// This function calculate Circle to ABB collisions
    public static CollisionInfo CircleToOBBCollision(CollisionHull3D a, CollisionHull3D b)
        // Find the relative centre by transforming the center of the circle to the local space of the AABB
        Vector3 relativeCentre = b.GetComponent <Particle3D>().invTransformMatrix.MultiplyPoint(a.GetPosition());

        Vector3 closestPointToCircle = new Vector3(Math.Max(b.GetMinimumCorner().x, Math.Min(relativeCentre.x, b.GetMaximumCorner().x)), Math.Max(b.GetMinimumCorner().y, Math.Min(relativeCentre.y, b.GetMaximumCorner().y)), Math.Max(b.GetMinimumCorner().z, Math.Min(relativeCentre.z, b.GetMaximumCorner().z)));

        Vector3 distance        = relativeCentre - closestPointToCircle;
        float   distanceSquared = Vector3.Dot(distance, distance);
        float   penetration     = a.GetDimensions().x - Mathf.Sqrt(distanceSquared);

        // Is the penetration a positive value
        if (penetration >= 0)
            // If yes, then inform the parents of the complex shape object (if applicable)
            ReportCollisionToParent(a, b);
            // If no, return nothing

        // Return full details of the Collision list if the two collide
        return(new CollisionInfo(a, b, penetration, (closestPointToCircle - relativeCentre).normalized, closestPointToCircle, CollisionResolution3D.CalculateSeparatingVelocity(a, b, a.GetPosition(), b.GetPosition())));
    public static CollisionInfo SphereToPlaneCollision(CollisionHull3D a, CollisionHull3D b)
        // Find the relative centre by transforming the center of the circle to the local space of the AABB
        Vector3 relativeCentre = b.GetComponent <Particle3D>().invTransformMatrix.MultiplyPoint(a.GetPosition());

        Vector3 closestPointToCircle = new Vector3(Math.Max(b.GetMinimumCorner().x, Math.Min(relativeCentre.x, b.GetMaximumCorner().x)), Math.Max(b.GetMinimumCorner().y, Math.Min(relativeCentre.y, b.GetMaximumCorner().y)), Math.Max(b.GetMinimumCorner().z, Math.Min(relativeCentre.z, b.GetMaximumCorner().z)));

        // Calculate the distance between both colliders
        Vector3 distance = relativeCentre - closestPointToCircle;

        // Are the Radii less than or equal to the distance between both circles?
        if (Vector3.Dot(distance, distance) < a.GetDimensions().x *a.GetDimensions().x)
            // If yes, then inform the parents of the complex shape object (if applicable)
            ReportCollisionToParent(a, b);
            // If no, return nothing

        float   penetration       = a.GetDimensions().x - Mathf.Sqrt(Vector3.Dot(distance, distance));
        Vector3 closestPointWorld = b.GetComponent <Particle3D>().transformMatrix.MultiplyPoint(closestPointToCircle);

        // Return result
        return(new CollisionInfo(a, b, penetration, (closestPointWorld - a.GetPosition()).normalized, Vector3.zero, CollisionResolution3D.CalculateSeparatingVelocity(a, b, a.GetPosition(), closestPointWorld)));