//** AddModel **
        //Insert new model
        public void AddModel(int IDSubtype, int IDCloth, string prefabName)
            ClothModels toAdd = new ClothModels();

            toAdd.ClothID       = IDCloth;
            toAdd.IDBodySubtype = IDSubtype;
            toAdd.ModelName     = prefabName;

        //** GetModelObjectName **
        //Get the name of the prefab used by the cloth with the body subtype
        public string GetModelObjectName(int idCloth, int bodySubtype)
            string toReturn = "";

            ClothModels tRec = clothModelsList.Find(x => x.ClothID == idCloth && x.IDBodySubtype == bodySubtype);

            if (tRec != null)
                toReturn = tRec.ModelName;
