Beispiel #1
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            var app = new CommandLineApplication
                Name                 = "ApiCompat",
                FullName             = "A command line tool to verify that two sets of APIs are compatible.",
                ResponseFileHandling = ResponseFileHandling.ParseArgsAsSpaceSeparated

            app.VersionOption("-v|--version", GetAssemblyVersion());

            CommandArgument contracts = app.Argument("contracts", "Comma delimited list of assemblies or directories of assemblies for all the contract assemblies.");

            CommandOption implDirs = app.Option("-i|--impl-dirs", "Comma delimited list of directories to find the implementation assemblies for each contract assembly.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);

            implDirs.IsRequired(allowEmptyStrings: true);
            CommandOption baseline                     = app.Option("-b|--baseline", "Baseline file to skip known diffs.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption mdil                         = app.Option("-m|--mdil", "Enforce MDIL servicing rules in addition to IL rules.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption outFilePath                  = app.Option("-o|--out", "Output file path. Default is the console.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption leftOperand                  = app.Option("-l|--left-operand", "Name for left operand in comparison, default is 'contract'.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption rightOperand                 = app.Option("-r|--right-operand", "Name for right operand in comparison, default is 'implementation'.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption listRules                    = app.Option("--list-rules", "Outputs all the rules. If this options is supplied all other options are ignored.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption remapFile                    = app.Option("--remap-file", "File with a list of type and/or namespace remappings to consider apply to names while diffing.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption skipGroupByAssembly          = app.Option("--skip-group-by-assembly", "Skip grouping the differences by assembly instead of flattening the namespaces.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption skipUnifyToLibPath           = app.Option("--skip-unify-to-lib-path", "Skip unifying the assembly references to the loaded assemblies and the assemblies found in the given directories (contractDepends and implDirs).", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption resolveFx                    = app.Option("--resolve-fx", "If a contract or implementation dependency cannot be found in the given directories, fallback to try to resolve against the framework directory on the machine.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption contractDepends              = app.Option("--contract-depends", "Comma delimited list of directories used to resolve the dependencies of the contract assemblies.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption contractCoreAssembly         = app.Option("--contract-core-assembly", "Simple name for the core assembly to use.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption ignoreDesignTimeFacades      = app.Option("--ignore-design-time-facades", "Ignore design time facades in the contract set while analyzing.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption warnOnIncorrectVersion       = app.Option("--warn-on-incorrect-version", "Warn if the contract version number doesn't match the found implementation version number.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption warnOnMissingAssemblies      = app.Option("--warn-on-missing-assemblies", "Warn if the contract assembly cannot be found in the implementation directories. Default is to error and not do analysis.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption excludeNonBrowsable          = app.Option("--exclude-non-browsable", "When MDIL servicing rules are not being enforced, exclude validation on types that are marked with EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never).", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption excludeAttributes            = app.Option("--exclude-attributes", "Specify a api list in the DocId format of which attributes to exclude.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption enforceOptionalRules         = app.Option("--enforce-optional-rules", "Enforce optional rules, in addition to the mandatory set of rules.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption allowDefaultInterfaceMethods = app.Option("--allow-default-interface-methods", "Allow default interface methods additions to not be considered breaks. This flag should only be used if you know your consumers support DIM", CommandOptionType.NoValue);

            app.OnExecute(() =>
                string leftOperandValue  = leftOperand.HasValue() ? leftOperand.Value() : "contract";
                string rightOperandValue = rightOperand.HasValue() ? rightOperand.Value() : "implementation";

                if (listRules.HasValue())
                    CompositionHost c = GetCompositionHost();
                    ExportCciSettings.StaticSettings = CciComparers.Default.GetEqualityComparer <ITypeReference>();

                    var rules = c.GetExports <IDifferenceRule>();

                    foreach (var rule in rules.OrderBy(r => r.GetType().Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        string ruleName = rule.GetType().Name;

                        if (IsOptionalRule(rule))
                            ruleName += " (optional)";



                using (TextWriter output = GetOutput(outFilePath.Value()))
                    if (DifferenceWriter.ExitCode != 0)

                    if (output != Console.Out)
                        Trace.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(output)
                            Filter = new EventTypeFilter(SourceLevels.Error | SourceLevels.Warning)

                        BaselineDifferenceFilter filter             = GetBaselineDifferenceFilter(baseline.Value());
                        NameTable sharedNameTable                   = new NameTable();
                        HostEnvironment contractHost                = new HostEnvironment(sharedNameTable);
                        contractHost.UnableToResolve               += (sender, e) => Trace.TraceError($"Unable to resolve assembly '{e.Unresolved}' referenced by the {leftOperandValue} assembly '{e.Referrer}'.");
                        contractHost.ResolveAgainstRunningFramework = resolveFx.HasValue();
                        contractHost.UnifyToLibPath                 = !skipUnifyToLibPath.HasValue();
                        IEnumerable <IAssembly> contractAssemblies = contractHost.LoadAssemblies(contracts.Value, contractCoreAssembly.Value());

                        if (ignoreDesignTimeFacades.HasValue())
                            contractAssemblies = contractAssemblies.Where(a => !a.IsFacade());

                        HostEnvironment implHost  = new HostEnvironment(sharedNameTable);
                        implHost.UnableToResolve += (sender, e) => Trace.TraceError($"Unable to resolve assembly '{e.Unresolved}' referenced by the {rightOperandValue} assembly '{e.Referrer}'.");
                        implHost.ResolveAgainstRunningFramework = resolveFx.HasValue();
                        implHost.UnifyToLibPath = !skipUnifyToLibPath.HasValue();
                        if (warnOnMissingAssemblies.HasValue())
                            implHost.LoadErrorTreatment = ErrorTreatment.TreatAsWarning;

                        // The list of contractAssemblies already has the core assembly as the first one (if _contractCoreAssembly was specified).
                        IEnumerable <IAssembly> implAssemblies = implHost.LoadAssemblies(contractAssemblies.Select(a => a.AssemblyIdentity), warnOnIncorrectVersion.HasValue());

                        // Exit after loading if the code is set to non-zero
                        if (DifferenceWriter.ExitCode != 0)

                        ICciDifferenceWriter writer = GetDifferenceWriter(output, filter, enforceOptionalRules.HasValue(), mdil.HasValue(),
                                                                          excludeNonBrowsable.HasValue(), remapFile.Value(), !skipGroupByAssembly.HasValue(), leftOperandValue, rightOperandValue, excludeAttributes.Value(), allowDefaultInterfaceMethods.HasValue());
                        writer.Write(implDirs.Value(), implAssemblies, contracts.Value, contractAssemblies);

                    catch (FileNotFoundException)
                        // FileNotFoundException will be thrown by GetBaselineDifferenceFilter if it doesn't find the baseline file
                        // OR if GetComparers doesn't find the remap file.

Beispiel #2
        private CommandLineApplication CreateApp()
            var app = new CommandLineApplication
                Name                 = "ApiCompat",
                FullName             = "A command line tool to verify that two sets of APIs are compatible.",
                ResponseFileHandling = ResponseFileHandling.ParseArgsAsSpaceSeparated,
                Out   = _outputStream ?? Console.Out,
                Error = _outputStream ?? Console.Error

            app.VersionOption("-v|--version", typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString());

            CommandArgument contracts = app.Argument("contracts", "Comma delimited list of assemblies or directories of assemblies for all the contract assemblies.");

            CommandOption implDirs = app.Option("-i|--impl-dirs", "Comma delimited list of directories to find the implementation assemblies for each contract assembly.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);

            implDirs.IsRequired(allowEmptyStrings: true);
            CommandOption baseline                     = app.Option("-b|--baseline", "Comma delimited list of files to skip known diffs.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption validateBaseline             = app.Option("--validate-baseline", "Validates that baseline files don't have invalid/unused diffs.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption mdil                         = app.Option("-m|--mdil", "Enforce MDIL servicing rules in addition to IL rules.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption outFilePath                  = app.Option("-o|--out", "Output file path. Default is the console.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption leftOperand                  = app.Option("-l|--left-operand", "Name for left operand in comparison, default is 'contract'.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption rightOperand                 = app.Option("-r|--right-operand", "Name for right operand in comparison, default is 'implementation'.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption listRules                    = app.Option("--list-rules", "Outputs all the rules. If this options is supplied all other options are ignored.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption remapFile                    = app.Option("--remap-file", "File with a list of type and/or namespace remappings to consider apply to names while diffing.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption skipGroupByAssembly          = app.Option("--skip-group-by-assembly", "Skip grouping the differences by assembly instead of flattening the namespaces.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption skipUnifyToLibPath           = app.Option("--skip-unify-to-lib-path", "Skip unifying the assembly references to the loaded assemblies and the assemblies found in the given directories (contractDepends and implDirs).", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption resolveFx                    = app.Option("--resolve-fx", "If a contract or implementation dependency cannot be found in the given directories, fallback to try to resolve against the framework directory on the machine.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption contractDepends              = app.Option("--contract-depends", "Comma delimited list of directories used to resolve the dependencies of the contract assemblies.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption contractCoreAssembly         = app.Option("--contract-core-assembly", "Simple name for the core assembly to use.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption ignoreDesignTimeFacades      = app.Option("--ignore-design-time-facades", "Ignore design time facades in the contract set while analyzing.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption warnOnIncorrectVersion       = app.Option("--warn-on-incorrect-version", "Warn if the contract version number doesn't match the found implementation version number.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption warnOnMissingAssemblies      = app.Option("--warn-on-missing-assemblies", "Warn if the contract assembly cannot be found in the implementation directories. Default is to error and not do analysis.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption excludeNonBrowsable          = app.Option("--exclude-non-browsable", "When MDIL servicing rules are not being enforced, exclude validation on types that are marked with EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never).", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption excludeAttributes            = app.Option("--exclude-attributes", "Comma delimited list of files with types in DocId format of which attributes to exclude.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            CommandOption enforceOptionalRules         = app.Option("--enforce-optional-rules", "Enforce optional rules, in addition to the mandatory set of rules.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption allowDefaultInterfaceMethods = app.Option("--allow-default-interface-methods", "Allow default interface methods additions to not be considered breaks. This flag should only be used if you know your consumers support DIM", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            CommandOption respectInternals             = app.Option(
                "Include both internal and public APIs if assembly contains an InternalsVisibleTo attribute. Otherwise, include only public APIs.",

            // --exclude-compiler-generated is recommended if the same option was passed to GenAPI.
            // For one thing, comparing compiler-generated attributes, especially `CompilerGeneratedAttribute` itself,
            // on members leads to numerous false incompatibilities e.g. { get; set; } properties result in two
            // compiler-generated methods but GenAPI produces `{ get { throw null; } set { } }` i.e. explicit methods.
            CommandOption excludeCompilerGenerated = app.Option(
                "Exclude APIs marked with a CompilerGenerated attribute.",

            app.OnExecute(() =>
                bool disableAssemblyResolveTraceListener = false;
                // Use Console.Out if no output file path is passed in or
                // when the file cannot be opened or created.
                if (_outputStream == null && (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(outFilePath.Value()) ||
                                              !OutputHelper.TryGetOutput(outFilePath.Value(), out _outputStream)))
                    _outputStream = Console.Out;
                    disableAssemblyResolveTraceListener = true;

                Executor.Run(usesMSBuildLog: false,
