Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 查询
        /// </summary>
        private void DoSelect()
            string sql = @"select B.GroupID As CorpId ,B.Name As CorpName from sysuser As A 
	                       left join SysGroup As B
                             on A.Pk_corp=B.GroupID
	                       where A.UserID='{0}' "    ;

            sql = string.Format(sql, UserInfo.UserID);
            DataTable Dt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql);

            CommPowerSplit ps = new CommPowerSplit();

            if (ps.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName) || ps.IsSetMgrRole(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName)) //设置管理角色 or HR
                ents = WelfareConfig.FindAll(SearchCriterion);
                string  CorpIds = string.Empty;
                SysUser Ent     = SysUser.Find(UserInfo.UserID);

                // 判断公司登陆
                if (Session["CompanyId"] != null)
                    CorpIds = Session["CompanyId"] + "";
                    CorpIds = Ent.Pk_corp;
                ents = WelfareConfig.FindAll(SearchCriterion, Expression.Sql("CorpId='" + CorpIds + "' or CreateId='" + UserInfo.UserID + "' "));

            this.PageState.Add("DataList", ents);
        private void Doselect()
            string SurveyId = RequestData.Get("SurveyId") + "";

            //V_SurveyAnswerExplain[] Ents = V_SurveyAnswerExplain.FindAllByProperties("SurveyId", SurveyId);

            string where = "";
            foreach (CommonSearchCriterionItem item in SearchCriterion.Searches.Searches)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value.ToString()))
                    switch (item.PropertyName)
                    case "StartTime":
                        where += " and CreateTime>='" + item.Value + "' ";

                    case "EndTime":
                        where += " and CreateTime<='" + (item.Value.ToString()).Replace(" 0:00:00", " 23:59:59") + "' ";

                        where += " and " + item.PropertyName + " like '%" + item.Value + "%' ";

            var SEnt = SurveyQuestion.TryFind(SurveyId);

            if (SEnt != null && SEnt.IsFixed == "2")
                CommPowerSplit PS = new CommPowerSplit();
                if (PS.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsAdmin(UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsInAdminsRole(UserInfo.UserID))
                    UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo();
                    where += " and B.pk_corp='" + UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID) + "' ";

            string SQL = @"SELECT distinct A.* from FL_Culture..V_SurveyAnswerExplain As A
	                        left join FL_PortalHR..SysUser as B
		                        on A.UserId=B.UserID
                            where SurveyId='{0}' ";

            SQL  = string.Format(SQL, SurveyId);
            SQL  = SQL.Replace("FL_PortalHR", Global.AimPortalDB);
            SQL += where;

            this.PageState.Add("DataList", GetPageData(SQL, SearchCriterion));
            // this.PageState.Add("DataList", Ents);
        private void DoSelect()
            //SurveyQuestion[] Ent = SurveyQuestion.FindAll(SearchCriterion);
            string where = "";
            foreach (CommonSearchCriterionItem item in SearchCriterion.Searches.Searches)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value.ToString()))
                    switch (item.PropertyName)
                    case "StartTime":
                        where += " and StartTime>='" + item.Value + "' ";

                    case "EndTime":
                        where += " and StartTime<='" + (item.Value.ToString()).Replace(" 0:00:00", " 23:59:59") + "' ";

                        where += " and " + item.PropertyName + " like '%" + item.Value + "%' ";

            string SQL = @"select  T1.MustCheckFlow As IsCheck,T.* from  FL_Culture..SurveyQuestion As T
                            left join  FL_Culture..SurveyType AS T1
	                            on T.SurveyTypeId=T1.Id
                            where  IsFixed='0' and ( SurveyTitile is not null or  SurveyTitile<>'' ) ";

            CommPowerSplit ps = new CommPowerSplit();//角色组 or HR

            if (!ps.IsSurveyRole(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName) || !ps.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName))
                SQL += " and ( T.CreateId='{0}' or T.CompanyId in ({1}) ) ";

                //UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo();
                string Corps = ps.GetCorps(UserInfo.UserID) + "";
                Corps = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Corps.TrimEnd(',')) ? "NULL" :
                        string.Join(",", Corps.TrimEnd(',').Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(ten => "'" + ten + "'").ToArray());

                SQL = string.Format(SQL, UserInfo.UserID, Corps);

            SQL  = SQL.Replace("FL_PortalHR", Global.AimPortalDB);
            SQL += where;

            this.PageState.Add("DataList", GetPageData(SQL, SearchCriterion));
        public void SurveyStatistic(string SurveyId)
            //sql = string.Format(sql, SurveyId);
            var SEnt = SurveyQuestion.TryFind(SurveyId);

            if (SEnt != null && SEnt.IsFixed == "2")
                CommPowerSplit PS = new CommPowerSplit();
                if (PS.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsAdmin(UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsInAdminsRole(UserInfo.UserID))
                    UserContextInfo UC  = new UserContextInfo();
                    string          SQL = "exec FL_Culture..pro_SummarySurvey_Fix '{0}','{1}' ";
                    SQL = string.Format(SQL, SurveyId, UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID));
                    this.PageState.Add("DataList", DataHelper.QueryDataTable(SQL));

            string sql = "";

            sql = "select * from FL_Culture..SummarySurvey where SurveyId='{0}' order by SortIndex ";
            sql = string.Format(sql, SurveyId);
            var Ents = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql);

            if (Ents.Rows.Count != 0)
                this.PageState.Add("DataList", Ents);
                sql  = "exec FL_Culture..pro_SummarySurvey '{0}'";
                sql  = string.Format(sql, SurveyId);
                Ents = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql);
                this.PageState.Add("DataList", Ents);
            //  this.PageState.Add("DataList", Ents);


            //sql = @"select *  from FL_Culture..QuestionItem  where SurveyId='{0}' and QuestionType like '%填写项%' ";
            //sql = string.Format(sql, Id);
            //this.PageState.Add("FillQuestion", DataHelper.QueryDictList(sql));
        private void Doselect()
            string SurveyId = RequestData.Get("SurveyId") + "";

                string QuestionSQL = @"select Content val,content As Name from FL_Culture..QuestionItem 
                                    where SurveyId='{0}' and QuestionType like '填写项%'
                                  order by sortindex ";
                QuestionSQL = string.Format(QuestionSQL, SurveyId);
                this.PageState.Add("QuestionItem", DataHelper.QueryDict(QuestionSQL));

            string where = "";
            foreach (CommonSearchCriterionItem item in SearchCriterion.Searches.Searches)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value.ToString()))
                    switch (item.PropertyName)
                    case "QuestionItem":
                        where += " and Content like '" + item.Value.ToString() + "%' ";

                    case "StartTime":
                        where += " and CreateTime>='" + item.Value + "' ";

                    case "EndTime":
                        where += " and CreateTime<='" + (item.Value.ToString()).Replace(" 0:00:00", " 23:59:59") + "' ";

                        where += " and " + item.PropertyName + " like '%" + item.Value + "%' ";

            var SEnt = SurveyQuestion.TryFind(SurveyId);

            if (SEnt != null && SEnt.IsFixed == "2")
                CommPowerSplit PS = new CommPowerSplit();
                if (PS.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsAdmin(UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsInAdminsRole(UserInfo.UserID))
                    UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo();
                    where += " and D.pk_corp='" + UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID) + "' ";

            string SQL = @"SELECT newid() As Id, A.SurveyTitile, A.IsNoName , B.Content, C.QuestionContent ,C.UserId, C.UserName,C.CreateTime
                        from  FL_Culture..SurveyQuestion  As A
                         left join  FL_Culture..QuestionItem As B
	                        on A.Id=B.SurveyId  
                         left join  FL_Culture..SurveyedResult As C
	                        on  C.QuestionId=B.Id
                         left join FL_PortalHR..SysUser As D
                            on C.UserId=D.UserId
                        where  B.QuestionType='填写项' and  A.Id='{0}'";

            SQL  = SQL.Replace("FL_PortalHR", Global.AimPortalDB);
            SQL  = string.Format(SQL, SurveyId);
            SQL += where;
            this.PageState.Add("DataList", GetPageData(SQL, SearchCriterion));
        private void ImpExcel()
            string where = string.Empty;
            var Ent = SurveyQuestion.TryFind(SurveyId);

            if (Ent != null && Ent.IsFixed == "2")
                CommPowerSplit PS = new CommPowerSplit();
                if (PS.IsInAdminsRole(UserInfo.UserID) || PS.IsAdmin(UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName))
                    UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo();
                    where += " and D.Pk_corp='" + UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID) + "' ";

            tmpSQL = tmpSQL.Replace("##QUERY##", where);
            tmpSQL = tmpSQL.Replace("HR_OA_MiddleDB", Global.HR_OA_MiddleDB);
            string    sql        = string.Format(tmpSQL, SurveyId);
            string    path       = RequestData.Get <string>("path");
            string    fileName   = RequestData.Get <string>("fileName");
            string    xlsName    = fileName + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyMMddhhmmss");
            DataTable forExcelDt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql);

            if (forExcelDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                forExcelDt.TableName = "data";
                WorkbookDesigner designer   = new WorkbookDesigner();
                string           xlsMdlPath = Server.MapPath(path);
                Aspose.Cells.Worksheet ws = designer.Workbook.Worksheets.GetSheetByCodeName(fileName);

                string newXls = xlsName + ".xls";
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo xlspath = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath("../Excel/tempexcel"));
                designer.Save(Server.MapPath("../Excel/tempexcel") + "\\" + newXls, FileFormatType.Excel2003);
                this.PageState.Add("fileName", "/Excel/tempexcel/" + newXls);
        private void DefaultSelect()
            string where = "";
            foreach (CommonSearchCriterionItem item in SearchCriterion.Searches.Searches)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value.ToString()))
                    switch (item.PropertyName)
                    case "WorkNo":
                        where += " and A." + item.PropertyName + " like '%" + item.Value + "%' ";

                        where += " and " + item.PropertyName + " like '%" + item.Value + "%' ";

            var Ent = SurveyQuestion.TryFind(SurveyId);

            if (Ent != null && Ent.IsFixed == "2")
                CommPowerSplit PS = new CommPowerSplit();
                if (PS.IsInAdminsRole(UserInfo.UserID) || PS.IsAdmin(UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName))
                    UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo();
                    where += " and D.Pk_corp='" + UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID) + "' ";

            string sql = @" IF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#ST') IS NOT NULL)
                                    DROP TABLE tempdb..#ST;
                                 A.*, B.SortIndex As P, C.SortIndex As S 
                                 into #ST
                            from  FL_Culture..SummarySurvey_detail As A 
                             left join FL_Culture..QuestionItem As B 
                                on B.Id=A.QuestionId and A.SurveyId=B.SurveyId
                             left join FL_Culture..QuestionAnswerItem As C 
                                on A.SurveyId=C.SurveyId and  A.QuestionItemId=C.Id
							 left join FL_PortalHR..SysUser As D
							    on  A.UserId=D.UserId
                            where  A.SurveyId='{0}' and  A.WorkNo is not null ##query##
                            order by A.UserId, P,S ";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(where))
                sql = sql.Replace("##query##", where);
                sql = sql.Replace("##query##", "");
            sql = string.Format(sql, SurveyId);
            sql = sql.Replace("FL_PortalHR", Global.AimPortalDB);
            sql = sql.Replace("HR_OA_MiddleDB", Global.HR_OA_MiddleDB);
            this.PageState.Add("DataList", GetPageData(sql, SearchCriterion));
        private void ImpExcel()
            string WorkFlowState = RequestData.Get <string>("WorkFlowState");

            string where = string.Empty;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(WorkFlowState))
                where += " and  A.WorkFlowState='" + WorkFlowState + "' ";
            CommPowerSplit ps = new CommPowerSplit();

            if (ps.IsNoticeRole(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName) || ps.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName))
            { //管理员或HR组
                where += AppealUsrAuth();

            //A.TravelMoney, 旅游费用/每人
            string sql = @"select distinct
	                        A.TravelAddr,A.TravelTime as TimeSeg, A.XLMoney as TravelMoney,
			                        when   HaveFamily='Y' then '是'
			                        when   HaveFamily='N' then '否'
                            end As IsFamily, convert(varchar(10),A.ApplyTime ,120) As ApplyTime,
	                        C.Indutydate As IndutyDate,
	                        datediff(year,C.Indutydate,getdate()) As WorkYear,
	                        B.Name As Fname,B.Sex As OSex, B.Age As OAge,cast(B.Height as varchar(10))  Height,
								when WorkFlowState='1' then '未处理'
								when WorkFlowState='-1' then '不同意'
								when WorkFlowState='2' then '同意'
                                when WorkFlowState='Exception' then '异常'
							End As State
                        from  FL_Culture..UsrTravelWelfare As A
                           left join FL_Culture..UsrTravelInfo As B 
		                        on  A.Id=B.WelfareTravelId
                           left  join FL_PortalHR..SysUser As C
                               on C.UserID=A.UserId
                        where (WorkFlowState='1' or WorkFlowState='2' or WorkFlowState='-1') and  A.Id is not null";

            sql  = sql.Replace("FL_PortalHR", Global.AimPortalDB);
            sql += where;

            string    path       = RequestData.Get <string>("path");
            string    fileName   = RequestData.Get <string>("fileName");
            string    xlsName    = fileName + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyMMddhhmmss");
            DataTable forExcelDt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql);

            forExcelDt = DtDetail(forExcelDt);

            if (forExcelDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                forExcelDt.TableName = "data";
                WorkbookDesigner designer   = new WorkbookDesigner();
                string           xlsMdlPath = Server.MapPath(path);
                Aspose.Cells.Worksheet ws = designer.Workbook.Worksheets.GetSheetByCodeName(fileName);

                string newXls = xlsName + ".xls";
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo xlspath = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath("../Excel/tempexcel"));
                designer.Save(Server.MapPath("../Excel/tempexcel") + "\\" + newXls, FileFormatType.Excel2003);
                this.PageState.Add("fileName", "../Excel/tempexcel/" + newXls);
Beispiel #9
        private void DefaultSelect()
            string where = "";
            foreach (CommonSearchCriterionItem item in SearchCriterion.Searches.Searches)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value.ToString()))
                    switch (item.PropertyName)
                        where += " and A." + item.PropertyName + " like '%" + item.Value + "%' ";
            string qstSQl = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestData.Get("type") + ""))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestData.Get("Qty") + ""))
                    string Qty = RequestData.Get("Qty") + "";
                    switch ((RequestData.Get("GroupType") + "").Trim().ToLower())
                    case "corp":     //公司维度
                        where += " and A.Corp='" + Qty + "' ";

                    case "sex":
                        where += " and A.Sex='" + Qty + "' ";

                    case "workage":
                        if (Qty.Contains("未知"))
                            where += " and A.WorkAge is  null ";
                            where += " and A.WorkAge=" + Qty + " ";

                    case "ageseg":
                        string   OraStr = Qty;
                        string[] Arr    = Qty.Split('-');
                        if (Arr.Length > 1)
                            where += " and A.Age between " + Arr[0] + " and " + Arr[1] + " ";
                            where += " and A.age " + Arr[0] + " ";

                    string QuestionId     = RequestData.Get("QuestionId") + "";
                    string QuestionItemId = RequestData.Get("QuestionItemId") + "";
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(QuestionId) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(QuestionItemId))
                        string tmpSQL = @"  and A.WorkNo in 
			                            select Distinct WorkNo from FL_Culture..SummarySurvey_detail As A
			                            where  A.SurveyId='{0}'
			                            and QuestionId='{1}' 
			                            and QuestionItemId='{2}'
		                            ) "        ;
                        qstSQl = string.Format(tmpSQL, SurveyId, QuestionId, QuestionItemId);

            var Ent = SurveyQuestion.TryFind(SurveyId);

            if (Ent != null && Ent.IsFixed == "2")
                CommPowerSplit PS = new CommPowerSplit();
                if (PS.IsInAdminsRole(UserInfo.UserID) || PS.IsAdmin(UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName))
                    UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo();
                    where += " and B.Pk_corp='" + UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID) + "' ";

            string sql = @"select * from FL_Culture..SummarySurvey_detail As A
                            left join FL_PortalHR..SysUser As B 
			                     on A.WorkNo=B.WorkNo
                            where SurveyId='{0}' and 1=1  ";

            sql = sql + where + qstSQl;
            sql = string.Format(sql, SurveyId);
            sql = sql.Replace("FL_PortalHR", Global.AimPortalDB);
            DataTable OrigDt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql);

            DataTable newDt = CreateNewTable(OrigDt, SurveyId, "");
            DataTable dt    = GetPagedTable(newDt, SearchCriterion.CurrentPageIndex, SearchCriterion.PageSize);

            SearchCriterion.RecordCount = newDt.Rows.Count;
            PageState.Add("DataList", dt);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// 查询导出
        /// </summary>
        private void QryAndImpExcel()
            string where = "";
            string Corp     = RequestData.Get("Corp") + "";
            string WorkNo   = RequestData.Get("WorkNo") + "";
            string UserName = RequestData.Get("UserName") + "";
            string JobName  = RequestData.Get("JobName") + "";
            string WorkAge  = RequestData.Get("WorkAge") + "";
            string SurveyId = RequestData.Get("SurveyId") + "";
            string title    = RequestData.Get("title") + "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Corp))
                where += " and A.Corp like '%" + Corp + "%' ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(WorkNo))
                where += " and A.WorkNo like '%" + WorkNo + "%' ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName))
                where += " and A.UserName like '%" + UserName + "%' ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(JobName))
                where += " and A.JobName like '%" + JobName + "%' ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(WorkAge))
                where += " and A.WorkAge like '%" + WorkAge + "%' ";

            string sql = @"select 
	                              newid() '编号',
                                  A.WorkNo '工号', UserName '姓名',A.Sex '性别',Corp '公司',Dept '部门',convert(varchar(10),A.Indutydate,120) '入职日期',WorkAge '工龄',Crux '关键岗位',
                                  convert(varchar(10), BornDate,120) '出生日期',A.Age '年龄',JobName '岗位',JobDegree '岗位等级',JobSeq '岗位序列',Skill '技能',A.Content, A.QuestionType,
                                  Case when Explanation<>'' then A.Answer+'(' + Explanation+')'  else A.Answer End As Answer,
	                              B.SortIndex As P, C.SortIndex As S 
                            from  FL_Culture..SummarySurvey_detail As A 
                             left join FL_Culture..QuestionItem As B 
	                            on B.Id=A.QuestionId and A.SurveyId=B.SurveyId
                             left join FL_Culture..QuestionAnswerItem As C 
	                            on A.SurveyId=C.SurveyId and  A.QuestionItemId=C.Id
                             left join FL_PortalHR..SysUser As D
	                            on A.WorkNo=D.WorkNo
                            where  A.SurveyId='{0}' and  A.WorkNo is not null ##query##
                            order by A.UserId, P,S ";

            var SEnt = SurveyQuestion.TryFind(SurveyId);

            if (SEnt != null && SEnt.IsFixed == "2") //IsFixed "2" 常用问卷
                CommPowerSplit PS = new CommPowerSplit();
                if (PS.IsInAdminsRole(UserInfo.UserID) || PS.IsAdmin(UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName))
                    UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo();
                    where += " and D.Pk_corp='" + UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID) + "' ";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(where))
                sql = sql.Replace("##query##", where);
                sql = sql.Replace("##query##", "");

            sql = sql.Replace("FL_PortalHR", Global.AimPortalDB);
            sql = sql.Replace("HR_OA_MiddleDB", Global.HR_OA_MiddleDB);
            sql = string.Format(sql, SurveyId);
            DataTable OrigDt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql);

            DataTable newDt = CreateNewTable(OrigDt, SurveyId, "IMP");


            if (title.Contains("内部服务评分"))
                string CorpStr = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < newDt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        CorpStr += ",";
                    CorpStr += newDt.Rows[i]["公司"] + "";
                string[] CorpArr = CorpStr.Split(',');

                string   DeptStr = @"财务管理中心,信息管理中心,综合管理中心,物流研发中心,物流事业部,法务稽核部,营销服务中心,人力资源中心,海运事业部,空运事业部,商业发展部";
                string[] DeptArr = DeptStr.Split(',');

                ExportExcel(DeptArr, CorpArr, title);
                string xlsName    = title + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyMMddhhmm") + ".xls";
                string FilnalName = Server.MapPath("../Excel/tempexcel") + "/" + xlsName;

                OutFileToDisk(newDt, "DataSource2", FilnalName);
                this.PageState.Add("fileName", "/Excel/tempexcel/" + xlsName);
Beispiel #11
        public void DoSelect(string year, string month, string SurveyId)
            string sql = @" select Distinct * from FL_Culture..QuestionItem where SurveyId='{0}'
	                        and '单选项,多选项' like '%'+QuestionType+'%' and  Content like '%主要原因%' "    ;

            sql = string.Format(sql, SurveyId);
            DataTable TypeDt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql);

            sql = @"select A.Id,A.SurveyTitle,A.Content, A.SubItemId,A.SortIndex,
	                        B.Id As ItemId,B.AnSwer,B.SortIndex
                        from (
	                        select * from FL_Culture..QuestionItem where SurveyId='{0}'
	                        and '单选项,多选项' like '%'+QuestionType+'%'
                        ) As A 
                        left join   FL_Culture..QuestionAnswerItem As B
                         on A.SubItemId=B.QuestionItemId and A.SurveyId=B.SurveyId
                        where Content like '%主要原因%'
                        order by A.SortIndex,B.SortIndex";
            sql = string.Format(sql, SurveyId);
            DataTable QDt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql);

            sql = @"select QuestionId, QuestionItemId,count(QuestionItemId) As ChoiceTotal 
                    from FL_Culture..SurveyedResult As A
                        left join FL_PortalHR..SysUser As B
				        on A.UserId=B.UserID
                        and QuestionItemContent='1'  
	                    and year(CreateTime)={1} and month(CreateTime)={2} 
                        and Len(QuestionItemId)>0  and 1=1
                    group by QuestionId,QuestionItemId order by QuestionId";
            sql = sql.Replace("FL_PortalHR", Global.AimPortalDB);
            sql = string.Format(sql, SurveyId, year, month);

            CommPowerSplit PS = new CommPowerSplit();

            if (PS.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsAdmin(UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsInAdminsRole(UserInfo.UserID))
                UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo();
                sql = sql.Replace("and 1=1", " and  B.Pk_corp='" + UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID) + "' ");
            DataTable ItemTal = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql);

            int monthTotal = 0;

            if (ItemTal.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < ItemTal.Rows.Count; i++)
                    int temp = 0;
                    if (int.TryParse(ItemTal.Rows[i]["ChoiceTotal"].ToString(), out temp))
                        monthTotal += temp;
            MonthTotal = monthTotal;

            sql = @"select QuestionId, count(QuestionId) As ChoiceTotal 
                    from FL_Culture..SurveyedResult As A
                         left join FL_PortalHR..SysUser As B
				            on A.UserId=B.UserID
                        and QuestionItemContent='1' and 1=1 
                        and  year(CreateTime)={1}  and Len(QuestionItemId)>0
                    group by QuestionId  order by QuestionId";

            sql = string.Format(sql, SurveyId, year);
            sql = sql.Replace("FL_PortalHR", Global.AimPortalDB);

            if (PS.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsAdmin(UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsInAdminsRole(UserInfo.UserID))
                UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo();
                sql = sql.Replace("and 1=1", " and  B.Pk_corp='" + UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID) + "' ");

            DataTable YearDt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql);
            int yearTotal = 0;

            if (YearDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < YearDt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    int temp = 0;
                    if (int.TryParse(YearDt.Rows[i]["ChoiceTotal"].ToString(), out temp))
                        yearTotal += temp;
            YearTotal = yearTotal;

            for (int i = 0; i < TypeDt.Rows.Count; i++)
                QItem tempItem = new QItem();
                tempItem.type = TypeDt.Rows[i]["Content"].ToString();

                DataRow[] rows = QDt.Select(" Id='" + TypeDt.Rows[i]["Id"] + "' ");
                tempItem.items        = new List <string>();
                tempItem.itemsChoices = new List <string>();
                for (int j = 0; j < rows.Length; j++)
                    DataRow tempRow = ItemTal.Select(" QuestionItemId='" + rows[j]["ItemId"] + "' ").FirstOrDefault();
                    if (tempRow == null)

                if (YearDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    DataRow yearRow = YearDt.Select(" QuestionId ='" + TypeDt.Rows[i]["Id"] + "'").FirstOrDefault();
                    if (yearRow == null)
                        tempItem.yearTotal = 0;
                        tempItem.yearTotal = int.Parse(string.IsNullOrEmpty(yearRow["ChoiceTotal"].ToString()) ? "0 " : yearRow["ChoiceTotal"].ToString());
        private void Doeselect()
            string where = "";
            foreach (CommonSearchCriterionItem item in SearchCriterion.Searches.Searches)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value.ToString()))
                    switch (item.PropertyName)
                    case "StartTime":
                        where += " and CreateTime>='" + item.Value + "' ";

                    case "EndTime":
                        where += " and CreateTime<='" + (item.Value.ToString()).Replace(" 0:00:00", " 23:59:59") + "' ";

                        where += " and " + item.PropertyName + " like '%" + item.Value + "%' ";

            string SQL = string.Empty;

            //问卷角色或管理员 获取HR
            CommPowerSplit Role = new CommPowerSplit();

            if (Role.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName) || Role.IsSurveyRole(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName))
                SQL = @" select A.*,B.SummitCount
                            from FL_Culture..SurveyQuestion  As A 
                            left join 
	                            select SurveyId ,count(*) As SummitCount from FL_Culture..SurveyCommitHistory group by  SurveyId 
                            ) As B
                            on  A.Id=B.SurveyId
                            where A.IsFixed='2' and A.State='1' ";
                string          CompanyId = string.Empty;//判断公司登陆
                UserContextInfo UC        = new UserContextInfo();
                CompanyId = UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID);

                SQL = @" select A.*,B.SummitCount
                            from FL_Culture..SurveyQuestion  As A 
                            left join 
	                            select SurveyId ,count(*) As SummitCount 
		                        from FL_Culture..SurveyCommitHistory As A 
			                        left join  FL_PortalHR..sysuser As B 
		                        on A.SurveyedUserId=B.UserId
	                            where B.Pk_corp='{0}'
	                            group by  SurveyId  
                            ) As B
                            on  A.Id=B.SurveyId
                          where A.IsFixed='2'  and A.state='1'";

                // --- 常用问卷不需要此限制条件 and A.CompanyId='{0}'

                SQL = string.Format(SQL, CompanyId);

            SQL += where;
            //SearchCriterion.SetOrder("CreateTime", false);
            //IList<SurveyQuestion> Ents = SurveyQuestion.FindAll(SearchCriterion);
            this.PageState.Add("DataList", GetPageData(SQL, SearchCriterion));
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// 默认查询
        /// </summary>
        private void DoDefaultSelect()
            if (this.RequestData.Get("ation") + "" == "query")

            var SEnt = SurveyQuestion.TryFind(surveyId);

            if (SEnt != null && SEnt.IsFixed == "2")
                CommPowerSplit PS = new CommPowerSplit();
                if (PS.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsAdmin(UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsInAdminsRole(UserInfo.UserID))
                    UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo();
                    string where = string.Empty, CorpId = string.Empty;
                    where       += " and  C.GroupID='" + UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID) + "' ";
                    CorpId       = UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID) + "";

                    //  获取公司枚举
                    string SQL = @"select distinct C.GroupID, C.Name from  FL_Culture..SurveyCommitHistory As A
                        left join  FL_PortalHR..SysUser As B
                            on A.SurveyedUserId=B.UserId
                        left join  FL_PortalHR..SysGroup As C
                          on B.Pk_corp=C.GroupID
                        where C.type=2 and A.SurveyId='{0}' and C.Name like '%公司%' ";
                    SQL  = SQL.Replace("FL_PortalHR", Global.AimPortalDB);
                    SQL  = string.Format(SQL, surveyId);
                    SQL += where;
                    var CropEnt = DataHelper.QueryDict(SQL);
                    this.PageState.Add("CropEnum", CropEnt);

                    SQL = "exec FL_Culture..pro_SummarySurvey_Choices_Fix '{0}','{1}' ";
                    SQL = string.Format(SQL, surveyId, CorpId);

                    DataTable MtDt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(SQL);
                    this.PageState.Add("DataList", GetTreeData(MtDt));

            string sql = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(surveyId))
                //  获取公司枚举
                sql = @"select distinct C.GroupID, C.Name from  FL_Culture..SurveyCommitHistory As A
                        left join  FL_PortalHR..SysUser As B
                            on A.SurveyedUserId=B.UserId
                        left join  FL_PortalHR..SysGroup As C
                          on B.Pk_corp=C.GroupID
                        where C.type=2 and A.SurveyId='{0}' and C.Name like '%公司%' ";

                sql = sql.Replace("FL_PortalHR", Global.AimPortalDB);
                sql = string.Format(sql, surveyId);
                var CropEnt = DataHelper.QueryDict(sql);
                this.PageState.Add("CropEnum", CropEnt);
            //if (IsPostBack)
            sql = "exec FL_Culture..pro_SummarySurvey_Choices '{0}'";
            sql = string.Format(sql, surveyId);

            DataTable Dt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql);

            Dt = GetTreeData(Dt);
            this.PageState.Add("DataList", Dt);
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据条件筛选数据
        /// </summary>
        private void QueryData()
            string SurveyId   = this.RequestData.Get("SurveyId") + "";
            string CropId     = this.RequestData.Get("cropId") + "";
            string DeptId     = this.RequestData.Get("deptId") + "";
            string Year       = this.RequestData.Get("year") + "";
            string Sex        = this.RequestData.Get("sex") + "";
            string AgeSegment = RequestData.Get("age") + "";
            string ationType  = this.RequestData.Get("ationType") + "";

            string where = string.Empty;
            where += !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Sex) ? " and sex='" + Sex + "'" : "";
            string OrgId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(DeptId) ? CropId : DeptId;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Year) && Year.Split('-').Length > 1)
                string[] tmpArr = Year.Split('-');
                // where += " and  datepart(year,getdate())- datepart(year,Indutydate) between " + tmpArr[0] + " and " + tmpArr[1] + " ";
                where += " and datepart(year,getdate())- datepart(year,Indutydate) >= " + tmpArr[0] + " and datepart(year,getdate())- datepart(year,Indutydate) < " + tmpArr[1] + " ";
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Year))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OrgId))
                    where += " and datepart(year,getdate())- datepart(year,Indutydate) " + Year + " ";
                    where += " and datepart(year,getdate())- datepart(year,Indutydate) " + Year + " ";
            //Age segment  ryxl D.def4 年龄段
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AgeSegment) && AgeSegment.Split('-').Length > 1)
                string[] tmpArr = AgeSegment.Split('-');
                where += " and datediff(year,D.def4,getdate()) >= " + tmpArr[0] + " and datediff(year,D.def4,getdate()) < " + tmpArr[1] + " ";
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AgeSegment))
                where += " and datediff(year,D.def4,getdate()) " + AgeSegment + " ";
            //-----------------condition end---------------------------------------------

            string IndutySql = string.Empty;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(OrgId))
                IndutySql = @" select UserID  from FL_PortalHR..Sysuser where Status=1 and (Outdutydate is null or Outdutydate='' ) ##Query##";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AgeSegment))
                IndutySql = @"select UserID  
                               from FL_PortalHR..Sysuser As A
	                                left join HR_OA_MiddleDB..fld_ryxx As D
	                                 on A.WorkNo=D.psncode and A.Name=D.psnname
                              where Status=1 and (A.Outdutydate is null or A.Outdutydate='' ) ##Query## ";
                where     = where.Replace("Indutydate", "A.Indutydate");
                // IndutySql = @" select UserID  from FL_PortalHR..Sysuser where Status=1 and (Outdutydate is null or Outdutydate='' ) ##Query##";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OrgId))
                IndutySql = @"select distinct  C.UserID from  (
                               select GroupID,Name from FL_PortalHR..SysGroup where  
                                    GroupID='{0}' or Path like '%{0}%' and Status='1'
                            ) As A
                            left join  FL_PortalHR..SysUserGroup As B
                                 on A.GroupID=B.GroupID  
                            left  join FL_PortalHR..SysUser As C
                                 on C.UserID=B.UserID
                            left  join HR_OA_MiddleDB..fld_ryxx As D
								  on D.psncode=C.WorkNo and D.pk_gw is not null and D.def3 is null 
                            where C.UserID is not null and C.Status=1 and 
                            ( C.Outdutydate is null or C.Outdutydate='') ##Query## ";

                IndutySql = string.Format(IndutySql, OrgId);

                where = where.Replace("A.Indutydate", "Indutydate");  //上面关联 A.Indutydate 年龄段
                where = where.Replace("Indutydate", "C.Indutydate");

            IndutySql = IndutySql.Replace("FL_PortalHR", Global.AimPortalDB);
            IndutySql = IndutySql.Replace("HR_OA_MiddleDB", Global.HR_OA_MiddleDB);

            string CorpId = string.Empty;
            var    SEnt   = SurveyQuestion.TryFind(SurveyId);

            if (SEnt != null && SEnt.IsFixed == "2")
                CommPowerSplit PS = new CommPowerSplit();
                if (PS.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsAdmin(UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsInAdminsRole(UserInfo.UserID))
                    UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo();
                    where += " and  pk_corp='" + UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID) + "' ";
                    CorpId = UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID);
            IndutySql = IndutySql.Replace("##Query##", where);


            if (ationType == "GetCount")  //获取人数
                string total = @"select count(1) As Qt from 
	                                select UserID from  FL_Culture..SurveyedResult
	                                where SurveyId='{0}' and 
	                                UserId IN ({1}) group by UserID
                                ) As A";
                total = string.Format(total, surveyId, IndutySql);
                this.PageState.Add("Total", DataHelper.QueryValue(total));
                string sql = @"-----删除临时表
                            IF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#T1') IS NOT NULL)
                              DROP TABLE tempdb..#T1;
                            IF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#PerTbl') IS NOT NULL)
                              DROP TABLE tempdb..#PerTbl;
                            IF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#SurveyedResult') IS NOT NULL)
                              DROP TABLE tempdb..#SurveyedResult;

                            select A.*, B.Id As ItemId ,B.Answer,B.IsExplanation,B.SortIndex  As SubIndex 
	                            into #T1
                            from FL_Culture..QuestionItem  As A
                            left join  FL_Culture..QuestionAnswerItem   As B
	                            on A.SubItemId=B.QuestionItemId  and A.SurveyId=B.SurveyId
                            where A.SurveyId='{0}' ;
                            select * into  #SurveyedResult from  FL_Culture..SurveyedResult
                            where SurveyId='{0}' and 
                            UserId IN ({1});

                            With PerTbl As
                                select  distinct
		                             A.QuestionId,Items,T.Tol As total,
		                            cast ((100.* as Decimal(8,2)) as Per
	                             FL_Culture..SurveyedResult  As A
	                             inner join (
			                            select QuestionId, sum(Tol) As Tol
			                            from #SurveyedResult As A
				                            Cross Apply(
					                             select Count(*) As Tol from 
				                            ) As CA
			                            left join FL_PortalHR..SysUser As B
				                            on A.UserId=B.UserID
			                            where SurveyId='{0}' ##FIX##
			                            group  by QuestionId 
	                            )As T 
		                            on A.QuestionId=T.QuestionId
	                            cross Apply(
			                            select distinct QuestionId,Items,  
			                               count(*) over (partition by Items)  As total 
			                            from #SurveyedResult  As Tt
			                            cross apply
				                            select F1 AS Items from  FL_Culture.dbo.f_splitstr( Tt.QuestionItemId,',')
			                            ) As CA
			                            left join FL_PortalHR..SysUser As B
				                            on Tt.UserId=B.UserID
			                            where SurveyId='{0}' and Tt.QuestionId= A.QuestionId ##FIX##
	                            ) AS CA 
                            select * into #PerTbl from   PerTbl;

                            With Final As
		                            select distinct T1.*, isnull(,0) As  Total ,isnull(T2.Per,0.00) As Per 
			                            from #T1 AS T1
		                            left join #PerTbl As T2
			                            on T1.itemId=T2.Items 
                            Final1 As
	                            select Id As QuestionId ,Content, QuestionType,IsMustAnswer,IsComment,
	                             Case when ImgIds is not null and ImgIds<>'' then 'Y' else 'N' end As HasImg,
	                             Answer+'|'+cast(Per as varchar(10)) +'|'+IsExplanation+'|'+ItemId  As Integ,
	                             Total As Qty,SortIndex,SubIndex
	                            from  Final
                            select distinct G1.QuestionId,Content,QuestionType,IsMustAnswer,IsComment,HasImg,SortIndex,Qty,
		                            select '$'+ Integ As [text()] from  Final1 As G2
		                            where G2.QuestionId=G1.QuestionId
		                             order by SubIndex
		                            for xml path('')), 1, 1, '')
	                            AS ItemSet
                            from Final1 As G1 
	                            order by SortIndex"    ;

                if (SEnt != null && SEnt.IsFixed == "2")
                    sql = sql.Replace("##FIX##", " and B.pk_corp=" + CorpId + " ");
                    sql = sql.Replace("##FIX##", "");

                sql = sql.Replace("FL_PortalHR", Global.AimPortalDB);
                sql = string.Format(sql, SurveyId, IndutySql);

                DataTable Dt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql);
                Dt = GetTreeData(Dt);
                this.PageState.Add("DataList", Dt);