public static bool Cmp(CmpType cmp, int lv, int rv) { switch (cmp) { case { return(lv < rv); } case CmpType.le: { return(lv <= rv); } case CmpType.eq: { return(lv == rv); } case { return(lv >= rv); } case { return(lv > rv); } } return(false); }
public static bool Cmp(CmpType cmp, int lv, int rv) { switch (cmp) { case { return lv < rv; } case CmpType.le: { return lv <= rv; } case CmpType.eq: { return lv == rv; } case { return lv >= rv; } case { return lv > rv; } } return false; }
public void SetParams(int intA, int intB) { type = CmpType.Int; this.intA = intA; this.intB = intB; strA = strB = null; floatA = floatB = 0f; }
public void SetParams(float floatA, float floatB) { type = CmpType.Float; this.floatA = floatA; this.floatB = floatB; strA = strB = null; intA = intB = 0; }
public CmpEnemyNum(CmpType cmp, int num) { _cmp = cmp; _num = num; }
public CmpTeammateNum(CmpType cmp, int num) { _cmp = cmp; _num = num; }
public CmpEnemyHP(CmpType cmp, int percent) { _cmp = cmp; _percent = percent; }
public CmpSelfHP(CmpType cmp, int percent) { _cmp = cmp; _percent = percent; }
public CmpRate(CmpType cmp, int rate) { _cmp = cmp; _rate = rate; }
private Image <Gray, byte> CreateMaskOfOverInappropriateColorProportions(Image <Gray, byte> grayImage, Image <Bgr, byte> image, double tone, BgrColor color, CmpType cmpType, double margin) { double interval = 0; float count = (image?.CountNonzero()[(int)color]) ?? 1; float nonZeroCount; Image <Gray, byte> resultMask = grayImage.CopyBlank(); switch (cmpType) { case CmpType.LessThan: { interval = Math.Round((1 - margin) * tone, 3); } break; case CmpType.GreaterThan: { interval = Math.Round((1 + margin) * tone, 3); } break; default: { interval = tone; } break; } using (Image <Gray, byte> model = grayImage.Mul(interval * 3.0)) { using (Image <Gray, byte> cmpImage = _image[(int)color].Cmp(model[0], cmpType)) { using (Image <Gray, byte> disColorMask = cmpImage.ThresholdBinary(new Gray(1), new Gray(255))) { Mat kernel = CvInvoke.GetStructuringElement(ElementShape.Ellipse, new Size(3, 3), new Point(-1, -1)); CvInvoke.MorphologyEx(disColorMask, resultMask, MorphOp.Open, kernel, new Point(-1, -1), 1, BorderType.Replicate, new MCvScalar(1.0)); nonZeroCount = resultMask[0]?.CountNonzero()[0] ?? 0; } } } if (nonZeroCount / count > 0.20 && margin < 1.0) { margin += 0.05; return(CreateMaskOfOverInappropriateColorProportions(grayImage, image, tone, color, cmpType, margin)); } else { return(resultMask); } }
public CmpTargetDistance(CmpType cmp, int distance) { _cmp = cmp; _distance = distance; }
public CmpLastSkillCoord(CmpType cmp, int distance) { _cmp = cmp; _distance = distance; }
public CmpSkillUseCount(int skillId, CmpType cmp, int useCount) { _skillId = skillId; _cmp = cmp; _useCount = useCount; }
private void RepairColor(ref Image <Bgr, byte> cleanedImage, Image <Gray, byte> grayImage, Image <Gray, byte> generalImageMask, BgrColor bgrColor, double colorTone, CmpType cmpType) { using (Image <Gray, byte> defectsMask = CreateMaskOfOverInappropriateColorProportions(grayImage, cleanedImage /*_image*/, colorTone, bgrColor, cmpType, _margin)) { using (Image <Gray, byte> repairMask = generalImageMask.Mul(defectsMask)) { Image <Bgr, byte> cleanedPatchImage = cleanedImage.CopyBlank(); cleanedPatchImage[0] = cleanedImage[(int)bgrColor].Mul(BlueTone * 3); cleanedPatchImage[1] = cleanedImage[(int)bgrColor].Mul(GreenTone * 3); cleanedPatchImage[2] = cleanedImage[(int)bgrColor].Mul(RedTone * 3); cleanedImage = MorphologicalProcessing.CombineTwoImages(cleanedImage, cleanedPatchImage, repairMask); } } }
/// <summary> /// Moves to the next item in the current scope (skips over subitems of the current item). Returns /// false if there are no more items in the current scope. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if an item is selected after the operation.</returns> public bool NextItem() { // If we are currently pointing at the beginning of a group, we need to skip past it. if (currentItemType == CmpType.Group) { // Do this by opening (half-assedly) the group, then closing it cursorPos++; currentLevel++; CloseItem(); } // Selection will be empty unless we find something UnselectItem(); // Grab item name. If we didn't find an item name, set itemSelected to false. SkipWhitespace(); if (cursorPos < document.Length) { currentItemName = GrabIdentifier(); } itemSelected = currentItemName != null; if (itemSelected) { SkipWhitespace(); // Move to value if (cursorPos >= document.Length) { throw new CmpDocumentException("Item does not have a value."); } if (document[cursorPos] == '"') { // string cursorPos++; var startOfString = cursorPos; SkipPastString(); var strLen = cursorPos - startOfString - 1; currentItemValue = document.Substring(startOfString, strLen); currentItemType = CmpType.String; } else if (document[cursorPos] == '(') { // Group currentItemType = CmpType.Group; } else { // Unquoted string ("Literal") var value = GrabLiteral(); if (value == null) { throw new CmpDocumentException("Item does not have a value."); } currentItemValue = value; currentItemType = CmpType.Literal; } } else { // If we didn't find an item, one of the following is true // - We are at the end of a group (a closing paren must be present) // - We are at the end of the document (cursor points past last char) // - There is a syntax error if (cursorPos < document.Length) { if (document[cursorPos] != ')') { throw new CmpDocumentException("Unexpected text in document at position " + cursorPos.ToString()); } } else { // If we reached the end of the document and there is a group that wasn't closed, that's an error if (currentLevel > 0) { ErrEndOfDoc(); } } } return(itemSelected); }
private void UnselectItem() { currentItemName = currentItemValue = null; currentItemType = CmpType.None; itemSelected = false; }
public void SetType(CmpType type) { this.type = type; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="isFirst">是否第一个查询条件,如果true,则忽略CompositeType</param> /// <returns></returns> public string Parse(bool isFirst = false) { //条件模板:and/or ag.gp_name like '%asdfasd%' string sql = string.Format(" {0} {1} ", (isFirst || CmpType == CompositeType.None) ? "" : CmpType.ToString(), Field); switch (ConditionType) { //字符串 case ConditionType.Contain: sql += string.Format("{0} like '%{1}%'", Not ? "not" : "", (string)Value); break; case ConditionType.StartWith: sql += string.Format("{0} like '{1}%'", Not ? "not" : "", (string)Value); break; case ConditionType.EndWith: sql += string.Format("{0} like '%{1}'", Not ? "not" : "", (string)Value); break; case ConditionType.GreaterThan: sql += ParseNumberAndDateTime(ConditionType.GreaterThan); break; case ConditionType.GreaterOrEqual: sql += ParseNumberAndDateTime(ConditionType.GreaterOrEqual); break; case ConditionType.LessThan: sql += ParseNumberAndDateTime(ConditionType.LessThan); break; case ConditionType.LessOrEqual: sql += ParseNumberAndDateTime(ConditionType.LessOrEqual); break; case ConditionType.Equal: sql += string.Format("{0} {1}", Not ? "<>" : "=", FieldType == FieldType.Number ? (string)Value : ("'" + (string)Value + "'")); break; case ConditionType.In: sql += ParseIn(); break; case ConditionType.IsEmpty: sql += string.Format("is {0} null", Not ? "not" : ""); break; case ConditionType.Between: sql += ParseBetween(); break; } return(sql); }