public Hashtable GetTransationsTop(Hashtable htLcoAllParams2, string username2, string catid2, string operator_id2)
            string whereString    = "";
            string lcd            = htLcoAllParams2["lcd"].ToString();
            string lnm            = htLcoAllParams2["lnm"].ToString();
            string txtsear        = htLcoAllParams2["txtsear"].ToString();
            string searchParamStr = "";

            if (lcd == "0")
                whereString += "  UPPER(lcocode) LIKE UPPER('" + txtsear.ToString().Trim() + "') ";
            if (lnm == "1")
                whereString += "   UPPER(lconame) LIKE UPPER('" + txtsear.ToString().Trim() + "') ";
            //if (catid2 == "2")
            //    whereString += "  and PARENTID= '" + operator_id2 + "' ";
            //else if (catid2 == "5")
            //    whereString += "  and DISTID= '" + operator_id2 + "' ";
            //else if (catid2 == "3")
            whereString += "  and OPERID= '" + operator_id2 + "' ";
            //else if (catid2 == "10")
            //    whereString += "  and hoid= '" + operator_id2 + "' ";

            Cls_Data_RptLcoAll objDataRptLcoAll = new Cls_Data_RptLcoAll();
            Hashtable          htResponse       = new Hashtable();

            htResponse.Add("htResponse2", objDataRptLcoAll.GetTransationsTopDets(whereString, username2));
            htResponse.Add("ParamStr2", searchParamStr);
        public Hashtable GetTransationsLastF(Hashtable htLcoAllParams1, string username1, string catid1, string operator_id1)
            string whereString    = "";
            string lcd            = htLcoAllParams1["lcd"].ToString();
            string lnm            = htLcoAllParams1["lnm"].ToString();
            string txtsear        = htLcoAllParams1["txtsear"].ToString();
            string searchParamStr = "";

            if (lcd == "0")
                whereString += "  UPPER(lcocode) LIKE UPPER('" + txtsear.ToString().Trim() + "') ";
            if (lnm == "1")
                whereString += "   UPPER(lconame) LIKE UPPER('" + txtsear.ToString().Trim() + "') ";
            if (catid1 == "2")
                whereString += "  and PARENTID= '" + operator_id1 + "' ";
            else if (catid1 == "5")
                whereString += "  and DISTID= '" + operator_id1 + "' ";
            else if (catid1 == "3")
                whereString += "  and OPERID= '" + operator_id1 + "' ";
            else if (catid1 == "10")
                whereString += "  and hoid= '" + operator_id1 + "' ";

            Cls_Data_RptLcoAll objDataRptLcoAll = new Cls_Data_RptLcoAll();
            Hashtable          htResponse       = new Hashtable();

            htResponse.Add("htResponse1", objDataRptLcoAll.GetTransationsLastFDets(whereString, username1));
            htResponse.Add("ParamStr1", searchParamStr);
        public DataTable GetLedgerData(string _lcoid, string username, string catid, string operator_id)
            string whereString = "";
            string from        = DateTime.Today.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");
            string to          = DateTime.Today.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");
            string lcoid       = _lcoid;

            if (from != null && from != "")
                whereString += "  dt >=  '" + from + "' ";
            if (to != null && to != "")
                whereString += " and dt <=  '" + to + "' ";
            if (lcoid != null && lcoid != "")
                whereString += " and lcoid =  '" + lcoid + "' ";
            //if (catid == "2")
            //    whereString += "  and PARENTID= '" + operator_id + "' ";
            //else if (catid == "5")
            //    whereString += "  and DISTID= '" + operator_id + "' ";
            //else if (catid == "3")
            whereString += "  and OPERID= '" + operator_id + "' ";
            //else if (catid == "10")
            //    whereString += "  and hoid= '" + operator_id + "' ";

            Cls_Data_RptLcoAll objDataRptAddPlan = new Cls_Data_RptLcoAll();

            return(objDataRptAddPlan.GetPartyLedger(whereString, username));
        public DataTable GetLedgerDet(string _lcoid, string username2)
            string whereString = "";
            string from        = DateTime.Today.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");
            string to          = DateTime.Today.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");
            string lcoid       = _lcoid;

            if (from != null && from != "")
                whereString += "  dt >=  '" + from + "' ";
            if (to != null && to != "")
                whereString += " and dt <=  '" + to + "' ";
            if (lcoid != null && lcoid != "")
                whereString += " and lcoid =  '" + lcoid + "' ";
            Cls_Data_RptLcoAll objDataRptAddPlan = new Cls_Data_RptLcoAll();

            return(objDataRptAddPlan.GetPartyLedgerDet(whereString, username2));
        public DataTable GetUserDet(string username, string catid, string operid)
            Cls_Data_RptLcoAll objDataRptAddPlan = new Cls_Data_RptLcoAll();

            return(objDataRptAddPlan.GetUserDet(username, operid));
        public string[] getLcoDataById(string username, string operid)
            Cls_Data_RptLcoAll obj = new Cls_Data_RptLcoAll();

            return(obj.GetLcoDataById(username, operid));
        public string[] getLcoDatadetails(string username, string LcoName, string type, string operid, string catid)
            Cls_Data_RptLcoAll obj = new Cls_Data_RptLcoAll();

            return(obj.GetLcoDetails(username, LcoName, type, operid, catid));