Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the collider to the engine processing pipeline.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="collider">The collider.</param>
        /// <param name="group">The group.</param>
        /// <param name="mask">The mask.</param>
        public void AddCollider(Collider collider, CollisionFilterGroupFlags group, CollisionFilterGroupFlags mask)
            collisionWorld.AddCollisionObject(collider.InternalCollider, (BulletSharp.CollisionFilterGroups)group, (BulletSharp.CollisionFilterGroups)mask);

            aliveColliders.Add(collider.InternalCollider, collider);

            collider.Simulation = this;
        /// <summary>
        /// Counts how many objects are overlapping with a given ColliderShape. If trackObjects are true, you can
        /// use OverlappedWith to check if another PhysicsComponent was part of the overlapping objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shape">ColliderShape to check for overlaps with</param>
        /// <param name="position">Position to move the ColliderShape, in addition to its LocalOffset</param>
        /// <param name="myGroup">What collision group is the ColliderShape in?</param>
        /// <param name="overlapsWith">What collision groups does the ColliderShape overlap with?</param>
        /// <param name="contactTest">If true, contact test overlapping objects. See ContactResults for output. Defaults to false</param>
        /// <param name="stopAfterFirstContact">If contact testing, should we stop contact testing after our first contact was found?</param>
        /// <returns>Number of overlapping objects</returns>
        public static int PerformOverlapTest(ColliderShape shape, Xenko.Core.Mathematics.Vector3?position = null,
                                             CollisionFilterGroups myGroup          = CollisionFilterGroups.DefaultFilter,
                                             CollisionFilterGroupFlags overlapsWith = CollisionFilterGroupFlags.AllFilter,
                                             bool contactTest = false, bool stopAfterFirstContact = false)
            // doesn't support multithreading
            if (mySimulation.simulationLocker != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Overlap testing not supported with multithreaded physics");

            if (ghostObject == null)
                ghostObject = new BulletSharp.PairCachingGhostObject
                    ContactProcessingThreshold = 1e18f,
                    UserObject = shape
                ghostObject.CollisionFlags |= BulletSharp.CollisionFlags.NoContactResponse;

                internalResults = new OverlapCallback();

                NativeOverlappingObjects = new HashSet <object>();

            ghostObject.CollisionShape = shape.InternalShape;
            ghostObject.WorldTransform = Matrix.Transformation(shape.Scaling, shape.LocalRotation, position.HasValue ? position.Value + shape.LocalOffset : shape.LocalOffset);

            mySimulation.collisionWorld.AddCollisionObject(ghostObject, (BulletSharp.CollisionFilterGroups)myGroup, (BulletSharp.CollisionFilterGroups)overlapsWith);

            int overlapCount = ghostObject.NumOverlappingObjects;

            for (int i = 0; i < overlapCount; i++)

            if (contactTest)
                internalResults.CollisionFilterGroup = (int)myGroup;
                internalResults.CollisionFilterMask  = (int)overlapsWith;

                foreach (object nativeobj in NativeOverlappingObjects)
                    mySimulation.collisionWorld.ContactPairTest(ghostObject, (BulletSharp.CollisionObject)nativeobj, internalResults);
                    if (stopAfterFirstContact && internalResults.Contacts.Count > 0)


Beispiel #3
        internal void AddRigidBody(RigidbodyComponent rigidBody, CollisionFilterGroupFlags group, CollisionFilterGroupFlags mask)
            if (discreteDynamicsWorld == null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot perform this action when the physics engine is set to CollisionsOnly");

            discreteDynamicsWorld.AddRigidBody(rigidBody.InternalRigidBody, (short)group, (short)mask);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Raycast between the camera and its target. The script assumes the camera is a child entity of its target.
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateCameraRaycast()
            var maxLength    = DefaultDistance;
            var cameraVector = new Vector3(0, 0, DefaultDistance);

            Entity.GetParent().Transform.Rotation.Rotate(ref cameraVector);

            if (ConeRadius <= 0)
                // If the cone radius
                var raycastStart = Entity.GetParent().Transform.WorldMatrix.TranslationVector;
                var hitResult    = this.GetSimulation().Raycast(raycastStart, raycastStart + cameraVector);
                if (hitResult.Succeeded)
                    maxLength = Math.Min(DefaultDistance, (raycastStart - hitResult.Point).Length());
                // If the cone radius is > 0 we will sweep an actual cone and see where it collides
                var fromMatrix = Matrix.Translation(0, 0, -DefaultDistance * 0.5f)
                                 * Entity.GetParent().Transform.WorldMatrix;
                var toMatrix = Matrix.Translation(0, 0, DefaultDistance * 0.5f)
                               * Entity.GetParent().Transform.WorldMatrix;

                const CollisionFilterGroups     cfg  = CollisionFilterGroups.DefaultFilter;
                const CollisionFilterGroupFlags cfgf = CollisionFilterGroupFlags.DefaultFilter; // Intentionally ignoring the CollisionFilterGroupFlags.StaticFilter; to avoid collision with poles

                this.GetSimulation().ShapeSweepPenetrating(coneShape, fromMatrix, toMatrix, resultsOutput, cfg, cfgf);

                foreach (var result in resultsOutput)
                    if (result.Succeeded)
                        var signedVector   = result.Point - Entity.GetParent().Transform.WorldMatrix.TranslationVector;
                        var signedDistance = Vector3.Dot(cameraVector, signedVector);

                        var currentLength = DefaultDistance * result.HitFraction;
                        if (signedDistance > 0 && currentLength < maxLength)
                            maxLength = currentLength;

            if (maxLength < MinimumDistance)
                maxLength = MinimumDistance;

            Entity.Transform.Position.Z = maxLength;
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the rigid body to the engine processing pipeline.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rigidBody">The rigid body.</param>
        /// <param name="group">The group.</param>
        /// <param name="mask">The mask.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception">Cannot perform this action when the physics engine is set to CollisionsOnly</exception>
        public void AddRigidBody(RigidBody rigidBody, CollisionFilterGroupFlags group, CollisionFilterGroupFlags mask)
            if (discreteDynamicsWorld == null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot perform this action when the physics engine is set to CollisionsOnly");

            discreteDynamicsWorld.AddRigidBody(rigidBody.InternalRigidBody, (short)group, (short)mask);

            aliveColliders.Add(rigidBody.InternalRigidBody, rigidBody);

            rigidBody.Simulation = this;
        /// <summary>
        /// Hashes and entity's transform and it's collider shape settings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="collider">The collider to hash</param>
        /// <param name="includedCollisionGroups">The filter group for active collides,
        ///     which is used to hash if this colliders participates in the navigation mesh build</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int HashEntityCollider(StaticColliderComponent collider, CollisionFilterGroupFlags includedCollisionGroups)
            int hash = 0;

            hash = (hash * 397) ^ collider.Entity.Transform.WorldMatrix.GetHashCode();
            hash = (hash * 397) ^ collider.Enabled.GetHashCode();
            hash = (hash * 397) ^ collider.IsTrigger.GetHashCode();
            hash = (hash * 397) ^ CheckColliderFilter(collider, includedCollisionGroups).GetHashCode();
            foreach (var shape in collider.ColliderShapes)
                hash = (hash * 397) ^ shape.GetType().GetHashCode();
                hash = (hash * 397) ^ shape.GetHashCode();
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the character to the engine processing pipeline.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="character">The character.</param>
        /// <param name="group">The group.</param>
        /// <param name="mask">The mask.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception">Cannot perform this action when the physics engine is set to CollisionsOnly</exception>
        public void AddCharacter(Character character, CollisionFilterGroupFlags group, CollisionFilterGroupFlags mask)
            if (discreteDynamicsWorld == null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot perform this action when the physics engine is set to CollisionsOnly");

            var collider = character.InternalCollider;
            var action   = character.KinematicCharacter;

            discreteDynamicsWorld.AddCollisionObject(collider, (BulletSharp.CollisionFilterGroups)group, (BulletSharp.CollisionFilterGroups)mask);

            character.Simulation = this;
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Since you can't have non-convex shapes (e.g. mesh's) in a compound object, this helper will generate a bunch of individual static components to attach to an entity, with each shape.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e">Entity to add static components to</param>
 /// <param name="shapes">shapes that will generate a static component for each</param>
 /// <param name="offsets">optional offset for each</param>
 /// <param name="rotations">optional rotation for each</param>
 public static void GenerateStaticComponents(Entity e, List <IShape> shapes, List <Vector3> offsets = null, List <Quaternion> rotations = null,
                                             CollisionFilterGroups group = CollisionFilterGroups.DefaultFilter, CollisionFilterGroupFlags collidesWith = CollisionFilterGroupFlags.AllFilter,
                                             float FrictionCoefficient   = 0.5f, float MaximumRecoverableVelocity = 2f, SpringSettings?springSettings = null)
     for (int i = 0; i < shapes.Count; i++)
         BepuStaticColliderComponent sc = new BepuStaticColliderComponent();
         sc.ColliderShape = shapes[i];
         if (offsets != null && offsets.Count > i)
             sc.Position = offsets[i];
         if (rotations != null && rotations.Count > i)
             sc.Rotation = rotations[i];
         sc.CanCollideWith          = collidesWith;
         sc.CollisionGroup          = group;
         sc.FrictionCoefficient     = FrictionCoefficient;
         sc.MaximumRecoveryVelocity = MaximumRecoverableVelocity;
         if (springSettings.HasValue)
             sc.SpringSettings = springSettings.Value;
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Raycasts penetrating any shape the ray encounters.
        /// Filtering by CollisionGroup
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simulation">Physics simulation.</param>
        /// <param name="raySegment">Ray.</param>
        /// <param name="resultsOutput">The list to fill with results.</param>
        /// <param name="collisionFilterGroups">The collision group of this shape sweep</param>
        /// <param name="collisionFilterGroupFlags">The collision group that this shape sweep can collide with</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If the simulation argument is null.</exception>
        public static void RaycastPenetrating(this Simulation simulation, RaySegment raySegment, IList <HitResult> resultsOutput, CollisionFilterGroups collisionFilterGroups, CollisionFilterGroupFlags collisionFilterGroupFlags)
            if (simulation == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(simulation));

            simulation.RaycastPenetrating(raySegment.Start, raySegment.End, resultsOutput, collisionFilterGroups, collisionFilterGroupFlags);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Raycasts and stops at the first hit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simulation">Physics simulation.</param>
        /// <param name="raySegment">Ray.</param>
        /// <param name="collisionFilterGroups">The collision group of this shape sweep</param>
        /// <param name="collisionFilterGroupFlags">The collision group that this shape sweep can collide with</param>
        /// <returns>The hit results.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If the simulation argument is null.</exception>
        public static HitResult Raycast(this Simulation simulation, RaySegment raySegment, CollisionFilterGroups collisionFilterGroups, CollisionFilterGroupFlags collisionFilterGroupFlags)
            if (simulation == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(simulation));

            return(simulation.Raycast(raySegment.Start, raySegment.End, collisionFilterGroups, collisionFilterGroupFlags));
Beispiel #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Performs a sweep test using a collider shape and never stops until "to"
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="shape">The shape.</param>
 /// <param name="from">From.</param>
 /// <param name="to">To.</param>
 /// <param name="collisionFilterGroups">The collision group of this shape sweep</param>
 /// <param name="collisionFilterGroupFlags">The collision group that this shape sweep can collide with</param>
 /// <returns>The list with hit results.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="System.Exception">This kind of shape cannot be used for a ShapeSweep.</exception>
 public FastList<HitResult> ShapeSweepPenetrating(ColliderShape shape, Matrix from, Matrix to, CollisionFilterGroups collisionFilterGroups, CollisionFilterGroupFlags collisionFilterGroupFlags)
     var results = new FastList<HitResult>();
     ShapeSweepPenetrating(shape, from, to, results, collisionFilterGroups, collisionFilterGroupFlags);
     return results;
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the collider to the engine processing pipeline.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="collider">The collider.</param>
        /// <param name="group">The group.</param>
        /// <param name="mask">The mask.</param>
        public void AddCollider(Collider collider, CollisionFilterGroupFlags group, CollisionFilterGroupFlags mask)
            collisionWorld.AddCollisionObject(collider.InternalCollider, (BulletSharp.CollisionFilterGroups)group, (BulletSharp.CollisionFilterGroups)mask);

            collider.Simulation = this;
Beispiel #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Raycasts penetrating any shape the ray encounters.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="from">From.</param>
 /// <param name="to">To.</param>
 /// <param name="collisionFilterGroups">The collision group of this shape sweep</param>
 /// <param name="collisionFilterGroupFlags">The collision group that this shape sweep can collide with</param>
 /// <returns>The list with hit results.</returns>
 public FastList<HitResult> RaycastPenetrating(Vector3 from, Vector3 to, CollisionFilterGroups collisionFilterGroups, CollisionFilterGroupFlags collisionFilterGroupFlags)
     var results = new FastList<HitResult>();
     RaycastPenetrating(from, to, results, collisionFilterGroups, collisionFilterGroupFlags);
     return results;
Beispiel #14
        internal void AddRigidBody(RigidbodyComponent rigidBody, CollisionFilterGroupFlags group, CollisionFilterGroupFlags mask)
            if (discreteDynamicsWorld == null) throw new Exception("Cannot perform this action when the physics engine is set to CollisionsOnly");

            discreteDynamicsWorld.AddRigidBody(rigidBody.InternalRigidBody, (short)group, (short)mask);
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a sweep test using a collider shape and stops at the first hit
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shape">The shape.</param>
        /// <param name="from">From.</param>
        /// <param name="to">To.</param>
        /// <param name="collisionFilterGroups">The collision group of this shape sweep</param>
        /// <param name="collisionFilterGroupFlags">The collision group that this shape sweep can collide with</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception">This kind of shape cannot be used for a ShapeSweep.</exception>
        public HitResult ShapeSweep(ColliderShape shape, Matrix from, Matrix to, CollisionFilterGroups collisionFilterGroups, CollisionFilterGroupFlags collisionFilterGroupFlags)
            var sh = shape.InternalShape as BulletSharp.ConvexShape;
            if (sh == null) throw new Exception("This kind of shape cannot be used for a ShapeSweep.");

            var result = new HitResult(); //result.Succeeded is false by default

            using (var rcb = new BulletSharp.ClosestConvexResultCallback(from.TranslationVector, to.TranslationVector)
                CollisionFilterGroup = (BulletSharp.CollisionFilterGroups)collisionFilterGroups,
                CollisionFilterMask = (BulletSharp.CollisionFilterGroups)collisionFilterGroupFlags
                collisionWorld.ConvexSweepTest(sh, from, to, rcb);

                if (rcb.HitCollisionObject == null) return result;
                result.Succeeded = true;
                result.Collider = (PhysicsComponent)rcb.HitCollisionObject.UserObject;
                result.Normal = rcb.HitNormalWorld;
                result.Point = rcb.HitPointWorld;
                result.HitFraction = rcb.ClosestHitFraction;

            return result;
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Raycasts penetrating any shape the ray encounters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simulation">Physics simulation.</param>
        /// <param name="raySegment">Ray.</param>
        /// <param name="collisionFilterGroups">The collision group of this shape sweep</param>
        /// <param name="collisionFilterGroupFlags">The collision group that this shape sweep can collide with</param>
        /// <returns>The list with hit results.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If the simulation argument is null.</exception>
        public static FastList <HitResult> RaycastPenetrating(this Simulation simulation, RaySegment raySegment, CollisionFilterGroups collisionFilterGroups, CollisionFilterGroupFlags collisionFilterGroupFlags)
            if (simulation == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(simulation));

            return(simulation.RaycastPenetrating(raySegment, collisionFilterGroups, collisionFilterGroupFlags));
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the rigid body to the engine processing pipeline.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rigidBody">The rigid body.</param>
        /// <param name="group">The group.</param>
        /// <param name="mask">The mask.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception">Cannot perform this action when the physics engine is set to CollisionsOnly</exception>
        public void AddRigidBody(RigidBody rigidBody, CollisionFilterGroupFlags group, CollisionFilterGroupFlags mask)
            if (discreteDynamicsWorld == null) throw new Exception("Cannot perform this action when the physics engine is set to CollisionsOnly");

            discreteDynamicsWorld.AddRigidBody(rigidBody.InternalRigidBody, (short)group, (short)mask);

            aliveColliders.Add(rigidBody.InternalRigidBody, rigidBody);

            rigidBody.Simulation = this;
        /// <summary>
        /// Rebuilds outdated triangle data for colliders and recalculates hashes storing everything in StaticColliderData
        /// </summary>
        private void BuildInput(StaticColliderData[] collidersLocal, CollisionFilterGroupFlags includedCollisionGroups)
            NavigationMeshCache lastCache = oldNavigationMesh?.Cache;

            bool clearCache = false;

            Dispatcher.ForEach(collidersLocal, colliderData =>
                var entity = colliderData.Component.Entity;
                TransformComponent entityTransform = entity.Transform;
                Matrix entityWorldMatrix           = entityTransform.WorldMatrix;

                NavigationMeshInputBuilder entityNavigationMeshInputBuilder = colliderData.InputBuilder = new NavigationMeshInputBuilder();

                // Compute hash of collider and compare it with the previous build if there is one
                colliderData.ParameterHash = NavigationMeshBuildUtils.HashEntityCollider(colliderData.Component, includedCollisionGroups);
                colliderData.Previous      = null;
                if (lastCache?.Objects.TryGetValue(colliderData.Component.Id, out colliderData.Previous) ?? false)
                    if ((!colliderData.Component.AlwaysUpdateNaviMeshCache) &&
                        (colliderData.Previous.ParameterHash == colliderData.ParameterHash))
                        // In this case, we don't need to recalculate the geometry for this shape, since it wasn't changed
                        // here we take the triangle mesh from the previous build as the current
                        colliderData.InputBuilder = colliderData.Previous.InputBuilder;
                        colliderData.Processed = false;

                // Clear cache on removal of infinite planes
                if (colliderData.Planes.Count > 0)
                    clearCache = true;

                // Clear planes

                // Return empty data for disabled colliders, filtered out colliders or trigger colliders
                if (!colliderData.Component.Enabled || colliderData.Component.IsTrigger ||
                    !NavigationMeshBuildUtils.CheckColliderFilter(colliderData.Component, includedCollisionGroups))
                    colliderData.Processed = true;

                // Make sure shape is up to date
                if (!NavigationMeshBuildUtils.HasLatestColliderShape(colliderData.Component))

                // Interate through all the colliders shapes while queueing all shapes in compound shapes to process those as well
                Queue <ColliderShape> shapesToProcess = new Queue <ColliderShape>();
                if (colliderData.Component.ColliderShape != null)
                    while (shapesToProcess.Count > 0)
                        var shape     = shapesToProcess.Dequeue();
                        var shapeType = shape.GetType();
                        if (shapeType == typeof(BoxColliderShape))
                            var box          = (BoxColliderShape)shape;
                            var boxDesc      = GetColliderShapeDesc <BoxColliderShapeDesc>(box.Description);
                            Matrix transform = box.PositiveCenterMatrix * entityWorldMatrix;

                            var meshData = GeometricPrimitive.Cube.New(boxDesc.Size, toLeftHanded: true);
                            entityNavigationMeshInputBuilder.AppendMeshData(meshData, transform);
                        else if (shapeType == typeof(SphereColliderShape))
                            var sphere       = (SphereColliderShape)shape;
                            var sphereDesc   = GetColliderShapeDesc <SphereColliderShapeDesc>(sphere.Description);
                            Matrix transform = sphere.PositiveCenterMatrix * entityWorldMatrix;

                            var meshData = GeometricPrimitive.Sphere.New(sphereDesc.Radius, toLeftHanded: true);
                            entityNavigationMeshInputBuilder.AppendMeshData(meshData, transform);
                        else if (shapeType == typeof(CylinderColliderShape))
                            var cylinder     = (CylinderColliderShape)shape;
                            var cylinderDesc = GetColliderShapeDesc <CylinderColliderShapeDesc>(cylinder.Description);
                            Matrix transform = cylinder.PositiveCenterMatrix * entityWorldMatrix;

                            var meshData = GeometricPrimitive.Cylinder.New(cylinderDesc.Height, cylinderDesc.Radius, toLeftHanded: true);
                            entityNavigationMeshInputBuilder.AppendMeshData(meshData, transform);
                        else if (shapeType == typeof(CapsuleColliderShape))
                            var capsule      = (CapsuleColliderShape)shape;
                            var capsuleDesc  = GetColliderShapeDesc <CapsuleColliderShapeDesc>(capsule.Description);
                            Matrix transform = capsule.PositiveCenterMatrix * entityWorldMatrix;

                            var meshData = GeometricPrimitive.Capsule.New(capsuleDesc.Length, capsuleDesc.Radius, toLeftHanded: true);
                            entityNavigationMeshInputBuilder.AppendMeshData(meshData, transform);
                        else if (shapeType == typeof(ConeColliderShape))
                            var cone         = (ConeColliderShape)shape;
                            var coneDesc     = GetColliderShapeDesc <ConeColliderShapeDesc>(cone.Description);
                            Matrix transform = cone.PositiveCenterMatrix * entityWorldMatrix;

                            var meshData = GeometricPrimitive.Cone.New(coneDesc.Radius, coneDesc.Height, toLeftHanded: true);
                            entityNavigationMeshInputBuilder.AppendMeshData(meshData, transform);
                        else if (shapeType == typeof(StaticPlaneColliderShape))
                            var planeShape   = (StaticPlaneColliderShape)shape;
                            var planeDesc    = GetColliderShapeDesc <StaticPlaneColliderShapeDesc>(planeShape.Description);
                            Matrix transform = entityWorldMatrix;

                            Plane plane = new Plane(planeDesc.Normal, planeDesc.Offset);

                            // Pre-Transform plane parameters
                            plane.Normal = Vector3.TransformNormal(planeDesc.Normal, transform);
                            plane.D += Vector3.Dot(transform.TranslationVector, plane.Normal);

                        else if (shapeType == typeof(ConvexHullColliderShape))
                            var hull         = (ConvexHullColliderShape)shape;
                            Matrix transform = hull.PositiveCenterMatrix * entityWorldMatrix;

                            // Convert hull indices to int
                            int[] indices = new int[hull.Indices.Count];
                            if (hull.Indices.Count % 3 != 0)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException($"{shapeType} does not consist of triangles");
                            for (int i = 0; i < hull.Indices.Count; i += 3)
                                indices[i]     = (int)hull.Indices[i];
                                indices[i + 2] = (int)hull.Indices[i + 1]; // NOTE: Reversed winding to create left handed input
                                indices[i + 1] = (int)hull.Indices[i + 2];

                            entityNavigationMeshInputBuilder.AppendArrays(hull.Points.ToArray(), indices, transform);
                        else if (shapeType == typeof(StaticMeshColliderShape))
                            var mesh         = (StaticMeshColliderShape)shape;
                            Matrix transform = mesh.PositiveCenterMatrix * entityWorldMatrix;

                            mesh.GetMeshDataCopy(out var verts, out var indices);

                            // Convert hull indices to int
                            if (indices.Length % 3 != 0)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException($"{shapeType} does not consist of triangles");
                            for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; i += 3)
                                // NOTE: Reversed winding to create left handed input
                                (indices[i + 1], indices[i + 2]) = (indices[i + 2], indices[i + 1]);
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if a static collider passes the given filter group
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="collider">The collider to check</param>
 /// <param name="includedCollisionGroups">The collision filter</param>
 /// <returns><c>true</c> if the collider passes the filter, <c>false</c> otherwise</returns>
 public static bool CheckColliderFilter(StaticColliderComponent collider, CollisionFilterGroupFlags includedCollisionGroups)
     return(true); // TODO: Update navmesh to use the new collision types
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the build of a navigation mesh
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buildSettings">The build settings to pass to recast</param>
        /// <param name="agentSettings">A collection of agent settings to use, this will generate a layer in the navigation mesh for every agent settings in this collection (in the same order)</param>
        /// <param name="includedCollisionGroups">The collision groups that will affect which colliders are considered solid</param>
        /// <param name="boundingBoxes">A collection of bounding boxes to use as the region for which to generate navigation mesh tiles</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">A cancellation token to interrupt the build process</param>
        /// <returns>The build result</returns>
        public NavigationMeshBuildResult Build(NavigationMeshBuildSettings buildSettings, ICollection <NavigationMeshGroup> groups, CollisionFilterGroupFlags includedCollisionGroups,
                                               ICollection <BoundingBox> boundingBoxes, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var lastCache = oldNavigationMesh?.Cache;
            var result    = new NavigationMeshBuildResult();

            if (groups.Count == 0)
                Logger?.Warning("No group settings found");
                result.Success        = true;
                result.NavigationMesh = new NavigationMesh();

            if (boundingBoxes.Count == 0)
                Logger?.Warning("No bounding boxes found");

            var settingsHash = groups?.ComputeHash() ?? 0;

            settingsHash = (settingsHash * 397) ^ buildSettings.GetHashCode();
            if (lastCache != null && lastCache.SettingsHash != settingsHash)
                // Start from scratch if settings changed
                oldNavigationMesh = null;
                Logger?.Info("Build settings changed, doing a full rebuild");

            // Copy colliders so the collection doesn't get modified
            StaticColliderData[] collidersLocal;
            lock (colliders)
                collidersLocal = colliders.ToArray();

            BuildInput(collidersLocal, includedCollisionGroups);

            // Check if cache was cleared while building the input
            lastCache = oldNavigationMesh?.Cache;

            // The new navigation mesh that will be created
            result.NavigationMesh          = new NavigationMesh();
            result.NavigationMesh.CellSize = buildSettings.CellSize;
            result.NavigationMesh.TileSize = buildSettings.TileSize;

            // Tile cache for this new navigation mesh
            NavigationMeshCache newCache = result.NavigationMesh.Cache = new NavigationMeshCache();

            newCache.SettingsHash = settingsHash;

            // Generate global bounding box for planes
            BoundingBox globalBoundingBox = BoundingBox.Empty;

            foreach (var boundingBox in boundingBoxes)
                globalBoundingBox = BoundingBox.Merge(boundingBox, globalBoundingBox);

            // Combine input and collect tiles to build
            NavigationMeshInputBuilder sceneNavigationMeshInputBuilder = new NavigationMeshInputBuilder();

            foreach (var colliderData in collidersLocal)
                if (colliderData.InputBuilder == null)

                // Otherwise, skip building these tiles
                newCache.Add(colliderData.Component, colliderData.InputBuilder, colliderData.Planes, colliderData.ParameterHash);

                // Generate geometry for planes
                foreach (var plane in colliderData.Planes)
                    sceneNavigationMeshInputBuilder.AppendOther(BuildPlaneGeometry(plane, globalBoundingBox));

            // TODO: Generate tile local mesh input data
            var inputVertices = sceneNavigationMeshInputBuilder.Points.ToArray();
            var inputIndices  = sceneNavigationMeshInputBuilder.Indices.ToArray();

            // Enumerate over every layer, and build tiles for each of those layers using the provided agent settings
            using (var groupEnumerator = groups.NotNull().GetEnumerator())
                for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < groups.Count; layerIndex++)
                    var currentGroup         = groupEnumerator.Current;
                    var currentAgentSettings = currentGroup.AgentSettings;

                    if (result.NavigationMesh.LayersInternal.ContainsKey(currentGroup.Id))
                        Logger.Error($"The same group can't be selected twice: {currentGroup}");

                    HashSet <Point> tilesToBuild = new HashSet <Point>();

                    foreach (var colliderData in collidersLocal)
                        if (colliderData.InputBuilder == null)

                        if (colliderData.Processed)
                            MarkTiles(colliderData.InputBuilder, ref buildSettings, ref currentAgentSettings, tilesToBuild);
                            if (colliderData.Previous != null)
                                MarkTiles(colliderData.Previous.InputBuilder, ref buildSettings, ref currentAgentSettings, tilesToBuild);

                    // Check for removed colliders
                    if (lastCache != null)
                        foreach (var obj in lastCache.Objects)
                            if (!newCache.Objects.ContainsKey(obj.Key))
                                MarkTiles(obj.Value.InputBuilder, ref buildSettings, ref currentAgentSettings, tilesToBuild);

                    // Calculate updated/added bounding boxes
                    foreach (var boundingBox in boundingBoxes)
                        if (!lastCache?.BoundingBoxes.Contains(boundingBox) ?? true) // In the case of no case, mark all tiles in all bounding boxes to be rebuilt
                            var tiles = NavigationMeshBuildUtils.GetOverlappingTiles(buildSettings, boundingBox);
                            foreach (var tile in tiles)

                    // Check for removed bounding boxes
                    if (lastCache != null)
                        foreach (var boundingBox in lastCache.BoundingBoxes)
                            if (!boundingBoxes.Contains(boundingBox))
                                var tiles = NavigationMeshBuildUtils.GetOverlappingTiles(buildSettings, boundingBox);
                                foreach (var tile in tiles)

                    long buildTimeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;

                    ConcurrentCollector <Tuple <Point, NavigationMeshTile> > builtTiles = new ConcurrentCollector <Tuple <Point, NavigationMeshTile> >(tilesToBuild.Count);
                    Dispatcher.ForEach(tilesToBuild.ToArray(), tileCoordinate =>
                        // Allow cancellation while building tiles
                        if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

                        // Builds the tile, or returns null when there is nothing generated for this tile (empty tile)
                        NavigationMeshTile meshTile = BuildTile(tileCoordinate, buildSettings, currentAgentSettings, boundingBoxes,
                                                                inputVertices, inputIndices, buildTimeStamp);

                        // Add the result to the list of built tiles
                        builtTiles.Add(new Tuple <Point, NavigationMeshTile>(tileCoordinate, meshTile));

                    if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                        Logger?.Warning("Operation cancelled");

                    // Add layer to the navigation mesh
                    var layer = new NavigationMeshLayer();
                    result.NavigationMesh.LayersInternal.Add(currentGroup.Id, layer);

                    // Copy tiles from from the previous build into the current
                    NavigationMeshLayer sourceLayer = null;
                    if (oldNavigationMesh != null && oldNavigationMesh.LayersInternal.TryGetValue(currentGroup.Id, out sourceLayer))
                        foreach (var sourceTile in sourceLayer.Tiles)
                            layer.TilesInternal.Add(sourceTile.Key, sourceTile.Value);

                    foreach (var p in builtTiles)
                        if (p.Item2 == null)
                            // Remove a tile
                            if (layer.TilesInternal.ContainsKey(p.Item1))
                            // Set or update tile
                            layer.TilesInternal[p.Item1] = p.Item2;

                    // Add information about which tiles were updated to the result
                    if (tilesToBuild.Count > 0)
                        var layerUpdateInfo = new NavigationMeshLayerUpdateInfo();
                        layerUpdateInfo.GroupId      = currentGroup.Id;
                        layerUpdateInfo.UpdatedTiles = tilesToBuild.ToList();

            // Check for removed layers
            if (oldNavigationMesh != null)
                var newGroups = groups.ToLookup(x => x.Id);
                foreach (var oldLayer in oldNavigationMesh.Layers)
                    if (!newGroups.Contains(oldLayer.Key))
                        var updateInfo = new NavigationMeshLayerUpdateInfo();
                        updateInfo.UpdatedTiles.Capacity = oldLayer.Value.Tiles.Count;

                        foreach (var tile in oldLayer.Value.Tiles)


            // Store bounding boxes in new tile cache
            newCache.BoundingBoxes = new List <BoundingBox>(boundingBoxes);

            // Update navigation mesh
            oldNavigationMesh = result.NavigationMesh;

            result.Success = true;
Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Raycasts and stops at the first hit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">From.</param>
        /// <param name="to">To.</param>
        /// <param name="collisionFilterGroups">The collision group of this shape sweep</param>
        /// <param name="collisionFilterGroupFlags">The collision group that this shape sweep can collide with</param>
        /// <returns>The list with hit results.</returns>
        public HitResult Raycast(Vector3 from, Vector3 to, CollisionFilterGroups collisionFilterGroups, CollisionFilterGroupFlags collisionFilterGroupFlags)
            var result = new HitResult(); //result.Succeeded is false by default

            using (var rcb = new BulletSharp.ClosestRayResultCallback(from, to)
                CollisionFilterGroup = (short)collisionFilterGroups,
                CollisionFilterMask = (short)collisionFilterGroupFlags
                collisionWorld.RayTest(ref from, ref to, rcb);

                if (rcb.CollisionObject == null) return result;
                result.Succeeded = true;
                result.Collider = (PhysicsComponent)rcb.CollisionObject.UserObject;
                result.Normal = rcb.HitNormalWorld;
                result.Point = rcb.HitPointWorld;
                result.HitFraction = rcb.ClosestHitFraction;

            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// Rebuilds outdated triangle data for colliders and recalculates hashes storing everything in StaticColliderData
        /// </summary>
        private void BuildInput(StaticColliderData[] collidersLocal, CollisionFilterGroupFlags includedCollisionGroups)
            NavigationMeshCache lastCache = oldNavigationMesh?.Cache;

            bool clearCache = false;

            Dispatcher.ForEach(collidersLocal, colliderData =>
                var entity = colliderData.Component.Entity;
                TransformComponent entityTransform = entity.Transform;
                Matrix entityWorldMatrix           = entityTransform.WorldMatrix;

                NavigationMeshInputBuilder entityNavigationMeshInputBuilder = colliderData.InputBuilder = new NavigationMeshInputBuilder();

                // Compute hash of collider and compare it with the previous build if there is one
                colliderData.ParameterHash = NavigationMeshBuildUtils.HashEntityCollider(colliderData.Component, includedCollisionGroups);
                colliderData.Previous      = null;
                if (lastCache?.Objects.TryGetValue(colliderData.Component.Id, out colliderData.Previous) ?? false)
                    if ((!NavigationMeshBuildUtils.IsDynamicShape(colliderData.Component.ColliderShape) || !colliderData.CacheSettings.EnableAlwaysUpdateDynamicShape) &&
                        (colliderData.Previous.ParameterHash == colliderData.ParameterHash))
                        // In this case, we don't need to recalculate the geometry for this shape, since it wasn't changed
                        // here we take the triangle mesh from the previous build as the current
                        colliderData.InputBuilder = colliderData.Previous.InputBuilder;
                        colliderData.Processed = false;

                // Clear cache on removal of infinite planes
                if (colliderData.Planes.Count > 0)
                    clearCache = true;

                // Clear planes

                // Return empty data for disabled colliders, filtered out colliders or trigger colliders
                if (!colliderData.Component.Enabled || colliderData.Component.IsTrigger ||
                    !NavigationMeshBuildUtils.CheckColliderFilter(colliderData.Component, includedCollisionGroups))
                    colliderData.Processed = true;

                // Make sure shape is up to date
                if (!NavigationMeshBuildUtils.HasLatestColliderShape(colliderData.Component))

                // Interate through all the colliders shapes while queueing all shapes in compound shapes to process those as well
                Queue <ColliderShape> shapesToProcess = new Queue <ColliderShape>();
                if (colliderData.Component.ColliderShape != null)
                    while (shapesToProcess.Count > 0)
                        var shape     = shapesToProcess.Dequeue();
                        var shapeType = shape.GetType();
                        if (shapeType == typeof(BoxColliderShape))
                            var box          = (BoxColliderShape)shape;
                            var boxDesc      = GetColliderShapeDesc <BoxColliderShapeDesc>(box.Description);
                            Matrix transform = box.PositiveCenterMatrix * entityWorldMatrix;

                            var meshData = GeometricPrimitive.Cube.New(boxDesc.Size, toLeftHanded: true);
                            entityNavigationMeshInputBuilder.AppendMeshData(meshData, transform);
                        else if (shapeType == typeof(SphereColliderShape))
                            var sphere       = (SphereColliderShape)shape;
                            var sphereDesc   = GetColliderShapeDesc <SphereColliderShapeDesc>(sphere.Description);
                            Matrix transform = sphere.PositiveCenterMatrix * entityWorldMatrix;

                            var meshData = GeometricPrimitive.Sphere.New(sphereDesc.Radius, toLeftHanded: true);
                            entityNavigationMeshInputBuilder.AppendMeshData(meshData, transform);
                        else if (shapeType == typeof(CylinderColliderShape))
                            var cylinder     = (CylinderColliderShape)shape;
                            var cylinderDesc = GetColliderShapeDesc <CylinderColliderShapeDesc>(cylinder.Description);
                            Matrix transform = cylinder.PositiveCenterMatrix * entityWorldMatrix;

                            var meshData = GeometricPrimitive.Cylinder.New(cylinderDesc.Height, cylinderDesc.Radius, toLeftHanded: true);
                            entityNavigationMeshInputBuilder.AppendMeshData(meshData, transform);
                        else if (shapeType == typeof(CapsuleColliderShape))
                            var capsule      = (CapsuleColliderShape)shape;
                            var capsuleDesc  = GetColliderShapeDesc <CapsuleColliderShapeDesc>(capsule.Description);
                            Matrix transform = capsule.PositiveCenterMatrix * entityWorldMatrix;

                            var meshData = GeometricPrimitive.Capsule.New(capsuleDesc.Length, capsuleDesc.Radius, toLeftHanded: true);
                            entityNavigationMeshInputBuilder.AppendMeshData(meshData, transform);
                        else if (shapeType == typeof(ConeColliderShape))
                            var cone         = (ConeColliderShape)shape;
                            var coneDesc     = GetColliderShapeDesc <ConeColliderShapeDesc>(cone.Description);
                            Matrix transform = cone.PositiveCenterMatrix * entityWorldMatrix;

                            var meshData = GeometricPrimitive.Cone.New(coneDesc.Radius, coneDesc.Height, toLeftHanded: true);
                            entityNavigationMeshInputBuilder.AppendMeshData(meshData, transform);
                        else if (shapeType == typeof(StaticPlaneColliderShape))
                            var planeShape   = (StaticPlaneColliderShape)shape;
                            var planeDesc    = GetColliderShapeDesc <StaticPlaneColliderShapeDesc>(planeShape.Description);
                            Matrix transform = entityWorldMatrix;

                            Plane plane = new Plane(planeDesc.Normal, planeDesc.Offset);

                            // Pre-Transform plane parameters
                            plane.Normal = Vector3.TransformNormal(planeDesc.Normal, transform);
                            plane.D += Vector3.Dot(transform.TranslationVector, plane.Normal);

                        else if (shapeType == typeof(ConvexHullColliderShape))
                            var hull         = (ConvexHullColliderShape)shape;
                            Matrix transform = hull.PositiveCenterMatrix * entityWorldMatrix;

                            // Convert hull indices to int
                            int[] indices = new int[hull.Indices.Count];
                            if (hull.Indices.Count % 3 != 0)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException($"{shapeType} does not consist of triangles");
                            for (int i = 0; i < hull.Indices.Count; i += 3)
                                indices[i]     = (int)hull.Indices[i];
                                indices[i + 2] = (int)hull.Indices[i + 1]; // NOTE: Reversed winding to create left handed input
                                indices[i + 1] = (int)hull.Indices[i + 2];

                            entityNavigationMeshInputBuilder.AppendArrays(hull.Points.ToArray(), indices, transform);
                        else if (shapeType == typeof(StaticMeshColliderShape))
                            var mesh         = (StaticMeshColliderShape)shape;
                            Matrix transform = mesh.PositiveCenterMatrix * entityWorldMatrix;

                            // Convert hull indices to int
                            int[] indices = new int[mesh.Indices.Count];
                            if (mesh.Indices.Count % 3 != 0)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException($"{shapeType} does not consist of triangles");
                            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Indices.Count; i += 3)
                                indices[i]     = (int)mesh.Indices[i];
                                indices[i + 2] = (int)mesh.Indices[i + 1]; // NOTE: Reversed winding to create left handed input
                                indices[i + 1] = (int)mesh.Indices[i + 2];

                            entityNavigationMeshInputBuilder.AppendArrays(mesh.Vertices.ToArray(), indices, transform);
                        else if (shapeType == typeof(HeightfieldColliderShape))
                            var heightfield = (HeightfieldColliderShape)shape;

                            var halfRange    = (heightfield.MaxHeight - heightfield.MinHeight) * 0.5f;
                            var offset       = -(heightfield.MinHeight + halfRange);
                            Matrix transform = Matrix.Translation(new Vector3(0, offset, 0)) * heightfield.PositiveCenterMatrix * entityWorldMatrix;

                            var width  = heightfield.HeightStickWidth - 1;
                            var length = heightfield.HeightStickLength - 1;
                            var mesh   = GeometricPrimitive.Plane.New(width, length, width, length, normalDirection: NormalDirection.UpY, toLeftHanded: true);

                            var arrayLength = heightfield.HeightStickWidth * heightfield.HeightStickLength;

                            using (heightfield.LockToReadHeights())
                                switch (heightfield.HeightType)
                                case HeightfieldTypes.Short:
                                    if (heightfield.ShortArray == null)
                                    for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; ++i)
                                        mesh.Vertices[i].Position.Y = heightfield.ShortArray[i] * heightfield.HeightScale;

                                case HeightfieldTypes.Byte:
                                    if (heightfield.ByteArray == null)
                                    for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; ++i)
                                        mesh.Vertices[i].Position.Y = heightfield.ByteArray[i] * heightfield.HeightScale;

                                case HeightfieldTypes.Float:
                                    if (heightfield.FloatArray == null)
                                    for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; ++i)
                                        mesh.Vertices[i].Position.Y = heightfield.FloatArray[i];

                            entityNavigationMeshInputBuilder.AppendMeshData(mesh, transform);
                        else if (shapeType == typeof(CompoundColliderShape))
                            // Unroll compound collider shapes
                            var compound = (CompoundColliderShape)shape;
                            for (int i = 0; i < compound.Count; i++)

                // Clear cache on addition of infinite planes
                if (colliderData.Planes.Count > 0)
                    clearCache = true;

                // Mark collider as processed
                colliderData.Processed = true;

            if (clearCache && oldNavigationMesh != null)
                oldNavigationMesh = null;
Beispiel #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Raycasts penetrating any shape the ray encounters.
 /// Filtering by CollisionGroup
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="from">From.</param>
 /// <param name="to">To.</param>
 /// <param name="resultsOutput">The list to fill with results.</param>
 /// <param name="collisionFilterGroups">The collision group of this shape sweep</param>
 /// <param name="collisionFilterGroupFlags">The collision group that this shape sweep can collide with</param>
 public void RaycastPenetrating(Vector3 from, Vector3 to, IList<HitResult> resultsOutput, CollisionFilterGroups collisionFilterGroups, CollisionFilterGroupFlags collisionFilterGroupFlags)
     using (var rcb = new XenkoAllHitsRayResultCallback(ref from, ref to, resultsOutput)
         CollisionFilterGroup = (short)collisionFilterGroups,
         CollisionFilterMask = (short)collisionFilterGroupFlags
         collisionWorld.RayTest(ref from, ref to, rcb);
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if a static collider passes the given filter group
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="collider">The collider to check</param>
 /// <param name="includedCollisionGroups">The collision filter</param>
 /// <returns><c>true</c> if the collider passes the filter, <c>false</c> otherwise</returns>
 public static bool CheckColliderFilter(StaticColliderComponent collider, CollisionFilterGroupFlags includedCollisionGroups)
     return(((CollisionFilterGroupFlags)collider.CollisionGroup & includedCollisionGroups) != 0);
Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Raycasts penetrating any shape the ray encounters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simulation">Physics simulation.</param>
        /// <param name="raySegment">Ray.</param>
        /// <param name="collisionFilterGroups">The collision group of this shape sweep</param>
        /// <param name="collisionFilterGroupFlags">The collision group that this shape sweep can collide with</param>
        /// <returns>The list with hit results.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If the simulation argument is null.</exception>
        public static FastList <HitResult> RaycastPenetrating(this Simulation simulation, RaySegment raySegment, CollisionFilterGroups collisionFilterGroups, CollisionFilterGroupFlags collisionFilterGroupFlags)
            if (simulation == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(simulation));

            var result = new FastList <HitResult>();

            simulation.RaycastPenetrating(raySegment.Start, raySegment.End, result, collisionFilterGroups, collisionFilterGroupFlags);

Beispiel #26
 internal void AddCollider(PhysicsComponent component, CollisionFilterGroupFlags group, CollisionFilterGroupFlags mask)
     collisionWorld.AddCollisionObject(component.NativeCollisionObject, (BulletSharp.CollisionFilterGroups)group, (BulletSharp.CollisionFilterGroups)mask);
Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a sweep test using a collider shape and never stops until "to"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shape">The shape.</param>
        /// <param name="from">From.</param>
        /// <param name="to">To.</param>
        /// <param name="resultsOutput">The list to fill with results.</param>
        /// <param name="collisionFilterGroups">The collision group of this shape sweep</param>
        /// <param name="collisionFilterGroupFlags">The collision group that this shape sweep can collide with</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception">This kind of shape cannot be used for a ShapeSweep.</exception>
        public void ShapeSweepPenetrating(ColliderShape shape, Matrix from, Matrix to, IList<HitResult> resultsOutput, CollisionFilterGroups collisionFilterGroups, CollisionFilterGroupFlags collisionFilterGroupFlags)
            var sh = shape.InternalShape as BulletSharp.ConvexShape;
            if (sh == null) throw new Exception("This kind of shape cannot be used for a ShapeSweep.");

            using (var rcb = new XenkoAllHitsConvexResultCallback(resultsOutput)
                CollisionFilterGroup = (BulletSharp.CollisionFilterGroups)collisionFilterGroups,
                CollisionFilterMask = (BulletSharp.CollisionFilterGroups)collisionFilterGroupFlags
                collisionWorld.ConvexSweepTest(sh, from, to, rcb);
Beispiel #28
        internal void AddCharacter(CharacterComponent character, CollisionFilterGroupFlags group, CollisionFilterGroupFlags mask)
            if (discreteDynamicsWorld == null) throw new Exception("Cannot perform this action when the physics engine is set to CollisionsOnly");

            var collider = character.NativeCollisionObject;
            var action = character.KinematicCharacter;
            discreteDynamicsWorld.AddCollisionObject(collider, (BulletSharp.CollisionFilterGroups)group, (BulletSharp.CollisionFilterGroups)mask);

            character.Simulation = this;
Beispiel #29
 internal void AddCollider(PhysicsComponent component, CollisionFilterGroupFlags group, CollisionFilterGroupFlags mask)
     collisionWorld.AddCollisionObject(component.NativeCollisionObject, (BulletSharp.CollisionFilterGroups)group, (BulletSharp.CollisionFilterGroups)mask);