Beispiel #1
        void Awake()
            UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"[VWS] {pluginName} v{pluginVersion}");

            var bin = Path.Combine(Paths.PluginPath, "ValheimWebSocket/client.exe");

            serverPort = Config.Bind("Server", "Port", 60157, "WebSocket server port");
            clientBin  = Config.Bind("Client", "BinPath", bin, "WebSocket server bin path");
            clientArgs = Config.Bind("Client", "BinArgs", "", "WebSocket server bin arguments");

                Harmony harmony = new Harmony(pluginGUID);


                if (clientBin.Value.Length != 0)
                    ClientLauncher.Start(clientBin.Value, clientArgs.Value);
            catch (System.Exception e)
Beispiel #2
        public void Initialize()
            // initialize
            _forbidUpdates = false;
            _isJustUpdated = false;
            _type          = typeof(IClient);

            // IApplicationConfigurationManager mock
            _applicationConfigurationManagerMock = new Mock <IApplicationConfigurationManager>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            _applicationConfigurationManagerMock.Setup(x => x.GetClientFileName()).Returns(() => _fileName);
            _applicationConfigurationManagerMock.Setup(x => x.GetSetting <bool>("forbidUpdates")).Returns(() => _forbidUpdates);

            // IClient mock
            _clientMock = new Mock <IClient>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            _clientMock.Setup(x => x.Start(It.IsAny <StartOptions>()));

            // IApplicationClientUpdater mock
            _applicationClientUpdaterMock = new Mock <IApplicationClientUpdater>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            // IConstructorInfoWrapper mock
            _constructorInfoWrapperMock = new Mock <IConstructorInfoWrapper>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            _constructorInfoWrapperMock.Setup(x => x.Invoke(It.IsAny <object[]>())).Returns(() => _clientMock.Object);

            // initialize constructorInfoWrappersArray
            _constructorInfoWrapperArray = new[] { _constructorInfoWrapperMock.Object };

            // IApplicationLogger mock
            _applicationLoggerMock = new Mock <IApplicationLogger>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            _applicationLoggerMock.Setup(x => x.LogException(It.IsAny <Exception>(), It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(() => Task.CompletedTask);

            // ITypeWrapper mock
            _typeWrapperMock = new Mock <ITypeWrapper>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            _typeWrapperMock.Setup(x => x.GetConstructors()).Returns(() => _constructorInfoWrapperArray);
            _typeWrapperMock.Setup(x => x.GetInterface(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(() => _type);

            // initialize typeWrappersArray
            _typeWrapperArray = new[] { _typeWrapperMock.Object };

            // IAssemblyWrapper mock
            _assemblyWrapperMock = new Mock <IAssemblyWrapper>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            _assemblyWrapperMock.Setup(x => x.GetTypes()).Returns(() => _typeWrapperArray);

            AssemblyWrapper.LoadFrom = (assemblyFile) =>
                                       assemblyFile == _fileName ? _assemblyWrapperMock.Object : throw new ArgumentNullException();

            // new ClientLauncher
            _clientLauncher = new ClientLauncher(_applicationConfigurationManagerMock.Object, _applicationClientUpdaterMock.Object, _applicationLoggerMock.Object);
 private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     eventManager = new UiEventManager(dataGridView1, this);
     indication   = new Indication(this);
         client = new ClientLauncher(eventManager, this);
         eventManager.client = client;
     catch (UserIsNullException) //user has not logged in
Beispiel #4
        public static bool Launch(OptionsData options, out int index)
            /* Could all seem a bit excessive just to get the pid of the client it creates? */
            ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();

            startInfo.WorkingDirectory = MainWindow.CurrentOptions.UOSFolder;
            startInfo.FileName         = Path.Combine(MainWindow.CurrentOptions.UOSFolder, "UOSteam.exe");
            index = -1;
            Win32.SafeProcessHandle hProcess;
            Win32.SafeThreadHandle  hThread;
            uint pid, tid;
            int  uopid = 0;

            UOM.SetStatusLabel("Status : Launching UOSteam");
            if (Win32.CreateProcess(startInfo, true, out hProcess, out hThread, out pid, out tid))
                /* Basically rewrites a small piece of code before the client resumes to write the pid of the new client it creates, probably not portable between versions if the registers change, what can i say, I'm a noob
                 * Never had code of old code before RazorLauncher to see how xenoglyph did it before.
                 * Code will need to be cleaned up. */

                Process p = Process.GetProcessById((int)pid);
                IntPtr  codeAddress;

                IntPtr baseAddress = GetBaseAddress(hProcess, hThread);
                if (baseAddress == null)
                    UOM.SetStatusLabel("Status : UOS Hook failed");

                byte[] buffer = new byte[0x17000];
                Memory.Read(hProcess.DangerousGetHandle(), (IntPtr)(((int)baseAddress) + 0x1000), buffer, true);

                UOM.SetStatusLabel("Status : Patching UOSteam");

                /* Originally pushes hThread and hProcess on the stack before a call, we'll overwrite here. */
                byte[] findBytes = new byte[] { 0x8B, 0x44, 0x24, 0x44, // MOV EAX, [ESP+44]
                                                0x8B, 0x4C, 0x24, 0x40  // MOV ECX, [ESP+40]

                int offset = 0;
                if (FindSignatureOffset(findBytes, buffer, out offset))
                    if ((codeAddress = Memory.Allocate(hProcess.DangerousGetHandle(), IntPtr.Zero, 1024, true)) == IntPtr.Zero)
                        UOM.SetStatusLabel("Status : Memory Allocation failed");

                    byte[] patchCode1 = new byte[] { 0xB8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // MOV EAX, <codeAddress>
                                                     0x8B, 0x4C, 0x24, 0x4C,       // MOV ECX, [ESP+4C]
                                                     0x89, 0x08,                   // MOV [EAX], ECX
                                                     0xB8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // MOV EAX, <codeAddress+4>
                                                     0x8B, 0x4C, 0x24, 0x44,       // MOV ECX, [ESP+4C]
                                                     0x89, 0x08,                   // MOV [EAX], ECX
                                                     0x8B, 0x44, 0x24, 0x48,       // MOV EAX, [ESP+48] -.
                                                     0x8B, 0x4C, 0x24, 0x44,       // MOV ECX, [ESP+44] -| Original code we overwrote, but esp incremented 4 due to call return address on stack
                                                     0xC3                          // RETN

                    patchCode1[1] = (byte)codeAddress.ToInt32();
                    patchCode1[2] = (byte)(codeAddress.ToInt32() >> 8);
                    patchCode1[3] = (byte)(codeAddress.ToInt32() >> 16);
                    patchCode1[4] = (byte)(codeAddress.ToInt32() >> 24);

                    int codeAddress2 = (codeAddress.ToInt32() + 4);

                    patchCode1[12] = (byte)codeAddress2;
                    patchCode1[13] = (byte)(codeAddress2 >> 8);
                    patchCode1[14] = (byte)(codeAddress2 >> 16);
                    patchCode1[15] = (byte)(codeAddress2 >> 24);

                    int patchAddress = codeAddress.ToInt32() + 8;

                    Memory.Write(hProcess.DangerousGetHandle(), (IntPtr)patchAddress, patchCode1, true);

                    byte[] patchCode2 = new byte[] { 0xB8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // MOV EAX, <patchAddress>
                                                     0xFF, 0xD0,                   // CALL EAX
                                                     0x90                          // NOP

                    patchCode2[1] = (byte)patchAddress;
                    patchCode2[2] = (byte)(patchAddress >> 8);
                    patchCode2[3] = (byte)(patchAddress >> 16);
                    patchCode2[4] = (byte)(patchAddress >> 24);

                    IntPtr writeAddress = new IntPtr((baseAddress.ToInt32() + 0x1000) + offset);

                    Memory.Write(hProcess.DangerousGetHandle(), writeAddress, patchCode2, true);

                    if (Win32.ResumeThread(hThread.DangerousGetHandle()) == -1)
                        UOM.SetStatusLabel("Status : ResumeThread failed");

                    // This is dodgy, to be changed to something else.
                    byte[] uopidbytes = new byte[4];
                        Memory.Read(hProcess.DangerousGetHandle(), (IntPtr)codeAddress, uopidbytes, true);
                        uopid = uopidbytes[3] << 24 | uopidbytes[2] << 16 | uopidbytes[1] << 8 | uopidbytes[0];
                    } while (uopid == 0);

                return(ClientLauncher.Attach((uint)uopid, options, true, out index));
            UOM.SetStatusLabel("Status : Process creation failed");
Beispiel #5
        public void Play()
                Dictionary <string, string> table = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                string   dataString = string.Empty;
                string[] split      = null;

                dataString = _url;
                dataString = Uri.UnescapeDataString(dataString);

                bool encoded = Regex.IsMatch(dataString, "^[A-Za-z0-9+/=]+$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                if (encoded)
                    dataString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(dataString));

                _log.Debug("dataString = {0}", dataString);

                split = dataString.Split('&');

                for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++)
                    string[] keyValue = split[i].Split('=');

                    if (keyValue.Length == 2)
                        string key   = keyValue[0];
                        string value = keyValue[1];

                        table.Add(key, value);

                for (int i = 0; i < _requiredFields.Length; i++)
                    if (!table.ContainsKey(_requiredFields[i]))
                        MessageBoxEx.Show(Program.MainForm, string.Format("One or more of the following fields was missing from the ConnectUO Url Protocol string: {0}", string.Join(" ", _requiredFields)));

                string idString    = table[Id];
                string name        = table[NameTolken];
                string portString  = table[PortTolken];
                string hostAddress = table[HostTolken];
                string allowRazor;
                string removeEnc;
                string patches;

                bool razor = Program.Database.LaunchRazor;
                bool enc;

                if (!table.TryGetValue(AllowRazorTolken, out allowRazor))
                    allowRazor = "false";

                if (!table.TryGetValue(RemoveEncTolken, out removeEnc))
                    removeEnc = "true";

                if (!table.TryGetValue(PatchesTolken, out patches))
                    patches = "";

                int port;
                int id;

                if (!int.TryParse(idString, out id))
                    MessageBoxEx.Show(Program.MainForm, "Invalid server id.");

                if (!int.TryParse(portString, out port) || (port > 65536 || port < 0))
                    MessageBoxEx.Show(Program.MainForm, "Invalid port number, please use a valid port number between 0 and 65535");

                bool shardAllowsRazor;
                bool.TryParse(allowRazor, out shardAllowsRazor);
                bool.TryParse(removeEnc, out enc);

                //Make sure the user wants razor, and that shard allows it.
                razor = razor && shardAllowsRazor;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Program.Database.UltimaOnlineDirectory))
                    MessageBoxEx.Show(Program.MainForm, "ConnectUO was unable to find the directory that Ultima Online is installed to.  This must be set in order to launch the client.");

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Program.Database.UltimaOnlineExe))
                    MessageBoxEx.Show(Program.MainForm, "ConnectUO was unable to find the client executable.  This must be set in order to launch the client.");

                string folderName = name;
                Utility.EnsureValidFolderName(ref folderName);

                string   serverDirectory = Path.Combine(Program.Database.PatchDirectory, folderName);
                string[] patchFiles      = null;


                List <ServerPatch> patchList = new List <ServerPatch>();

                split = patches.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++)
                    string[] patchVersion = split[i].Split(new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    if (patchVersion.Length == 2)
                        string patchUri      = patchVersion[0];
                        string versionString = patchVersion[1];
                        int    version;

                        int.TryParse(versionString, out version);

                        ServerPatch patch = new ServerPatch();

                        patch.ShardId  = id;
                        patch.PatchUrl = patchUri;
                        patch.Version  = version;

                        if (!Program.Database.IsPatchApplied(patch))

                if (patchList.Count > 0)
                    if (Program.Database.IsServerBeingPatched(id))
                        MessageBoxEx.Show(Program.MainForm, String.Format("{0} is already being patched, you cannot play until the patching process has been completed", name), "ConnectUO 2.0");
                        frmTaskManager taskManager = new frmTaskManager(patchList, serverDirectory);

                        if (taskManager.ShowDialog() != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)

                patchFiles = Directory.GetFiles(serverDirectory);

                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate(object o)
                    new ConnectUOWebService().UpdatePlayStatistics(Program.Database.Guid, id);

                ClientLauncher.Launch(id, hostAddress, port,
                                      Path.Combine(Program.Database.UltimaOnlineDirectory, Program.Database.UltimaOnlineExe),
                                      Program.Database.RazorDirectory, razor, enc,
                                      Path.Combine(Program.Database.PatchDirectory, folderName), patchFiles);
            catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Launch a new client instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="options">UOMachine.OptionsData to use for launching client.</param>
 /// <param name="clientIndex">Client index of launched client.</param>
 /// <returns>Client index of launched client.</returns>
 public static bool LaunchClient(OptionsData options, out int clientIndex)
     return(ClientLauncher.Launch(options, out clientIndex));
Beispiel #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Launch a new client instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="clientIndex">Client index of launched client.</param>
 /// <returns>Client index of launched client.</returns>
 public static bool LaunchClient(out int clientIndex)
     return(ClientLauncher.Launch(MainWindow.CurrentOptions, out clientIndex));
Beispiel #8
        public void Play(string url)
                string[] split = null;

                if (url.Contains("//"))
                    split = url.Split(new string[] { "//" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    if (split.Length >= 2)
                        url = split[1];

                url = url.Replace("/", "");

                Dictionary <string, string> table = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                string dataString = string.Empty;

                dataString = url;
                dataString = Uri.UnescapeDataString(dataString);

                bool encoded = Regex.IsMatch(dataString, "^[A-Za-z0-9+/=]+$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                if (encoded)
                    dataString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(dataString));

                Tracer.Verbose("dataString = {0}", dataString);

                split = dataString.Split('&');

                for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++)
                    string[] keyValue = split[i].Split('=');

                    if (keyValue.Length == 2)
                        string key   = keyValue[0];
                        string value = keyValue[1];

                        table.Add(key, value);

                for (int i = 0; i < _requiredFields.Length; i++)
                    if (!table.ContainsKey(_requiredFields[i]))
                        MessageBoxEx.Show(_applicationService.MainForm, string.Format("One or more of the following fields was missing from the ConnectUO Url Protocol string: {0}", string.Join(" ", _requiredFields)));

                string idString    = table[Id];
                string name        = table[NameTolken];
                string portString  = table[PortTolken];
                string hostAddress = table[HostTolken];
                string allowRazor;
                string removeEnc;
                string patches;

                bool razor = _settingsService.LaunchRazor;
                bool enc;

                if (!table.TryGetValue(AllowRazorTolken, out allowRazor))
                    allowRazor = "false";

                if (!table.TryGetValue(RemoveEncTolken, out removeEnc))
                    removeEnc = "true";

                if (!table.TryGetValue(PatchesTolken, out patches))
                    patches = "";

                int port;
                int id;

                if (!int.TryParse(idString, out id))
                    MessageBoxEx.Show(_applicationService.MainForm, "Invalid server id.");

                if (!int.TryParse(portString, out port) || (port > 65536 || port < 0))
                    MessageBoxEx.Show(_applicationService.MainForm, "Invalid port number, please use a valid port number between 0 and 65535");

                bool shardAllowsRazor;
                bool.TryParse(allowRazor, out shardAllowsRazor);
                bool.TryParse(removeEnc, out enc);

                //Make sure the user wants razor, and that shard allows it.
                razor = razor && shardAllowsRazor;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_settingsService.UltimaOnlineDirectory))
                    MessageBoxEx.Show(_applicationService.MainForm, "ConnectUO was unable to find the directory that Ultima Online is installed to.  This must be set in order to launch the client.");

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_settingsService.UltimaOnlineExe))
                    MessageBoxEx.Show(_applicationService.MainForm, "ConnectUO was unable to find the client executable.  This must be set in order to launch the client.");

                string folderName = name;
                EnsureValidFolderName(ref folderName);

                string   serverDirectory = Path.Combine(_settingsService.PatchDirectory, folderName);
                string[] patchFiles      = null;


                List <ServerPatch> patchList = new List <ServerPatch>();

                split = patches.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++)
                    string[] patchVersion = split[i].Split(new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    if (patchVersion.Length == 2)
                        string patchUri      = patchVersion[0];
                        string versionString = patchVersion[1];
                        int    version;

                        int.TryParse(versionString, out version);

                        ServerPatch patch = new ServerPatch();

                        patch.ShardId  = id;
                        patch.PatchUrl = patchUri;
                        patch.Version  = version;


                        //if (!_storageService.IsPatchApplied(patch))
                        //    //_storageService.ResetPatches(id);
                        //    patchList.Add(patch);
                        //    //i = 0;
                        //    //continue;

                ServerPatch[] notPatched = (from p in patchList where !_storageService.IsPatchApplied(p) select p).ToArray();

                if (notPatched.Length > 0)
                    if (_storageService.IsServerBeingPatched(id))
                        MessageBoxEx.Show(_applicationService.MainForm, String.Format("{0} is already being patched, you cannot play until the patching process has been completed", name), "ConnectUO 2.0");

                        PatcherForm taskManager = _kernel.Get <PatcherForm>();

                        taskManager.Patches         = notPatched;
                        taskManager.ServerDirectory = serverDirectory;

                        if (taskManager.ShowDialog() != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)

                patchFiles = Directory.GetFiles(serverDirectory);

                _storageService.UpdatePlayStatistics(_settingsService.Guid, id);

                    Path.Combine(_settingsService.UltimaOnlineDirectory, _settingsService.UltimaOnlineExe),
                    Path.Combine(_settingsService.PatchDirectory, folderName),
            catch (Exception e)
 public void Awake()
     clientLauncher = this;
Beispiel #10
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 private void Start()
     canvasGroup = GetComponent <CanvasGroup>();
     larPaCag    = loginAndregPanel.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>();
     launcher    = launcherHost.GetComponent <ClientLauncher>();