Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// An event that's called everytime the HotelEventManager pushes out an HotelEvent.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Event">The HotelEvent containing event information.</param>
 public void Notify(HotelEvent Event)
     //If the Cleaner is evacuating it should ignore all other Events and abandon all tasks in the CleanerTasks Queue.
     if (Status != HotelEventType.EVACUATE)
         #region EVACUATE
         //Clears the CurrentTask and the Task Queue (because they need to evacuate)
         //When an EVACUATE event is called the Cleaner calculates the quickest route to the Reception
         if (Event.EventType == HotelEventType.EVACUATE)
             CurrentTask = null;
             Status      = HotelEventType.EVACUATE;
             Destination = Hotel.Reception.Node;
             Path        = Graph.QuickestRoute(Hotel.Floors[PositionY].Areas[PositionX].Node, Destination, true, true);
         #region CLEANING_EMERGENCY
         //CLEANING_EMERGENCY should be treated as a regular task for the Cleaner
         if (Event.EventType == HotelEventType.CLEANING_EMERGENCY)
             //In the int[] all the data that is given by the Event will be placed
             int[] Data = PullIntsFromString(Event.Data.Values.ToList());
             for (int i = 0; i < GlobalStatistics.Rooms.Count; i++)
                 //If the given ID matches the ID of a Room, it will be given to the Cleaner as a task
                 if (GlobalStatistics.Rooms[i].ID == Data[0])
                     //The time that it's take to clean during a CLEANING_EMERGENCY is given withint the Data Dictionairy
                     CleanRoom(new CleanRoom()
                         RoomToClean = GlobalStatistics.Rooms[i].Node, TimeToClean = Data[1]
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Enqueues a new Task for the Cleaner to do.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="RoomToClean">The CleanRoom task that the Cleaner needs to fullfill.</param>
 public void CleanRoom(CleanRoom RoomToClean)
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the Cleaner depending on what Task is enqueued and what their Status is.
        /// </summary>
        public void Move()
            //Since the applications is Multi-Threaded (runs on multiple threads due to the HotelEventManager)
            //This can't be added to the HotelEventManager when created through an Event
            //That's why it's called on the Main Application thread and not on the HotelEventManger thread
            if (!IsRegistered)
                IsRegistered = true;

            #region Task Assignment
            //Gives the Cleaner a task if they don't have one and if there's a Queue of CleanerTasks
            if (CurrentTask == null && CleanerTasks.Count > 0)
                CurrentTask = CleanerTasks.Dequeue();
            //If the Cleaner has nothing to do they need to move to their Optimal Position
            else if (CurrentTask == null && Destination == null && CleanerTasks.Count == 0)

            #region Pathfinding to Cleaning Task
            //If the Cleaner has a Task and the Destination is null (or the current Position of the Cleaner)
            //The Path will be set for the Cleaner
            if (CurrentTask != null && (Destination == null || Destination == Hotel.Floors[PositionY].Areas[PositionX].Node))
                Destination = CurrentTask.RoomToClean;
                Path        = Graph.QuickestRoute(Hotel.Floors[PositionY].Areas[PositionX].Node, Destination, true, true);

            #region Performing Cleaning Task
            //If the Cleaner is standing on the Room Node that needs to be cleaned
            //Then the Room's IsDirty state will change to true and the Room will be cleaned
            if (CurrentTask != null && Hotel.Floors[PositionY].Areas[PositionX].Node == CurrentTask.RoomToClean)
                //If the Room isn't being cleaned yet, the Room's IsDirty state will change to true and the cleaning time will be equal to the one set in the Task
                if (((Room)CurrentTask.RoomToClean.Area).CleaningTime == 0 && ((Room)CurrentTask.RoomToClean.Area).IsDirty == true)
                    ((Room)CurrentTask.RoomToClean.Area).CleaningTime = CurrentTask.TimeToClean;
                    IsVisible = false;
                    //If the Room is currently being cleaned then the CleaningTime should go down with 1 (since this method is called every 1 HTE)
                    if (((Room)CurrentTask.RoomToClean.Area).CleaningTime > 0)
                        //If the Room is done being cleaned, then the Cleaner needs to be visible again and the CurrentTask is done
                        //The Room's IsDirty state will change to false and the room is able to be used again
                        if (((Room)CurrentTask.RoomToClean.Area).CleaningTime == 0)
                            ((Room)CurrentTask.RoomToClean.Area).IsDirty = false;
                            IsVisible   = true;
                            CurrentTask = null;
                            Destination = null;

            //There's a better explenation about the PathFinding in the References folder (a document called "Project Hotel - Documentatie.docx")
            if (Path != null)
                #region ToElevator
                //If the Cleaner is in front of the Elevator we will check if it's still efficient to use the Elevator or the Stairs
                if (Path.RouteType == ERouteType.ToElevator && Hotel.Floors[PositionY].Areas[PositionX - 1].AreaType == EAreaType.ElevatorShaft)
                //If the Cleaner is not in front of the Elevator yet, they will walk towards the Elevator by Dequeueing Nodes
                else if (Path.RouteType == ERouteType.ToElevator && Path.PathToElevator.Count != 0)
                    //The Node contains all the info for the Cleaner to move forward (an X and Y co-ordinate)
                    Node moveNode = Path.PathToElevator.Dequeue();
                    PositionX = moveNode.Area.PositionX;
                    PositionY = moveNode.Area.PositionY;

                #region Elevator
                //If the Cleaner has decided to take the Elevator then we're going to try and enter the Elevator
                if (Path.RouteType == ERouteType.Elevator)
                    //If the Cleaner isn't in the Elevator we're going to try and request it
                    if (!IsInElevator)
                        //If the Cleaner is in front of the Elevator they will enter the Elevator and request the floor (int) that they need to go too
                        if (Hotel.Elevator.GetElevatorInfo().Item2 == PositionY && Hotel.Floors[PositionY].Areas[PositionX - 1].AreaType == EAreaType.ElevatorShaft && !IsInElevator)
                            //Cleaner Requests the Elevator with their desired Floor
                            //If the Elevator is on their left side, all they have to do is step to the left (meaning X - 1)

                            IsInElevator = true;
                            //Reset RequestedElevator so that the Cleaner can request the Elevator again
                            RequestedElevator = false;

                            //Add the Cleaner to the Elevator so the Cleaner's position is updated with every HTE with the position of the Elevator
                        //If the Cleaner is in front of the ElevatorShaft they request the Elevator to their current position
                        else if (Hotel.Floors[PositionY].Areas[PositionX - 1].AreaType == EAreaType.ElevatorShaft && !IsInElevator)
                            if (!RequestedElevator)
                                RequestedElevator = true;
                    //If the Cleaner is in the Elevator then we need to check if they need to get out the Elevator or not
                        //If the Cleaner is on the Floor (int) that they need to be then she will step out of the Elevator and set their path to FromElevator
                        if (PositionY == Destination.Floor)
                            Path.RouteType = ERouteType.FromElevator;

                            IsInElevator = false;

                #region FromElevator
                //If the Cleaner has stepped out of the Elevator, they need to continue their Path to their Destination
                else if (Path.RouteType == ERouteType.FromElevator && Path.PathFromElevator.Count != 0)
                    //This is done by Dequeueing Node's and setting the Cleaner's current position to that of the Node
                    Node moveNode = Path.PathFromElevator.Dequeue();
                    PositionX = moveNode.Area.PositionX;
                    PositionY = moveNode.Area.PositionY;

                #region Stairs
                //If the Cleaner has decided to take the Stairs instead of the Elevator
                if (Path.RouteType == ERouteType.Stairs)
                    //If the Cleaner needs to wait (due to the StairTime) she will not move
                    if (WaitingTime > 0)
                    //If the Cleaner doesn't need to wait
                        //And the Stair Path is still filled with Node's
                        if (Path.Path.Count != 0)
                            //By Dequeueing a Node, the Cleaner can move by making their X and Y co-ordinate the same as the Node's
                            Node moveNode = Path.Path.Dequeue();
                            PositionX = moveNode.Area.PositionX;
                            PositionY = moveNode.Area.PositionY;

                            //If the Cleaner moves into a Node, their waiting time should be set to the StairTime (in Settings class)
                            if (moveNode.Area.AreaType == EAreaType.Staircase)
                                WaitingTime = WaitingTime + Hotel.Settings.StairCase - 1;