Beispiel #1
        private string SendCommand(byte[] datas, CommandConst name, int returnLength, string devicecode, object extInfo)
            string msg = string.Empty;

            if (remoteCommand != null)
                    //bool result = remoteCommand.SendCommand(datas, name, returnLength, CurrentUser.UserCode, currentDevice.Code, null);
                    bool result = remoteCommand.SendCommand(datas, name, returnLength, "WebAdminZ2", devicecode, extInfo);
                    if (!result)
                        msg = "请求失败!";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    msg = "请求异常:" + ex.Message;
                this.status = false;
                msg         = "远程对象出错,请重试!";

Beispiel #2
        public string SendCommandAndGetResult(byte[] datas, CommandConst name, int returnLength, string devicecode, out RemoteResult res)
            res = null;
            string msg = string.Empty;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(devicecode))
            var guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            msg = SendCommand(datas, name, returnLength, devicecode, guid);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
                res = GetRemoteResult(guid, devicecode);

            //if (res == null)
            //    if (ClientReAttach())
            //    {
            //        msg = SendCommand(datas, name, returnLength, devicecode, guid);
            //        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
            //        {
            //            res = GetRemoteResult(guid, devicecode);
            //        }
            //    }

Beispiel #3
        private string SendCommand(byte[] datas, CommandConst name, int returnLength, string devicecode, object extInfo)
            string msg = string.Empty;

            if (remoteCommand != null)
                //if (!CreateCommandClient())
                //    return "远程命令对象创建失败";
                    //bool result = remoteCommand.SendCommand(datas, name, returnLength, CurrentUser.UserCode, currentDevice.Code, null);
                    bool result = remoteCommand.SendCommand(datas, name, returnLength, commandClient.Sender, devicecode, extInfo);
                    if (!result)
                        msg = "请求失败!";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    msg = "请求异常:" + ex.Message;
                msg = "远程对象出错,请重试!";

Beispiel #4
 public RemoteResult(string senderUser, CommandConst name, string deviceCode, byte[] Datas, object tag)
     // TODO: Complete member initialization
     this.senderUser = senderUser;       = name;
     this.deviceCode = deviceCode;
     this.Datas      = Datas;
     this.tag        = tag;
Beispiel #5
        public string SendCommandAndGetResult(byte[] datas, CommandConst name, int returnLength, string devicecode, out RemoteResult res)
            res = null;
            string msg = string.Empty;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(devicecode))

            string testguid    = string.Empty;
            var    cint        = (int)name;
            var    testguidkey = "TestGuid" + cint.ToString();
            var    testguidcfg = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[testguidkey];

            if (testguidcfg != null)
                testguid = testguidcfg.ToString();

            string guid = null;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(testguid))
                guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                msg = SendCommand(datas, name, returnLength, devicecode, guid);
                guid = testguid;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
                res = GetRemoteResult(guid);

            if (res != null)
                res.deviceCode = devicecode;
             = name;
                res.senderUser = commandClient.Sender;
                msg = "获取信息失败";

Beispiel #6
        public int SendCommandResult(string senderUser, CommandConst name, string deviceCode, byte[] datas, object tag)
                if (dicClients.ContainsKey(senderUser))
                    log.Info("[SendCommandResult]返回消息给:" + senderUser + "[name]:" + name.ToString() + "[datas]:" + bytetostring(datas));
                    var sql = string.Format("insert into T_CommondResult (cmd_guid,cmd_datas) values ('{0}',@fs)", tag.ToString());
                    DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSqlInsertImg(sql, datas);
                    dicClients[senderUser].ReceiveCommandResult(senderUser, name, deviceCode, datas, tag);
                    log.Info("[SendCommandResult]未找到:" + senderUser);

            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Info("[SendCommandResult]" + ex.Message);
Beispiel #7
        private void client_ReceiveCommandResult(string senderUser, CommandConst name, string deviceCode, byte[] Datas, object tag)
            var resstr = this.Message.Text;

                CommandConst command = name;
                switch (command)
                case CommandConst.读取测量值:

                case CommandConst.ARM控制指令:
                    switch ((ARMControl)Datas[0])
                    case ARMControl.手动控阀:
                        this.Message.Text = resstr + "命令成功执行!";

                    case ARMControl.修改时间:
                        this.Message.Text = resstr + "时间同步成功!";

                    case ARMControl.校阀:



            catch (Exception)

             * try
             * {
             *  CommandConst command = name;
             *  switch (command)
             *  {
             *      case CommandConst.读取测量值:
             #region 读取测量值
             *          {
             *              IEHNCS.Model.Devices device = DeviceBO.GetModel(deviceCode, 0);
             *              IEHNCS.Model.Datas data = new Model.Datas();
             *              data.CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
             *              data.DeviceID = device.ID;
             *              int year = int.Parse("20" + Datas[0]);
             *              int month = Datas[1];
             *              int day = Datas[2];
             *              int week = Datas[3];
             *              int hour = Datas[4];
             *              int minutes = Datas[5];
             *              int second = Datas[6];
             *              DateTime dataTime = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minutes, second);
             *              data.DataTime = dataTime;
             *              data.OutdoorTemp = Utility.GetDecimalValue(Datas, 8, 7);
             *              data.BackWaterTemp1 = Utility.GetDecimalValue(Datas, 14, 13);
             *              data.BackWaterTemp2 = Utility.GetDecimalValue(Datas, 16, 15);
             *              data.FixWaterTemp1 = Utility.GetDecimalValue(Datas, 18, 17);
             *              data.FixWaterTemp2 = Utility.GetDecimalValue(Datas, 20, 19);
             *              data.SupplyWaterTemp1 = Utility.GetDecimalValue(Datas, 10, 9);
             *              data.SupplyWaterTemp2 = Utility.GetDecimalValue(Datas, 12, 11);
             *              data.Valve1 = Datas[21];
             *              data.Valve2 = Datas[22];
             *              data.WirelessStatus = Datas[23];
             *              data.WorkStatus = Datas[24];
             *              data.WaterNetStatus1 = Datas[25];
             *              data.WaterNetStatus2 = Datas[26];
             *              data.Data27 = new byte[] { Datas[27] };
             *              data.Data28 = new byte[] { Datas[28] };
             *              data.Data29 = new byte[] { Datas[29] };
             *              data.Data30 = new byte[] { Datas[30] };
             *              dataBO.Add(data);
             *              LoadDataFromDeviceData(data);
             *          }
             *          btnSyncTime.Enabled = true;
             *          treeView1.Enabled = true;
             *          btnUpdateData.Enabled = true;
             *          IsProcessing = false;
             *          break;
             *      case CommandConst.读取参数:
             *          {
             *              if ((byte)Datas[0] >= (byte)SettingType.曲线起始参数 && (byte)Datas[0] <= (byte)SettingType.曲线终止参数)
             *              {
             *                  decimal? tmp = 0;
             *                  DeviceCurveLibrary curveModel = null;
             *                  PropertyInfo prop = null;
             *                  Type type = typeof(IEHNCS.Model.DeviceCurveLibrary);
             *                  int code = ((int)Datas[0] - 1);
             *                  devCurveBO.DeleteOfDevice(selectedDeviceID, code);
             *                  curveModel = new Model.DeviceCurveLibrary()
             *                  {
             *                      Code = code,
             *                      Name = "曲线" + code.ToString(),
             *                      DeviceID = selectedDeviceID,
             *                  };
             *                  for (int i = 1; i <= 121; i++)
             *                  {
             *                      tmp = Utility.GetDecimalValue(Datas, (i * 2), (i * 2 - 1));
             *                      prop = type.GetProperty("Column" + i.ToString());
             *                      prop.SetValue(curveModel, tmp, null);
             *                  }
             *                  devCurveBO.Add(curveModel);
             *                  if (code == 30)
             *                  {
             *                      IsProcessing = false;
             *                      treeView1.Enabled = true;
             *                      ShowMessage("更新成功!");
             *                      BindDevCurves();
             *                  }
             *                  break;
             *              }
             *              //工作模式及曲线和时间控制
             *              switch ((SettingType)((int)Datas[0]))
             *              {
             *                  case SettingType.整体参数:
             #region 整体参数
             *                      currentDevice.GotParameters = true;
             *                      //阀门控制路数
             *                      ValveControlChannel vc = (ValveControlChannel)Datas[41];
             *                      lblControlChannel.Text = vc.ToString();
             *                      if (vc == ValveControlChannel.A和B通路)
             *                      {
             *                          grpA.Enabled = true;
             *                          grpB.Enabled = true;
             *                      }
             *                      else if (vc == ValveControlChannel.A通路)
             *                      {
             *                          grpA.Enabled = true;
             *                          grpB.Enabled = false;
             *                      }
             *                      else
             *                      {
             *                          grpA.Enabled = false;
             *                          grpB.Enabled = true;
             *                      }
             *                      currentDevice.ValveA.MinValue = Datas[2];
             *                      currentDevice.ValveA.MaxValue = Datas[3];
             *                      currentDevice.ValveA.CtrlInterval = Utility.GetIntValue(Datas, 7, 6);
             *                      currentDevice.ValveA.Step1 = Datas[10];
             *                      currentDevice.ValveA.Step2 = Datas[11];
             *                      currentDevice.ValveA.Step3 = Datas[12];
             *                      currentDevice.ValveA.Step4 = Datas[13];
             *                      currentDevice.ValveA.Step5 = Datas[14];
             *                      currentDevice.ValveA.MaxStep = Datas[20];
             *                      currentDevice.ValveA.Steering = Datas[22];
             *                      currentDevice.ValveB.MinValue = Datas[4];
             *                      currentDevice.ValveB.MaxValue = Datas[5];
             *                      currentDevice.ValveB.CtrlInterval = Utility.GetIntValue(Datas, 9, 8);
             *                      currentDevice.ValveB.Step1 = Datas[15];
             *                      currentDevice.ValveB.Step2 = Datas[16];
             *                      currentDevice.ValveB.Step3 = Datas[17];
             *                      currentDevice.ValveB.Step4 = Datas[18];
             *                      currentDevice.ValveB.Step5 = Datas[19];
             *                      currentDevice.ValveB.MaxStep = Datas[21];
             *                      currentDevice.ValveB.Steering = Datas[23];
             *                      valveBO.Update(currentDevice.ValveA);
             *                      valveBO.Update(currentDevice.ValveB);
             *                      currentDevice.Device.BackFix1 = Utility.GetDecimalValue(Datas, 32, 31);
             *                      currentDevice.Device.BackFix2 = Utility.GetDecimalValue(Datas, 34, 33);
             *                      currentDevice.Device.CtrlNumber = Datas[41];
             *                      currentDevice.Device.FixWater1 = Utility.GetDecimalValue(Datas, 36, 35);
             *                      currentDevice.Device.FixWater2 = Utility.GetDecimalValue(Datas, 38, 37);
             *                      currentDevice.Device.OutdoorFix = Utility.GetDecimalValue(Datas, 26, 25);
             *                      currentDevice.Device.SaveInterval = Utility.GetIntValue(Datas, 40, 39);
             *                      currentDevice.Device.SupplyWaterFix1 = Utility.GetDecimalValue(Datas, 28, 27);
             *                      currentDevice.Device.SupplyWaterFix2 = Utility.GetDecimalValue(Datas, 30, 29);
             *                      DeviceBO.Update(currentDevice.Device);
             *                      treeView1.Enabled = true;
             *                      IsProcessing = false;
             *                      if (rdoModeA.Checked)
             *                          rdoModeA_CheckedChanged(null, null);
             *                      else
             *                          rdoModeA.Checked = true;
             #region 阀门相关
             *                      rdoAZhengZhuan.Checked = (currentDevice.ValveA.Steering.Value == 0);
             *                      rdoAFanZhuan.Checked = !rdoAZhengZhuan.Checked;
             *                      nuAStep1.Value = currentDevice.ValveA.Step1.Value;
             *                      nuAStep2.Value = currentDevice.ValveA.Step2.Value;
             *                      nuAStep3.Value = currentDevice.ValveA.Step3.Value;
             *                      nuAStep4.Value = currentDevice.ValveA.Step4.Value;
             *                      nuAStep5.Value = currentDevice.ValveA.Step5.Value;
             *                      nuAMaxStep.Value = currentDevice.ValveA.MaxStep.Value;
             *                      nuAInterval.Value = currentDevice.ValveA.CtrlInterval.Value;
             *                      btnAMaxRolate.DelataAngle = currentDevice.ValveA.MaxValue.Value / 100 * 360;
             *                      btnAMinRolate.DelataAngle = currentDevice.ValveA.MinValue.Value / 100 * 360;
             *                      nuAMaxValue.Value = currentDevice.ValveA.MaxValue.Value;
             *                      nuAMinValue.Value = currentDevice.ValveA.MinValue.Value;
             *                      cmbACtrlNumber.SelectedIndex = currentDevice.Device.CtrlNumber.Value - 1;
             *                      rdoBZhengZhuan.Checked = (currentDevice.ValveB.Steering.Value == 0);
             *                      rdoBFanZhuan.Checked = !rdoBZhengZhuan.Checked;
             *                      nuBStep1.Value = currentDevice.ValveB.Step1.Value;
             *                      nuBStep2.Value = currentDevice.ValveB.Step2.Value;
             *                      nuBStep3.Value = currentDevice.ValveB.Step3.Value;
             *                      nuBStep4.Value = currentDevice.ValveB.Step4.Value;
             *                      nuBStep5.Value = currentDevice.ValveB.Step5.Value;
             *                      nuBMaxStep.Value = currentDevice.ValveB.MaxStep.Value;
             *                      nuBInterval.Value = currentDevice.ValveB.CtrlInterval.Value;
             *                      nuBMaxValue.Value = currentDevice.ValveB.MaxValue.Value;
             *                      nuBMinValue.Value = currentDevice.ValveB.MinValue.Value;
             *                      btnBMaxRolate.DelataAngle = currentDevice.ValveB.MaxValue.Value / 100 * 360;
             *                      btnBMinRolate.DelataAngle = currentDevice.ValveB.MinValue.Value / 100 * 360;
             *                      cmbBCtrlNumber.SelectedIndex = currentDevice.Device.CtrlNumber.Value - 1;
             #region 温度修正
             *                      nuOutdoor.Value = currentDevice.Device.OutdoorFix.Value;
             *                      nuSup1.Value = currentDevice.Device.SupplyWaterFix1.Value;
             *                      nuSup2.Value = currentDevice.Device.SupplyWaterFix2.Value;
             *                      nuBack1.Value = currentDevice.Device.BackFix1.Value;
             *                      nuBack2.Value = currentDevice.Device.BackFix2.Value;
             *                      nuFix1.Value = currentDevice.Device.FixWater1.Value;
             *                      nuFix2.Value = currentDevice.Device.FixWater2.Value;
             *                      nuSaveInterval.Value = currentDevice.Device.SaveInterval.Value;
             *                      IsProcessing = false;
             *                      break;
             *                  case SettingType.工作模式曲线设置:
             *                  case SettingType.周六模式曲线设置:
             *                  case SettingType.周日模式曲线设置:
             *                  case SettingType.假日模式曲线设置:
             #region 曲线设置
             *                      {
             *                          string startTime = "";
             *                          int curveCode = -1;
             *                          int flag = 0;
             *                          string endTime = "";
             *                          DataTable dt = new DataTable();
             *                          dt.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int));
             *                          dt.Columns.Add("TimeSpanID", typeof(int));
             *                          dt.Columns.Add("StartTime", typeof(string));
             *                          dt.Columns.Add("EndTime", typeof(string));
             *                          dt.Columns.Add("CurveCode", typeof(int));
             *                          dt.Columns.Add("DeviceID", typeof(int));
             *                          dt.Columns.Add("Flag", typeof(int));
             *                          int timeSpanID = GetTimeSpanID();
             *                          DataRow dr = null;
             *                          //先读取第一组
             *                          dr = dt.NewRow();
             *                          dr["TimeSpanID"] = timeSpanID;
             *                          dr["DeviceID"] = selectedDeviceID;
             *                          curveCode = Utility.SetIntegerSomeBit(6, Datas[3], false);
             *                          flag = Utility.GetIntegerSomeBit(Datas[3], 6);
             *                          startTime = string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}", Datas[1], Datas[2]);
             *                          endTime = string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}", Datas[4], Datas[5]);
             *                          dr["StartTime"] = startTime;
             *                          dr["EndTime"] = endTime;
             *                          dr["CurveCode"] = curveCode;
             *                          dr["Flag"] = flag;
             *                          dt.Rows.Add(dr);
             *                          string previousEndTime = endTime;
             *                          //读余下几组
             *                          for (int i = 6; i < 75; i = i + 3)
             *                          {
             *                              if (Datas[i] == 255)
             *                                  break;
             *                              dr = dt.NewRow();
             *                              dr["TimeSpanID"] = timeSpanID;
             *                              dr["DeviceID"] = selectedDeviceID;
             *                              curveCode = Utility.SetIntegerSomeBit(6, Datas[i], false);
             *                              flag = Utility.GetIntegerSomeBit(Datas[i], 6);
             *                              startTime = previousEndTime;
             *                              if (Datas[i + 1] > 23 || Datas[i + 2] > 59)
             *                              {
             *                                  endTime = null;
             *                              }
             *                              else
             *                              {
             *                                  endTime = string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}", Datas[i + 1], Datas[i + 2]);
             *                              }
             *                              dr["StartTime"] = startTime;
             *                              dr["EndTime"] = endTime;
             *                              dr["CurveCode"] = curveCode;
             *                              dr["Flag"] = flag;
             *                              previousEndTime = endTime;
             *                              dt.Rows.Add(dr);
             *                          }
             *                          if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
             *                          {
             *                              dgvData.DataSource = dt;
             *                              timeSpanBO.DeleteByDeviceIDAndTimeSpanID(selectedDeviceID, timeSpanID);
             *                              TimeSpanSettings model = null;
             *                              foreach (DataRow dr2 in dt.Rows)
             *                              {
             *                                  model = new TimeSpanSettings();
             *                                  model.TimeSpanID = timeSpanID;
             *                                  model.DeviceID = selectedDeviceID;
             *                                  model.CurveCode = (int)dr2["CurveCode"];
             *                                  model.EndTime = dr2["EndTime"].ToString();
             *                                  model.StartTime = dr2["StartTime"].ToString();
             *                                  model.Flag = (int)dr2["Flag"];
             *                                  timeSpanBO.Add(model);
             *                              }
             *                          }
             *                          IsProcessing = false;
             *                      }
             *                      break;
             *                  default:
             *                      break;
             *              }
             *          }
             *          break;
             *      case CommandConst.默认参数设定:
             *          break;
             *      case CommandConst.参数设定:
             *          {
             *              if ((byte)Datas[0] >= (byte)SettingType.曲线起始参数 && (byte)Datas[0] <= (byte)SettingType.曲线终止参数)
             *              {
             *                  if (((int)Datas[0] - 1) == 30)
             *                  {
             *                      IsProcessing = false;
             *                      ShowMessage("保存成功!");
             *                  }
             *                  break;
             *              }
             *              switch ((SettingType)Datas[0])
             *              {
             *                  case SettingType.整体参数:
             *                  case SettingType.工作模式曲线设置:
             *                  case SettingType.周六模式曲线设置:
             *                  case SettingType.周日模式曲线设置:
             *                  case SettingType.假日模式曲线设置:
             *                      btnSaveSpan.Enabled = true;
             *                      ShowMessage("保存成功!");
             *                      break;
             *                  default:
             *                      break;
             *              }
             *          }
             *          break;
             *      case CommandConst.ARM控制指令:
             *          switch ((ARMControl)Datas[0])
             *          {
             *              case ARMControl.手动控阀:
             *                  ShowMessage("命令成功执行!");
             *                  btnRun.Enabled = true;
             *                  break;
             *              case ARMControl.修改时间:
             *                  ShowMessage("时间同步成功!");
             *                  btnRun.Enabled = true;
             *                  break;
             *              case ARMControl.校阀:
             *                  break;
             *              default:
             *                  break;
             *          }
             *          break;
             *      case CommandConst.读取历史数据:
             *          switch (((HistoryType)Datas[0]))
             *          {
             *              case HistoryType.读取正常记录:
             *                  byte[] array = new byte[46];
             *                  int id = 0;
             *                  History his = null;
             *                  if (Datas[1] != 255)
             *                  {
             *                      Array.Copy(Datas, 1, array, 0, 46);
             *                      id = historyBO.Exists(selectedDeviceID, (int)HistoryType.读取正常记录, (int)nuRowNumber.Value);
             *                      if (id > 0)
             *                      {
             *                          his = historyBO.GetModel(id);
             *                          his.Data = array;
             *                      }
             *                      else
             *                          his = new History()
             *                          {
             *                              CreateTime = DateTime.Now,
             *                              Data = array,
             *                              DeviceID = selectedDeviceID,
             *                              RowNumber = (int)nuRowNumber.Value,
             *                              HistoryType = (int)HistoryType.读取正常记录
             *                          };
             *                      if (id > 0)
             *                          historyBO.Update(his);
             *                      else
             *                          historyBO.Add(his);
             *                      dgvHistory.DataSource = historyBO.GetList("DeviceID=" + selectedDeviceID + " And HistoryType=" + his.HistoryType).Tables[0];
             *                      dgvHistory.Rows[0].Selected = true;
             *                      ShowMessage("更新成功!");
             *                  }
             *                  else
             *                  {
             *                      ShowMessage("没有该条记录!");
             *                  }
             *                  break;
             *              case HistoryType.读取参数修改记录:
             *                  if (Datas[1] != 255)
             *                  {
             *                      array = new byte[60];
             *                      Array.Copy(Datas, 1, array, 0, 60);
             *                      id = historyBO.Exists(selectedDeviceID, (int)HistoryType.读取参数修改记录, (int)nuRowNumber.Value);
             *                      his = null;
             *                      if (id > 0)
             *                      {
             *                          his = historyBO.GetModel(id);
             *                          his.Data = array;
             *                      }
             *                      else
             *                          his = new History()
             *                          {
             *                              CreateTime = DateTime.Now,
             *                              Data = array,
             *                              DeviceID = selectedDeviceID,
             *                              RowNumber = (int)nuRowNumber.Value,
             *                              HistoryType = (int)HistoryType.读取参数修改记录
             *                          };
             *                      if (id > 0)
             *                          historyBO.Update(his);
             *                      else
             *                          historyBO.Add(his);
             *                      dgvHistory.DataSource = historyBO.GetList("DeviceID=" + selectedDeviceID + " And HistoryType=" + his.HistoryType).Tables[0];
             *                      dgvHistory.Rows[0].Selected = true;
             *                      ShowMessage("更新成功!");
             *                  }
             *                  else
             *                  {
             *                      ShowMessage("没有该条记录!");
             *                  }
             *                  break;
             *              case HistoryType.模式曲线修改记录:
             *                  if (Datas[1] != 255)
             *                  {
             *                      array = new byte[96];
             *                      Array.Copy(Datas, 1, array, 0, 96);
             *                      id = historyBO.Exists(selectedDeviceID, (int)HistoryType.模式曲线修改记录, (int)nuRowNumber.Value);
             *                      his = null;
             *                      if (id > 0)
             *                      {
             *                          his = historyBO.GetModel(id);
             *                          his.Data = array;
             *                      }
             *                      else
             *                          his = new History()
             *                          {
             *                              CreateTime = DateTime.Now,
             *                              Data = array,
             *                              DeviceID = selectedDeviceID,
             *                              RowNumber = (int)nuRowNumber.Value,
             *                              HistoryType = (int)HistoryType.模式曲线修改记录
             *                          };
             *                      if (id > 0)
             *                          historyBO.Update(his);
             *                      else
             *                          historyBO.Add(his);
             *                      dgvHistory.DataSource = historyBO.GetList("DeviceID=" + selectedDeviceID + " And HistoryType=" + his.HistoryType).Tables[0];
             *                      dgvHistory.Rows[0].Selected = true;
             *                      ShowMessage("更新成功!");
             *                  }
             *                  else
             *                  {
             *                      ShowMessage("没有该条记录!");
             *                  }
             *                  break;
             *              case HistoryType.温度曲线修改记录:
             *                  if (Datas[1] != 255)
             *                  {
             *                      array = new byte[250];
             *                      Array.Copy(Datas, 1, array, 0, 250);
             *                      id = historyBO.Exists(selectedDeviceID, (int)HistoryType.温度曲线修改记录, (int)nuRowNumber.Value);
             *                      his = null;
             *                      if (id > 0)
             *                      {
             *                          his = historyBO.GetModel(id);
             *                          his.Data = array;
             *                      }
             *                      else
             *                          his = new History()
             *                          {
             *                              CreateTime = DateTime.Now,
             *                              Data = array,
             *                              DeviceID = selectedDeviceID,
             *                              RowNumber = (int)nuRowNumber.Value,
             *                              HistoryType = (int)HistoryType.温度曲线修改记录
             *                          };
             *                      if (id > 0)
             *                          historyBO.Update(his);
             *                      else
             *                          historyBO.Add(his);
             *                      dgvHistory.DataSource = historyBO.GetList("DeviceID=" + selectedDeviceID + " And HistoryType=" + his.HistoryType).Tables[0];
             *                      dgvHistory.Rows[0].Selected = true;
             *                      ShowMessage("更新成功!");
             *                  }
             *                  else
             *                  {
             *                      ShowMessage("没有该条记录!");
             *                  }
             *                  break;
             *              default:
             *                  break;
             *          }
             *          IsProcessing = false;
             *          break;
             *      case CommandConst.FLASH测试:
             *          break;
             *      case CommandConst.读取终端ID:
             *          break;
             *      default:
             *          break;
             *  }
             * }
             * catch (Exception ex)
             * {
             *  ShowLog(ex.Message);
             * }
Beispiel #8
 void client_ReceiveCommandResultEvent(string senderUser, CommandConst name, string deviceCode, byte[] Datas, object tag)
     _relist.TryAdd(tag.ToString(), new RemoteResult(senderUser, name, deviceCode, Datas, tag));