public Task GlobalAsync() { CodeSite.EnterMethod(this, "GlobalAsync"); try { CheckTask(); cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); Task = Task.Run(() => { try { var save = SaveAsync(); Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "GlobalAsync"; IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse(LastProgress.Ping); CodeSite.Send("LastIP", ip.ToString()); IPNetwork net = IPNetwork.Parse(ip.ToString(), 10); uint count = (uint)net.Total / 256; for (uint i = net.Network.ToUInt32() >> 8; i <= uint.MaxValue >> 8; i++) { if (cts.IsCancellationRequested) { break; } uint uip = i << 8; if (!IPNetworkSet.IPv4Reserved.Contains(uip) && !IPNetworkSet.IPv4Assigned.Contains(uip) ^ Properties.Settings.Default.IPv4Assigned) { for (uint j = 0; j < 256; j++) { listIP.Add(uip + j); } } if (i % count == count - 1)//每组 { if (listIP.Count > 0) { //CodeSite.Send("listIP.Count", listIP.Count); LastProgress.Ping = listIP.First().ToIPAddress().ToString(); CodeSite.Send("StartIP", LastProgress.Ping); progressFormat = string.Format("{0}-{1},{{0,8}}/{2},新增{{1,8}}", listIP.First().ToIPAddress(), listIP.Last().ToIPAddress(), listIP.Count); ExceptDB(); CheckList(); listIP.Clear(); } } } bcIPv4SSL.CompleteAdding(); save.Wait(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.SendCodeSite("GlobalAsync"); } }, cts.Token); return(Task); } finally { CodeSite.ExitMethod(this, "GlobalAsync"); } }
static bool SaveFile(string filename, IEnumerable <string> list) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(filename); if (!fi.Directory.Exists) { CodeSite.Send("目录不存在", fi.DirectoryName); return(false); } if (fi.Exists) { var old = File.ReadAllLines(fi.FullName).AsEnumerable(); if (list.SequenceEqual(old)) { CodeSite.SendNote("内容无变化{0}", fi.FullName); return(false); } else { CodeSite.SendCollection("新增", list.Except(old)); } } File.WriteAllLines(fi.FullName, list); CodeSite.SendCollection(fi.FullName, list); return(true); }
public static string GetCookies(HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse) { var script1 = ""; var script2 = ""; var chromeDriver = new ChromeDriver(); try { using (var responseStream = httpWebResponse.GetResponseStream()) using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(responseStream ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(), Encoding.UTF8)) script1 = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); chromeDriver.Navigate().GoToUrl(httpWebResponse.ResponseUri); var run = script1.Substring("<script>", "</script>").Replace("{eval(", "{return ("); run = $"function script2(){{{run}}}; return script2();"; script2 = chromeDriver.ExecuteScript(run).ToString(); var del = script2.Substring("=function(){", "document.cookie="); run = script2.Replace(del + "document.cookie=", "return "); var name = script2.Substring("var ", "="); run = $"{run}; return {name}();"; var cookie = chromeDriver.ExecuteScript(run).ToString(); return(cookie); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.SendCodeSite(); CodeSite.Send("script1", script1); CodeSite.Send("script2", script2); return(""); } finally { chromeDriver.Quit(); } }
void ThreadCheckList() { ConcurrentBag <uint> csIP = new ConcurrentBag <uint>(IPList); Thread[] threads = new Thread[2000]; for (int i = 0; i < threads.Length; i++) { threads[i] = new Thread(() => { uint uip; while (csIP.TryTake(out uip)) { if (cts.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } Interlocked.Increment(ref finishCount); if (WebCheck(uip)) { Interlocked.Increment(ref saveCount); } } if (!csIP.IsEmpty) { CodeSite.Send("csIP.IsEmpty", csIP.IsEmpty); } }); threads[i].Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest; threads[i].Start(); } foreach (var item in threads) { item.Join(); } }
/// <summary> /// 输出异常的CodeSite日志 /// </summary> /// <param name="value">要处理的异常</param> /// <param name="msg">日志的标识</param> /// <returns>始终返回 <see langword="false"/></returns> public static bool SendCodeSite(this Exception value, [CallerMemberName] string msg = null) { string text = value.ToString(); if (value is WebException we && we.Response is HttpWebResponse hwr) { if (hwr.ContentType.StartsWith("text/")) { Encoding encoding = Encoding.Default; try { encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(hwr.CharacterSet); } catch (Exception ex) { CodeSite.SendException(hwr.CharacterSet, ex); } try { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(hwr.GetResponseStream(), encoding); text += Environment.NewLine + sr.ReadToEnd(); sr.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { text += Environment.NewLine + ex.ToString(); } } } CodeSite.Send(CodeSiteMsgType.Exception, msg ?? value.TargetSite?.ToString(), text); return(false); }
private void Test() { CodeSite.EnterMethod(this, "Test"); ScrapingBrowser scrapingBrowser = new ScrapingBrowser(); scrapingBrowser.IgnoreCookies = true; re: try { var s = scrapingBrowser.NavigateTo(new Uri(""), HttpVerb.Get, ""); CodeSite.Send("s", s); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is WebException we && we.Response is HttpWebResponse hwr) { if ((int)hwr.StatusCode == 521) { CodeSite.SendReminder("破解爬虫防护"); scrapingBrowser.SetCookies(new Uri(""), Jsl.GetCookies(hwr)); goto re; } } } finally { CodeSite.ExitMethod(this, "Test"); } }
void ExceptDB() { using (IPv4DataContext db = new IPv4DataContext()) { var listDB = (from item in db.IPv4SSL where item.Address >= IPSet.Min && item.Address <= IPSet.Max select item.Address).ToList().Select(p => (uint)p); finishCount = IPSet.Count; IPSet.ExceptWith(listDB); finishCount -= IPSet.Count; } if (finishCount > 0) { CodeSite.Send("SkipCount", finishCount); } IPList.Clear(); IPList.AddRange(IPSet); Random random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < IPList.Count; i++) { int j = random.Next(i, IPList.Count); uint t = IPList[i]; IPList[i] = IPList[j]; IPList[j] = t; } }
public static void SendCodeSite(this Exception value, string msg = null) { if (msg == null) { msg = value.TargetSite.Name; } CodeSite.Send(CodeSiteMsgType.Exception, msg, value.ToString()); }
private void CheckList() { progressCount = 0; int newCount = 0, lastCount = progressCount, tempCount; Timer timer; if (ProgressString != null) { timer = new Timer(_ => { ProgressString.Report(string.Format(progressFormat, progressCount, newCount)); tempCount = progressCount; //CodeSite.Send("progressCount", tempCount - lastCount); lastCount = tempCount; }, null, 1000, 1000); } else { timer = null; } try { ParallelOptions po = new ParallelOptions() { CancellationToken = cts.Token, MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxDegreeOfParallelism }; //CodeSite.Send("po.MaxDegreeOfParallelism", po.MaxDegreeOfParallelism); Parallel.ForEach(listIP, po, (uip) => { Interlocked.Increment(ref progressCount); IPv4SSL ip = new IPv4SSL(uip); WebCheck(ip); if (ip.IsSSL) { Interlocked.Increment(ref newCount); bcIPv4SSL.Add(ip); } }); } catch (OperationCanceledException ex) { ex.SendCodeSite("OperationCanceledException"); } forceSave = true; while (forceSave) { //CodeSite.SendReminder("等待数据保存完毕"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } CodeSite.Send("新增数据", newCount); if (timer != null) { timer.Dispose(); } }
private void buttonIPv4DB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CodeSite.SendCollection("", IPv4Location.Find(IPAddress.Parse(""))); Random r = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { int ip = r.Next(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue); IPAddress ipa = ((uint)ip).ToIPAddress(); CodeSite.SendCollection(ipa.ToString(), IPv4Location.Find(ipa)); } }
private void CheckList() { int newCount = 0, lastCount = progressCount, tempCount; Timer timer; if (ProgressString != null) { timer = new Timer(_ => { ProgressString.Report(string.Format(progressFormat, progressCount, newCount)); tempCount = progressCount; //CodeSite.Send("progressCount", tempCount - lastCount); lastCount = tempCount; }, null, 1000, 1000); } else { timer = null; } try { ParallelOptions po = new ParallelOptions() { CancellationToken = cts.Token, MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxDegreeOfParallelism }; //CodeSite.Send("po.MaxDegreeOfParallelism", po.MaxDegreeOfParallelism); Parallel.ForEach(listIP, po, (uip) => { Interlocked.Increment(ref progressCount); int time; if ((time = TryPing(uip, Timeout)) != -1) { Interlocked.Increment(ref newCount); bcIPv4SSL.Add(new IPv4SSL(uip) { RoundtripTime = time }); } }); } catch (OperationCanceledException ex) { ex.SendCodeSite("OperationCanceledException"); } CodeSite.Send("新增数据", newCount); if (timer != null) { timer.Dispose(); } }
void SaveThreadStop() { CodeSite.EnterMethod(this, "SaveThreadStop"); try { ctsSave.Cancel(); taskSave.Wait(); } finally { CodeSite.ExitMethod(this, "SaveThreadStop"); } }
public Task IPv4SSLAsync() { cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); task = new Task(() => { try { SaveThreadStart(); Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Async"; IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse(Properties.Settings.Default.LastIP); CodeSite.Send("LastIP", ip.ToString()); IPNetwork net = IPNetwork.Parse(ip.ToString(), 12); uint count = (uint)net.Total / 256; for (uint i = net.Network.ToUInt32() >> 8; i <= uint.MaxValue >> 8; i++) { if (cts.IsCancellationRequested) { break; } uint uip = i << 8; if (!IPNetworkSet.IPv4Reserved.Contains(uip) && !IPNetworkSet.IPv4Assigned.Contains(uip) ^ Properties.Settings.Default.IPv4Assigned) { for (uint j = 0; j < 256; j++) { IPSet.Add(uip + j); } } if (i % count == count - 1)//每组 { if (IPSet.Count > 0) { CodeSite.Send("MinIP", IPSet.Min.ToIPAddress().ToString()); progressFormat = string.Format("{0}-{1},{{0,8}}/{2},New{{1,8}}", IPSet.Min.ToIPAddress(), IPSet.Max.ToIPAddress(), IPSet.Count); Properties.Settings.Default.LastIP = IPSet.Min.ToIPAddress().ToString(); Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); ExceptDB(); CheckList(); IPSet.Clear(); } } } SaveThreadStop(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.SendCodeSite("IPv4SSLAsync"); } }, cts.Token); task.Start(); return(task); }
public static void TcpCheck(IPv4SSL ip) { IPAddress value = IPAddress.Parse(ip.IP); TcpClient tcpClient = new TcpClient { ReceiveTimeout = 1000, SendTimeout = 1000 }; try { using (Ping ping = new Ping()) { PingReply pingReply = ping.Send(value, 1000); if (pingReply.Status == IPStatus.Success) { tcpClient.Connect(value, 443); SslStream sslStream = new SslStream(tcpClient.GetStream(), false, (sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => Encoding.UTF8.GetString(certificate.GetRawCertData()).IndexOf("google") != -1); sslStream.AuthenticateAsClient(""); StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(sslStream); StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(sslStream); streamWriter.Write("HEAD / HTTP/1.1\r\\r\nConnection:Close\r\n\r\n"); streamWriter.Flush(); string text = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); CodeSite.Send("text", text); tcpClient.Close(); object[] array = new object[8]; if (text.IndexOf("Server: gvs 1.0") != -1) { array[2] = "GVS"; } else if (text.IndexOf("Server: gws") != -1) { array[2] = "gws"; } string text2 = sslStream.RemoteCertificate.Subject.Split(new char[] { ',' })[0].Substring(3); array[0] = value.ToString(); array[1] = "_OK " + pingReply.RoundtripTime.ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); array[3] = text2; array[4] = "001"; array[5] = ""; } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.SendCodeSite("TcpCheck"); } tcpClient.Close(); }
bool WebCheck(uint value) { IPv4SSL ip = new IPv4SSL(value); WebCheck(ip); if (ip.RoundtripTime != -1) { if (Properties.Settings.Default.IPv4Assigned) { CodeSite.Send("IP", ip.IP); } IPStack.Push(ip); } return(ip.RoundtripTime != -1); }
private void buttonServernull_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (IPv4DataContext db = new IPv4DataContext()) { //var q = from g in db.Google // join i in db.IPv4SSL on g.Address equals i.Address // where i.Server == null // select i.Address; foreach (var ip in db.IPv4SSL.Join(db.Google, i => i.Address, g => g.Address, (i, g) => i).Where(f => f.Server == null).OrderBy(f => f.Address)) { CodeSite.Send("IP", ip.IP); Search.WebCheck(ip); Search.TcpCheck(ip); db.SubmitChanges(); } } }
void ExceptDB() { using (IPv4DataContext db = new IPv4DataContext()) { var listDB = (from item in db.IPv4SSL where item.Address >= listIP.First() && item.Address <= listIP.Last() select item.Address).ToList().Select(f => (uint)f); progressCount = listIP.Count; listIP = listIP.Except(listDB).ToList(); progressCount -= listIP.Count; } if (progressCount > 0) { CodeSite.Send("SkipCount", progressCount); } Shuffle(); }
static bool SaveDB(IEnumerable <IPv4SSL> ipa) { using (IPv4DataContext db = new IPv4DataContext()) { try { db.IPv4SSL.InsertAllOnSubmit(ipa); db.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.SendCodeSite("SaveDB"); CodeSite.Send("ipa.First().IP", ipa.First().IP); } } return(false); }
protected override bool SaveDB(IEnumerable <IPv4SSL> ipa) { using (IPv4DataContext db = new IPv4DataContext()) { try { db.IPv4SSL.InsertAllOnSubmit(ipa); db.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.SendCodeSite("SaveDB"); CodeSite.Send("Count = {0}, FirstIP = {1}", ipa.Count(), ipa.First().IP); } } return(false); }
public bool Cancel() { if (cts != null && !cts.IsCancellationRequested) { CodeSite.EnterMethod(this, "Cancel"); try { cts.Cancel(); CodeSite.SendNote("cts.Cancel();"); task.Wait(); return(true); } finally { CodeSite.ExitMethod(this, "Cancel"); } } return(false); }
void SaveThreadStart() { CodeSite.EnterMethod(this, "SaveThreadStart"); try { ctsSave = new CancellationTokenSource(); taskSave = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { IPv4SSL[] ipa = new IPv4SSL[100]; int c; while (!ctsSave.IsCancellationRequested || !IPStack.IsEmpty) { if ((c = IPStack.TryPopRange(ipa)) > 0) { var ip = ipa.Take(c); if (ProgressIP != null) { foreach (var item in ip) { if (item.Isgws) { ProgressIP.Report(item); } } } while (!SaveDB(ip) && !ctsSave.IsCancellationRequested) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } } if (IPStack.IsEmpty) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } } }, ctsSave.Token); } finally { CodeSite.ExitMethod(this, "SaveThreadStart"); } }
public Task GlobalAsync() { CodeSite.EnterMethod(this, "GlobalAsync"); try { CheckTask(); cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); Task = Task.Run(() => { try { var save = SaveAsync(); Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "GlobalAsync"; IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse(LastProgress.Ssl); CodeSite.Send("LastIP", ip.ToString()); while (SelectDB(ip) && !cts.IsCancellationRequested) { listIP = listIPv4SSL.Select(f => (uint)f.Address).ToList(); LastProgress.Ssl = ip.ToString(); CodeSite.Send("StartIP", string.Format("{0} - {1}", LastProgress.Ssl, listIP.Count)); progressFormat = string.Format("{0}-{1},{{0,8}}/{2},新增{{1,8}}", listIP.First().ToIPAddress(), listIP.Last().ToIPAddress(), listIP.Count); ip = (listIP.Last() + 1).ToIPAddress(); Shuffle(); CheckList(); listIP.Clear(); } bcIPv4SSL.CompleteAdding(); save.Wait(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.SendCodeSite("GlobalAsync"); } }, cts.Token); return(Task); } finally { CodeSite.ExitMethod(this, "GlobalAsync"); } }
private void buttonGoogleIPHunter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var files = Directory.GetFiles(@"G:\DxgWork\GitHub\GoogleIPHunter\trunk", "*.txt", SearchOption.AllDirectories); using (IPv4DataContext db = new IPv4DataContext()) { foreach (var file in files) { foreach (var s in File.ReadAllLines(file)) { try { IPNetwork network = IPNetwork.Parse(s); if (network.ToString() == s) { uint address = network.Network.ToUInt32(); if (!db.GoogleIPHunter.Any(f => f.Address == (long)address)) { db.GoogleIPHunter.InsertOnSubmit(new GoogleIPHunter() { Address = address, IPBlock = s }); db.SubmitChanges(); CodeSite.SendNote("新增 = {0}", s); } } else { CodeSite.SendError(s); } } catch { //CodeSite.SendException(s, ex); } } } } }
private void buttonGoogleIP_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var sa = File.ReadAllLines("google ip duan.txt"); using (IPv4DataContext db = new IPv4DataContext()) { var list = db.GoogleIPDuan.ToList().Select(f => (uint)f.Address); foreach (var s in sa) { try { IPNetwork network = IPNetwork.Parse(s); if (network.ToString() == s) { uint address = network.Network.ToUInt32(); if (!list.Contains(address)) { db.GoogleIPDuan.InsertOnSubmit(new GoogleIPDuan() { Address = address, IPBlock = s }); CodeSite.SendNote("新增 = {0}", s); } } else { CodeSite.SendError(s); } } catch (Exception ex) { CodeSite.SendException(s, ex); } } db.SubmitChanges(); } }
public void Add(string networks) { var ips = networks.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None).AsEnumerable(); foreach (var ip in ips) { try { IPNetwork network = IPNetwork.Parse(ip); if (ip.StartsWith(network.ToString())) { Add(network); } else { CodeSite.Send(ip, network); } } catch (Exception ex) { CodeSite.SendException(ip, ex); } } }
protected override bool SaveDB(IEnumerable <IPv4SSL> ipa) { //CodeSite.Send("ipa.Count()", ipa.Count()); using (IPv4DataContext db = new IPv4DataContext()) { try { foreach (var ip in ipa) { if (ip.Isgws && ProgressIPv4SSL != null) { ProgressIPv4SSL.Report(ip); } int i = listIPv4SSL.BinarySearch(ip); if (i > -1) { //CodeSite.Send(listIPv4SSL[i].IP, listIPv4SSL[i]); //CodeSite.Send(ip.IP, ip); db.IPv4SSL.Attach(ip, listIPv4SSL[i]); } else { CodeSite.SendError(string.Format("{0}-{1}", i, ip.IP)); } } db.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.SendCodeSite("SaveDB"); CodeSite.Send("ipa.First().IP", ipa.First().IP); } } return(false); }
public static bool SetMinThreads(int threadCount) { int workerMin, workerMax, workerA, completionPort; ThreadPool.GetAvailableThreads(out workerA, out completionPort); ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out workerMax, out completionPort); ThreadPool.GetMinThreads(out workerMin, out completionPort); //CodeSite.Send("workerA", workerA); //CodeSite.Send("workerMax", workerMax); //CodeSite.Send("workerMin", workerMin); int worker = workerMax - workerA + threadCount + 200; //CodeSite.Send("worker", worker); if (worker > workerMin) { worker = Math.Min(worker, workerMax); CodeSite.Send("worker", worker); return(ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(worker, completionPort)); } else { return(true); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets tags from the raw MP3 files and generates a List of MP3Node data structures with /// necessary info to construct our MP3 folder structure /// /// Not sure whether I understand why we are moving this into a separate structure /// </summary> /// <param name="mp3FilePaths">List of string paths to the MP3 files</param> /// <returns>List of MP3 representations</returns> public IList <Mp3Node> RetrieveTagsFromMp3Files(IList <string> mp3FilePaths) { var mp3FileList = new List <Mp3Node>(); var count = 0; foreach (var currentMp3FilePath in mp3FilePaths) { // filtering out these two types. Don't know why string extension = Path.GetExtension(currentMp3FilePath); if ((extension != ".cue") && (extension != ".db")) { try { // Codesite is a logging tool. Where is this going??? CodeSite.Send("Processing file " + count++ + " from " + mp3FilePaths.Count); TagLib.File tagLibFile = null; try { // hydrate TagLib File data structure from raw mp3 file tagLibFile = TagLib.File.Create(currentMp3FilePath); } catch (Exception exception) { _filesWithMissingTags.Add(currentMp3FilePath); CodeSite.Send(currentMp3FilePath); CodeSite.SendException(exception); } string artist = "Unknown artist"; string album = "Unknown album"; string title = "Unknown title"; string trackNumber = "00"; int bitrate = 1; // if we have a tag library, we'll go through it and create an MP3Node to represent it // TODO: Not sure the justification of moving from this tagLib format to our own custom format if (tagLibFile != null && tagLibFile.Tag != null) { // set artist if (tagLibFile.Tag.AlbumArtists.Length > 0) { artist = tagLibFile.Tag.AlbumArtists[0]; } // this property is obsoleted so only check as a fallback else if (tagLibFile.Tag.Artists.Length > 0) { artist = tagLibFile.Tag.Artists[0]; } else { _filesWithMissingTags.Add(currentMp3FilePath); } // set album if (tagLibFile.Tag.Album.Length > 0) { album = tagLibFile.Tag.Album; } else if (tagLibFile.Tag.AlbumArtists.Length > 0) { album = tagLibFile.Tag.AlbumArtists[0]; } else { _filesWithMissingTags.Add(currentMp3FilePath); } // set trackName if (tagLibFile.Tag.Title.Length > 0) { title = tagLibFile.Tag.Title; } else { title = currentMp3FilePath; } // set track number trackNumber = tagLibFile.Tag.Track.ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(trackNumber)) { trackNumber = "00"; } bitrate = tagLibFile.Properties.AudioBitrate; } else { _filesWithMissingTags.Add(currentMp3FilePath); } // create new MP3 Node in the list var Mp3Node1 = new Mp3Node() { AlbumName = album, ArtistName = artist, FileName = currentMp3FilePath, Title = title, Bitrate = bitrate, TrackNumber = trackNumber }; mp3FileList.Add(Mp3Node1); } catch (Exception ex) { CodeSite.Send(currentMp3FilePath); CodeSite.SendException(ex); _filesWithMissingTags.Add(currentMp3FilePath); } } } return(mp3FileList); }
public static void WebCheck(IPv4SSL ip) { IPAddress value = IPAddress.Parse(ip.IP); try { using (Ping ping = new Ping()) { PingReply pr = ping.Send(value, 1000); if (pr.Status == IPStatus.Success) { ip.RoundtripTime = (int)pr.RoundtripTime; //ip = new IPv4SSL(value.ToUInt32(), pr.RoundtripTime); HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(string.Format("https://{0}", value)); request.Timeout = 5000; request.AllowAutoRedirect = false; request.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = false; request.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => { chain.Dispose(); if (certificate == null) { return(false); } ip.Issuer = ((X509Certificate2)certificate).GetNameInfo(X509NameType.SimpleName, true); ip.Subject = ((X509Certificate2)certificate).GetNameInfo(X509NameType.SimpleName, false); if (ip.IsGoogle) { CodeSite.Send("IP", value.ToString()); } certificate.Dispose(); return(ip.IsGoogle); }; request.Method = "HEAD"; request.KeepAlive = false; try { using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) { ip.Server = response.Server; CodeSite.Send("response", response); } } finally { request.Abort(); } } } } catch (WebException ex) { if (ip.IsGoogle) { HttpWebResponse response = ex.Response as HttpWebResponse; if (response != null) { ip.Server = response.Server; CodeSite.Send("response", response); } else { ex.SendCodeSite("IsGoogle"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ip.IsGoogle) { ex.SendCodeSite("WebCheck"); } } }