Beispiel #1
        int TransformedPointContents(ref idVec3 p, CmHandle model, ref idVec3 origin, ref idMat3 modelAxis)
            // subtract origin offset
            idVec3 p_l = p - origin;

            if (modelAxis.IsRotated())
                p_l *= modelAxis;
            return(PointContents(p_l, model));
 public int Contacts(ContactInfo contacts, int maxContacts, ref idVec3 start, ref idVec6 dir, float depth, idTraceModel trm, ref idMat3 trmAxis, int contentMask, CmHandle model, ref idVec3 origin, ref idMat3 modelAxis)
     // same as Translation but instead of storing the first collision we store all collisions as contacts
     this.getContacts = true;
     this.contacts = contacts;
     this.maxContacts = maxContacts;
     this.numContacts = 0;
     idVec3 end = start + dir.SubVec3(0) * depth;
     Trace results;
     Translation(out results, start, end, trm, trmAxis, contentMask, model, origin, modelAxis);
     if (dir.SubVec3(1).LengthSqr() != 0.0f)
         // FIXME: rotational contacts 
     this.getContacts = false;
     this.maxContacts = 0;
     return this.numContacts;
Beispiel #3
        int PointContents(idVec3 p, CmHandle model)
            int  i;
            Node node = PointNode(p, this.models[(int)model]);

            for (BrushRef bref = node.brushes; bref != null; bref =
                Brush b = bref.b;
                // test if the point is within the brush bounds
                for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    if (p[i] < b.bounds[0][i])
                    if (p[i] > b.bounds[1][i])
                if (i < 3)
                // test if the point is inside the brush
                idPlane plane = b.planes;
                for (i = 0; i < b.numPlanes; i++, plane++)
                    float d = plane.Distance(p);
                    if (d >= 0)
                if (i >= b.numPlanes)
 int Contents(ref idVec3 start, idTraceModel trm, ref idMat3 trmAxis, int contentMask, CmHandle model, ref idVec3 modelOrigin, ref idMat3 modelAxis)
     if (model < 0 || model > this.maxModels || model > MAX_SUBMODELS)
         common.Printf("CollisionModelManager::Contents: invalid model handle\n");
         return 0;
     if (this.models == null || this.models[model] == null)
         common.Printf("CollisionModelManager::Contents: invalid model\n");
         return 0;
     Trace results;
     return ContentsTrm(out results, start, trm, trmAxis, contentMask, model, modelOrigin, modelAxis);
        int ContentsTrm(Trace results, ref idVec3 start, idTraceModel trm, ref idMat3 trmAxis, int contentMask, CmHandle model, ref idVec3 modelOrigin, ref idMat3 modelAxis)
            // fast point case
            if (!trm || (trm.bounds[1][0] - trm.bounds[0][0] <= 0.0f &&
                            trm.bounds[1][1] - trm.bounds[0][1] <= 0.0f &&
                            trm.bounds[1][2] - trm.bounds[0][2] <= 0.0f))
                results.c.contents = TransformedPointContents(start, model, modelOrigin, modelAxis);
                results.fraction = (results.c.contents == 0);
                results.endpos = start;
                results.endAxis = trmAxis;
                return results.c.contents;


            TraceWork tw = new TraceWork();
            tw.trace.fraction = 1.0f;
            tw.trace.c.contents = 0;
            tw.trace.c.type = ContactType.CONTACT_NONE;
            tw.contents = contentMask;
            tw.isConvex = true;
            tw.rotation = false;
            tw.positionTest = true;
            tw.pointTrace = false;
            tw.quickExit = false;
            tw.numContacts = 0;
            tw.model = this.models[(int)model];
            tw.start = start - modelOrigin;
            tw.end = tw.start;

            bool model_rotated = modelAxis.IsRotated();
            if (model_rotated)
                invModelAxis = modelAxis.Transpose();

            // setup trm structure
            SetupTrm(ref tw, trm);

            bool trm_rotated = trmAxis.IsRotated();

            // calculate vertex positions
            if (trm_rotated)
                for (int i = 0; i < tw.numVerts; i++)
                    // rotate trm around the start position
                    tw.vertices[i].p *= trmAxis;
            for (int i = 0; i < tw.numVerts; i++)
                // set trm at start position
                tw.vertices[i].p += tw.start;
            if (model_rotated)
                for (int i = 0; i < tw.numVerts; i++)
                    // rotate trm around model instead of rotating the model
                    tw.vertices[i].p *= invModelAxis;

            // add offset to start point
            if (trm_rotated)
                idVec3 dir = trm->offset * trmAxis;
                tw.start += dir;
                tw.end += dir;
                tw.start += trm->offset;
                tw.end += trm->offset;
            if (model_rotated)
                // rotate trace instead of model
                tw.start *= invModelAxis;
                tw.end *= invModelAxis;

            // setup trm vertices
            for (int i = 0; i < tw.numVerts; i++)
                // get axial trm size after rotations
                tw.size.AddPoint(tw.vertices[i].p - tw.start);

            // setup trm edges
            for (int i = 1; i <= tw.numEdges; i++)
                // edge start, end and pluecker coordinate
                tw.edges[i].start = tw.vertices[tw.edges[i].vertexNum[0]].p;
                tw.edges[i].end = tw.vertices[tw.edges[i].vertexNum[1]].p;
                tw.edges[i].pl.FromLine(tw.edges[i].start, tw.edges[i].end);

            // setup trm polygons
            if (trm_rotated & model_rotated)
                idMat3 tmpAxis = trmAxis * invModelAxis;
                for (int i = 0; i < tw.numPolys; i++)
                    tw.polys[i].plane *= tmpAxis;
            else if (trm_rotated)
                for (int i = 0; i < tw.numPolys; i++)
                    tw.polys[i].plane *= trmAxis;
            else if (model_rotated)
                for (int i = 0; i < tw.numPolys; i++)
                    tw.polys[i].plane *= invModelAxis;
            for (int i = 0; i < tw.numPolys; i++)

            // bounds for full trace, a little bit larger for epsilons
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if (tw.start[i] < tw.end[i])
                    tw.bounds[0][i] = tw.start[i] + tw.size[0][i] - CM_BOX_EPSILON;
                    tw.bounds[1][i] = tw.end[i] + tw.size[1][i] + CM_BOX_EPSILON;
                    tw.bounds[0][i] = tw.end[i] + tw.size[0][i] - CM_BOX_EPSILON;
                    tw.bounds[1][i] = tw.start[i] + tw.size[1][i] + CM_BOX_EPSILON;
                if (idMath.Fabs(tw.size[0][i]) > idMath.Fabs(tw.size[1][i]))
                    tw.extents[i] = idMath.Fabs(tw.size[0][i]) + CM_BOX_EPSILON;
                    tw.extents[i] = idMath.Fabs(tw.size[1][i]) + CM_BOX_EPSILON;

            // trace through the model
            TraceThroughModel(ref tw);

            results = tw.trace;
            results.fraction = (results.c.contents == 0);
            results.endpos = start;
            results.endAxis = trmAxis;
            return results.c.contents;
 int TransformedPointContents(ref idVec3 p, CmHandle model, ref idVec3 origin, ref idMat3 modelAxis)
     // subtract origin offset
     idVec3 p_l = p - origin;
     if (modelAxis.IsRotated())
         p_l *= modelAxis;
     return PointContents(p_l, model);
 int PointContents(idVec3 p, CmHandle model)
     int i;
     Node node = PointNode(p, this.models[(int)model]);
     for (BrushRef bref = node.brushes; bref != null; bref =
         Brush b = bref.b;
         // test if the point is within the brush bounds
         for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
             if (p[i] < b.bounds[0][i])
             if (p[i] > b.bounds[1][i])
         if (i < 3)
         // test if the point is inside the brush
         idPlane plane = b.planes;
         for (i = 0; i < b.numPlanes; i++, plane++)
             float d = plane.Distance(p);
             if (d >= 0)
         if (i >= b.numPlanes)
             return b.contents;
     return 0;
Beispiel #8
        int Contents(ref idVec3 start, idTraceModel trm, ref idMat3 trmAxis, int contentMask, CmHandle model, ref idVec3 modelOrigin, ref idMat3 modelAxis)
            if (model < 0 || model > this.maxModels || model > MAX_SUBMODELS)
                common.Printf("CollisionModelManager::Contents: invalid model handle\n");
            if (this.models == null || this.models[model] == null)
                common.Printf("CollisionModelManager::Contents: invalid model\n");
            Trace results;

            return(ContentsTrm(out results, start, trm, trmAxis, contentMask, model, modelOrigin, modelAxis));
Beispiel #9
        int ContentsTrm(Trace results, ref idVec3 start, idTraceModel trm, ref idMat3 trmAxis, int contentMask, CmHandle model, ref idVec3 modelOrigin, ref idMat3 modelAxis)
            // fast point case
            if (!trm || (trm.bounds[1][0] - trm.bounds[0][0] <= 0.0f &&
                         trm.bounds[1][1] - trm.bounds[0][1] <= 0.0f &&
                         trm.bounds[1][2] - trm.bounds[0][2] <= 0.0f))
                results.c.contents = TransformedPointContents(start, model, modelOrigin, modelAxis);
                results.fraction   = (results.c.contents == 0);
                results.endpos     = start;
                results.endAxis    = trmAxis;


            TraceWork tw = new TraceWork();

            tw.trace.fraction   = 1.0f;
            tw.trace.c.contents = 0;
            tw.trace.c.type     = ContactType.CONTACT_NONE;
            tw.contents         = contentMask;
            tw.isConvex         = true;
            tw.rotation         = false;
            tw.positionTest     = true;
            tw.pointTrace       = false;
            tw.quickExit        = false;
            tw.numContacts      = 0;
            tw.model            = this.models[(int)model];
            tw.start            = start - modelOrigin;
            tw.end = tw.start;

            bool model_rotated = modelAxis.IsRotated();

            if (model_rotated)
                invModelAxis = modelAxis.Transpose();

            // setup trm structure
            SetupTrm(ref tw, trm);

            bool trm_rotated = trmAxis.IsRotated();

            // calculate vertex positions
            if (trm_rotated)
                for (int i = 0; i < tw.numVerts; i++)
                    // rotate trm around the start position
                    tw.vertices[i].p *= trmAxis;
            for (int i = 0; i < tw.numVerts; i++)
                // set trm at start position
                tw.vertices[i].p += tw.start;
            if (model_rotated)
                for (int i = 0; i < tw.numVerts; i++)
                    // rotate trm around model instead of rotating the model
                    tw.vertices[i].p *= invModelAxis;

            // add offset to start point
            if (trm_rotated)
                idVec3 dir = trm->offset * trmAxis;
                tw.start += dir;
                tw.end   += dir;
                tw.start += trm->offset;
                tw.end   += trm->offset;
            if (model_rotated)
                // rotate trace instead of model
                tw.start *= invModelAxis;
                tw.end   *= invModelAxis;

            // setup trm vertices
            for (int i = 0; i < tw.numVerts; i++)
                // get axial trm size after rotations
                tw.size.AddPoint(tw.vertices[i].p - tw.start);

            // setup trm edges
            for (int i = 1; i <= tw.numEdges; i++)
                // edge start, end and pluecker coordinate
                tw.edges[i].start = tw.vertices[tw.edges[i].vertexNum[0]].p;
                tw.edges[i].end   = tw.vertices[tw.edges[i].vertexNum[1]].p;
                tw.edges[i].pl.FromLine(tw.edges[i].start, tw.edges[i].end);

            // setup trm polygons
            if (trm_rotated & model_rotated)
                idMat3 tmpAxis = trmAxis * invModelAxis;
                for (int i = 0; i < tw.numPolys; i++)
                    tw.polys[i].plane *= tmpAxis;
            else if (trm_rotated)
                for (int i = 0; i < tw.numPolys; i++)
                    tw.polys[i].plane *= trmAxis;
            else if (model_rotated)
                for (int i = 0; i < tw.numPolys; i++)
                    tw.polys[i].plane *= invModelAxis;
            for (int i = 0; i < tw.numPolys; i++)

            // bounds for full trace, a little bit larger for epsilons
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if (tw.start[i] < tw.end[i])
                    tw.bounds[0][i] = tw.start[i] + tw.size[0][i] - CM_BOX_EPSILON;
                    tw.bounds[1][i] = tw.end[i] + tw.size[1][i] + CM_BOX_EPSILON;
                    tw.bounds[0][i] = tw.end[i] + tw.size[0][i] - CM_BOX_EPSILON;
                    tw.bounds[1][i] = tw.start[i] + tw.size[1][i] + CM_BOX_EPSILON;
                if (idMath.Fabs(tw.size[0][i]) > idMath.Fabs(tw.size[1][i]))
                    tw.extents[i] = idMath.Fabs(tw.size[0][i]) + CM_BOX_EPSILON;
                    tw.extents[i] = idMath.Fabs(tw.size[1][i]) + CM_BOX_EPSILON;

            // trace through the model
            TraceThroughModel(ref tw);

            results          = tw.trace;
            results.fraction = (results.c.contents == 0);
            results.endpos   = start;
            results.endAxis  = trmAxis;
        public int Contacts(ContactInfo contacts, int maxContacts, ref idVec3 start, ref idVec6 dir, float depth, idTraceModel trm, ref idMat3 trmAxis, int contentMask, CmHandle model, ref idVec3 origin, ref idMat3 modelAxis)
            // same as Translation but instead of storing the first collision we store all collisions as contacts
            this.getContacts = true;
            this.contacts    = contacts;
            this.maxContacts = maxContacts;
            this.numContacts = 0;
            idVec3 end = start + dir.SubVec3(0) * depth;
            Trace  results;

            Translation(out results, start, end, trm, trmAxis, contentMask, model, origin, modelAxis);
            if (dir.SubVec3(1).LengthSqr() != 0.0f)
                // FIXME: rotational contacts
            this.getContacts = false;
            this.maxContacts = 0;