private void RenderOutput(CodeChallengeEventArgs theseArgs) // IEvent thisEvent)
            OutputTextBlock.Text = "";
            for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
                if (i % theseArgs.LowerNumber == 0 && i % theseArgs.UpperNumber != 0)
                    OutputTextBlock.Text += theseArgs.LowerNumberText;
                else if (i % theseArgs.LowerNumber != 0 && i % theseArgs.UpperNumber == 0)
                    OutputTextBlock.Text += theseArgs.UpperNumberText;
                else if (i % theseArgs.LowerNumber == 0 && i % theseArgs.UpperNumber == 0)
                    OutputTextBlock.Text += theseArgs.CombinedText;
                    OutputTextBlock.Text += i.ToString();

                // Append a line break to the content to prepare for the next line, except when i == 100
                if (i != 100)
                    OutputTextBlock.Text += ", ";
 private void EventCreated(object sender, CodeChallengeEventArgs cce)