Beispiel #1
        private void DrawItems(BufferContainer buffer, int x, int y, List <Item> items, StorageLocation current, StorageLocation target, bool isActive = false)
            var i = 0;

            foreach (var item in items)
                var alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
                var itemY    = i + y;

                var borderColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
                var letterColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
                var textColor   = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
                var priceColor  = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
                var glyphColor  = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
                var attackColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
                var armourColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;

                var enabled = true;

                if (isActive)
                    switch (target)
                    case StorageLocation.Equipment:
                        var command = new EquipItemCommand();
                        var canUse  = command.CanSelect(item);
                        if (canUse)
                            borderColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
                            letterColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                            textColor   = item == null ? ConsoleColor.Gray : ConsoleColor.White;
                            priceColor  = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow;
                            glyphColor  = item == null
                                        ? ConsoleColor.Gray
                                        : ColourUtilities.ConvertToConsoleColor(item.Appearance.ForeGroundColor);
                            attackColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                            armourColor = ConsoleColor.Green;

                    case StorageLocation.Crucible:
                        var canUse = false;
                        if (item != null)
                            canUse = CanUseItemInRecipe(item);
                        if (canUse)
                            borderColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
                            letterColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                            textColor   = item == null ? ConsoleColor.Gray : ConsoleColor.White;
                            priceColor  = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow;
                            glyphColor  = item == null
                                        ? ConsoleColor.Gray
                                        : ColourUtilities.ConvertToConsoleColor(item.Appearance.ForeGroundColor);
                            attackColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                            armourColor = ConsoleColor.Green;

                        borderColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
                        letterColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                        textColor   = item == null ? ConsoleColor.Gray : ConsoleColor.White;
                        priceColor  = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow;
                        glyphColor  = item == null
                                    ? ConsoleColor.Gray
                                    : ColourUtilities.ConvertToConsoleColor(item.Appearance.ForeGroundColor);
                        attackColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                        armourColor = ConsoleColor.Green;

                WriteAt(buffer, x, itemY, " )                                               ", borderColor);
                WriteAt(buffer, x, itemY, alphabet[i].ToString(), letterColor);

                if (item == null)
                    // what is the location?
                    if (current == StorageLocation.Equipment)
                        var text = ((EquipementSlot)i) + " slot is empty";
                        WriteAt(buffer, x + 3, itemY, text, textColor);
                    if (enabled)
                        WriteAt(buffer, x + 3, itemY, item.Appearance.Glyph, glyphColor);

                    var text = item.NounText;
                    if (text.Length > 32)
                        text = text.Substring(0, 29) + "...";
                    WriteAt(buffer, x + 5, itemY, text, textColor);

                    // TODO: Eventually need to handle equipment that gives both an armor and attack bonus.
                    if (item.attack != null)
                        DrawStat(buffer, x, itemY, "»", item.attack.AverageDamage, attackColor, attackColor, enabled);
                    else if (item.armor != 0)
                        DrawStat(buffer, x, itemY, "•", item.armor, armourColor, armourColor, enabled);

                    if (item.price != 0)
                        var price = PriceString(item.price);
                        WriteAt(buffer, x + 49 - price.Length, itemY, price, priceColor);

                // Increment the item counter

            // If this is the crucible then maybe a recipe has been completed.
            if (current == StorageLocation.Crucible)
                if (completeRecipe != null)

                    var textColour = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                    if (isActive)
                        textColour = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
                    var csv = string.Join(", ", completeRecipe.Produces.ToArray());
                    WriteAt(buffer, 0, y + i++, $"This recipe {csv}!", textColour);
                    WriteAt(buffer, 0, y + i++, "Press[Space] to forge item!", textColour);
        public override void Draw(BufferContainer buffer)

            var hero   = Game.Hero;
            var actors = Game.CurrentStage.Actors;

            var foreGroundColour = hero.Appearance.ForeGroundColor == null ? ConsoleColor.White : ColourUtilities.ConvertToConsoleColor(hero.Appearance.ForeGroundColor);
            var backGroundColour = hero.Appearance.BackGroundColor == null ? ConsoleColor.Black : ColourUtilities.ConvertToConsoleColor(hero.Appearance.BackGroundColor);

            int lineCounter = 0;

            WriteAt(buffer, 0, lineCounter++, "Visible Creatures:", ConsoleColor.DarkYellow, backGroundColour);

            WriteAt(buffer, 0, lineCounter, hero.Appearance.Glyph, foreGroundColour, backGroundColour);
            WriteAt(buffer, 2, lineCounter, Game.Hero.Name);
            WriteAt(buffer, 22, lineCounter, $"({hero.Position.x},{hero.Position.y})");
            WriteAt(buffer, 32, lineCounter++, $"{hero.Health.Current}/{hero.Health.Max}");

            foreach (var actor in actors)
                if (actor is Monster)
                    var monster = actor as Monster;

                    if (Option.ShowAll)
                        foreGroundColour = monster.Appearance.ForeGroundColor == null
                            ? ConsoleColor.White
                            : ColourUtilities.ConvertToConsoleColor(monster.Appearance.ForeGroundColor);
                        backGroundColour = monster.Appearance.BackGroundColor == null
                            ? ConsoleColor.Black
                            : ColourUtilities.ConvertToConsoleColor(monster.Appearance.BackGroundColor);

                        WriteAt(buffer, 0, lineCounter, " ".PadRight(MaxWidth, ' '), ConsoleColor.White,

                        if (monster.Appearance.Glyph.Length > 1)

                        WriteAt(buffer, 0, lineCounter, monster.Appearance.Glyph, foreGroundColour, backGroundColour);
                        WriteAt(buffer, 2, lineCounter, monster.NounText);
                        WriteAt(buffer, 22, lineCounter, $"({monster.Position.x},{monster.Position.y})");
                        WriteAt(buffer, 32, lineCounter, $"{monster.Health.Current}/{monster.Health.Max}");

                        if (!Game.CurrentStage.Shadows[monster.Position.x, monster.Position.y].IsInShadow)
                            foreGroundColour = monster.Appearance.ForeGroundColor == null
                                ? ConsoleColor.White
                                : ColourUtilities.ConvertToConsoleColor(monster.Appearance.ForeGroundColor);
                            backGroundColour = monster.Appearance.BackGroundColor == null
                                ? ConsoleColor.Black
                                : ColourUtilities.ConvertToConsoleColor(monster.Appearance.BackGroundColor);

                            WriteAt(buffer, 0, lineCounter, " ".PadRight(MaxWidth, ' '), ConsoleColor.White,

                            if (monster.Appearance.Glyph.Length > 1)

                            WriteAt(buffer, 0, lineCounter, monster.Appearance.Glyph, foreGroundColour, backGroundColour);
                            WriteAt(buffer, 2, lineCounter, monster.NounText);
                            WriteAt(buffer, 22, lineCounter, $"({monster.Position.x},{monster.Position.y})");
                            WriteAt(buffer, 32, lineCounter, $"{monster.Health.Current}/{monster.Health.Max}");

        public override void Draw(BufferContainer buffer)
            var hero = Game.Hero;

            var foreGroundColour = hero.Appearance.ForeGroundColor == null ? ConsoleColor.White : ColourUtilities.ConvertToConsoleColor(hero.Appearance.ForeGroundColor);
            var backGroundColour = hero.Appearance.BackGroundColor == null ? ConsoleColor.Black : ColourUtilities.ConvertToConsoleColor(hero.Appearance.BackGroundColor);

            var line = $"Lv: {Game.Hero.Level}[{Game.Hero.LevelPercentage}%] HP: {Game.Hero.Health.Current}/{Game.Hero.Health.Max} Charge:{Game.Hero.Charge.Current}/{Game.Hero.Charge.Max} ";

            WriteAt(buffer, 0, 0, line, foreGroundColour, backGroundColour);

            var secondLine = $"Armour: {Game.Hero.Armor} Weapon: {Game.Hero.GetAttack(null).BaseDamage} Food: {Math.Floor(Game.Hero.Food)}";

            WriteAt(buffer, 0, 1, secondLine, foreGroundColour, backGroundColour);
Beispiel #4
        public override void Draw(BufferContainer buffer)
            var debugger = Debugger.Instance;

            var startOfGetMatrixViewPort = DateTime.Now;
            var viewPortMatrix           = GetMatrixViewPort();
            var endOfGetMatrixViewPort   = DateTime.Now;

            var matrixWidth  = viewPortMatrix.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
            var matrixHeight = viewPortMatrix.GetUpperBound(1) + 1;

            // TODO: view port tranformation...
            // 1. the top two row for the ruler
            // 2. the left three rows for the ruler
            // 3. the rest of the matrix cut down.

            var startOfDrawingMatrixViewPort = DateTime.Now;

            for (var rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < matrixHeight; rowIndex++)
                for (var columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < matrixWidth; columnIndex++)
                    var currentTile = viewPortMatrix[columnIndex, rowIndex];

                    if (Option.ShowAll)
                        var foreGroundColour = currentTile.ForeGroundColor == null ? ConsoleColor.White : ColourUtilities.ConvertToConsoleColor(currentTile.ForeGroundColor);
                        var backGroundColour = currentTile.BackGroundColor == null ? ConsoleColor.Black : ColourUtilities.ConvertToConsoleColor(currentTile.BackGroundColor);
                        buffer.Write(currentTile.Glyph, Left + columnIndex, Top + rowIndex, foreGroundColour, backGroundColour);
                        if (!currentTile.IsExplored)
                            buffer.Write($".", Left + columnIndex, Top + rowIndex, ConsoleColor.DarkRed);
                        else if (currentTile.IsInShadow)
                            buffer.Write(currentTile.Glyph, Left + columnIndex, Top + rowIndex, ConsoleColor.DarkGray);
                        else if (currentTile.IsHidden)
                            buffer.Write($".", Left + columnIndex, Top + rowIndex, ConsoleColor.DarkGreen);
                            var foreGroundColour = currentTile.ForeGroundColor == null ? ConsoleColor.White : ColourUtilities.ConvertToConsoleColor(currentTile.ForeGroundColor);
                            var backGroundColour = currentTile.BackGroundColor == null ? ConsoleColor.Black : ColourUtilities.ConvertToConsoleColor(currentTile.BackGroundColor);
                            buffer.Write(currentTile.Glyph, Left + columnIndex, Top + rowIndex, foreGroundColour, backGroundColour);

            // Stage Statistics
            var currentLine = 0;

            buffer.Write($"Number of Unexplored: {GameState.Instance.Game.CurrentStage.numberAlreadyExplored} [{GameState.Instance.Game.CurrentStage.percentageAlreadyExplored}%].", Left, Top + matrixHeight + currentLine++);
            buffer.Write($"Current Level: {GameState.Instance.Game.CurrentStage.StageNumber}.", Left, Top + matrixHeight + currentLine++);

            var endOfDrawingMatrixViewPort = DateTime.Now;

            var timeTakenToGettingMatrixViewPort = endOfGetMatrixViewPort - startOfGetMatrixViewPort;
            var timeTakenToDrawingMatrixViewPort = endOfDrawingMatrixViewPort - startOfDrawingMatrixViewPort;

            debugger.LogToDisk($"  $ Time for getting viewport: {timeTakenToGettingMatrixViewPort.TotalMilliseconds}", LogLevel.Debug);
            debugger.LogToDisk($"  $ Time for drawing: {timeTakenToDrawingMatrixViewPort.TotalMilliseconds}", LogLevel.Debug);
Beispiel #5
        public void DrawVisibleItems(BufferContainer buffer, Appearence[,] source, VectorBase heroPosition)
            var viewPortMatrix = GetMatrixViewPort(source, heroPosition);

            var matrixWidth  = viewPortMatrix.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
            var matrixHeight = viewPortMatrix.GetUpperBound(1) + 1;

            for (var rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < matrixHeight; rowIndex++)
                for (var columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < matrixWidth; columnIndex++)
                    var currentTile = viewPortMatrix[columnIndex, rowIndex].Clone();

                    if (!currentTile.IsExplored || currentTile.IsInShadow || currentTile.IsHidden)
                        buffer.Write($" ", columnIndex, rowIndex, ConsoleColor.DarkRed);
                        var foreGroundColour = currentTile.ForeGroundColor == null ? ConsoleColor.White : ColourUtilities.ConvertToConsoleColor(currentTile.ForeGroundColor);
                        var backGroundColour = currentTile.BackGroundColor == null ? ConsoleColor.Black : ColourUtilities.ConvertToConsoleColor(currentTile.BackGroundColor);

                        buffer.Write(currentTile.Glyph, columnIndex, rowIndex, foreGroundColour, backGroundColour);
Beispiel #6
        /// Draws a list of [items] on [terminal] at [x], [y].
        /// This is used both on the [ItemScreen] and in game for things like using and
        /// dropping items.
        /// Items can be drawn in one of three states:
        /// * If [canSelect] is `null`, then item list is just being viewed and no
        /// items in particular are highlighted.
        /// * If [canSelect] returns `true`, the item is highlighted as being
        /// selectable.
        /// * If [canSelect] returns `false`, the item cannot be selected and is
        /// grayed out.
        /// An item row looks like this:
        /// 1         2         3         4
        /// 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
        /// a) = a Glimmering War Hammer of Wo... »29 992,106
        private void DrawItems(BufferContainer buffer, int x, int y, List <Item> items, Func <Item, bool> canSelect)
            var i = 0;

            foreach (var item in items)
                var alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
                var itemY    = i + y;

                var borderColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
                var letterColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
                var textColor   = ConsoleColor.White;
                var priceColor  = ConsoleColor.Gray;
                var enabled     = true;

                if (canSelect != null)
                    if (canSelect(item))
                        borderColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
                        letterColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                        textColor   = ConsoleColor.White;
                        priceColor  = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow;
                        borderColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
                        letterColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
                        textColor   = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
                        priceColor  = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
                        enabled     = false;

                WriteAt(buffer, x, itemY, " )                                               ", borderColor);
                WriteAt(buffer, x, itemY, alphabet[i].ToString(), letterColor);

                if (item == null)
                    // what is the location?
                    if (Location == ItemLocations.Equipment)
                        var text = ((EquipementSlot)i) + " slot is empty";
                        WriteAt(buffer, x + 3, itemY, text, textColor);
                    if (enabled)
                        WriteAt(buffer, x + 3, itemY, item.Appearance.Glyph, ColourUtilities.ConvertToConsoleColor(item.Appearance.ForeGroundColor));

                    var text = item.NounText;
                    if (text.Length > 32)
                        text = text.Substring(0, 29) + "...";
                    WriteAt(buffer, x + 5, itemY, text, textColor);

                    // TODO: Eventually need to handle equipment that gives both an armor and attack bonus.
                    if (item.attack != null)
                        DrawStat(buffer, x, itemY, "»", item.attack.AverageDamage, ConsoleColor.Yellow, ConsoleColor.DarkYellow, enabled);
                    else if (item.armor != 0)
                        DrawStat(buffer, x, itemY, "•", item.armor, ConsoleColor.Green, ConsoleColor.DarkGreen, enabled);

                    if (item.price != 0)
                        var price = PriceString(item.price);
                        WriteAt(buffer, x + 49 - price.Length, itemY, price, priceColor);

                // Increment the item counter