private static async Task <MethodDeclarationSyntax> CreateMethodDeclaration(string methodName, string httpVerb,
                                                                                    string routeUriTemplate, SeparatedSyntaxList <ParameterSyntax> parameters, BlockSyntax block, string responseType, string serviceType)
            var methodSourceCode = $@"
/// <summary>
/// auto code generated using {serviceType} Service provider class
/// </summary>
[{httpVerb}, Route(""{routeUriTemplate}"")]
[ResponseType(typeof ({responseType}))]
public IHttpActionResult {methodName}()

            var root = await CodeParser.ConvertToCompilationUnit(methodSourceCode);

            var method = root
                         .OfType <MethodDeclarationSyntax>()

            method = method

Beispiel #2
        public static async Task <IDictionary <string, string> > Run(IDictionary <string, Task <WcfClientClassInfo> > wcfClasses)
            var codes = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            foreach (var wcfClassName in wcfClasses.Keys)
                // wcf class info
                var wcfInfo = await wcfClasses[wcfClassName];

                var classNamespace      = wcfInfo.ClientNamespace;
                var className           = wcfInfo.ClientClassName;
                var baseInterfaceName   = wcfInfo.ClientBaseInterfaceName;
                var wcfClientSourceCode = wcfInfo.WcfClientSourceCode;
                var serviceGenCode      = wcfInfo.ServiceGenCode;
                var wcfServiceClass     = wcfInfo.WcfServiceClass;

                // check if has wcf code or associated service gen code
                if (!HasSourceCode(className, wcfClientSourceCode, serviceGenCode, codes))

                // parse wcf & service file code
                var wcfClientUnit = await CodeParser.ConvertToCompilationUnit(wcfClientSourceCode);

                var hasWcfClientInterface = wcfClientUnit.DescendantNodes()
                                            .OfType <InterfaceDeclarationSyntax>()

                var wcfClientMethods = wcfClientUnit
                                       .OfType <MethodDeclarationSyntax>()

                var serviceGenUnit = await CodeParser.ConvertToCompilationUnit(serviceGenCode);

                var serviceGenMethods = serviceGenUnit
                                        .OfType <MethodDeclarationSyntax>();

                var sourceCode = wcfServiceClass.WcfServiceSourceCode;
                var unitSyntax = await CodeParser.ConvertToCompilationUnit(sourceCode);

                var wcfServiceMethods = unitSyntax
                                        .OfType <MethodDeclarationSyntax>()

                // create header file comments
                var headerFileComment = CreateHeaderFileComment();

                // create using directives
                var usingDirectives = CreateUsingDirectives(wcfClientUnit, hasWcfClientInterface);

                // create base interface
                var baseInterface = CreateBaseInterface(baseInterfaceName, hasWcfClientInterface);

                // create methods
                var methods = await ClientCodeMethodsGenerator.CreateMethods(wcfClientMethods, serviceGenMethods, wcfServiceMethods);

                // create source code
                var sourcCode = CreateSourcCode(headerFileComment, usingDirectives, classNamespace, className, baseInterface, methods);

                // finalize & format generated code
                var root = await CodeParser.ConvertToCompilationUnit(sourcCode);

                var code = root

                codes.Add(className, code);

Beispiel #3
        public static async Task <IDictionary <string, string> > Run(IDictionary <string, Task <WcfServiceClassInfo> > wcfClasses)
            var codes = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            // create service code files for web api controllers
            foreach (string wcfClassName in wcfClasses.Keys)
                // wcf class info
                var wcfInfo = await wcfClasses[wcfClassName];

                var controllerName       = wcfInfo.ControllerName;
                var controllerNamespace  = wcfInfo.ControllerNamespace;
                var wcfServiceSourceCode = wcfInfo.WcfServiceSourceCode;
                var wcfMethods           = wcfInfo.WcfMethods;
                var isAsmx = wcfInfo.IsAsmx;

                // check if has wcf code
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wcfServiceSourceCode))
                    codes.Add(controllerName, wcfServiceSourceCode);


                // parse wcf code
                var wcfUnit = await CodeParser.ConvertToCompilationUnit(wcfServiceSourceCode);

                // initialize web api code gen
                var unit = SyntaxFactory.CompilationUnit();

                // create using directives for api controller
                var apiUsings = CreateApiControllerUsings();

                // create file header comments
                var fileHeaderComments = CreateFileHeaderComments();
                apiUsings[0] = apiUsings[0].WithUsingKeyword(fileHeaderComments);

                // create using directives for method parameters
                //   all 'usings directives' from wcf file are added regardless if actually used or not (a bit of a hack)
                //   a better way is to use roslyn's semantic model/analysis to determine which 'usings' are truly used by the method parameters
                var wcfUsings = wcfUnit.Usings;

                // add all usings & header comments
                var usingDirectives = BuildUsingDirectives(apiUsings, wcfUsings);
                unit = unit.AddUsings(usingDirectives.ToArray());

                // create namespace
                var namespaceDeclaration = CreateNamespaceDeclaration(controllerNamespace);

                // create field for wcf class instance
                var fieldDeclaration = CreateFieldDeclaration(wcfClassName);

                // create class
                var classDeclaration = CreateClassDeclaration(controllerName);
                classDeclaration = classDeclaration.AddMembers(fieldDeclaration);

                // create methods
                var methodDeclarations = await ServiceCodeMethodsGenerator.CreateMethodDeclarations(controllerName, wcfUnit, wcfMethods, isAsmx);

                classDeclaration = classDeclaration.AddMembers(methodDeclarations.ToArray());

                // finalize & format generated code
                namespaceDeclaration = namespaceDeclaration.AddMembers(classDeclaration);
                unit = unit.AddMembers(namespaceDeclaration);

                var code = unit

                codes.Add(controllerName, code);
