A shared command base for the "dolittle runtime eventhandlers replay" commands that provides shared arguments.
Inheritance: EventHandlers.CommandBase
Beispiel #1
 public override bool HandleEvent(CommandBase command, ChannelInfo channel, UserInfo user, List<string> args)
     if (command is Join)
         if (!user.Invited.Contains(channel))
             user.IrcDaemon.Replies.SendInviteOnlyChannel(user, channel);
             return false;
     if (command is Invite)
         UserPerChannelInfo upci;
         if (channel.UserPerChannelInfos.TryGetValue(user.Nick, out upci))
             if (upci.Modes.Level < 30)
                 channel.IrcDaemon.Replies.SendChannelOpPrivilegesNeeded(user, channel);
                 return false;
             channel.IrcDaemon.Replies.SendNotOnChannel(user, channel.Name);
             return false;
     return true;
Beispiel #2
    public bool OnInfoCommand( CommandBase.CommandData cmdData )
        if( EngineCmdExecuterProxy != null )
            return EngineCmdExecuterProxy.OnInfoCommand( cmdData );

        return true;
Beispiel #3
 public void RegisterCommand(string commandName, CommandBase command)
     if (commandName.IndexOf('.') >= 0)
         throw new ArgumentException("Command name cannot contain dot symbol.", "commandName");
     if (!_commands.ContainsKey(commandName))
         _commands.Add(commandName, command);
        public UsuarioViewModel()
            if (IsInDesignMode) return;//por si acaso ?
            _ServicioUsuario = new UsuarioServiceClient();
            _ServicioDepartamento = new DepartamentoServiceClient();
            _ServicioProyecto = new ProyectoServiceClient();

            ListaUsuarios = new ObservableCollection<usuarioDTO>();
            ItemUsuario = new usuarioDTO();

            NuevoUsuarioCommand = new CommandBase(p => true, p => NuevoUsuarioCommandAccion()) { IsEnable = true };
            GuardarUsuarioCommand = new CommandBase(p => true, p => GuardarUsuarioCommandAccion()) { IsEnable = true };
            EliminarUsuarioCommand = new CommandBase(p => true, p => EliminarUsuarioCommandAccion()) { IsEnable = true };

            NuevoProyectoCommand = new CommandBase(p => true, p => NuevoProyectoCommandAccion()) { IsEnable = true };
            AgregarProyectoCommand = new CommandBase(p => true, p => AgregarProyectoCommandAccion()) { IsEnable = true };
            EliminarProyectoCommand = new CommandBase(p => true, p => EliminarProyectoCommandAccion()) { IsEnable = true };

            ListarUsuariosCommand = new CommandBase(p => true, p => ListarUsuariosCommandAction()) { IsEnable = true };
            ListarUsuariosXNombreCommand = new CommandBase(p => true, p => ListarUsuariosXNombreCommandCommandAccion()) { IsEnable = true };

            //lista los usuarios busqueda rapida
            _ServicioUsuario.ListarUsuariosCompleted += _ServicioUsuario_ListarUsuariosCompletedBusquedaRapida;

            //lista los departamentos
            _ServicioDepartamento.ListarDepartamentosCompleted += _ServicioDepartamento_ListarDepartamentosCompleted;

Beispiel #5
 private ExecutionResult Save(CommandBase command)
     var user = ((SaveUserCommand)command).UserDto;
     user.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
     var id = UserDao.Save(user);
     return new ExecutionResult { Data = UserDao.Get(id) };
Beispiel #6
 public override bool HandleEvent(CommandBase command, ChannelInfo channel, UserInfo user, List<string> args)
     if (command is List)
         // TODO
     return true;
 /// <summary>
 /// 构造函数,默认成功
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="client">通讯的Socket/UdpClient/SerailPort</param>
 /// <param name="param">通讯参数,IP地址或串口参数</param>
 /// <param name="cmds">当前进行通讯的指令列表</param>
 /// <param name="response">响应结果</param>
 public ResponseEventArgs(object client, CommiTarget param, CommandBase[] cmds, byte[] response)
     this.Client = client;
     this.Commands = cmds;
     this.Response = response;
     this.ContentLen = response.Length;
     this.Target = param;
        /// <summary>
        /// Инициализирует экземпляр класса <see cref="AsyncCommand"/> и
        /// задает команду <paramref name="command"/>, которая будет провалидирована и 
        /// выполнена асинхронно.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        public AsyncCommand(CommandBase command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            Command = command;
    public bool SetConfigOption( CommandBase.CommandData commandData )
        bool bRet = false;
        if( commandData.StrCmd == "id" ) {

            CommandBase.CommandData subCmdData = commandData.QueueSubCmdData.Peek();
            if( subCmdData != null && subCmdData.StrCmd == "name" ) {
                Name = subCmdData.QueueStrValue.Peek();
                bRet = true;
            else if( subCmdData != null && subCmdData.StrCmd == "author" ) {
                Authur = subCmdData.QueueStrValue.Peek();
                bRet = true;
        else if( commandData.StrCmd == "option" ) {

            ChessEngineOption option = new ChessEngineOption();

            foreach( CommandBase.CommandData subCmdData in commandData.QueueSubCmdData ) {

                if( subCmdData != null ) {

                    if( subCmdData.StrCmd == "name" ) {

                        option.Name = subCmdData.QueueStrValue.Peek();
                    else if( subCmdData.StrCmd == "type" ) {

                        option.Type = subCmdData.QueueStrValue.Peek();
                    else if( subCmdData.StrCmd == "default" ) {

                         option.Default = subCmdData.QueueStrValue.Peek();
                    else if( subCmdData.StrCmd == "min" ) {

                         option.Min = subCmdData.QueueStrValue.Peek();
                    else if( subCmdData.StrCmd == "max" ) {

                         option.Max = subCmdData.QueueStrValue.Peek();
                    else if( subCmdData.StrCmd == "var" ) {

                        foreach( string strCurrVar in subCmdData.QueueStrValue )
                            option.queueVar.Enqueue( strCurrVar );

            AddOption( option );
            bRet = true;

        return bRet;
        public MainWindowModel(MainWindow v)
            this.view = v;

            _FindPathCommand = new CommandBase(FindPath);
            _FindBadFilesCommand = new CommandBase(this.FindBadFiles, this.FindBadFilesCanExecute);
            _ExecuteFileRenameCommand = new CommandBase(this.ExecuteFileRename, this.ExecuteFileRenameCanExecute);
            _CancelActionCommand = new CommandBase(this.CancelAction, this.CancelActionCanExecute);
            this.Pattern = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultPattern"];
		public static CommandBase add_MenuItem(this O2_VS_AddIn o2AddIn, string buttonText, string targetMenu, Action onExecute) 
			var newCommand = new CommandBase(o2AddIn)
										ButtonText = buttonText,
										TargetMenu = targetMenu,
										Execute = onExecute
			return newCommand;
Beispiel #12
    // on Process Engine command
    public bool OnInitStockfishCommand( CommandBase.CommandData cmdData )
        // why can't i send first command????????
        // 엔진에서 첫번째 명령 스트링을 초기화 안해서....
        ChessEngineManager.Instance.Send( "\n" );
        ChessEngineManager.Instance.Send( "uci" );

        if( EngineCmdExecuterProxy != null )
            return EngineCmdExecuterProxy.OnInitStockfishCommand( cmdData );

        return true;
Beispiel #13
 public override bool HandleEvent(CommandBase command, ChannelInfo channel, UserInfo user, List<string> args)
     if (command is PrivateMessage || command is Notice)
         if (!channel.UserPerChannelInfos.ContainsKey(user.Nick))
             user.IrcDaemon.Replies.SendCannotSendToChannel(user, channel.Name);
             return false;
     return true;
Beispiel #14
 public override bool HandleEvent(CommandBase command, ChannelInfo channel, UserInfo user, List<string> args)
     if (command is PrivateMessage || command is Notice)
         UserPerChannelInfo upci;
         if (!channel.UserPerChannelInfos.TryGetValue(user.Nick, out upci) || upci.Modes.Level < 10)
             user.IrcDaemon.Replies.SendCannotSendToChannel(user, channel.Name);
             return false;
     return true;
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a command to the manager.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">Reference to the command to add</param>
        public void Add(CommandBase command)
            Commands2 vsCommands = (Commands2)dte.Commands;

            // Get full name how Visual Studio queries this command
            string fullname = vsCommands.GetFullname(addIn, command.Name);

            // Add to our own VsTortoise command management
            commands[fullname] = command;

            // Create the command inside Visual Studio permanently
            Command vsCommand = vsCommands.CreateCommandButton(addIn, command);
Beispiel #16
        public override bool HandleEvent(CommandBase command, ChannelInfo channel, UserInfo user, List<string> args)
            if (command is Join)

                if (_limit <= channel.UserPerChannelInfos.Count)
                    user.IrcDaemon.Replies.SendChannelIsFull(user, channel);
                    return false;
            return true;
Beispiel #17
 public void Send(CommandBase command)
     var handlers = this.GetCommandActions(command.GetType()).ToList();
     if (handlers.Any())
         if (handlers.Count() != 1) throw new InvalidOperationException("cannot send to more than one handler");
         throw new InvalidOperationException("no handler registered");
Beispiel #18
        public override bool HandleEvent(CommandBase command, ChannelInfo channel, UserInfo user, List<string> args)
            if (command is Join)
                var keys = args.Count > 1 ? (IEnumerable<string>)CommandBase.GetSubArgument(args[1]) : new List<string>();

                if (keys.All(k => k != _key))
                    user.IrcDaemon.Replies.SendBadChannelKey(user, channel);
                    return false;

            return true;
Beispiel #19
 public void ExecuteCommand(CommandBase command)
     catch (Exception e)
         if (this.ExceptionManager != null)
Beispiel #20
    bool ExcuteBestMoveCommand( CommandBase.CommandData cmdData )
        // best move string to rank/pile
        string strBestMove = cmdData.QueueStrValue.Peek();

        //UnityEngine.Debug.LogError( "ExcuteBestMoveCommand() - best move string = " + strBestMove );

        string strSrcPos = strBestMove.Substring(0, 2);
        string strTrgPos = strBestMove.Substring(2, 2);

        int nSrcRank, nSrcPile;
        ChessData.GetStringToRankPile( strSrcPos, out nSrcRank, out nSrcPile );
        if( ChessPosition.IsInvalidPositionIndex(nSrcRank, nSrcPile) ) {

            UnityEngine.Debug.LogError( "ExcuteBestMoveCommand() - Invalid src rank, pile" );
            return false;

        int nTrgRank, nTrgPile;
        ChessData.GetStringToRankPile( strTrgPos, out nTrgRank, out nTrgPile );

        if( ChessPosition.IsInvalidPositionIndex(nTrgRank, nTrgPile) ) {

            UnityEngine.Debug.LogError( "ExcuteBestMoveCommand() - Invalid src rank, pile" );
            return false;

        ChessBoardSquare srcSquare, trgSquare;
        srcSquare = board.aBoardSquare[nSrcPile, nSrcRank];
        trgSquare = board.aBoardSquare[nTrgPile, nTrgRank];

        //UnityEngine.Debug.LogError( "ExcuteBestMoveCommand() - src rank, pile " + nSrcRank + " , " + nSrcPile );
        //UnityEngine.Debug.LogError( "ExcuteBestMoveCommand() - trg rank, pile " + nTrgRank + " , " + nTrgPile );

        if( board.AIMoveTo( srcSquare, trgSquare ) )
            // turn
            board.CurrTurn = ChessData.GetOppositeSide( board.CurrTurn );
            // invalidate ready state
            board.Ready = true;
            return true;

        UnityEngine.Debug.LogError( "ExcuteBestMoveCommand() - Invalid src rank, pile" );

        return false;
        public void AddCommand(CommandBase command, Action<ResultBase> onResult, TimeSpan sendCommandWithin, TimeSpan expectResultWithin)
            lock (this)
                if (_state != State.Empty)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Command cannot be set - currently in state " + _state);

                _currentCommand = command;
                _resultCallback = onResult;
                _timeCommandAdded = DateTime.UtcNow;
                _timeCommandSent = DateTime.MinValue;
                _timeAllowedForSend = sendCommandWithin;
                _timeAllowedForResult = expectResultWithin;
                _state = State.CommandQueued;
Beispiel #22
 public override bool HandleEvent(CommandBase command, ChannelInfo channel, UserInfo user, List<string> args)
     if (command is PrivateMessage || command is Notice)
         if (args[1].Any(c => c == IrcConstants.IrcColor))
             channel.IrcDaemon.Replies.SendCannotSendToChannel(user, channel.Name, "Color is not permitted in this channel");
             return false;
         if (args[1].Any(c => c == IrcConstants.IrcBold || c == IrcConstants.IrcNormal || c == IrcConstants.IrcUnderline || c == IrcConstants.IrcReverse))
             channel.IrcDaemon.Replies.SendCannotSendToChannel(user, channel.Name, "Control codes (bold/underline/reverse) are not permitted in this channel");
             return false;
     return true;
Beispiel #23
    public bool OnOptionCommand( CommandBase.CommandData cmdData )
        // enable/disable ui engine option

        // setting default option
        ChessEngineOption option = ChessEngineManager.Instance.DefaultConfigData.GetConfigOption( cmdData.GetSubCommandValue("name") );
        if( option != null ) {

            OffGameUI offGameUIScript = GUIManager.Instance.GetUIHouseScript<OffGameUI>( "OffGameUI" );
            offGameUIScript.optionScrollPanelScript.SetOption( option );
            return true;

        if( EngineCmdExecuterProxy != null )
            return EngineCmdExecuterProxy.OnOptionCommand( cmdData );

        return false;
Beispiel #24
 public override bool HandleEvent(CommandBase command, ChannelInfo channel, UserInfo user, List<string> args)
     if (command is Topic)
         UserPerChannelInfo upci;
         if (!channel.UserPerChannelInfos.TryGetValue(user.Nick, out upci))
             user.IrcDaemon.Replies.SendNotOnChannel(user, channel.Name);
             return false;
         if (upci.Modes.Level < 30)
             user.IrcDaemon.Replies.SendChannelOpPrivilegesNeeded(user, channel);
             return false;
     return true;
		public void RegisterCommand(string name, bool doBindings, CommandBase commandHandler, bool onlyToolbar)
			Command command = RegisterCommandPrivate(name, commandHandler, onlyToolbar);

				catch(ArgumentException e)
					Log.Error("Failed to register keybindings for {0}: {1}", name, e.ToString());

			mCommands.Add(name, commandHandler);
        public void Enqueue(CommandBase asyncCommand)
            if (asyncCommand == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("asyncCommand");

            var msg = new Message
                    Body = asyncCommand, 
                    Label = asyncCommand.GetType().FullName, 
                    Formatter = _formatter

            using (msg)
 internal override void PerformCommand(CommandBase command)
     ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull(command, "command");
         if (!SkipHandshake) 
         if (!SkipSerializeCommand) 
         if (!SkipDeserializeCommand) 
     finally {
        public void RegisterCommand(bool doBindings, CommandBase commandHandler, bool onlyToolbar)
            OleMenuCommand command = RegisterCommandPrivate(commandHandler, onlyToolbar);

            if(command != null && doBindings)
                    Command cmd = mPlugin.Commands.Item(commandHandler.CanonicalName, -1);
                catch(ArgumentException e)
                    Log.Error("Failed to register keybindings for {0}: {1}", commandHandler.CanonicalName, e.ToString());

            mCommands.Add(commandHandler.CanonicalName, commandHandler);
Beispiel #29
        private static object[] MakeArray(ConstructorInfo constructorInfo, JObject arguments, CommandBase command)
            var parameters = constructorInfo.GetParameters();

            List<object> args = new List<object>();
            foreach (var parameter in parameters)
                if (parameter.ParameterType == command.GetType())
                if (arguments[parameter.Name] == null) return null;
                var token = arguments[parameter.Name];
                var arg = token.ToObject(parameter.ParameterType, new CustomSerializerSettings());
            return args.ToArray();
		private Command RegisterCommandPrivate(string name, CommandBase commandHandler, bool toolbarOnly)
			Command vscommand = null;

				vscommand = mPlugin.Commands.Item(Absname(name), -1);
				return vscommand;

			Log.Info("Registering the command {0} from scratch", name);
			object[] contextGuids = new object[] { };

			int commandStatus = (int)vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusSupported + (int)vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusEnabled;

			if(0 == commandHandler.IconIndex)
				vscommand = mPlugin.Commands.AddNamedCommand2(mPlugin.AddIn, name, name/*commandHandler.Name*/, commandHandler.Tooltip, true, -1, ref contextGuids, commandStatus, (int)vsCommandStyle.vsCommandStyleText, vsCommandControlType.vsCommandControlTypeButton);
				int style = (int)vsCommandStyle.vsCommandStylePictAndText;
					style = (int)vsCommandStyle.vsCommandStylePict;
				vscommand = mPlugin.Commands.AddNamedCommand2(mPlugin.AddIn, name, name/*commandHandler.Name*/, commandHandler.Tooltip, false, commandHandler.IconIndex, ref contextGuids, commandStatus, style, vsCommandControlType.vsCommandControlTypeButton);

			// Register the graphics controls for this command as well.
			// First let the command itself have a stab at register whatever it needs.
			// Then by default we always register ourselves in the main toolbar of the application.
			if(!commandHandler.RegisterGUI(vscommand, mCommandBar, toolbarOnly))

			return vscommand;
 /// <summary>
 /// Performs specified command against this connection. Inetrnal method, called from command.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="command"></param>
 internal abstract void PerformCommand(CommandBase command);
Beispiel #32
        public async Task <bool> SendCommand(CommandBase command, int timeout = 2500)
            var message = await SendCommand(command, false);

            return(message?.ResponseMessage?.Equals("success", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ?? false);
Beispiel #33
 public async Task ExecuteCommandAsync(CommandBase command)
     Type  commandType = command.GetType();
     await commandHandlers[commandType].HandleAsync((dynamic)command);
 public TestExplorerCommandMenuItem(CommandBase command)
     : base(command)
Beispiel #35
 public abstract void AddCmd(CommandBase cmd);
Beispiel #36
        public async Task ApplyCommand()
            using (ServerStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out TransactionOperationContext context))
                if (ServerStore.IsLeader() == false)
                    throw new NoLeaderException("Not a leader, cannot accept commands.");

                HttpContext.Response.Headers["Reached-Leader"] = "true";

                var commandJson = await context.ReadForMemoryAsync(RequestBodyStream(), "external/rachis/command");

                CommandBase command;
                    command = CommandBase.CreateFrom(commandJson);
                catch (InvalidOperationException e)
                    RequestRouter.AssertClientVersion(HttpContext, e);

                switch (command)
                case AddOrUpdateCompareExchangeBatchCommand batchCmpExchange:
                    batchCmpExchange.ContextToWriteResult = context;

                case CompareExchangeCommandBase cmpExchange:
                    cmpExchange.ContextToWriteResult = context;

                var isClusterAdmin = IsClusterAdmin();
                command.VerifyCanExecuteCommand(ServerStore, context, isClusterAdmin);

                var(etag, result) = await ServerStore.Engine.PutAsync(command);

                HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK;
                var ms = context.CheckoutMemoryStream();
                    using (var writer = new BlittableJsonTextWriter(context, ms))
                        context.Write(writer, new DynamicJsonValue
                            [nameof(ServerStore.PutRaftCommandResult.RaftCommandIndex)] = etag,
                            [nameof(ServerStore.PutRaftCommandResult.Data)]             = result
                    // now that we know that we properly serialized it
                    ms.Position = 0;
                    await ms.CopyToAsync(ResponseBodyStream());
Beispiel #37
        public override Task OnLoaded()
            this.ActionControlContentControl = (ContentControl)this.GetByUid("ActionControlContentControl");

            var commandTypeStrings = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(CommandTypeEnum))
                                     .Cast <CommandTypeEnum>()
                                     .Where(v => !EnumHelper.IsObsolete(v) && v != CommandTypeEnum.Game && v != CommandTypeEnum.Remote && v != CommandTypeEnum.Custom)
                                     .Select(v => EnumHelper.GetEnumName(v))

            this.CommandTypeComboBox.ItemsSource = commandTypeStrings;

            var actionTypes = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(ActionTypeEnum))
                              .Cast <ActionTypeEnum>()
                              .Where(v => !EnumHelper.IsObsolete(v) && v != ActionTypeEnum.Custom)
                              .OrderBy(v => v);

            this.SingleActionNameComboBox.ItemsSource = actionTypes;

            var operatorTypes = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(ConditionalOperatorTypeEnum))
                                .Cast <ConditionalOperatorTypeEnum>()
                                .Where(v => !EnumHelper.IsObsolete(v));

            this.OperatorTypeComboBox.ItemsSource = operatorTypes;
            if (this.action != null)
                this.CaseSensitiveToggleButton.IsChecked = !this.action.IgnoreCase;
                this.OperatorTypeComboBox.SelectedItem   = this.action.Operator;
                foreach (ConditionalClauseModel clause in this.action.Clauses)
                    this.Clauses.Add(new ConditionalClauseViewModel(clause, this));

                if (this.Clauses.Count > 0)
                    this.Clauses.First().CanBeRemoved = false;

                this.Command = this.action.GetCommand();

                if (this.action.Action != null)
                    this.CommandTypeComboBox.SelectedItem       = SingleActionCommandType;
                    this.SingleActionNameComboBox.SelectedItem  = this.action.Action.Type;
                    this.ActionControlContentControl.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                    this.ActionControlContentControl.Content    = this.actionContentContainerControl = new ActionContentContainerControl(this.action.Action);
                this.OperatorTypeComboBox.SelectedItem = ConditionalOperatorTypeEnum.And;
                this.Clauses.Add(new ConditionalClauseViewModel(new ConditionalClauseModel(), this)
                    CanBeRemoved = false
            this.ClausesItemsControl.ItemsSource = this.Clauses;

Beispiel #38
 public override bool HandleEvent(CommandBase command, UserInfo user, List <string> args) => true;
        protected override async Task PerformInternal(UserViewModel user, IEnumerable <string> arguments)
            string v1 = await this.ReplaceStringWithSpecialModifiers(this.Value1, user, arguments);

            string v2 = await this.ReplaceStringWithSpecialModifiers(this.Value2, user, arguments);

            bool result = false;

            if (this.ComparisionType == ConditionalComparisionTypeEnum.Contains || this.ComparisionType == ConditionalComparisionTypeEnum.DoesNotContain)
                bool contains = v1.IndexOf(v2, this.IgnoreCase ? StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase : StringComparison.InvariantCulture) >= 0;
                result = ((this.ComparisionType == ConditionalComparisionTypeEnum.Contains && contains) ||
                          (this.ComparisionType == ConditionalComparisionTypeEnum.DoesNotContain && !contains));
            else if (this.ComparisionType == ConditionalComparisionTypeEnum.Between)
                string v3 = await this.ReplaceStringWithSpecialModifiers(this.Value3, user, arguments);

                if (double.TryParse(v1, out double v1num) && double.TryParse(v2, out double v2num) && double.TryParse(v3, out double v3num))
                    result = (v2num <= v1num && v1num <= v3num);
                int compareResult = 0;
                if (double.TryParse(v1, out double v1num) && double.TryParse(v2, out double v2num))
                    if (v1num < v2num)
                        compareResult = -1;
                    else if (v1num > v2num)
                        compareResult = 1;
                    compareResult = string.Compare(v1, v2, this.IgnoreCase);

                if (compareResult == 0 && (this.ComparisionType == ConditionalComparisionTypeEnum.Equals || this.ComparisionType == ConditionalComparisionTypeEnum.GreaterThanOrEqual ||
                                           this.ComparisionType == ConditionalComparisionTypeEnum.LessThanOrEqual))
                    result = true;
                else if (compareResult < 0 && (this.ComparisionType == ConditionalComparisionTypeEnum.NotEquals || this.ComparisionType == ConditionalComparisionTypeEnum.LessThan ||
                                               this.ComparisionType == ConditionalComparisionTypeEnum.LessThanOrEqual))
                    result = true;
                else if (compareResult > 0 && (this.ComparisionType == ConditionalComparisionTypeEnum.NotEquals || this.ComparisionType == ConditionalComparisionTypeEnum.GreaterThan ||
                                               this.ComparisionType == ConditionalComparisionTypeEnum.GreaterThanOrEqual))
                    result = true;

            if (result)
                CommandBase command = this.GetCommand();
                if (command != null)
                    await command.Perform(user, arguments, this.GetExtraSpecialIdentifiers());
 public ConditionalAction(ConditionalComparisionTypeEnum comparisionType, bool ignoreCase, string value1, string value2, string value3, CommandBase command)
     : this(comparisionType, ignoreCase, value1, value2, command)
     this.Value3 = value3;
 public PopinViewModel()
     QuitCommand = new CommandBase(onQuit);
     OpenCommand = new CommandBase(onOpen);
 public void IsUrl_ChecksUrlValidity(string url, bool isUrl)
     Assert.AreEqual(isUrl, CommandBase.IsUrl(url));
 public void ResolveProject_ThrowsIfProjectFileDoesNotExist()
     // Act, Assert
     Assert.Throws <CLIToolException>(() => CommandBase.ResolveProject(new FileInfo("NonExistent")));
Beispiel #44
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // get configuration
            var metadataService = new DotvvmProjectMetadataService();
            var metadata        = metadataService.FindInDirectory(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());

            if (metadata == null)
                Console.WriteLine("No DotVVM project metadata file (.dotvvm.json) was found on current path.");
                if (ConsoleHelpers.AskForYesNo("Is the current directory the root directory of DotVVM project?"))
                    metadata = metadataService.CreateDefaultConfiguration(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
                    Console.WriteLine("There is no DotVVM project metadata file!");

            // find applicable command
            var commands = new CommandBase[]
                new AddPageCommand(),
                new AddMasterPageCommand(),
                new AddViewModelCommand(),
                new AddControlCommand(),
                new AddNswagCommand(),
                new RegenNswagCommand()

                //new GenerateUiTestStubCommand()
            var arguments = new Arguments(args);
            var command   = commands.FirstOrDefault(c => c.TryConsumeArgs(arguments, metadata));

            // execute the command
                if (command != null)
                    command.Handle(arguments, metadata);

                    // save project metadata
                    throw new InvalidCommandUsageException("Unknown command!");
            catch (InvalidCommandUsageException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid Command Usage: " + ex);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + ex.Message);
Beispiel #45
 public override bool HandleEvent(CommandBase command, ChannelInfo channel, UserInfo user, List <string> args)
     // Handling JOIN is done in the ModeInvite class
Beispiel #46
 public BookViewModel()
     AddBookCommand  = new CommandBase(AddBook);
     EditBookCommand = new CommandBase(EditBook);
Beispiel #47
 public override void AddCmd(CommandBase cmd)
Beispiel #48
        public override void Do()
            Illusion.Game.Utils.Sound.Setting s1 = new Illusion.Game.Utils.Sound.Setting(this.type);
            int num1 = 0;

            Illusion.Game.Utils.Sound.Setting setting1 = s1;
            string[] args1  = this.args;
            int      index1 = num1;
            int      num2   = index1 + 1;
            string   str1   = args1[index1];

            setting1.assetBundleName = str1;
            Illusion.Game.Utils.Sound.Setting setting2 = s1;
            string[] args2  = this.args;
            int      index2 = num2;
            int      num3   = index2 + 1;
            string   str2   = args2[index2];

            setting2.assetName = str2;
            Illusion.Game.Utils.Sound.Setting setting3 = s1;
            string[] args3  = this.args;
            int      index3 = num3;
            int      num4   = index3 + 1;
            double   num5;
            float    num6 = (float)(num5 = (double)float.Parse(args3[index3]));

            setting3.delayTime = (float)num5;
            this.delayTime     = num6;
            Illusion.Game.Utils.Sound.Setting setting4 = s1;
            string[] args4  = this.args;
            int      index4 = num4;
            int      num7   = index4 + 1;
            double   num8   = (double)float.Parse(args4[index4]);

            setting4.fadeTime = (float)num8;
            Illusion.Game.Utils.Sound.Setting setting5 = s1;
            string[] args5  = this.args;
            int      index5 = num7;
            int      num9   = index5 + 1;
            int      num10  = bool.Parse(args5[index5]) ? 1 : 0;

            setting5.isAssetEqualPlay = num10 != 0;
            Illusion.Game.Utils.Sound.Setting setting6 = s1;
            string[] args6  = this.args;
            int      index6 = num9;
            int      num11  = index6 + 1;
            int      num12  = bool.Parse(args6[index6]) ? 1 : 0;

            setting6.isAsync = num12 != 0;
            Illusion.Game.Utils.Sound.Setting setting7 = s1;
            string[] args7  = this.args;
            int      index7 = num11;
            int      num13  = index7 + 1;
            int      num14  = int.Parse(args7[index7]);

            setting7.settingNo = num14;
            string[] args8  = this.args;
            int      index8 = num13;
            int      num15  = index8 + 1;

            this.isWait = bool.Parse(args8[index8]);
            string[] args9  = this.args;
            int      index9 = num15;
            int      num16  = index9 + 1;

            this.isStop    = bool.Parse(args9[index9]);
            this.transform = Illusion.Game.Utils.Sound.Play(s1);
            AudioSource audioSource = (AudioSource)((Component)this.transform).GetComponent <AudioSource>();

            string[]        args10  = this.args;
            int             index10 = num16;
            int             num17   = index10 + 1;
            Action <string> act1    = (Action <string>)(s => audioSource.set_loop(bool.Parse(s)));

            args10.SafeProc(index10, act1);
            string[]        args11  = this.args;
            int             index11 = num17;
            int             num18   = index11 + 1;
            Action <string> act2    = (Action <string>)(s => audioSource.set_pitch(float.Parse(s)));

            args11.SafeProc(index11, act2);
            string[]        args12  = this.args;
            int             index12 = num18;
            int             num19   = index12 + 1;
            Action <string> act3    = (Action <string>)(s => audioSource.set_panStereo(float.Parse(s)));

            args12.SafeProc(index12, act3);
            string[]        args13  = this.args;
            int             index13 = num19;
            int             num20   = index13 + 1;
            Action <string> act4    = (Action <string>)(s => audioSource.set_spatialBlend(float.Parse(s)));

            args13.SafeProc(index13, act4);
            string[]        args14  = this.args;
            int             index14 = num20;
            int             num21   = index14 + 1;
            Action <string> act5    = (Action <string>)(s => audioSource.set_time(float.Parse(s)));

            args14.SafeProc(index14, act5);
            string[]        args15  = this.args;
            int             index15 = num21;
            int             num22   = index15 + 1;
            Action <string> act6    = (Action <string>)(s => audioSource.set_volume(float.Parse(s)));

            args15.SafeProc(index15, act6);
            string[]        args16  = this.args;
            int             index16 = num22;
            int             num23   = index16 + 1;
            Action <string> act7    = (Action <string>)(s =>
                Vector3 v;
                if (!this.scenario.commandController.V3Dic.TryGetValue(s, out v))
                    int cnt = 0;
                    CommandBase.CountAddV3(s.Split(','), ref cnt, ref v);

            args16.SafeProc(index16, act7);
            string[]        args17  = this.args;
            int             index17 = num23;
            int             num24   = index17 + 1;
            Action <string> act8    = (Action <string>)(s =>
                Vector3 v;
                if (!this.scenario.commandController.V3Dic.TryGetValue(s, out v))
                    int cnt = 0;
                    CommandBase.CountAddV3(s.Split(','), ref cnt, ref v);
                this.move = new Vector3?(v);

            args17.SafeProc(index17, act8);
            string[]        args18  = this.args;
            int             index18 = num24;
            int             num25   = index18 + 1;
            Action <string> act9    = (Action <string>)(s => this.stopTime = new float?(float.Parse(s)));

            args18.SafeProc(index18, act9);
 public HTTPMemQueuedCommandStorageItem(DateTime dateCreated, RequestStatus requestStatus, CommandBase commandBase)
     DateCreated   = dateCreated;
     RequestStatus = requestStatus;
     CommandBase   = commandBase;
Beispiel #50
 public PetPersister(IList <ColumnInfo <Pet> > columnInfo, IConfiguration config) : base(columnInfo, config)
     _connection  = new SqlConnection(config.DbConnectionString);
     _commandBase = new CommandBase <Pet>(columnInfo);
 public void PushMethod(CommandBase command)
Beispiel #52
 public bool HandleEvent(CommandBase command, UserInfo user, List <string> args)
     return(Values.All(mode => mode.HandleEvent(command, user, args)));
Beispiel #53
        public static Command CreateCommandButton(this Commands2 me, AddIn addin, CommandBase command)
            object[]  contextGUIDS = new object[] { };
            Commands2 commands     = me;

            // Try to retrieve the command. If it was created already, just leave since the command exists.
            Command vsCommand = me.GetCommand(me.GetFullname(addin, command.Name));

            if (vsCommand != null)
                return(null); // it already exists
                // Try to create a command with icon.
                // This usually fails using Visual Studio 2005 if the VsTortoise satellite dll culture does not match the one of Visual Studio.
                vsCommand = commands.AddNamedCommand2(addin, command.Name, command.Caption, command.Tooltip, false, Type.Missing,
                                                      ref contextGUIDS, (int)vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusSupported + (int)vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusEnabled,
                                                      (int)vsCommandStyle.vsCommandStylePictAndText, vsCommandControlType.vsCommandControlTypeButton);
            { }

            if (vsCommand == null)
                // We're here when command creation failed, so create it without icon.
                vsCommand = commands.AddNamedCommand2(addin, command.Name, command.Caption, command.Tooltip, true, (int)0,
                                                      ref contextGUIDS, (int)vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusSupported + (int)vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusEnabled,
                                                      (int)vsCommandStyle.vsCommandStylePictAndText, vsCommandControlType.vsCommandControlTypeButton);

            if (vsCommand != null)
                // First check if there is a preferred binding at all,
                // to skip unnecessary further expensive tests
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(command.PreferredBinding))
                    // The command inside VS has been added.
                    // Now check if any command is using the preferred binding already.
                    // We use it only, when it is not used by another command!
                    // Bindings are "atomic". If we would use a binding that is in use already,
                    // the binding gets removed from the current command. We don't want to steal bindings from other commands!
                    bool bindingUsedAlready = me.GetCommandByBinding(command.PreferredBinding) != null;
                    if (!bindingUsedAlready)
                            // TODO: figure how to assign bindings correctly
                            // Bindings use translated texts, this is so ridiculous.
                            // I don't know how to assign a shortcut in a language independent way,
                            // so we use a try/catch here, otherwise the add-in refuses to start-up.
                            // English: "Text Editor::Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Up Arrow"
                            // German.: "Text-Editor::Strg+Umschalt+Alt+NACH-OBEN-TASTE"
                            vsCommand.Bindings = command.PreferredBinding;
                        { }

Beispiel #54
 public override void AssertPutCommandToLeader(CommandBase cmd)
Beispiel #55
 internal abstract CommandRunner GetRunner(CommandBase cb);
Beispiel #56
 public RunAllTestsCommandMenuItem(CommandBase command)
     : base(command)
Beispiel #57
 public FindAllReferencesCommandMenuItem(CommandBase command)
     : base(command)
Beispiel #58
 public RefactorIntroduceParameterCommandMenuItem(CommandBase command)
     : base(command)
 public ConditionalAction(ConditionalComparisionTypeEnum comparisionType, bool ignoreCase, string value1, string value2, CommandBase command)
     : this()
     this.ComparisionType = comparisionType;
     this.IgnoreCase      = ignoreCase;
     this.Value1          = value1;
     this.Value2          = value2;
     this.CommandID       = command.ID;
Beispiel #60
        public void ProcessCommand(ClientManager clientManager, object cmd)
            Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command command = cmd as Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command;
            if (ServerMonitor.MonitorActivity)
                ServerMonitor.LogClientActivity("CmdMgr.PrsCmd", "enter");
            if (ServerMonitor.MonitorActivity)
                ServerMonitor.LogClientActivity("CmdMgr.PrsCmd", "" + command);
            if (SocketServer.Logger.IsDetailedLogsEnabled)
                SocketServer.Logger.NCacheLog.Info("ConnectionManager.ReceiveCallback", clientManager.ToString() + " COMMAND to be executed : " + command.type.ToString() + " RequestId :" + command.requestID);

            HPTimeStats milliSecWatch = new HPTimeStats();


            CommandBase incommingCmd = null;

            switch (command.type)
            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.INIT:
                Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.InitCommand initCommand = command.initCommand;
                initCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                if (SocketServer.Logger.IsDetailedLogsEnabled)
                    SocketServer.Logger.NCacheLog.Info("ConnectionManager.ReceiveCallback", clientManager.ToString() + " RequestId :" + command.requestID);
                incommingCmd = new InitializeCommand();

            // added in server to cater getProductVersion request from client
            case Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.GET_PRODUCT_VERSION:
                command.getProductVersionCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new GetProductVersionCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.ADD:
                command.addCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new AddCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.ADD_BULK:
                command.bulkAddCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new BulkAddCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.CLEAR:
                command.clearCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new ClearCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.CONTAINS:
                command.containsCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new ContainsCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.COUNT:
                command.countCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new CountCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.DISPOSE:
                command.disposeCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new DisposeCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.GET:
                command.getCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new GetCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.GET_BULK:
                command.bulkGetCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new BulkGetCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.GET_CACHE_ITEM:
                command.getCacheItemCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new GetCacheItemCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.GET_ENUMERATOR:
                command.getEnumeratorCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new GetEnumeratorCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.GET_NEXT_CHUNK:
                command.getNextChunkCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new GetNextChunkCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.GET_HASHMAP:
                command.getHashmapCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new GetHashmapCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.GET_OPTIMAL_SERVER:
                command.getOptimalServerCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new GetOptimalServerCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.GET_RUNNING_SERVERS:
                command.getRunningServersCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new GetRunningServersCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.GET_LOGGING_INFO:
                command.getLoggingInfoCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new GetLogginInfoCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.GET_TYPEINFO_MAP:
                command.getTypeInfoMapCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new GetTypeInfoMap();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.INSERT:
                command.insertCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new InsertCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.INSERT_BULK:
                command.bulkInsertCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new BulkInsertCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.ISLOCKED:
                command.isLockedCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new IsLockedCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.LOCK:
                command.lockCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new LockCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.LOCK_VERIFY:
                command.lockVerifyCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new VerifyLockCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.REGISTER_KEY_NOTIF:
                command.registerKeyNotifCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new RegisterKeyNotifcationCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.REGISTER_NOTIF:
                command.registerNotifCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new NotificationRegistered();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.REMOVE:
                command.removeCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new RemoveCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.DELETE:
                command.deleteCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new DeleteCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.REMOVE_BULK:
                command.bulkRemoveCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new BulkRemoveCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.DELETE_BULK:
                command.bulkDeleteCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new BulkDeleteCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.SEARCH:
                Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.SearchCommand searchCommand = command.searchCommand;
                searchCommand.requestId = command.requestID;

                if (searchCommand.searchEntries)
                    incommingCmd = new SearchEnteriesCommand();
                    incommingCmd = new SearchCommand();


            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.UNLOCK:
                command.unlockCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new UnlockCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.UNREGISTER_KEY_NOTIF:
                command.unRegisterKeyNotifCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new UnRegisterKeyNoticationCommand();

            case Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protobuf.Command.Type.ADD_ATTRIBUTE:
                command.addAttributeCommand.requestId = command.requestID;
                incommingCmd = new AddAttributeCommand();
            if (SocketServer.IsServerCounterEnabled)
            ///**/incommingCmd.ExecuteCommand(clientManager, command, value);/**/
            incommingCmd.ExecuteCommand(clientManager, command);/**/
            if (SocketServer.Logger.IsDetailedLogsEnabled)
                SocketServer.Logger.NCacheLog.Info("ConnectionManager.ReceiveCallback", clientManager.ToString() + " after executing COMMAND : " + command.type.ToString() + " RequestId :" + command.requestID);

            if (SocketServer.IsServerCounterEnabled)

            if (clientManager != null && incommingCmd.SerializedResponsePackets != null && !clientManager.IsCacheStopped)
                if (SocketServer.IsServerCounterEnabled)

                foreach (byte[] reponse in incommingCmd.SerializedResponsePackets)
                    ConnectionManager.AssureSend(clientManager, reponse, Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Enum.Priority.Normal);

            if (ServerMonitor.MonitorActivity)
                ServerMonitor.LogClientActivity("CmdMgr.PrsCmd", "exit");