Beispiel #1
        public PreferencesWindow(GameCanvas parent, Editor editor) : base(parent, editor)
            Title = "Preferences";
            SetSize(450, 425);
            MinimumSize = Size;
            ControlBase bottom = new ControlBase(this)
                Dock = Dock.Bottom,
                AutoSizeToContents = true,
            Button defaults = new Button(bottom)
                Dock   = Dock.Right,
                Margin = new Margin(0, 2, 0, 0),
                Text   = "Restore Defaults"

            defaults.Clicked += (o, e) => RestoreDefaults();
            _prefcontainer    = new CollapsibleList(this)
                Dock = Dock.Left,
                AutoSizeToContents = false,
                Width  = 100,
                Margin = new Margin(0, 0, 5, 0)
Beispiel #2
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

            CollapsibleList control = new CollapsibleList(this);

            //control.ClientBackColor = Color.CornflowerBlue;
            control.SetSize(100, 200);
            control.SetPosition(10, 10);
            control.ItemSelected      += OnSelection;
            control.CategoryCollapsed += OnCollapsed;

                CollapsibleCategory cat = control.Add("Category One");
                cat.TextColor = Color.LightGreen;
                cat.UseCurrentColorAsNormal = true;

                CollapsibleCategory cat = control.Add("Shopping");
                cat.TextColor = Color.Yellow;
                cat.UseCurrentColorAsNormal = true;
                cat.Add("Two Noses");
                cat.Add("Orange ears");
                cat.Add("Three Eyes");
                cat.Add("Two Noses");
                cat.Add("Orange ears");
                cat.Add("Three Eyes");
                cat.Add("Two Noses");
                cat.Add("Orange ears");
                cat.Add("Three Eyes");

                CollapsibleCategory cat = control.Add("Category Two");
                cat.TextColor = Color.Pink;
                cat.UseCurrentColorAsNormal = true;
                cat.Add("Hello 2");
                cat.Add("Two 2");
                cat.Add("Three 2");
                cat.Add("Four 2");
Beispiel #3
        public CategoryTest(ControlBase parent) : base(parent)
            FlowLayout container = new FlowLayout(parent);

            container.Dock = Dock.Fill;
            CollapsibleList list = new CollapsibleList(container);

            list.Width  = 200;
            list.Height = 200;
            var l = list.Add("Hell0 i am cat");

            l.Add("i have cats");
            l = list.Add("Hi. I'm a kitten");
            l.Add("I am proffesional.");
Beispiel #4
        public CollapsibleListTest(ControlBase parent)
            : base(parent)
            CollapsibleList control = new CollapsibleList(this);

            control.Dock = Net.Dock.Fill;
            control.HorizontalAlignment = Net.HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            control.ItemSelected       += OnSelection;
            control.CategoryCollapsed  += OnCollapsed;

                CollapsibleCategory cat = control.Add("Category One");

                CollapsibleCategory cat = control.Add("Shopping");
                cat.Add("Two Noses");
                cat.Add("Orange ears");
                cat.Add("Three Eyes");
                cat.Add("Two Noses");
                cat.Add("Orange ears");
                cat.Add("Three Eyes");
                cat.Add("Two Noses");
                cat.Add("Orange ears");
                cat.Add("Three Eyes");

                CollapsibleCategory cat = control.Add("Category One");
        public UnitTestHarnessControls(ControlBase parent) : base(parent)
            Dock = Dock.Fill;

            DockBase dock = new DockBase(this);

            dock.Dock = Dock.Fill;

            m_List = new CollapsibleList(this);

            dock.LeftDock.TabControl.AddPage("Unit tests", m_List);
            dock.LeftDock.Width = 150;

            m_TextOutput = new ListBox(this);
            m_TextOutput.AlternateColor = false;

            dock.BottomDock.TabControl.AddPage("Output", m_TextOutput);
            dock.BottomDock.Height = 200;

            m_StatusBar      = new StatusBar(this);
            m_StatusBar.Dock = Dock.Bottom;

            m_DebugCheck               = new LabeledCheckBox(m_StatusBar);
            m_DebugCheck.Text          = "Debug outlines";
            m_DebugCheck.CheckChanged += DebugCheckChanged;

            m_IncScale = new Button(m_StatusBar);
            m_IncScale.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            m_IncScale.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Stretch;
            m_IncScale.Width       = 30;
            m_IncScale.Margin      = new Margin(0, 0, 8, 0);
            m_IncScale.TextPadding = new Padding(5, 0, 5, 0);
            m_IncScale.Text        = "+";
            m_IncScale.Clicked    += (sender, arguments) => { m_UIScale.Value = Math.Min(m_UIScale.Value + 0.25f, 3.0f); };

            m_UIScale = new TextBoxNumeric(m_StatusBar);
            m_UIScale.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch;
            m_UIScale.Width             = 70;
            m_UIScale.Value             = GetCanvas().Scale;
            m_UIScale.TextChanged      += (sender, arguments) => { GetCanvas().Scale = m_UIScale.Value; };

            m_DecScale = new Button(m_StatusBar);
            m_DecScale.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            m_DecScale.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Stretch;
            m_DecScale.Width       = 30;
            m_DecScale.Margin      = new Margin(4, 0, 0, 0);
            m_DecScale.TextPadding = new Padding(5, 0, 5, 0);
            m_DecScale.Text        = "-";
            m_DecScale.Clicked    += (sender, arguments) => { m_UIScale.Value = Math.Max(m_UIScale.Value - 0.25f, 1.0f); };

            m_UIScaleText = new Label(m_StatusBar);
            m_UIScaleText.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch;
            m_UIScaleText.Alignment         = Alignment.Left | Alignment.CenterV;
            m_UIScaleText.Text = "Scale:";

            m_Center      = new DockLayout(dock);
            m_Center.Dock = Dock.Fill;

            List <Type> tests = typeof(UnitTestHarnessControls).Assembly.GetTypes().Where(t => t.IsDefined(typeof(UnitTestAttribute), false)).ToList();

            tests.Sort((t1, t2) =>
                object[] a1s = t1.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(UnitTestAttribute), false);
                object[] a2s = t2.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(UnitTestAttribute), false);
                if (a1s.Length > 0 && a2s.Length > 0)
                    UnitTestAttribute a1 = a1s[0] as UnitTestAttribute;
                    UnitTestAttribute a2 = a2s[0] as UnitTestAttribute;
                    if (a1.Order == a2.Order)
                        if (a1.Category == a2.Category)
                            return(String.Compare(a1.Name != null ? a1.Name : t1.Name, a2.Name != null ? a2.Name : t2.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                            return(String.Compare(a1.Category, a2.Category, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                    return(a1.Order - a2.Order);


            foreach (Type type in tests)
                object[] attribs = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(UnitTestAttribute), false);
                if (attribs.Length > 0)
                    UnitTestAttribute attrib = attribs[0] as UnitTestAttribute;
                    if (attrib != null)
                        CollapsibleCategory cat = m_List.FindChildByName(attrib.Category) as CollapsibleCategory;
                        if (cat == null)
                            cat = m_List.Add(attrib.Category, attrib.Category);
                        GUnit test = Activator.CreateInstance(type, m_Center) as GUnit;
                        RegisterUnitTest(attrib.Name != null ? attrib.Name : type.Name, cat, test);

            PrintText("Unit Test started!");
Beispiel #6
    public override void _Ready()
        organelleSelectionElements = GetTree().GetNodesInGroup("OrganelleSelectionElement");
        membraneSelectionElements  = GetTree().GetNodesInGroup("MembraneSelectionElement");

        reportTabButton  = GetNode <Button>(ReportTabButtonPath);
        patchMapButton   = GetNode <Button>(PatchMapButtonPath);
        cellEditorButton = GetNode <Button>(CellEditorButtonPath);

        structureTab       = GetNode <PanelContainer>(StructureTabPath);
        structureTabButton = GetNode <Button>(StructureTabButtonPath);

        appearanceTab       = GetNode <PanelContainer>(ApperanceTabPath);
        appearanceTabButton = GetNode <Button>(AppearanceTabButtonPath);

        statisticsPanel = GetNode <PanelContainer>(OrganismStatisticsPath);
        sizeLabel       = GetNode <Label>(SizeLabelPath);
        speedLabel      = GetNode <Label>(SpeedLabelPath);
        hpLabel         = GetNode <Label>(HpLabelPath);
        generationLabel = GetNode <Label>(GenerationLabelPath);

        mutationPointsLabel       = GetNode <Label>(MutationPointsLabelPath);
        mutationPointsBar         = GetNode <ProgressBar>(MutationPointsBarPath);
        mutationPointsSubtractBar = GetNode <ProgressBar>(MutationPointsSubtractBarPath);

        rigiditySlider      = GetNode <Slider>(RigiditySliderPath);
        membraneColorPicker = GetNode <ColorPicker>(MembraneColorPickerPath);

        menuButton      = GetNode <TextureButton>(MenuButtonPath);
        helpButton      = GetNode <TextureButton>(HelpButtonPath);
        undoButton      = GetNode <TextureButton>(UndoButtonPath);
        redoButton      = GetNode <TextureButton>(RedoButtonPath);
        symmetryButton  = GetNode <TextureButton>(SymmetryButtonPath);
        newCellButton   = GetNode <TextureButton>(NewCellButtonPath);
        speciesNameEdit = GetNode <LineEdit>(SpeciesNameEditPath);
        finishButton    = GetNode <Button>(FinishButtonPath);

        atpBalanceLabel     = GetNode <Label>(ATPBalanceLabelPath);
        atpProductionLabel  = GetNode <Label>(ATPProductionLabelPath);
        atpConsumptionLabel = GetNode <Label>(ATPConsumptionLabelPath);
        atpProductionBar    = GetNode <SegmentedBar>(ATPProductionBarPath);
        atpConsumptionBar   = GetNode <SegmentedBar>(ATPConsumptionBarPath);

        timeIndicator         = GetNode <Label>(TimeIndicatorPath);
        glucoseReductionLabel = GetNode <Label>(GlucoseReductionLabelPath);
        autoEvoLabel          = GetNode <Label>(AutoEvoLabelPath);
        externalEffectsLabel  = GetNode <Label>(ExternalEffectsLabelPath);
        mapDrawer             = GetNode <PatchMapDrawer>(MapDrawerPath);
        patchNothingSelected  = GetNode <Control>(PatchNothingSelectedPath);
        patchDetails          = GetNode <Control>(PatchDetailsPath);
        patchName             = GetNode <Label>(PatchNamePath);
        patchPlayerHere       = GetNode <Control>(PatchPlayerHerePath);
        patchBiome            = GetNode <Label>(PatchBiomePath);
        patchDepth            = GetNode <Label>(PatchDepthPath);
        patchTemperature      = GetNode <Label>(PatchTemperaturePath);
        patchPressure         = GetNode <Label>(PatchPressurePath);
        patchLight            = GetNode <Label>(PatchLightPath);
        patchOxygen           = GetNode <Label>(PatchOxygenPath);
        patchNitrogen         = GetNode <Label>(PatchNitrogenPath);
        patchCO2             = GetNode <Label>(PatchCO2Path);
        patchHydrogenSulfide = GetNode <Label>(PatchHydrogenSulfidePath);
        patchAmmonia         = GetNode <Label>(PatchAmmoniaPath);
        patchGlucose         = GetNode <Label>(PatchGlucosePath);
        patchPhosphate       = GetNode <Label>(PatchPhosphatePath);
        patchIron            = GetNode <Label>(PatchIronPath);
        speciesListBox       = GetNode <CollapsibleList>(SpeciesCollapsibleBoxPath);
        moveToPatchButton    = GetNode <Button>(MoveToPatchButtonPath);
        symmetryIcon         = GetNode <TextureRect>(SymmetryIconPath);

        patchTemperatureSituation     = GetNode <TextureRect>(PatchTemperatureSituationPath);
        patchLightSituation           = GetNode <TextureRect>(PatchLightSituationPath);
        patchHydrogenSulfideSituation = GetNode <TextureRect>(PatchHydrogenSulfideSituationPath);
        patchGlucoseSituation         = GetNode <TextureRect>(PatchGlucoseSituationPath);
        patchIronSituation            = GetNode <TextureRect>(PatchIronSituationPath);
        patchAmmoniaSituation         = GetNode <TextureRect>(PatchAmmoniaSituationPath);
        patchPhosphateSituation       = GetNode <TextureRect>(PatchPhosphateSituationPath);

        speedIndicator = GetNode <TextureRect>(SpeedIndicatorPath);
        hpIndicator    = GetNode <TextureRect>(HpIndicatorPath);
        sizeIndicator  = GetNode <TextureRect>(SizeIndicatorPath);

        negativeAtpPopup = GetNode <ConfirmationDialog>(NegativeAtpPopupPath);
        islandPopup      = GetNode <AcceptDialog>(IslandErrorPath);

        menu = GetNode <PauseMenu>(MenuPath);

        mapDrawer.OnSelectedPatchChanged = drawer => { UpdateShownPatchDetails(); };

        atpProductionBar.SelectedType  = SegmentedBar.Type.ATP;
        atpProductionBar.IsProduction  = true;
        atpConsumptionBar.SelectedType = SegmentedBar.Type.ATP;

Beispiel #7
        public String Note; // additional text to display in status bar

        public UnitTest(ZGE.Components.ZComponent parent) : base(parent)
            Dock = Pos.Fill;
            SetSize(1024, 768);
            m_List = new Control.CollapsibleList(this);

            LeftDock.TabControl.AddPage("Unit tests", m_List);
            LeftDock.Width = 150;

            m_TextOutput = new Control.ListBox(BottomDock);
            m_Button = BottomDock.TabControl.AddPage("Output", m_TextOutput);
            BottomDock.Height = 200;

            m_DebugCheck = new Control.LabeledCheckBox(m_List);
            m_DebugCheck.Text = "Debug outlines";
            m_DebugCheck.CheckChanged += DebugCheckChanged;

            m_StatusBar = new Control.StatusBar(this);
            m_StatusBar.Dock = Pos.Bottom;
            m_StatusBar.AddControl(m_DebugCheck, true);

            //m_Center = new Center(this);
            //m_Center.Dock = Pos.Fill;
            GUnit test;

                CollapsibleCategory cat = m_List.Add("Non-Interactive");
                    test = new Label(this);
                    RegisterUnitTest("Label", cat, test);
                    test = new RichLabel(this);
                    RegisterUnitTest("RichLabel", cat, test);
                    test = new GroupBox(this);
                    RegisterUnitTest("GroupBox", cat, test);
                    test = new ProgressBar(this);
                    RegisterUnitTest("ProgressBar", cat, test);
                    test = new ImagePanel(this);
                    RegisterUnitTest("ImagePanel", cat, test);
                    test = new StatusBar(this);
                    RegisterUnitTest("StatusBar", cat, test);

                CollapsibleCategory cat = m_List.Add("Standard");
                    test = new Button(this);
                    RegisterUnitTest("Button", cat, test);
                    test = new TextBox(this);
                    RegisterUnitTest("TextBox", cat, test);
                    test = new CheckBox(this);
                    RegisterUnitTest("CheckBox", cat, test);
                    test = new RadioButton(this);
                    RegisterUnitTest("RadioButton", cat, test);
                    test = new ComboBox(this);
                    RegisterUnitTest("ComboBox", cat, test);
                    test = new ListBox(this);
                    RegisterUnitTest("ListBox", cat, test);
                    test = new NumericUpDown(this);
                    RegisterUnitTest("NumericUpDown", cat, test);
                    test = new Slider(this);
                    RegisterUnitTest("Slider", cat, test);
                    test = new MenuStrip(this);
                    RegisterUnitTest("MenuStrip", cat, test);
                    test = new CrossSplitter(this);
                    RegisterUnitTest("CrossSplitter", cat, test);
                CollapsibleCategory cat = m_List.Add("Containers");
                    test = new Window(this);
                    RegisterUnitTest("Window", cat, test);
                    test = new TreeControl(this);
                    RegisterUnitTest("TreeControl", cat, test);
                    test = new Properties(this);
                    RegisterUnitTest("Properties", cat, test);
                    test = new TabControl(this);
                    RegisterUnitTest("TabControl", cat, test);
                    test = new ScrollControl(this);
                    RegisterUnitTest("ScrollControl", cat, test);
                    test = new Docking(this);
                    RegisterUnitTest("Docking", cat, test);
                CollapsibleCategory cat = m_List.Add("Non-standard");
                    test = new CollapsibleList(this);
                    RegisterUnitTest("CollapsibleList", cat, test);
                    test = new ColorPickers(this);
                    RegisterUnitTest("Color pickers", cat, test);

            PrintText("Unit Test started!");
Beispiel #8
        public void Create()

            CollapsibleList list = new CollapsibleList(this);

            list.Margin             = new Margin(0, 0, 1, 0);
            list.Dock               = Dock.Left;
            list.AutoSizeToContents = true;
            var cat = list.Add("Basic");

            var page  = AddPage(cat, "Labels");
            var label = new LabelTest(page);

            page = AddPage(cat, "Buttons");
            var btn = new ButtonTest(page);

            page = AddPage(cat, "ProgressBar");
            var prog = new ProgressBarTest(page);

            page = AddPage(cat, "Layout");
            var layout = new LayoutTest(page);

            page = AddPage(cat, "Textbox");
            var textbox = new TextBoxTest(page);

            page = AddPage(cat, "Slider");
            var slider = new SliderTest(page);

            cat = list.Add("Containers");

            page = AddPage(cat, "Generic Container");
            var container = new ContainerTest(page);

            page = AddPage(cat, "Layout Container");
            var layoutcontainer = new LayoutContainerTest(page);

            page = AddPage(cat, "Notification");
            var notify = new NotificationTest(page);

            _focus = page;
            page = AddPage(cat, "Window");
            var window = new WindowTest(page);

            page = AddPage(cat, "Tab Control");
            var tab = new TabTest(page);

            cat  = list.Add("Composite controls");
            page = AddPage(cat, "ListBox");
            var listbox = new ListBoxTest(page);

            page = AddPage(cat, "TreeControl");
            var tree = new TreeTest(page);

            page = AddPage(cat, "Menu");
            var menu = new MenuTest(page);

            page = AddPage(cat, "Property");
            var prop = new PropertyTest(page);

            page = AddPage(cat, "Category");
            var collapse = new CategoryTest(page);
            //    page.FocusTab();
Beispiel #9
        void OnSelection(ControlBase control, EventArgs args)
            CollapsibleList list = control as CollapsibleList;

            UnitPrint(String.Format("CollapsibleList: Selected: {0}", list.GetSelectedButton().Text));