Beispiel #1
    // ********************************************************************** //

    void Awake() 
        particleLauncher = gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(ParticleLauncher)) as ParticleLauncher;
        tintColor = new Color();
        meanColor = new Color();
        savingTimer = new Timer();

        recorder = camera.GetComponent<ScreenRecorder>();

        shapeSampleStats = new ShapeSamplingStatistics();
        particleSampleStats = new ParticleSamplingStatistics();
        colourSampleStats = new ColourSamplingStatistics();

        // Our sampling settings
        datasetForm = "hierarchy";  // "flat", "singlefeature", "hierarchy"
        numPlanets = 8 * 210;  // how many planets to generate in this simulation
        featureorder = new int[] {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
        //featureorder = RandomPermutation(featureorder);  // the random ordering of features in the hierarchy

        // Read in the existing record of planet details
        recordFilePath = filePath + "stimulusLookup.json";
        if (File.Exists(recordFilePath))
            Debug.Log("Opening record of generated planets.");
            allExistingPlanets.allPlanetData = new List<PlanetData>();
            allExistingPlanets.planetColours = new Color[allExistingPlanets.nLevels];
    // ********************************************************************** //

    private Color RandomSaturationAroundMean(ColourSamplingStatistics colorStats)
        float H, S, V;   // take the hue from the meanColour and adjust the saturation only

        Color.RGBToHSV(colorStats.meanColour, out H, out S, out V);
        saturation = GaussianRandom(colorStats.meanSaturation, colorStats.stdev); // sample saturation from gaussian
        return(Color.HSVToRGB(H, saturation, V));
    public System.Random rand = new System.Random();  // Randomisation of planet settings

    // ********************************************************************** //

    public void UpdateSettings(ColourSettings settings, bool reset, ColourSamplingStatistics colorStats)
        this.settings = reset ? RandomizeColourSettings(settings, colorStats) : settings;       // generate a new random planet
        if (texture == null || texture.height != settings.biomeColourSettings.biomes.Length)
            texture = new Texture2D(textureResolution * 2, settings.biomeColourSettings.biomes.Length, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);  // first half of this is the ocean, second half is the biomes/icy north pole etc
        biomeNoiseFilter = NoiseFilterFactory.CreateNoiseFilter(settings.biomeColourSettings.noise);
        tintColor        = settings.biomeColourSettings.biomes[0].tint;
    // ********************************************************************** //

    public ColourSettings RandomizeColourSettings(ColourSettings settings, ColourSamplingStatistics colorStats)
        //tintColor = colorStats.setMean ? RandomColourAroundMean(colorStats) : RandomColour(saturation);
        tintColor = colorStats.setMean ? RandomSaturationAroundMean(colorStats) : RandomColour(); // manipulating saturation only now

        darkColor   = new Color(tintColor.r * .6f, tintColor.g * .6f, tintColor.b * .6f);
        colourLevel = colorStats.colourLevel;

        settings.oceanColour = RandomOceanGradient();

        // a gradient colour tint for the terrain/mountains
        settings.biomeColourSettings.biomes[0].gradient = RandomMountainGradient();

        for (int i = 0; i < settings.biomeColourSettings.biomes.Length; i++)
            ColourSettings.BiomeColourSettings.Biome biome = settings.biomeColourSettings.biomes[i];

            // an overall colour tint
            biome.tintPercent = 0.1f; // HRS probably doesnt make much of a difference
            biome.tint        = tintColor;
Beispiel #5
    // ********************************************************************** //

    void LoadNextSettings(int count)
        Debug.Log("planet index: " + count);

        int colourindex;
        int heightindex;
        int roughnessindex;
        int ringindex;
        int mooninessindex;
        int atmosphereindex;
        int sunindex;

        const int LOW_LEVEL  = 0;
        const int NULL_LEVEL = 1;
        const int HIGH_LEVEL = 2;

        switch (datasetForm)
        case "flat":
            // for generating a full data set (non hierarchical, all combinations)
            colourindex     = count % 3;
            heightindex     = (int)(Math.Floor(count / 3f) % 3);
            roughnessindex  = (int)(Math.Floor(count / (3f * 3f)) % 3);
            ringindex       = (int)(Math.Floor(count / (3f * 3f * 3f)) % 3);
            mooninessindex  = (int)(Math.Floor(count / (3f * 3f * 3f * 3f)) % 3);
            atmosphereindex = (int)(Math.Floor(count / (3f * 3f * 3f * 3f * 3f)) % 3);
            sunindex        = (int)(Math.Floor(count / (3f * 3f * 3f * 3f * 3f * 3f)) % 3);

        case "singlefeature":
            // for testing perception of individual levels while keeping all other parameters constant. Whichever one you want to alter, make =(count%3)
            colourindex     = 0;
            heightindex     = 0;
            roughnessindex  = 0;
            ringindex       = count % 3;
            mooninessindex  = 0;
            atmosphereindex = 0;
            sunindex        = 0;

        case "heirarchy":
            // for generating a single hierarchical dataset of level 3 (8 planets)
            // note that the -1, 0 and +1 levels in the RSA matrix correspond to 0, 1 and 2 index levels of each feature respectively.
            // the numbers 0-6 here correspond to the ordering:
            // [0] colourindex
            // [1] roughnessindex
            // [2] heightindex
            // [3] ringindex
            // [4] mooninessindex
            // [5] atmosphereindex
            // [6] sunindex
            // such that e.g. for featureorder = { 6, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; the 6th element of featureorder is always the sunindex, with takes the position of feature 5 in the hierarchy
            //           e.g. the 0th element of featureorder corresponds to the colourindex, which takes the position of the 6th feature in the hierarchy
            //int[] featureorder = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };  // HRS can also make a function that uses a random permutation but keep fixed for now

            int[] featureindex = new int[featureorder.Length];

            // Populate the feature index array to be equal to the null level so that it makes setting the hierarchy easier
            for (int i = 0; i < featureindex.Length; i++)
                featureindex[i] = NULL_LEVEL;

            // set the hierarchy logic - yes this could be simplified for better coding practice HRS
            if (numPlanets % 8 != 0)
                Debug.Log("Warning: generating a number of planets that will not correctly fill the 3 level hierarchy. Check numPlanets.");

            float x = 8f;
            count = count % 8;
            float rightsidecount = count;
            featureindex[0] = LessThanHalfOfX((float)count, x) ? LOW_LEVEL: HIGH_LEVEL;
            if (featureindex[0] == LOW_LEVEL)      // fill in the left side of the tree from root, N0
                x = x / 2f;
                featureindex[1] = LessThanHalfOfX((float)count, x) ? LOW_LEVEL : HIGH_LEVEL;
                if (featureindex[1] == LOW_LEVEL)        // left side of tree from N1
                    x = x / 2f;
                    featureindex[3] = LessThanHalfOfX((float)count, x) ? LOW_LEVEL : HIGH_LEVEL;
                else                                     // right side of tree from N1
                    x = x / 2f;
                    rightsidecount  = rightsidecount - x;
                    featureindex[4] = LessThanHalfOfX(rightsidecount, x) ? LOW_LEVEL : HIGH_LEVEL;
            else        // right side of tree from root, N0
                x = x / 2f;
                rightsidecount  = rightsidecount - x;
                featureindex[2] = LessThanHalfOfX(rightsidecount, x) ? LOW_LEVEL : HIGH_LEVEL;
                if (featureindex[2] == LOW_LEVEL)        // left side of tree from N2
                    x = x / 2f;
                    featureindex[5] = LessThanHalfOfX(rightsidecount, x) ? LOW_LEVEL : HIGH_LEVEL;
                else                                     // right side of tree from N2
                    x = x / 2f;
                    rightsidecount  = rightsidecount - x;
                    featureindex[6] = LessThanHalfOfX(rightsidecount, x) ? LOW_LEVEL : HIGH_LEVEL;

            // print these out to check its working properly
            for (int i = 0; i < featureindex.Length; i++)
                Debug.Log("feature index [" + i + "]: " + featureindex[i]);

            colourindex     = featureindex[featureorder[0]];           // 0th element on feature order says which feature this is the RSA matrix
            roughnessindex  = featureindex[featureorder[1]];           // 1
            heightindex     = featureindex[featureorder[2]];           // 2
            ringindex       = featureindex[featureorder[3]];           // 3
            mooninessindex  = featureindex[featureorder[4]];           // 4
            atmosphereindex = featureindex[featureorder[5]];           // 5
            sunindex        = featureindex[featureorder[6]];           // 6

            colourindex     = 0;
            roughnessindex  = 0;
            heightindex     = 0;
            ringindex       = 0;
            mooninessindex  = 0;
            atmosphereindex = 0;
            sunindex        = 0;

        Color colour = allExistingPlanets.planetColours[colourindex];
        GaussianSummaryStats height           = allExistingPlanets.mountainHeights[heightindex];
        GaussianSummaryStats roughness        = allExistingPlanets.mountainRoughnesses[roughnessindex];
        GaussianSummaryStats ringradius       = allExistingPlanets.ringRadii[ringindex];
        GaussianSummaryStats mooniness        = allExistingPlanets.mooninesses[mooninessindex];
        GaussianSummaryStats atmosphere       = allExistingPlanets.atmosphereLevels[atmosphereindex];
        GaussianSummaryStats sunradius        = allExistingPlanets.sunRadii[sunindex];
        GaussianSummaryStats coloursaturation = allExistingPlanets.saturationLevels[colourindex];

        colourSampleStats         = new ColourSamplingStatistics();
        colourSampleStats.setMean = true;

        colourSampleStats.colourLevel    = colourindex; // try using this as a key for saturation level rather than colour
        colourSampleStats.meanColour     = colour;
        colourSampleStats.stdev          = allExistingPlanets.colourStd;
        colourSampleStats.meanSaturation = coloursaturation.mean;

        shapeSampleStats         = new ShapeSamplingStatistics();
        shapeSampleStats.setMean = true;

        shapeSampleStats.mountainRoughnessLevel = roughnessindex;
        shapeSampleStats.meanBaseRoughness      = roughness.mean;
        shapeSampleStats.stdBaseRoughness       = roughness.stdev;

        shapeSampleStats.mountainHeightLevel = heightindex;
        shapeSampleStats.meanStrength        = height.mean;
        shapeSampleStats.stdStrength         = height.stdev;

        particleSampleStats         = new ParticleSamplingStatistics();
        particleSampleStats.setMean = true;

        particleSampleStats.ringLevel      = ringindex;
        particleSampleStats.meanRingRadius = ringradius.mean;
        particleSampleStats.stdRingRadius  = ringradius.stdev;

        particleSampleStats.mooninessLevel = mooninessindex;
        particleSampleStats.meanMooniness  = mooniness.mean;
        particleSampleStats.stdMooniness   = mooniness.stdev;

        particleSampleStats.atmosphereLevel = atmosphereindex;
        particleSampleStats.meanAtmosphere  = atmosphere.mean;
        particleSampleStats.stdAtmosphere   = atmosphere.stdev;

        particleSampleStats.sunLevel      = sunindex;
        particleSampleStats.meanSunRadius = sunradius.mean;
        particleSampleStats.stdSunRadius  = sunradius.stdev;
    // ********************************************************************** //

    private Color RandomColourAroundMean(ColourSamplingStatistics colorStats)
        return(new Color(GaussianRandom(colorStats.meanColour.r, colorStats.stdev), GaussianRandom(colorStats.meanColour.g, colorStats.stdev), GaussianRandom(colorStats.meanColour.b, colorStats.stdev)));