public void Template(object o, System.EventArgs e) { Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlertHeader(); Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Selecting xxx...", 1); Query q = new Query(); //q.QueryCondition=??? CommentSet bs = new CommentSet(q); for (int count = 0; count < bs.Count; count++) { Comment c = bs[count]; try { // Do work here! c.Update(); if (count % 10 == 0) Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Done " + count + "/" + bs.Count, 2); } catch(Exception ex) { Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Exception " + count + "/" + bs.Count + " - " + ex.ToString(), 3); } bs.Kill(count); } Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlert("Done!", 3); Cambro.Web.Helpers.WriteAlertFooter(); }
public MakerReturn Post() { MakerReturn r = new MakerReturn(); #region look for duplicate Query qDup = new Query(); qDup.TopRecords = 1; qDup.Columns = new ColumnSet(Bobs.Comment.Columns.K, Bobs.Comment.Columns.ThreadK); qDup.QueryCondition = new Q(Bobs.Comment.Columns.DuplicateGuid, (Guid)DuplicateGuid); CommentSet csDup = new CommentSet(qDup); if (csDup.Count > 0) { r.Success = false; r.MessageHtml = "Duplicate thread detected"; r.Thread = csDup[0].Thread; r.Duplicate = true; return r; } #endregion #region ensure two parents are different types... if (ParentType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.Group) && GroupK != ParentK) { r.Success = false; r.MessageHtml = "Posting to group, but GroupK!=ParentK"; return r; } #endregion #region Make sure Group and ParentType are syncronised if (GroupK > 0 && ParentType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.None)) { ParentType = Model.Entities.ObjectType.Group; ParentK = GroupK; } if (GroupK == 0 && ParentType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.Group)) { GroupK = ParentK; } #endregion #region if we're posting in a group, make sure we are a member if (GroupK > 0) { GroupUsr gu = ParentGroup.GetGroupUsr(PostingUsr); if (!PostingUsr.CanGroupMember(gu)) { r.Success = false; r.MessageHtml = "You have tried to post a message in the " + ParentGroup.Link() + " group, but you're not currently a member of this group. Check out the group homepage for more information."; return r; } } #endregion #region ensure both parents map to real objects if (!ParentType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.None)) { if (ParentBob == null) { r.Success = false; r.MessageHtml = "You've tried to post a message in a non-existant chat. Maybe it's been deleted."; return r; } } if (GroupK > 0) { if (ParentGroup == null) { r.Success = false; r.MessageHtml = "You've tried to post a message in a non-existant group. Maybe it's been deleted."; return r; } } #endregion #region Private bool tPrivate = false; bool gPrivate = false; if (Private) { if (GroupK == 0) tPrivate = true; else gPrivate = true; } #endregion #region News tNews = false; tNewsStatus = NewsStatusEnum.None; int tNewsLevel = 0; int tNewsUsrK = 0; int tNewsModeratorUsrK = 0; if (News) { if (tPrivate) { r.Success = false; r.MessageHtml = "You've tried to post private news! How did this happen?"; return r; } else if (GroupK == 0) { r.Success = false; r.MessageHtml = "You've tried to post public non-group news. How did this happen?"; return r; //if (PostingUsr.NewsPermissionLevel >= 10 || PostingUsr.IsSuper) //{ // tNews = true; // tNewsStatus = NewsStatusEnum.Recommended; // tNewsModeratorUsrK = Usr.GetNewsModeratorUsrK(); // tNewsLevel = 10; // tNewsUsrK = PostingUsr.K; //} //else //{ // tNews = false; // tNewsStatus = NewsStatusEnum.Recommended; // tNewsModeratorUsrK = Usr.GetNewsModeratorUsrK(); // tNewsLevel = 0; // tNewsUsrK = PostingUsr.K; //} } else { GroupUsr gu = ParentGroup.GetGroupUsr(PostingUsr); if (PostingUsr.CanGroupNewsAdmin(gu)) { tNews = true; tNewsStatus = NewsStatusEnum.Done; tNewsLevel = 10; tNewsUsrK = PostingUsr.K; } else { tNews = false; tNewsStatus = NewsStatusEnum.Recommended; tNewsLevel = 10; tNewsUsrK = PostingUsr.K; } } } #endregion #region Sealed bool tSealed = false; if (Sealed) { if (tPrivate) tSealed = true; } #endregion #region Closed bool tClosed = false; if (Closed) { tClosed = true; } #endregion #region Review bool tReview = false; if (Review) { if (ParentType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.Event) && GroupK == 0) { Query qReviews = new Query(); qReviews.QueryCondition = new And( new Q(Columns.UsrK, PostingUsr.K), new Q(Columns.ParentObjectType, Model.Entities.ObjectType.Event), new Q(Columns.ParentObjectK, ParentK), new Q(Columns.IsReview, true) ); qReviews.TopRecords = 1; qReviews.Columns = new ColumnSet(Thread.Columns.K); ThreadSet tsReviews = new ThreadSet(qReviews); if (tsReviews.Count > 0) { r.Success = false; r.MessageHtml = "You've already posted a review. You can only post one review per event."; r.Duplicate = true; r.Thread = tsReviews[0]; return r; } else tReview = true; } else { r.Success = false; r.MessageHtml = "You must post a review in an event chat board."; return r; } } #endregion if (GroupK > 0) CurrentGroupUsr = ParentGroup.GetGroupUsr(PostingUsr); Transaction trans = null;//new Transaction(); NewThread = new Thread(); try { #region Create thread NewThread.DateTime = DateTime.Now; NewThread.Enabled = true; NewThread.UsrK = PostingUsr.K; NewThread.LastPostUsrK = PostingUsr.K; NewThread.Subject = Helpers.Strip(Subject, true, true, true, true); NewThread.ParentObjectType = ParentType; NewThread.ParentObjectK = ParentK; if (GroupK > 0) NewThread.GroupK = ParentGroup.K; else NewThread.GroupK = 0; NewThread.Private = tPrivate; NewThread.GroupPrivate = gPrivate; if (GroupK > 0) NewThread.PrivateGroup = ParentGroup.PrivateChat; else NewThread.PrivateGroup = false; NewThread.IsNews = tNews; NewThread.NewsStatus = tNewsStatus; NewThread.NewsLevel = tNewsLevel; NewThread.NewsModeratorUsrK = tNewsModeratorUsrK; NewThread.NewsUsrK = tNewsUsrK; NewThread.Sealed = tSealed; NewThread.Closed = tClosed; NewThread.IsReview = tReview; NewThread.UpdateAncestorLinksNoUpdate(); NewThread.Update(trans); #endregion #region Add PostingUsr ThreadUsr CurrentThreadUsr = new ThreadUsr(); CurrentThreadUsr.DateTime = DateTime.Now; CurrentThreadUsr.InvitingUsrK = PostingUsr.K; CurrentThreadUsr.UsrK = PostingUsr.K; CurrentThreadUsr.ThreadK = NewThread.K; CurrentThreadUsr.ChangeStatus(ThreadUsr.StatusEnum.Archived, NewThread.DateTime); CurrentThreadUsr.StatusChangeObjectK = PostingUsr.K; CurrentThreadUsr.StatusChangeObjectType = Model.Entities.ObjectType.Usr; CurrentThreadUsr.Update(trans); #endregion #region Make the comment Comment.Maker cMaker = new Comment.Maker(); cMaker.Body = Body; cMaker.ParentThread = NewThread; cMaker.DuplicateGuid = DuplicateGuid; cMaker.PostingUsr = PostingUsr; cMaker.InviteKs = InviteKs; cMaker.AlertedUsrs = AlertedUsrs; cMaker.NewThread = true; cMaker.CurrentThreadUsr = CurrentThreadUsr; cMaker.CurrentGroupUsr = CurrentGroupUsr; cMaker.RunAsync = RunAsync; cMaker.DisableLiveChatMessage = DisableLiveChatMessage; Comment.MakerReturn cReturn = null; try { cReturn = cMaker.Post(trans); } catch (Exception ex) { NewThread.DeleteAll(null); throw ex; } #endregion //SendThreadAlertsJob sendThreadsAlert = new SendThreadAlertsJob(NewThread.K, AlertedUsrs, PostingUsr.K, Subject, InviteKs); //if (this.RunAsync) //{ // sendThreadsAlert.ExecuteAsynchronously(); //} //else //{ // sendThreadsAlert.ExecuteSynchronously(); //} r.Success = true; r.Thread = NewThread; r.Comment = cReturn.Comment; return r; } catch (Exception ex) { //trans.Rollback(); NewThread.DeleteAll(null); throw ex; } finally { //trans.Close(); } }
public void UpdateTotalComments(Transaction transaction) { #region Update AverageCommentDateTime, TotalComments, HotTopicsOrder Query qStat = new Query(); qStat.QueryCondition = new Q(Comment.Columns.ThreadK, this.K); qStat.TableElement = new JoinLeft( Comment.Columns.ThreadK, Thread.Columns.K); qStat.ExtraSelectElements = ThreadStats.ExtraSelectElements; qStat.Columns = new ColumnSet(); ThreadStats tStat = new ThreadStats(qStat); this.AverageCommentDateTime = tStat.AverageCommentDateTime; this.TotalComments = tStat.CommentCount; this.HotTopicsOrder = this.AverageCommentDateTime.AddHours(this.TotalComments * 2); #endregion #region Update IndexInThread for all the comments (changed 13/03/2006 to order this by K rather than DateTime to sort problem with incorrect datetimes being set by different servers) Db.Qu(@"WITH CommentIndex_Tab AS ( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [Comment].[K]) AS Row_Number FROM [Comment] WHERE [Comment].[ThreadK] = " + this.K.ToString() + @" ) UPDATE [CommentIndex_Tab] SET [CommentIndex_Tab].[IndexInThread] = Row_Number - 1 WHERE [CommentIndex_Tab].[ThreadK] = " + this.K.ToString() + @" AND [CommentIndex_Tab].[IndexInThread] != Row_Number - 1;"); #endregion #region Update LastPost and LastPostUsrK Query qLastComment = new Query(); qLastComment.TopRecords = 1; qLastComment.QueryCondition = new Q(Comment.Columns.ThreadK, this.K); qLastComment.OrderBy = new OrderBy(Comment.Columns.DateTime, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending); CommentSet cs = new CommentSet(qLastComment); if (cs.Count == 1) { this.LastPost = cs[0].DateTime; this.LastPostUsrK = cs[0].UsrK; } else { this.LastPost = this.DateTime; this.LastPostUsrK = this.UsrK; } #endregion this.Update(transaction); if (this.GroupK > 0 && this.Group != null) this.Group.UpdateTotalComments(transaction); if (!this.ParentObjectType.Equals(Model.Entities.ObjectType.Group) && this.Parent != null) this.Parent.UpdateTotalComments(transaction); }
/// <summary> /// Ignores current nodeData state and jumps directly to the specified node. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// The node. /// </returns> /// <param name='id'> /// The ID of your Node. Get it from the Dialogue Editor. /// </param> public NodeData SetNode(int id) { if (!isLoaded) { Debug.LogError("You must call the 'BeginDialogue()' method before calling the 'Next()' method!"); return(null); } //Look for Node with given ID bool foundID = false; bool isPl = false; bool isAct = false; for (int i = 0; i < playerNodes.Count; i++) { if (playerNodes[i].ID == id) { currentPlayerStep = playerNodes[i]; isPl = true; foundID = true; } } if (!foundID) { for (int i = 0; i < npcNodes.Count; i++) { if (npcNodes[i].ID == id) { currentNPCStep = npcNodes[i]; foundID = true; } } } if (!foundID) { for (int i = 0; i < actionNodes.Count; i++) { if (actionNodes[i].ID == id) { currentActionNode = actionNodes[i]; foundID = true; isAct = true; } } } if (!foundID) { Debug.LogError("Could not find a Node with ID " + id.ToString()); return(null); } /* Action node */ if (isAct) { lastActionNode = currentActionNode; nodeData = new NodeData(); DoAction(); return(nodeData); } /* Action end */ if (isPl) { nodeData = new NodeData(true, false, currentPlayerStep.ID, GetOptions(), GetExtraData(), null, null, null, currentPlayerStep.playerTag); jumped = true; return(nodeData); } else { List <string> ns = new List <string>(); string[] rawSplit = Regex.Split(currentNPCStep.text, "<br>"); foreach (string s in rawSplit) { if (s != "" && s != " ") { ns.Add(s.Trim()); } } nodeData = new NodeData(isPl, false, id, null, null, ns.ToArray(), currentNPCStep.extraData, currentNPCStep.tag, ""); return(nodeData); } }
void addComment(CommentSet id) { id.comment.Add(new Comment(id)); }
/// <summary> /// Populates nodeData with the data from next Node based on the current nodeData. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public NodeData Next() { int option = nodeData.selectedOption; if (!isLoaded) { Debug.LogError("You must call the 'BeginDialogue()' method before calling the 'Next()' method!"); return(null); } if (!jumped) { if (!nodeData.currentIsPlayer) { if (currentNPCStep.endConversation && nodeData.npcCommentIndex == nodeData.npcComment.Length - 1) { nodeData.isEnd = true; return(nodeData); } } } jumped = false; bool nextIsPlayer = true; if (!nodeData.currentIsPlayer) { nextIsPlayer = true; if (currentNPCStep.outputSet == null) { nextIsPlayer = false; } } else { nextIsPlayer = false; } if (!nodeData.currentIsPlayer) { if (nodeData.npcCommentIndex != nodeData.npcComment.Length - 1) { nodeData.npcCommentIndex++; return(nodeData); } if (nextIsPlayer) { currentPlayerStep = currentNPCStep.outputSet; nodeData = new NodeData(true, false, currentPlayerStep.ID, GetOptions(), null, null, null); } else { currentNPCStep = currentNPCStep.outputNPC; List <string> ns = new List <string>(); string[] rawSplit = Regex.Split(currentNPCStep.text, "<br>"); foreach (string s in rawSplit) { if (s != "" && s != " ") { ns.Add(s.Trim()); } } nodeData = new NodeData(false, false, currentNPCStep.ID, null, ns.ToArray(), currentNPCStep.extraData, currentNPCStep.tag); } return(nodeData); } else { //Pick option 0 as default as we passed no params currentNPCStep = currentPlayerStep.comment[option].outputAnswer; List <string> ns = new List <string>(); string[] rawSplit = Regex.Split(currentNPCStep.text, "<br>"); foreach (string s in rawSplit) { if (s != "" && s != " ") { ns.Add(s.Trim()); } } nodeData = new NodeData(false, false, currentNPCStep.ID, null, ns.ToArray(), currentNPCStep.extraData, currentNPCStep.tag); return(nodeData); } }
public void DeleteAll(Transaction transaction) { if (!this.Bob.DbRecordExists) return; Query qUsrEventGuestlist = new Query(); qUsrEventGuestlist.QueryCondition = new Q(UsrEventGuestlist.Columns.UsrK, this.K); UsrEventGuestlistSet uegs = new UsrEventGuestlistSet(qUsrEventGuestlist); foreach (UsrEventGuestlist ueg in uegs) { ueg.Delete(transaction); ueg.Event.UpdateGuestlistCount(transaction); } //Promoters Query PromoterQ = new Query(); PromoterQ.TableElement = Promoter.UsrJoin; PromoterQ.QueryCondition = new Q(Usr.Columns.K, this.K); PromoterSet promoters = new PromoterSet(PromoterQ); Delete PromoterUsrDelete = new Delete( TablesEnum.PromoterUsr, new Q(PromoterUsr.Columns.UsrK, this.K) ); PromoterUsrDelete.CommandTimeout = 3600; PromoterUsrDelete.Run(transaction); foreach (Promoter p in promoters) { p.AdminUsrs = null; if (p.AdminUsrs.Count == 0) { p.DeleteAll(transaction); } else if (p.PrimaryUsrK == this.K) { p.PrimaryUsrK = p.AdminUsrs[0].K; p.Update(transaction); } } //UsrPlaceVisit Delete UsrPlaceVisitDelete = new Delete( TablesEnum.UsrPlaceVisit, new Q(UsrPlaceVisit.Columns.UsrK, this.K) ); UsrPlaceVisitDelete.CommandTimeout = 3600; UsrPlaceVisitDelete.Run(transaction); //UsrEventAttended Delete UsrEventAttendedDelete = new Delete( TablesEnum.UsrEventAttended, new Q(UsrEventAttended.Columns.UsrK, this.K) ); UsrEventAttendedDelete.CommandTimeout = 3600; UsrEventAttendedDelete.Run(transaction); //UsrPhotoFavourite Delete UsrPhotoFavouriteDelete = new Delete( TablesEnum.UsrPhotoFavourite, new Q(UsrPhotoFavourite.Columns.UsrK, this.K) ); UsrPhotoFavouriteDelete.CommandTimeout = 3600; UsrPhotoFavouriteDelete.Run(transaction); //UsrPhotoMe PhotoSet psMe = this.PhotosMe(new ColumnSet(Photo.Columns.K, Photo.Columns.EventK, Photo.Columns.FirstUsrK, Photo.Columns.UsrCount), 0); foreach (Photo p in psMe) { this.PhotoMe(p, false, transaction); } //UsrMusicTypeFavourite Delete UsrMusicTypeFavouriteDelete = new Delete( TablesEnum.UsrMusicTypeFavourite, new Q(UsrMusicTypeFavourite.Columns.UsrK, this.K) ); UsrMusicTypeFavouriteDelete.CommandTimeout = 3600; UsrMusicTypeFavouriteDelete.Run(transaction); //Buddy / Buddy reverse; BuddySet bs = new BuddySet(new Query(new Or(new Q(Buddy.Columns.UsrK, this.K), new Q(Buddy.Columns.BuddyUsrK, this.K)))); foreach (Buddy b in bs) b.DeleteAll(transaction); //ChatMessageFrom // Delete ChatMessageFromDelete = new Delete( // TablesEnum.ChatMessage, // new Q(ChatMessage.Columns.FromUsrK,this.K) // ); // ChatMessageFromDelete.Run(transaction); //ChatMessageTo // Delete ChatMessageToDelete = new Delete( // TablesEnum.ChatMessage, // new Q(ChatMessage.Columns.ToUsrK, this.K) // ); // ChatMessageToDelete.Run(transaction); //UsrDate Delete UsrDateDelete = new Delete( TablesEnum.UsrDate, new Or(new Q(UsrDate.Columns.UsrK, this.K), new Q(UsrDate.Columns.DateUsrK, this.K)) ); UsrDateDelete.CommandTimeout = 3600; UsrDateDelete.Run(transaction); //Owners - Event EventSet esOwner = new EventSet(new Query(new Q(Event.Columns.OwnerUsrK, this.K))); foreach (Event e in esOwner) { e.OwnerUsrK = 8; e.Update(transaction); } BrandSet bsOwner = new BrandSet(new Query(new Q(Brand.Columns.OwnerUsrK, this.K))); foreach (Brand b in bsOwner) { b.OwnerUsrK = 8; b.Update(transaction); } //Owners - Venue VenueSet vsOwner = new VenueSet(new Query(new Q(Venue.Columns.OwnerUsrK, this.K))); foreach (Venue v in vsOwner) { v.OwnerUsrK = 8; v.Update(transaction); } //Remove EnabledByUsrK in Photos that this usr has enabled PhotoSet pEnableds = new PhotoSet(new Query(new Q(Photo.Columns.EnabledByUsrK, this.K))); foreach (Photo p in pEnableds) { p.EnabledByUsrK = 0; p.Update(transaction); } //ThreadUsr Delete ThreadUsrDelete = new Delete( TablesEnum.ThreadUsr, new Or(new Q(ThreadUsr.Columns.UsrK, this.K), new Q(ThreadUsr.Columns.InvitingUsrK, this.K)) ); ThreadUsrDelete.CommandTimeout = 3600; ThreadUsrDelete.Run(transaction); //CommentAlert Delete CommentAlertDelete = new Delete( TablesEnum.CommentAlert, new Q(CommentAlert.Columns.UsrK, this.K) ); CommentAlertDelete.CommandTimeout = 3600; CommentAlertDelete.Run(transaction); //GroupUsr Delete GroupUsrDelete = new Delete( TablesEnum.GroupUsr, new Q(GroupUsr.Columns.UsrK, this.K) ); GroupUsrDelete.CommandTimeout = 3600; GroupUsrDelete.Run(transaction); //Threads? ThreadSet ts = new ThreadSet(new Query(new Q(Thread.Columns.UsrK, this.K))); foreach (Thread t in ts) t.DeleteAll(transaction); Bobs.Update uLastPostUsrK = new Bobs.Update(); uLastPostUsrK.Changes.Add(new Assign(Thread.Columns.LastPostUsrK, 0)); uLastPostUsrK.Table = TablesEnum.Thread; uLastPostUsrK.Where = new Q(Thread.Columns.LastPostUsrK, this.K); uLastPostUsrK.CommandTimeout = 3600; uLastPostUsrK.Run(transaction); Bobs.Update uFirstParticipantUsrK = new Bobs.Update(); uFirstParticipantUsrK.Changes.Add(new Assign(Thread.Columns.FirstParticipantUsrK, 0)); uFirstParticipantUsrK.Table = TablesEnum.Thread; uFirstParticipantUsrK.Where = new Q(Thread.Columns.FirstParticipantUsrK, this.K); uFirstParticipantUsrK.CommandTimeout = 3600; uFirstParticipantUsrK.Run(); //Comments? CommentSet cs = new CommentSet(new Query(new Q(Comment.Columns.UsrK, this.K))); foreach (Comment c in cs) c.DeleteAll(transaction); //PhotoReview ??? PhotoReviewSet prs = new PhotoReviewSet(new Query(new Q(PhotoReview.Columns.UsrK, this.K))); foreach (PhotoReview pr in prs) { pr.Delete(transaction); pr.Photo.UpdateStats(transaction); } //Galleries GallerySet gs = new GallerySet(new Query(new Q(Gallery.Columns.OwnerUsrK, this.K))); foreach (Gallery g in gs) g.DeleteAll(transaction); //Photos PhotoSet ps = new PhotoSet(new Query(new Q(Photo.Columns.UsrK, this.K))); foreach (Photo p in ps) p.DeleteAll(transaction); //Aticles ArticleSet ars = new ArticleSet(new Query(new Q(Article.Columns.OwnerUsrK, this.K))); foreach (Article a in ars) a.DeleteAll(transaction); int k = this.K; //Usr-AddedByUsrK UsrSet usrsAddedByUsr = new UsrSet(new Query(new Q(Usr.Columns.AddedByUsrK, this.K))); foreach (Usr u in usrsAddedByUsr) { u.AddedByUsrK = 0; u.Update(transaction); } Guid oldPic = this.Pic; //Usr this.Delete(transaction); if (oldPic != Guid.Empty) Storage.RemoveFromStore(Storage.Stores.Pix, oldPic, "jpg"); }
public static void Template(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("============"); Console.WriteLine("Template"); Console.WriteLine("============"); if (args.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Press any key..."); Console.ReadLine(); } Q loadBalancer = args.Length == 2 ? new StringQueryCondition(" ([Photo].[K] % " + int.Parse(args[1]).ToString() + " = " + ((int)(int.Parse(args[0]) - 1)).ToString() + ") ") : new Q(true); Console.WriteLine("Selecting...", 1); Query q = new Query(); q.QueryCondition = new And( loadBalancer ); CommentSet bs = new CommentSet(q); Console.WriteLine("Found " + bs.Count.ToString("#,##0") + " item(s)...", 1); for (int count = 0; count < bs.Count; count++) { Comment c = bs[count]; try { // Do work here! c.Update(); if (count % 10 == 0) Console.WriteLine("Done " + count + "/" + bs.Count, 2); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Exception " + count + "/" + bs.Count + " - " + ex.ToString(), 3); } bs.Kill(count); } Console.WriteLine("All done!"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public Comment() { outputAnswer = null; inputSet = null; text = "Comment..."; }
public MakerReturn Post(Transaction transaction) { if (HttpContext.Current!=null) HttpContext.Current.Items["VisitComments"]=1; MakerReturn r = new MakerReturn(); #region Look for duplicates Query qDuplicate = new Query(); qDuplicate.QueryCondition=new Q(Comment.Columns.DuplicateGuid,(Guid)DuplicateGuid); qDuplicate.Columns=new ColumnSet(Comment.Columns.K, Comment.Columns.IndexInThread, Comment.Columns.ThreadK); CommentSet csDuplicate = new CommentSet(qDuplicate); if (csDuplicate.Count>0) { r.Success = false; r.Duplicate = true; r.Comment = csDuplicate[0]; return r; } #endregion #region Check permission if (!NewThread && !ParentThread.CheckPermissionPost(PostingUsr, CurrentThreadUsr, CurrentGroupUsr)) { r.Success=false; r.MessageHtml="You can't post in this topic."; return r; } #endregion #region Check for closed thread if (!NewThread && ParentThread.Closed) { r.Success=false; r.MessageHtml="This topic is closed - posting is disabled."; return r; } #endregion #region Create comment NewComment = new Comment(); NewComment.DateTime = DateTime.Now; if (HttpContext.Current!=null) NewComment.Ip = Utilities.TruncateIp(HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_HOST"]); if (ChatItemGuid == null) NewComment.ChatItemGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); else NewComment.ChatItemGuid = ChatItemGuid; NewComment.Enabled = true; NewComment.Text = Body; NewComment.ThreadK = ParentThread.K; NewComment.UsrK = PostingUsr.K; if (!ParentThread.Private) { PostingUsr.CommentCount++; PostingUsr.Update(transaction); } NewComment.DuplicateGuid = (Guid)DuplicateGuid; NewComment.IndexInThread = ParentThread.TotalComments; NewComment.Update(transaction); #endregion #region Update thread ParentThread.LastPost=NewComment.DateTime; ParentThread.LastPostUsrK=NewComment.UsrK; ParentThread.Update(transaction); ParentThread.UpdateTotalComments(transaction); #endregion #region Update / create ThreadUsr CurrentThreadUsr.ChangeStatus(ThreadUsr.StatusEnum.Archived, NewComment.DateTime); CurrentThreadUsr.ViewDateTime = NewComment.DateTime; CurrentThreadUsr.ViewDateTimeLatest = NewComment.DateTime; CurrentThreadUsr.ViewComments = ParentThread.TotalComments; CurrentThreadUsr.ViewCommentsLatest = ParentThread.TotalComments; CurrentThreadUsr.Update(transaction); #endregion string chatMessageBody = ""; bool alreadySentChatMessage = false; bool commentIsPrivate = ParentThread.Private || ParentThread.GroupPrivate || ParentThread.PrivateGroup; if (!DisableLiveChatMessage) { chatMessageBody = Chat.GetMessageFromCommentBody(Body); //If the thread is subject to group privacy and we are inviting people, we should wait until after all the invites have been processed before sending the //message, or we might sent the chat message to people who don't have permission to see the thread bool commentIsSubjectToGroupPrivacy = ParentThread.GroupPrivate || ParentThread.PrivateGroup; bool canPostImmediatly = !commentIsSubjectToGroupPrivacy || InviteKs.Count == 0; if (!NewThread && canPostImmediatly) { //If we're NOT posting a new thread, we should post the chat message immediatly... //if we are posting a new thread, we should wait until after all the invites have been done, so we have a better list of participants. sendChatMessageToParticipantsNow(InviteKs, NewComment, ParentThread, PostingUsr, chatMessageBody); alreadySentChatMessage = true; } if (!commentIsPrivate) { //Since we don't invite anyone to this room, we can post immediatly to the random chat room. //CommentMessageStub ms = getChatMessage( // //new Chat.RoomSpec(RoomType.RandomChat).Guid, // new Chat.RoomSpec(RoomType.PublicStream).Guid, // ParentThread.GetRoomSpec().Guid, // NewComment, // ParentThread, // PostingUsr, // chatMessageBody); //Chat.SendJsonChatItem(ms); CommentMessageStub ms1 = getChatMessage( new Chat.RoomSpec(RoomType.PublicStream).Guid, ParentThread.GetRoomSpec().Guid, NewComment, ParentThread, PostingUsr, chatMessageBody); Chat.SendJsonChatItem(ms1); } } try { if (NewThread && !commentIsPrivate && PostingUsr.FacebookConnected) { bool sentToFacebook = false; if (NewComment.Thread.IsReview && PostingUsr.FacebookStoryEventReview) { FacebookPost.CreateEventReview(PostingUsr, NewComment.Thread, NewComment); sentToFacebook = true; } if (!sentToFacebook && NewComment.Thread.IsNews && PostingUsr.FacebookStoryPostNews) { FacebookPost.CreateEventReview(PostingUsr, NewComment.Thread, NewComment); sentToFacebook = true; } if (!sentToFacebook && PostingUsr.FacebookStoryNewTopic) { FacebookPost.CreateNewTopic(PostingUsr, NewComment.Thread, NewComment); } } } catch { } SendCommentAlertsJob job = new SendCommentAlertsJob( this.ParentThread, this.PostingUsr, this.NewComment, this.NewThread, this.AlertedUsrs, this.InviteKs, DisableLiveChatMessage, alreadySentChatMessage, chatMessageBody); if (Vars.DevEnv) { job.ExecuteSynchronously(); } else { if (this.RunAsync) job.ExecuteAsynchronously(); else job.ExecuteSynchronously(); } if (Usr.Current != null && PostingUsr.K != Usr.DsiUsrK) { Usr.IncrementSpamBotDefeaterCounter(Usr.SpamBotDefeaterCounter.Comments, Usr.Current.K); } r.Success = true; r.Comment = NewComment; return r; }
//This method will load the dialogue from the DialogueAssign component sent. static bool Load(string dName) { diags[currentDiag] = new Diags(diags[currentDiag].name, diags[currentDiag].loadTag); if (Resources.Load("Dialogues/" + dName) == null) { return(false); } Dictionary <string, object> dict = SerializeHelper.ReadFromFile(dName) as Dictionary <string, object>; int pDiags = (int)((long)dict["playerDiags"]); int nDiags = (int)((long)dict["npcDiags"]); int aDiags = 0; if (dict.ContainsKey("actionNodes")) { aDiags = (int)((long)dict["actionNodes"]); } diags[currentDiag].start = (int)((long)dict["startPoint"]); if (dict.ContainsKey("loadTag")) { diags[currentDiag].loadTag = (string)dict["loadTag"]; } Sprite[] sprites = Resources.LoadAll <Sprite>(""); List <string> spriteNames = new List <string>(); foreach (Sprite t in sprites) { spriteNames.Add(; } //Create first... for (int i = 0; i < pDiags; i++) { string tagt = ""; if (dict.ContainsKey("pd_pTag_" + i.ToString())) { tagt = (string)dict["pd_pTag_" + i.ToString()]; } addSet( (int)((long)dict["pd_comSize_" + i.ToString()]), (int)((long)dict["pd_ID_" + i.ToString()]), tagt ); CommentSet com = diags[currentDiag].playerNodes[diags[currentDiag].playerNodes.Count - 1]; if (dict.ContainsKey("pd_sprite_" + i.ToString())) { string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension((string)dict["pd_sprite_" + i.ToString()]); if (spriteNames.Contains(name)) { com.sprite = sprites[spriteNames.IndexOf(name)]; } else { Debug.LogError("'" + name + "' not found in any Resources folder!"); } } if (dict.ContainsKey("pd_vars" + i.ToString())) { for (int v = 0; v < (int)(long)dict["pd_vars" + i.ToString()]; v++) { com.vars.Add((string)dict["pd_var_" + i.ToString() + "_" + v.ToString()]); com.varKeys.Add((string)dict["pd_varKey_" + i.ToString() + "_" + v.ToString()]); } } } for (int i = 0; i < nDiags; i++) { string tagt = ""; if (dict.ContainsKey("nd_tag_" + i.ToString())) { tagt = (string)dict["nd_tag_" + i.ToString()]; } addAnswer( (string)dict["nd_text_" + i.ToString()], (int)((long)dict["nd_ID_" + i.ToString()]), (string)dict["nd_extraData_" + i.ToString()], tagt ); Answer npc = diags[currentDiag].npcNodes[diags[currentDiag].npcNodes.Count - 1]; if (dict.ContainsKey("nd_sprite_" + i.ToString())) { string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension((string)dict["nd_sprite_" + i.ToString()]); if (spriteNames.Contains(name)) { npc.sprite = sprites[spriteNames.IndexOf(name)]; } else { Debug.LogError("'" + name + "' not found in any Resources folder!"); } } if (dict.ContainsKey("nd_vars" + i.ToString())) { for (int v = 0; v < (int)(long)dict["nd_vars" + i.ToString()]; v++) { npc.vars.Add((string)dict["nd_var_" + i.ToString() + "_" + v.ToString()]); npc.varKeys.Add((string)dict["nd_varKey_" + i.ToString() + "_" + v.ToString()]); } } } for (int i = 0; i < aDiags; i++) { float pFloat; var pfl = dict["ac_pFloat_" + i.ToString()]; if (pfl.GetType() == typeof(System.Double)) { pFloat = System.Convert.ToSingle(pfl); } else { pFloat = (float)(long)pfl; } diags[currentDiag].actionNodes.Add(new ActionNode( (int)((long)dict["ac_ID_" + i.ToString()]), (string)dict["ac_meth_" + i.ToString()], (string)dict["ac_goName_" + i.ToString()], (bool)dict["ac_pause_" + i.ToString()], (bool)dict["ac_pBool_" + i.ToString()], (string)dict["ac_pString_" + i.ToString()], (int)((long)dict["ac_pInt_" + i.ToString()]), pFloat )); if (dict.ContainsKey("ac_ovrStartNode_" + i.ToString())) { diags[currentDiag].actionNodes[diags[currentDiag].actionNodes.Count - 1].ovrStartNode = (int)((long)dict["ac_ovrStartNode_" + i.ToString()]); } if (dict.ContainsKey("ac_renameDialogue_" + i.ToString())) { diags[currentDiag].actionNodes[diags[currentDiag].actionNodes.Count - 1].renameDialogue = (string)dict["ac_renameDialogue_" + i.ToString()]; } } //Connect now... for (int i = 0; i < diags[currentDiag].playerNodes.Count; i++) { for (int ii = 0; ii < diags[currentDiag].playerNodes[i].comment.Count; ii++) { diags[currentDiag].playerNodes[i].comment[ii].text = (string)dict["pd_" + i.ToString() + "_com_" + ii.ToString() + "text"]; if (dict.ContainsKey("pd_" + i.ToString() + "_com_" + ii.ToString() + "extraD")) { diags[currentDiag].playerNodes[i].comment[ii].extraData = (string)dict["pd_" + i.ToString() + "_com_" + ii.ToString() + "extraD"]; } int index = (int)((long)dict["pd_" + i.ToString() + "_com_" + ii.ToString() + "iSet"]); if (index != -1) { diags[currentDiag].playerNodes[i].comment[ii].inputSet = diags[currentDiag].playerNodes[index]; } index = (int)((long)dict["pd_" + i.ToString() + "_com_" + ii.ToString() + "oAns"]); if (index != -1) { diags[currentDiag].playerNodes[i].comment[ii].outputAnswer = diags[currentDiag].npcNodes[index]; } index = -1; if (dict.ContainsKey("pd_" + i.ToString() + "_com_" + ii.ToString() + "oAct")) { index = (int)((long)dict["pd_" + i.ToString() + "_com_" + ii.ToString() + "oAct"]); } if (index != -1) { diags[currentDiag].playerNodes[i].comment[ii].outAction = diags[currentDiag].actionNodes[index]; } } } for (int i = 0; i < diags[currentDiag].npcNodes.Count; i++) { int index = (int)((long)dict["nd_oSet_" + i.ToString()]); if (index != -1) { diags[currentDiag].npcNodes[i].outputSet = diags[currentDiag].playerNodes[index]; } if (dict.ContainsKey("nd_oNPC_" + i.ToString())) { int index2 = (int)((long)dict["nd_oNPC_" + i.ToString()]); if (index2 != -1) { diags[currentDiag].npcNodes[i].outputNPC = diags[currentDiag].npcNodes[index2]; } } if (dict.ContainsKey("nd_oAct_" + i.ToString())) { index = -1; index = (int)((long)dict["nd_oAct_" + i.ToString()]); if (index != -1) { diags[currentDiag].npcNodes[i].outAction = diags[currentDiag].actionNodes[index]; } } } for (int i = 0; i < diags[currentDiag].actionNodes.Count; i++) { diags[currentDiag].actionNodes[i].paramType = (int)((long)dict["ac_paramT_" + i.ToString()]); int index = -1; index = (int)((long)dict["ac_oSet_" + i.ToString()]); if (index != -1) { diags[currentDiag].actionNodes[i].outPlayer = diags[currentDiag].playerNodes[index]; } if (dict.ContainsKey("ac_oNPC_" + i.ToString())) { index = -1; index = (int)((long)dict["ac_oNPC_" + i.ToString()]); if (index != -1) { diags[currentDiag].actionNodes[i].outNPC = diags[currentDiag].npcNodes[index]; } } if (dict.ContainsKey("ac_oAct_" + i.ToString())) { index = -1; index = (int)((long)dict["ac_oAct_" + i.ToString()]); if (index != -1) { diags[currentDiag].actionNodes[i].outAction = diags[currentDiag].actionNodes[index]; } } } diags[currentDiag].loaded = true; return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Loads up the dialogue just sent. Populates the nodeData variable with the first Node based on the Start Node. Also returns the current NodeData package. /// </summary> /// <param name="diagToLoad"></param> /// <returns>NodeData</returns> public static NodeData BeginDialogue(VIDE_Assign diagToLoad) { if (diagToLoad.assignedIndex < 0 || diagToLoad.assignedIndex > diagToLoad.diags.Count - 1) { Debug.LogError("No dialogue assigned to VIDE_Assign!"); return(null); } int theIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < diags.Count; i++) { if (diagToLoad.assignedDialogue == diags[i].name) { theIndex = i; } } if (theIndex == -1) { Debug.LogError("'" + diagToLoad.assignedDialogue + "' dialogue assigned to " + + " not found! Did you delete the dialogue?"); return(null); } currentDiag = theIndex; //assign current dialogue index //Check if the dialogue is already loaded if (!diags[currentDiag].loaded) { //Let's load the dialogue if (Load(diagToLoad.assignedDialogue)) { isLoaded = true; } else { isLoaded = false; currentDiag = -1; Debug.LogError("Failed to load '" + diagToLoad.diags[diagToLoad.assignedIndex] + "'"); return(null); } } else { isLoaded = true; } //Make sure that variables were correctly reset after last conversation if (nodeData != null) { Debug.LogError("You forgot to call 'EndDialogue()' on last conversation!"); return(null); } assigned = diagToLoad; startPoint = diags[currentDiag].start; if (assigned.overrideStartNode != -1) { startPoint = assigned.overrideStartNode; } int startIndex = -1; bool isPlayer = false; bool isAct = false; for (int i = 0; i < diags[currentDiag].npcNodes.Count; i++) { if (startPoint == diags[currentDiag].npcNodes[i].ID) { startIndex = i; isPlayer = false; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < diags[currentDiag].playerNodes.Count; i++) { if (startPoint == diags[currentDiag].playerNodes[i].ID) { startIndex = i; isPlayer = true; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < diags[currentDiag].actionNodes.Count; i++) { if (startPoint == diags[currentDiag].actionNodes[i].ID) { startIndex = i; currentActionNode = diags[currentDiag].actionNodes[i]; isPlayer = true; isAct = true; break; } } /* Action node */ if (isAct) { lastActionNode = currentActionNode; nodeData = new NodeData(); DoAction(); return(nodeData); } /* Action end */ if (startIndex == -1) { Debug.LogError("Start point not found! Check your IDs!"); return(null); } if (isPlayer) { currentPlayerStep = diags[currentDiag].playerNodes[startIndex]; lastActionNode = null; nodeData = new NodeData(true, false, currentPlayerStep.ID, GetOptions(), GetExtraData(), null, null, null, currentPlayerStep.playerTag, currentPlayerStep.sprite, GetExtraVars(currentPlayerStep.varKeys.ToArray(), currentPlayerStep.vars.ToArray())); if (OnNodeChange != null) { OnNodeChange(nodeData); } return(nodeData); } else { currentNPCStep = diags[currentDiag].npcNodes[startIndex]; List <string> ns = new List <string>(); string[] rawSplit = Regex.Split(currentNPCStep.text, "<br>"); foreach (string s in rawSplit) { if (s != "" && s != " ") { ns.Add(s.Trim()); } } lastActionNode = null; nodeData = new NodeData(false, false, currentNPCStep.ID, null, null, ns.ToArray(), currentNPCStep.extraData, currentNPCStep.tag, "", currentNPCStep.sprite, GetExtraVars(currentNPCStep.varKeys.ToArray(), currentNPCStep.vars.ToArray())); if (OnNodeChange != null) { OnNodeChange(nodeData); } return(nodeData); } }
/// <summary> /// Modify the Extra Variables of a dialogue node. /// </summary> /// <param name="dialogueName">The dialogue to modify. Use VIDE_Data.assign.assignedDialogue to use currently active dialogue</param> /// <param name="nodeID">The node to modify. Make sure it exists.</param> /// <param name="newVars">A dictionary with the new content</param> public static void UpdateExtraVariables(string dialogueName, int nodeID, Dictionary <string, object> newVars) { int diag = -1; CommentSet playerNode = null; Answer NPCNode = null; for (int i = 0; i < diags.Count; i++) { if (diags[i].name == dialogueName) { if (diags[i].loaded) { diag = i; break; } else { Debug.LogError("'" + dialogueName + "' not loaded! Load it first by calling LoadDialogues()"); return; } } } if (diag == -1) { Debug.LogError("'" + dialogueName + "' not found!"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < diags[diag].playerNodes.Count; i++) { if (diags[diag].playerNodes[i].ID == nodeID) { playerNode = diags[diag].playerNodes[i]; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < diags[diag].npcNodes.Count; i++) { if (diags[diag].npcNodes[i].ID == nodeID) { NPCNode = diags[diag].npcNodes[i]; break; } } if (playerNode == null && NPCNode == null) { Debug.LogError("Node ID " + nodeID.ToString() + " not found within the Player and NPC nodes!"); return; } if (playerNode != null) { List <string> newStrings = new List <string>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> entry in newVars) { newStrings.Add(entry.Value.ToString()); } playerNode.vars = newStrings; } if (NPCNode != null) { List <string> newStrings = new List <string>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> entry in newVars) { newStrings.Add(entry.Value.ToString()); } NPCNode.vars = newStrings; } if (isLoaded && nodeData != null) { nodeData.dirty = true; } }
public void Bind() { RadioMaybe.Checked = false; RadioYes.Checked = false; RadioNo.Checked = false; RadioWrongSex.Checked = false; Pic.Src = ThisUsr.PicPath; NicknameH1.InnerHtml = ThisUsr.NickNameSafe; NicknameLabel.Text = ThisUsr.NickName; NicknameLabel1.Text = ThisUsr.NickName; Query commentCountQ = new Query(); commentCountQ.TableElement = Comment.ThreadJoin; commentCountQ.QueryCondition = new And(new Q(Comment.Columns.UsrK, UsrK), new Q(Thread.Columns.Private, false)); commentCountQ.ReturnCountOnly = true; CommentSet cs = new CommentSet(commentCountQ); UsrCommentsLabel.Text = cs.Count.ToString() + " comment" + (cs.Count == 1 ? "" : "s"); int photosMeCount = ThisUsr.PhotosMeCount; if (photosMeCount == 0) UsrSpottedLabel.Text = "I've not been spotted yet"; else if (photosMeCount == 1) UsrSpottedLabel.Text = "I've been spotted once"; else UsrSpottedLabel.Text = "I've been spotted " + photosMeCount + " times"; UsrMusicTypesLabel.Text = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ThisUsr.MusicTypesFavourite.Count; i++) { UsrMusicTypesLabel.Text += (i == 0 ? "" : (i == ThisUsr.MusicTypesFavourite.Count - 1 ? " and " : ", ")) + ThisUsr.MusicTypesFavourite[i].GenericName; } UsrPlaceVisitLabel.Text = ""; PlaceSet ps = ThisUsr.PlacesVisit(Place.NameColumns, 0); for (int i = 0; i < ps.Count; i++) { UsrPlaceVisitLabel.Text += (i == 0 ? "" : (i == ps.Count - 1 ? " and " : ", ")) + ps[i].Name; } if (ThisUsr.PersonalStatement.Length > 0) { string html = ThisUsr.PersonalStatement; if (html.IndexOf("<p>") == -1) { html = html.Replace("\n", "<br>"); html = "<p>" + html + "</p>"; } PersonalStatementLabel.Text = html; } else { PersonalStatementPanel.Visible = false; PersonalStatementLabel.Text = ""; } PhotosIFrame.Attributes["src"] = "/popup/datephotolist/usrk-" + ThisUsr.K.ToString(); if (Usr.Current.DateSexFemale && Usr.Current.DateSexMale) RadioWrongSex.Visible = false; else { RadioWrongSex.Text = RadioWrongSex.Text.Replace("?", Usr.Current.DateSexMale ? "boy" : "girl"); RadioWrongSex.Attributes["onclick"] = "document.getElementById('WrongSexP').style.display=''"; } try { UsrDate ud = new UsrDate(Usr.Current.K, ThisUsr.K); if (ud.Status.Equals(UsrDate.StatusEnum.Maybe)) RadioMaybe.Checked = true; else if (ud.Status.Equals(UsrDate.StatusEnum.Yes)) RadioYes.Checked = true; else if (ud.Status.Equals(UsrDate.StatusEnum.No)) RadioNo.Checked = true; } catch { } Query q = new Query(); q.OrderBy = new OrderBy(new OrderBy(Photo.Columns.WeightedSexyRating, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending), new OrderBy(Photo.Columns.WeightedCoolRating, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending)); q.TableElement = Photo.UsrMeJoin; q.QueryCondition = new Q(Usr.Columns.K, UsrK); q.TopRecords = 1; PhotoSet psMe = new PhotoSet(q); if (psMe.Count == 1) { PhotosPanel.Visible = true; WebImg.Src = psMe[0].WebPath; } else PhotosPanel.Visible = false; }
// 请求例子 /httpSever/CommentHandler.ashx?json={"jsonEntity":{"GetByPostId":""},"action":"GetByPostId"} public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; // context.Response.Write("Hello World"); HttpReSultMode resultMode = new HttpReSultMode(); try { JObject httpObject = JsonHelper.FromJson(context.Request["json"]); int pageIndex = 1; int pageSize = 10000; int res = 0; switch (httpObject["action"].ToString()) { case "add": #region Comment Rmodel = JsonHelper.FromJson <Comment>(httpObject["jsonEntity"].ToString()); Rmodel.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); Rmodel.AddTime = DateTime.Now; Rmodel.States = 0; Rmodel.isValid = true; Rmodel.isDeleted = false; OPBiz.Add(Rmodel); resultMode.Code = 11; resultMode.Msg = "添加成功"; resultMode.Data = Rmodel.Id.ToString(); #endregion break; case "delete": #region string Id = httpObject["jsonEntity"]["Id"].ToString(); //var mqlD = CommentSet.Id.Equal(Id); //int f = OPBiz.Remove<CommentSet>(mqlD); int f = OPBiz.DelForSetDelete("Id", Id); if (f > 0) { resultMode.Code = 11; resultMode.Msg = "删除成功"; resultMode.Data = ""; } else { resultMode.Code = -13; resultMode.Msg = "删除失败"; resultMode.Data = ""; } #endregion break; case "GetById": #region Id = FilterTools.FilterSpecial(httpObject["jsonEntity"]["Id"].ToString()); var mqlG = CommentSet.SelectAll().Where(CommentSet.Id.Equal(Id)); Comment modelG = OPBiz.GetEntity(mqlG); if (modelG != null) { resultMode.Code = 11; resultMode.Msg = "获取成功"; resultMode.Data = JsonHelper.ToJson(modelG, true); } else { resultMode.Code = -13; resultMode.Msg = "数据不存在"; resultMode.Data = ""; } #endregion break; case "GetByPostId": #region string IdG = httpObject["jsonEntity"]["PostId"].ToString(); var mqlG2 = CommentSet.SelectAll().Where(CommentSet.PostId.Equal(IdG).And(CommentSet.isDeleted.Equal(0)).And(CommentSet.isValid.Equal(1))); List <Comment> modelG2 = OPBiz.GetEntities(mqlG2); if (modelG2 != null) { resultMode.Code = 11; resultMode.Msg = "获取成功"; resultMode.Data = JsonHelper.ToJson(modelG2, true); } else { resultMode.Code = -13; resultMode.Msg = "数据不存在"; resultMode.Data = ""; } #endregion break; case "GetByPostIdPage": #region if (httpObject["pageIndex"] != null) { pageIndex = int.Parse(httpObject["pageIndex"].ToString()); } if (httpObject["pageSize"] != null) { pageSize = int.Parse(httpObject["pageSize"].ToString()); } string PostId = httpObject["jsonEntity"]["PostId"].ToString(); int sum = 0; int page = 0; var sqlp = CommentSet.SelectAll().Where(CommentSet.PostId.Equal(PostId).And(CommentSet.isDeleted.Equal(0)).And(CommentSet.isValid.Equal(1))); DataSet listp = OPBiz.GetPagingDataSet(sqlp, out page, out sum, pageIndex, pageSize, "AddTime"); if (listp != null) { resultMode.Code = 11; resultMode.Msg = "获取成功"; resultMode.Data = JsonHelper.ToJson(listp, true); } else { resultMode.Code = -13; resultMode.Msg = "数据不存在"; resultMode.Data = ""; } #endregion break; case "GetByUserId": #region string Idu = httpObject["jsonEntity"]["UserId"].ToString(); var mqlu = CommentSet.SelectAll().Where(CommentSet.UserId.Equal(Idu).And(CommentSet.isDeleted.Equal(0)).And(CommentSet.isValid.Equal(1))); List <Comment> listu = OPBiz.GetEntities(mqlu); if (mqlu != null) { resultMode.Code = 11; resultMode.Msg = "获取成功"; resultMode.Data = JsonHelper.ToJson(listu, true); } else { resultMode.Code = -13; resultMode.Msg = "数据不存在"; resultMode.Data = ""; } #endregion break; case "GetByUserIdPage": #region if (httpObject["pageIndex"] != null) { pageIndex = int.Parse(httpObject["pageIndex"].ToString()); } if (httpObject["pageSize"] != null) { pageSize = int.Parse(httpObject["pageSize"].ToString()); } string UserId = httpObject["jsonEntity"]["UserId"].ToString(); int sum2 = 0; int page2 = 0; var sqlp2 = CommentSet.SelectAll().Where(CommentSet.UserId.Equal(UserId).And(CommentSet.isDeleted.Equal(0)).And(CommentSet.isValid.Equal(1))); DataSet listp2 = OPBiz.GetPagingDataSet(sqlp2, out page2, out sum2, pageIndex, pageSize, "AddTime"); if (listp2 != null) { resultMode.Code = 11; resultMode.Msg = "获取成功"; resultMode.Data = JsonHelper.ToJson(listp2, true); } else { resultMode.Code = -13; resultMode.Msg = "数据不存在"; resultMode.Data = ""; } #endregion break; case "PraiseCount": //点赞量加1 Id = FilterTools.FilterSpecial(httpObject["jsonEntity"]["Id"].ToString()); res = OPBiz.SetCout("Id", Id, "Praises"); if (res > 0) { resultMode.Code = 11; resultMode.Data = res.ToString(); resultMode.Msg = "统计成功"; } else { resultMode.Code = -13; resultMode.Data = "0"; resultMode.Msg = "统计失败!"; } break; case "ReportsCount": //举报加1 Id = FilterTools.FilterSpecial(httpObject["jsonEntity"]["Id"].ToString()); res = OPBiz.SetCout("Id", Id, "Reports"); if (res > 0) { resultMode.Code = 11; resultMode.Data = res.ToString(); resultMode.Msg = "统计成功"; } else { resultMode.Code = -13; resultMode.Data = "0"; resultMode.Msg = "统计失败!"; } break; } } catch (Exception ex) { resultMode.Code = -11; resultMode.Data = ex.ToString(); } context.Response.Write(JsonHelper.ToJson(resultMode, true)); context.Response.End(); }
static void SendAll(int delay, string type) { Random r = new Random(); Query q = new Query(); q.TopRecords = 10; if (type == "c") { q.QueryCondition = new Q(ChatMessage.Columns.K, QueryOperator.GreaterThan, r.Next(15000000) + 5000); ChatMessageSet bs = new ChatMessageSet(q); if (bs.Count == 0) { for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) { SendNow(new ChatMessage() { DateTime = new DateTime(2008, 12, 1), UsrK = 1, K = 2456543, Text = "This is a message"}, r); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(r.Next(delay / 10, delay)); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < bs.Count - 1; i++) { SendNow(bs[i], r); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(r.Next(delay / 10, delay)); //Console.ReadLine(); } } } else if (type == "p") { q.QueryCondition = new Q(Photo.Columns.K, QueryOperator.GreaterThan, r.Next(8000000) + 5000); PhotoSet bs = new PhotoSet(q); for (int i = 0; i < bs.Count - 1; i++) { SendNow(bs[i], r); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(r.Next(delay / 10, delay)); //Console.ReadLine(); } } else if (type == "o") { q.QueryCondition = new Q(Comment.Columns.K, QueryOperator.GreaterThan, r.Next(8000000) + 5000); CommentSet bs = new CommentSet(q); for (int i = 0; i < bs.Count - 1; i++) { try { bs[i].SendLiveChatMessagesForTesting(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(r.Next(delay / 10, delay)); //Console.ReadLine(); } } else if (type == "u") { q.QueryCondition = new And(new Q(Usr.Columns.K, QueryOperator.GreaterThan, r.Next(2000000) + 100), new Q(Usr.Columns.CommentCount, QueryOperator.GreaterThan, 100)); UsrSet bs = new UsrSet(q); for (int i = 0; i < bs.Count - 1; i++) { try { Guid g = Guid.Empty; ChatLibrary.ChatServerInterface cs1 = (ChatLibrary.ChatServerInterface)Activator.GetObject(typeof(ChatLibrary.ChatServerInterface), Bobs.Vars.ChatServerAddress); cs1.JoinRoom(new Chat.RoomSpec(RoomType.Normal).Guid, bs[i].K); ChatLibrary.ChatServerInterface cs = (ChatLibrary.ChatServerInterface)Activator.GetObject(typeof(ChatLibrary.ChatServerInterface), Bobs.Vars.ChatServerAddress); string chatItems = cs.GetLatest(bs[i].K, 23423, true, Guid.Empty, ref g); Console.WriteLine(chatItems); } catch(Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(r.Next(delay / 10, delay)); //Console.ReadLine(); } } }
protected string Number(int DateSpan, int StatType) { TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Today.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)); int dayIndexNow = ts.Days; //return dayIndexNow.ToString(); int dayMin = dayIndexNow; int dayMax = dayIndexNow; DateTime dateMin = DateTime.Today; DateTime dateMax = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1); bool estimateWholeDay = false; if (DateSpan == 10) estimateWholeDay = true; else if (DateSpan == 1) { dayMin = dayIndexNow - 1; dayMax = dayIndexNow - 1; dateMin = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1); dateMax = DateTime.Today; } else if (DateSpan == 2) { dayMin = dayIndexNow - 7; dayMax = dayIndexNow - 1; dateMin = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-7); dateMax = DateTime.Today; } else if (DateSpan == 3) { dayMin = dayIndexNow - 30; dayMax = dayIndexNow - 1; dateMin = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-1); dateMax = DateTime.Today; } else if (DateSpan == 4) { dayMin = dayIndexNow - 365; dayMax = dayIndexNow - 1; dateMin = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-365); dateMax = DateTime.Today; } else if (DateSpan == 5) { dayMin = 0; dayMax = dayIndexNow; dateMin = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1); dateMax = new DateTime(3000, 1, 1); } else if (DateSpan == 15) { dayMin = 0; dayMax = dayIndexNow; dateMin = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-5); dateMax = DateTime.Now; } else if (DateSpan == 130) { dayMin = 0; dayMax = dayIndexNow; dateMin = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-30); dateMax = DateTime.Now; } int number = 0; if (StatType == 1) // Uniques { Query q = new Query(); q.NoLock = true; q.Columns = new ColumnSet(); q.ExtraSelectElements["count"] = "count(distinct Guid)"; q.QueryCondition = new And( new Or(new Q(Visit.Columns.DateTimeStart, QueryOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, dateMin), new Q(Visit.Columns.DateTimeLast, QueryOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, dateMin)), new Or(new Q(Visit.Columns.DateTimeStart, QueryOperator.LessThan, dateMax), new Q(Visit.Columns.DateTimeLast, QueryOperator.LessThan, dateMax)), new Or(new Q(Visit.Columns.Pages, QueryOperator.GreaterThan, 1), new Q(Visit.Columns.IsNewGuid, false)) ); VisitSet vs = new VisitSet(q); number = (int)vs[0].ExtraSelectElements["count"]; } else if (StatType == 2) //Pages { Query q = new Query(); q.NoLock = true; q.Columns = new ColumnSet(); q.ExtraSelectElements["sum"] = "sum(Count)"; q.QueryCondition = new And( new Q(Log.Columns.Date, QueryOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, dateMin), new Q(Log.Columns.Date, QueryOperator.LessThan, dateMax), new Q(Log.Columns.Item, Log.Items.DsiPages) ); LogSet ls = new LogSet(q); number = (int)ls[0].ExtraSelectElements["sum"]; } else if (StatType == 4) //Photos { if (DateSpan == 5) { Query q = new Query(); q.NoLock = true; q.OrderBy = new OrderBy(Photo.Columns.K, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending); q.Columns = new ColumnSet(Photo.Columns.K); q.TopRecords = 1; PhotoSet ps = new PhotoSet(q); number = ps[0].K; } else { Query q = new Query(); q.NoLock = true; q.QueryCondition = new And( Photo.EnabledQueryCondition, new Q(Photo.Columns.EnabledDateTime, QueryOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, dateMin), new Q(Photo.Columns.EnabledDateTime, QueryOperator.LessThan, dateMax) ); q.ReturnCountOnly = true; PhotoSet ps = new PhotoSet(q); number = ps.Count; } } else if (StatType == 5) //Events { if (DateSpan == 5) { Query q = new Query(); q.NoLock = true; q.OrderBy = new OrderBy(Event.Columns.K, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending); q.Columns = new ColumnSet(Event.Columns.K); q.TopRecords = 1; EventSet es = new EventSet(q); number = es[0].K; } else { Query q = new Query(); q.NoLock = true; q.QueryCondition = new And( new Q(Event.Columns.AddedDateTime, QueryOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, dateMin), new Q(Event.Columns.AddedDateTime, QueryOperator.LessThan, dateMax) ); q.ReturnCountOnly = true; EventSet es = new EventSet(q); number = es.Count; } } else if (StatType == 6) //New users { if (DateSpan == 5) { Query q = new Query(); q.NoLock = true; q.OrderBy = new OrderBy(Usr.Columns.K, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending); q.Columns = new ColumnSet(Usr.Columns.K); q.TopRecords = 1; UsrSet us = new UsrSet(q); number = us[0].K; } else { Query q = new Query(); q.NoLock = true; q.QueryCondition = new And( new Q(Usr.Columns.DateTimeSignUp, QueryOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, dateMin), new Q(Usr.Columns.DateTimeSignUp, QueryOperator.LessThan, dateMax) ); q.ReturnCountOnly = true; UsrSet us = new UsrSet(q); number = us.Count; } } else if (StatType == 7) //Users logged on { if (DateSpan == 5) { Query q = new Query(); q.NoLock = true; q.QueryCondition = Usr.IsNotSkeletonQ; q.ReturnCountOnly = true; UsrSet us = new UsrSet(q); number = us.Count; } else { Query q = new Query(); q.NoLock = true; if (DateSpan == 1) { q.QueryCondition = new Q(Usr.Columns.DateTimeLastPageRequest, QueryOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)); } else { q.QueryCondition = new And( new Q(Usr.Columns.DateTimeLastPageRequest, QueryOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, dateMin), new Q(Usr.Columns.DateTimeLastPageRequest, QueryOperator.LessThan, dateMax) ); } q.QueryCondition = new And(Usr.IsNotSkeletonQ, q.QueryCondition); q.ReturnCountOnly = true; UsrSet us = new UsrSet(q); number = us.Count; } } else if (StatType == 8) //Comments { if (DateSpan == 5) { Query q = new Query(); q.NoLock = true; q.OrderBy = new OrderBy(Comment.Columns.K, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending); q.Columns = new ColumnSet(Comment.Columns.K); q.TopRecords = 1; CommentSet cs = new CommentSet(q); number = cs[0].K; } else { Query q = new Query(); q.NoLock = true; q.QueryCondition = new And( new Q(Comment.Columns.DateTime, QueryOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, dateMin), new Q(Comment.Columns.DateTime, QueryOperator.LessThan, dateMax) ); q.ReturnCountOnly = true; CommentSet cs = new CommentSet(q); number = cs.Count; } } else if (StatType == 9) //PMs { Query q = new Query(); q.NoLock = true; q.QueryCondition = new And( new Q(Comment.Columns.DateTime, QueryOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, dateMin), new Q(Comment.Columns.DateTime, QueryOperator.LessThan, dateMax), new Q(Thread.Columns.Private, true), new Q(Comment.Columns.UsrK, QueryOperator.NotEqualTo, 7646) ); q.TableElement = Comment.ThreadJoin; q.ReturnCountOnly = true; CommentSet cs = new CommentSet(q); number = cs.Count; } else if (StatType == 10) //Chat massages { if (DateSpan == 5) { Query q = new Query(); q.NoLock = true; q.OrderBy = new OrderBy(ChatMessage.Columns.K, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending); q.Columns = new ColumnSet(ChatMessage.Columns.K); q.TopRecords = 1; ChatMessageSet cms = new ChatMessageSet(q); number = cms[0].K; } else { Query q = new Query(); q.NoLock = true; q.QueryCondition = new And( new Q(ChatMessage.Columns.DateTime, QueryOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, dateMin), new Q(ChatMessage.Columns.DateTime, QueryOperator.LessThan, dateMax) ); q.ReturnCountOnly = true; ChatMessageSet cms = new ChatMessageSet(q); number = cms.Count; } } else if (StatType == 11) //Photo views { Query q = new Query(); q.NoLock = true; q.Columns = new ColumnSet(); q.ExtraSelectElements["sum"] = "sum(Count)"; q.QueryCondition = new And( new Q(Log.Columns.Date, QueryOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, dateMin), new Q(Log.Columns.Date, QueryOperator.LessThan, dateMax), new Q(Log.Columns.Item, Log.Items.PhotoImpressions) ); LogSet ls = new LogSet(q); number = (int)ls[0].ExtraSelectElements["sum"]; } else if (StatType == 12) // Unique members from visit table { Query q = new Query(); q.NoLock = true; q.Columns = new ColumnSet(); q.ExtraSelectElements["count"] = "count(distinct UsrK)"; q.QueryCondition = new And( new Or(new Q(Visit.Columns.DateTimeStart, QueryOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, dateMin), new Q(Visit.Columns.DateTimeLast, QueryOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, dateMin)), new Or(new Q(Visit.Columns.DateTimeStart, QueryOperator.LessThan, dateMax), new Q(Visit.Columns.DateTimeLast, QueryOperator.LessThan, dateMax)) ); VisitSet vs = new VisitSet(q); number = (int)vs[0].ExtraSelectElements["count"]; } else if (StatType == 13) //New users { Query q = new Query(); q.NoLock = true; q.QueryCondition = new And( new Q(Usr.Columns.DateTimeSignUp, QueryOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, dateMin), new Q(Usr.Columns.DateTimeSignUp, QueryOperator.LessThan, dateMax), new Or(new Q(Usr.Columns.IsSkeleton, false), new Q(Usr.Columns.IsSkeleton, QueryOperator.IsNull, null)) ); q.ReturnCountOnly = true; UsrSet us = new UsrSet(q); number = us.Count; } else number = 0; //if (estimateWholeDay) //{ // number = (int)Banner.EstimateFullDay(DateTime.Now, number); //} if (number == 0) return "<small>n/a</small>"; else return number.ToString("###,##0"); }
public Comment(CommentSet id) { outputAnswer = null; inputSet = id; text = "Comment..."; }
public string GetArchiveItems(int numberOfItems) { //Get from cache... string s = (string)Caching.Instances.Main.Get(GetArchiveCacheKey(this.Guid)); if (s != null && !Vars.DevEnv) return s; string roomGuidPacked = this.Guid.Pack(); System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); List<ItemStub> items = new List<ItemStub>(); //Generate... if (IsThreadRoom || IsHasPrimaryThreadObject) { if (ThreadK > 0) { Query q = new Query(); q.QueryCondition = new Q(Comment.Columns.ThreadK, ThreadK); q.OrderBy = new OrderBy(Comment.Columns.K, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending); q.TopRecords = numberOfItems; CommentSet cs = new CommentSet(q); for (int i = 0; i < cs.Count; i++) { Comment c = cs[i]; if (!c.ChatItemGuid.HasValue) { c.ChatItemGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); c.Update(); } CommentMessageStub cms = c.GetCommentMessageStub(); items.Add(cms); } } } else { //get from ChatMessage bool isBuddyIfRoomIsPrivate = IsPrivateChatRoom && ((Usr)ObjectBob).HasFullBuddy(SecondObjectK); Query q = new Query(); q.QueryCondition = new Q(ChatMessage.Columns.RoomGuid, this.Guid); q.OrderBy = new OrderBy(ChatMessage.Columns.K, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending); q.TopRecords = numberOfItems; ChatMessageSet cs = new ChatMessageSet(q); for (int i = 0; i < cs.Count; i++) { ChatMessage cm = cs[i]; if (cm.Deleted.HasValue && cm.Deleted.Value) break; if (!cm.ChatItemGuid.HasValue) { cm.ChatItemGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); cm.Update(); } if (IsPrivateChatRoom) { PrivateStub p = new PrivateStub( cm.ChatItemGuid.Value.Pack(), ItemType.PrivateChatMessage, cm.DateTime.Ticks.ToString(), roomGuidPacked, cm.FromUsr.NickName, cm.FromUsr.StmuParams, cm.FromUsr.K, cm.FromUsr.HasPicNotFacebook ? cm.FromUsr.Pic.ToString() : "0", cm.FromUsr.HasChatPic ? cm.FromUsr.ChatPic.Value.ToString() : "0", cm.Text, "", isBuddyIfRoomIsPrivate); items.Add(p); } else { MessageStub m = new MessageStub( cm.ChatItemGuid.Value.Pack(), ItemType.PrivateChatMessage, cm.DateTime.Ticks.ToString(), roomGuidPacked, cm.FromUsr.NickName, cm.FromUsr.StmuParams, cm.FromUsr.K, cm.FromUsr.HasPicNotFacebook ? cm.FromUsr.Pic.ToString() : "0", cm.FromUsr.HasChatPic ? cm.FromUsr.ChatPic.Value.ToString() : "0", cm.Text, ""); items.Add(m); } } } string itemsString = ""; if (items.Count > 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (ItemStub item in items) { if (sb.Length > 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append(serializer.Serialize(item)); } itemsString = sb.ToString(); } Caching.Instances.Main.Set(GetArchiveCacheKey(this.Guid), itemsString); return itemsString; }
/// <summary> /// Populates nodeData with the data from next Node based on the current nodeData. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public NodeData Next() { if (!isLoaded) { Debug.LogError("You must call the 'BeginDialogue()' method before calling the 'Next()' method!"); return(null); } int option = 0; bool nextIsPlayer = true; if (nodeData != null) { option = nodeData.selectedOption; } if (!jumped && nodeData != null) //Here's where we check if we end { if (!nodeData.currentIsPlayer && currentNPCStep != null) { if (currentNPCStep.outputNPC == null && currentNPCStep.outputSet == null && currentNPCStep.outAction == null && nodeData.npcCommentIndex == nodeData.npcComment.Length - 1) { nodeData.isEnd = true; isLoaded = false; LocalDataSingleton.instance.talking = false; LocalDataSingleton.instance.MainCanvas.transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActive(false); LocalDataSingleton.instance.Inventorycanvas.SetActive(false); return(nodeData); } else if (currentNPCStep.outputNPC == null && currentNPCStep.outputSet == null && currentNPCStep.outAction == null && nodeData.npcComment.Length < 1) { nodeData.isEnd = true; isLoaded = false; LocalDataSingleton.instance.talking = false; LocalDataSingleton.instance.MainCanvas.transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActive(false); LocalDataSingleton.instance.Inventorycanvas.SetActive(false); return(nodeData); } } } if (nodeData != null) { if (nodeData.currentIsPlayer) { //Mark end of conversation for player node if (currentPlayerStep != null) { if (currentPlayerStep.comment[option].outputAnswer == null && currentPlayerStep.comment[option].outAction == null) { nodeData.isEnd = true; isLoaded = false; LocalDataSingleton.instance.talking = false; LocalDataSingleton.instance.MainCanvas.transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActive(false); LocalDataSingleton.instance.Inventorycanvas.SetActive(false); return(nodeData); } } } } //If action node is connected to nothing, then it's the end if (lastActionNode != null) { if (lastActionNode.outPlayer == null && lastActionNode.outNPC == null && lastActionNode.outAction == null) { nodeData.isEnd = true; isLoaded = false; LocalDataSingleton.instance.talking = false; LocalDataSingleton.instance.MainCanvas.transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActive(false); LocalDataSingleton.instance.Inventorycanvas.SetActive(false); return(nodeData); } } jumped = false; /* Action Node? */ if (currentActionNode == null) { if (nodeData.currentIsPlayer) { currentActionNode = currentPlayerStep.comment[option].outAction; } else { currentActionNode = currentNPCStep.outAction; } } else { currentActionNode = currentActionNode.outAction; } //If we found actio node, let's go to it. if (currentActionNode != null) { lastActionNode = currentActionNode; DoAction(); return(nodeData); } else if (lastActionNode != null) { if (lastActionNode.outNPC != null) { } } /* END Action Node */ if (!nodeData.currentIsPlayer) { nextIsPlayer = true; if (currentNPCStep.outputSet == null) { nextIsPlayer = false; } } else { nextIsPlayer = false; } if (!nodeData.currentIsPlayer) // WE ARE CURRENTLY NPC NODE { //Let's scroll through split comments first if (nodeData.npcComment.Length > 0) { if (nodeData.npcCommentIndex != nodeData.npcComment.Length - 1) { nodeData.npcCommentIndex++; lastActionNode = null; return(nodeData); } } if (lastActionNode != null) { if (lastActionNode.outNPC != null) { currentNPCStep = lastActionNode.outNPC; List <string> ns = new List <string>(); string[] rawSplit = Regex.Split(currentNPCStep.text, "<br>"); foreach (string s in rawSplit) { if (s != "" && s != " ") { ns.Add(s.Trim()); } } lastActionNode = null; nodeData = new NodeData(false, false, currentNPCStep.ID, null, null, ns.ToArray(), currentNPCStep.extraData, currentNPCStep.tag, ""); return(nodeData); } } if (lastActionNode != null) { if (lastActionNode.outPlayer != null) { currentPlayerStep = lastActionNode.outPlayer; lastActionNode = null; nodeData = new NodeData(true, false, currentPlayerStep.ID, GetOptions(), GetExtraData(), null, null, null, currentPlayerStep.playerTag); return(nodeData); } } if (nextIsPlayer) // NEXT IS PLAYER { lastActionNode = null; currentPlayerStep = currentNPCStep.outputSet; nodeData = new NodeData(true, false, currentPlayerStep.ID, GetOptions(), GetExtraData(), null, null, null, currentPlayerStep.playerTag); } else // NEXT IS ANOTHER NPC NODE { currentNPCStep = currentNPCStep.outputNPC; List <string> ns = new List <string>(); string[] rawSplit = Regex.Split(currentNPCStep.text, "<br>"); foreach (string s in rawSplit) { if (s != "" && s != " ") { ns.Add(s.Trim()); } } lastActionNode = null; nodeData = new NodeData(false, false, currentNPCStep.ID, null, null, ns.ToArray(), currentNPCStep.extraData, currentNPCStep.tag, ""); } return(nodeData); } else // WE ARE CURRENTLY PLAYER NODE { //Pick next NPC node based on player choice OR next Player Node if there was an Action Node beforehand if (lastActionNode == null) { currentNPCStep = currentPlayerStep.comment[option].outputAnswer; } else { if (lastActionNode.outNPC != null) { currentNPCStep = lastActionNode.outNPC; } if (lastActionNode.outPlayer != null) { currentPlayerStep = lastActionNode.outPlayer; lastActionNode = null; nodeData = new NodeData(true, false, currentPlayerStep.ID, GetOptions(), GetExtraData(), null, null, null, currentPlayerStep.playerTag); return(nodeData); } } List <string> ns = new List <string>(); string[] rawSplit = Regex.Split(currentNPCStep.text, "<br>"); foreach (string s in rawSplit) { if (s != "" && s != " ") { ns.Add(s.Trim()); } } lastActionNode = null; nodeData = new NodeData(false, false, currentNPCStep.ID, null, null, ns.ToArray(), currentNPCStep.extraData, currentNPCStep.tag, ""); return(nodeData); } }
/// <summary> /// Loads up the dialogue just sent. Populates the nodeData variable with the first Node based on the Start Node. Also returns the current NodeData package. /// </summary> /// <param name="diagToLoad"></param> /// <returns>NodeData</returns> public NodeData BeginDialogue(VIDE_Assign diagToLoad) { if (diagToLoad.assignedIndex < 0 || diagToLoad.assignedIndex > diagToLoad.diags.Count - 1) { Debug.LogError("No dialogue assigned to VIDE_Assign!"); return(null); } //First we load the dialogue we requested if (Load(diagToLoad.diags[diagToLoad.assignedIndex])) { isLoaded = true; } else { isLoaded = false; Debug.LogError("Failed to load '" + diagToLoad.diags[diagToLoad.assignedIndex] + "'"); return(null); } //Make sure that variables were correctly reset after last conversation if (nodeData != null) { Debug.LogError("You forgot to call 'EndDialogue()' on last conversation!"); return(null); } assigned = diagToLoad; if (assigned.overrideStartNode != -1) { startPoint = assigned.overrideStartNode; } int startIndex = -1; bool isPlayer = false; bool isAct = false; for (int i = 0; i < npcNodes.Count; i++) { if (startPoint == npcNodes[i].ID) { startIndex = i; isPlayer = false; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < playerNodes.Count; i++) { if (startPoint == playerNodes[i].ID) { startIndex = i; isPlayer = true; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < actionNodes.Count; i++) { if (startPoint == actionNodes[i].ID) { startIndex = i; currentActionNode = actionNodes[i]; isPlayer = true; isAct = true; break; } } /* Action node */ if (isAct) { lastActionNode = currentActionNode; nodeData = new NodeData(); DoAction(); return(nodeData); } /* Action end */ if (startIndex == -1) { Debug.LogError("Start point not found! Check your IDs!"); return(null); } if (isPlayer) { currentPlayerStep = playerNodes[startIndex]; lastActionNode = null; nodeData = new NodeData(true, false, currentPlayerStep.ID, GetOptions(), GetExtraData(), null, null, null, currentPlayerStep.playerTag); return(nodeData); } else { currentNPCStep = npcNodes[startIndex]; List <string> ns = new List <string>(); string[] rawSplit = Regex.Split(currentNPCStep.text, "<br>"); foreach (string s in rawSplit) { if (s != "" && s != " ") { ns.Add(s.Trim()); } } lastActionNode = null; nodeData = new NodeData(false, false, currentNPCStep.ID, null, null, ns.ToArray(), currentNPCStep.extraData, currentNPCStep.tag, ""); return(nodeData); } }
public void Calendar_Load(object o, System.EventArgs e) { CalendarPanel.Visible = ContainerPage.Url.HasDayFilter || ContainerPage.Url.HasMonthFilter; #region Set up calendar control if (ContainerPage.Url.HasDayFilter) { DateCal.SelectedDate = ContainerPage.Url.DateFilter; DateCal.VisibleDate = ContainerPage.Url.DateFilter; //CalendarTitleCell.Attributes["onmouseover"] = "'#FED551';"; CalendarTitleCell.Style["cursor"] = "pointer"; //CalendarTitleCell.Attributes["onmouseout"] = "'#FECA26';"; CalendarTitleCell.Attributes["onclick"] = "document.location='" + MonthUrlGetter(ContainerPage.Url.DateFilter) + "';"; } else if (ContainerPage.Url.HasMonthFilter) { DateCal.VisibleDate = ContainerPage.Url.DateFilter; CalendarTitleCell.Attributes["class"] = "BorderBlack All"; CalendarTitleCell.Style["border-width"] = "2px"; } #endregion if (ContainerPage.Url.HasDayFilter || ContainerPage.Url.HasMonthFilter) { #region Find number of comments on each day Query q = new Query(); q.Columns = new ColumnSet(); q.ExtraSelectElements.Add("count", "COUNT(*)"); q.ExtraSelectElements.Add("day", "DAY(" + DateTimeColumn.InternalSqlName + ")"); q.ExtraSelectElements.Add("month", "MONTH(" + DateTimeColumn.InternalSqlName + ")"); q.ExtraSelectElements.Add("year", "YEAR(" + DateTimeColumn.InternalSqlName + ")"); q.TableElement = this.TableElement; q.GroupBy = new GroupBy("DAY(" + DateTimeColumn.InternalSqlName + "), MONTH(" + DateTimeColumn.InternalSqlName + "), YEAR(" + DateTimeColumn.InternalSqlName + ")"); q.QueryCondition = new And( new Q(DateTimeColumn, QueryOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, new DateTime(ContainerPage.Url.DateFilter.Year, ContainerPage.Url.DateFilter.Month, 1).AddDays(-8)), new Q(DateTimeColumn, QueryOperator.LessThan, new DateTime(ContainerPage.Url.DateFilter.Year, ContainerPage.Url.DateFilter.Month, 1).AddMonths(1).AddDays(8)), this.QueryCondition); CommentSet days = new CommentSet(q); Traffic = new Hashtable(); int TotalCount = 0; foreach (Comment c in days) { string date = c.ExtraSelectElements["year"] + "-" + c.ExtraSelectElements["month"] + "-" + c.ExtraSelectElements["day"]; int val = (int)c.ExtraSelectElements["count"]; Traffic[date] = val; TotalCount += val; } #endregion bool ShowPrevMonth = true; bool ShowNextMonth = true; DateTime NextMonth = ContainerPage.Url.DateFilter.AddMonths(1); DateTime PrevMonth = ContainerPage.Url.DateFilter.AddMonths(-1); if (TotalCount == 0) { Query PrevQ = new Query(); PrevQ.TopRecords = 1; PrevQ.OrderBy = new OrderBy(DateTimeColumn.ColumnEnum, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending); PrevQ.TableElement = this.TableElement; PrevQ.Columns = new ColumnSet(); PrevQ.ExtraSelectElements.Add("datetime", DateTimeColumn.InternalSqlName); PrevQ.QueryCondition = new And(this.QueryCondition, new Q(this.DateTimeColumn, QueryOperator.LessThan, ContainerPage.Url.DateFilter)); CommentSet PrevBobSet = new CommentSet(PrevQ); if (PrevBobSet.Count == 0) ShowPrevMonth = false; else PrevMonth = (DateTime)PrevBobSet[0].ExtraSelectElements["datetime"]; Query NextQ = new Query(); NextQ.TopRecords = 1; NextQ.OrderBy = new OrderBy(DateTimeColumn.ColumnEnum, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Ascending); NextQ.TableElement = this.TableElement; NextQ.Columns = new ColumnSet(); NextQ.ExtraSelectElements.Add("datetime", DateTimeColumn.InternalSqlName); NextQ.QueryCondition = new And(this.QueryCondition, new Q(this.DateTimeColumn, QueryOperator.GreaterThan, ContainerPage.Url.DateFilter)); CommentSet NextBobSet = new CommentSet(NextQ); if (NextBobSet.Count == 0) ShowNextMonth = false; else NextMonth = (DateTime)NextBobSet[0].ExtraSelectElements["datetime"]; } #region Back, month and forward links if (ShowPrevMonth) { if (PrevMonth.Year == DateTime.Today.Year) CalendarBackLabel.Text = PrevMonth.ToString("MMMM"); else CalendarBackLabel.Text = PrevMonth.ToString("MMMM yy"); CalendarBackLink.HRef = MonthUrlGetter(PrevMonth); } else CalendarBackLink.Visible = false; if (ContainerPage.Url.DateFilter.Year == DateTime.Today.Year) CalendarMiddleLink.InnerText = ContainerPage.Url.DateFilter.ToString("MMMM"); else CalendarMiddleLink.InnerText = ContainerPage.Url.DateFilter.ToString("MMMM yy"); if (ContainerPage.Url.HasDayFilter) CalendarMiddleLink.HRef = MonthUrlGetter(ContainerPage.Url.DateFilter); if (ShowNextMonth) { if (NextMonth.Year == DateTime.Today.Year) CalendarForwardLabel.Text = NextMonth.ToString("MMMM"); else CalendarForwardLabel.Text = NextMonth.ToString("MMMM yy"); CalendarForwardLink.HRef = MonthUrlGetter(NextMonth); } else CalendarForwardLink.Visible = false; #endregion } }