// Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (!playerDead)
            if (database.player.playerHealth <= 0)
                EndScreen("You ran out of lives!");
                database.player.currentPosition = transform.GetChild(0).transform.position.x - 13; //13 Is the starting position of the car in the world
                distanceCounter.text            = "" + Mathf.Round(database.player.currentPosition) + "m";

        if (playerInvincible == false)
            carBody.color    = Color.white;
            frontWheel.color = Color.white;
            backWheel.color  = Color.white;

        if (transform.GetChild(0).transform.position.y < -45 && !easterEggPlaying)
            easterEggPlaying = true;
        else if (transform.GetChild(0).transform.position.y < -850)
            Text AH = Instantiate(AHHH, parentCanvas);
            StartCoroutine(CombinedMovementScript.FadeInOutText(AH, 90));
    public void FadeInTest()
        GameObject camera = new GameObject();

        camera.AddComponent <Camera>();
        GameObject canvas = new GameObject();

        canvas.AddComponent <Canvas>();

        GameObject fadeInText = new GameObject();

        fadeInText.transform.parent = canvas.transform;
        fadeInText.AddComponent <Text>();
        fadeInText.GetComponent <Text>().text = "This text is fading";

        Color test = fadeInText.GetComponent <Text>().color;

        test.a = 0;
        fadeInText.GetComponent <Text>().color = test;

        CombinedMovementScript.FadeInOutText(fadeInText.GetComponent <Text>(), 1);

        Assert.GreaterOrEqual(fadeInText.GetComponent <Text>().color.a, 0.9f);