();

            string srmNo = dt.Rows[0]["SRM_Contract_NO"].ToString();
            lbSrmNo.Text = srmNo;
            hdfid.Value  = dt.Rows[0]["id"].ToString();

            lbERPNo.Text           = dt.Rows[0]["ERP_Contract_NO"].ToString();
            lbGrantNo.Text         = dt.Rows[0]["GrantNo"].ToString();
            lbDistributorName.Text = dt.Rows[0]["DistributorName"].ToString();
            lbDistributorAddr.Text = dt.Rows[0]["DistributorAddr"].ToString();
            lbContactName.Text     = dt.Rows[0]["ContactName"].ToString();
            lbReceivingParty.Text  = dt.Rows[0]["ReceivingParty"].ToString();
            lbAcquiringParty.Text  = dt.Rows[0]["AcquiringParty"].ToString();
            lbCurrency.Text        = dt.Rows[0]["Currency"].ToString();
            lbCurrency2.Text       = lbCurrency.Text;
            lbBuyerAccount.Text    = dt.Rows[0]["BuyerAccount"].ToString();
            lbWorkFlowStatus.Text  = CommonCode.GetWorkFlowStatusText(workFlowStatus);

            lbPlay.Text  = dt.Rows[0]["PlayType"].ToString();//付款方式
            lbPlay2.Text = lbPlay.Text;

            lbTemple.Text      = dt.Rows[0]["TemplateName"].ToString(); //合同模板TemplateId
            lbPriceClause.Text = dt.Rows[0]["PriceClause"].ToString();  //价格条款
            txtRemark.Text     = dt.Rows[0]["Remark"].ToString();       //摘要

            string bDate = dt.Rows[0]["AgreementBDate"].ToString();
            txtBeginDate.Text = bDate;

            bDate           = dt.Rows[0]["AgreementEDate"].ToString();
            txtEndDate.Text = bDate;

            DataTable dtp = null;
            dtp = bll.GetContactProductByCID(dt.Rows[0]["id"].ToString());

            Repeater1.DataSource = dtp;

            double amount = 0;
            if (dtp != null && dtp.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow r in dtp.Rows)
                    amount += string.IsNullOrEmpty(r["Amount"].ToString()) ? 0 : double.Parse(r["Amount"].ToString());
            lbTotal.Text = amount.ToString();
            ShareCode.AlertMsg(this, "play", "确认信息出错,请重新选择。", "Distributor.aspx", false);
Beispiel #6
        protected void imgEndCall_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
            var objCommoncode = new CommonCode();

Beispiel #7
    private void FillMvUserData()
        // format phone no.
        CommonCode objCommonCode = new CommonCode();
        long       physicianId   = IoC.Resolve <ISessionContext>().UserSession.CurrentOrganizationRole.OrganizationRoleUserId;

        ITestRepository      testRepository      = new TestRepository();
        IPhysicianRepository physicianRepository = new PhysicianRepository();

        var  medicalVendorDal = new MedicalVendorDAL();
        bool allowAuthorizations;
        bool allowEvaluations;

        //TODO: To Repair
        medicalVendorDal.GetMVUserFunctionalities(physicianId, out allowAuthorizations, out allowEvaluations);

        decimal currentPayrate = 0.00M;

        if (allowEvaluations)
            currentPayrate = physicianRepository.GetCurrentPayrate(physicianId);
            List <Test> tests = testRepository.GetPermittedTestsForaPhysician(physicianId);

            CurrentPayrateSpan.InnerHtml      = string.Format("{0:c}", currentPayrate);
            PermittedTestsRepeater.DataSource = tests.OrderBy(t => t.Name);
        List <EMVMVUser> medicalVendorUserProfile = medicalVendorDal.GetMedicalVendorMedicalVendorUserProfile(IoC.Resolve <ISessionContext>().UserSession.UserId.ToString(), 1);

        vendorname.InnerText = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MedicalVendor.BusinessName;
        name.InnerText       = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.User.FirstName + " " + medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.User.MiddleName + " " + medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.User.LastName;
        fname.InnerText      = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.User.FirstName;
        mname.InnerText      = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.User.MiddleName;
        lname.InnerText      = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.User.LastName;
        if (medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.Resume != "")
            aDwnResume.HRef     = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.Resume;
            aDwnResume.Disabled = false;
            aDwnResume.Disabled = true;
        if (medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.DigitalSignature != "")
            aDwnSign.Disabled = false;
            aDwnSign.HRef     = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.DigitalSignature;
            aDwnSign.Disabled = true;
        specialization.InnerText = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.MVUserSpecialization.Name;
        classification.InnerText = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.MVUserClassification.Name;
        DateTime DOB = Convert.ToDateTime(medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.User.DOB);

        // DateTime DOA = Convert.ToDateTime(mvmvuser[0]reateDate);
        address1.InnerText   = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.User.HomeAddress.Address1;
        address2.InnerText   = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.User.HomeAddress.Address2;
        state.InnerText      = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.User.HomeAddress.State;
        country.InnerText    = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.User.HomeAddress.Country;
        city.InnerText       = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.User.HomeAddress.City;
        zip.InnerText        = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.User.HomeAddress.ZipID.ToString();
        phonehome.InnerText  = objCommonCode.FormatPhoneNumberGet(medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.User.PhoneHome);
        phonecell.InnerText  = objCommonCode.FormatPhoneNumberGet(medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.User.PhoneCell);
        phoneother.InnerText = objCommonCode.FormatPhoneNumberGet(medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.User.PhoneOffice);
        email1.InnerText     = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.User.EMail1;
        email2.InnerText     = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.User.EMail2;
        dob.InnerText        = DOB.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy");
        ssn.InnerText        = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.User.SSN;
        var objCCode = new CommonCode();

        imgmyphto.ImageUrl = objCCode.GetPicture(Request.MapPath(medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.MyPicture), medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.MyPicture);
        if (medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.References.Count <= 0)
            refname1.InnerText  = "";
            refemail1.InnerText = "";
            refname2.InnerText  = "";
            refemail2.InnerText = "";
            refname3.InnerText  = "";
            refemail3.InnerText = "";
        if (medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.References.Count == 1)
            refname1.InnerText  = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.References[0] == null ? "" : medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.References[0].Name;
            refemail1.InnerText = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.References[0] == null ? "" : medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.References[0].EMail;
        if (medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.References.Count == 2)
            refname2.InnerText  = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.References[1] == null ? "" : medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.References[1].Name;
            refemail2.InnerText = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.References[1] == null ? "" : medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.References[1].EMail;
        if (medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.References.Count == 3)
            refname1.InnerText  = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.References[0] == null ? "" : medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.References[0].Name;
            refemail1.InnerText = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.References[0] == null ? "" : medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.References[0].EMail;
            refname2.InnerText  = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.References[1] == null ? "" : medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.References[1].Name;
            refemail2.InnerText = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.References[1] == null ? "" : medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.References[1].EMail;
            refname3.InnerText  = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.References[2] == null ? "" : medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.References[2].Name;
            refemail3.InnerText = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.References[2] == null ? "" : medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.References[2].EMail;

        //spdateApplied.InnerText = DOA.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy");
        Ucimagelist1.Images = medicalVendorUserProfile[0].MVUser.OtherPictures.ToList();
    public string GetRegisterRecordNew(string MobileNo, string Fname, string Lname, string address, string pincode, string strDevId)
        int     i, smslength;
        string  id = "";
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            UserRegistrationBLL balobj = new UserRegistrationBLL();
            CommonCode          cc     = new CommonCode();
            balobj.usrFirstName = Fname;
            balobj.usrLastName  = Lname;
            balobj.usrMobileNo  = MobileNo;
            balobj.usrAddress   = address;
            balobj.usrPIN       = pincode;
            balobj.StrDevId     = strDevId;
            i = balobj.BLLIsExistUserRegistrationInitial(balobj);//check user is exist or not if i = 0 then already exist
            if (i > 0)
                balobj.usrUserId = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                Random rnd = new Random();
                balobj.usrPassword = cc.DESEncrypt(Convert.ToString(rnd.Next(10001, 99999)));
                i = balobj.BLLInsertUserRegistrationInitial(balobj);
                if (i > 0)
                    id = balobj.usrUserId;
                    string myMobileNo      = balobj.usrMobileNo;
                    string myPassword      = cc.DESDecrypt(balobj.usrPassword);
                    string myName          = balobj.usrFirstName;
                    string passwordMessage = "Welcome " + myName + ",for ur First Login Username="******" & Password is " + myPassword + "  " + cc.AddSMS(myMobileNo);
                    smslength = passwordMessage.Length;
                    cc.TransactionalSMSCountry("OnlineExam", myMobileNo, passwordMessage, smslength, 22);

                    //------------------------------ For Dublicate IMEI number....................

                    string sql3 = "select [usrMobileNo] from usermaster where strDevId = '" + strDevId + "'";//takes all mobile number who have same IMEI number
                    ds = cc.ExecuteDataset(sql3);

                    foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                        if (row[0].Equals(MobileNo))
                            string sql = "update usermaster set StrDevId = '0' where [usrMobileNo] ='" + row[0] + "' ";
                            int    j   = cc.ExecuteNonQuery(sql);
                string sqlget = "select usrUserid from usermaster where usrMobileNo='" + MobileNo + "'";//geting userid of user
                id = cc.ExecuteScalar(sqlget);

                string sql2 = "select strDevId from usermaster where usrUserid='" + id + "' ";
                string str  = cc.ExecuteScalar(sql2);

                if (str == "" || str == null || str == "0")                                                            // If IMEI no is null
                    string sql = "Update usermaster set StrDevId = '" + strDevId + "' where usrUserid ='" + id + "' "; //to add/update IMEI no's for old entries
                    int    j   = cc.ExecuteNonQuery(sql);
                string sql3 = "select [usrMobileNo] from usermaster where strDevId = '" + str + "'";//takes all mobile number who have same IMEI number
                ds = cc.ExecuteDataset(sql3);

                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    if (row[0].Equals(MobileNo))
                        string sql = "update usermaster set StrDevId = '0' where [usrMobileNo] ='" + row[0] + "' ";
                        int    j   = cc.ExecuteNonQuery(sql);
        catch (Exception ex)
        { }
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Display customer information
        /// </summary>
        private void DisplayCustomer()
            long customerId = IoC.Resolve <ISessionContext>().UserSession.CurrentOrganizationRole.OrganizationRoleUserId;

            ICustomerRepository customerRepository = new CustomerRepository();
            var     customer             = customerRepository.GetCustomer(customerId);
            var     commonCode           = new CommonCode();
            dynamic displayCustomerModel = new ExpandoObject();

            displayCustomerModel.CustomerId = customerId;
            if (customer != null)
                _txtFirstName.Text  = customer.Name.FirstName;
                _txtMiddleName.Text = customer.Name.MiddleName;
                _txtLastName.Text   = customer.Name.LastName;

                NameLabel.InnerText = displayCustomerModel.Name = customer.Name.FullName;

                if (customer.Height != null)
                    _ddlFeet.SelectedValue = displayCustomerModel.Feet = customer.Height.Feet.ToString();
                    _ddlInch.SelectedValue = displayCustomerModel.Inches = customer.Height.Inches.ToString();

                if (customer.Weight != null)
                    displayCustomerModel.Weight = _txtWeight.Text = customer.Weight.Pounds.ToString();

                if (customer.Waist.HasValue && customer.Waist.Value > 0)
                    displayCustomerModel.Waist = _txtWaist.Text = customer.Waist.Value.ToString("0.0");

                ListItem lstRace = _ddlRace.Items.FindByText(customer.Race.ToString());
                if (lstRace != null)
                    lstRace.Selected          = true;
                    displayCustomerModel.Race = lstRace.Text;

                displayCustomerModel.AddressLine = _txtAddress.Text = customer.Address.StreetAddressLine1;
                displayCustomerModel.Suit        = _txtSuit.Text = customer.Address.StreetAddressLine2;
                displayCustomerModel.City        = _txtCity.Text = customer.Address.City;
                displayCustomerModel.State       = hfstate.Value = customer.Address.State;
                ddlCountry.SelectedValue         = customer.Address.CountryId.ToString();
                displayCustomerModel.AddressLine = ddlCountry.SelectedItem.Text;
                displayCustomerModel.Zip         = _txtZip.Text = customer.Address.ZipCode.Zip;

                displayCustomerModel.PhoneHome       = _txtPhoneHome.Text = commonCode.FormatPhoneNumberGet(customer.HomePhoneNumber.ToString());
                displayCustomerModel.PhoneCell       = _txtPhoneCell.Text = commonCode.FormatPhoneNumberGet(customer.MobilePhoneNumber.ToString());
                displayCustomerModel.PhoneOffice     = _txtPhoneOffice.Text = commonCode.FormatPhoneNumberGet(customer.OfficePhoneNumber.ToString());
                displayCustomerModel.EnableTexting   = customer.EnableTexting;
                rbtnEnableTexting.Checked            = customer.EnableTexting;
                rbtnDisableTexting.Checked           = !customer.EnableTexting;
                displayCustomerModel.EnableVoiceMail = customer.EnableVoiceMail;
                rbtnEnableVoiceMail.Checked          = customer.EnableVoiceMail;
                rbtnDisableVoiceMail.Checked         = !customer.EnableVoiceMail;

                if (customer.DateOfBirth.HasValue)
                    displayCustomerModel.DateOfBrith = _txtDateOfBrith.Text = customer.DateOfBirth.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
                    DobLabel.InnerText = customer.DateOfBirth.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
                    DobLabelSpan.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display, "block");
                    DobTextboxSpan.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display, "none");
                    DobLabelSpan.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display, "none");
                    DobTextboxSpan.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display, "block");
                _ddlGender.SelectedValue   = displayCustomerModel.Gender = customer.Gender.ToString();
                displayCustomerModel.Email = _txtEmail.Text = customer.Email.ToString();
                displayCustomerModel.PhoneOfficeExtension = PhoneOfficeExtension.Text = customer.PhoneOfficeExtension;
                displayCustomerModel.Ssn = _txtSsnNumber.Text = customer.Ssn;
                if (IsUpdateProfile)
                    MarketingSourceDropDown.SelectedValue = displayCustomerModel.MarketingSource = customer.MarketingSource;

                LogAudit(ModelType.View, displayCustomerModel, customerId);
Beispiel #10
        void SendBtn_MouseClic(Bmp bmp, MouseEventArgs e)
            RichTextBoxEx ChatArea = MainForm.chatBox.Controls.Find("ChatArea", false)[0] as RichTextBoxEx;

            if (HudHandle.SelectedCanalTxt.Text == "P" && HudHandle.ChatTextBox.TextLength > CommonCode.MyPlayerInfo.instance.pseudo.Length && HudHandle.ChatTextBox.Text.Substring(0, CommonCode.MyPlayerInfo.instance.pseudo.Length) == CommonCode.MyPlayerInfo.instance.pseudo)
                ChatArea.AppendText((ChatArea.Text == "") ? "" : "\n");
                ChatArea.SelectionStart  = ChatArea.TextLength;
                ChatArea.SelectionLength = 0;
                ChatArea.SelectionColor  = Color.Red;
                ChatArea.SelectionColor = ChatArea.ForeColor;
            else if (HudHandle.ChatTextBox.Text != "")
                if (HudHandle.SelectedCanalTxt.Text == "P" && HudHandle.ChatTextBox.Text.Split('#').Count() == 2)
                    // affichage du texte envoyé en mp en chat general
                    ChatArea.AppendText((ChatArea.Text == "") ? "" : "\n");
                    ChatArea.SelectionStart  = ChatArea.TextLength;
                    ChatArea.SelectionLength = 0;
                    ChatArea.SelectionColor  = Color.Green;

                    // pour recuperer le reste du texte quand l'utilisateur ajoute un # qui s'ajoute a celui du pseudo#...#
                    string tmpMsg = "";
                    if (HudHandle.ChatTextBox.Text.Split('#').Length >= 2)
                        for (int cnt = 1; cnt < HudHandle.ChatTextBox.Text.Split('#').Length; cnt++)
                            tmpMsg += HudHandle.ChatTextBox.Text.Split('#')[cnt] + "#";

                        tmpMsg = tmpMsg.Substring(0, tmpMsg.Length - 1);

                    ///////////////////// l'heur
                    ChatArea.SelectionStart  = ChatArea.TextLength;
                    ChatArea.SelectionLength = 0;
                    ChatArea.SelectionColor  = Color.Green;
                    ChatArea.AppendText("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "] ");

                    ChatArea.AppendText(CommonCode.TranslateText(3) + " ");
                    ChatArea.InsertLink(" " + HudHandle.ChatTextBox.Text.Split('#')[0]);
                    ChatArea.AppendText(" : ");

                    // recherche l'existance d'un lien dans le text
                    if (tmpMsg.IndexOf("[l/]") != -1 && tmpMsg.IndexOf("[\\l]") != -1 && tmpMsg.Length > 12)
                        // le texte contiens un lien
                        // affichage du texte qui precede la balise ouverture de lien
                        ChatArea.AppendText(tmpMsg.Substring(0, tmpMsg.IndexOf("[l/]")) + " ");
                        string tmpMsg2 = tmpMsg.Substring(tmpMsg.IndexOf("[l/]") + 4, tmpMsg.IndexOf("[\\l]") - tmpMsg.IndexOf("[l/]") - 4);
                        int    pos1 = tmpMsg.IndexOf("[\\l]") + 4;
                        string str1 = tmpMsg.Substring(pos1, tmpMsg.Length - pos1);

                    ChatArea.SelectionColor = ChatArea.ForeColor;

                Network.SendMessage("cmd•ChatMessage•" + HudHandle.SelectedCanalTxt.Text + "•" + HudHandle.ChatTextBox.Text, true);

                // enregistrement des messages sur le chatlog
                MainForm.ChatLog.Add(HudHandle.ChatTextBox.Text + "•" + HudHandle.SelectedCanalTxt.Text);

                HudHandle.ChatTextBox.Text = "";
Beispiel #11
        private void SearchEvent()
            IConfigurationSettingRepository configurationSettingRepository = new ConfigurationSettingRepository();
            string strDistance = configurationSettingRepository.GetConfigurationValue(ConfigurationSettingName.Eventdistance);

            string zipCode = string.Empty;
            int    zip     = 0;

            if (Int32.TryParse(txtZip.Text, out zip))
                zipCode = zip.ToString();
            var tag      = string.Empty;
            var hasMammo = false;

            if (CustomerId > 0 && (EventSearchTypeDropdownList.SelectedValue == EventSearchFilterType.HealthPlan.ToString() || EventSearchTypeDropdownList.SelectedValue == EventSearchFilterType.Corporate.ToString() || EventSearchTypeDropdownList.SelectedValue == EventSearchFilterType.Mammo.ToString()))
                tag = Customer.Tag;

                if (EventSearchTypeDropdownList.SelectedValue == EventSearchFilterType.Mammo.ToString())
                    hasMammo = true;

            if (CustomerHasMammoTest && !IsRedirectNonMammoEvent)
                hasMammo = true;
            long?ProductTypeId = null;

            if (Customer != null && CustomerId > 0)
                ProductTypeId = Customer.ProductTypeId;
            if (CustomerType == CustomerType.Existing && ProductTypeId == null)
                dbsearch.Visible          = false;
                dbsearch.Style["display"] = "";

                divNoRecord.Visible          = true;
                divNoRecord.Style["display"] = "";

                dgEvent.Visible           = false;
                dvSearchResult1.InnerText = "";
                dvSearchResult.InnerText  = "";
            var eventService = IoC.Resolve <IEventService>();
            var events       = eventService.GetEventHostViewData(ViewType.Technician, txtState.Text, txtCity.Text, txtInvitationCodeSearch.Text, zipCode, Convert.ToInt32(strDistance), txtFrom.Text.Length > 0 ? (DateTime?)Convert.ToDateTime(txtFrom.Text) : null,
                                                                 txtTo.Text.Length > 0 ? (DateTime?)Convert.ToDateTime(txtTo.Text) : null, 0, CurrentRole == Roles.CallCenterRep, tag: tag, hasMammo: hasMammo, ProductType: ProductTypeId);

            var tbltemp = new DataTable();

            tbltemp.Columns.Add("Date", typeof(DateTime));
            tbltemp.Columns.Add("Distance", typeof(Decimal));
            tbltemp.Columns.Add("HasBreastCancer", typeof(bool));
            tbltemp.Columns.Add("AllowNonMammoPatients", typeof(bool));

            if (events != null && events.Count > 0)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtInvitationCodeSearch.Text))
                    ViewState["InvitationCode"] = txtInvitationCodeSearch.Text;
                    ViewState["InvitationCode"] = null;
                string googleAddressVerified = string.Empty;

                foreach (var eventHostViewData in events)
                    string strAddress = eventHostViewData.StreetAddressLine1 + "<br />" + eventHostViewData.City + "," +
                                        eventHostViewData.State + "," + eventHostViewData.Zip;

                    googleAddressVerified = string.Empty;

                    if (eventHostViewData.GoogleAddressVerifiedBy.HasValue)
                        googleAddressVerified = GetAddressVerifiedUser(eventHostViewData.GoogleAddressVerifiedBy.Value);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(googleAddressVerified))
                            googleAddressVerified = "Address Not Verified" + CommonCode.GetGoogleAddressNotVerifiedJtip();
                    //string strGoogleMap = eventHostViewData.StreetAddressLine1 + "," + eventHostViewData.City + "," + eventHostViewData.State + "," + eventHostViewData.Zip;
                    string strGoogleMap = CommonCode.GetGoogleMapAddress(eventHostViewData.StreetAddressLine1,
                                                                         eventHostViewData.City, eventHostViewData.State,
                                                                         eventHostViewData.Latitude + "," +

                    string strEventType = string.Empty;

                    if (eventHostViewData.EventType != "")
                        strEventType = eventHostViewData.EventType.Trim().Equals("Public") ? "<img src='/App/Images/public-icon.gif' title='Public Event' />" : "<img src='/App/Images/private-icon.gif' title='Private Event' style='padding:0px 5px 0px 0px;' />";
                    tbltemp.Rows.Add(new object[]
                        eventHostViewData.EventId, eventHostViewData.Name,
                        eventHostViewData.OrganizationName, strAddress,
                        eventHostViewData.IsDynamicScheduling.HasValue &&
                                                 ? "Dynamic Scheduling"
                                                 : eventHostViewData.AvailableAppointmentSlots + "/" + eventHostViewData.TotalAppointmentSlots,
                        eventHostViewData.EventType, strEventType, googleAddressVerified,
                        eventHostViewData.HasBreastCancerTest.HasValue && eventHostViewData.HasBreastCancerTest.Value
                        , eventHostViewData.AllowNonMammoPatients
            if (tbltemp.Rows.Count > 0)
                ViewState["Event"] = tbltemp;
                dgEvent.DataSource = tbltemp;

                dgEvent.Visible = true;
                dvSearchResult1.InnerText = "Total: ";
                dvSearchResult.InnerText  = tbltemp.Rows.Count + " Result found";

                divNoRecord.Visible          = false;
                divNoRecord.Style["display"] = "";

                dbsearch.Visible          = true;
                dbsearch.Style["display"] = "";
                dbsearch.Visible          = false;
                dbsearch.Style["display"] = "";

                divNoRecord.Visible          = true;
                divNoRecord.Style["display"] = "";

                dgEvent.Visible           = false;
                dvSearchResult1.InnerText = "";
                dvSearchResult.InnerText  = "";
Beispiel #12
        /// allDirections, losange, rhombus
        ///                 [ ]
        ///              [ ][ ][ ]
        ///           [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
        ///        [ ][ ][ ][x][ ][ ][ ]
        ///           [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
        ///              [ ][ ][ ]
        ///                 [ ]
        public static Enums.LDVChecker.Availability Apply(object[] parameters)
            ///////////////// parames
            Actor spellCaster = parameters[0] as Actor;
            Point spellPoint  = parameters[1] as Point;

            mysql.spells spell = parameters[2] as mysql.spells;

            int    pe              = (Convert.ToBoolean(spell.peModifiable) ? + : + spell.distanceFromMelee;
            Battle _battle         = Battle.Battles.Find(f => f.IdBattle == spellCaster.idBattle);
            bool   inEmptyTileOnly = false;
            List <Enums.spell_effect_target.targets> spell_Targets = CommonCode.SpellTarget(spell);

            if (spell_Targets.Exists(f => f == Enums.spell_effect_target.targets.none) && spell_Targets.Count == 1)
                inEmptyTileOnly = true;

            List <Point>         allTuiles     = new List <Point>(); // liste qui contiens tous les tuiles affecté par le sort y compris un obstacle ou pas
            List <SortTuileInfo> allTuilesInfo = CommonCode.RhombusShapeWithObtsacle(spellCaster, spellPoint, spell);

            /////////////// supression des tuiles a coté du joueur si le sort n'accepte pas le cac
            if (spell.distanceFromMelee > 0)
                List <SortTuileInfo> meleeTileInfo = CommonCode.RhombusShapeWithoutObstacle(spellCaster, spell.distanceFromMelee);

                foreach (SortTuileInfo sti in meleeTileInfo)
                    allTuilesInfo.RemoveAll(f => f.TuilePoint.X == sti.TuilePoint.X && f.TuilePoint.Y == sti.TuilePoint.Y);

            SortTuileInfo focusedTile = allTuilesInfo.Find(f => f.TuilePoint.X == spellPoint.X && f.TuilePoint.Y == spellPoint.Y);

            if (focusedTile != null)
                // les obstacle joueurs sont prise en compte par le sort
                if (!inEmptyTileOnly && !focusedTile.IsBlockingView && focusedTile.IsWalkable)
                    // traitement quand le sort est autorisé sur cette emplacement
                    // traitement quand le sorts n'est pas autorisé, ou la case est un obstale qui est un joueur, walkable = true, blockingview = true
                    if (!inEmptyTileOnly && focusedTile.IsWalkable && focusedTile.IsBlockingView && _battle.AllPlayersByOrder.Exists(f => f.map_position.X == spellPoint.X && f.map_position.Y == spellPoint.Y))
                    else if (inEmptyTileOnly && !focusedTile.IsBlockingView && focusedTile.IsWalkable)
                // le sort est lancé sur un emplacement en dehors de la zone, le joueur triche
Beispiel #13
        public void Apply()
            string tmp = ((List <mysql.players>)DataBase.DataTables.players).FindAll(f => f.user == _actor.Username).Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, p) => current + (p.pseudo + "#" + p.level + "#" + p.spirit + "#" + p.classe + "#" + p.pvpEnabled + "#" + p.spiritLevel + "#" + p.hiddenVillage + "#" + p.maskColorString + "#null#null|"));

            // verification si le joueur a créée des personnages
            if (((List <mysql.players>)DataBase.DataTables.players).Exists(f => f.user == _actor.Username))
                // on check si l'utilisateur est en combat, si oui, verifier si le combat existe, si oui, verifier s'il reste plus d'1 joueur non invoc dans les 2 teams
                // un probleme arrive rarement qui fait qu'un client se deconnecte d'un combat, et apres il co et il bug sur l'état qu'il été en combat, alors qu'il s'est deconnecté mais le serveur garde la session de combat, donc il cloture pas
                if (_actor.inBattle == 1)
                    if (!Battle.Battles.Exists(f => f.IdBattle == _actor.idBattle))
                        _actor.inBattle = 0;
                        // mise a jours sur la bdd
                        // mise du statut inBattle = 0, idBattle = -1 pour les joueurs
                        mysql.players p = ((List <mysql.players>)DataBase.DataTables.players).Find(f => f.pseudo == _actor.Pseudo);
                        p.inBattle     = 0;
                        p.inBattleID   = 0;
                        p.inBattleType = "";
                        Battle battle = Battle.Battles.Find(f => f.IdBattle == _actor.idBattle);
                        if (battle.SideA.FindAll(f => f.species == Species.Name.Human).Count + battle.SideB.FindAll(f => f.species == Species.Name.Human).Count < 2)
                            // le combat dois etre cloturé puisqu'il reste qu'un seul joueur dans l'une des 2 team
                            if (CommonCode.IsClosedBattle(battle, false))
                                // il faut cloturer le combat
                                battle.State = battleState.state.closed;
                                //Console.WriteLine ("1client qui été en combat alors qu'il viens just de co peux etre, peux etre que ca va faire beuguer le client avec les cmd de cloture");
                                _actor.inBattle = 0;

                // verification si le joueur été en combat avec un personnage
                mysql.players actorAlreadyConnectedInBattle = ((List <mysql.players>)DataBase.DataTables.players).Find(f => f.inBattle == 1 && f.user == _actor.Username);

                // check si un des joueurs est en combat

                // verifier si il faut utiliser la valeur "actor.inBattle == 1" ou bien "actorAlreadyConnectedInBattle != null"
                // un check si le jouer est en combat est deja fait en haut, mais celui d'en haut est pour réctifier un problème qui arrive
                // du coup on répare ce bug et dans cette 2eme condition on revérifie, il faut peux etre penser a réunir cette 2éme partie dans la 1ere "celle d'en haut"
                // au lieu de revérifier apres avoir déjà fait le control
                //if (actorAlreadyConnectedInBattle != null)
                if (_actor.inBattle == 1)
                    #region ///////// DECO RECO pas encore testé
                    // l'un des joueur est en combat, recuperation du map
                    Console.WriteLine("player " + actorAlreadyConnectedInBattle.pseudo + " inBattle-map: " +;
                    _actor.Pseudo = actorAlreadyConnectedInBattle.pseudo;
                    string spells = ((List <mysql.players>)DataBase.DataTables.players).Find(f => f.pseudo == actorAlreadyConnectedInBattle.pseudo).sorts;
                    // recuperer le totalXp du niveau en cours
                    int maxXp;

                    maxXp = ((List <mysql.xplevel>)DataBase.DataTables.xplevel).Count == _actor.level ? ((List <mysql.xplevel>)DataBase.DataTables.xplevel)[((List <mysql.xplevel>)DataBase.DataTables.xplevel).Count - 1].xp : ((List <mysql.xplevel>)DataBase.DataTables.xplevel).Find(f => f.level == (_actor.level + 1)).xp;

                    // convertir la list de quete en string, ce code se trouve sur 2 endroit, quand le joueur selectionne un player et quand le joueur été déja dans un combat et que apres un co qui précédé une deco, le player se selectionne tous seul
                    string quete = "";
                    foreach (Actor.QuestInformation t in _actor.Quests)
                        quete += t.QuestName + ":" + t.MaxSteps + ":" + t.CurrentStep + ":" + t.Submited + "/";

                    if (quete != "")
                        quete = quete.Substring(0, quete.Length - 1);

                    // si une modification sur cette cmd a été faite, il faut vérifier tous les cmd avec cmd•SelectedPlayer et aussi checkandupdatestates
                    string buffer = _actor.Pseudo + "#" + _actor.classeName + "#" + _actor.spirit + "#" +
                                    _actor.spiritLvl.ToString() + "#" + _actor.Pvp.ToString() + "#" + _actor.hiddenVillage + "#" + _actor.maskColorString + "#" +
                                    _actor.directionLook.ToString() + "#" + _actor.level.ToString() + "#" + + "#" + _actor.officialRang.ToString() +
                                    "#" + _actor.currentHealth.ToString() + "#" + _actor.maxHealth.ToString() + "#" + _actor.xp.ToString() +
                                    "#" + maxXp + "#" + _actor.doton.ToString() + "#" + _actor.katon.ToString() + "#" +
                                    _actor.futon.ToString() + "#" + _actor.raiton.ToString() + "#" + _actor.suiton.ToString() + "#" +
                                    MainClass.chakralvl1 + "#" + MainClass.chakralvl2 + "#" + MainClass.chakralvl3 + "#" +
                                    MainClass.chakralvl4 + "#" + MainClass.chakralvl5 + "#" + _actor.usingDoton.ToString() + "#" +
                                    _actor.usingKaton.ToString() + "#" + _actor.usingFuton.ToString() + "#" + _actor.usingRaiton.ToString() +
                                    "#" + _actor.usingSuiton.ToString() + "#" + _actor.equipedDoton.ToString() + "#" +
                                    _actor.equipedKaton.ToString() + "#" + _actor.equipedFuton.ToString() + "#" +
                                    _actor.equipedRaiton.ToString() + "#" + _actor.equipedSuiton.ToString() + "#" +
                                    _actor.originalPc.ToString() + "#" + _actor.originalPm.ToString() + "#" + + "#" +
                           + "#" + _actor.summons.ToString() + "#" + _actor.initiative.ToString() + "#" +
                                    _actor.job1 + "#" + _actor.job2 + "#" + _actor.specialty1 + "#" +
                                    _actor.specialty2 + "#" + _actor.maxWeight.ToString() + "#" + _actor.currentWeight.ToString() +
                                    "#" + _actor.ryo.ToString() + "#" + _actor.resiDotonPercent.ToString() + "#" +
                                    _actor.resiKatonPercent.ToString() + "#" + _actor.resiFutonPercent.ToString() + "#" +
                                    _actor.resiRaitonPercent.ToString() + "#" + _actor.resiSuitonPercent.ToString() + "#" +
                                    _actor.dodgePC.ToString() + "#" + _actor.dodgePM.ToString() + "#" + _actor.dodgePE.ToString() + "#" +
                                    _actor.dodgeCD.ToString() + "#" + _actor.removePC.ToString() + "#" + _actor.removePM.ToString() + "#" +
                                    _actor.removePE.ToString() + "#" + _actor.removeCD.ToString() + "#" + _actor.escape.ToString() + "#" +
                                    _actor.blocage.ToString() + "#" + spells + "#" + _actor.resiDotonFix + "#" + _actor.resiKatonFix + "#" +
                                    _actor.resiFutonFix + "#" + _actor.resiRaitonFix + "#" + _actor.resiSuitonFix + "#" + _actor.resiFix + "#" +
                                    _actor.domDotonFix + "#" + _actor.domKatonFix + "#" + _actor.domFutonFix + "#" + _actor.domRaitonFix + "#" +
                                    _actor.domSuitonFix + "#" + _actor.domFix + "#" + _actor.power + "#" + _actor.equipedPower + "•" + quete +
                                    "•inBattle•" + _actor.spellPointLeft;

                    AutoSelectActorInBattleResponseMessage selectedActorGrantedResponseMessage = new AutoSelectActorInBattleResponseMessage();
                    selectedActorGrantedResponseMessage.Initialize(new[] { buffer }, Nc);

                    mysql.connected newConnection = ((List <mysql.connected>)DataBase.DataTables.connected).Find(f => f.user == _actor.Username);
                    newConnection.pseudo       = _actor.Pseudo;
                    newConnection.timestamp    = CommonCode.ReturnTimeStamp();
                    newConnection.map_position = _actor.map_position.X + "/" + _actor.map_position.Y;

                    // mise en combat du joueur
                    _actor.inBattle = 1;
                    Battle battle = Battle.Battles.Find(f => f.IdBattle == _actor.idBattle);
                    _actor.teamSide = battle.SideA.Exists(f => f.Pseudo == _actor.Pseudo) ? Team.Side.A : Team.Side.B;

                    // envoie d'une cmd au client qui contiens tous les infos du combat

                    // collecte des données des 2 joueurs

                     * // envoie au client la confirmation du challenge
                     * commun.SendMessage("cmd•challengeBegan•" + playersData + "•" + battleStartPositions.Map( + "•" + MainClass.InitialisationBattleWaitTime + "•" + _battle.BattleType + "•" + team1 + "•" + team2 + "•" + _battle.State + "•" + battleStartPositions.Start().Split('|')[0] + "•" + battleStartPositions.Start().Split('|')[1], im, true);*/

                    // modification des position des joueurs selon les position valide du map aléatoirement

                    /*string[] team1ValidePos = battleStartPositions.Map(_battle.Map, _battle.BattleType).Split('|')[0].Split('#');
                     * string[] team2ValidePos = battleStartPositions.Map(_battle.Map, _battle.BattleType).Split('|')[1].Split('#');
                     * _battle.team1ValidePos = battleStartPositions.Map(_battle.Map, _battle.BattleType).Split('|')[0];
                     * _battle.team2ValidePos = battleStartPositions.Map(_battle.Map, _battle.BattleType).Split('|')[1];
                     * string playersData = "";
                     * for (int cnt = 0; cnt < _battle.Team1.Count; cnt++)
                     * {
                     *  PlayerInfo pit1 = _battle.Team1[cnt];
                     *  playersData += pit1.Pseudo + "#" + pit1.ClasseName + "#" + pit1.Level + "#" + pit1.village + "#" + pit1.MaskColors + "#" + pit1.totalPdv + "#" + pit1.CurrentPdv + "#" + pit1.rang + "#" + pit1.Initiative + "#" + pit1.doton + "#" + pit1.katon + "#" + pit1.futon + "#" + pit1.raiton + "#" + pit1.suiton + "#" + pit1.usingDoton + "#" + pit1.usingKaton + "#" + pit1.usingFuton + "#" + pit1.usingRaiton + "#" + pit1.usingSuiton + "#" + pit1.dotonEquiped + "#" + pit1.katonEquiped + "#" + pit1.futonEquiped + "#" + pit1.raitonEquiped + "#" + pit1.suitonEquiped + "#" + pit1.pc + "#" + + "#" + + "#" + + "#" + pit1.invoc + "#" + pit1.resiDoton + "#" + pit1.resiKaton + "#" + pit1.resiFuton + "#" + pit1.resiRaiton + "#" + pit1.resiSuiton + "#" + pit1.esquivePC + "#" + pit1.esquivePM + "#" + pit1.esquivePE + "#" + pit1.esquiveCD + "#" + pit1.retraitPC + "#" + pit1.retraitPM + "#" + pit1.retraitPE + "#" + pit1.retraitCD + "#" + pit1.evasion + "#" + pit1.blocage + "#" + pit1.genre.ToString() + "#" + pit1.Orientation + ":";
                     *  Random random = new Random();
                     *  int rand = random.Next(team2ValidePos.Length);
                     *  pit1.map_position = new Point(Convert.ToInt32(team1ValidePos[rand].Split('/')[0]), Convert.ToInt32(team1ValidePos[rand].Split('/')[1]));
                     * }
                     * if (playersData != "")
                     *  playersData = playersData.Substring(0, playersData.Length - 1);
                     * playersData += "|";
                     * for (int cnt = 0; cnt < _battle.Team2.Count; cnt++)
                     * {
                     *  PlayerInfo pit2 = _battle.Team2[cnt];
                     *  playersData += pit2.Pseudo + "#" + pit2.ClasseName + "#" + pit2.Level + "#" + pit2.village + "#" + pit2.MaskColors + "#" + pit2.totalPdv + "#" + pit2.CurrentPdv + "#" + pit2.rang + "#" + pit2.Initiative + "#" + pit2.doton + "#" + pit2.katon + "#" + pit2.futon + "#" + pit2.raiton + "#" + pit2.suiton + "#" + pit2.usingDoton + "#" + pit2.usingKaton + "#" + pit2.usingFuton + "#" + pit2.usingRaiton + "#" + pit2.usingSuiton + "#" + pit2.dotonEquiped + "#" + pit2.katonEquiped + "#" + pit2.futonEquiped + "#" + pit2.raitonEquiped + "#" + pit2.suitonEquiped + "#" + pit2.pc + "#" + + "#" + + "#" + + "#" + pit2.invoc + "#" + pit2.resiDoton + "#" + pit2.resiKaton + "#" + pit2.resiFuton + "#" + pit2.resiRaiton + "#" + pit2.resiSuiton + "#" + pit2.esquivePC + "#" + pit2.esquivePM + "#" + pit2.esquivePE + "#" + pit2.esquiveCD + "#" + pit2.retraitPC + "#" + pit2.retraitPM + "#" + pit2.retraitPE + "#" + pit2.retraitCD + "#" + pit2.evasion + "#" + pit2.blocage + "#" + pit2.genre.ToString() + "#" + pit2.Orientation;
                     *  Random random = new Random();
                     *  int rand = random.Next(team2ValidePos.Length);
                     *  pit2.map_position = new Point(Convert.ToInt32(team2ValidePos[rand].Split('/')[0]), Convert.ToInt32(team2ValidePos[rand].Split('/')[1]));
                     * }
                     * ////////////////////////////////////
                     * string team1 = "";
                     * string team2 = "";
                     * foreach (PlayerInfo piib in _battle.Team1)
                     *  team1 += piib.Pseudo + "|" + piib.map_position.X + "/" + piib.map_position.Y + "#";
                     * team1 = team1.Substring(0, team1.Length - 1);
                     * foreach (PlayerInfo piib in _battle.Team2)
                     *  team2 += piib.Pseudo + "|" + piib.map_position.X + "/" + piib.map_position.Y + "#";
                     * team2 = team2.Substring(0, team2.Length - 1);
                     * commun.SendMessage("cmd•challengeBegan•" + playersData + "•" + battleStartPositions.Map(_battle.Map, _battle.BattleType) + "•" + MainClass.InitialisationBattleWaitTime + "•" + _battle.BattleType + "•" + team1 + "•" + team2 + "•" + _battle.State + "•" + battleStartPositions.Map(_battle.Map, _battle.BattleType).Split('|')[0] + "•" + battleStartPositions.Map(_battle.Map, _battle.BattleType).Split('|')[1], im, true);
                     * Console.WriteLine("<--cmd•challengeBegan•" + playersData + "•" + battleStartPositions.Map(_battle.Map, _battle.BattleType) + "•" + MainClass.InitialisationBattleWaitTime + "•" + _battle.BattleType + "•" + team1 + "•" + team2 + "•" + _battle.State + "•" + battleStartPositions.Map(_battle.Map, _battle.BattleType).Split('|')[0] + "•" + battleStartPositions.Map(_battle.Map, _battle.BattleType).Split('|')[1] + " to " + pi.Pseudo);*/
                    tmp = tmp.Substring(0, tmp.Length - 1);
                    GrabingActorsInformationResponseMessage grabingPlayersInformationResponseMessage = new GrabingActorsInformationResponseMessage();
                    grabingPlayersInformationResponseMessage.Initialize(new [] { tmp }, Nc);
                // l'utilisateur na pas de joueurs, il faut le basculer vers le map CreatePlayer
                CreateNewActorResponseMessage createNewPlayerResponseMessage = new CreateNewActorResponseMessage();
                createNewPlayerResponseMessage.Initialize(CommandStrings, Nc);
Beispiel #14
        protected void _eventCustomerGrid_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                var eventCustomer = e.Row.DataItem as EventCustomerRegistrationViewData;

                if (eventCustomer != null)
                    // format phone no.
                    CommonCode objCommonCode = new CommonCode();
                    var        phoneSpan     = e.Row.FindControl("spPhone") as HtmlContainerControl;
                    if (objCommonCode.FormatPhoneNumberGet(eventCustomer.PhoneNumber).Length > 0)
                        phoneSpan.InnerText = "PH:" + objCommonCode.FormatPhoneNumberGet(eventCustomer.PhoneNumber);

                    string customerFullName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventCustomer.MiddleName)
                                                  ? eventCustomer.FirstName + " " + eventCustomer.MiddleName + " " +
                                                  : eventCustomer.FirstName + " " + eventCustomer.LastName;

                    string currentRowIndex = (e.Row.DataItemIndex + 2) < 10
                                                 ? "ctl0" + Convert.ToString(e.Row.DataItemIndex + 2)
                                                 : "ctl" + Convert.ToString(e.Row.DataItemIndex + 2);

                    var appointmentTime   = e.Row.FindControl("_appointmentTimeLiteral") as Literal;
                    var statusSpan        = e.Row.FindControl("spStatus") as HtmlContainerControl;
                    var checkInFilledSpan = e.Row.FindControl("spfiledcheckin") as HtmlContainerControl;
                    var actionSpan        = e.Row.FindControl("spAction") as HtmlContainerControl;

                    if (appointmentTime != null)
                        var appointmentString = string.Format("{0:hh:mm tt}", eventCustomer.AppointmentStartTime);
                        if (eventCustomer.RoomSlots != null && eventCustomer.RoomSlots.Any())
                            var roomSlotString = "<hr />";
                            foreach (var roomSlot in eventCustomer.RoomSlots)
                                roomSlotString += roomSlot.FirstValue + " - " + roomSlot.SecondValue.ToShortTimeString() + "<br />";

                            appointmentString += roomSlotString;
                        appointmentTime.Text = appointmentString;
                    var customerId = eventCustomer.CustomerId;

                    var order = GetCurrentOrder(customerId);

                    var packageNameLiteral = e.Row.FindControl("PackageNameLiteral") as Literal;

                    if (packageNameLiteral != null)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventCustomer.PackageName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventCustomer.AdditinalTest))
                            packageNameLiteral.Text = eventCustomer.PackageName + ", " + eventCustomer.AdditinalTest;
                            packageNameLiteral.Text = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventCustomer.PackageName) ? eventCustomer.PackageName : eventCustomer.AdditinalTest;

                    // TODO: Problem lies in DAL mapped to wrong field.
                    long eventCustomerId = eventCustomer.EventCustomerId;
                    long appiontmentId   = eventCustomer.AppointmentId;

                    /* When appointmentslot is not allocated to a customer ********* */
                    if (eventCustomerId == 0)
                        var customerDetailSpan = e.Row.FindControl("spcustomerdetail") as HtmlContainerControl;
                        // Case added when a slot is blocked then link should be disable

                        string prepareAction = "<span style=\"width:110px; float:left;\">";

                        if (statusSpan != null && eventCustomer.AppointmentSlotStatus == AppointmentSlotStatus.Blocked)
                            statusSpan.InnerText = "Blocked";
                        else if (statusSpan != null)
                            statusSpan.InnerText = "Open";
                            prepareAction       += " <a id='" + currentRowIndex +
                                                   "_Block' href=\"javascript:OpenPopUp('/App/Common/BlockSlot.aspx?AppointmentID=" +
                                                   appiontmentId + "&keepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&width=270&height=200&modal=true')\" class='thickbox'>Block</a> | ";
                        prepareAction += " <a id='" + currentRowIndex + "_Delete' href=\"javascript:DeleteAppointment('" +
                                         appiontmentId + "');\">Delete</a> ";

                        if (actionSpan != null)
                            actionSpan.InnerHtml = prepareAction;

                        if (customerDetailSpan != null)
                            customerDetailSpan.InnerHtml = eventCustomer.AppointmentBlockReason;

                        if (checkInFilledSpan != null)
                            checkInFilledSpan.InnerText = "N/A";


                    var acceptanceDetailSpan   = e.Row.FindControl("spAcctDetail") as HtmlContainerControl;
                    var appointmentDetailsSpan = e.Row.FindControl("spApptDetail") as HtmlContainerControl;

                    if (acceptanceDetailSpan != null)
                        acceptanceDetailSpan.Style[HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display] = "block";

                    if (appointmentDetailsSpan != null)
                        appointmentDetailsSpan.Style[HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display] = "block";

                    var customerDetailAnchor = e.Row.FindControl("aCustomerDetail") as HtmlAnchor;
                    var customerEditAnchor   = e.Row.FindControl("CustomerEdit") as HtmlAnchor;

                    if (customerDetailAnchor != null && customerEditAnchor != null)
                        var currentOrgRole = IoC.Resolve <ISessionContext>().UserSession.CurrentOrganizationRole;
                        if (currentOrgRole.CheckRole((long)Roles.FranchisorAdmin))
                            customerEditAnchor.HRef = "~/App/Franchisor/FranchisorEditCustomer.aspx?CustomerID=" +
                                                      eventCustomer.CustomerId + "&Master=EventCustomerList";
                            customerDetailAnchor.HRef = "/App/Franchisor/FranchisorCustomerDetails.aspx?CustomerID=" +
                        else if (currentOrgRole.CheckRole((long)Roles.FranchiseeAdmin))
                            customerEditAnchor.HRef = "~/App/Franchisee/FranchiseeEditCustomer.aspx?CustomerID=" +
                                                      eventCustomer.CustomerId + "&Master=EventCustomerList";
                            customerDetailAnchor.HRef = "/App/Franchisee/FranchiseeCustomerDetails.aspx?CustomerID=" +
                        else if (currentOrgRole.CheckRole((long)Roles.SalesRep))
                            customerEditAnchor.HRef   = "javascript:void(0);";
                            customerDetailAnchor.HRef = "javascript:void(0);";
                    var customerNameLiteral = e.Row.FindControl("_customerNameLiteral") as Literal;
                    if (customerNameLiteral != null)
                        customerNameLiteral.Text = customerFullName;

                    var customerIdLiteral = e.Row.FindControl("_customerIdLiteral") as Literal;
                    if (customerIdLiteral != null)
                        customerIdLiteral.Text = eventCustomer.CustomerId.ToString();

                    string userDateApplied = (eventCustomer.UserCreatedOn != default(DateTime))
                                                 ? eventCustomer.UserCreatedOn.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")
                                                 : string.Empty;

                    var userCreatedDateLiteral = e.Row.FindControl("_userCreatedDateLiteral") as Literal;
                    if (userCreatedDateLiteral != null)
                        userCreatedDateLiteral.Text = userDateApplied;

                    var couponCodeLiteral = e.Row.FindControl("_couponCodeLiteral") as Literal;
                    var couponCode        = GetCouponCode();
                    if (couponCodeLiteral != null)
                        couponCodeLiteral.Text = couponCode == "(0.00)" ? "-N/A-" : couponCode;

                    var paymentDetailLiteral = e.Row.FindControl("_paymentDetailLiteral") as Literal;
                    if (paymentDetailLiteral != null && order != null)
                        paymentDetailLiteral.Text = order.DiscountedTotal.ToString("C2");

                    /* When appointment slot is allocated to a customer ************ */

                    var checkInTempSpan  = e.Row.FindControl("spCheckInInsert") as HtmlContainerControl;
                    var checkOutTempSpan = e.Row.FindControl("spCheckOutInsert") as HtmlContainerControl;

                    if (order != null && order.DiscountedTotal > order.TotalAmountPaid)
                        statusSpan.InnerText = "Not Paid";
                        statusSpan.InnerText = "Paid";

                    bool isTimeSaved = eventCustomer.CheckInTime.HasValue && eventCustomer.CheckOutTime.HasValue;

                    if (isTimeSaved)
                        checkInTempSpan.InnerText = eventCustomer.CheckInTime.HasValue
                                                        ? eventCustomer.CheckInTime.Value.ToShortTimeString()
                                                        : "";
                        checkOutTempSpan.InnerText = eventCustomer.CheckOutTime.HasValue
                                                         ? eventCustomer.CheckOutTime.Value.ToShortTimeString() : "";
                        checkInFilledSpan.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display, "block");
                        checkInFilledSpan.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display, "none");
Beispiel #15
 public string GetWorkFlowStatusText(string WorkFlowStatus)
Beispiel #16
        private bool UpdateCustomerInfo()
            long                customerId           = IoC.Resolve <ISessionContext>().UserSession.CurrentOrganizationRole.OrganizationRoleUserId;
            dynamic             displayCustomerModel = new ExpandoObject();
            ICustomerRepository customerRepository   = new CustomerRepository();

            displayCustomerModel.CustomerId = customerId;

            if (!customerRepository.UniqueEmail(customerId, _txtEmail.Text))
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(string), "jscode_UniqueEmail", "alert('This email address is already registered! Please use different email address.');", true);

            var address = new Address(_txtAddress.Text, _txtSuit.Text, _txtCity.Text, hfstate.Value,
                                      _txtZip.Text, ddlCountry.SelectedItem.Text);
            var customer = customerRepository.GetCustomer(customerId);

            customer.Name = new Name
                FirstName  = _txtFirstName.Text,
                MiddleName = _txtMiddleName.Text,
                LastName   = _txtLastName.Text
            displayCustomerModel.Name = customer.Name;
            address.Id = customer.Address.Id;
            displayCustomerModel.Address = customer.Address = address;

            var commonCode = new CommonCode();

            customer.HomePhoneNumber = new PhoneNumber
                PhoneNumberType = PhoneNumberType.Home,
                Number          = commonCode.FormatPhoneNumber(_txtPhoneHome.Text)
            displayCustomerModel.HomePhone = _txtPhoneHome.Text;
            customer.OfficePhoneNumber     = new PhoneNumber
                PhoneNumberType = PhoneNumberType.Office,
                Number          = commonCode.FormatPhoneNumber(_txtPhoneOffice.Text)
            displayCustomerModel.PhoneOffice          = _txtPhoneOffice.Text;
            customer.PhoneOfficeExtension             = PhoneOfficeExtension.Text;
            displayCustomerModel.PhoneOfficeExtension = PhoneOfficeExtension.Text;

            customer.MobilePhoneNumber = new PhoneNumber
                PhoneNumberType = PhoneNumberType.Mobile,
                Number          = commonCode.FormatPhoneNumber(_txtPhoneCell.Text)
            displayCustomerModel.MobilePhoneNumber = _txtPhoneCell.Text;
            displayCustomerModel.Email             = _txtEmail.Text;
            string[] emailSplitUp = _txtEmail.Text.Split(new[] { '@' });
            customer.Email = new Email {
                Address = emailSplitUp[0], DomainName = emailSplitUp[1]

            displayCustomerModel.Feet = _ddlFeet.SelectedValue;
            displayCustomerModel.Inch = _ddlInch.SelectedValue;

            customer.Height           = new Height(Convert.ToInt64(_ddlFeet.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt64(_ddlInch.SelectedValue));
            customer.Race             = (Race)Enum.Parse(typeof(Race), _ddlRace.SelectedValue);
            displayCustomerModel.Race = _ddlRace.SelectedValue;

            if (_txtDateOfBrith.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                displayCustomerModel.DateOfBirth = customer.DateOfBirth = Convert.ToDateTime(_txtDateOfBrith.Text);

            double weight;

            if (_txtWeight.Text.Trim().Length > 0 && Double.TryParse(_txtWeight.Text.Trim(), out weight))
                customer.Weight             = new Weight(weight);
                displayCustomerModel.Weight = weight;
                customer.Weight = null;

            customer.EnableTexting               = rbtnEnableTexting.Checked;
            customer.EnableVoiceMail             = rbtnEnableVoiceMail.Checked;
            displayCustomerModel.EnableVoiceMail = customer.EnableVoiceMail;
            displayCustomerModel.EnableTexting   = customer.EnableTexting;
            decimal waist;

            if (_txtWaist.Text.Trim().Length > 0 && decimal.TryParse(_txtWaist.Text.Trim(), out waist))
                customer.Waist             = waist;
                displayCustomerModel.Waist = waist;
                customer.Waist = null;

            if (_ddlGender.SelectedItem.Text == Gender.Male.ToString())
                customer.Gender = Gender.Male;
            else if (_ddlGender.SelectedItem.Text == Gender.Female.ToString())
                customer.Gender = Gender.Female;
                customer.Gender = Gender.Unspecified;
            displayCustomerModel.Gender = customer.Gender.GetDescription();

            displayCustomerModel.Ssn = customer.Ssn = _txtSsnNumber.Text.Replace("-", "").Trim();

            var customerService = IoC.Resolve <ICustomerService>();

                customerService.SaveCustomer(customer, customerId);
                if (IsUpdateProfile)
                    var loginSettingRepository = IoC.Resolve <ILoginSettingRepository>();

                    var loginSettings = loginSettingRepository.Get(customer.UserLogin.Id);
                    if (loginSettings != null && (IsPinRequiredForRole || ((IsOtpByAppEnabled || IsOtpByEmailEnabled || IsOtpBySmsEnabled) && IsAuthenticationForUserEnabled)))
                        if (IsPinRequiredForRole)
                            loginSettings.DownloadFilePin = IsPinRequiredForRole ? (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtDownloadFilePin.Value) ? loginSettings.DownloadFilePin : txtDownloadFilePin.Value) : null;

                        if ((IsOtpByAppEnabled || IsOtpByEmailEnabled || IsOtpBySmsEnabled) && IsAuthenticationForUserEnabled)
                            if (useApp.Checked)
                                loginSettings.AuthenticationModeId         = (long)AuthenticationMode.AuthenticatorApp;
                                loginSettings.GoogleAuthenticatorSecretKey = (string)Session["EncodedSecret"];
                                loginSettings.GoogleAuthenticatorSecretKey = null;
                                loginSettings.AuthenticationModeId         = UseEmail.Checked && UseSms.Checked ? (long)AuthenticationMode.BothSmsEmail : (UseSms.Checked ? (long)AuthenticationMode.Sms : (long)AuthenticationMode.Email);
                            Session["EncodedSecret"] = null;


                LogAudit(ModelType.Edit, displayCustomerModel, customerId);
            catch (InvalidAddressException ex)
                ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(string), "jscodecityvalidate", "alert('" + ex.Message + "');", true);
            if (!IsUpdateProfile)
                CustomerId = customer.CustomerId;

                RegistrationFlow.MarketingSource = Request.Form[MarketingSourceDropDown.UniqueID + "_hidden"] ?? string.Empty;
Beispiel #17
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Page.Title = "Request Report";

            if (CurrentOrgRole.CheckRole((long)Roles.Technician) || CurrentOrgRole.CheckRole((long)Roles.NursePractitioner))
                var obj = (Franchisee_Technician_TechnicianMaster)Master;
                obj.settitle("Request Report");
                obj.SetBreadcrumb = "<a href=\"/Scheduling/Event/Index\">Dashboard</a>";
                this.Form.Action  = Request.RawUrl;
                var obj = (CallCenter_CallCenterMaster1)Master;
                obj.SetTitle("Request Report");
                obj.SetBreadCrumbRoot = "<a href=\"/CallCenter/CallCenterRepDashboard/Index\">Dashboard</a>";


            if (CurrentOrgRole.CheckRole((long)Roles.FranchisorAdmin))
                this.Form.Action = Request.RawUrl;

            if (Request.QueryString["Call"] != null && Request.QueryString["Call"] == "No")
                divCall.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display, "none");
                divCall.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Visibility, "hidden");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["EventId"]))
                ResultOtion.EventId = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["EventId"]);

            if (!IsPostBack)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["guid"]) && (CurrentOrgRole.CheckRole((long)Roles.Technician) || CurrentOrgRole.CheckRole((long)Roles.NursePractitioner) || CurrentOrgRole.CheckRole((long)Roles.FranchisorAdmin)))
                    hfGuId.Value = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    var registrationFlow = new RegistrationFlowModel
                        GuId = hfGuId.Value
                    RegistrationFlow = registrationFlow;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["EventId"]))
                    hfEventID.Value = Request.QueryString["EventId"];
                RegistrationFlow.ShippingDetailId = 0;

                ProductOption.IsProductSelected        = true;
                ProductOption.IsProductCheckboxEnabled = false;
                //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["EventId"]))
                //    ProductOption.EventId = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["EventId"]);

                if (CallId != null)
                    hfCallStartTime.Value = new CallCenterCallRepository().GetCallStarttime(CallId.Value);

                var customerRepository = IoC.Resolve <ICustomerRepository>();
                var objCustomer        = customerRepository.GetCustomer(CustomerId);

                spnCustomerName.InnerText = objCustomer.NameAsString;
                spnAddress.InnerText      = objCustomer.Address.ToString();
                spnEmail.InnerText        = objCustomer.Email != null?objCustomer.Email.ToString() : string.Empty;

                ViewState["UrlReferer"] = "/App/CallCenter/CallCenterRep/CustomerOptions.aspx?CustomerID=" + objCustomer.CustomerId + "&Name=" + objCustomer.NameAsString + "&guid=" + GuId;//Request.UrlReferrer.PathAndQuery;
                if (CurrentOrgRole.CheckRole((long)Roles.Technician) || CurrentOrgRole.CheckRole((long)Roles.NursePractitioner) || CurrentOrgRole.CheckRole((long)Roles.FranchisorAdmin))
                    if (!Request.UrlReferrer.PathAndQuery.ToLower().Contains(("/MakePaymentforAddonProduct").ToLower()))
                        ViewState["UrlReferer"] = Request.UrlReferrer.PathAndQuery;
                        ViewState["UrlReferer"] = Session["c_url"];

                var           masterDal     = new MasterDAL();
                List <EEvent> customerEvent = masterDal.GetCustomerEvent(CustomerId.ToString(), 1);

                var tbltemp = new DataTable();
                if (customerEvent != null)
                    for (Int32 intCounter = 0; intCounter < customerEvent.Count; intCounter++)
                        string strEventDate = Convert.ToDateTime(customerEvent[intCounter].EventDate).ToString("MMM dd yyyy");

                        string strAppointmentStartTime = Convert.ToDateTime(customerEvent[intCounter].Customer[0].EventAppointment.StartTime).ToString("hh:mm tt");
                        string strAppointmentEndTime   = Convert.ToDateTime(customerEvent[intCounter].Customer[0].EventAppointment.EndTime).ToString("hh:mm tt");
                        string strAppointmentTime      = strAppointmentStartTime + " - " + strAppointmentEndTime;
                        string strPackage      = customerEvent[intCounter].Customer[0].EventPackage.Package.PackageName;
                        string strReportStatus = customerEvent[intCounter].Customer[0].Interpreted.ToString();
                        string strPayMethod    = customerEvent[intCounter].Customer[0].PaymentDetail.PaymentType.Name;
                        string strHostAddress  = CommonCode.AddressMultiLine(customerEvent[intCounter].Host.Address.Address1, customerEvent[intCounter].Host.Address.Address2, customerEvent[intCounter].Host.Address.City, customerEvent[intCounter].Host.Address.State, customerEvent[intCounter].Host.Address.Zip);

                        tbltemp.Rows.Add(new object[]
                                         { customerEvent[intCounter].EventID, customerEvent[intCounter].Name,
                                           strEventDate, customerEvent[intCounter].Host.Address.City,
                                           strAppointmentStartTime, strPackage, strPayMethod, strReportStatus,
                                           customerEvent[intCounter].Host.Name, strHostAddress,
                                           Convert.ToString(Enum.Parse(typeof(EventStatus), customerEvent[intCounter].EventStatus.ToString())) });

                    dgeventhistory.DataSource = tbltemp;
                    ViewState["DSGRID"]       = tbltemp;

                    dbsearch.Visible          = true;
                    dbsearch.Style["display"] = "";
                    dvSearchResult.InnerText  = "Select the appointment you want to buy the add on product for:";
                    imgNext.Visible           = true;
                    dbsearch.Visible          = false;
                    dbsearch.Style["display"] = "";

                    dgeventhistory.Visible   = false;
                    dvSearchResult.InnerText = "No Result found";
                    imgNext.Visible          = false;
                ResultOtion.ShowOnlineOption = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to search prospects based on search criteria
        /// </summary>
        private void SearchProspects()
            // format phone no.
            CommonCode objCommonCode = new CommonCode();

            //saving search parameter
            var    parameterString = new string[18];
            bool   blnReset        = false;
            string roleName        = string.Empty;

            // reset flag
            if (Request["isreset"] != null && Request["isreset"] == "true")
                blnReset = true;
                Session["ParameterStringHost"] = null;

            if (Session["ParameterStringHost"] != null && blnReset == false)
                parameterString = (string[])Session["ParameterStringHost"];

            if (Request["prospectname"] != null)
                parameterString[0] = Request["prospectname"];
            if (Request["startdate"] != null)
                parameterString[1] = Request["startdate"];
            if (Request["enddate"] != null)
                parameterString[2] = Request["enddate"];
            if (Request["salesrepid"] != null)
                parameterString[3] = Request["salesrepid"];
            if (Request["distance"] != null)
                parameterString[4] = Request["distance"];
            if (Request["zipcode"] != null)
                parameterString[5] = Request["zipcode"];
            if (Request["status"] != null)
                parameterString[6] = Request["status"];
            if (Request["hasevent"] != null)
                parameterString[7] = Request["hasevent"];
            if (Request["territory"] != null)
                parameterString[8] = Request["territory"];
            if (Request["pagenumber"] != null)
                parameterString[9] = Request["pagenumber"];
            if (Request["pagesize"] != null)
                parameterString[10] = Request["pagesize"];
            // Assigned To
            if (Request["assignedTo"] != null)
                parameterString[16] = Request["assignedTo"];
            // login role
            if (Request["role"] != null)
                roleName = Request["role"];
            // prospectTypeId
            if (Request["hostType"] != null)
                parameterString[17] = Request["hostType"];

            Session["ParameterStringHost"] = parameterString;

            long   franchiseeid    = 0;
            int    territoryid     = 0;
            string strProspectName = string.Empty;
            string strStartDate    = string.Empty;
            string strEndDate      = string.Empty;
            long   iSalesPersonId  = 0;
            long   prospectTypeId  = 0;
            int    istatusId       = 0;
            int    itypeId         = 0;

            string    strUserId       = string.Empty;
            string    strZipCode      = string.Empty;
            string    strDistance     = "0";
            string    strNotesToolTip = string.Empty;
            const int isFeeder        = 4;

            string strSortColomn = string.Empty;
            string strSortOrder  = string.Empty;
            int    iPageSize     = 5;
            int    iPageIndex    = 1;
            long   iTotalRecord;
            long   assignedTo = 0;

            var objFranchisorDal = new FranchisorDAL();

            EProspect[] objProspects = null;

            // Prospect Name
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameterString[0]))
                strProspectName = parameterString[0];
            // Start Name
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameterString[1]))
                strStartDate = parameterString[1];
            // End Name
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameterString[2]))
                strEndDate = parameterString[2];
            // SalesPersonId
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameterString[3]))
                iSalesPersonId = Convert.ToInt64(parameterString[3]);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameterString[4]) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameterString[5])))
                strDistance = parameterString[4];
                strZipCode  = parameterString[5];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameterString[6]))
                istatusId = Convert.ToInt32(parameterString[6]);
            //event status
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameterString[7]))
                itypeId = Convert.ToInt32(parameterString[7]);
            // Territory id
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameterString[8]))
                territoryid = Convert.ToInt32(parameterString[8]);

            // Get Page Number
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameterString[9]))
                iPageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(parameterString[9]);

            // Get Page Size
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameterString[10]))
                iPageSize = Convert.ToInt32(parameterString[10]);

            // Franchisee id
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["franchiseeid"]))
                franchiseeid = Convert.ToInt64(Request["franchiseeid"]);

            // AssignedTo (FranchiFranchiseesUserId)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameterString[16]))
                assignedTo = Convert.ToInt64(parameterString[16]);
            // ProspectTypeId
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameterString[17]))
                prospectTypeId = Convert.ToInt64(parameterString[17]);

            // Get Sort Column
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["sortcolumn"]))
                strSortColomn = Request["sortcolumn"];
            // Get Sort Order
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["sortorder"]))
                strSortOrder = Request["sortorder"];
            if (strSortOrder.Equals("Ascending"))
                strSortOrder = " Asc ";
            if (strSortOrder.Equals("Descending"))
                strSortOrder = " Desc ";

            //Get data for salesperson selected in dropdown id true else call all data
            if (FranchiseeView)
                if (strUserId == "" && strZipCode == "" && (strDistance == "" || strDistance == "0"))
                    var listProspects = objFranchisorDal.GetProspectsDetail(strProspectName, strStartDate, strEndDate,
                                                                            franchiseeid, istatusId, itypeId, 2, "", 0, 1, isFeeder, iSalesPersonId,
                                                                            territoryid, strSortColomn, strSortOrder, iPageSize, iPageIndex, out iTotalRecord, 2, 2, 2, assignedTo, roleName, prospectTypeId);
                    if (listProspects != null)
                        objProspects = listProspects.ToArray();
                else if (strUserId != "" && strZipCode != "" && strDistance != "" && strDistance != "0")
                    var listProspects = objFranchisorDal.GetProspectsDetail(strProspectName, strStartDate, strEndDate,
                                                                            franchiseeid, istatusId, itypeId, 2, strZipCode, Convert.ToInt32(strDistance), 1, isFeeder,
                                                                            iSalesPersonId, territoryid, strSortColomn, strSortOrder, iPageSize, iPageIndex, out iTotalRecord, 2, 2, 2, assignedTo, roleName, prospectTypeId);
                    if (listProspects != null)
                        objProspects = listProspects.ToArray();
                    var listProspects = objFranchisorDal.GetProspectsDetail(strProspectName, strStartDate, strEndDate,
                                                                            franchiseeid, istatusId, itypeId, 2, strZipCode, Convert.ToInt32(strDistance), 1, isFeeder,
                                                                            Convert.ToInt64(iSalesPersonId), territoryid, strSortColomn, strSortOrder, iPageSize, iPageIndex, out iTotalRecord, 2, 2, 2, assignedTo, roleName, prospectTypeId);
                    if (listProspects != null)
                        objProspects = listProspects.ToArray();
                string shellId       = IoC.Resolve <ISessionContext>().UserSession.CurrentOrganizationRole.OrganizationId.ToString();
                var    listProspects = objFranchisorDal.GetProspectsDetail(strProspectName, strStartDate, strEndDate,
                                                                           long.Parse(shellId), istatusId, itypeId, 2, strZipCode, int.Parse(strDistance), 1, isFeeder,
                                                                           iSalesPersonId, territoryid, strSortColomn, strSortOrder, iPageSize, iPageIndex, out iTotalRecord, 2, 2, 2, assignedTo, roleName, prospectTypeId);
                if (listProspects != null)
                    objProspects = listProspects.ToArray();

            if (objProspects != null)
                if (objProspects.Length == 1 && Request.QueryString["QuickSearch"] != null &&
                    Response.Write("/App/Franchisee/SalesRep/SalesRepProspectDetails.aspx?Type=Host&QuickSearch=True&ProspectID=" +
                    var dtProspect = new DataTable();

                    //Create template for data table
                    dtProspect.Columns.Add("ProspectId", typeof(Int32));






                    //Add all the fetched data tto data table
                    if (objProspects.Length > 0)
                        //// Case SalesRep
                        //if (usershellmodulerole.RoleName == Roles.SalesRep.ToString())
                        //    //TODO: This filter is only for SaleRep and need to do for Franchisee also

                        //    // Sales Reps with territory assignments should only see hosts applicable to them.
                        //    long salesRepId = usershellmodulerole.RoleShellID;
                        //    ITerritoryRepository territoryRepository = new TerritoryRepository();
                        //    IHostRepository hostRepository = new HostRepository();
                        //    List<SalesRepTerritory> salesRepTerritories = territoryRepository.GetTerritoriesForSalesRep(salesRepId);
                        //    if (!salesRepTerritories.IsEmpty())
                        //    {
                        //        IEnumerable<string> acceptableZipCodes = salesRepTerritories.
                        //            SelectMany(srt => srt.ZipCodes).Distinct().Select(z => z.Zip);

                        //        // Filter out hosts not located in zip codes of this sales rep's territories.
                        //        objProspects = objProspects.Where(p => acceptableZipCodes.Contains(p.Address.Zip)).ToArray();

                        //        // Filter out hosts that do not host events of the type that the sales rep can see.
                        //        var prospectsToRemove = new List<EProspect>();
                        //        foreach (EProspect prospect in objProspects)
                        //        {
                        //            string hostingZipCode = prospect.Address.Zip;
                        //            SalesRepTerritory territoryEventIsHostedIn = salesRepTerritories.Single(srt => srt.ZipCodes.Select(z => z.Zip).
                        //                Contains(hostingZipCode));
                        //            EventType salesRepPermission = territoryEventIsHostedIn.SalesRepTerritoryAssignments.
                        //                Single(srta => srta.SalesRep.SalesRepresentativeId == salesRepId).EventTypeSetupPermission;

                        //            var acceptableEventTypes = hostRepository.GetEventTypesForHost(prospect.ProspectID);
                        //            if (salesRepPermission != EventType.Both && !acceptableEventTypes.Contains(salesRepPermission))
                        //            {
                        //                prospectsToRemove.Add(prospect);
                        //            }
                        //        }
                        //        objProspects = objProspects.Except(prospectsToRemove).ToArray();
                        //        iTotalRecord = objProspects.Count();
                        //    }

                        foreach (var objProspect in objProspects)
                            DataRow drProspect = dtProspect.NewRow();
                            drProspect["ProspectId"]          = objProspect.ProspectID;
                            drProspect["ProspectName"]        = string.IsNullOrEmpty(objProspect.OrganizationName) ? "N/A" : objProspect.OrganizationName;
                            drProspect["ProspectCreatedDate"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(objProspect.ProspectDate) ? "N/A" :
                            drProspect["PhoneOffice"] = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(objProspect.PhoneOffice) ? objCommonCode.FormatPhoneNumberGet(objProspect.PhoneOffice) : "N/A";

                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(objProspect.Status))
                                drProspect["ProspectStatus"] = "N/A";
                                string status;
                                switch (objProspect.Status)
                                case "1":
                                    status = "Hot";

                                case "2":
                                    status = "Cold";

                                case "3":
                                    status = "Dead";

                                case "4":
                                    status = "Call Back";

                                    status = "none";
                                drProspect["ProspectStatus"] = status;

                            drProspect["NoOFCalls"]    = objProspect.NoOfCalls;
                            drProspect["NoOFMeeting"]  = objProspect.NoOfMeetings;
                            drProspect["NoOfContacts"] = objProspect.NoOfContacts;

                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(objProspect.FirstName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(objProspect.LastName))
                                drProspect["SalesPersonFirstName"] = "N/A";
                                drProspect["SalesPersonLastName"]  = "";
                                drProspect["SalesPersonFirstName"] = objProspect.FirstName;
                                drProspect["SalesPersonLastName"]  = objProspect.LastName;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(objProspect.FranchiseeName))
                                drProspect["FranchiseeName"] = "N/A";
                                drProspect["FranchiseeName"] = objProspect.FranchiseeName;

                            var objAddress = objProspect.Address;

                            // Set Initially the new line in address
                            drProspect["ProspectAddressId"] = objAddress.AddressID.ToString();
                            drProspect["ProspectAddress1"]  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(objAddress.Address1) ? "" : objAddress.Address1;
                            drProspect["ProspectAddress2"]  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(objAddress.Address2) ? "" : objAddress.Address2;
                            drProspect["ProspectCity"]      = string.IsNullOrEmpty(objAddress.City) ? "N/A" : objAddress.City;
                            drProspect["ProspectState"]     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(objAddress.State) ? "N/A" : objAddress.State;

                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(objAddress.Zip) || (objAddress.Zip == "0"))
                                drProspect["ProspectZip"] = "N/A";
                                drProspect["ProspectZip"] = objAddress.Zip;

                            // Format Address
                            string prospectCompleteAddress = CommonCode.AddressMultiLine(objAddress.Address1,
                                                                                         objAddress.Address2, objAddress.City, objAddress.State, objAddress.Zip);
                            drProspect["ProspectCompleteAddress"] = prospectCompleteAddress;

                            var objContact = objProspect.Contact.ToArray();
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(objContact[0].FirstName))
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(objContact[0].LastName))
                                    drProspect["ContactFirstName"] = "N/A";
                                    drProspect["ContactLastName"]  = "";
                                    drProspect["ContactFirstName"] = objContact[0].FirstName;
                                    drProspect["ContactLastName"]  = objContact[0].LastName;
                                drProspect["ContactFirstName"] = objContact[0].FirstName;
                                drProspect["ContactLastName"]  = objContact[0].LastName;

                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(objContact[0].PhoneHome))
                                drProspect["ContactPhone"] = "N/A";
                            else if (objContact[0].PhoneHome.Trim().Equals("(___)-___-____"))
                                drProspect["ContactPhone"] = "N/A";
                                drProspect["ContactPhone"] = objCommonCode.FormatPhoneNumberGet(objContact[0].PhoneHome);

                            drProspect["ContactEmail"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(objContact[0].EMail) ? "N/A" : objContact[0].EMail;

                            var objContactCall = objProspect.ContactCall;
                            drProspect["ContactCallDate"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(objContactCall.StartDate) ? "N/A" : objContactCall.StartDate;

                            var objCallStatus = objContactCall.CallStatus;
                            drProspect["ContactCallStatus"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(objCallStatus.Status) ? "N/A" : objCallStatus.Status;

                            // Prepare Notes ToolTips
                            bool blnNotes = false;
                            strNotesToolTip = strNotesToolTip + "<table cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='100%'>";
                            // Date and Time
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objContactCall.StartDate))
                                string[] strDateTime = objContactCall.StartDate.Split(' ');
                                if (strDateTime.Length >= 2)
                                    strNotesToolTip = strNotesToolTip + "<tr><td>Date: " + strDateTime[0] +
                                                      "</td><td>Time: " + strDateTime[1] + "</td></tr>";
                                    blnNotes = true;
                            // Duration
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objCallStatus.Duration) && (objCallStatus.Duration != "0.00"))
                                strNotesToolTip = strNotesToolTip + "<tr><td colspan=2>Duration: " +
                                                  objCallStatus.Duration + " mins.</td></tr>";
                                blnNotes = true;
                            // Status
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objCallStatus.Status))
                                strNotesToolTip = strNotesToolTip + "<tr><td colspan=2>Status: " + objCallStatus.Status +
                                blnNotes = true;
                            // Notes
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objCallStatus.Notes))
                                strNotesToolTip = strNotesToolTip + "<tr><td colspan=2>Notes: </td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>" +
                                                  objCallStatus.Notes + "</td></tr>";
                                blnNotes = true;
                            strNotesToolTip = strNotesToolTip + "</table>";

                            drProspect["NotesToolTip"] = blnNotes ? strNotesToolTip
                                : "<table cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='100%'><tr><td> Details Not Available </td></tr></table>";
                            strNotesToolTip = string.Empty;

                    if (dtProspect.Rows.Count > 0)
                        grdProspect.DataSource = dtProspect;
                        string pagingstring = ImplementPaging(iPageIndex, iPageSize, iTotalRecord);

                        HtmlForm formNew = Page.Form;

                        var sb       = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                        var htWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(new System.IO.StringWriter(sb));


                        string strRenderedHTML = sb.ToString();
                        int    startindex      = strRenderedHTML.IndexOf("<table");
                        int    endindex        = strRenderedHTML.LastIndexOf("</table>");
                        int    length          = (endindex - startindex) + 8;
                        strRenderedHTML = strRenderedHTML.Substring(startindex, length);
                        string totalRecord = "<span id=spnTotalRecordAsync>" + iTotalRecord + "</span>";
                        strRenderedHTML = "<div style='float: left; width: 746px'>" + strRenderedHTML + "</div>";

                        Response.Write(strRenderedHTML + pagingstring +
                                       "<p class=\"blueboxbotbg_cl\"><img src=\"/App/Images/specer.gif\" width=\"746\" height=\"5\" /></p>" + totalRecord);
                        string noRecordFound =
                            "<div style='float:left; width:746px; border:solid 1px #E7F0F5; padding:10px 0px 10px 0px; display:block;' id='dvNoProspectFound' runat='server'>";
                        noRecordFound = noRecordFound +
                                        "<div class='divnoitemfound_custdbrd' style='margin-top:0px;'><p class='divnoitemtxt_custdbrd'><span class='orngbold18_default'>No Records Found</span></p></div></div>";
Beispiel #19
    /// <summary>
    /// Get the list of sales rep of the
    /// advocate sales manager franchisee
    /// </summary>
    private void getTeamForAdvocateSalesManager()
        // format phone no.
        CommonCode objCommonCode = new CommonCode();

        //FranchiseeFranchiseeUserService objFFService = new FranchiseeFranchiseeUserService();
        // Removed Franchisee Service
        FranchiseeDAL franchiseeDAL = new FranchiseeDAL();

        List <EFranchiseeFranchiseeUser> objFFUser = null;

        //objFFUser = objFFService.GetTeamForAdvocateSalesManager(1, true, intAdvocateSalesManagerId, true);
        objFFUser = franchiseeDAL.GetTeamForAdvocateSalesManager(1, intAdvocateSalesManagerId);

        DataTable dtSalesTeam = new DataTable();

        Falcon.Entity.Other.EUser objuser;

        if (objFFUser != null)
            for (int icount = 0; icount < objFFUser.Count; icount++)
                string strName;
                objuser = objFFUser[icount].FranchiseeUser.User;

                strName = CommonClass.FormatName(objuser.FirstName, objuser.MiddleName, objuser.LastName);

                string strStatus;

                if (objFFUser[icount].AdvocateSalesManagerID == 0)
                    strStatus = "<a href='#'  onclick='return UpdateStatus(" + intAdvocateSalesManagerId + "," + objFFUser[icount].FranchiseeFranchiseeUserID + ",true)'>Add</a> ";
                else if (objFFUser[icount].AdvocateSalesManagerID == intAdvocateSalesManagerId)
                    strStatus = "<a href='#'  onclick='return UpdateStatus(" + intAdvocateSalesManagerId + "," + objFFUser[icount].FranchiseeFranchiseeUserID + ",false)'>Remove</a> ";
                    strStatus = objFFUser[icount].AdvocateSalesManager;

                if ((objFFUser[icount].FranchiseeUser.User.PhoneHome == "") || (objFFUser[icount].FranchiseeUser.User.PhoneHome == string.Empty))
                    objFFUser[icount].FranchiseeUser.User.PhoneHome = "N/A";
                    objFFUser[icount].FranchiseeUser.User.PhoneHome = objCommonCode.FormatPhoneNumberGet(objFFUser[icount].FranchiseeUser.User.PhoneHome);
                if ((objFFUser[icount].FranchiseeUser.User.EMail1 == "") || (objFFUser[icount].FranchiseeUser.User.EMail1 == string.Empty))
                    objFFUser[icount].FranchiseeUser.User.EMail1 = "N/A";
                dtSalesTeam.Rows.Add(new object[] { icount + 1, objFFUser[icount].FranchiseeFranchiseeUserID,
                                                    strName, objFFUser[icount].FranchiseeUser.User.PhoneHome, objFFUser[icount].FranchiseeUser.User.EMail1, objFFUser[icount].Franchisee.FranchiseeID, objFFUser[icount].AdvocateSalesManagerID, objFFUser[icount].AdvocateSalesManager, strStatus });

        grdTeam.DataSource  = dtSalesTeam;
        ViewState["DSGRID"] = dtSalesTeam;
Beispiel #20
        public void Apply()
            _actor.Pseudo = _playerName;
            string spells = ((List <mysql.players>)DataBase.DataTables.players).Find(f => f.pseudo == _playerName).sorts;

            // recuperer le totalXp du niveau en cours
            int totalXp = ((List <mysql.xplevel>)DataBase.DataTables.xplevel).Exists(f => f.level == _actor.level + 1) ? ((List <mysql.xplevel>)DataBase.DataTables.xplevel).Find(f => f.level == (_actor.level + 1)).xp : 0;

            // convertir la list de quete en string, ce code se trouve sur 2 endroit, quand le joueur selectionne un player et quand le joueur été déja dans un combat et que apres un co qui précédé une deco, le player se selectionne tous seul
            string quete = _actor.Quests.Aggregate("", (current, t) => current + (t.QuestName + ":" + t.MaxSteps + ":" + t.CurrentStep + ":" + t.Submited.ToString() + "/"));

            if (quete != "")
                quete = quete.Substring(0, quete.Length - 1);

            // si cette cmd est modifié, il faut aussi modifier les autre cmd cmd•SelectedPlayer• et checkandupdatestates
            string buffer = _actor.Pseudo + "#" + _actor.classeName + "#" + _actor.spirit + "#" + _actor.spiritLvl +
                            "#" + _actor.Pvp + "#" + _actor.hiddenVillage + "#" + _actor.maskColorString + "#" +
                            _actor.directionLook + "#" + _actor.level + "#" + + "#" + _actor.officialRang + "#" +
                            _actor.currentHealth + "#" + _actor.maxHealth + "#" + _actor.xp + "#" + totalXp + "#" +
                            _actor.doton + "#" + _actor.katon + "#" + _actor.futon + "#" + _actor.raiton + "#" +
                            _actor.suiton + "#" + MainClass.chakralvl1 + "#" + MainClass.chakralvl2 + "#" +
                            MainClass.chakralvl3 + "#" + MainClass.chakralvl4 + "#" + MainClass.chakralvl5 + "#" +
                            _actor.usingDoton + "#" + _actor.usingKaton + "#" + _actor.usingFuton + "#" +
                            _actor.usingRaiton + "#" + _actor.usingSuiton + "#" + _actor.equipedDoton + "#" +
                            _actor.equipedKaton + "#" + _actor.equipedFuton + "#" + _actor.equipedRaiton + "#" +
                            _actor.equipedSuiton + "#" + _actor.originalPc + "#" + _actor.originalPm + "#" +
                   + "#" + + "#" + _actor.summons + "#" + _actor.initiative + "#" +
                            _actor.job1 + "#" + _actor.job2 + "#" + _actor.specialty1 + "#" + _actor.specialty2 + "#" +
                            _actor.maxWeight + "#" + _actor.currentWeight + "#" + _actor.ryo + "#" +
                            _actor.resiDotonPercent + "#" + _actor.resiKatonPercent + "#" + _actor.resiFutonPercent +
                            "#" + _actor.resiRaitonPercent + "#" + _actor.resiSuitonPercent + "#" + _actor.dodgePC +
                            "#" + _actor.dodgePM + "#" + _actor.dodgePE + "#" + _actor.dodgeCD + "#" + _actor.removePC +
                            "#" + _actor.removePM + "#" + _actor.removePE + "#" + _actor.removeCD + "#" + _actor.escape +
                            "#" + _actor.blocage + "#" + spells + "#" + _actor.resiDotonFix + "#" + _actor.resiKatonFix +
                            "#" + _actor.resiFutonFix + "#" + _actor.resiRaitonFix + "#" + _actor.resiSuitonFix + "#" +
                            _actor.resiFix + "#" + _actor.domDotonFix + "#" + _actor.domKatonFix + "#" +
                            _actor.domFutonFix + "#" + _actor.domRaitonFix + "#" + _actor.domSuitonFix + "#" +
                            _actor.domFix + "#" + _actor.power + "#" + _actor.equipedPower + "•" + quete + "•" +

            ConfirmSelectActorResponseMessage confirmSelectPlayerResponseMessage = new ConfirmSelectActorResponseMessage();

            confirmSelectPlayerResponseMessage.Initialize(new [] { buffer }, Nc);

            mysql.connected newConnetion = ((List <mysql.connected>)DataBase.DataTables.connected).Find(f => f.user == _actor.Username);
            newConnetion.pseudo       = _playerName;
            newConnetion.timestamp    = CommonCode.ReturnTimeStamp();
            newConnetion.map_position = _actor.map_position.X + "/" + _actor.map_position.Y;

            // il faut informer les autres de la connexion
            // pseudo#classe#pvp:spirit:spiritLvl#village#MaskColors#map_position#orientation#level#action#waypoint   - separateur entre plusieurs joueurs

            string data = _actor.Pseudo + "#" + _actor.classeName + "#";

            if (!_actor.Pvp)
                data += "false:null:null#";
                data += "true:" + _actor.spirit + ":" + _actor.spiritLvl + "#";  // il faut renvoyer que True ou False au lieu de 0 ou 1, il faut aussi voir de l'autre coté "client MMORPG"
            // ici on passe pas les dernier donné qui corespond à action(walk,idle...) et waypoint
            data += _actor.hiddenVillage + "#" + _actor.maskColorString + "#" + _actor.map_position.X + "/" + _actor.map_position.Y + "#" + _actor.directionLook + "#" + _actor.level + "##";

            IList <NetConnection> abonnedPlayers = MainClass.netServer.Connections.FindAll(f => ((Actor)f.Tag).map == && ((Actor)f.Tag).Pseudo != _actor.Pseudo && ((Actor)f.Tag).inBattle == 0);

            foreach (NetConnection t in abonnedPlayers)
                SpawnActorResponseMessage spawnActorResponseMessage = new SpawnActorResponseMessage();
                spawnActorResponseMessage.Initialize(new object[] { data }, t);

Beispiel #21
 void DefaultCursor(Bmp bmp, MouseEventArgs e)
     CommonCode.CursorDefault_MouseOut(null, null);
    private void Save()
        //  string format = "d";
        CultureInfo cult   = new CultureInfo("hi-IN");
        string      ref_no = "";

        if (Ddl_advancerefNo.SelectedIndex > 0)
            ref_no = Ddl_advancerefNo.SelectedItem.Text;
            ref_no = "";
        pl.fin_year = ddlFinancial.SelectedValue;
        pl.EmpType  = ddlEmpType.SelectedValue;
        pl.ECODE    = ddl_emp.SelectedValue;
        pl.EMP_NAME = ddl_emp.SelectedItem.Text;

        pl.GPS_NPS      = ddlGpsMps.SelectedValue;
        pl.refrence_no  = ref_no;
        pl.freeze_flage = "N";

        pl.DoB = Convert.ToDateTime(lblDoB.Text);
        pl.DateTime_Of_Start             = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateTimeStrt.Text);
        pl.Ranks                         = lblRank.Text.ToString();
        pl.Gpf_Pran_No                   = Convert.ToDecimal(lblGPFNo.Text.Trim());
        pl.BasicPay                      = Convert.ToDecimal(lblBasicPay.Text.Trim());
        pl.HeadqtrOffice                 = ddlHdtrOffice.SelectedValue.ToString();
        pl.OrderForMove_Duty             = txtOfMDuty.Text.Trim();
        pl.AuthorityRule_TR_SR           = txtAuthRole.Text.Trim();
        pl.StationFrom_Journey_commenced = txtStationfrmjnycom.Text.Trim();
        pl.Levels                        = lblLevel.Text.Trim();
        pl.Cells                         = lblCell.Text.Trim();

        if (btnSave.Text == "Save")
            pl.sptype    = 1;
            pl.CreatedBy = Session["USERID"].ToString();

            pl.UpdatedBy = Session["UserID"].ToString();
            pl.TableID   = Convert.ToInt32(lblRecordID.Text);
            pl.sptype    = 2;

        List <PL_Tempdutychild> objlist = new List <PL_Tempdutychild>();

        for (int row = 0; row < Grd.Rows.Count; row++)

            PL_Tempdutychild pd = new PL_Tempdutychild();

            pd.NameOfPlace_Arrived_At = Grd.Rows[row].Cells[0].Text;
            pd.Arvl_Date        = Convert.ToDateTime(Grd.Rows[row].Cells[1].Text, cult);
            pd.Arvl_Hrs         = Grd.Rows[row].Cells[2].Text;
            pd.Distance_by_Road = Grd.Rows[row].Cells[3].Text;
            pd.ConveyMode       = Grd.Rows[row].Cells[4].Text;
            pd.ConveyClass      = Grd.Rows[row].Cells[5].Text;
            pd.Departure_Date   = Convert.ToDateTime(Grd.Rows[row].Cells[6].Text, cult);
            pd.Departure_Hrs    = Grd.Rows[row].Cells[7].Text;
            pd.NoOfDA           = Convert.ToDecimal(Grd.Rows[row].Cells[8].Text);
            pd.Rate_RMA_DA      = Grd.Rows[row].Cells[9].Text;
            pd.Amount           = Convert.ToDecimal(Grd.Rows[row].Cells[10].Text);
            pd.Remark           = Grd.Rows[row].Cells[11].Text;

        string xmlDoc = CommonCode.ConvertToXMLFormat <PL_Tempdutychild>(ref objlist);

        int result = bl.Insert(pl, xmlDoc);

        if (result > 0)

        public void Fetch(string[] commandStrings)
            // connexion d'un joueur
            // pseudo#classe#pvp:spirit:spiritLvl#village#MaskColors#map_position#orientation#level#action#waypoint   - separateur entre plusieurs joueurs
            // pvp=0 donc mode pvp off, si pvp = 1 mode pvp on
            string[] data = commandStrings[1].Split('#');

            string playerName = data[0];
            Enums.ActorClass.ClassName className = (Enums.ActorClass.ClassName)Enum.Parse(typeof(Enums.ActorClass.ClassName), data[1]);
            bool pvpEnabled          = bool.Parse(data[2].Split(':')[0]);
            Enums.Spirit.Name spirit = (Enums.Spirit.Name)Enum.Parse(typeof(Enums.Spirit.Name), data[2].Split(':')[1]);
            int spiritLevel          = int.Parse(data[2].Split(':')[2]);
            Enums.HiddenVillage.Names hiddenVillage = (Enums.HiddenVillage.Names)Enum.Parse(typeof(Enums.HiddenVillage.Names), data[3]);
            string   maskColorsString = data[4];
            string[] maskColors       = maskColorsString.Split('/');
            Point    mapPosition      = new Point(Convert.ToInt16(data[5].Split('/')[0]), Convert.ToInt16(data[5].Split('/')[1]));
            int      directionLook    = int.Parse(data[6]);
            int      level            = int.Parse(data[7]);
            Enums.AnimatedActions.Name animatedAction = (data[8] != "") ? (Enums.AnimatedActions.Name)Enum.Parse(typeof(Enums.AnimatedActions.Name), data[8]) : Enums.AnimatedActions.Name.idle;
            string waypoint = data[9];

            // verifier si le personnage est deja present pour ne pas créer un doublons, si par erreur le serveur n'envoie pas une cmd de deconnexion du client ou SessionZero
            if (CommonCode.AllActorsInMap.Exists(f => ((Actor)f.tag).pseudo == playerName && ((Actor)f.tag).pseudo != CommonCode.MyPlayerInfo.instance.pseudo))
                Bmp tmpBmp = CommonCode.AllActorsInMap.Find(f => ((Actor)f.tag).pseudo == playerName);
                tmpBmp.visible = false;
                Manager.manager.GfxObjList.RemoveAll(f => f != null && f.GetType() == typeof(Bmp) && f.Tag() != null && f.Tag().GetType() == typeof(Actor) && ((Actor)f.Tag()).pseudo == playerName);
                CommonCode.AllActorsInMap.Remove(CommonCode.AllActorsInMap.Find(f => ((Actor)f.tag).pseudo == playerName));

            // affichage du personnage + position + orientation
            Bmp ibPlayers = new Bmp(@"gfx\general\classes\" + className + ".dat", Point.Empty, "Player_" + playerName, 0, true, 1, SpriteSheet.GetSpriteSheet(className.ToString(), CommonCode.ConvertToClockWizeOrientation(directionLook)));
            ibPlayers.MouseOver += CommonCode.ibPlayers_MouseOver;
            ibPlayers.MouseOut  += CommonCode.ibPlayers_MouseOut;
            ibPlayers.MouseMove += CommonCode.CursorHand_MouseMove;
            ibPlayers.MouseClic += CommonCode.ibPlayers_MouseClic;

            // attachement des données
            ibPlayers.tag = new Actor(playerName, level, !pvpEnabled ? Enums.Spirit.Name.neutral : spirit, className, pvpEnabled, !pvpEnabled ? 0 : spiritLevel, hiddenVillage, maskColorsString, directionLook, animatedAction, waypoint);
            Actor pi = (Actor)ibPlayers.tag;
            pi.realPosition = mapPosition;

            CommonCode.AdjustPositionAndDirection(ibPlayers, new Point(mapPosition.X * 30, mapPosition.Y * 30));

            // affichage des ailles
            if (pi.pvpEnabled)
                if (pi.spirit != Enums.Spirit.Name.neutral)
                    Bmp spiritBmp = new Bmp(@"gfx\general\obj\2\" + pi.spirit + @"\" + pi.spiritLevel + ".dat", Point.Empty, "spirit_" +, Manager.TypeGfx.Obj, false, 1);
                    spiritBmp.point = new Point((ibPlayers.rectangle.Width / 2) - (spiritBmp.rectangle.Width / 2), -spiritBmp.rectangle.Height);

                    Txt lPseudo = new Txt(pi.pseudo, Point.Empty, "lPseudo_" +, Manager.TypeGfx.Obj, false, new Font("Verdana", 10, FontStyle.Regular), Brushes.Red);
                    lPseudo.point = new Point((ibPlayers.rectangle.Width / 2) - (TextRenderer.MeasureText(lPseudo.Text, lPseudo.font).Width / 2) + 5, -spiritBmp.rectangle.Height - 15);

                    Txt lLvlSpirit = new Txt(pi.spiritLevel.ToString(), Point.Empty, "lLvlSpirit_" +, Manager.TypeGfx.Obj, false, new Font("Verdana", 10, FontStyle.Bold), Brushes.Red);
                    lLvlSpirit.point = new Point((ibPlayers.rectangle.Width / 2) - (TextRenderer.MeasureText(lLvlSpirit.Text, lLvlSpirit.font).Width / 2) + 2, -spiritBmp.rectangle.Y - (spiritBmp.rectangle.Height / 2) - (TextRenderer.MeasureText(lLvlSpirit.Text, lLvlSpirit.font).Height / 2));

                    Bmp village = new Bmp(@"gfx\general\obj\1\pays_thumbs.dat", Point.Empty, "village_" + pi.hiddenVillage, Manager.TypeGfx.Obj, false, 1, SpriteSheet.GetSpriteSheet("pays_" + pi.hiddenVillage + "_thumbs", 0));
                    village.point = new Point((ibPlayers.rectangle.Width / 2) - (village.rectangle.Width / 2), lPseudo.point.Y - village.rectangle.Height + 2);
                Txt lPseudo = new Txt(pi.pseudo, Point.Empty, "lPseudo_" +, Manager.TypeGfx.Obj, false, new Font("Verdana", 10, FontStyle.Regular), Brushes.Red);
                lPseudo.point = new Point((ibPlayers.rectangle.Width / 2) - (TextRenderer.MeasureText(lPseudo.Text, lPseudo.font).Width / 2) + 5, -15);

                Bmp village = new Bmp(@"gfx\general\obj\1\pays_thumbs.dat", Point.Empty, "village_" + pi.hiddenVillage, Manager.TypeGfx.Obj, false, 1, SpriteSheet.GetSpriteSheet("pays_" + pi.hiddenVillage + "_thumbs", 0));
                village.point = new Point((ibPlayers.rectangle.Width / 2) - (village.rectangle.Width / 2), lPseudo.point.Y - village.rectangle.Height + 2);

            // coloriage selon le MaskColors
            if (maskColors[0] != "null")
                Color tmpColor = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt16(maskColors[0].Split('-')[0]), Convert.ToInt16(maskColors[0].Split('-')[1]), Convert.ToInt16(maskColors[0].Split('-')[2]));
                CommonCode.SetPixelToClass(className, tmpColor, 1, ibPlayers);

            if (maskColors[1] != "null")
                Color tmpColor = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt16(maskColors[1].Split('-')[0]), Convert.ToInt16(maskColors[1].Split('-')[1]), Convert.ToInt16(maskColors[1].Split('-')[2]));
                CommonCode.SetPixelToClass(className, tmpColor, 2, ibPlayers);

            if (maskColors[2] != "null")
                Color tmpColor = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt16(maskColors[2].Split('-')[0]), Convert.ToInt16(maskColors[2].Split('-')[1]), Convert.ToInt16(maskColors[2].Split('-')[2]));
                CommonCode.SetPixelToClass(className, tmpColor, 3, ibPlayers);

            // ajout du joueur dans la liste des joueurs
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Page.Title = "Request Report";
            var obj = (CallCenter_CallCenterMaster1)Master;

            obj.SetTitle("Request Report");
            obj.SetBreadCrumbRoot = "<a href=\"/CallCenter/CallCenterRepDashboard/Index\">Dashboard</a>";


            if (Request.QueryString["Call"] != null && Request.QueryString["Call"] == "No")
                divCall.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display, "none");
                divCall.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Visibility, "hidden");
            if (!IsPostBack)
                if (CallId != null)
                    hfCallStartTime.Value = new CallCenterCallRepository().GetCallStarttime(CallId.Value);

                var customerRepository = IoC.Resolve <ICustomerRepository>();
                var objCustomer        = customerRepository.GetCustomer(CustomerId);
                spnCustomerName.InnerText = objCustomer.NameAsString;
                spnAddress.InnerText      = objCustomer.Address.ToString();
                spnEmail.InnerText        = objCustomer.Email != null?objCustomer.Email.ToString() : string.Empty;

                ViewState["UrlReferer"] = "/App/CallCenter/CallCenterRep/CustomerOptions.aspx?CustomerID=" + objCustomer.CustomerId + "&Name=" + objCustomer.NameAsString + "&guid=" + GuId; //Request.UrlReferrer.PathAndQuery;

                var           masterDal     = new MasterDAL();
                List <EEvent> customerEvent = masterDal.GetCustomerEvent(CustomerId.ToString(), 1);

                var tbltemp = new DataTable();
                if (customerEvent != null)
                    for (Int32 intCounter = 0; intCounter < customerEvent.Count; intCounter++)
                        string strEventDate = Convert.ToDateTime(customerEvent[intCounter].EventDate).ToString("MMM dd yyyy");

                        string strAppointmentStartTime = Convert.ToDateTime(customerEvent[intCounter].Customer[0].EventAppointment.StartTime).ToString("hh:mm tt");
                        string strAppointmentEndTime   = Convert.ToDateTime(customerEvent[intCounter].Customer[0].EventAppointment.EndTime).ToString("hh:mm tt");
                        string strAppointmentTime      = strAppointmentStartTime + " - " + strAppointmentEndTime;
                        string strPackage      = customerEvent[intCounter].Customer[0].EventPackage.Package.PackageName;
                        string strReportStatus = customerEvent[intCounter].Customer[0].Interpreted.ToString();
                        string strPayMethod    = customerEvent[intCounter].Customer[0].PaymentDetail.PaymentType.Name;
                        string strHostAddress  = CommonCode.AddressMultiLine(customerEvent[intCounter].Host.Address.Address1, customerEvent[intCounter].Host.Address.Address2, customerEvent[intCounter].Host.Address.City, customerEvent[intCounter].Host.Address.State, customerEvent[intCounter].Host.Address.Zip);

                        tbltemp.Rows.Add(new object[]
                                         { customerEvent[intCounter].EventID, customerEvent[intCounter].Name,
                                           strEventDate, customerEvent[intCounter].Host.Address.City,
                                           strAppointmentTime, strPackage, strPayMethod, strReportStatus,
                                           customerEvent[intCounter].Host.Name, strHostAddress,
                                           Convert.ToString(Enum.Parse(typeof(EventStatus), customerEvent[intCounter].EventStatus.ToString())) });

                    dgeventhistory.DataSource = tbltemp;
                    ViewState["DSGRID"]       = tbltemp;

                    dbsearch.Visible          = true;
                    dbsearch.Style["display"] = "";
                    dvSearchResult.InnerText  = "Select the appointment you want to buy the shipping option for:";
                    imgNext.Visible           = true;
                    dbsearch.Visible          = false;
                    dbsearch.Style["display"] = "";

                    dgeventhistory.Visible   = false;
                    dvSearchResult.InnerText = "No Result found";
                    imgNext.Visible          = false;

                rbtReportMailY.Checked         = true;
                ShippingOtion.ShowOnlineOption = false;
        public void Fetch(string[] commandStrings)
            // il faut voir le rawdata reçu si ca correspond vraiment a la longeur demandé et associé au variables ?
            #region reception des données du joueur qui a été selectionné dans la liste des joueurs

            /*_actor.Pseudo + "#"_actor.ClasseName + "#" + _actor.Spirit + "#" + _actor.SpiritLvl +
             *               "#" + _actor.Pvp + "#" + _actor.village + "#" + _actor.MaskColors + "#" +
             *               _actor.Orientation + "#" + _actor.Level + "#" + + "#" + _actor.rang + "#" +
             *               _actor.currentHealth + "#" + _actor.totalHealth + "#" + _actor.xp + "#" + totalXp + "#" +
             *               _actor.doton + "#" + _actor.katon + "#" + _actor.futon + "#" + _actor.raiton + "#" +
             *               _actor.suiton + "#" + MainClass.chakralvl2 + "#" + MainClass.chakralvl3 + "#" +
             *               MainClass.chakralvl4 + "#" + MainClass.chakralvl5 + "#" + MainClass.chakralvl6 + "#" +
             *               _actor.usingDoton + "#" + _actor.usingKaton + "#" + _actor.usingFuton + "#" +
             *               _actor.usingRaiton + "#" + _actor.usingSuiton + "#" + _actor.equipedDoton + "#" +
             *               _actor.equipedKaton + "#" + _actor.equipedFuton + "#" + _actor.equipedRaiton + "#" +
             *               _actor.suitonEquiped + "#" + _actor.original_Pc + "#" + _actor.original_Pm + "#" +
             *      + "#" + + "#" + _actor.invoc + "#" + _actor.Initiative + "#" +
             *               _actor.job1 + "#" + _actor.job2 + "#" + _actor.specialite1 + "#" + _actor.specialite2 + "#" +
             *               _actor.TotalPoid + "#" + _actor.CurrentPoid + "#" + _actor.Ryo + "#" +
             *               _actor.resiDotonPercent + "#" + _actor.resiKatonPercent + "#" + _actor.resiFutonPercent +
             *               "#" + _actor.resiRaitonPercent + "#" + _actor.resiSuitonPercent + "#" + _actor.dodgePC +
             *               "#" + _actor.dodgePM + "#" + _actor.dodgePE + "#" + _actor.dodgeCD + "#" + _actor.removePC +
             *               "#" + _actor.removePM + "#" + _actor.removePE + "#" + _actor.removeCD + "#" + _actor.escape +
             *               "#" + _actor.blocage + "#" + _sorts + "#" + _actor.resiDotonFix + "#" + _actor.resiKatonFix +
             *               "#" + _actor.resiFutonFix + "#" + _actor.resiRaitonFix + "#" + _actor.resiSuitonFix + "#" +
             *               _actor.resiFix + "#" + _actor.domDotonFix + "#" + _actor.domKatonFix + "#" +
             *               _actor.domFutonFix + "#" + _actor.domRaitonFix + "#" + _actor.domSuitonFix + "#" +
             *               _actor.domFix + "#" + _actor.power + "#" + _actor.powerEquiped + "•" + quete + "•" +
             *               _actor.spellPointLeft;*/

            string[] states = commandStrings[1].Split('#');

            string actorName = states[0];
            Enums.ActorClass.ClassName className = (Enums.ActorClass.ClassName)Enum.Parse(typeof(Enums.ActorClass.ClassName), states[1]);
            Enums.Spirit.Name          spirit    = (Enums.Spirit.Name)Enum.Parse(typeof(Enums.Spirit.Name), states[2]);
            int  spiritLevel = int.Parse(states[3]);
            bool pvpEnabled  = bool.Parse(states[4]);
            Enums.HiddenVillage.Names hiddenVillage = (Enums.HiddenVillage.Names)Enum.Parse(typeof(Enums.HiddenVillage.Names), states[5]);
            string maskColorsString = states[6];
            int    orientation      = int.Parse(states[7]);
            int    level            = int.Parse(states[8]);
            string map = states[9];
            Enums.Rang.official officialRang = (Enums.Rang.official)Enum.Parse(typeof(Enums.Rang.official), states[10]);
            int      currentHealth           = int.Parse(states[11]);
            int      maxHealth         = int.Parse(states[12]);
            int      currentXp         = int.Parse(states[13]);
            int      maxXp             = int.Parse(states[14]);
            int      doton             = int.Parse(states[15]);
            int      katon             = int.Parse(states[16]);
            int      futon             = int.Parse(states[17]);
            int      raiton            = int.Parse(states[18]);
            int      suiton            = int.Parse(states[19]);
            int      chakra1Level      = int.Parse(states[20]);
            int      chakra2Level      = int.Parse(states[21]);
            int      chakra3Level      = int.Parse(states[22]);
            int      chakra4Level      = int.Parse(states[23]);
            int      chakra5Level      = int.Parse(states[24]);
            int      usingDoton        = int.Parse(states[25]);
            int      usingKaton        = int.Parse(states[26]);
            int      usingFuton        = int.Parse(states[27]);
            int      usingRaiton       = int.Parse(states[28]);
            int      usingSuiton       = int.Parse(states[29]);
            int      equipedDoton      = int.Parse(states[30]);
            int      equipedKaton      = int.Parse(states[31]);
            int      equipedFuton      = int.Parse(states[32]);
            int      equipedRaiton     = int.Parse(states[33]);
            int      equipedSuiton     = int.Parse(states[34]);
            int      pc                = int.Parse(states[35]);
            int      pm                = int.Parse(states[36]);
            int      pe                = int.Parse(states[37]);
            int      cd                = int.Parse(states[38]);
            int      summons           = int.Parse(states[39]);
            int      initiative        = int.Parse(states[40]);
            string   job1              = states[41];
            string   job2              = states[42];
            string   specialty1        = states[43];
            string   specialty2        = states[44];
            int      maxWeight         = int.Parse(states[45]);
            int      currentWeight     = int.Parse(states[46]);
            int      ryo               = int.Parse(states[47]);
            int      resiDotonPercent  = int.Parse(states[48]);
            int      resiKatonPercent  = int.Parse(states[49]);
            int      resiFutonPercent  = int.Parse(states[50]);
            int      resiRaitonPercent = int.Parse(states[51]);
            int      resiSuitonPercent = int.Parse(states[52]);
            int      dodgePc           = int.Parse(states[53]);
            int      dodgePm           = int.Parse(states[54]);
            int      dodgePe           = int.Parse(states[55]);
            int      dodgeCd           = int.Parse(states[56]);
            int      removePc          = int.Parse(states[57]);
            int      removePm          = int.Parse(states[58]);
            int      removePe          = int.Parse(states[59]);
            int      removeCd          = int.Parse(states[60]);
            int      escape            = int.Parse(states[61]);
            int      blocage           = int.Parse(states[62]);
            string[] spellsString      = states[63].Split('/');
            int      resiDotonFix      = int.Parse(states[64]);
            int      resiKatonFix      = int.Parse(states[65]);
            int      resiFutonFix      = int.Parse(states[66]);
            int      resiRaitonFix     = int.Parse(states[67]);
            int      resiSuitonFix     = int.Parse(states[68]);
            int      resiFix           = int.Parse(states[69]);
            int      domDotonFix       = int.Parse(states[70]);
            int      domKatonFix       = int.Parse(states[71]);
            int      domFutonFix       = int.Parse(states[72]);
            int      domRaitonFix      = int.Parse(states[73]);
            int      domSuitonFix      = int.Parse(states[74]);
            int      domFix            = int.Parse(states[75]);
            int      power             = int.Parse(states[76]);
            int      equipedPower      = int.Parse(states[77]);
            string   questString       = commandStrings[2];
            int      spellPointsLeft   = int.Parse(commandStrings[3]);


            new System.Threading.Thread(() =>
                #region on affiche une fenetre de chargement
                // compteur pour voir si le temps passé est sufisant pour voir le chargement, si non on oblige le joueur a patienter le reste du temps détérminé pour l'animation qui est de 300 miliseconds

                Bmp loadingParent = new Bmp(@"gfx\general\artwork\loading\naruto.dat", new Point(0, 0),
                                            "__loadingParent", Manager.TypeGfx.Bgr, true, 1)
                    zindex = 100

                // barre de chargement
                Bmp loadingGif   = new Bmp(@"gfx\general\obj\1\loading1.dat", Point.Empty, "__loadingGif", Manager.TypeGfx.Bgr, true);
                loadingGif.point = new Point((ScreenManager.WindowWidth / 2) - (loadingGif.rectangle.Width / 2), ScreenManager.WindowHeight - 50);

                Txt loadingLabel   = new Txt(CommonCode.TranslateText(187), Point.Empty, "__loadingLabel", Manager.TypeGfx.Top, true, new Font("Verdana", 10, FontStyle.Bold), Brushes.White);
                loadingLabel.point = new Point((ScreenManager.WindowWidth / 2) - (TextRenderer.MeasureText(loadingLabel.Text, loadingLabel.font).Width / 2), 610);

                Anim loadingSystemStart = new Anim(15, 1);
                for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 15; cnt++)
                    loadingSystemStart.AddCell(@"gfx\general\obj\1\LoadingSystem.dat", 0, 300 + (cnt * 12), 550, 25 + (cnt * 2), 25 + (cnt * 2), 0.1F * (Convert.ToSingle(cnt)), 15);
                loadingSystemStart.AddCell(@"gfx\general\obj\1\LoadingSystem.dat", 0, 300 + (15 * 12), 550, 25 + (15 * 2), 25 + (15 * 2), 0.1F * (Convert.ToSingle(15)), 15);
                loadingSystemStart.Ini(Manager.TypeGfx.Top, "__LoadingSystemStart", true);
                loadingSystemStart.AutoResetAnim = false;

                CommonCode.MyPlayerInfo.instance.ibPlayer = new Bmp {
                    tag = new Actor()
                Actor actor           = (Actor)CommonCode.MyPlayerInfo.instance.ibPlayer.tag;
                actor.pseudo          = actorName;
                actor.className       = className;
                actor.spirit          = spirit;
                actor.spiritLevel     = spiritLevel;
                actor.pvpEnabled      = pvpEnabled;
                actor.hiddenVillage   = hiddenVillage;
                actor.maskColorString = maskColorsString;
                actor.directionLook   = orientation;
                actor.level           = level;
                   = map;
                actor.officialRang    = officialRang;
                actor.currentHealth   = currentHealth;
                actor.maxHealth       = maxHealth;
                actor.currentXp       = currentXp;
                actor.maxXp           = maxXp;
                actor.doton           = doton;
                actor.katon           = katon;
                actor.futon           = futon;
                actor.raiton          = raiton;
                actor.suiton          = suiton;

                // association des données des chakralvl2,3,4,5
                CommonCode.chakra1Level = chakra1Level;
                CommonCode.chakra2Level = chakra2Level;
                CommonCode.chakra3Level = chakra3Level;
                CommonCode.chakra4Level = chakra4Level;
                CommonCode.chakra5Level = chakra5Level;

                actor.usingDoton        = usingDoton;
                actor.usingKaton        = usingKaton;
                actor.usingFuton        = usingFuton;
                actor.usingRaiton       = usingRaiton;
                actor.usingSuiton       = usingSuiton;
                actor.equipedDoton      = equipedDoton;
                actor.equipedKaton      = equipedKaton;
                actor.equipedFuton      = equipedFuton;
                actor.equipedRaiton     = equipedRaiton;
                actor.equipedSuiton     = equipedSuiton;
                actor.originalPc        = pc;
                actor.originalPm        = pm;
                      = pe;
                      = cd;
                actor.summons           = summons;
                actor.initiative        = initiative;
                actor.job1              = job1;
                actor.job2              = job2;
                actor.specialty1        = specialty1;
                actor.specialty2        = specialty2;
                actor.maxWeight         = maxWeight;
                actor.currentWeight     = currentWeight;
                actor.ryo               = ryo;
                actor.resiDotonPercent  = resiDotonPercent;
                actor.resiKatonPercent  = resiKatonPercent;
                actor.resiFutonPercent  = resiFutonPercent;
                actor.resiRaitonPercent = resiRaitonPercent;
                actor.resiSuitonPercent = resiSuitonPercent;
                actor.dodgePc           = dodgePc;
                actor.dodgePm           = dodgePm;
                actor.dodgePe           = dodgePe;
                actor.dodgeCd           = dodgeCd;
                actor.removePc          = removePc;
                actor.removePm          = removePm;
                actor.removePe          = removePe;
                actor.removeCd          = removeCd;
                actor.escape            = escape;
                actor.blocage           = blocage;

                if (spellsString.Length > 0)
                    foreach (string t in spellsString)
                        Actor.SpellsInformations infoSorts = new Actor.SpellsInformations
                            sortID      = Convert.ToInt32(t.Split(':')[0]),
                            emplacement = Convert.ToInt32(t.Split(':')[1]),
                            level       = Convert.ToInt32(t.Split(':')[2]),
                            colorSort   = Convert.ToInt32(t.Split(':')[3])
                actor.resiDotonFix  = resiDotonFix;
                actor.resiKatonFix  = resiKatonFix;
                actor.resiFutonFix  = resiFutonFix;
                actor.resiRaitonFix = resiRaitonFix;
                actor.resiSuitonFix = resiSuitonFix;
                actor.resiFix       = resiFix;

                // supression des sorts s'il sont déja été affiché avant
                if (HudHandle.all_sorts.Child.Count > 0)

                // affichage des sorts
                foreach (Actor.SpellsInformations t in actor.spells)
                    Bmp spell = new Bmp(@"gfx\general\obj\1\spells.dat",
                                        new Point(spells.spellPositions[t.emplacement].X, spells.spellPositions[t.emplacement].Y),
                                        "__spell", Manager.TypeGfx.Top, true, 1, SpriteSheet.GetSpriteSheet(t.sortID + "_spell", 0))
                        tag = t
                    // attachement des infos du sort au tag de l'image
                    spell.MouseMove += MMORPG.Battle.__spell_MouseMove;
                    spell.MouseOut  += CommonCode.CursorDefault_MouseOut;
                    spell.MouseClic += MMORPG.Battle.__spell_MouseClic;

                actor.domDotonFix  = domDotonFix;
                actor.domKatonFix  = domKatonFix;
                actor.domFutonFix  = domFutonFix;
                actor.domRaitonFix = domRaitonFix;
                actor.domSuitonFix = domSuitonFix;
                actor.domFix       = domFix;
                actor.power        = power;
                actor.equipedPower = equipedPower;
                CommonCode.CurMap  =;

                loadingLabel.Text  = CommonCode.TranslateText(188);
                loadingLabel.point = new Point((ScreenManager.WindowWidth / 2) - (TextRenderer.MeasureText(loadingLabel.Text, loadingLabel.font).Width / 2), 610);

                ////////////////// mode designe

                Anim loadingSystemEnd = new Anim(15, 1);
                for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 15; cnt++)
                    loadingSystemEnd.AddCell(@"gfx\general\obj\1\LoadingSystem.dat", 0, loadingSystemStart.img.point.X + (cnt * 12), 550, 25 + ((15 - cnt) * 2), 25 + ((15 - cnt) * 2), 0.1F * (Convert.ToSingle(15 - cnt)), 15);

                loadingSystemEnd.Ini(Manager.TypeGfx.Top, "__LoadingSystemEnd", true);
                loadingSystemEnd.AutoResetAnim = false;

                Anim loadingGfxStart = new Anim(15, 1);
                for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 15; cnt++)
                    loadingGfxStart.AddCell(@"gfx\general\obj\1\GrayPaletteColor.dat", 0, 300 + (cnt * 12), 550, 25 + (cnt * 2), 25 + (cnt * 2), 0.1F * (Convert.ToSingle(cnt)), 15);
                loadingGfxStart.AddCell(@"gfx\general\obj\1\paletteColor.dat", 0, 300 + (15 * 12), 550, 25 + (15 * 2), 25 + (15 * 2), 0.1F * (Convert.ToSingle(15)), 15);
                loadingGfxStart.Ini(Manager.TypeGfx.Top, "__paletteColor", true);
                loadingGfxStart.AutoResetAnim = false;

                loadingLabel.Text  = CommonCode.TranslateText(189);
                loadingLabel.point = new Point((ScreenManager.WindowWidth / 2) - (TextRenderer.MeasureText(loadingLabel.Text, loadingLabel.font).Width / 2), 610);

                ///////////////// affichage des composants du tableau stats
                // affichage de l'avatar
                MenuStats.ThumbsAvatar = new Bmp(@"gfx\general\classes\" + actor.className + ".dat", new Point(15, 10),
                                                 "ThumbsAvatar", Manager.TypeGfx.Top, true, 1,
                                                 SpriteSheet.GetSpriteSheet("avatar_" + actor.className, 0))
                    tag = CommonCode.MyPlayerInfo.instance.ibPlayer.tag

                // affichage du nom du personnage
                MenuStats.StatsPlayerName.Text = actor.pseudo[0].ToString().ToUpper() + actor.pseudo.Substring(1, actor.pseudo.Length - 1);

                // level
                MenuStats.StatsLevel.Text = CommonCode.TranslateText(50) + " " + actor.level;

                // affichage du rang général
                MenuStats.Rang.Text = CommonCode.officialRangToCurrentLangTranslation(actor.officialRang);

                // affichage du level Pvp
                MenuStats.LevelPvp.Text = actor.spiritLevel.ToString();

                // affichage du grade Pvp
                if (spirit != Enums.Spirit.Name.neutral)
                    MenuStats.GradePvp = new Bmp(@"gfx\general\obj\2\" + actor.spirit + @"\" + MenuStats.LevelPvp.Text + ".dat", new Point(276 + (15 - Convert.ToInt16(MenuStats.LevelPvp.Text)), 2), new Size(40 + Convert.ToInt16(MenuStats.LevelPvp.Text), 20 + Convert.ToInt16(MenuStats.LevelPvp.Text)), "PlayerStats." + actor.spirit, Manager.TypeGfx.Top, true, 1);

                // update des pdv,Pc

                MenuStats.Flag = new Bmp(@"gfx\general\obj\1\pays_thumbs.dat", new Point(240, 8), "__Flag", Manager.TypeGfx.Top, true, 1, SpriteSheet.GetSpriteSheet("pays_" + actor.hiddenVillage + "_thumbs", 0));
                MenuStats.LFlag.Text          = hiddenVillage.ToString();
                MenuStats.Fusion1.Text        = CommonCode.TranslateText(75);
                MenuStats.Fusion2.Text        = CommonCode.TranslateText(75);
                MenuStats.NiveauGaugeTxt.Text = CommonCode.TranslateText(50) + " " + actor.level;

                // NiveauGaugeRecPercent, barre de progression du niveau
                // calcule du pourcentage du niveau en progression
                int currentProgressLevel = actor.currentXp;
                int totalProgressLevel   = actor.maxXp;
                int percentProgressLevel;

                if (totalProgressLevel != 0)
                    percentProgressLevel = (currentProgressLevel * 100) / totalProgressLevel;
                    percentProgressLevel = 100;

                MenuStats.NiveauGaugeRecPercent.size.Width = (258 * percentProgressLevel) / 100;

                // affichage du label progression lvl
                MenuStats.NiveauGaugeTxtCurrent.Text  = currentProgressLevel + "/" + totalProgressLevel + " (" + percentProgressLevel + "%)";
                MenuStats.NiveauGaugeTxtCurrent.point = new Point(MenuStats.NiveauGaugeRec2.point.X + (MenuStats.NiveauGaugeRec2.size.Width / 2) - (TextRenderer.MeasureText(MenuStats.NiveauGaugeTxtCurrent.Text, MenuStats.NiveauGaugeTxtCurrent.font).Width / 2), MenuStats.NiveauGaugeRec2.point.Y);

                // raffrechissement du text pour des mesures de changement de langue
                MenuStats.AffiniteElementaireTxt.Text = CommonCode.TranslateText(76);
                MenuStats.terreStats.Text             = "(" + CommonCode.TranslateText(77) + ")";
                MenuStats.FeuStats.Text    = "(" + CommonCode.TranslateText(78) + ")";
                MenuStats.VentStats.Text   = "(" + CommonCode.TranslateText(79) + ")";
                MenuStats.FoudreStats.Text = "(" + CommonCode.TranslateText(80) + ")";
                MenuStats.EauStats.Text    = "(" + CommonCode.TranslateText(81) + ")";

                MenuStats.TerrePuissance.Text  = "(" + actor.doton + "+" + actor.equipedDoton + ")=" + (actor.doton + actor.equipedDoton);
                MenuStats.FeuPuissance.Text    = "(" + actor.katon + "+" + actor.equipedKaton + ")=" + (actor.katon + actor.equipedKaton);
                MenuStats.VentPuissance.Text   = "(" + actor.futon + "+" + actor.equipedFuton + ")=" + (actor.futon + actor.equipedFuton);
                MenuStats.FoudrePuissance.Text = "(" + actor.raiton + "+" + actor.equipedRaiton + ")=" + (actor.raiton + actor.equipedRaiton);
                MenuStats.EauPuissance.Text    = "(" + actor.suiton + "+" + actor.equipedSuiton + ")=" + (actor.suiton + actor.equipedSuiton);

                MenuStats.Lvl1RegleTxt.Text = CommonCode.TranslateText(82);
                MenuStats.Lvl2RegleTxt.Text = CommonCode.TranslateText(83);
                MenuStats.Lvl3RegleTxt.Text = CommonCode.TranslateText(84);
                MenuStats.Lvl4RegleTxt.Text = CommonCode.TranslateText(85);
                MenuStats.Lvl5RegleTxt.Text = CommonCode.TranslateText(86);
                MenuStats.Lvl6RegleTxt.Text = CommonCode.TranslateText(87);

                // affichage de la gauge lvl chakra selon les points
                MenuStats.Lvl2ReglePts.Text = CommonCode.chakra1Level.ToString();
                MenuStats.Lvl3ReglePts.Text = CommonCode.chakra2Level.ToString();
                MenuStats.Lvl4ReglePts.Text = CommonCode.chakra3Level.ToString();
                MenuStats.Lvl5ReglePts.Text = CommonCode.chakra4Level.ToString();
                MenuStats.Lvl6ReglePts.Text = CommonCode.chakra5Level.ToString();

                // modification du lvl de l'utilisation de l'element
                CommonCode.UpdateUsingElement(Enums.Chakra.Element.doton, actor.usingDoton);
                CommonCode.UpdateUsingElement(Enums.Chakra.Element.katon, actor.usingKaton);
                CommonCode.UpdateUsingElement(Enums.Chakra.Element.futon, actor.usingFuton);
                CommonCode.UpdateUsingElement(Enums.Chakra.Element.raiton, actor.usingRaiton);
                CommonCode.UpdateUsingElement(Enums.Chakra.Element.suiton, actor.equipedSuiton);

                MenuStats.DotonLvl.Text  = actor.usingDoton.ToString();
                MenuStats.KatonLvl.Text  = actor.usingKaton.ToString();
                MenuStats.FutonLvl.Text  = actor.usingFuton.ToString();
                MenuStats.RaitonLvl.Text = actor.usingRaiton.ToString();
                MenuStats.SuitonLvl.Text = actor.usingSuiton.ToString();

                // bar de vie selon les pdv 11 current, 12 total
                int totalPdv   = actor.maxHealth;
                int currentPdv = actor.currentHealth;
                int x          = 0;
                if (totalPdv != 0)
                    x = (currentPdv * 100) / totalPdv;
                MenuStats.VieBar.size.Width = (236 * x) / 100;

                // point de vie dans Menustats
                MenuStats.VieLabel.Text         = CommonCode.TranslateText(88);
                MenuStats.ViePts.Text           = currentPdv + " / " + totalPdv + " (" + x + "%)";
                MenuStats.PC.Text               = actor.originalPc.ToString();
                MenuStats.PM.Text               = actor.originalPm.ToString();
                MenuStats.PE.Text               =;
                MenuStats.CD.Text               =;
                MenuStats.Invoc.Text            = actor.summons.ToString();
                MenuStats.Initiative.Text       = actor.initiative.ToString();
                MenuStats.Puissance.Text        = (actor.power + actor.equipedPower).ToString();
                MenuStats.DomFix.Text           = actor.domFix.ToString();
                MenuStats.Job1Label.Text        = CommonCode.TranslateText(95) + " 1";
                MenuStats.Specialite1Label.Text = CommonCode.TranslateText(96) + " 1";
                MenuStats.Job2Labe1.Text        = CommonCode.TranslateText(95) + " 2";
                MenuStats.Specialite2Label.Text = CommonCode.TranslateText(96) + " 2";
                //////// playerData[41] = job1
                //////// playerdata[42] = job2
                //////// playerdata[43] = specialite1
                //////// playerdata[44] = specialite2
                MenuStats.PoidLabel.Text       = CommonCode.TranslateText(97);
                int totalPoid                  = actor.maxWeight;
                int currentPoid                = actor.currentWeight;
                int percentPoid                = (currentPoid * 100) / totalPoid;
                MenuStats.PoidRec.size.Width   = (116 * percentPoid) / 100;
                MenuStats.Poid.Text            = currentPoid + " / " + totalPoid + " (" + percentPoid + "%)";
                MenuStats.Poid.point.X         = MenuStats.PoidRec.point.X + 58 - (TextRenderer.MeasureText(MenuStats.Poid.Text, MenuStats.Poid.font).Width / 2);
                MenuStats.Ryo.Text             = CommonCode.MoneyThousendSeparation(actor.ryo.ToString());
                MenuStats.resiDotonTxt.Text    = actor.resiDotonPercent + "%";
                MenuStats.resiKatonTxt.Text    = actor.resiKatonPercent + "%";
                MenuStats.resiFutonTxt.Text    = actor.resiFutonPercent + "%";
                MenuStats.resiRaitonTxt.Text   = actor.resiRaitonPercent + "%";
                MenuStats.resiSuitonTxt.Text   = actor.resiSuitonPercent + "%";
                MenuStats.__esquivePC_Txt.Text = actor.dodgePc.ToString();
                MenuStats.__esquivePM_Txt.Text = actor.dodgePm.ToString();
                MenuStats.__retraitPC_Txt.Text = actor.removePc.ToString();
                MenuStats.__retraitPM_Txt.Text = actor.removePm.ToString();

                // quete
                // convertir la list de quete en string
                if (questString != "")
                    for (int cnt = 0; cnt < questString.Split('/').Length; cnt++)
                        string quest = questString.Split('/')[cnt];
                        Actor.QuestInformations qi = new Actor.QuestInformations
                            nom_quete   = quest.Split(':')[0],
                            totalSteps  = Convert.ToInt16(quest.Split(':')[1]),
                            currentStep = Convert.ToInt16(quest.Split(':')[2]),
                            submited    = Convert.ToBoolean(quest.Split(':')[3])

                // verification si le joueur été en combat pour le rediriger vers ce joueur

                /*if (commandStrings[3] == "inBattle")
                 * {
                 *  common1.MyPlayerInfo.instance.pseudo = pi.pseudo;
                 *  common1.MyPlayerInfo.instance.Event = "inBattle";
                 * }*/

                actor.spellPointLeft = spellPointsLeft;

                ///// effacement du menu loading
                loadingLabel.Text  = CommonCode.TranslateText(190);
                loadingLabel.point = new Point((ScreenManager.WindowWidth / 2) - (TextRenderer.MeasureText(loadingLabel.Text, loadingLabel.font).Width / 2), 610);

                // changement de map
                Manager.manager.mainForm.BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>
                    CommonCode.ChangeMap(;                  // affichage du hud
                    Manager.manager.GfxTopList.Remove(loadingParent); // enlever l'image d'avant plant qui empeche de voir la map
Beispiel #26
    protected void gvRemoveFriend_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
        //string name1 = "";
        ////string Id1="";
        //string Id1 = Convert.ToString(e.CommandArgument);
        //tmp.Value = Id1;
        //string Sql1 = " SELECT DISTINCT UserMaster.usrFirstName +' '+ UserMaster.usrLastName as Name , " +
        //    " FriendRelationMaster.Relation, FriendGroupRelation.GroupId  " +
        // " FROM  FriendGroupRelation INNER JOIN " +
        //         " FriendRelationMaster ON FriendGroupRelation.RelId = FriendRelationMaster.FriRelId INNER JOIN " +
        //         " UserMaster ON FriendRelationMaster.FriendId = UserMaster.usrUserId " +
        //         " where FriendRelationMaster.FriRelId=" + Id1 + "";
        //CommonCode cc1 = new CommonCode();
        //DataSet ds1 = cc1.ExecuteDataset(Sql1);
        //foreach (DataRow dr in ds1.Tables[0].Rows)
        //    name1 = Convert.ToString(dr["Name"]);
        //    string Relation = Convert.ToString(dr["Relation"]);

        if (e.CommandName == "Remove")
            urUserRegBLLObj.frnrelFriendId = Convert.ToString(e.CommandArgument);
            urUserRegBLLObj.frnrelUserId   = Convert.ToString(Session["User"]);

            status = urUserRegBLLObj.BLLUserFriendRelativeRemove(urUserRegBLLObj);

            if (status == 1)
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('Friend Removed')", true);
                urUserRegBLLObj.usrUserId = Convert.ToString(Session["User"]);
                DataTable dtFriendRelList = urUserRegBLLObj.BLLFriendRelativeShowById(urUserRegBLLObj);
                gvRemoveFriend.DataSource = dtFriendRelList;
                //gvSearchFriend.DataSource = dtFriendRelList;
                //TextfirstN.Text = "";
                //TextlastN.Text = "";
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('Friend Not Removed')", true);
        else if (e.CommandName == "Edit")
            s = Convert.ToString(e.CommandArgument);
            urUserRegBLLObj.frnrelFriendId = Convert.ToString(e.CommandArgument);
            urUserRegBLLObj.frnrelUserId   = Convert.ToString(Session["User"]);

            string Id = Convert.ToString(e.CommandArgument);

            tmp.Value = Id;
            string Sql = " SELECT DISTINCT UserMaster.usrFirstName +' '+ UserMaster.usrLastName as Name , " +
                         " FriendRelationMaster.Relation, FriendGroupRelation.GroupId  " +
                         " FROM         FriendGroupRelation INNER JOIN " +
                         " FriendRelationMaster ON FriendGroupRelation.RelId = FriendRelationMaster.FriRelId INNER JOIN " +
                         " UserMaster ON FriendRelationMaster.FriendId = UserMaster.usrUserId " +
                         " where FriendRelationMaster.FriRelId=" + Id + "";
            CommonCode cc = new CommonCode();
            DataSet    ds = cc.ExecuteDataset(Sql);

            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                lblName.Text = Convert.ToString(dr["Name"]);
                //string name1 = lblName.Text;
                txtRelation.Text = Convert.ToString(dr["Relation"]);
                string GroupId = Convert.ToString(dr["GroupId"]);

                for (int i = 0; i < chkGroup.Items.Count - 1; i++)
                    if (GroupId == Convert.ToString(chkGroup.Items[i].Value.ToString()))
                        chkGroup.Items[i].Selected = true;
                tmp.Value = Id;
                string     sql = "Select FriRelName from FriendRelationMaster where FriRelId= '" + Id.ToString() + "'";
                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con);

                SqlDataReader dr   = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                DataSet       dset = cc.ExecuteDataset(sql);
                foreach (DataRow dr1 in dset.Tables[0].Rows)
                    fname = Convert.ToString(dr1["FriRelName"]);
                string fullname = fname;
                infix = fullname.Split(' ');
                if (infix[1] == " " || infix[1] == null)

                //    ddlinfix.DataTextField = dr["UserFirstNameN"].ToString();
                //    ddlinfix.DataValueField = dr["User"].ToString();

                //  SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con);
                //    DataSet dset = new DataSet();

                //    da.Fill(dset);
                //    ddlinfix.DataSource = dset;
                //     ddlinfix.DataTextField = "---Select--";

                //Session["UserFirstNameN"] = ddlinfix.SelectedItem.Text.ToString();
                // Session["UserLastNameN"] = ddlinfix.SelectedItem.Text.ToString();

                //ddlinfix.DataValueField = "usrUserId";
                //ddlinfix.DataTextField = "usrFirstName";
                //ddlinfix.DataTextField = "usrLastName";

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

Beispiel #27
        public void Fetch(string[] commandStrings)
            #region MapData
            // commandStrings[1] = pseudo#classe#pvp:spirit:spiritLvl#village#MaskColors#map_position#orientation#level#action#waypoint#TotalPdv#CurrentPdv#rang   | separateur entre plusieurs joueurs
            // pvp=0 donc mode pvp off, si pvp = 1 mode pvp on

            string[] playersInfos = commandStrings[1].Split('|');

            foreach (string t in playersInfos)
                string[] states = t.Split('#');

                string actorName = states[0];
                Enums.ActorClass.ClassName className = (Enums.ActorClass.ClassName)Enum.Parse(typeof(Enums.ActorClass.ClassName), states[1]);
                bool pvpEnabled          = states[2].Split(':')[0] == "1";
                Enums.Spirit.Name spirit = (Enums.Spirit.Name)Enum.Parse(typeof(Enums.Spirit.Name), states[2].Split(':')[1]);
                int spiritLevel          = int.Parse(states[2].Split(':')[2]);
                Enums.HiddenVillage.Names hiddenVillage = (Enums.HiddenVillage.Names)Enum.Parse(typeof(Enums.HiddenVillage.Names), states[3]);
                string maskColors  = states[4];
                Point  mapPoint    = new Point(int.Parse(states[5].Split('/')[0]), int.Parse(states[5].Split('/')[1]));
                int    orientation = int.Parse(states[6]);
                int    level       = int.Parse(states[7]);
                Enums.AnimatedActions.Name action = (Enums.AnimatedActions.Name)Enum.Parse(typeof(Enums.AnimatedActions.Name), states[8]);
                string waypoint      = states[9];
                int    maxHealth     = int.Parse(states[10]);
                int    currentHealth = int.Parse(states[11]);

                // cette valeur n'est pas utilisé dans le jeu puisque le rang n'est pas encore affiché, il faut prévoir un truc pour montrer les rang de chaque joueur, ou pas si le rang dois etre caché, ptet que le rang est caché mais permet d'afficher le joueur avec un ora spécial
                Enums.Rang.official officialRang = (Enums.Rang.official)Enum.Parse(typeof(Enums.Rang.official), states[12]);

                // supprimer tout les anciennes instances qui correspond a ce joueur pour eviter un doublons ou une erreur de la part du serveur ou client s'il n'envoie pas la cmd de deconnexion du joeur au abonnés
                if (CommonCode.AllActorsInMap.Count(i => ((Actor)i.tag).pseudo == actorName) > 0)
                    Bmp allPlayers = CommonCode.AllActorsInMap.Find(f => ((Actor)f.tag).pseudo == actorName);
                    allPlayers.visible = false;
                    CommonCode.AllActorsInMap.RemoveAll(i => ((Actor)i.tag).pseudo == actorName);

                // affichage du personnage + position + orientation
                Bmp ibPlayers = new Bmp(@"gfx\general\classes\" + className + ".dat", Point.Empty, "Player_" + actorName, Manager.TypeGfx.Obj, true, 1, SpriteSheet.GetSpriteSheet(className.ToString(), CommonCode.ConvertToClockWizeOrientation(orientation)));
                ibPlayers.point      = new Point((mapPoint.X * 30) + 15 - (ibPlayers.rectangle.Width / 2), (mapPoint.Y * 30) - (ibPlayers.rectangle.Height) + 15);
                ibPlayers.MouseOver += CommonCode.ibPlayers_MouseOver;
                ibPlayers.MouseOut  += CommonCode.ibPlayers_MouseOut;
                ibPlayers.MouseMove += CommonCode.CursorHand_MouseMove;
                ibPlayers.MouseClic += CommonCode.ibPlayers_MouseClic;
                ibPlayers.TypeGfx = Manager.TypeGfx.Obj;

                ibPlayers.tag = CommonCode.MyPlayerInfo.instance.pseudo != actorName ? new Actor(actorName, level, !pvpEnabled ? Enums.Spirit.Name.neutral : spirit, className, pvpEnabled, !pvpEnabled ? 0 : spiritLevel, hiddenVillage, maskColors, orientation, action, waypoint) : CommonCode.MyPlayerInfo.instance.ibPlayer.tag;
                Actor actor = (Actor)ibPlayers.tag;
                actor.realPosition = mapPoint;
                actor.officialRang = officialRang;

                // affichage des ailles
                if (actor.pvpEnabled)
                    if (actor.spirit != Enums.Spirit.Name.neutral)
                        Bmp _spirit = new Bmp(@"gfx\general\obj\2\" + actor.spirit + @"\" + actor.spiritLevel + ".dat", Point.Empty, "spirit_" +, Manager.TypeGfx.Obj, false, 1);
                        _spirit.point = new Point((ibPlayers.rectangle.Width / 2) - (_spirit.rectangle.Width / 2), -_spirit.rectangle.Height);

                        Txt lPseudo = new Txt(actor.pseudo, Point.Empty, "lPseudo_" +, Manager.TypeGfx.Obj, false, new Font("Verdana", 10, FontStyle.Regular), Brushes.Red);
                        lPseudo.point = new Point((ibPlayers.rectangle.Width / 2) - (TextRenderer.MeasureText(lPseudo.Text, lPseudo.font).Width / 2) + 5, -_spirit.rectangle.Height - 15);

                        Txt lLvlSpirit = new Txt(actor.spiritLevel.ToString(), Point.Empty, "lLvlSpirit_" +, Manager.TypeGfx.Obj, false, new Font("Verdana", 10, FontStyle.Bold), Brushes.Red);
                        lLvlSpirit.point = new Point((ibPlayers.rectangle.Width / 2) - (TextRenderer.MeasureText(lLvlSpirit.Text, lLvlSpirit.font).Width / 2) + 2, -_spirit.rectangle.Y - (_spirit.rectangle.Height / 2) - (TextRenderer.MeasureText(lLvlSpirit.Text, lLvlSpirit.font).Height / 2));

                        Bmp village = new Bmp(@"gfx\general\obj\1\pays_thumbs.dat", Point.Empty, "village_" + actor.hiddenVillage, Manager.TypeGfx.Obj, false, 1, SpriteSheet.GetSpriteSheet("pays_" + actor.hiddenVillage + "_thumbs", 0));
                        village.point = new Point((ibPlayers.rectangle.Width / 2) - (village.rectangle.Width / 2), lPseudo.point.Y - village.rectangle.Height + 2);
                    Txt lPseudo = new Txt(actor.pseudo, Point.Empty, "lPseudo_" +, Manager.TypeGfx.Obj, false, new Font("Verdana", 10, FontStyle.Regular), Brushes.Red);
                    lPseudo.point = new Point((ibPlayers.rectangle.Width / 2) - (TextRenderer.MeasureText(lPseudo.Text, lPseudo.font).Width / 2) + 5, -15);

                    Bmp village = new Bmp(@"gfx\general\obj\1\pays_thumbs.dat", Point.Empty, "village_" + actor.hiddenVillage, Manager.TypeGfx.Obj, false, 1, SpriteSheet.GetSpriteSheet("pays_" + actor.hiddenVillage + "_thumbs", 0));
                    village.point = new Point((ibPlayers.rectangle.Width / 2) - (village.rectangle.Width / 2), lPseudo.point.Y - village.rectangle.Height + 2);

                // coloriage du personnage et attachement du maskColor au personnage

                // pointeur vers l'image ibplayer de notre joueur s'il s'agit de son personnage
                if (CommonCode.MyPlayerInfo.instance.pseudo == actor.pseudo)
                    CommonCode.MyPlayerInfo.instance.ibPlayer = ibPlayers;

                // ajout du personnage dans la liste des joueurs

                // lancement de l'animation de mouvement si le joueur a un waypoint
                if (actor.wayPoint.Count > 0)
                    //mouvement du personnage
                    // thread a part
                    Thread tAnimAction = new Thread(() => CommonCode.AnimAction(ibPlayers, actor.wayPoint, actor.wayPoint.Count > 5 ? 20 : 50));

                // affectation des pdv
                actor.maxHealth     = maxHealth;
                actor.currentHealth = currentHealth;
Beispiel #28
    protected void btnUpdateContact_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Update the Group
        //s = urUserRegBLLObj.frnrelUserId;
        string Id = tmp.Value;

        urUserRegBLLObj.frnrelUserId   = Convert.ToString(Session["User"]);
        urUserRegBLLObj.frnrelFriendId = Convert.ToString(Id);

        urUserRegBLLObj.FrnrelPrefix = Convert.ToString(ddlprefix.SelectedItem.Text);
        if (ddlprefix.SelectedItem.Text == null)
            urUserRegBLLObj.FrnrelPrefix = "Dear";
        urUserRegBLLObj.Frnrelinfix = Convert.ToString(ddlinfix.SelectedItem.Text);
        if (ddlinfix.SelectedItem.Text == null)
            urUserRegBLLObj.Frnrelinfix = infix[0];
        urUserRegBLLObj.Frnrelpostfix = Convert.ToString(ddlpostfix.SelectedItem.Text);
        if (ddlpostfix.SelectedItem.Text == null)
            urUserRegBLLObj.Frnrelpostfix = " ";

            status = urUserRegBLLObj.BLLPrefixUpdate(urUserRegBLLObj);
            if (status == 0)
                //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('User already Exists')", true);
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;

        string Sql = "Delete from friendGroupRelation where RelId=" + Id + "  ";

        Sql = Sql + " Update FriendRelationMaster set Relation='" + txtRelation.Text.ToString() + "' " +
              " where FriRelId=" + Id + " ";
        //sql1=Sql+"update "
        for (int i = 0; i < chkGroup.Items.Count - 1; i++)
            if (chkGroup.Items[i].Selected == true)
                Sql = Sql + " Insert into FriendGroupRelation (RelId, GroupId) Values " +
                      " (" + Id + "," + chkGroup.Items[i].Value.ToString() + " ) ";
        CommonCode cc   = new CommonCode();
        int        tmp1 = cc.ExecuteNonQuery(Sql);

        urUserRegBLLObj.usrUserId = Convert.ToString(Session["User"]);
        DataTable dtFriendRelList = urUserRegBLLObj.BLLFriendRelativeShowById(urUserRegBLLObj);

        gvRemoveFriend.DataSource = dtFriendRelList;

        urUserRegBLLObj.frnrelUserId = Convert.ToString(Session["User"]);
        string  query = "select * from FriendRelationMaster where UserId='" + urUserRegBLLObj.frnrelUserId.ToString() + "'";
        DataSet ds    = cc.ExecuteDataset(query);

        foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
            string userid       = Convert.ToString(dr["UserId"]);
            string frienduserid = Convert.ToString(dr["FriendId"]);
Beispiel #29
 public HomePage()
     common = new CommonCode();
     read   = new Read_ini();
Beispiel #30
    /// <summary>
    /// this method save the franchisor data to the database
    /// </summary>
    private void SaveFranchisor()
        // format phone no.
        CommonCode objCommonCode = new CommonCode();

        OtherDAL otherDal = new OtherDAL();
        EZip     objczip  = otherDal.CheckCityZip(txtCity.Text, txtzip1.Text, ddlstate.SelectedValue);

        if (objczip.CityID == 0)
            ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(string), "bujscode", "alert('City name entered for contact address is not valid.');", true);
        else if (objczip.CityID > 0 && objczip.ZipID == 0)
            ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(string), "bujscode", "alert('Zip Code entered for contact address, corresponding to its city name, is not valid.');", true);

        EFranchisorFranchisorUser franchisorfranchisoruser = new EFranchisorFranchisorUser();
        EFranchisorUser           franchisoruser           = new EFranchisorUser();
        EFranchisor franchisor = new EFranchisor();

        franchisor.Active = true;
        //HealthYes.Web.UI.FranchisorFranchisorUserService.EAddress address = new HealthYes.Web.UI.FranchisorFranchisorUserService.EAddress();
        var address = new Falcon.Entity.Other.EAddress();

        address.Address1  = txtaddress1.Text;
        address.Address2  = string.Empty;
        address.CityID    = objczip.CityID;
        address.StateID   = Convert.ToInt32(ddlstate.SelectedValue);
        address.CountryID = Convert.ToInt32(hfCountryID.Value);
        address.ZipID     = objczip.ZipID;

        //HealthYes.Web.UI.FranchisorFranchisorUserService.EUser user = new HealthYes.Web.UI.FranchisorFranchisorUserService.EUser();
        var user = new Falcon.Entity.Other.EUser();

        user.FirstName   = txtfname.Text;
        user.MiddleName  = txtMiddleName.Text.Length == 0 ? "" : txtMiddleName.Text;
        user.LastName    = txtlname.Text;
        user.SSN         = txtSSN.Text.Length == 0 ? "" : txtSSN.Text;
        user.DOB         = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDOB.Text).ToString();
        user.PhoneHome   = txtphonehome.Text.Length == 0 ? "" : objCommonCode.FormatPhoneNumber(txtphonehome.Text);
        user.PhoneOffice = txtphoneother.Text.Length == 0 ? "" : objCommonCode.FormatPhoneNumber(txtphoneother.Text);
        user.PhoneCell   = txtphonecell.Text.Length == 0 ? "" : objCommonCode.FormatPhoneNumber(txtphonecell.Text);
        user.EMail1      = txtEmail1.Text;
        user.EMail2      = txtEmail2.Text.Length == 0 ? "" : txtEmail2.Text;
        user.HomeAddress = address;

        franchisoruser.OtherPictures = Ucupdatephotopanel1.Images;
        //franchisoruser.OtherPictures = Ucupdatephotopanel1.Images.ToArray();
        franchisoruser.TeamPicture              = Ucupdatephotopanel1.TeamImage;
        franchisoruser.MyPicture                = Ucupdatephotopanel1.MyImage;
        franchisoruser.User                     = user;
        franchisorfranchisoruser.Franchisor     = franchisor;
        franchisorfranchisoruser.FranchisorUser = franchisoruser;

        var sessionContext = IoC.Resolve <ISessionContext>();

        if (ViewState["FranchisorFranchisorUserID"] != null && ViewState["Email"].ToString().Equals(txtEmail1.Text.Trim()))
            if (ViewState["FranchisorFranchisorUserID"].ToString() != string.Empty)
                FranchisorDAL franchisorDal = new FranchisorDAL();
                var           listFranchisorFranchisorUser =
                    franchisorDal.GetFranchisorFranchisorUser(ViewState["FranchisorFranchisorUserID"].ToString(), 1);
                EFranchisorFranchisorUser[] FFUser = null;

                if (listFranchisorFranchisorUser != null)
                    FFUser = listFranchisorFranchisorUser.ToArray();

                if (FFUser != null)
                    franchisorfranchisoruser.FranchisorUser.User.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["UserID"].ToString());

                                                               Convert.ToInt32(EOperationMode.Update), sessionContext.UserSession.CurrentOrganizationRole.OrganizationId);

            IUserRepository <User> userRepository = IoC.Resolve <IUserRepository <User> >();
            if (userRepository.UserNameExists(txtEmail1.Text))
                divErrorMsg.Visible   = true;
                divErrorMsg.InnerHtml = "Contact email already exists. Please try another email.";
            if (ViewState["FranchisorFranchisorUserID"] != null)
                if (ViewState["FranchisorFranchisorUserID"].ToString() != string.Empty)
                    FranchisorDAL franchisorDal = new FranchisorDAL();
                    var           listFranchisorFranchisorUser =
                            ViewState["FranchisorFranchisorUserID"].ToString(), 1);
                    EFranchisorFranchisorUser[] FFUser = null;

                    if (listFranchisorFranchisorUser != null)
                        FFUser = listFranchisorFranchisorUser.ToArray();

                    if (FFUser != null)
                        franchisorfranchisoruser.FranchisorUser.User.UserID =
                                                                   Convert.ToInt32(EOperationMode.Update), sessionContext.UserSession.CurrentOrganizationRole.OrganizationId);

                //service.AddFranchisorFranchisorUser(franchisorfranchisoruser, usershellmodulerole1, out returnresult, out temp);

                FranchisorDAL franchisorDal = new FranchisorDAL();
                                                           Convert.ToInt32(EOperationMode.Insert), sessionContext.UserSession.CurrentOrganizationRole.OrganizationId);
