public App()
            //Validate configuration on AppSettings.cs has been changed
            if (AppSettings.account.StartsWith("your-cloudant") || AppSettings.username.StartsWith("your-cloudant") || AppSettings.password.StartsWith("your-cloudant"))
                MainPage = new ConfigErrorPage("To run this sample, you must first modify AppSettings.cs to provide your Cloudant account.");
                    CloudantClient client = new CloudantClientBuilder(AppSettings.account)
                        username = AppSettings.username,
                        password = AppSettings.password

                    MainPage = new HomePage(client);
                catch (Exception e)
                    MainPage = new ConfigErrorPage("Unable to create a CloudantClient. One or more account parameter in AppSettings.cs is incorrect. " + e.Message);
        public void BuilderStripsUserNameAndPassword()
            var builder = new CloudantClientBuilder(new Uri("https://*****:*****"));

            Assert.AreEqual("username", builder.username);
            Assert.AreEqual("password", builder.password);
            Assert.AreEqual(new Uri(""), builder.accountUri);
        public void TestClientCreationValidAccount()
            //Test CloudantClient creation with valid accountUri
            CloudantClient testClient = null;
            Uri            validUri   = new Uri(string.Format("https://{0}", TestConstants.account));

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() =>
                                testClient = new CloudantClientBuilder(validUri).GetResult(),
                                "Test failed while instantiationg a CloudantClient using a valid uri.");
            Assert.IsNotNull(testClient, "Test failed because client object must not be null after it has been built with a valid uri.");
        public void TestGreenPath()
            //Test CloudantClient creation with valid parms.
            CloudantClient testClient = null;

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() =>
                                testClient = new CloudantClientBuilder(TestConstants.account)
                username = TestConstants.username,
                password = TestConstants.password
                                "Test failed while instantiationg a CloudantClient using valid parameters.");
            Assert.IsNotNull(testClient, "Test failed because client object must not be null after it has been built with valid parms.");
        public void BuilderPassesThroughURIWithNoCreds()
            var builder = new CloudantClientBuilder(new Uri(""));

            Assert.AreEqual(new Uri(""), builder.accountUri);