Beispiel #1
        public async Task <string> DeleteQuote(CommandMessage message, IUser user, int quoteId)
            if (message.Author != user && CommandsService.GetPermissions(message.Author) != Permissions.Administrators)
                throw new UserException("You don't have permission to do that.");

            Dictionary <string, object> filters = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "UserId", user.Id },
                { "GuildId", message.Guild.Id },
                { "QuoteId", quoteId },

            List <Quote> allQuotes = await this.quoteDb.LoadAll(filters);

            if (allQuotes.Count <= 0)
                throw new UserException("I couldn't find that quote from that user.");

            foreach (Quote quote in allQuotes)
                await this.quoteDb.Delete(quote);

            return("Quote deleted!");
Beispiel #2
        public Task <string> Blame(CommandMessage message)
            if (message.Channel is SocketGuildChannel guildChannel)
                List <IGuildUser> targets = new List <IGuildUser>();

                foreach (SocketGuildUser tTarget in guildChannel.Guild.Users)
                    if (CommandsService.GetPermissions(tTarget) != Permissions.Administrators)


                Random     rnd    = new Random();
                int        val    = rnd.Next(targets.Count);
                IGuildUser target = targets[val];

                if (target.Id == Program.DiscordClient.CurrentUser.Id)
                    return(Task.FromResult("This is my fault. =("));

                return(Task.FromResult("This is your fault, " + target.GetName() + "."));

            return(Task.FromResult("This is your fault, " + message.Author.GetName() + "."));
Beispiel #3
        public async Task ClosePoll(CommandMessage message, ulong messageId)
            if (!this.pollLookup.ContainsKey(messageId))
                throw new UserException("I couldn't find that poll");

            string pollId = this.pollLookup[messageId];
            Poll?  poll   = await this.pollDatabase.Load(pollId);

            if (poll == null)
                throw new Exception("Poll missing from database: \"" + pollId + "\"");

            if (CommandsService.GetPermissions(message.Author) == Permissions.Everyone)
                if (poll.Author != message.Author.Id)
                    throw new UserException("I'm sorry, only the polls author, or an administrator can do that.");

            await poll.Close();

            await this.pollDatabase.Delete(poll);

            await poll.UpdateMessage();
Beispiel #4
        public static Task <Embed> GetHelp(CommandMessage message, string?command = null)
            StringBuilder builder     = new StringBuilder();
            Permissions   permissions = CommandsService.GetPermissions(message.Author);

            if (command == null)
                command = message.Command;

            builder.AppendLine(GetHelp(message.Guild, command, permissions));

            EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();

            embed.Description = builder.ToString();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(embed.Description))
                throw new UserException("I'm sorry, you don't have permission to use that command.");

Beispiel #5
        private async Task OnReactionAdded(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> incomingMessage, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction)
                // Don't react to your own reacts!
                if (reaction.UserId == Program.DiscordClient.CurrentUser.Id)

                // Only handle reacts to help embed
                if (!activeHelpEmbeds.ContainsKey(incomingMessage.Id))

                ActiveHelp helpWindow = activeHelpEmbeds[incomingMessage.Id];
                helpWindow.LastInteractedWith = DateTime.Now;

                // Only handle reacts from the original user, remove the reaction
                if (helpWindow.UserId != reaction.UserId)
                    IUserMessage message = await incomingMessage.DownloadAsync();

                    await message.RemoveReactionAsync(reaction.Emote, reaction.User.Value);


                // Only handle relevant reacts
                if (!HelpEmotes.Contains(reaction.Emote))
                    IUserMessage message = await incomingMessage.DownloadAsync();

                    await message.RemoveReactionAsync(reaction.Emote, reaction.User.Value);


                if (channel is SocketGuildChannel guildChannel)
                    IUserMessage message = await incomingMessage.DownloadAsync();

                    await message.RemoveReactionAsync(reaction.Emote, reaction.User.Value);

                    // Adjust current page
                    if (reaction.Emote.Equals(First))
                        helpWindow.CurrentPage = 0;
                    else if (reaction.Emote.Equals(Previous))
                        helpWindow.CurrentPage -= 1;
                    else if (reaction.Emote.Equals(Next))
                        helpWindow.CurrentPage += 1;
                    else if (reaction.Emote.Equals(Last))
                        helpWindow.CurrentPage = -1;

                    Permissions permissions = CommandsService.GetPermissions(message.GetAuthor());

                    int   currentPage = helpWindow.CurrentPage;
                    Embed embed       = GetHelp(message.GetGuild(), permissions, helpWindow.CurrentPage, out currentPage);

                    // Update current page
                    helpWindow.CurrentPage = currentPage;

                    await message.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = embed);
            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #6
        public async Task <bool> Help(CommandMessage message)
            Permissions permissions = CommandsService.GetPermissions(message.Author);

            return(await GetHelp(message, permissions));