Beispiel #1
 public override CollResult RedirectedCheckAgainst(zCollisionPrimitive other, EntityManager.Transform myRoot, EntityManager.Transform hisRoot)
     CollResult ret = new CollResult();
     ret.collided = false;
     ret.normal = Vector2.Zero;
     return ret;
Beispiel #2
    public override CollResult CheckAgainst(zCollisionPrimitive other, EntityManager.Transform myRoot, EntityManager.Transform hisRoot)
        //Transform both into correct space
        if(other is zCollisionAABB)
            CollResult ret = new CollResult();
            ret.collided = false;
            ret.normal = Vector2.Zero;
            Rectangle mine = m_rect;
            mine.Offset((int)myRoot.GetPos().X, (int)myRoot.GetPos().Y);

            Rectangle his = (other as zCollisionAABB).m_rect;
            his.Offset((int)hisRoot.GetPos().X, (int)hisRoot.GetPos().Y);

                ret.collided = true;
                ret.normal = new Vector2(his.Center.X - mine.Center.X, his.Center.Y - mine.Center.Y);
            return ret;

        //Oh no we can't handle any others.
        return other.RedirectedCheckAgainst(this, hisRoot, myRoot); //Note the swap of transforms
Beispiel #3
    public override CollResult CheckAgainst(zCollisionPrimitive other, EntityManager.Transform myRoot, EntityManager.Transform hisRoot)
        //Transform both into correct space
        if (other is zCollisionAABB)
            CollResult ret = new CollResult();
            ret.collided = false;
            ret.normal   = Vector2.Zero;
            Rectangle mine = m_rect;
            mine.Offset((int)myRoot.GetPos().X, (int)myRoot.GetPos().Y);

            Rectangle his = (other as zCollisionAABB).m_rect;
            his.Offset((int)hisRoot.GetPos().X, (int)hisRoot.GetPos().Y);

            if (mine.Intersects(his))
                ret.collided = true;
                ret.normal   = new Vector2(his.Center.X - mine.Center.X, his.Center.Y - mine.Center.Y);

        //Oh no we can't handle any others.
        return(other.RedirectedCheckAgainst(this, hisRoot, myRoot)); //Note the swap of transforms
Beispiel #4
        public void CheckCollisionsAgainst(CollisionComponent other)
            int collision = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < prims.Count; ++i)
                for (int y = 0; y < other.prims.Count; ++y)
                    CollResult c = prims[i].CheckAgainst(other.prims[y], tran, other.tran);
                    if (c.collided)
                        if (callback != null)
                            callback(this, other, c, collision);
                        CollResult otherC = c;
                        otherC.normal *= -1;
                        if (other.callback != null)
                            other.callback(other, this, otherC, collision++);
                    } //Note, currently multiple callbacks can be made, each with their own index
Beispiel #5
 public void PhysicsCallback(CollisionManager.CollisionComponent mine, CollisionManager.CollisionComponent other, CollResult coll, int collNumber)
         //Move position to above the path (bottom of collision should be above the ground.  Above being relative to normal
         //set velocity to be speed magnitude perpendicular to normal of the primitive it's colliding against,
Beispiel #6
    override public CollResult RedirectedCheckAgainst(zCollisionPrimitive other, EntityManager.Transform myRoot, EntityManager.Transform hisRoot)
        CollResult ret = new CollResult();

        ret.collided = false;
        ret.normal   = Vector2.Zero;
Beispiel #7
 public void RayCastCallBack(CollisionManager.CollisionComponent mine, CollisionManager.CollisionComponent other, CollResult coll, int collNumber)
     if (other.CheckFlag(CollisionManager.FLAGS.GROUND))
Beispiel #8
 public void PhysicsCallback(CollisionManager.CollisionComponent mine, CollisionManager.CollisionComponent other, CollResult coll, int collNumber)
     if (other.CheckFlag(CollisionManager.FLAGS.GROUND))
         //Move position to above the path (bottom of collision should be above the ground.  Above being relative to normal
         //set velocity to be speed magnitude perpendicular to normal of the primitive it's colliding against,
Beispiel #9
        public void RayCastCallBack(CollisionManager.CollisionComponent mine, CollisionManager.CollisionComponent other, CollResult coll, int collNumber)
