Beispiel #1
        public static void UploadFile(Stream streamfilename, string filename, string FolderPath, string ShareName)
            //read connection string to store data on azure from config file with account name and key
            CloudStorageAccount cloudStorageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("StorageConnectionString"));
            CloudFileClient     cloudFileClient     = cloudStorageAccount.CreateCloudFileClient();

            //GetShareReference() take reference from cloud
            CloudFileShare cloudFileShare = cloudFileClient.GetShareReference(ShareName);

            //Create share name if not exist

            //get all directory reference located in share name
            CloudFileDirectory cloudFileDirectory = cloudFileShare.GetRootDirectoryReference();

            //Specify the nested folder
            var nestedFolderStructure = FolderPath;
            var delimiter             = new char[] { '/' };
            //split all nested folder by delimeter
            var nestedFolderArray = nestedFolderStructure.Split(delimiter);

            for (var i = 0; i < nestedFolderArray.Length; i++)
                //check directory avilability if not exist then create directory
                cloudFileDirectory = cloudFileDirectory.GetDirectoryReference(nestedFolderArray[i]);
            ////create object of file reference and get all files within directory
            CloudFile cloudFile = cloudFileDirectory.GetFileReference(filename);

            //upload file on azure

            Console.WriteLine("File uploaded sucessfully");
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a file reference from the azure cloud file storage if it exists
        /// </summary>
        protected CloudFile GetCloudFileInfo(string fileDirectory, string fileName)
            CloudFile cloudFile = null;

                fileDirectory = CleanRelativeCloudDirectoryName(fileDirectory);

                CloudStorageAccount cloudStorageAccount = GetCloudStorageAccount();
                CloudFileClient     fileClient          = GetCloudFileClient(cloudStorageAccount);
                CloudFileShare      share = GetCloudFileShareReference(fileClient);
                CloudFileDirectory  cloudFileDirectory = GetCloudFileDirectory(share, fileDirectory);
                if ((cloudFileDirectory != null) && cloudFileDirectory.Exists())
                    cloudFile = cloudFileDirectory.GetFileReference(fileName);
            catch (Exception oExeption)
                oExeption.Log($"GetCloudFileInfo [{fileDirectory}\\{fileName}]");
Beispiel #3
        private void BuildDirNode(CloudFileDirectory cloudDir, DirNode dirNode)
            foreach (IListFileItem item in cloudDir.ListFilesAndDirectories(HelperConst.DefaultFileOptions))
                CloudFile          cloudFile   = item as CloudFile;
                CloudFileDirectory subCloudDir = item as CloudFileDirectory;

                if (cloudFile != null)
                    // Cannot fetch attributes while listing, so do it for each cloud file.
                    cloudFile.FetchAttributes(options: HelperConst.DefaultFileOptions);

                    FileNode fileNode = new FileNode(cloudFile.Name);
                    this.BuildFileNode(cloudFile, fileNode);
                else if (subCloudDir != null)
                    DirNode subDirNode = new DirNode(subCloudDir.Name);
                    this.BuildDirNode(subCloudDir, subDirNode);
Beispiel #4
        public static string DownloadFile(string folderPath, string fileName)
                string localFile = Path.GetTempFileName();

                CloudFileDirectory directory = GetFileDirectory(folderPath);

                CloudFile file = directory.GetFileReference(fileName);

                file.DownloadToFile(localFile, FileMode.Create);

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (_feedback != null)
                    _feedback.OnException(fileClient, ex);

Beispiel #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            CloudStorageAccount cuentaAlmacenamiento = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("cadenaConexion"));

            CloudFileClient clienteArchivos = cuentaAlmacenamiento.CreateCloudFileClient();

            CloudFileShare archivoCompartido = clienteArchivos.GetShareReference("platzi");

            if (archivoCompartido.Exists())
                CloudFileDirectory carpetaRaiz = archivoCompartido.GetRootDirectoryReference();
                CloudFileDirectory directorio  = carpetaRaiz.GetDirectoryReference("registros");

                if (directorio.Exists())
                    CloudFile archivo = directorio.GetFileReference("logActividades.txt");
                    if (archivo.Exists())
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Write copy progress
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">CloudFile instance</param>
        /// <param name="progress">Progress record</param>
        internal void WriteCopyProgress(CloudFile file, ProgressRecord progress)
            if (file.CopyState == null)
            long bytesCopied = file.CopyState.BytesCopied ?? 0;
            long totalBytes  = file.CopyState.TotalBytes ?? 0;
            int  percent     = 0;

            if (totalBytes != 0)
                percent = (int)(bytesCopied * 100 / totalBytes);
                progress.PercentComplete = percent;

            string activity = String.Format(Resources.CopyFileStatus, file.CopyState.Status.ToString(), file.GetFullPath(), file.Share.Name, file.CopyState.Source.ToString());

            progress.Activity = activity;
            string message = String.Format(Resources.CopyPendingStatus, percent, file.CopyState.BytesCopied, file.CopyState.TotalBytes);

            progress.StatusDescription = message;
Beispiel #7
 public bool UploadImage(string ProjectId, string fileName, byte[] imageBytes)
         // Get a reference to the root directory for the share.
         var rootDir = this.Share.GetRootDirectoryReference();
         // Get a reference to the directory we created previously.
         var sampleDir = rootDir.GetDirectoryReference(ProjectId);
         // Ensure that the directory exists.
         CloudFile destFile = sampleDir.GetFileReference(fileName);
         if (destFile.Exists())
         destFile.UploadFromByteArray(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.Length);
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
Beispiel #8
    private static void EncryptRecruisveSearch(CloudFileDirectory dir, AESEncryption encrypt, CloudStorageAccount storageAccount)
        foreach (var fileOrDir in dir.ListFilesAndDirectories())
            if (fileOrDir.GetType() == typeof(CloudFile))
                CloudFile file = fileOrDir as CloudFile;
                Console.WriteLine("Found file: " + file.Name);

                Download(file, Utils.getPath());

                encrypt.EncryptAES(Utils.getPath() + file.Name, storageAccount);
                Upload(file, Utils.getPath());

                //Utils.EncryptLocally(Utils.getPath() + file.Name);//for an AES encryption - use Utils.encryptAES
                //upload(file, Utils.getPath());
            if (fileOrDir.GetType() == typeof(CloudFileDirectory))
                EncryptRecruisveSearch((CloudFileDirectory)fileOrDir, (AESEncryption)encrypt, (CloudStorageAccount)storageAccount);
Beispiel #9
        public CloudFile GetList(PageParm parm)
            var model = new CloudFile()
                Code = 200

                var query = Db.Queryable <CmsImage>()
                            .WhereIF(parm.where != "/", m => m.ImgBig.Contains(parm.where))
                            .OrderBy(m => m.AddDate, OrderByType.Desc)
                            .ToPageAsync(, parm.limit);
                var fileList = new List <ListInfo>();
                if (query.Result.TotalItems != 0)
                    foreach (var item in query.Result.Items)
                        fileList.Add(new ListInfo()
                            Name = item.ImgBig,
                            Size = item.ImgSize,
                            Type = item.ImgType,
                            Time = item.AddDate
                model.list = fileList;
            catch (Exception ex)
                model.Message = ApiEnum.Error.GetEnumText() + ex.Message;
                model.Code    = (int)ApiEnum.Error;
Beispiel #10
        public List <Pelicula> GetPeliculasFile(String nombrefichero)
            CloudFile ficheroxml = this.directorio.GetFileReference(nombrefichero);
            String    datosxml   = ficheroxml.DownloadText();
            XDocument docxml     = XDocument.Parse(datosxml);

            var consulta = from datos in docxml.Descendants("pelicula")
                           select new Pelicula
                Titulo      = datos.Element("titulo").Value,
                Descripcion = datos.Element("descripcion").Value,
                Poster      = datos.Element("poster").Value,
                Escenas     = new List <Escena>(           //consulta al subnivel
                    from escena in datos.Descendants("escena")
                    select new Escena
                    TituloEscena = escena.Element("tituloescena").Value,
                    Descripcion  = escena.Element("descripcion").Value,
                    Imagen       = escena.Element("imagen").Value
                })                   //fin consulta subnivel

Beispiel #11
        public ActionResult UploadChunk(int id, int fileIndex)
            HttpPostedFileBase request = Request.Files["Slice"];

            byte[] chunk = new byte[request.ContentLength];
            request.InputStream.Read(chunk, 0, Convert.ToInt32(request.ContentLength));
            JsonResult returnData  = null;
            string     fileSession = "CurrentFile" + fileIndex.ToString();

            if (Session[fileSession] != null)
                CloudFile model = (CloudFile)Session[fileSession];
                returnData = UploadCurrentChunk(model, chunk, id);
                if (returnData != null)
                if (id == model.BlockCount)
                returnData = Json(new
                    error       = true,
                    isLastBlock = false,
                    message     = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
                                                "Failed to Upload file.", "Session Timed out")

            return(Json(new { error = false, isLastBlock = false, message = string.Empty, index = fileIndex }));
Beispiel #12
        public void Initialize()
            _fileContainer = new AzureFileContainer(CONNECTION_STRING, SHARE_NAME);

            _cloudStorageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(CONNECTION_STRING);

            _cloudFileShare = _cloudStorageAccount.GetShareReference(SHARE_NAME);

            _cloudFileRootDirectory = _cloudFileShare.GetRootDirectoryReference();

            _cloudFileSourceDirectory = _cloudFileShare.GetDirectoryReference(path: new[] { SOURCE_DIRECTORY }, createIfNotExists: true);

            _cloudFileShare.GetDirectoryReference(path: new[] { SOURCE_DIRECTORY, DUMMY_DIRECTORY }, createIfNotExists: true);

            _cloudFileShare.GetDirectoryReference(path: new[] { TARGET_DIRECTORY }, createIfNotExists: true);

            _cloudRootFile = _cloudFileRootDirectory.GetFileReference(FILE_NAME);

            _cloudSourceFile = _cloudFileSourceDirectory.GetFileReference(FILE_NAME);


        public async Task <bool> DownloadToFile(string blobName, string outputFileName, bool overrideIfExists = false)
            CloudFile originalFile = baseDir.GetFileReference(blobName);

            if (!await originalFile.ExistsAsync())
            if (!overrideIfExists && File.Exists(outputFileName))

                await originalFile.DownloadToFileAsync(outputFileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            //code for retrieve the connection string
            CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("fileShareConnectionString"));

            CloudFileClient cloudFileClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudFileClient();

            // Get a reference to the file share we created previously.
            CloudFileShare fileShare = cloudFileClient.GetShareReference("hgdhdhdgh");

            // Ensure that the share exists.
            if (fileShare.Exists())
                // Get a reference to the root directory for the share.
                CloudFileDirectory fileDirectory = fileShare.GetRootDirectoryReference();

                // Get a reference to the directory we created previously.
                CloudFileDirectory customDirectory = fileDirectory.GetDirectoryReference("CustomDocs");

                // Ensure that the directory exists.
                if (customDirectory.Exists())
                    // Get a reference to the file we created previously.
                    CloudFile fileInfo = customDirectory.GetFileReference("Log1.txt");

                    // Ensure that the file exists.
                    if (fileInfo.Exists())
                        // Write the contents of the file to the console window.

Beispiel #15
        protected CloudFile GetCloudFile(CloudFileDirectory cloudFileDirectory, string fileName)
            if (cloudFileDirectory == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException($"Azure File Share Directory not detected! [refDF16:{fileName}]");
                // get a cloud file reference to the image
                CloudFile cloudFile = cloudFileDirectory.GetFileReference(fileName);

                if (!cloudFile.Exists())
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(cloudFileDirectory.Name, fileName);

            catch (Exception oExeption)
                oExeption.Log($"GetCloudFileShareDirectory [refSD48]- {cloudFileDirectory.Name}/{fileName}");
        public static void NewFileCreate()
            CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(connection);

            CloudFileClient fileClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudFileClient();
            CloudFileShare  share      = fileClient.GetShareReference("doc2020");

            // Ensure that the share exists.
            if (share.Exists())
                string policyName = "FileSharePolicy" + DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;

                SharedAccessFilePolicy sharedPolicy = new SharedAccessFilePolicy()
                    SharedAccessExpiryTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(24),
                    Permissions            = SharedAccessFilePermissions.Read | SharedAccessFilePermissions.Write

                FileSharePermissions permissions = share.GetPermissions();

                permissions.SharedAccessPolicies.Add(policyName, sharedPolicy);

                CloudFileDirectory rootDir   = share.GetRootDirectoryReference();
                CloudFileDirectory sampleDir = rootDir.GetDirectoryReference("storage");

                CloudFile file       = sampleDir.GetFileReference("Log2.txt");
                string    sasToken   = file.GetSharedAccessSignature(null, policyName);
                Uri       fileSasUri = new Uri(file.StorageUri.PrimaryUri.ToString() + sasToken);

                // Create a new CloudFile object from the SAS, and write some text to the file.
                CloudFile fileSas = new CloudFile(fileSasUri);
                fileSas.UploadText("This file created by the Console App at Runtime");
Beispiel #17
        public override async Task <string> SaveAsync(FileSetOptions fileSetOptions)
            FileData file = new FileData();

            CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = Authorized(fileSetOptions);

            CloudFileClient fileClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudFileClient();

            CloudFileShare fileshare = fileClient.GetShareReference(fileSetOptions.Folder);

            await fileshare.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

            CloudFileDirectory cFileDir = fileshare.GetRootDirectoryReference();

            await cFileDir.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

            CloudFile cFile = cFileDir.GetFileReference(fileSetOptions.Key);

            fileSetOptions._stream.Position = 0;

            await cFile.UploadFromStreamAsync(fileSetOptions._stream);

        /// <summary>
        /// Stop copy operation by CloudBlob object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blob">CloudBlob object</param>
        /// <param name="copyId">Copy id</param>
        private async Task StopCopyFile(long taskId, IStorageFileManagement localChannel, CloudFile file, string copyId)
            FileRequestOptions requestOptions = RequestOptions;

            //Set no retry to resolve the 409 conflict exception
            requestOptions.RetryPolicy = new NoRetry();

            string abortCopyId = string.Empty;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(copyId) || Force)
                //Make sure we use the correct copy id to abort
                //Use default retry policy for FetchBlobAttributes
                FileRequestOptions options = RequestOptions;
                await localChannel.FetchFileAttributesAsync(file, null, options, OperationContext, CmdletCancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (file.CopyState == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.CopyState.CopyId))
                    ArgumentException e = new ArgumentException(String.Format(Resources.FileCopyTaskNotFound, file.SnapshotQualifiedUri.ToString()));
                    OutputStream.WriteError(taskId, e);
                    abortCopyId = file.CopyState.CopyId;

                if (!Force)
                    string confirmation = String.Format(Resources.ConfirmAbortFileCopyOperation, file.SnapshotQualifiedUri.ToString(), abortCopyId);
                    if (!await OutputStream.ConfirmAsync(confirmation).ConfigureAwait(false))
                        string cancelMessage = String.Format(Resources.StopCopyOperationCancelled, file.SnapshotQualifiedUri.ToString());
                        OutputStream.WriteVerbose(taskId, cancelMessage);
                abortCopyId = copyId;

            await localChannel.AbortCopyAsync(file, abortCopyId, null, requestOptions, OperationContext, CmdletCancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            string message = String.Format(Resources.StopCopyFileSuccessfully, file.SnapshotQualifiedUri.ToString());

            OutputStream.WriteObject(taskId, message);
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Manage file properties
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cloudFileClient"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static async Task FilePropertiesSample(CloudFileClient cloudFileClient)
            // Create the share name -- use a guid in the name so it's unique.
            string         shareName = "demotest-" + Guid.NewGuid();
            CloudFileShare share     = cloudFileClient.GetShareReference(shareName);

                // Create share
                Console.WriteLine("Create Share");
                await share.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

                // Create directory
                Console.WriteLine("Create directory");
                CloudFileDirectory rootDirectory = share.GetRootDirectoryReference();
                await rootDirectory.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

                CloudFile file = rootDirectory.GetFileReference("demofile");

                // Set file properties
                file.Properties.ContentType     = "plain/text";
                file.Properties.ContentEncoding = "UTF-8";
                file.Properties.ContentLanguage = "en";

                // Create file
                Console.WriteLine("Create file");
                await file.CreateAsync(1000);

                // Fetch file attributes
                // in this case this call is not need but is included for demo purposes
                await file.FetchAttributesAsync();

                Console.WriteLine("Get file properties:");
                Console.WriteLine("    ETag: {0}", file.Properties.ETag);
                Console.WriteLine("    Content type: {0}", file.Properties.ContentType);
                Console.WriteLine("    Cache control: {0}", file.Properties.CacheControl);
                Console.WriteLine("    Content encoding: {0}", file.Properties.ContentEncoding);
                Console.WriteLine("    Content language: {0}", file.Properties.ContentLanguage);
                Console.WriteLine("    Content disposition: {0}", file.Properties.ContentDisposition);
                Console.WriteLine("    Content MD5: {0}", file.Properties.ContentMD5);
                Console.WriteLine("    Length: {0}", file.Properties.Length);
            catch (StorageException exStorage)
                    "Please make sure your storage account is specified correctly in the app.config - then restart the sample.");
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("    Exception thrown creating share.");
                // Delete share
                Console.WriteLine("Delete share");
Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Manage file metadata
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cloudFileClient"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static async Task FileMetadataSample(CloudFileClient cloudFileClient)
            // Create the share name -- use a guid in the name so it's unique.
            string         shareName = "demotest-" + Guid.NewGuid();
            CloudFileShare share     = cloudFileClient.GetShareReference(shareName);

                // Create share
                Console.WriteLine("Create Share");
                await share.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

                // Create directory
                Console.WriteLine("Create directory");
                CloudFileDirectory rootDirectory = share.GetRootDirectoryReference();
                await rootDirectory.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

                CloudFile file = rootDirectory.GetFileReference("demofile");

                // Set file metadata
                Console.WriteLine("Set file metadata");
                file.Metadata.Add("key1", "value1");
                file.Metadata.Add("key2", "value2");

                // Create file
                Console.WriteLine("Create file");
                await file.CreateAsync(1000);

                // Fetch file attributes
                // in this case this call is not need but is included for demo purposes
                await file.FetchAttributesAsync();

                Console.WriteLine("Get file metadata:");
                foreach (var keyValue in file.Metadata)
                    Console.WriteLine("    {0}: {1}", keyValue.Key, keyValue.Value);
            catch (StorageException exStorage)
                    "Please make sure your storage account is specified correctly in the app.config - then restart the sample.");
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("    Exception thrown creating share.");
                // Delete share
                Console.WriteLine("Delete share");
Beispiel #21
 public Task AbortCopyAsync(CloudFile file, string copyId, AccessCondition accessCondition, FileRequestOptions requestOptions, OperationContext operationContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     return(file.AbortCopyAsync(copyId, accessCondition, requestOptions, operationContext, cancellationToken));
Beispiel #22
 private async Task StartCopyFromFile(long taskId, IStorageBlobManagement destChannel, CloudFile srcFile, CloudBlockBlob destBlob)
     await this.StartCopyFromUri(taskId, destChannel, srcFile.GenerateUriWithCredentials(), destBlob).ConfigureAwait(false);
Beispiel #23
 public Task DeleteFileAsync(CloudFile file, AccessCondition accessCondition, FileRequestOptions options, OperationContext operationContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     return(file.DeleteAsync(accessCondition, options, operationContext, cancellationToken));
Beispiel #24
 public Task FetchFileAttributesAsync(CloudFile file, AccessCondition accessCondition, FileRequestOptions options, OperationContext operationContext, CancellationToken token)
     return(file.FetchAttributesAsync(accessCondition, options, operationContext, token));
        public static void WaitUntilFileCreated(string rootPath, FileNode fileNode, DataAdaptor <DMLibDataInfo> dataAdaptor, DMLibDataType dataType, int timeoutInSec = 300)
            Func <bool> checkFileCreated = null;

            if (dataType == DMLibDataType.Local)
                string filePath = dataAdaptor.GetAddress() + fileNode.GetLocalRelativePath();
                checkFileCreated = () =>
            else if (dataType == DMLibDataType.PageBlob ||
                     dataType == DMLibDataType.AppendBlob)
                CloudBlobDataAdaptor blobAdaptor = dataAdaptor as CloudBlobDataAdaptor;

                checkFileCreated = () =>
                    CloudBlob cloudBlob = blobAdaptor.GetCloudBlobReference(rootPath, fileNode);
                    return(cloudBlob.Exists(options: HelperConst.DefaultBlobOptions));
            else if (dataType == DMLibDataType.BlockBlob)
                CloudBlobDataAdaptor blobAdaptor = dataAdaptor as CloudBlobDataAdaptor;

                checkFileCreated = () =>
                    CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = blobAdaptor.GetCloudBlobReference(rootPath, fileNode) as CloudBlockBlob;
                        return(blockBlob.DownloadBlockList(BlockListingFilter.All, options: HelperConst.DefaultBlobOptions).Any());
                    catch (Exception e) when(e is StorageException || (e is AggregateException && e.InnerException is StorageException))
                    catch (StorageException)
            else if (dataType == DMLibDataType.CloudFile)
                CloudFileDataAdaptor fileAdaptor = dataAdaptor as CloudFileDataAdaptor;

                checkFileCreated = () =>
                    CloudFile cloudFile = fileAdaptor.GetCloudFileReference(rootPath, fileNode);
                    return(cloudFile.Exists(options: HelperConst.DefaultFileOptions));
                Test.Error("Unexpected data type: {0}", DMLibTestContext.SourceType);

            MultiDirectionTestHelper.WaitUntil(checkFileCreated, timeoutInSec);
Beispiel #26
 public Task <bool> FileExistsAsync(CloudFile file, FileRequestOptions options, OperationContext operationContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     return(file.ExistsAsync(options, operationContext, cancellationToken));
Beispiel #27
 public void AddFile(CloudFile file)
     FileAndDirectoryCount = Files.Count;
Beispiel #28
        public void FileTypesWithStorageUri()
            StorageUri endpoint = new StorageUri(
                new Uri("http://" + AccountName + FileService + EndpointSuffix),
                new Uri("http://" + AccountName + SecondarySuffix + FileService + EndpointSuffix));

            CloudFileClient client = new CloudFileClient(endpoint, new StorageCredentials());


            StorageUri shareUri = new StorageUri(
                new Uri(endpoint.PrimaryUri + "share"),
                new Uri(endpoint.SecondaryUri + "share"));

            CloudFileShare share = client.GetShareReference("share");


            share = new CloudFileShare(shareUri, client.Credentials);

            StorageUri directoryUri = new StorageUri(
                new Uri(shareUri.PrimaryUri + "/directory"),
                new Uri(shareUri.SecondaryUri + "/directory"));

            StorageUri subdirectoryUri = new StorageUri(
                new Uri(directoryUri.PrimaryUri + "/subdirectory"),
                new Uri(directoryUri.SecondaryUri + "/subdirectory"));

            CloudFileDirectory directory = share.GetRootDirectoryReference().GetDirectoryReference("directory");


            CloudFileDirectory subdirectory = directory.GetDirectoryReference("subdirectory");


            StorageUri fileUri = new StorageUri(
                new Uri(subdirectoryUri.PrimaryUri + "/file"),
                new Uri(subdirectoryUri.SecondaryUri + "/file"));

            CloudFile file = subdirectory.GetFileReference("file");


            file = new CloudFile(fileUri, client.Credentials);
        /// <summary>
        /// Test some of the file storage operations.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task RunFileStorageOperationsAsync()
            // These are used in the finally block to clean up the objects created during the demo.
            CloudFile          cloudFile     = null;
            CloudFileDirectory fileDirectory = null;
            string             destFile      = null;

            CloudBlob          targetBlob         = null;
            CloudFileShare     cloudFileShare     = null;
            string             downloadFolder     = null;
            CloudBlobContainer cloudBlobContainer = null;

                //***** Setup *****//
                Console.WriteLine("Getting reference to the storage account.");

                // Retrieve storage account information from connection string
                // How to create a storage connection string -
                CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = Common.CreateStorageAccountFromConnectionString(CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("StorageConnectionString"));

                Console.WriteLine("Instantiating file client.");

                // Create a file client for interacting with the file service.
                CloudFileClient cloudFileClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudFileClient();

                // Create the share name -- use a guid in the name so it's unique.
                // This will also be used as the container name for blob storage when copying the file to blob storage.
                string shareName = "demotest-" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                // Name of folder to put the files in
                string sourceFolder = "testfolder";

                // Name of file to upload and download
                string testFile = "HelloWorld.png";

                // Folder where the HelloWorld.png file resides
                string localFolder = @".\";

                // It won't let you download in the same folder as the exe file,
                //   so use a temporary folder with the same name as the share.
                downloadFolder = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), shareName);

                //***** Create a file share *****//

                // Create the share if it doesn't already exist.
                Console.WriteLine("Creating share with name {0}", shareName);
                cloudFileShare = cloudFileClient.GetShareReference(shareName);
                    await cloudFileShare.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

                    Console.WriteLine("    Share created successfully.");
                catch (StorageException exStorage)
                    Console.WriteLine("Please make sure your storage account has storage file endpoint enabled and specified correctly in the app.config - then restart the sample.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("    Exception thrown creating share.");

                //***** Create a directory on the file share *****//

                // Create a directory on the share.
                Console.WriteLine("Creating directory named {0}", sourceFolder);

                // First, get a reference to the root directory, because that's where you're going to put the new directory.
                CloudFileDirectory rootDirectory = cloudFileShare.GetRootDirectoryReference();

                // Set a reference to the file directory.
                // If the source folder is null, then use the root folder.
                // If the source folder is specified, then get a reference to it.
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sourceFolder))
                    // There is no folder specified, so return a reference to the root directory.
                    fileDirectory = rootDirectory;
                    Console.WriteLine("    Using root directory.");
                    // There was a folder specified, so return a reference to that folder.
                    fileDirectory = rootDirectory.GetDirectoryReference(sourceFolder);

                    await fileDirectory.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

                    Console.WriteLine("    Directory created successfully.");

                //***** Upload a file to the file share *****//

                // Set a reference to the file.
                cloudFile = fileDirectory.GetFileReference(testFile);

                // Upload a file to the share.
                Console.WriteLine("Uploading file {0} to share", testFile);

                // Set up the name and path of the local file.
                string sourceFile = Path.Combine(localFolder, testFile);
                if (File.Exists(sourceFile))
                    // Upload from the local file to the file share in azure.
                    await cloudFile.UploadFromFileAsync(sourceFile);

                    Console.WriteLine("    Successfully uploaded file to share.");
                    Console.WriteLine("File not found, so not uploaded.");

                //***** Get list of all files/directories on the file share*****//

                // List all files/directories under the root directory.
                Console.WriteLine("Getting list of all files/directories under the root directory of the share.");

                IEnumerable <IListFileItem> fileList = cloudFileShare.GetRootDirectoryReference().ListFilesAndDirectories();

                // Print all files/directories listed above.
                foreach (IListFileItem listItem in fileList)
                    // listItem type will be CloudFile or CloudFileDirectory.
                    Console.WriteLine("    - {0} (type: {1})", listItem.Uri, listItem.GetType());

                Console.WriteLine("Getting list of all files/directories in the file directory on the share.");

                // Now get the list of all files/directories in your directory.
                // Ordinarily, you'd write something recursive to do this for all directories and subdirectories.

                fileList = fileDirectory.ListFilesAndDirectories();

                // Print all files/directories in the folder.
                foreach (IListFileItem listItem in fileList)
                    // listItem type will be CloudFile or CloudFileDirectory.
                    Console.WriteLine("    - {0} (type: {1})", listItem.Uri, listItem.GetType());

                //***** Download a file from the file share *****//

                // Download the file to the downloadFolder in the temp directory.
                // Check and if the directory doesn't exist (which it shouldn't), create it.
                Console.WriteLine("Downloading file from share to local temp folder {0}.", downloadFolder);
                if (!Directory.Exists(downloadFolder))

                // Download the file.
                await cloudFile.DownloadToFileAsync(Path.Combine(downloadFolder, testFile), FileMode.OpenOrCreate);

                Console.WriteLine("    Successfully downloaded file from share to local temp folder.");

                //***** Copy a file from the file share to blob storage, then abort the copy *****//

                // Copies can sometimes complete before there's a chance to abort.
                // If that happens with the file you're testing with, try copying the file
                //   to a storage account in a different region. If it still finishes too fast,
                //   try using a bigger file and copying it to a different region. That will almost always
                //   take long enough to give you time to abort the copy.
                // If you want to change the file you're testing the Copy with without changing the value for the
                //   rest of the sample code, upload the file to the share, then assign the name of the file
                //   to the testFile variable right here before calling GetFileReference.
                //   Then it will use the new file for the copy and abort but the rest of the code
                //   will still use the original file.
                CloudFile cloudFileCopy = fileDirectory.GetFileReference(testFile);

                // Upload a file to the share.
                Console.WriteLine("Uploading file {0} to share", testFile);

                // Set up the name and path of the local file.
                string sourceFileCopy = Path.Combine(localFolder, testFile);
                await cloudFileCopy.UploadFromFileAsync(sourceFileCopy);

                Console.WriteLine("    Successfully uploaded file to share.");

                // Copy the file to blob storage.
                Console.WriteLine("Copying file to blob storage. Container name = {0}", shareName);

                // First get a reference to the blob.
                CloudBlobClient cloudBlobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();

                // Get a reference to the blob container and create it if it doesn't already exist.
                cloudBlobContainer = cloudBlobClient.GetContainerReference(shareName);

                // Get a blob reference to the target blob.
                targetBlob = cloudBlobContainer.GetBlobReference(testFile);

                string copyId = string.Empty;

                // Get a reference to the file to be copied.
                cloudFile = fileDirectory.GetFileReference(testFile);

                // Create a SAS for the file that's valid for 24 hours.
                // Note that when you are copying a file to a blob, or a blob to a file, you must use a SAS
                // to authenticate access to the source object, even if you are copying within the same
                // storage account.
                string fileSas = cloudFile.GetSharedAccessSignature(new SharedAccessFilePolicy()
                    // Only read permissions are required for the source file.
                    Permissions            = SharedAccessFilePermissions.Read,
                    SharedAccessExpiryTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(24)

                // Construct the URI to the source file, including the SAS token.
                Uri fileSasUri = new Uri(cloudFile.StorageUri.PrimaryUri.ToString() + fileSas);

                // Start the copy of the file to the blob.
                copyId = await targetBlob.StartCopyAsync(fileSasUri);

                Console.WriteLine("   File copy started successfully. copyID = {0}", copyId);

/*              // Abort the copy of the file to blob storage.
 *              // Note that you call Abort on the target object, i.e. the blob, not the file.
 *              // If you were copying from one file to another on the file share, the target object would be a file.
 *              Console.WriteLine("Check the copy status. If pending, cancel the copy operation");
 *              // Print out the copy state information.
 *              targetBlob.FetchAttributes();
 *              Console.WriteLine("    targetBlob.copystate.CopyId = {0}", targetBlob.CopyState.CopyId);
 *              Console.WriteLine("    targetBlob.copystate.Status = {0}", targetBlob.CopyState.Status);
 *              // Do the actual abort copy.
 *              // This only works if the copy is still pending or ongoing.
 *              if (targetBlob.CopyState.Status == CopyStatus.Pending)
 *              {
 *                  Console.WriteLine("   Status is Pending; cancelling the copy operation.");
 *                  // Call to stop the copy, passing in the copyId of the operation.
 *                  // This won't work if it has already finished copying.
 *                  await targetBlob.AbortCopyAsync(copyId);
 *                  Console.WriteLine("   Cancelling the copy succeeded.");
 *              }
 *              else
 *              {
 *                  // If this happens, try a larger file.
 *                  Console.WriteLine("    Cancellation of copy not performed; copy has already finished.");
 *              }
                // Now clean up after yourself.
                Console.WriteLine("Deleting the files from the file share.");

                // Delete the files because cloudFile is a different file in the range sample.
                cloudFile = fileDirectory.GetFileReference(testFile);

                Console.WriteLine("Setting up files to test WriteRange and ListRanges.");

                //***** Write 2 ranges to a file, then list the ranges *****//

                // This is the code for trying out writing data to a range in a file,
                //   and then listing those ranges.
                // Get a reference to a file and write a range of data to it      .
                // Then write another range to it.
                // Then list the ranges.

                // Start at the very beginning of the file.
                long startOffset = 0;

                // Set the destination file name -- this is the file on the file share that you're writing to.
                destFile  = "rangeops.txt";
                cloudFile = fileDirectory.GetFileReference(destFile);

                // Create a string with 512 a's in it. This will be used to write the range.
                int    testStreamLen = 512;
                string textToStream  = string.Empty;
                textToStream = textToStream.PadRight(testStreamLen, 'a');

                // Name to be used for the file when downloading it so you can inspect it locally
                string downloadFile;

                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(textToStream)))
                    // Max size of the output file; have to specify this when you create the file
                    // I picked this number arbitrarily.
                    long maxFileSize = 65536;

                    Console.WriteLine("Write first range.");

                    // Set the stream back to the beginning, in case it's been read at all.
                    ms.Position = 0;

                    // If the file doesn't exist, create it.
                    // The maximum file size is passed in. It has to be big enough to hold
                    //   all the data you're going to write, so don't set it to 256k and try to write two 256-k blocks to it.
                    if (!cloudFile.Exists())
                        Console.WriteLine("File doesn't exist, create empty file to write ranges to.");

                        // Create a file with a maximum file size of 64k.
                        await cloudFile.CreateAsync(maxFileSize);

                        Console.WriteLine("    Empty file created successfully.");

                    // Write the stream to the file starting at startOffset for the length of the stream.
                    Console.WriteLine("Writing range to file.");
                    await cloudFile.WriteRangeAsync(ms, startOffset, null);

                    // Download the file to your temp directory so you can inspect it locally.
                    downloadFile = Path.Combine(downloadFolder, "__testrange.txt");
                    Console.WriteLine("Downloading file to examine.");
                    await cloudFile.DownloadToFileAsync(downloadFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate);

                    Console.WriteLine("    Successfully downloaded file with ranges in it to examine.");

                // Now add the second range, but don't make it adjacent to the first one, or it will show only
                //   one range, with the two combined. Put it like 1000 spaces away. When you get the range back, it will
                //   start at the position at the 512-multiple border prior or equal to the beginning of the data written,
                //   and it will end at the 512-multliple border after the actual end of the data.
                //For example, if you write to 2000-3000, the range will be the 512-multiple prior to 2000, which is
                //   position 1536, or offset 1535 (because it's 0-based).
                //   And the right offset of the range will be the 512-multiple after 3000, which is position 3072,
                //   or offset 3071 (because it's 0-based).
                Console.WriteLine("Getting ready to write second range to file.");

                startOffset += testStreamLen + 1000; //randomly selected number

                // Create a string with 512 b's in it. This will be used to write the range.
                textToStream = string.Empty;
                textToStream = textToStream.PadRight(testStreamLen, 'b');

                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(textToStream)))
                    ms.Position = 0;

                    // Write the stream to the file starting at startOffset for the length of the stream.
                    Console.WriteLine("Write second range to file.");
                    await cloudFile.WriteRangeAsync(ms, startOffset, null);

                    Console.WriteLine("    Successful writing second range to file.");

                    // Download the file to your temp directory so you can examine it.
                    downloadFile = Path.Combine(downloadFolder, "__testrange2.txt");
                    Console.WriteLine("Downloading file with two ranges in it to examine.");
                    await cloudFile.DownloadToFileAsync(downloadFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate);

                    Console.WriteLine("    Successfully downloaded file to examine.");

                // Query and view the list of ranges.
                Console.WriteLine("Call to get the list of ranges.");
                IEnumerable <FileRange> listOfRanges = await cloudFile.ListRangesAsync();

                Console.WriteLine("    Successfully retrieved list of ranges.");
                foreach (FileRange fileRange in listOfRanges)
                    Console.WriteLine("    --> filerange startOffset = {0}, endOffset = {1}", fileRange.StartOffset, fileRange.EndOffset);

                //***** Clean up *****//
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("    Exception thrown. Message = {0}{1}    Strack Trace = {2}", ex.Message, Environment.NewLine, ex.StackTrace);
                //Clean up after you're done.

                Console.WriteLine("Removing all files, folders, shares, blobs, and containers created in this demo.");

                // ****NOTE: You can just delete the file share, and everything will be removed.
                // This samples deletes everything off of the file share first for the purpose of
                //   showing you how to delete specific files and directories.

                // Delete the file with the ranges in it.
                destFile  = "rangeops.txt";
                cloudFile = fileDirectory.GetFileReference(destFile);
                await cloudFile.DeleteIfExistsAsync();

                Console.WriteLine("Deleting the directory on the file share.");

                // Delete the directory.
                bool success = await fileDirectory.DeleteIfExistsAsync();

                if (success)
                    Console.WriteLine("    Directory on the file share deleted successfully.");
                    Console.WriteLine("    Directory on the file share NOT deleted successfully; may not exist.");

                Console.WriteLine("Deleting the file share.");

                // Delete the share.
                await cloudFileShare.DeleteAsync();

                Console.WriteLine("    Deleted the file share successfully.");

                Console.WriteLine("Deleting the temporary download directory and the file in it.");

                // Delete the download folder and its contents.
                Directory.Delete(downloadFolder, true);
                Console.WriteLine("    Successfully deleted the temporary download directory.");

                Console.WriteLine("Deleting the container and blob used in the Copy/Abort test.");
                await targetBlob.DeleteIfExistsAsync();

                await cloudBlobContainer.DeleteIfExistsAsync();

                Console.WriteLine("    Successfully deleted the blob and its container.");
Beispiel #30
 public void CreateSourceList()
     CloudFile cf;
     FileInfo info;
     foreach(string dir in SourceDirs){
         foreach (string file in DirectoryGetFilesRecursive(dir)) {
             cf = new CloudFile();
             info  = new FileInfo(file);
             cf.Size = info.Length;
             cf.Path = file;
             SourceSize += cf.Size;
Beispiel #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AzureFileEntry" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="relativePath">Relative path of the file indicated by this file entry.</param>
 /// <param name="cloudFile">Corresponding CloudFile.</param>
 /// <param name="continuationToken">Continuation token when listing to this entry.</param>
 public AzureFileEntry(string relativePath, CloudFile cloudFile, AzureFileListContinuationToken continuationToken)
     : base(relativePath, continuationToken)
     this.File = cloudFile;
Beispiel #32
 public void Init()
     instance = new CloudFile();
Beispiel #33
 public void CreateOutputFileList()
     CloudFile cf;
     FileInfo info;
     OutputUsed = 0;
     foreach (CloudStorage dir in CloudStorageLst) {
         foreach (string file in DirectoryGetFilesRecursive(dir.Path)) {
             cf = new CloudFile();
             info = new FileInfo(file);
             cf.Size = info.Length;
             cf.Path = file;
             OutputUsed += cf.Size;