protected override void Execute(int execID, EntityID entity, ref ProjectileSpawnerComponent spawner, ref TransformComponent trans)
            const int   SHOTS_PER_BURST        = 5;
            const float COOLDOWN_AFTER_BURST   = 1.5f;
            const float COOLDOWN_BETWEEN_SHOTS = .05f;

            spawner.Cooldown -= deltaTime.Value;
            if (spawner.Cooldown > 0f)            //Still cooling down so early out

            if (spawner.Target != null && context.HasEntity(spawner.Target.Value) && !context.HasTags(spawner.Target.Value, disabledMask))
                FireProjectile(ref spawner, ref trans);
            spawner.Cooldown = COOLDOWN_BETWEEN_SHOTS;

            //If there are no shots-remaining then start cooling down
            if (spawner.ShotsRemaining <= 0)
                spawner.ShotsRemaining = SHOTS_PER_BURST;
                spawner.Cooldown       = COOLDOWN_AFTER_BURST;

                EntityID target;
                if (colliderManager.Intersect(AABox.FromCenterAndExtents(trans.Matrix.Position, new Vector3(75f, 125f, 75f)), out target))
                    spawner.Target = target;
Beispiel #2
        protected override void Execute(int execID, EntityID entity, ref TransformComponent trans, ref VelocityComponent velo)
            Vector3 pos     = trans.Matrix.Position;
            Vector3 prevPos = pos - velo.Velocity * deltaTime.Value;
            Line    line    = new Line(prevPos, pos);

            EntityID target;

            if (colliderManager.Intersect(line, out target))
                //Remove the projectile

                //Mark the target as hit
                context.SetTag <HitTag>(target);

                //Spawn a impact
                EntityID impactEntity = context.CreateEntity();
                context.SetComponent(impactEntity, new TransformComponent(Float3x4.FromPosition(pos)));
                context.SetComponent(impactEntity, new GraphicComponent(graphicID: 3));
                context.SetComponent(impactEntity, new LifetimeComponent(totalLifetime: .5f));
                context.SetComponent(impactEntity, new AgeComponent());