public static void StorePageLinks(CmsPage page) { var redirects = new List<RedirectEntity>(); PopulatePageList(redirects, page); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(callback => AddPageLinksToDatabase(redirects)); }
public static void RedirectToController(CmsPage page, string actionName = "index", Dictionary<string, object> additionalRouteData = null) { if (!page.IsAvailable) { PageHasExpired(); return; } var type = GetControllerType(page); var controller = (Controller)Activator.CreateInstance(type); var controllerName = StripEnd(type.Name.ToLowerInvariant(), "controller"); var routeData = new RouteData(); routeData.Values["controller"] = controllerName; routeData.Values["action"] = actionName; routeData.Values["currentPage"] = ((IPageController)controller).GetTypedPage(page); if (additionalRouteData != null) { foreach (var data in additionalRouteData) { routeData.Values.Add(data.Key, data.Value); } } HttpContext.Current.Response.Clear(); var requestContext = new RequestContext(new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current), routeData); ((IController)controller).Execute(requestContext); HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); }
public static IHtmlString BreadcrumbsFor(this HtmlHelper helper, CmsPage page, IDictionary<String, Object> htmlAttributes = null) { var ancestors = page.ParentPath.Reverse(); if (!ancestors.Any()) { return null; } var itemClassName = PullHtmlAttribute(htmlAttributes, "itemClass"); var linkClassName = PullHtmlAttribute(htmlAttributes, "linkClass"); var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (CmsPage ancestor in ancestors) { stringBuilder.Append("<li"); AddOptionalClassName(itemClassName, stringBuilder); stringBuilder.AppendFormat("><a href=\"{0}\"", ancestor.PageUrl); AddOptionalClassName(linkClassName, stringBuilder); stringBuilder.AppendFormat(">{0}</a></li>", ancestor.PageName); } var list = new TagBuilder("ul"); list.MergeAttributes(htmlAttributes); list.InnerHtml = stringBuilder.ToString(); return new HtmlString(list.ToString()); }
public static RouteValueDictionary GetRouteValues(CmsPage entry) { if (null == entry) { return new RouteValueDictionary(); } return new RouteValueDictionary(new {id = entry.Id, name = entry.Alias}); }
public static string PageLink(this HtmlHelper helper, CmsPage page) { if (null != page) { return page.GetUrl(); } return string.Empty; }
internal static EditablePage CreateEditableChildPage(CmsPage page, Type type) { PageType pageType = PageType.GetPageType(type); if (pageType == null) { throw new Exception("Can't find page type for type " + type.Name); } EditablePage editablePage = CreateEditableChildPage(page, pageType.PageTypeId); return editablePage; }
public void IndexPage(CmsPage page) { var pageType = PageType.GetPageType(page.PageTypeId); var indexable = pageType.Instance as IIndexable; if (indexable != null) { var indexItem = indexable.MakeIndexItem(page); AddToIndex(indexItem); } IndexingFinished(); }
private static void PopulatePageList(ICollection<RedirectEntity> redirects, CmsPage page) { redirects.Add(new RedirectEntity(page)); if (!page.HasChildren) { return; } foreach (CmsPage child in page.Children) { PopulatePageList(redirects, child); } }
public JsonResult CreateAlias(string title, string userName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title)) { title = "invalid value"; } var page = new CmsPage(); page.PageTitle = title; page.Alias = CmsPage.CreateAlias(title); pageService.CreateEntry(page, userName); return Json(new {alias = page.Alias, id = page.Id}); }
protected override bool AddPage(CmsPage page) { if (page.VisibleInMenu) { if ((SelectedItemTemplate != null) && (CurrentPage.ParentPath.Contains(page.PageId))) { CreateItem(Index, page.PageId, SelectedItemTemplate); } else { CreateItem(Index, page.PageId, ItemTemplate); } return true; } return false; }
/// <summary> /// This function is required when implementing IIndexable and will feed the /// search engine with the content that should be indexed when a page of this /// particular page type is saved. /// You should always get the IndexItem object by calling GetBaseIndexItem and /// add the content you wish to be indexed for search. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">The page that was saved</param> /// <returns>An object containing the content to be indexed</returns> public IndexItem MakeIndexItem(CmsPage page) { // We start by casting the generic CmsPage object to our page type var typedPage = page.ConvertToTypedPage<ArticlePage>(); // Get the base index item with basic information already set var indexItem = typedPage.GetBaseIndexItem(); // Add additional information to index, this is where you add the page's properties that should be searchable indexItem.Title = typedPage.Headline.Value; indexItem.Summary = typedPage.Preamble.Value; indexItem.Content = typedPage.Preamble.Value + " " + typedPage.MainBody.Value; indexItem.Tags = typedPage.Tags.ToString(); // We set a category in order to be able to single out search hits indexItem.Category = "Article"; return indexItem; }
public bool TryMvcSupport(int segmentPosition, string[] segments, PageIndexItem page) { if (page.PageId == Guid.Empty) { return false; } try { var parametersCount = segments.Length - segmentPosition - 1; var parameters = new string[parametersCount]; Array.Copy(segments, segmentPosition + 1, parameters, 0, parametersCount); var cmsPage = new CmsPage(page, Language.CurrentLanguageId); RequestModule.RedirectToControllerAction(cmsPage, parameters); return true; } catch (Exception exception) { Logger.Write(exception, Logger.Severity.Info); return false; } }
public static IHtmlString MenuTreeFor(this HtmlHelper helper, CmsPage page, CmsPage rootPage, IDictionary<String, Object> htmlAttributes = null) { if (!rootPage.HasChildren) { return null; } var listClass = GetHtmlAttribute(htmlAttributes, "class"); var itemClassName = PullHtmlAttribute(htmlAttributes, "itemClass"); var selectedItemClassName = PullHtmlAttribute(htmlAttributes, "selectedItemClass"); var linkClassName = PullHtmlAttribute(htmlAttributes, "linkClass"); var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); var pagePath = PageFactory.GetPagePath(page); AddChildrenToMenu(stringBuilder, rootPage, page, pagePath, itemClassName, selectedItemClassName, linkClassName, listClass); var list = new TagBuilder("ul"); list.MergeAttributes(htmlAttributes); list.InnerHtml = stringBuilder.ToString(); return new HtmlString(list.ToString()); }
public override void RenderInViewMode(HtmlTextWriter writer, CmsPage page, int identifier, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor, string[] paramList) { UserFeedbackDb db = new UserFeedbackDb(); UserFeedbackFormInfo formInfo = db.getUserFeedbackFormInfo(page, identifier, langToRenderFor, true); string ControlId = "UserFeedbackInfo_" + page.Id.ToString() + "_" + identifier.ToString() + "_" + langToRenderFor.shortCode + "_"; string _errorMessage = ""; string action = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "Action", ""); UserFeedbackSubmittedData submittedData = new UserFeedbackSubmittedData(); bool formValuesLoadedFromSession = false; if (action.Trim().ToLower() == "send") { // -- get the spam question index int spamQuestionIndex = (PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "spamQuestionIndex", SpamTestQuestion.GetRandomQuestionIndex())); if (spamQuestionIndex >= SpamTestQuestion.Questions.Length || spamQuestionIndex < 0) { spamQuestionIndex = SpamTestQuestion.GetRandomQuestionIndex(); } SpamTestQuestion questionToAnswer = SpamTestQuestion.Questions[spamQuestionIndex]; string spamQuestionAnswer = (PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "spamQuestionAnswer", "")); submittedData.Name = (PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "Name", "")); submittedData.Name = submittedData.Name.Trim(); submittedData.EmailAddress = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "Email", ""); submittedData.EmailAddress = submittedData.EmailAddress.Trim(); submittedData.Location = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "Location", ""); submittedData.Location = submittedData.Location.Trim(); submittedData.TextAreaValue = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "Comments", ""); submittedData.TextAreaValue = submittedData.TextAreaValue.Trim(); submittedData.ReferringUrl = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "Referer", ""); // -- validate user submitted values if (questionToAnswer.Answer != spamQuestionAnswer) { _errorMessage = "Your answer to the math question was incorrect. Please try again."; } else if (submittedData.Name == "") { _errorMessage = getErrorEnterNameText(langToRenderFor); } else if (submittedData.EmailAddress == "") { _errorMessage = getErrorEnterEmailText(langToRenderFor); } else if (!PageUtils.isValidEmailAddress(submittedData.EmailAddress)) { _errorMessage = getErrorEnterValidEmailText(langToRenderFor); } else if (submittedData.TextAreaValue == "") { _errorMessage = getErrorEnterTextAreaQuestionText(langToRenderFor) + formInfo.TextAreaQuestion; } else { // -- save the submitted value submittedData.dateTimeSubmitted = DateTime.Now; submittedData.TextAreaQuestion = formInfo.TextAreaQuestion; if (db.saveUserFeedbackSubmittedData(submittedData)) { // -- success // save submitted values to the current session if (HttpContext.Current != null && HttpContext.Current.Session != null) { System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState session = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session; session[ControlId + "Name"] = submittedData.Name; session[ControlId + "Email"] = submittedData.EmailAddress; session[ControlId + "Location"] = submittedData.Location; } // send notification email message sendAdministratorNotification(formInfo, submittedData); // output the Thankyou message writer.Write("<p><strong>" + formInfo.ThankyouMessage + "</strong></p>"); return; } else { _errorMessage = getErrorSavingText(langToRenderFor); } } } // if save posted values else { // -- get previously submitted values from the current session if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current != null && System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session != null) { System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState session = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session; if (session[ControlId + "Name"] != null) { submittedData.Name = session[ControlId + "Name"].ToString(); formValuesLoadedFromSession = true; } if (session[ControlId + "Email"] != null) { submittedData.EmailAddress = session[ControlId + "Email"].ToString(); formValuesLoadedFromSession = true; } if (session[ControlId + "Location"] != null) { submittedData.Location = session[ControlId + "Location"].ToString(); formValuesLoadedFromSession = true; } } } StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(); if (_errorMessage != "") { html.Append("<p class=\"FormErrorMessage\">" + _errorMessage + "</p>"); } string formId = "UserFeedback"; html.Append(page.getFormStartHtml(formId)); html.Append("<em>" + getCompleteAllText(langToRenderFor) + "</em> "); if (formValuesLoadedFromSession) { html.Append(getValuesPreloadedText(langToRenderFor)); } html.Append("<table>"); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td valign=\"top\">" + getNameText(langToRenderFor) + ":"); html.Append("</td>"); html.Append("<td valign=\"top\">"); html.Append(PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(ControlId + "Name", ControlId + "Name", submittedData.Name, formInfo.FormFieldDisplayWidth, 255)); html.Append("</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td valign=\"top\">" + getEmailText(langToRenderFor) + ":"); html.Append("</td>"); html.Append("<td valign=\"top\">"); html.Append(PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(ControlId + "Email", ControlId + "Email", submittedData.EmailAddress, formInfo.FormFieldDisplayWidth, 255)); html.Append("</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td valign=\"top\">" + getLocationText(langToRenderFor) + ":"); html.Append("</td>"); html.Append("<td valign=\"top\">"); html.Append(PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(ControlId + "Location", ControlId + "Location", submittedData.Location, formInfo.FormFieldDisplayWidth, 255)); html.Append("</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td valign=\"top\">"); html.Append(formInfo.TextAreaQuestion); html.Append("</td>"); html.Append("<td valign=\"top\">"); html.Append(PageUtils.getTextAreaHtml(ControlId + "Comments", ControlId + "Comments", "", formInfo.FormFieldDisplayWidth, 7)); html.Append("</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); // -- spam stop question int qIndex = SpamTestQuestion.GetRandomQuestionIndex(); SpamTestQuestion spamQuestion = SpamTestQuestion.Questions[qIndex]; html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td valign=\"top\">"); html.Append(spamQuestion.Question); html.Append("</td>"); html.Append("<td valign=\"top\">"); html.Append(PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(ControlId + "spamQuestionAnswer", ControlId + "spamQuestionAnswer", "", 5, 255)); html.Append("</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("</table>"); html.Append(PageUtils.getHiddenInputHtml(ControlId + "spamQuestionIndex", qIndex.ToString())); html.Append(PageUtils.getHiddenInputHtml(ControlId + "Action", "send")); html.Append(PageUtils.getHiddenInputHtml(ControlId + "Referer", PageUtils.getFromForm("r", "(unknown)"))); html.Append("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" + getSubmitButtonText(langToRenderFor) + "\">"); html.Append(page.getFormCloseHtml(formId)); writer.Write(html.ToString()); } // RenderView
public override Rss.RssItem[] GetRssFeedItems(CmsPage page, CmsPlaceholderDefinition placeholderDefinition, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor) { return(new Rss.RssItem[0]); // nothing to render in RSS. }
private bool CheckIfActive(CmsPage page) { return(page.IsActive); }
public string BuildTree2(CmsPage page) { int viewMode = 1;//int.Parse(this.ViewModeCheckBoxList.SelectedValue); this.treeViewTemplate = base.GetSubTemplate("{TreeView}"); this.treeNodeTemplate = base.GetSubTemplate("{TreeNode}"); string tree = treeViewTemplate; string rootNodes = ""; string select = "SELECT DataGroup.ID, DataGroup.Name, DataGroup.FK_Parent_Group, DataGroup.CompletePath, "; string from = " FROM DataGroup "; if (!DataCollection.HasStaticLanguage && this.LanguageCode != "" && this.LanguageCode != Site.DefaultLanguage) { DataField titleField = DataField.GetFirst <DataField>("FK_DataCollection = '" + DataCollection.ID + "' AND MappingColumn='Title' AND type='group'"); if (titleField.IsMultiLanguageField) { select += "Lang.Title AS Title "; from += " JOIN DataGroupLanguage AS Lang ON DataGroup.ID = Lang.FK_DataGroup AND Lang.LanguageCode = '" + this.LanguageCode + "'"; } else { select += "DataGroup.Title "; } } else { select += "DataGroup.Title "; } string where = String.Format(" WHERE DataGroup.FK_DataCollection = '{0}' ", DataCollection.ID); string sort = getSort(DataCollection.DataGroupFields); //" ORDER BY DataGroup.OrderNumber"; string sql = select + from + where + sort; System.Data.DataTable allGroupsTable = DataBase.Get().GetDataTable(sql); string drillDownUrl = ""; string drillDownLink = ""; ModuleNavigationAction navigationActionDrillDown = this.GetNavigationActionByTagName("{DrillDownLink}"); if (navigationActionDrillDown != null) { drillDownUrl = navigationActionDrillDown.GetNavigationUrl(); drillDownLink = navigationActionDrillDown.CreateNavigationHyperlink("G", false, "BITTREEVIEW.isReloadRequired = false;"); } foreach (System.Data.DataRow dataRow in allGroupsTable.Rows)//.Select("FK_Parent_Group Is Null", sort.Replace("ORDER BY ", ""))) { //DataTable.Select() sorteert de items opnieuw. Dit is niet de bedoeling. if (dataRow["FK_Parent_Group"] == DBNull.Value) { string rewriteUrl = CreateRewriteUrl(page, drillDownUrl, "G", new Guid(dataRow["ID"].ToString()), dataRow["CompletePath"].ToString(), dataRow["Title"].ToString()); string rootNode = this.treeNodeTemplate; string name = dataRow["Name"].ToString(); rootNode = rootNode .Replace("{TreeNode.DrillDownLink}", drillDownLink) .Replace("{TreeNode.Name}", dataRow["Name"].ToString()) .Replace("{TreeNode.Title}", dataRow["Title"].ToString()) .Replace("{/TreeNode.DrillDownLink}", "</a>") .Replace("{TreeNode.ID}", "TreeNode" + dataRow["ID"].ToString().Replace("-", "")) .Replace("{DrillDownUrl}", rewriteUrl) .Replace("{ID}", dataRow["ID"].ToString()) .Replace("{TreeNode.ChildNodes}", this.BuildTreeNode2(page, allGroupsTable, rootNode, dataRow["ID"].ToString(), viewMode, drillDownUrl, drillDownLink)); rootNodes += rootNode; } } /* if (viewMode == 2) //groups and items * { * foreach (DataItem item in dataCollection.Items) * { * TreeNode itemNode = new TreeNode(); * itemNode.Text = itemNode.Text; * itemNode.Value = item.ID.ToString(); * DataCollectionTreeView.Nodes.Add(itemNode); * } * } */ tree = Content; tree = tree.Replace("<!--{TreeNode}-->" + treeNodeTemplate + "<!--{/TreeNode}-->", rootNodes); tree = tree.Replace("{TreeNode}" + treeNodeTemplate + "{/TreeNode}", rootNodes); string treeDiv = "<div class=\"bitTree\" data-tree-selected-id=\"TreeNode" + dataId.ToString("N") + "\">"; tree = tree.Replace("<!--{TreeView}-->", treeDiv); tree = tree.Replace("{TreeView}", treeDiv); tree = tree.Replace("<!--{/TreeView}-->", "</div>"); tree = tree.Replace("{/TreeView}", "</div>"); return(tree); }
private void RenderViewIndividual(HtmlTextWriter writer, CmsPage page, int identifier, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor, string[] paramList) { ContactsDb db = new ContactsDb(); ContactPlaceholderData data = db.getContactPlaceholderData(page, identifier, true); int contactId = PageUtils.getFromForm(CurrentContactIdFormName, -1); ContactData contactToView = ContactData.getContact(contactId); bool canEdit = page.currentUserCanWrite; string backUrl = page.Url; writer.Write("<p><a href=\"" + backUrl + "\">« back to contact listing</a></p>"); // -- begin output if (canEdit) { writer.Write(getAddEditContactForm(data, contactToView, page, identifier, langToRenderFor)); } else { StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(); html.Append("<table border=\"0\">"); string dividerLineHtml = getDividerLineHtml(2); html.Append(dividerLineHtml); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><h2>" + StringUtils.JoinNonBlanks(" ", new string[] { contactToView.firstName, contactToView.lastName }) + "</h2></td>"); html.Append(dividerLineHtml); string colspan = "1"; html.Append("<td>Categories:</td>"); ContactDataCategory[] allCategories = ContactDataCategory.getAllContactCategories(); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">"); int cbid = 0; foreach (ContactDataCategory cat in allCategories) { bool check = (contactToView.contactCategoryIds.IndexOf(cat.CategoryId) > -1); string cb = PageUtils.getCheckboxHtml(cat.Title, "category", "category" + cbid.ToString(), cat.CategoryId.ToString(), check); html.Append(cb + "<br />"); cbid++; } // foreach html.Append("</td>"); html.Append(dividerLineHtml); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Title:</td>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">" + contactToView.title + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Organization:</td>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">" + contactToView.organizationName + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append(dividerLineHtml); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Address 1:</td>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">" + contactToView.address1 + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Address 2:</td>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">" + contactToView.address2 + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>City:</td>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">" + + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Province/State:</td>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">" + contactToView.provinceState + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Postal/Zip Code:</td>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">" + contactToView.postalZipCode + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append(dividerLineHtml); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Phone Number 1:</td>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">" + contactToView.phoneNumber1 + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Phone Number 2:</td>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">" + contactToView.phoneNumber2 + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Fax Number:</td>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">" + contactToView.faxNumber + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Mobile Number:</td>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">" + contactToView.mobileNumber + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append(dividerLineHtml); string emailDisplay = ""; if (contactToView.emailAddress.Trim() != "") { emailDisplay = "<a href=\"mailto:" + contactToView.SpamEncodedEmailAddress + "\">" + contactToView.SpamEncodedEmailAddress + "</a>"; } html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Email Address:</td>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">" + emailDisplay + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("</table>"); writer.Write(html.ToString()); } }
} // getAddEditContactForm public override Rss.RssItem[] GetRssFeedItems(CmsPage page, CmsPlaceholderDefinition placeholderDefinition, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor) { throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented."); }
/// <summary> /// Renders the placeholder to the RssFeed in view mode. /// </summary> /// <param name="rssFeed"></param> // public static Rss.RssItem[] GetRssFeedItems(CmsPage page, CmsPlaceholderDefinition placeholderDefinition , CmsLanguage langToRenderFor) public abstract Rss.RssItem[] GetRssFeedItems(CmsPage page, CmsPlaceholderDefinition placeholderDefinition, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor);
public void HandlePage(CmsPage page) { var templateUrl = RequestModule.GetTemplateUrl(page.IsAvailable, page.PageId, page.PageTypeId); RequestModule.RedirectToTemplate(templateUrl); }
/// <summary> /// reverts a placeholder to a prior revision. /// </summary> /// <param name="oldPage">the page to revert to.</param> /// <param name="currentPage">the version of the page that is currently displayed to users</param> /// <param name="identifiers">the placeholder identifiers to revert in-bulk</param> /// <param name="language">the page language to revert</param> /// <returns></returns> public abstract RevertToRevisionResult RevertToRevision(CmsPage oldPage, CmsPage currentPage, int[] identifiers, CmsLanguage language);
/// <summary> /// Renders the placeholder to the HtmlTextWriter in user-editable mode /// </summary> /// <param name="writer"></param> /// <param name="page"></param> /// <param name="identifier"></param> /// <param name="paramList"></param> public abstract void RenderInEditMode(HtmlTextWriter writer, CmsPage page, int identifier, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor, string[] paramList);
public static MvcHtmlString PageLink(this HtmlHelper helper, string linkText, CmsPage page, object htmlAttributes) { return helper.ActionLink(linkText ?? page.PageTitle, "Content", "Home", new {area = "", id = page.Id, name = page.Alias}, htmlAttributes); }
virtual protected bool AddPage(CmsPage page) { CreateItem(Index, page.PageId, ItemTemplate); return true; }
protected string GenerateEntryUrl(CmsPage entry) { return VirtualPathUtility.RemoveTrailingSlash(this.GetWebsiteUrl()) + Url.Action("Content", "Home", GetRouteValues(entry)); }
public RaptorDataStore(CmsPage page) : base(page) { }
public Rss.RssItem CreateAndInitRssItem(CmsPage page, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor) { return(InitRssItem(new Rss.RssItem(), page, langToRenderFor)); }
public WarpCorePageUri(CmsPage draft) : this($"{UriSchemeWarpCorePage}://repository/{CmsPageRepository.ApiId}/type/{CmsPage.ApiId}/{draft.ContentId}") { }
protected string GenerateEntryUrl(CmsPage entry) { return(VirtualPathUtility.RemoveTrailingSlash(this.GetWebsiteUrl()) + Url.Action("Content", "Home", GetRouteValues(entry))); }
private string RenderPreviewButton(CmsPage page) { return string.Format("<a href=\"{2}?id={0}&version={1} \" target=\"_blank\">Preview</a>", page.PageId, page.CurrentVersion, SiteSettings.Instance.PreviewPath); }
/* * public static string getStandardHtmlView_Old(SingleImageData image, FullSizeImageLinkMode fullSizeLinkMode, string fullSizeDisplayUrl) * { * StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(); * if (image.ImagePath != "") * { * bool linkToLarger = false; * if (image.FullSizeDisplayBoxHeight > 0 || image.FullSizeDisplayBoxWidth > 0) * linkToLarger = true; * * string thumbUrl = showThumbPage.getThumbDisplayUrl(image.ImagePath, image.ThumbnailDisplayBoxWidth, image.ThumbnailDisplayBoxHeight); * System.Drawing.Size ThumbSize = showThumbPage.getDisplayWidthAndHeight(image.ImagePath, image.ThumbnailDisplayBoxWidth, image.ThumbnailDisplayBoxHeight); * * html.Append("<div class=\"SingleImagePlaceholder View\">"); * if (linkToLarger) * { * bool useSubmodal = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImagePlaceHolderUseSubModal", false); * bool useMultibox = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImagePlaceHolderUseMultibox", false); * * * int popupPaddingWidth = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImagePlaceHolderPopupPaddingWidth", 50); * int popupPaddingHeight = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImagePlaceHolderPopupPaddingHeight", 60); * * int maxPopWidth = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImagePlaceHolderPopupMaxWidth", 700 - popupPaddingWidth); * int maxPopHeight = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImagePlaceHolderPopupMaxHeight", 500 - popupPaddingHeight); * * * int minPopWidth = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImagePlaceHolderPopupMinWidth", 200); * int minPopHeight = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImagePlaceHolderPopupMinHeight", 200); * * * string showLargerPagePath = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.DisplayPath", "/_internal/showImage"); * * NameValueCollection largerParams = new NameValueCollection(); * largerParams.Add("i", image.SingleImageId.ToString()); * string showLargerPageUrl = CmsContext.getUrlByPagePath(showLargerPagePath, largerParams); * * System.Drawing.Size imgLargeSize = showThumbPage.getDisplayWidthAndHeight(image.ImagePath, image.FullSizeDisplayBoxWidth, image.FullSizeDisplayBoxHeight); * * if (ThumbSize.Width > imgLargeSize.Width || ThumbSize.Height > imgLargeSize.Height) * { * linkToLarger = false; * } * else * { * * int popWidth = imgLargeSize.Width + popupPaddingWidth; * int popHeight = imgLargeSize.Height + popupPaddingHeight; * * if (popWidth < minPopWidth) * popWidth = minPopWidth; * if (popHeight < minPopHeight) * popHeight = minPopHeight; * * if (popWidth > maxPopWidth) * popWidth = maxPopWidth; * if (popHeight > maxPopHeight) * popHeight = maxPopHeight; * * if (useSubmodal && * (fullSizeLinkMode == FullSizeImageLinkMode.SubModalOrPopupFromConfig || fullSizeLinkMode == FullSizeImageLinkMode.SubModalWindow)) * { * string submodalCssClass = "class=\"submodal-" + popWidth.ToString() + "-" + popHeight.ToString() + "\""; * html.Append("<a " + submodalCssClass + " href=\"" + showLargerPageUrl + "\" >"); * } * else if (useMultibox && (fullSizeLinkMode == FullSizeImageLinkMode.SubModalOrPopupFromConfig || fullSizeLinkMode == FullSizeImageLinkMode.SubModalWindow)) * { * string submodalCssClass = "class=\"mb\""; * html.Append("<a " + submodalCssClass + " href=\"" + showLargerPageUrl + "\" rel=\"width:" + popWidth + ",height:" + popHeight + "\" >"); * } * else if (fullSizeLinkMode == FullSizeImageLinkMode.SingleImagePopup || fullSizeLinkMode == FullSizeImageLinkMode.SubModalOrPopupFromConfig) * { * string onclick = "var w =, 'popupLargeImage', 'toolbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,height=" + popWidth.ToString() + ",width=" + popWidth.ToString() + "'); "; * onclick += " return false;"; * html.Append("<a href=\"" + showLargerPageUrl + "\" onclick=\"" + onclick + "\">"); * } * else if (fullSizeLinkMode == FullSizeImageLinkMode.ProvidedUrl) * html.Append("<a href=\"" + fullSizeDisplayUrl + "\">"); * else * linkToLarger = false; * } // else * } // if link to larger * * string width = ""; * string height = ""; * if (!ThumbSize.IsEmpty) * { * width = " width=\"" + ThumbSize.Width + "\""; * height = " height=\"" + ThumbSize.Height.ToString() + "\""; * } * * html.Append("<img src=\"" + thumbUrl + "\"" + width + "" + height + ">"); * if (linkToLarger) * { * html.Append("</a>"); * } * * if (image.Caption.Trim() != "") * { * html.Append("<div class=\"caption\">"); * html.Append(image.Caption); * html.Append("</div>"); // caption * } * * if (image.Credits.Trim() != "") * { * html.Append("<div class=\"credits\">"); * string creditsPrefix = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.CreditsPrefix", ""); * html.Append(creditsPrefix + image.Credits); * html.Append("</div>"); // credits * } * * if (linkToLarger) * { * string clickToEnlargeText = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.ClickToEnlargeText", ""); * if (clickToEnlargeText != "") * { * html.Append("<div class=\"clickToEnlarge\">"); * html.Append(clickToEnlargeText); * html.Append("</div>"); // clickToEnlarge * } * } * * html.Append("</div>"); * } * * return html.ToString(); * } */ public override void RenderInViewMode(HtmlTextWriter writer, CmsPage page, int identifier, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor, string[] paramList) { // -- all rendering in View mode is handled by getStandardHtmlView() SingleImageDb db = (new SingleImageDb()); SingleImageData image = db.getSingleImage(page, identifier, langToRenderFor, true); int fullWidth = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.FullSizeDisplayWidth", -1); int fullHeight = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.FullSizeDisplayHeight", -1); int thumbWidth = getThumbDisplayWidth(page, paramList); int thumbHeight = getThumbDisplayHeight(page, paramList); int popupPaddingWidth = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.PopupPaddingWidth", 50); int popupPaddingHeight = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.PopupPaddingHeight", 60); int maxPopWidth = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.PopupMaxWidth", 700 - popupPaddingWidth); int maxPopHeight = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.PopupMaxHeight", 500 - popupPaddingHeight); int minPopWidth = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.PopupMinWidth", 200); int minPopHeight = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.PopupMinHeight", 200); string withLinkTemplate = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.WithLinkTemplate", "<a href=\"{5}\"><img src=\"{2}\" width=\"{0}\" height=\"{1}\" /></a>"); string withoutLinkTemplate = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.WithoutLinkTemplate", "<img src=\"{2}\" width=\"{0}\" height=\"{1}\" />"); string showLargerPagePath = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.DisplayPath", "/_internal/showImage"); NameValueCollection largerParams = new NameValueCollection(); largerParams.Add("i", image.SingleImageId.ToString()); string showLargerPageUrl = CmsContext.getUrlByPagePath(showLargerPagePath, largerParams); System.Drawing.Size imgLargeSize = showThumbPage.getDisplayWidthAndHeight(image.ImagePath, fullWidth, fullHeight); int popWidth = imgLargeSize.Width + popupPaddingWidth; int popHeight = imgLargeSize.Height + popupPaddingHeight; if (popWidth < minPopWidth) { popWidth = minPopWidth; } if (popHeight < minPopHeight) { popHeight = minPopHeight; } if (popWidth > maxPopWidth) { popWidth = maxPopWidth; } if (popHeight > maxPopHeight) { popHeight = maxPopHeight; } // -- create the SingleImageDisplayInfo object SingleImageDisplayInfo displayInfo = new SingleImageDisplayInfo(); displayInfo.ImagePath = image.ImagePath; displayInfo.FullImageDisplayBox = new System.Drawing.Size(fullWidth, fullHeight); displayInfo.ThumbImageDisplayBox = new System.Drawing.Size(thumbWidth, thumbHeight); displayInfo.PopupDisplayBox = new System.Drawing.Size(popWidth, popHeight); displayInfo.FullImageDisplayUrl = showLargerPageUrl; displayInfo.ThumbDisplayWithLinkTemplate = withLinkTemplate; displayInfo.ThumbDisplayWithoutLinkTemplate = withoutLinkTemplate; displayInfo.Caption = image.Caption; displayInfo.Credits = image.Credits; // -- Multilingual CreditsPromptPrefix string creditPrefix = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.CreditsPromptPrefix", ""); string[] creditPrefixParts = creditPrefix.Split(new char[] { CmsConfig.PerLanguageConfigSplitter }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (creditPrefixParts.Length >= CmsConfig.Languages.Length) { int index = CmsLanguage.IndexOf(langToRenderFor.shortCode, CmsConfig.Languages); if (index >= 0) { creditPrefix = creditPrefixParts[index]; } } // -- Multilingual ClickToEnlargeText string clickToEnlargeText = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.ClickToEnlargeText", ""); string[] clickToEnlargeTextParts = clickToEnlargeText.Split(new char[] { CmsConfig.PerLanguageConfigSplitter }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (clickToEnlargeTextParts.Length >= CmsConfig.Languages.Length) { int index = CmsLanguage.IndexOf(langToRenderFor.shortCode, CmsConfig.Languages); if (index >= 0) { clickToEnlargeText = clickToEnlargeTextParts[index]; } } displayInfo.CreditsPromptPrefix = creditPrefix; displayInfo.ClickToEnlargeText = clickToEnlargeText; string html = getStandardHtmlView(displayInfo); writer.WriteLine(html.ToString()); } // RenderView
private string getAddEditContactForm(ContactPlaceholderData data, ContactData contactToEdit, CmsPage page, int identifier, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor) { string ControlId = "Contacts_" + page.ID.ToString() + "_" + identifier.ToString() + langToRenderFor.shortCode; bool editing = (contactToEdit.contactId > -1); // -- process form actions string action = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "action", ""); string _userErrorMessage = ""; string _userMessage = ""; bool _showContactDetails = true; if (editing && String.Compare(action, "deleteContact", true) == 0) { bool b = ContactData.DeleteContact(contactToEdit); if (b) { _userMessage = "The contact \"" + getNameDisplayOutput(data, contactToEdit) + "\" has been deleted"; _showContactDetails = false; } else { _userErrorMessage = "Error: could not delete contact. There was a database error"; } } else if (String.Compare(action, "addNewContact", true) == 0) { if (!editing) { contactToEdit = new ContactData(); } contactToEdit.firstName = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "firstName", contactToEdit.firstName); contactToEdit.lastName = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "lastName", contactToEdit.lastName); contactToEdit.title = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "title", contactToEdit.title); contactToEdit.organizationName = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "organizationName", contactToEdit.organizationName); contactToEdit.address1 = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "address1", contactToEdit.address1); contactToEdit.address2 = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "address2", contactToEdit.address2); = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "city",; contactToEdit.provinceState = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "provinceState", contactToEdit.provinceState); contactToEdit.postalZipCode = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "postalZipCode", contactToEdit.postalZipCode); contactToEdit.phoneNumber1 = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "phoneNumber1", contactToEdit.phoneNumber1); contactToEdit.phoneNumber2 = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "phoneNumber2", contactToEdit.phoneNumber2); contactToEdit.faxNumber = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "faxNumber", contactToEdit.faxNumber); contactToEdit.mobileNumber = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "mobileNumber", contactToEdit.mobileNumber); contactToEdit.emailAddress = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "emailAddress", contactToEdit.emailAddress); string[] s_catIds = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "category"); int[] catIds = StringUtils.ToIntArray(s_catIds); contactToEdit.contactCategoryIds.Clear(); contactToEdit.contactCategoryIds.AddRange(catIds); if (contactToEdit.firstName.Trim() == "") { _userErrorMessage = "Please enter the contact's first name"; } else if (contactToEdit.lastName.Trim() == "") { _userErrorMessage = "Please enter the contact's last name"; } else if (contactToEdit.contactCategoryIds.Count < 1) { _userErrorMessage = "Please select at least one category for the contact"; } else { bool b = contactToEdit.SaveToDatabase(); if (!b) { _userErrorMessage = "There was a problem saving the contact to the database"; } else { if (editing) { string nameDisplay = getNameDisplayOutput(data, contactToEdit); _userMessage = "The changes to \"" + nameDisplay + "\" have been saved."; } else { string nameDisplay = getNameDisplayOutput(data, contactToEdit); _userMessage = "The contact \"" + nameDisplay + "\" has been added."; contactToEdit = new ContactData(); // remove all previously submitted values editing = false; } } } } // if process StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(); if (editing) { string nameDisplay = getNameDisplayOutput(data, contactToEdit); html.Append("<h2>Edit contact \"" + nameDisplay + "\":</h2>"); } else { html.Append("<h2>Add a new contact:</h2>"); } if (_userErrorMessage != "") { html.Append("<p style=\"color: red\">Error: " + _userErrorMessage + "</p>"); } if (_userMessage != "") { html.Append("<p style=\"color: green\">" + _userMessage + "</p>"); } if (!_showContactDetails) { return(html.ToString()); } string formId = "editContact"; html.Append(page.getFormStartHtml(formId)); html.Append("<table border=\"0\">"); string dividerLineHtml = getDividerLineHtml(4); html.Append(dividerLineHtml); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>First Name:</td>"); html.Append("<td>" + PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(ControlId + "firstName", ControlId + "firstName", contactToEdit.firstName, 20, 255) + "</td>"); html.Append("<td>Last Name:</td>"); html.Append("<td>" + PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(ControlId + "lastName", ControlId + "lastName", contactToEdit.lastName, 20, 255) + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append(dividerLineHtml); string colspan = "3"; html.Append("<td>Categories:</td>"); ContactDataCategory[] allCategories = ContactDataCategory.getAllContactCategories(); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">"); int cbid = 0; foreach (ContactDataCategory cat in allCategories) { bool check = (contactToEdit.contactCategoryIds.IndexOf(cat.CategoryId) > -1); string cb = PageUtils.getCheckboxHtml(cat.Title, ControlId + "category", ControlId + "category" + cbid.ToString(), cat.CategoryId.ToString(), check); html.Append(cb + "<br />"); cbid++; } // foreach html.Append("</td>"); html.Append(dividerLineHtml); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Title:</td>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">" + PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(ControlId + "title", ControlId + "title", contactToEdit.title, 40, 255) + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Organization:</td>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">" + PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(ControlId + "organizationName", ControlId + "organizationName", contactToEdit.organizationName, 40, 255) + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append(dividerLineHtml); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Address 1:</td>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">" + PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(ControlId + "address1", ControlId + "address1", contactToEdit.address1, 40, 255) + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Address 2:</td>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">" + PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(ControlId + "address2", ControlId + "address2", contactToEdit.address2, 40, 255) + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>City:</td>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">" + PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(ControlId + "city", ControlId + "city",, 40, 255) + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Province/State:</td>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">" + PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(ControlId + "provinceState", ControlId + "provinceState", contactToEdit.provinceState, 20, 255) + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Postal/Zip Code:</td>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">" + PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(ControlId + "postalZipCode", ControlId + "postalZipCode", contactToEdit.postalZipCode, 10, 255) + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append(dividerLineHtml); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Phone Number 1:</td>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">" + PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(ControlId + "phoneNumber1", ControlId + "phoneNumber1", contactToEdit.phoneNumber1, 20, 255) + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Phone Number 2:</td>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">" + PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(ControlId + "phoneNumber2", ControlId + "phoneNumber2", contactToEdit.phoneNumber2, 20, 255) + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Fax Number:</td>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">" + PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(ControlId + "faxNumber", ControlId + "faxNumber", contactToEdit.faxNumber, 20, 255) + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Mobile Number:</td>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">" + PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(ControlId + "mobileNumber", ControlId + "mobileNumber", contactToEdit.mobileNumber, 20, 255) + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append(dividerLineHtml); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Email Address:</td>"); html.Append("<td colspan=\"" + colspan + "\">" + PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(ControlId + "emailAddress", ControlId + "emailAddress", contactToEdit.emailAddress, 40, 255) + "</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("</table>"); html.Append(PageUtils.getHiddenInputHtml(ControlId + "action", "addNewContact")); if (editing) { html.Append(PageUtils.getHiddenInputHtml(CurrentContactIdFormName, contactToEdit.contactId.ToString())); html.Append("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"save changes\">"); } else { html.Append("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"add contact\">"); } html.Append(page.getFormCloseHtml(formId)); if (editing) { formId = formId + "_Delete"; html.Append(page.getFormStartHtml(formId)); html.Append("<p align=\"right\">Delete:"); html.Append(PageUtils.getHiddenInputHtml(CurrentContactIdFormName, contactToEdit.contactId.ToString())); html.Append(PageUtils.getHiddenInputHtml(ControlId + "action", "deleteContact")); html.Append("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"delete contact\">"); html.Append("</p>"); html.Append(page.getFormCloseHtml(formId)); } return(html.ToString()); } // getAddEditContactForm
private string getEditFormName(CmsPage page, int identifier, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor) { return("editSingleImage_" + page.ID.ToString() + identifier.ToString() + langToRenderFor.shortCode); }
/// <summary> /// Recursive is T: see what CmsZone a page is. /// Recursive is F: select the exact zone record given a cms page (i.e. boundary page). /// </summary> /// <param name="page"></param> /// <param name="recursive"></param> /// <returns></returns> public CmsPageSecurityZone fetchByPage(CmsPage page, bool recursive) { PageSecurityZoneRepository repository = new PageSecurityZoneRepository(); return(repository.fetchByPage(page, recursive)); }
public override void RenderInEditMode(HtmlTextWriter writer, CmsPage page, int identifier, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor, string[] paramList) { string formName = getEditFormName(page, identifier, langToRenderFor); SingleImageDb db = (new SingleImageDb()); SingleImageData image = db.getSingleImage(page, identifier, langToRenderFor, true); string[] possibleTags = (new SingleImageDb()).getAllPossibleTags(); StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(); // ------- CHECK THE FORM FOR ACTIONS string action = Hatfield.Web.Portal.PageUtils.getFromForm(formName + "_SingleImageAction", ""); if (action.Trim().ToLower() == "saveimage") { image.ImagePath = PageUtils.getFromForm(formName + "ImagePath", ""); // remove the Application path from the file location if (image.ImagePath.StartsWith(CmsContext.ApplicationPath)) { image.ImagePath = image.ImagePath.Substring(CmsContext.ApplicationPath.Length); } image.Caption = PageUtils.getFromForm(formName + "Caption", ""); image.Credits = PageUtils.getFromForm(formName + "Credits", ""); image.Tags = PageUtils.getFromForm(formName + "Tags"); bool b = db.saveUpdatedSingleImage(page, identifier, langToRenderFor, image); if (!b) { html.Append("Error: Image not saved - database error"); } } string creditsPrefix = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.CreditsPrefix", "Credit:"); int thumbWidth = getThumbDisplayWidth(page, paramList); int thumbHeight = getThumbDisplayHeight(page, paramList); // ------- START RENDERING // note: no need to put in the <form></form> tags. html.Append("<div class=\"SingleImagePlaceholder Edit\">" + Environment.NewLine); string ImageRenderAreaId = formName + "ImageRendered"; html.Append("<div id=\"" + ImageRenderAreaId + "\"></div>"); html.Append(PageUtils.getHiddenInputHtml(formName + "ImagePath", formName + "ImagePath", image.ImagePath)); List <string> editParams = new List <string>(); editParams.Add("i=" + image.SingleImageId); editParams.Add("formName=" + formName); editParams.Add("tw=" + thumbWidth.ToString()); editParams.Add("th=" + thumbHeight.ToString()); string editUrl = CmsContext.ApplicationPath + "_system/tools/SingleImage/SingleImageEditor.aspx?" + string.Join("&", editParams.ToArray());; string jsResetFunctionName = formName + "Reset"; string jsUpdateRenderFunctionName = formName + "UpdateDisplay"; html.Append("<table>"); html.Append("<tr>" + Environment.NewLine); html.Append("<td colspan=\"2\">"); html.Append("<p>"); html.Append("<a id=\"" + formName + "OpenEditorLink\" href=\"" + editUrl + "\" onclick=\", 'SingleImageEdit','width=680,height=540'); return false;\">select image</a>"); html.Append(" | "); html.Append("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"" + jsResetFunctionName + "(); return false;\">clear</a>"); if (CmsConfig.Languages.Length > 1) { html.Append(" | "); html.Append("copy from language: "); List <string> langCopyLinks = new List <string>(); foreach (CmsLanguage lang in CmsConfig.Languages) { if (lang != langToRenderFor) { string langClick = "document.getElementById('" + formName + "ImagePath').value = document.getElementById('" + getEditFormName(page, identifier, lang) + "ImagePath').value;" + jsUpdateRenderFunctionName + "(); if (document.getElementById('" + formName + "ImagePath').value == '') {alert('No image is selected because the source image is blank.');} return false;"; langCopyLinks.Add("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"" + langClick + "\">" + lang.shortCode + "</a>"); } } // foreach html.Append(string.Join("; ", langCopyLinks.ToArray())); } html.Append("</p>"); html.Append("</td>"); html.Append("</tr>" + Environment.NewLine); html.Append("<tr><td>"); html.Append("Caption:"); html.Append("</td><td class=\"CaptionInputTD\">"); html.Append(PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(formName + "Caption", formName + "Caption", image.Caption.ToString(), 40, 250)); html.Append("</td></tr>"); html.Append("<tr><td>"); html.Append(creditsPrefix); html.Append("</td><td class=\"CreditInputTD\">"); html.Append(PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(formName + "Credits", formName + "Credits", image.Credits.ToString(), 40, 250)); html.Append("</td></tr>" + Environment.NewLine); if (possibleTags.Length > 0) { html.Append("<tr><td>"); html.Append("Tags:"); html.Append("</td><td>"); foreach (string t in possibleTags) { if (t != "") { html.Append(PageUtils.getCheckboxHtml(t.Trim(), formName + "Tags", formName + "tag_" + t, t.Trim(), Array.IndexOf(image.Tags, t) > -1)); html.Append("<br />"); } } // foreach html.Append("</td></tr>"); } html.Append("</table>"); html.Append("</div>" + Environment.NewLine); // -- hidden field actions html.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + formName + "_SingleImageAction\" value=\"saveImage\">"); // -- javascript StringBuilder js = new StringBuilder(); js.Append("function " + jsResetFunctionName + "() " + Environment.NewLine); js.Append("{ " + Environment.NewLine); js.Append("document.getElementById('" + formName + "ImagePath').value = '';" + Environment.NewLine); js.Append("document.getElementById('" + ImageRenderAreaId + "').innerHTML = '<span style=\"margin: 10px; padding: 10px; background: #edff96; border: 1px solid #C00;\">no image is selected</span>';" + Environment.NewLine); js.Append("} " + Environment.NewLine); js.Append("function " + jsUpdateRenderFunctionName + "() " + Environment.NewLine); js.Append("{ " + Environment.NewLine); js.Append(" var ImagePath = document.getElementById('" + formName + "ImagePath').value;" + Environment.NewLine); js.Append(" if (ImagePath == '') { " + Environment.NewLine); js.Append(" document.getElementById('" + ImageRenderAreaId + "').innerHTML = '<span style=\"margin: 10px; padding: 10px; background: #edff96; border: 1px solid #C00;\">no image is selected</span>';" + Environment.NewLine); js.Append(" } // if " + Environment.NewLine); js.Append(" else { " + Environment.NewLine); js.Append(" document.getElementById('" + ImageRenderAreaId + "').innerHTML = '<img src=\"" + CmsContext.ApplicationPath + "_system/tools/showThumb.aspx?file='+ImagePath+'&w=" + thumbWidth + "&h=" + thumbHeight + "&nocache='+((new Date()).getTime())+'\">';" + Environment.NewLine); js.Append(" } // else " + Environment.NewLine); js.Append(" document.getElementById('" + formName + "OpenEditorLink').href = '" + editUrl + "&SelImagePath='+ImagePath;" + Environment.NewLine); js.Append("} " + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); // add javascript to head section page.HeadSection.AddJSStatements(js.ToString()); page.HeadSection.AddJSOnReady(jsUpdateRenderFunctionName + "();"); writer.WriteLine(html.ToString()); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.QueryString["pageid"] != null) { PageID = Request.QueryString["pageid"]; } CmsPage page = BaseObject.GetById <CmsPage>(new Guid(PageID)); if (page == null) { throw new Exception("Geen pagina geladen met id: " + PageID); } //je kunt niet zien of een pagina in editmode zit, want zit in iframe //hierom kijken we of er een bitplateuser is ingelogd. //zo ja, dan wordt er geen check gedaan op site-autorisatie en of de pagina actief is. bool allowEdit = (SessionObject.CurrentBitplateUser != null); if (allowEdit) { if (!CheckBitplateAutorisation(page)) { throw new Exception("U heeft geen rechten om deze pagina te bewerken."); } } else { if (!CheckIfActive(page)) { throw new Exception("Deze pagina is momenteel niet actief."); } if (!CheckSiteAutorisation(page)) { throw new Exception("U heeft geen rechten op deze pagina."); } } if (Request.Form["hiddenIFramePost"] != null) { string id = Request.Form["hiddenModuleID"].ToString(); BaseModule module = BaseObject.GetById <BaseModule>(new Guid(id)); IPostableModule postableModule = module.ConvertToType() as IPostableModule; PostResult postResult = postableModule.HandlePost(page, CollectionsHelper.ConvertFormParametersToDictionary(Request.Form)); Response.Clear(); Response.Write(postResult.ToJsonString()); Response.Flush(); Response.End(); } if (Request.QueryString.AllKeys.Contains("mailing") && Request.QueryString["mailing"] != "") { Guid mailingId = Guid.Empty; Guid.TryParse(Request.QueryString["mailing"], out mailingId); if (mailingId != Guid.Empty) { RegisterMailingLink(mailingId, page); } } if (!IsPostBack) { //if (SessionObject.CurrentLicense != null && SessionObject.CurrentLicense.IsValid) //{ string pageHtml = page.Publish2(); Response.Write(pageHtml); //} //else //{ // Response.Write("<div style=\"width: 350px; padding-top: 150px; margin: auto; font-size: 24px; text-align: center;\">Uw bitplate licentie is ongeldig!!</div>"); //} } }
public override RevertToRevisionResult RevertToRevision(CmsPage oldPage, CmsPage currentPage, int[] identifiers, CmsLanguage language) { return(RevertToRevisionResult.NotImplemented); // this placeholder doesn't implement revisions }
private static void ShallowCopyProperties(CmsPage page, EditablePage editablePage) { var propertyItems = page.Property.Select(Mapper.Map<PropertyItem, PropertyItem>).ToList(); var propertyCollection = new PropertyCollection { Properties = propertyItems }; editablePage.Property = propertyCollection; }
public override void RenderInViewMode(HtmlTextWriter writer, CmsPage page, int identifier, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor, string[] paramList) { addHeaderEntry(page); JavascriptEvent[] dummy = new JavascriptEvent[] { }; JavascriptEvent[] jsEventArray = new JavascriptEvent[] { new JavascriptEvent(JavascriptEventName.onkeypress, "return numbersOnly(event);") }; string controlId = "registerProject_" + page.ID + "_" + identifier + "_" + langToRenderFor.shortCode; string msg = handleFormSubmit(langToRenderFor, controlId); if (msg != "") { writer.Write(msg); return; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(msg + EOL); sb.Append("<form class=\"registerProjectform\" method=\"get\">" + EOL); // string rpLangSubmitted = "registerProject_Lang"; // sb.Append(PageUtils.getHiddenInputHtml(rpLangSubmitted, rpLangSubmitted, "") + EOL); string rpFormAction = "registerProject_FormAction"; sb.Append(PageUtils.getHiddenInputHtml(rpFormAction, rpFormAction, "add") + EOL); string rpName = controlId + "_Name"; sb.Append("<label>" + EOL); sb.Append(getNameText(langToRenderFor) + " *" + EOL); sb.Append("</label>" + EOL); sb.Append(PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(rpName, rpName, "", 40, 60, "mandatoryField", dummy) + EOL); string rpLocation = controlId + "_Location"; sb.Append("<label>" + EOL); sb.Append(getLocationText(langToRenderFor) + " *" + EOL); sb.Append("</label>" + EOL); sb.Append(PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(rpLocation, rpLocation, "", 40, 60, "mandatoryField", dummy) + EOL); string rpDescription = controlId + "_Description"; sb.Append("<label>" + EOL); sb.Append(getDescriptionText(langToRenderFor) + " *" + EOL); sb.Append("</label>" + EOL); sb.Append(PageUtils.getTextAreaHtml(rpDescription, rpDescription, "", 60, 6, "mandatoryField") + EOL); string rpContactPerson = controlId + "_ContactPerson"; sb.Append("<label>" + EOL); sb.Append(getContactPersonText(langToRenderFor) + " *" + EOL); sb.Append("</label>" + EOL); sb.Append(PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(rpContactPerson, rpContactPerson, "", 40, 60, "mandatoryField", dummy) + EOL); string rpEmail = controlId + "_Email"; sb.Append("<label>" + EOL); sb.Append(getEmailText(langToRenderFor) + " *" + EOL); sb.Append("</label>" + EOL); sb.Append(PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(rpEmail, rpEmail, "", 40, 60, "mandatoryField", dummy) + EOL); string rpTelephone1 = controlId + "_TelephoneArea"; string rpTelephone2 = controlId + "_TelephoneNum"; string rpTelephone3 = controlId + "_TelephoneExt"; sb.Append("<label>" + EOL); sb.Append(getTelephoneText(langToRenderFor) + EOL); sb.Append("</label>" + EOL); sb.Append(PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(rpTelephone1, rpTelephone1, "", 4, 5, "", jsEventArray) + EOL); sb.Append(PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(rpTelephone2, rpTelephone2, "", 15, 15, "", jsEventArray) + EOL); sb.Append(PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(rpTelephone3, rpTelephone3, "", 4, 5, "", jsEventArray) + EOL); string rpCellphone1 = controlId + "_CellphoneArea"; string rpCellphone2 = controlId + "_cellphoneNum"; sb.Append("<label>" + EOL); sb.Append(getCellphoneText(langToRenderFor) + EOL); sb.Append("</label>" + EOL); sb.Append(PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(rpCellphone1, rpCellphone1, "", 4, 5, "", jsEventArray) + EOL); sb.Append(PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(rpCellphone2, rpCellphone2, "", 15, 15, "", jsEventArray) + EOL); string rpWebsite = controlId + "_Website"; sb.Append("<label>" + EOL); sb.Append(getWebsiteText(langToRenderFor) + EOL); sb.Append("</label>" + EOL); sb.Append(PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(rpWebsite, rpWebsite, "", 40, 60) + EOL); string rpFundingSource = controlId + "_FundingSource"; sb.Append("<label>" + EOL); sb.Append(getFundingSourceText(langToRenderFor) + EOL); sb.Append("</label>" + EOL); sb.Append(PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(rpFundingSource, rpFundingSource, "", 40, 60) + EOL); sb.Append("<p>" + EOL); // sb.Append("<input onclick=\"document.getElementById('" + rpLangSubmitted + "').value='" + langToRenderFor.shortCode + "';\" value=\"" + getSubmitButtonText(langToRenderFor) + "\" type=\"submit\" />" + EOL); sb.Append("<input value=\"" + getSubmitButtonText(langToRenderFor) + "\" type=\"submit\" />" + EOL); sb.Append("</p>" + EOL); sb.Append("<p>* " + getRequiredText(langToRenderFor) + "</p>" + EOL); sb.Append("</form>" + EOL); writer.Write(sb.ToString()); }
public void Save(CmsPage page) { base.Save(page); }
public override RevertToRevisionResult RevertToRevision(CmsPage oldPage, CmsPage currentPage, int[] identifiers, CmsLanguage language) { return(RevertToRevisionResult.NotImplemented); }
internal static EditablePage CreateEditablePage(CmsPage page) { var editablePage = Mapper.Map<CmsPage, EditablePage>(page); ShallowCopyProperties(page, editablePage); return editablePage; }
public static DataStore GetStore(CmsPage page) { return((DataStore)Activator.CreateInstance(DataStoreType, page)); }
public static void RedirectToController(CmsPage page, string actionName = "index", Dictionary<string, object> additionalRouteData = null) { RequestModule.RedirectToController(page, actionName, additionalRouteData); }
public PageSearchResults(CmsLanguage lang, CmsPage page) { Language = lang; Page = page; }
public void HandlePage(PageIndexItem page) { var cmsPage = new CmsPage(page, Language.CurrentLanguageId); RequestModule.RedirectToController(cmsPage); }
public void PreviewPage(CmsPage page) { var templateUrl = RequestModule.GetTemplateUrl(true, page.PageId, page.PageTypeId); RequestModule.RedirectToTemplate(templateUrl); }
public static MvcHtmlString PageLink(this HtmlHelper helper, CmsPage page, object htmlAttributes) { return PageLink(helper, null, page, htmlAttributes); }
public string getSummaryDisplayFilterForm(ContactPlaceholderData data, ContactData[] contacts, CmsPage page, int identifier) { if (!data.allowFilterByCategory && !data.allowFilterByCompany) { return(""); } string ControlId = "Contacts_" + page.ID.ToString() + "_" + identifier.ToString(); string[] allOrganizations = ContactData.getAllOrganizationNames(contacts); ContactDataCategory[] allCategories = ContactDataCategory.getAllContactCategories(); if (allOrganizations.Length < 1 && allCategories.Length < 1) { return(""); } StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(); int cbid = 0; html.Append("<div class=\"ContactsFilterForm\">"); string formId = ControlId + "filterContacts"; html.Append(page.getFormStartHtml(formId)); html.Append("<strong>Filter contacts</strong><br />"); if (data.allowFilterByCategory) { if (allCategories.Length > 1) { html.Append(" <em> by category:</em><br />"); int[] catsChecked = getCategoryIdsToDisplay(data); foreach (ContactDataCategory cat in allCategories) { bool check = (catsChecked.Length == 0 || (Array.IndexOf(catsChecked, cat.CategoryId) > -1)); string displayUrl = getContactSummaryDisplayUrl(page, new int[] { cat.CategoryId }, new string[0]); string display = cat.Title; // string link = " <a title=\"view only contacts in '" + cat.Title + "'\" href=\"" + displayUrl + "\">(view)</a>"; string cb = PageUtils.getCheckboxHtml(display, "contactCat", ControlId + "category" + cbid.ToString(), cat.CategoryId.ToString(), check); html.Append(cb + "<br />"); cbid++; } // foreach } } if (data.allowFilterByCompany) { if (allOrganizations.Length > 1) { html.Append(" <em> by organization:</em><br />"); string[] orgsChecked = getOrgNamesToDisplay(); foreach (string org in allOrganizations) { bool check = (orgsChecked.Length == 0 || (Array.IndexOf(orgsChecked, org) > -1)); string displayUrl = getContactSummaryDisplayUrl(page, new int[0], new string[] { org }); string display = org; // string link = " <a title=\"view only contacts belonging to '" + org + "'\" href=\"" + displayUrl + "\">(view)</a>"; string cb = PageUtils.getCheckboxHtml(display, "contactOrg", ControlId + "orgName" + cbid.ToString(), org, check); html.Append(cb + "<br />"); cbid++; } // foreach } } if (cbid > 0) { html.Append("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"filter\">"); string checkAllFnName = ControlId + "Check"; string checkNoneFnName = ControlId + "CheckNone"; StringBuilder js = new StringBuilder(); js.Append("function " + checkAllFnName + "() {" + Environment.NewLine); js.Append(" $('#" + formId + " input[type=checkbox]:not(:checked)' ).attr('checked', true);" + Environment.NewLine); js.Append("} " + Environment.NewLine); js.Append("function " + checkNoneFnName + "() {" + Environment.NewLine); js.Append(" $('#" + formId + " input[type=checkbox]:checked' ).attr('checked', false);" + Environment.NewLine); js.Append("} " + Environment.NewLine); page.HeadSection.AddJSStatements(js.ToString()); page.HeadSection.AddJavascriptFile(JavascriptGroup.Library, "js/_system/jquery/jquery-1.4.1.min.js"); html.Append("<br>Check: <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"" + checkAllFnName + "(); return false;\">all</a> | <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"" + checkNoneFnName + "(); return false;\">none</a>"); } html.Append(page.getFormCloseHtml(formId)); html.Append("</div>"); return(html.ToString()); }
public static string PageUrl(this UrlHelper helper, CmsPage page) { var context = helper.RequestContext.HttpContext; return Utils.GetBaseUrl(context.Request.ApplicationPath, context.Request.Url, false) + helper.Action("Content", "Home", new {area = "", id = page.Id, name = page.Alias}); }
public void HandlePage(CmsPage page) { RequestModule.RedirectToController(page); }
internal static EditablePage CreateEditableChildPage(CmsPage page, int pageTypeId) { var pageType = PageType.GetPageType(pageTypeId); if (pageType == null) { var exception = new Exception(string.Format("Pagetype with id '{0}' not found!", pageTypeId)); Logger.Write(exception, Logger.Severity.Critical); throw exception; } var editablePage = new EditablePage { PageId = Guid.NewGuid(), PageTypeId = pageTypeId, ParentId = page.PageId, LanguageId = page.LanguageId, CurrentVersion = 1, ChildSortDirection = pageType.DefaultChildSortDirection, ChildSortOrder = pageType.DefaultChildSortOrder }; if (page.PageId == SiteSettings.RootPage) { editablePage.RootId = editablePage.PageId; editablePage.TreeLevel = 0; } else { editablePage.RootId = page.RootId; editablePage.TreeLevel = page.TreeLevel + 1; } return editablePage; }
public static bool isContactsPage(CmsPage page) { return(StringUtils.IndexOf(page.getAllPlaceholderNames(), "Contacts", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) > -1); }
private CmsPage GetCurrentPage() { return (_currentPage = ((PageTemplate) Page).CurrentPage); }
public override void RenderInEditMode(HtmlTextWriter writer, CmsPage page, int identifier, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor, string[] paramList) { string ControlId = "Contacts_" + page.ID.ToString() + "_" + identifier.ToString() + langToRenderFor.shortCode; ContactsDb db = new ContactsDb(); ContactPlaceholderData data = new ContactPlaceholderData(); data = db.getContactPlaceholderData(page, identifier, true); string action = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "_action", ""); if (String.Compare(action, "saveNewValues", true) == 0) { data.numColumnsToShow = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "numColumnsToShow", data.numColumnsToShow); data.forceFilterToCategoryId = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "forceFilterToCategoryId", data.forceFilterToCategoryId); data.nameDisplayMode = (ContactPlaceholderData.ContactNameDisplayMode)PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "nameDisplayMode", typeof(ContactPlaceholderData.ContactNameDisplayMode), data.nameDisplayMode); data.allowFilterByCategory = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "allowFilterByCategory", false); data.allowFilterByCompany = PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "allowFilterByCompany", false); data.accessLevelToAddContacts = (BaseCmsPlaceholder.AccessLevel)PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "accessLevelToAddContacts", typeof(BaseCmsPlaceholder.AccessLevel), data.accessLevelToAddContacts); data.accessLevelToEditContacts = (BaseCmsPlaceholder.AccessLevel)PageUtils.getFromForm(ControlId + "accessLevelToEditContacts", typeof(BaseCmsPlaceholder.AccessLevel), data.accessLevelToEditContacts); db.saveUpdatedContactPlaceholderData(page, identifier, data); } StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(); html.Append("Contacts Display Configuration:"); html.Append("<table>"); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Force Category filter to display: </td>"); html.Append("<td>"); ContactDataCategory[] allCats = ContactDataCategory.getAllContactCategories(); NameValueCollection options = new NameValueCollection(); options.Add("-1", "do not force category to filter"); foreach (ContactDataCategory cat in allCats) { options.Add(cat.CategoryId.ToString(), cat.Title); } // foreach html.Append(PageUtils.getDropDownHtml(ControlId + "forceFilterToCategoryId", ControlId + "forceFilterToCategoryId", options, data.forceFilterToCategoryId.ToString())); html.Append("</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Allow filter by: </td>"); html.Append("<td>"); html.Append(PageUtils.getCheckboxHtml("Category", ControlId + "allowFilterByCategory", ControlId + "allowFilterByCategory", true.ToString(), data.allowFilterByCompany)); html.Append("<br>"); html.Append(PageUtils.getCheckboxHtml("Company Name", ControlId + "allowFilterByCompany", ControlId + "allowFilterByCompany", true.ToString(), data.allowFilterByCompany)); html.Append("</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Number of columns: </td>"); html.Append("<td>"); html.Append(PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(ControlId + "numColumnsToShow", ControlId + "numColumnsToShow", data.numColumnsToShow.ToString(), 3, 5)); html.Append("</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); html.Append("<tr>"); html.Append("<td>Name display format: </td>"); html.Append("<td>"); html.Append(PageUtils.getDropDownHtml(ControlId + "nameDisplayMode", ControlId + "nameDisplayMode", Enum.GetNames(typeof(ContactPlaceholderData.ContactNameDisplayMode)), Enum.GetName(typeof(ContactPlaceholderData.ContactNameDisplayMode), data.nameDisplayMode))); html.Append("</td>"); html.Append("</tr>"); // -- deprecated items PageUtils.getHiddenInputHtml(ControlId + "accessLevelToAddContacts", Enum.GetName(typeof(BaseCmsPlaceholder.AccessLevel), BaseCmsPlaceholder.AccessLevel.CmsAuthor)); PageUtils.getHiddenInputHtml(ControlId + "accessLevelToEditContacts", Enum.GetName(typeof(BaseCmsPlaceholder.AccessLevel), BaseCmsPlaceholder.AccessLevel.CmsAuthor)); html.Append("</table>"); html.Append(PageUtils.getHiddenInputHtml(ControlId + "_action", "saveNewValues")); writer.Write(html.ToString()); } // RenderEditSummary
protected void RegisterPartials() { Handle.GET("/content/partials/cms", () => { CmsPage page = new CmsPage(); page.RefreshData(); return page; }); Handle.GET("/content/partials/cms/item/{?}", (string key) => { CmsItemPage page = new CmsItemPage(); page.Item.Data = DbHelper.FromID(DbHelper.Base64DecodeObjectID(key)) as WebContent; return page; }); Handle.GET("/content/partials/deny", () => { return new Page() { Html = "/Content/viewmodels/DenyPage.html" }; }); }
} // RenderViewSummary private string getSummaryDisplay(ContactPlaceholderData data, ContactData[] contacts, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor, CmsPage page) { StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(); if (contacts.Length < 1) { html.Append("<p><em>there are no contacts to display</em></p>"); } else { html.Append("<table class=\"ContactsSummaryList\"><tr>"); int numContactsPerCol = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((double)contacts.Length / (double)data.numColumnsToShow)); if (numContactsPerCol == 1 && (contacts.Length > data.numColumnsToShow)) { numContactsPerCol++; } if (numContactsPerCol < 1) { numContactsPerCol = contacts.Length; } bool internalTableStarted = false; for (int contactCount = 0; contactCount < contacts.Length; contactCount++) { if ((contactCount % numContactsPerCol) == 0) { if (internalTableStarted) { html.Append("</table></td>"); } html.Append("<td valign=\"top\"><table>"); internalTableStarted = true; } ContactData contact = contacts[contactCount]; string detailsUrl = getContactDetailsDisplayUrl(contact, page); html.Append("<tr><td class=\"ContactInformationDisplay\">"); html.Append("<strong><a href=\"" + detailsUrl + "\">" + getNameDisplayOutput(data, contact) + "</a></strong>"); string details = getContactDetailsSummaryDisplay(contact); if (details != "") { html.Append("<br />" + details); } html.Append("</td></tr>"); } // foreach if (internalTableStarted) { html.Append("</table></td>"); } html.Append("</tr></table>"); } return(html.ToString()); }