Beispiel #1
        // we need to inject several initializations into NetworkBehaviour cctor
        void InjectIntoStaticConstructor(ref bool WeavingFailed)
            if (commands.Count == 0 && clientRpcs.Count == 0 && targetRpcs.Count == 0)

            // find static constructor
            MethodDefinition cctor      = netBehaviourSubclass.GetMethod(".cctor");
            bool             cctorFound = cctor != null;

            if (cctor != null)
                // remove the return opcode from end of function. will add our own later.
                if (!RemoveFinalRetInstruction(cctor))
                    Log.Error($"{netBehaviourSubclass.Name} has invalid class constructor", cctor);
                    WeavingFailed = true;
                // make one!
                cctor = new MethodDefinition(".cctor", MethodAttributes.Private |
                                             MethodAttributes.HideBySig |
                                             MethodAttributes.SpecialName |
                                             MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName |

            ILProcessor cctorWorker = cctor.Body.GetILProcessor();

            // register all commands in cctor
            for (int i = 0; i < commands.Count; ++i)
                CmdResult cmdResult = commands[i];
                GenerateRegisterCommandDelegate(cctorWorker, weaverTypes.registerCommandReference, commandInvocationFuncs[i], cmdResult);

            // register all client rpcs in cctor
            for (int i = 0; i < clientRpcs.Count; ++i)
                ClientRpcResult clientRpcResult = clientRpcs[i];
                GenerateRegisterRemoteDelegate(cctorWorker, weaverTypes.registerRpcReference, clientRpcInvocationFuncs[i], clientRpcResult.method.FullName);

            // register all target rpcs in cctor
            for (int i = 0; i < targetRpcs.Count; ++i)
                GenerateRegisterRemoteDelegate(cctorWorker, weaverTypes.registerRpcReference, targetRpcInvocationFuncs[i], targetRpcs[i].FullName);

            // add final 'Ret' instruction to cctor
            if (!cctorFound)

            // in case class had no cctor, it might have BeforeFieldInit, so injected cctor would be called too late
            netBehaviourSubclass.Attributes &= ~TypeAttributes.BeforeFieldInit;
Beispiel #2
        void GenerateConstants()
            if (commands.Count == 0 && clientRpcs.Count == 0 && targetRpcs.Count == 0 && syncObjects.Count == 0)

            Weaver.DLog(netBehaviourSubclass, "  GenerateConstants ");

            // find static constructor
            MethodDefinition cctor      = netBehaviourSubclass.GetMethod(".cctor");
            bool             cctorFound = cctor != null;

            if (cctor != null)
                // remove the return opcode from end of function. will add our own later.
                if (cctor.Body.Instructions.Count != 0)
                    Instruction retInstr = cctor.Body.Instructions[cctor.Body.Instructions.Count - 1];
                    if (retInstr.OpCode == OpCodes.Ret)
                        cctor.Body.Instructions.RemoveAt(cctor.Body.Instructions.Count - 1);
                        Weaver.Error($"{netBehaviourSubclass.Name} has invalid class constructor", cctor);
                // make one!
                cctor = new MethodDefinition(".cctor", MethodAttributes.Private |
                                             MethodAttributes.HideBySig |
                                             MethodAttributes.SpecialName |
                                             MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName |

            // find instance constructor
            MethodDefinition ctor = netBehaviourSubclass.GetMethod(".ctor");

            if (ctor == null)
                Weaver.Error($"{netBehaviourSubclass.Name} has invalid constructor", netBehaviourSubclass);

            Instruction ret = ctor.Body.Instructions[ctor.Body.Instructions.Count - 1];

            if (ret.OpCode == OpCodes.Ret)
                ctor.Body.Instructions.RemoveAt(ctor.Body.Instructions.Count - 1);
                Weaver.Error($"{netBehaviourSubclass.Name} has invalid constructor", ctor);

            // TODO: find out if the order below matters. If it doesn't split code below into 2 functions
            ILProcessor ctorWorker  = ctor.Body.GetILProcessor();
            ILProcessor cctorWorker = cctor.Body.GetILProcessor();

            for (int i = 0; i < commands.Count; ++i)
                CmdResult cmdResult = commands[i];
                GenerateRegisterCommandDelegate(cctorWorker, WeaverTypes.registerCommandDelegateReference, commandInvocationFuncs[i], cmdResult);

            for (int i = 0; i < clientRpcs.Count; ++i)
                ClientRpcResult clientRpcResult = clientRpcs[i];
                GenerateRegisterRemoteDelegate(cctorWorker, WeaverTypes.registerRpcDelegateReference, clientRpcInvocationFuncs[i], clientRpcResult.method.Name);

            for (int i = 0; i < targetRpcs.Count; ++i)
                GenerateRegisterRemoteDelegate(cctorWorker, WeaverTypes.registerRpcDelegateReference, targetRpcInvocationFuncs[i], targetRpcs[i].Name);

            foreach (FieldDefinition fd in syncObjects)
                SyncObjectInitializer.GenerateSyncObjectInitializer(ctorWorker, fd);

            if (!cctorFound)

            // finish ctor

            // in case class had no cctor, it might have BeforeFieldInit, so injected cctor would be called too late
            netBehaviourSubclass.Attributes &= ~TypeAttributes.BeforeFieldInit;
        // we need to inject several initializations into NetworkBehaviour cctor
        void InjectIntoStaticConstructor(ref bool WeavingFailed)
            if (commands.Count == 0 && clientRpcs.Count == 0 && targetRpcs.Count == 0)

            // find static constructor
            MethodDefinition cctor      = netBehaviourSubclass.GetMethod(".cctor");
            bool             cctorFound = cctor != null;

            if (cctor != null)
                // remove the return opcode from end of function. will add our own later.
                if (!RemoveFinalRetInstruction(cctor))
                    Log.Error($"{netBehaviourSubclass.Name} has invalid class constructor", cctor);
                    WeavingFailed = true;
                // make one!
                cctor = new MethodDefinition(".cctor", MethodAttributes.Private |
                                             MethodAttributes.HideBySig |
                                             MethodAttributes.SpecialName |
                                             MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName |

            // Static constructors are lazily called when the class is first "used"
            // > It is called automatically before the first instance is created or any static members are referenced.
            // This means, in particular circumstances, client and server may diverge on which classes they have "loaded"
            // and thus the rpc index will be desynced
            // One such example would be on-demand-loading of prefabs via custom spawn handlers:
            //   A game might not want to preload all its monster prefabs since there's quite many of them
            //   and it is practically impossible to encounter them all (or even a majority of them) in a single play
            //   session.
            //   So a custom spawn handler is used to load the monster prefabs on demand.
            //   All monsters would have the "Monster" NetworkBehaviour class, which would have a few RPCs on it.
            //   Since the monster prefabs are loaded ONLY when needed via a custom spawn handler and the Monster class
            //   itself isn't referenced or "loaded" by anything else other than the prefab, the monster classes static
            //   constructor will not have been called when a client first joins a game, while it may have been called
            //   on the server/host. This will in turn cause Rpc indexes to not match up between client/server
            // By just forcing the static constructors to run via the [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod] attribute
            // this is not a problem anymore, since all static constructors are always run and all RPCs will
            // always be registered by the time they are used
            if (!cctor.HasCustomAttribute <RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethodAttribute>())
                Helpers.AddRuntimeInitializeOnLoadAttribute(assembly, weaverTypes, cctor);

            ILProcessor cctorWorker = cctor.Body.GetILProcessor();

            // register all commands in cctor
            for (int i = 0; i < commands.Count; ++i)
                CmdResult cmdResult = commands[i];
                GenerateRegisterCommandDelegate(cctorWorker, weaverTypes.registerCommandReference, commandInvocationFuncs[i], cmdResult);

            // register all client rpcs in cctor
            for (int i = 0; i < clientRpcs.Count; ++i)
                ClientRpcResult clientRpcResult = clientRpcs[i];
                GenerateRegisterRemoteDelegate(cctorWorker, weaverTypes.registerRpcReference, clientRpcInvocationFuncs[i], clientRpcResult.method.FullName);

            // register all target rpcs in cctor
            for (int i = 0; i < targetRpcs.Count; ++i)
                GenerateRegisterRemoteDelegate(cctorWorker, weaverTypes.registerRpcReference, targetRpcInvocationFuncs[i], targetRpcs[i].FullName);

            // add final 'Ret' instruction to cctor
            if (!cctorFound)

            // in case class had no cctor, it might have BeforeFieldInit, so injected cctor would be called too late
            netBehaviourSubclass.Attributes &= ~TypeAttributes.BeforeFieldInit;