private void connectButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // DEV REMOVE
            password    = passwordField.Text;
            environment = "";   // environmentField.Text;

            using (var cred = new Credential())
                if (!usernameField.Text.Equals(null) && !passwordField.Text.Equals(null))
                    // Store username and password in credential manager
                    cred.Username        = username;
                    cred.Password        = password;
                    cred.Target          = "Fabric Time Recording App";
                    cred.Type            = CredentialType.Generic;
                    cred.PersistanceType = PersistanceType.LocalComputer;

                    // Create message box
                    System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult logonOutput;

                    // Buttons for message box
                    MessageBoxButtons OKButtons    = MessageBoxButtons.OK;
                    MessageBoxButtons retryButtons = MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel;

                    // Get the CRM connection string and connect to the CRM Organization
                    CrmServiceClient     crmConn    = new CrmServiceClient("AuthType = Office365; Url =" + environment + "; Username="******"; Password="******"");
                    IOrganizationService crmService = crmConn.OrganizationServiceProxy;

                    if (crmConn.IsReady)
                        // Create a column set to define which attributes should be retrieved.
                        ColumnSet caseAttributes       = new ColumnSet(new string[] { "title", "ticketnumber" });
                        ColumnSet timeRecordAttributes = new ColumnSet(new string[] { "subject", "new_caseid", "regardingobjectid" });

                        // Retrieve the caseID and its name and ownerid attributes.
                        Entity caseID = crmService.Retrieve("incident", new Guid("CFA8B94E-C81D-E711-80FF-5065F38BD4E1"), caseAttributes);
                        Console.Write("Retrieved Case: " + caseAttributes.ToString() + ".");

                        // Update the postal code attribute.
                        caseID["description"] = "Connected Successfully";

                        // Update the Case.
                        Console.WriteLine("\n Updated Case: " + caseAttributes.ToString() + ".");

                        // Successful login box
                        logonOutput = MessageBox.Show("Successfully connected to Dynamics 365", "Connected", OKButtons);

                        //Hide/lock login related fields
                        passwordLabel.Visible    = false;
                        passwordField.Visible    = false;
                        connectButton.Visible    = false;
                        environmentField.Text    = environment;
                        usernameField.Text       = username;
                        environmentField.Enabled = false;
                        usernameField.Enabled    = false;

                        // Set Logged in/out messages
                        loggedOutMessage.Visible  = false;
                        loggedInLabel.Visible     = true;
                        userLoggedInLabel.Visible = true;
                        userLoggedInLabel.Text    = username;
                        // Failed login box
                        logonOutput = MessageBox.Show("Please check your credentials and try again", "Failed To Connect", retryButtons);

                        // Set Logged in/out messages
                        loggedOutMessage.Visible  = true;
                        loggedInLabel.Visible     = false;
                        userLoggedInLabel.Visible = false;
                    MessageBox.Show("Please fill in Username and Password");