Beispiel #1
        public ColorHsl Add(double h, double s, double l)
            double newH = ColorConversionUtils.NormalizeHue(this._h + h);
            double newS = ColorConversionUtils.NormalizeSaturation(this._s + s);
            double newL = ColorConversionUtils.NormalizeLightness(this._l + l);

            return(new ColorHsl(newH, newS, newL));
Beispiel #2
        public ColorHsl(ColorRgb rgb)
            double maxc  = System.Math.Max(rgb.R, System.Math.Max(rgb.G, rgb.B));
            double minc  = System.Math.Min(rgb.R, System.Math.Min(rgb.G, rgb.B));
            double delta = maxc - minc;

            double l = (maxc + minc) / 2.0;
            double h = double.NaN;
            double s = double.NaN;

            // Handle case for r,g,b all have the same value
            if (maxc == minc)
                // Black, White, or some shade of Gray -> No Chroma
                this._alpha = rgb.Alpha;
                this._h     = double.NaN;
                this._s     = double.NaN;
                this._l     = l;

            // At this stage, we know R,G,B are not all set to the same value - i.e. there Chroma
            if (l < 0.5)
                s = delta / (maxc + minc);
                s = delta / (2.0 - maxc - minc);

            double rc = (((maxc - rgb.R) / 6.0) + (delta / 2.0)) / delta;
            double gc = (((maxc - rgb.G) / 6.0) + (delta / 2.0)) / delta;
            double bc = (((maxc - rgb.B) / 6.0) + (delta / 2.0)) / delta;

            h = 0.0;

            if (rgb.R == maxc)
                h = bc - gc;
            else if (rgb.G == maxc)
                h = (1.0 / 3.0) + rc - bc;
            else if (rgb.B == maxc)
                h = (2.0 / 3.0) + gc - rc;

            h = ColorConversionUtils.NormalizeHue(h);

            this._alpha = rgb.Alpha;
            this._h     = h;
            this._s     = s;
            this._l     = l;
Beispiel #3
        public ColorHsv(ColorRgb rgb)
            double maxc = System.Math.Max(rgb.R, System.Math.Max(rgb.G, rgb.B));
            double minc = System.Math.Min(rgb.R, System.Math.Min(rgb.G, rgb.B));

            double h = double.NaN;
            double s = double.NaN;
            double v = double.NaN;

            // Handle case for r,g,b all have the same value
            if (maxc == minc)
                // Black, White, or some shade of Gray -> No Chroma
                this._alpha = rgb.Alpha;
                this._h     = double.NaN;
                this._s     = double.NaN;
                this._v     = maxc;

            // At this stage, we know R,G,B are not all set to the same value - i.e. there is Chromatic data
            double delta = maxc - minc;

            s = delta / maxc;
            v = maxc;

            if (rgb.R == maxc)
                h = 0.0 + ((rgb.G - rgb.B) / delta);
            else if (rgb.G == maxc)
                h = 2.0 + ((rgb.B - rgb.R) / delta);
                h = 4.0 + ((rgb.R - rgb.G) / delta);

            h = ColorConversionUtils.NormalizeHue(h / 6.0);

            this._alpha = rgb.Alpha;
            this._h     = h;
            this._s     = s;
            this._v     = v;
Beispiel #4
        private static double hue_2_rgb(double m1, double m2, double h)
            h = ColorConversionUtils.NormalizeHue(h);

            if ((6.0 * h) < 1.0)
                return(m1 + (m2 - m1) * 6.0 * h);

            if ((2.0 * h) < 1.0)

            if ((3.0 * h) < 2.0)
                return(m1 + (m2 - m1) * ((2.0 / 3.0) - h) * 6.0);
