public void FromFilename(string filename) { //if (filename.ToUpper().Contains(".PNG")) FromGrid(GraphicsApi.PngToGrid(filename)); if (filename.ToUpper().Contains(".STL")) { FromTriangles(RasterLib.RasterApi.StlToTriangles(filename)); } if (filename.ToUpper().Contains(".OBJ")) { FromTriangles(RasterLib.RasterApi.ObjToTriangles(filename)); } if (filename.ToUpper().Contains(".GLYC")) { code = new Code(RasterLib.RasterApi.ReadGlyc(filename)); //code = Codes.GetCode(0); FromCode(code); } else if (filename.ToUpper().Contains(".GLY")) { Codes = RasterLib.RasterApi.GlyToCodes(filename); code = Codes.GetCode(0); FromCode(code); } }
private void SetParentId(Id parentId, CodeList codeList) { if (parentId != null) { code.Parent = codeList.Get(parentId); } }
private void Save() { loaderini.Mods.Clear(); foreach (ListViewItem item in modListView.CheckedItems) { loaderini.Mods.Add((string)item.Tag); } loaderini.UpdateCheck = checkUpdateStartup.Checked; loaderini.ModUpdateCheck = checkUpdateModsStartup.Checked; loaderini.UpdateUnit = (UpdateUnit)comboUpdateFrequency.SelectedIndex; loaderini.UpdateFrequency = (int)numericUpdateFrequency.Value; IniSerializer.Serialize(loaderini, loaderinipath); List <Code> selectedCodes = new List <Code>(); List <Code> selectedPatches = new List <Code>(); foreach (Code item in codesCheckedListBox.CheckedIndices.OfType <int>().Select(a => codes[a])) { if (item.Patch) { selectedPatches.Add(item); } else { selectedCodes.Add(item); } } CodeList.WriteDatFile(patchdatpath, selectedPatches); CodeList.WriteDatFile(codedatpath, selectedCodes); }
public OverFlowCheckViewModel() { tempSever = new SimpleTCP.SimpleTcpServer().Start(10086); tempSever.DataReceived += (sender, msg) => { IP = msg.TcpClient.Client.LocalEndPoint.ToString(); string message = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(msg.Data); Common.TCPHelper.COMMANDER cmd = new Common.TCPHelper.COMMANDER(message); messageList.Add(cmd); DMCode temp = new DMCode(); temp.CodeID = cmd.BoxId; temp.CodeName = cmd.CommandType; temp.Email = cmd.PackagePosition; temp.Info = cmd.PackagePositionCount; temp.Phone = cmd.DATETIME; severmeeage = cmd.GenerateSendSuccessMessage(); byte[] data1 = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(severmeeage); // tempSever.Send(tempSever.clientList[0],severmeeage); // tempSever.clientList[0].BeginSend(data1,0,data1.Length,SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(Message_Send), tempSever.clientList[0]); CodeList.Add(temp); msg.Reply(severmeeage); }; FFmpegBinariesHelper.RegisterFFmpegBinaries(); // SetupLogging(); }
// GET: Files/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(Guid?systemid) { if (systemid == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } Models.Symbol symbol = _symbolService.GetSymbol(systemid.Value); if (symbol == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } ViewBag.Themes = new SelectList(CodeList.Themes(), "Key", "Value", symbol.Theme); ViewBag.SymbolPackages = new MultiSelectList(_symbolService.GetPackagesWithAccessControl(), "SystemId", "Name", symbol.SymbolPackages.Select(c => c.SystemId).ToArray()); ViewBag.IsAdmin = false; if (Request.IsAuthenticated) { ViewBag.IsAdmin = _authorizationService.IsAdmin(); } return(View(symbol)); }
/// <summary> /// Удалить набор операторов /// </summary> /// <param name="nodes">Список</param> public void RemoveNodes(IEnumerable <Node> nodes) { foreach (var node in nodes) { CodeList.Remove(node); } }
public ActionResult Edit(SymbolPackage symbolPackage) { ViewBag.IsAdmin = false; if (Request.IsAuthenticated) { ViewBag.IsAdmin = _authorizationService.IsAdmin(); } if (!ViewBag.IsAdmin) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)); } SymbolPackage symbolPackageOriginal = _symbolService.GetPackage(symbolPackage.SystemId); ViewBag.Themes = new SelectList(CodeList.Themes(), "Key", "Value", symbolPackage.Theme); if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _symbolService.UpdatePackage(symbolPackageOriginal, symbolPackage); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex); ModelState.AddModelError("error", ex.Message); } } return(View(symbolPackage)); }
public ActionResult Create(Models.Symbol symbol, HttpPostedFileBase uploadFile, string[] packages) { ViewBag.Themes = new SelectList(CodeList.Themes(), "Key", "Value", symbol.Theme); ViewBag.SymbolPackages = new SelectList(_symbolService.GetPackagesWithAccessControl(), "SystemId", "Name"); symbol.SymbolPackages = new List <SymbolPackage>(); if (packages != null) { foreach (var package in packages) { symbol.SymbolPackages.Add(_symbolService.GetPackage(Guid.Parse(package))); } } ViewBag.IsAdmin = false; if (Request.IsAuthenticated) { ViewBag.IsAdmin = _authorizationService.IsAdmin(); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { ImageService img = new ImageService(); if (uploadFile != null) { symbol.Thumbnail = img.SaveThumbnail(uploadFile, symbol); } var addedSymbol = _symbolService.AddSymbol(symbol); return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Files", new { systemid = addedSymbol.SystemId })); } return(View(symbol)); }
StataCodeList CreateStataCodeList(CodeList codeList) { if (codeList == null) { codeList = new CodeList(); } var stataCodeList = new StataCodeList(); stataCodeList.Name = codeList.ItemName.Best; foreach (var code in codeList.GetFlattenedCodes()) { int value = 0; if (int.TryParse(code.Value, out value)) { string label = code.Category?.Label.Best; if (label == null) { label = string.Empty; } stataCodeList.Codes.Add(value, label); } } return(stataCodeList); }
public ActionResult Edit(Guid?systemid) { ViewBag.IsAdmin = false; if (Request.IsAuthenticated) { ViewBag.IsAdmin = _authorizationService.IsAdmin(); } if (systemid == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } if (!ViewBag.IsAdmin) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)); } SymbolPackage symbolPackage = _symbolService.GetPackage(systemid.Value); if (symbolPackage == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } ViewBag.Themes = new SelectList(CodeList.Themes(), "Key", "Value", symbolPackage.Theme); return(View(symbolPackage)); }
//Load a glyphics file, precompute rectangles and append them to codeString as speedy cache public static void PreSerializeGlyphicsFile(string filename) { CodeList codes = GlyToCodes(filename); foreach (Code t in codes) { string code = t.codeString; if (code.Contains("*")) { code = code.Split('*')[0]; } Grid grid = CodeConverter.TokensToGrid(CodeConverter.CodeToTokens(new Code(code))); if (grid != null) { RectList rectSet = GridConverter.GridToRects(grid); string serializedRects = RectConverter.RectsToSerializedRects(rectSet).SerializedData; code = code + serializedRects; t.codeString = code; } } CodesToGly(filename, codes); }
public void GetCodeLists() { NoarkClient client = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient(); Console.WriteLine("Get all available code lists"); List <CodeList> allLists = client.CodeLists(); foreach (CodeList codeList in allLists) { Console.WriteLine($"Field: {codeList.Field}. Type: {codeList.Type}. Values:"); foreach (CodeValue codeValue in codeList.Values) { Console.WriteLine($"===== Code: {codeValue.Code}. Value: {codeValue.Name}"); } } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Get a code list by field and/or type"); CodeList documentTypeList = client.CodeLists("Dokument", "dokumenttype").First(); foreach (CodeValue codeValue in documentTypeList.Values) { Console.WriteLine($"===== Code: {codeValue.Code}. Value: {codeValue.Name}"); } }
public async Task <ObjectResultModule> RefundManageType([FromBody] RefundManageType RefundManageInfo) { if (!Commons.CheckSecret(RefundManageInfo.Secret)) { this.ObjectResultModule.StatusCode = 422; this.ObjectResultModule.Message = "Wrong Secret"; this.ObjectResultModule.Object = ""; return(this.ObjectResultModule); } var param2 = new SystemParameterIn() { Type = "ConfigPar" }; param2.AndAlso(t => !t.IsDelete && t.SystemCode == "PatientRefundManageType"); var paramlist = await _systemParameterService.ParameterList(param2); var reundType = new List <CodeList>(); foreach (var item in paramlist) { var newcode = new CodeList() { Code = item.Code, Value = item.Name, Type = item.SystemType, TypeCode = item.SystemCode }; reundType.Add(newcode); } this.ObjectResultModule.Object = reundType; this.ObjectResultModule.StatusCode = 200; this.ObjectResultModule.Message = "success"; return(this.ObjectResultModule); }
private void SetParentID(ID parentID, CodeList codeList) { if (parentID != null) { code.Parent = codeList.Get(parentID); } }
internal bool exist(CodeList codeList) { string txtQuery = string.Format("SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE code = @code and description = @description", this.tableName); try { CodeList data = new CodeList(); using (SQLiteConnection c = new SQLiteConnection(sqlite.ConnectionString)) { c.Open(); using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(txtQuery, c)) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@code", codeList.code); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@description", codeList.description); using (SQLiteDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (dr.Read()) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void RunGlyLoadSaveTest() { const string filename = "test.gly"; CodeList codes = RasterLib.RasterApi.CreateCodes(); //Create some codeString const string cubeCode1 = "Testx4,Size3D4 4 4 4;PenColorD4 255 255 255 255;FillRect 0 0 0 4 4 4"; const string cubeCode2 = "Testx8,Size3D4 8 8 8;PenColorD4 255 255 255 255;FillRect 0 0 0 8 8 8"; //Add them to codes codes.AddCode(RasterLib.RasterApi.CreateCode(cubeCode1)); codes.AddCode(RasterLib.RasterApi.CreateCode(cubeCode2)); //Write them to file RasterLib.RasterApi.CodesToGly(filename, codes); //Then read them back CodeList codes2 = RasterLib.RasterApi.GlyToCodes(filename); Assert.IsTrue(codes.Count == codes2.Count); for (int i = 0; i < codes.Count; i++) { string code1 = codes.GetCode(i).codeString; string code2 = codes2.GetCode(i).codeString; Assert.IsTrue(String.CompareOrdinal(code1, code2) == 0); } }
//Checks to see if the block was previously in a code list and removes it private void OldCodeListCheck(CodeList oldCodeList, GameObject draggedObject) { if (oldCodeList != null) { oldCodeList.RemoveBlock(draggedObject); } }
//Called when block is dropped into a code list private void CodeListDropZone(GameObject draggedObject) { // Gets a reference to the codeList script CodeList codeListScript = gameObject.transform.parent.GetComponent <CodeList>(); if (codeListScript != null) //Ensures that a script is found { //Calls the AddBlock method on the Code List script if (draggedObject.tag == "CodeBlock" || gameObject.tag == "StartBlock") { codeListScript.AddBlock(draggedObject); } else if (draggedObject.tag == "CodeList") { CodeList draggedListScript = draggedObject.GetComponent <CodeList>(); if (draggedListScript != null) { codeListScript.AddBlock(draggedListScript); } } } else { Debug.Log("No Code List Script found on Parent"); } }
private async void Task5_Delete_Code_OkResult() { //Arrange _context = new SDCContext(dbContextOptions); _controller = new CodeListsController(_context); var code = new CodeList() { CategoryId = 1, CodeId = 10, CodeName = "New and Del Pickle", }; //Act var resultCreate = await _controller.PostCodeList(code); var okResult = resultCreate.Should().BeOfType <CreatedAtActionResult>().Subject; var resClient = okResult.Value.Should().BeAssignableTo <CodeList>().Subject; int delcategoryId = resClient.CategoryId; int delcodeId = resClient.CodeId; var result = await _controller.DeleteCodeList(delcategoryId, delcodeId); //Assert Assert.IsType <OkObjectResult>(result); }
public Price MakePrice(CodeList codeList) { string[] limitArray = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='innerDate']/div[7]/dl/dd/strong").InnerText.Split('~'); Price price = new Price() { codeList = codeList, code = this.code, lastClosePrice = doublePrice(htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='innerDate']/div[1]/dl/dd/strong").InnerText), closePrice = doublePrice(htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//td[@class='stoksPrice']").InnerText), //"/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[5]/div[1]/div[2]/table[1]/tr[1]/td[2]" ※, ,が入ってる closePriceDate = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='innerDate']/div[6]/dl/dd/span").InnerText, date =, openPrice = doublePrice(htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='innerDate']/div[2]/dl/dd/strong").InnerText), // "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[6]/div[2]/div[2]/dl[1]/dd[1]/strong[1]" ※, ,が入ってる openPriceDate = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='innerDate']/div[2]/dl/dd/span").InnerText, highPrice = doublePrice(htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='innerDate']/div[3]/dl/dd/strong").InnerText), // "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[6]/div[2]/div[3]/dl[1]/dd[1]/strong[1]" ※, ,が入ってる highPriceDate = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='innerDate']/div[3]/dl/dd/span").InnerText, lowPrice = doublePrice(htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='innerDate']/div[4]/dl/dd/strong").InnerText), // "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[6]/div[2]/div[4]/dl[1]/dd[1]/strong[1]" ※, ,が入ってる lowPriceDate = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='innerDate']/div[4]/dl/dd/span").InnerText, tradingVolume = longPrice(htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='innerDate']/div[6]/dl/dd/strong").InnerText) * 1000, // "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[6]/div[2]/div[6]/dl[1]/dd[1]/strong[1]" ※, ,が入ってる volume = longPrice(htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='innerDate']/div[5]/dl/dd/strong").InnerText), // "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[6]/div[2]/div[5]/dl[1]/dd[1]/strong[1]" ※, ,が入ってる limitHighPrice = (double)doublePrice(limitArray[1]), // "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[6]/div[2]/div[7]/dl[1]/dd[1]/strong[1]" ※ 〇~〇 limitLowPrice = (double)doublePrice(limitArray[0]) // "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[6]/div[2]/div[7]/dl[1]/dd[1]/strong[1]" ※ 〇~〇 }; return(price); }
public async void Task3_Post_NewCode_FindName() { //Arrange _context = new SDCContext(dbContextOptions); _controller = new CodeListsController(_context); var category = new CodeList() { CategoryId = 1, CodeId = 6, CodeName = "NewPickle" }; //Act var result = await _controller.PostCodeList(category); //Assert var okResult = result.Should().BeOfType <CreatedAtActionResult>().Subject; var resClient = okResult.Value.Should().BeAssignableTo <CodeList>().Subject; resClient.CodeName.Should().Be("NewPickle"); //delete JayNew int categoryId = _context.CodeList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.CodeName == "NewPickle").CategoryId; int codeId = _context.CodeList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.CodeName == "NewPickle").CodeId; var resultDelete = await _controller.DeleteCodeList(categoryId, codeId); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int categoryId, [Bind("CategoryId,CodeId,CodeName")] CodeList codeList) { if (categoryId != codeList.CategoryId) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(codeList); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!CodeListExists(codeList.CategoryId)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } ViewData["CategoryId"] = new SelectList(_context.CodeCategory, "CategoryId", "CategoryName", codeList.CategoryId); return(View(codeList)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PostCodeList([FromBody] CodeList codeList) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } _context.CodeList.Add(codeList); try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateException) { if (CategoryListExists(codeList.CategoryId) && CodeListExists(codeList.CodeId)) { return(new StatusCodeResult(StatusCodes.Status409Conflict)); } else { throw; } } return(CreatedAtAction("GetCodeList", new { id = codeList.CategoryId }, codeList)); }
internal CodeList select(string code) { string txtQuery = string.Format("SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE code = '{1}'", this.tableName, code); try { CodeList data = new CodeList(); using (SQLiteConnection c = new SQLiteConnection(sqlite.ConnectionString)) { c.Open(); using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(txtQuery, c)) { using (SQLiteDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (dr.Read()) { = Convert.ToInt32(dr["id"]); data.code = dr["code"].ToString();; data.description = dr["description"].ToString(); } } } } return(data); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
private CodeValue GetAdministrativeUnitByName(string name) { NoarkClient noarkClient = documasterClients.GetNoarkClient(); CodeList administrativeUnitCodeList = noarkClient.CodeLists("Saksmappe", "administrativEnhet").First(); return(administrativeUnitCodeList.Values.Find(codeValue => codeValue.Name.Equals(name))); }
private CodeValue GetScreeningCodeByName(string name) { NoarkClient noarkClient = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient(); CodeList screeningCodeList = noarkClient.CodeLists(null, "skjerming").First(); return(screeningCodeList.Values.Find(codeValue => codeValue.Name.Equals(name))); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { CodeList codeList = db.Codes.Find(id); db.Codes.Remove(codeList); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
private CodeValue GetDocumentTypeByName(string name) { NoarkClient noarkClient = this.documasterClients.GetNoarkClient(); CodeList documentTypeCodeList = noarkClient.CodeLists("Dokument", "dokumenttype").First(); return(documentTypeCodeList.Values.Find(codeValue => codeValue.Name.Equals(name))); }
/// <summary> /// Return a given code list. /// </summary> /// <param name="org">The Organization code for the service owner.</param> /// <param name="service">The service code for the current service.</param> /// <param name="name">The name of the code list.</param> /// <returns>The code list.</returns> public CodeList GetCodeListByName(string org, string service, string name) { CodeList codeList = null; string textData = File.ReadAllText(_settings.BaseResourceFolderContainer + _settings.GetCodeListFolder() + name + ".json"); codeList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CodeList>(textData); return(codeList); }
/// <summary> /// Return a given code list. /// </summary> /// <param name="org">The Organization code for the service owner.</param> /// <param name="service">The service code for the current service.</param> /// <param name="name">The name of the code list.</param> /// <returns>The code list.</returns> public CodeList GetCodeListByName(string org, string service, string name) { CodeList codeList = null; string textData = File.ReadAllText(_settings.GetCodelistPath(org, service, AuthenticationHelper.GetDeveloperUserName(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext)) + name + ".json"); codeList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CodeList>(textData); return(codeList); }
public void CreateCodeList() { var codelist = new CodeList(new InternationalString("en", "Countries"), "CL_COUNTRY", "UIS"); var code = new Code("CAN"); code.Description["en"] = "Canada"; codelist.Add(code); code = new Code("USA"); code.Description["en"] = "United States of America"; codelist.Add(code); var message = new StructureMessage(); message.Header = new Header("MSD_HDR", new Party("UIS")) { Prepared = DateTime.Now }; message.CodeLists.Add(codelist); message.Save("CL_COUNTRY.xml"); }
public Attribute(Concept concept, CodeList codeList) : base(concept, codeList) { }
public CodeList(WeakReference code, CodeList next) { Code = code; Next = next; }
private CodeTerm ConvertCodeList(CodeList codeList) { CodeTerm result = codeList.Tail; for (int index = codeList.Head.Count - 1; index >= 0; --index) { result = new CodeCompoundTerm( CodeFunctor.ListFunctor, new CodeTerm[] { codeList.Head[index], result }); } return result; }
public Dimension(Concept concept, CodeList codeList) : base(concept, codeList) { }
public CrossSectionalMeasure(Concept concept, CodeList codeList) : base(concept, codeList) { }
/// <summary> /// This method builds up a DdiInstance and writes it to a /// valid DDI 3.1. XML file. /// </summary> public void BuildSomeDdiAndWriteToXml() { // It is helpful to set some default properties before // working with the SDK's model. These two properties // determine the default language and agency identifier // for every item. MultilingualString.CurrentCulture = "en-US"; VersionableBase.DefaultAgencyId = ""; // Start out by creating a new DDIInstance. // The DdiInstance can hold StudyUnits, Groups, and ResourcePackages. DdiInstance instance = new DdiInstance(); Instance = instance; instance.DublinCoreMetadata.Title.Current = "My First Instance"; // Since we set the CurrentCulture to "en-US", that last line is // equivalent to this next one. instance.DublinCoreMetadata.Title["en-US"] = "My First Instance"; // We can set multiple languages, if we want to. instance.DublinCoreMetadata.Title["fr"] = "TODO"; // Add a ResourcePackage to the DdiInstance. There are three things to do. // 1. First, create it. // 2. Then, set whatever properties you like. Here, we just set the Title. // 3. Add the item to it's parent. In this case, that's the DdiInstance. ResourcePackage resourcePackage = new ResourcePackage(); resourcePackage.DublinCoreMetadata.Title.Current = "RP1"; instance.AddChild(resourcePackage); // Now let's add a ConceptScheme to the ResourcePackage. We'll do this // using the same three steps we used to create the ResourcePackage. ConceptScheme conceptScheme = new ConceptScheme(); conceptScheme.ItemName.Current = "My Concepts"; conceptScheme.Description.Current = "Just some concepts for testing."; resourcePackage.AddChild(conceptScheme); // Let's add some Concepts to the ConceptScheme. string[] conceptLabels = { "Pet", "Dog", "Cat", "Bird", "Fish", "Monkey" }; foreach (string label in conceptLabels) { // Again, for each Concept we create, we want to perform the // same three steps as above: // 1. instantiate, 2. assign properties, 3. add to parent. Concept concept = new Concept(); concept.Label.Current = label; conceptScheme.AddChild(concept); } // Let's create a collection of questions. QuestionScheme questionScheme = new QuestionScheme(); questionScheme.ItemName.Current = "Sample Questions"; resourcePackage.QuestionSchemes.Add(questionScheme); // First, we can ask for a name. This will just collect textual data. Question q1 = new Question(); q1.QuestionText.Current = "What is your name?"; q1.ResponseDomains.Add(new TextDomain()); questionScheme.Questions.Add(q1); // Next, we can ask what method of transportation somebody used to get to Minneapolis. Question transportationQuestion = new Question(); transportationQuestion.QuestionText.Current = "How did you get to Minneapolis?"; // For this question, the respondent will choose from a list of answers. // Let's make that list. CategoryScheme catScheme = new CategoryScheme(); resourcePackage.CategorySchemes.Add(catScheme); var codeScheme = new CodeList(); resourcePackage.CodeSchemes.Add(codeScheme); // Add the first category and code: Airplane Category airplaneCategory = new Category(); airplaneCategory.Label.Current = "Airplane"; Code airplaneCode = new Code { Value = "0", Category = airplaneCategory }; catScheme.Categories.Add(airplaneCategory); codeScheme.Codes.Add(airplaneCode); // Car Category carCategory = new Category(); carCategory.ItemName.Current = "Car"; Code carCode = new Code { Value = "1", Category = carCategory }; catScheme.Categories.Add(carCategory); codeScheme.Codes.Add(carCode); // Train Category trainCategory = new Category(); trainCategory.ItemName.Current = "Train"; Code trainCode = new Code { Value = "2", Category = trainCategory }; catScheme.Categories.Add(trainCategory); codeScheme.Codes.Add(trainCode); // Now that we have a Category and CodeScheme, we can create // a CodeDomain and assign this as the type of data the transportation // question will collect. CodeDomain codeDomain = new CodeDomain(); codeDomain.Codes = codeScheme; transportationQuestion.ResponseDomains.Add(codeDomain); questionScheme.Questions.Add(transportationQuestion); // We have created a DdiInstance, a ResourcePackage, some concepts, // and some questions. // // Now what? // // Let's save all this to a DDI 3.1 XML file. // // First, we can call EnsureCompliance to make sure // our objects have all fields that are required // by the DDI 3.1 schemas. If we missed anything, // this method will fill in some defaults for us. DDIWorkflowSerializer.EnsureCompliance(instance); // Now, create the serializer object that will save our items to XML. // Setting UseConciseBoundedDescription to false makes sure we // write every item, and not just references to items. DDIWorkflowSerializer serializer = new DDIWorkflowSerializer(); serializer.UseConciseBoundedDescription = false; // Getting a valid XML representation of our model is just one method call. XmlDocument xmlDoc = serializer.Serialize(instance); // Finally, save the XML document to a file. xmlDoc.Save("sample.xml"); }
private static CodeList GetCountryCodeList() { var codeList = new CodeList(new InternationalString("en", "Countries"), "CL_Country", "SDMX"); codeList.Add(new Code("Japan")); codeList.Add(new Code("USA")); codeList.Add(new Code("UK")); codeList.Add(new Code("Germany")); codeList.Add(new Code("Brazil")); return codeList; }
private static CodeList GetRegionsCodeList() { var codeList = new CodeList(new InternationalString("en", "Regions"), "CL_Regions", "SDMX"); codeList.Add(new Code("Europe")); codeList.Add(new Code("North_America")); codeList.Add(new Code("Asia")); codeList.Add(new Code("Africa")); return codeList; }
private static CodeList GetRootCodeNoUpdating(CodeList cur) { while (cur == _CodeCreateAndUpdateDelegateLock) { lock (_CodeCreateAndUpdateDelegateLock) { // wait until enumerating thread is done, but it's alright // if we got cur and then an enumeration started (because we'll // just clear entries out) } cur = _CodeCreateAndUpdateDelegateLock; } return cur; }
public PrimaryMeasure(Concept concept, CodeList codeList) : base(concept, codeList) { }
public Component(Concept concept, CodeList codeList) { this.Concept = concept; this.CodeList = codeList; this.TextFormat = DefaultTextFormat; }