Beispiel #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, ClassroomType classroomType)
            if (id != classroomType.Id)

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    await this.context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                    if (!ClassroomTypeExists(classroomType.Id))
        public static List<ClassroomInfoModel> GetFreeClassrooms(ClassroomType type,ScheduleItemIdModel idModel)
            ApplicationDbContext context = new ApplicationDbContext();

            List<ClassroomInfoModel> classrooms = new List<ClassroomInfoModel>();

            var group = context.Groups.Single(i => i.Id == idModel.GroupId);
            var unavailableIds = context.ScheduleItems
                .Where(i => i.SemesterId == idModel.SemesterId && i.DayOfWeek == idModel.DayOfWeek && i.LessonNumber == idModel.LessonNumber && i.LessonFrequency == idModel.LessonFrequency)
                .Select(i => i.ClassroomId)
            var unavailable = context.Classrooms.Where(i => unavailableIds.Contains(i.Id)).ToList();
            var available = context.Classrooms
                .Where(j => unavailableIds.Contains(j.Id) == false) //Filter unavailable
                .Where(i => i.Capacity >= group.StudentsAmount && i.Type == type) //Check Capacity and Type

            foreach (var item in available)
                classrooms.Add(ScheduleHelper.CreateClassroomInfoModel(item, true));
            foreach (var item in unavailable)
                classrooms.Add(ScheduleHelper.CreateClassroomInfoModel(item, false));

            return classrooms;
Beispiel #3
        public static List <ClassroomInfoModel> GetFreeClassrooms(ClassroomType type, ScheduleItemIdModel idModel)
            ApplicationDbContext context = new ApplicationDbContext();

            List <ClassroomInfoModel> classrooms = new List <ClassroomInfoModel>();

            var group          = context.Groups.Single(i => i.Id == idModel.GroupId);
            var unavailableIds = context.ScheduleItems
                                 .Where(i => i.SemesterId == idModel.SemesterId && i.DayOfWeek == idModel.DayOfWeek && i.LessonNumber == idModel.LessonNumber && i.LessonFrequency == idModel.LessonFrequency)
                                 .Select(i => i.ClassroomId)
            var unavailable = context.Classrooms.Where(i => unavailableIds.Contains(i.Id)).ToList();
            var available   = context.Classrooms
                              .Where(j => unavailableIds.Contains(j.Id) == false)               //Filter unavailable
                              .Where(i => i.Capacity >= group.StudentsAmount && i.Type == type) //Check Capacity and Type

            foreach (var item in available)
                classrooms.Add(ScheduleHelper.CreateClassroomInfoModel(item, true));
            foreach (var item in unavailable)
                classrooms.Add(ScheduleHelper.CreateClassroomInfoModel(item, false));

Beispiel #4
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create(ClassroomType classroomType)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                await this.context.SaveChangesAsync();

Beispiel #5
        public static DbClassroomType Convert(ClassroomType classroomType)
            if (classroomType == null)

            return(new DbClassroomType()
                Id = classroomType.Id,
                Name = classroomType.Name
        public JsonResult ClassroomsForLesson(ClassroomType type, string elId)
            ApplicationDbContext context = new ApplicationDbContext();

            ScheduleItemIdModel idModel = ScheduleHelper.ParseScheduleItemId(elId);

//            var group = context.Groups.Single(i => i.Id == groupId);
//            var classrooms = context.Classrooms.Where(i => i.Capacity >= group.StudentsAmount && i.Type == type).ToList();

            List <ClassroomInfoModel> classrooms = ScheduleHelper.GetFreeClassrooms(type, idModel);

            return(Json(classrooms, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public JsonResult ClassroomsForLesson(ClassroomType type, string elId)
            ApplicationDbContext context = new ApplicationDbContext();

            ScheduleItemIdModel idModel = ScheduleHelper.ParseScheduleItemId(elId);

            //            var group = context.Groups.Single(i => i.Id == groupId);
            //            var classrooms = context.Classrooms.Where(i => i.Capacity >= group.StudentsAmount && i.Type == type).ToList();

            List<ClassroomInfoModel> classrooms = ScheduleHelper.GetFreeClassrooms(type, idModel);

            return Json(classrooms, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
            #region BanRoleWebPage

            modelBuilder.Entity <BanRoleWebPage>()
            .HasKey(x => new { x.RoleId, x.WebPageId });

            modelBuilder.Entity <BanRoleWebPage>()
            .HasOne(brwp => brwp.Role)
            .WithMany(r => r.BanRoleWebPages)
            .HasForeignKey(brwp => brwp.RoleId);

            modelBuilder.Entity <BanRoleWebPage>()
            .HasOne(brwp => brwp.WebPage)
            .WithMany(wp => wp.BanRoleWebPages)
            .HasForeignKey(brwp => brwp.WebPageId);


            #region BanClassroomPeriodTimeslot

            modelBuilder.Entity <BanClassroomPeriodTimeslot>()
            .HasKey(x => new { x.ClassroomId, x.PeriodTimeslotId });

            modelBuilder.Entity <BanClassroomPeriodTimeslot>()
            .HasOne(bcpt => bcpt.Classroom)
            .WithMany(c => c.BanClassroomPeriodTimeslots)
            .HasForeignKey(bcpt => bcpt.ClassroomId);

            modelBuilder.Entity <BanClassroomPeriodTimeslot>()
            .HasOne(bcpt => bcpt.PeriodTimeslot)
            .WithMany(c => c.BanClassroomPeriodTimeslots)
            .HasForeignKey(bcpt => bcpt.PeriodTimeslotId);


            #region BanTeacherPeriodTimeslot

            modelBuilder.Entity <BanTeacherPeriodTimeslot>()
            .HasKey(x => new { x.TeacherId, x.PeriodTimeslotId });

            modelBuilder.Entity <BanTeacherPeriodTimeslot>()
            .HasOne(btpt => btpt.Teacher)
            .WithMany(c => c.BanTeacherPeriodTimeslots)
            .HasForeignKey(btpt => btpt.TeacherId);

            modelBuilder.Entity <BanTeacherPeriodTimeslot>()
            .HasOne(btpt => btpt.PeriodTimeslot)
            .WithMany(c => c.BanTeacherPeriodTimeslots)
            .HasForeignKey(btpt => btpt.PeriodTimeslotId);


            #region TeacherCourse

            modelBuilder.Entity <TeacherCourse>()
            .HasKey(x => new { x.TeacherId, x.CourseId });

            modelBuilder.Entity <TeacherCourse>()
            .HasOne(tc => tc.Teacher)
            .WithMany(t => t.TeacherCourses)
            .HasForeignKey(tc => tc.TeacherId);

            modelBuilder.Entity <TeacherCourse>()
            .HasOne(tc => tc.Course)
            .WithMany(c => c.TeacherCourses)
            .HasForeignKey(tc => tc.CourseId);


            #region GroupCourse

            modelBuilder.Entity <GroupCourse>()
            .HasKey(x => new { x.GroupId, x.CourseId });

            modelBuilder.Entity <GroupCourse>()
            .HasOne(gc => gc.Group)
            .WithMany(g => g.GroupCourses)
            .HasForeignKey(gc => gc.GroupId);

            modelBuilder.Entity <GroupCourse>()
            .HasOne(gc => gc.Course)
            .WithMany(c => c.GroupCourses)
            .HasForeignKey(gc => gc.CourseId);


            #region TeachingUnitClassroomType

            modelBuilder.Entity <TeachingUnitClassroomType>()
            .HasKey(x => new { x.TeachingUnitId, x.ClassroomTypeId });

            modelBuilder.Entity <TeachingUnitClassroomType>()
            .HasOne(tuct => tuct.TeachingUnit)
            .WithMany(tu => tu.TeachingUnitClassroomTypes)
            .HasForeignKey(tuct => tuct.TeachingUnitId);

            modelBuilder.Entity <TeachingUnitClassroomType>()
            .HasOne(tuct => tuct.ClassroomType)
            .WithMany(ct => ct.TeachingUnitClassroomTypes)
            .HasForeignKey(tuct => tuct.ClassroomTypeId);


            #region ScheduleCell

            modelBuilder.Entity <ScheduleCell>()
            .HasKey(x => new { x.ClassroomId, x.PeriodTimeslotId });


            #region Инициализация БД начальными значениями

            #region Недели

            var week1 = new Week()
                Id = 1, Name = "Первая неделя"

            modelBuilder.Entity <Week>().HasData(week1);


            #region Дни недели

            var day1 = new Day()
                Id = 1, Name = "Понедельник", DayOfWeek = 1
            var day2 = new Day()
                Id = 2, Name = "Вторник", DayOfWeek = 2
            var day3 = new Day()
                Id = 3, Name = "Среда", DayOfWeek = 3
            var day4 = new Day()
                Id = 4, Name = "Четверг", DayOfWeek = 4
            var day5 = new Day()
                Id = 5, Name = "Пятница", DayOfWeek = 5
            var day6 = new Day()
                Id = 6, Name = "Суббота", DayOfWeek = 6

            modelBuilder.Entity <Day>().HasData(day1, day2, day3, day4, day5, day6);


            #region Таймслоты в течении дня

            var dayTimeslot1 = new DayTimeslot()
                Id = 1, Name = "1 пара", StartTime = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 9, 0, 0)
            var dayTimeslot2 = new DayTimeslot()
                Id = 2, Name = "2 пара", StartTime = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 10, 45, 0)
            var dayTimeslot3 = new DayTimeslot()
                Id = 3, Name = "3 пара", StartTime = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 12, 45, 0)
            var dayTimeslot4 = new DayTimeslot()
                Id = 4, Name = "4 пара", StartTime = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 14, 30, 0)

            modelBuilder.Entity <DayTimeslot>().HasData(dayTimeslot1, dayTimeslot2, dayTimeslot3, dayTimeslot4);


            #region Таймслоты в планируемом периоде

            var periodTimeslots = new PeriodTimeslot[24];
            for (var i = 1; i <= 24; i++)
                periodTimeslots[i - 1] = new PeriodTimeslot()
                    Id = i, WeekId = week1.Id, DayId = (i - 1) / 4 + 1, DayTimeslotId = (i - 1) % 4 + 1

            modelBuilder.Entity <PeriodTimeslot>().HasData(periodTimeslots);


            #region Учебные корпуса

            var building1 = new Building()
                Id = 1, Name = "Главный корпус", ShortName = "ГЛ"
            var building2 = new Building()
                Id = 2, Name = "Лабораторный корпус", ShortName = "ЛК"

            modelBuilder.Entity <Building>().HasData(building1, building2);


            #region Типы аудиторий по назначению

            var classroomType1 = new ClassroomType()
                Id = 1, Name = "Лек. ауд."
            var classroomType2 = new ClassroomType()
                Id = 2, Name = "Практ. ауд."
            var classroomType3 = new ClassroomType()
                Id = 3, Name = "Лаб. ауд."

            modelBuilder.Entity <ClassroomType>().HasData(classroomType1, classroomType2, classroomType3);


            #region Аудитории

            var classroom1 = new Classroom()
                Id = 1, Name = "ГЛ 1", Number = 1, Capacity = 25, ClassroomTypeId = classroomType1.Id, BuildingId = building1.Id
            var classroom2 = new Classroom()
                Id = 2, Name = "ГЛ 2", Number = 2, Capacity = 25, ClassroomTypeId = classroomType2.Id, BuildingId = building1.Id
            var classroom3 = new Classroom()
                Id = 3, Name = "ГЛ 3", Number = 3, Capacity = 50, ClassroomTypeId = classroomType2.Id, BuildingId = building1.Id
            var classroom4 = new Classroom()
                Id = 4, Name = "ГЛ 4", Number = 4, Capacity = 25, ClassroomTypeId = classroomType3.Id, BuildingId = building1.Id

            var classroom5 = new Classroom()
                Id = 5, Name = "ЛК 1", Number = 1, Capacity = 50, ClassroomTypeId = classroomType1.Id, BuildingId = building2.Id
            var classroom6 = new Classroom()
                Id = 6, Name = "ЛК 2", Number = 2, Capacity = 50, ClassroomTypeId = classroomType3.Id, BuildingId = building2.Id

            modelBuilder.Entity <Classroom>().HasData(classroom1, classroom2, classroom3, classroom4, classroom5, classroom6);


            #region Ограничения "Аудитория - Таймслот в планируемом периоде"

            var banClassrooms = new List <(int classroomId, int periodTimeslotId)>()
                (1, 4), (1, 7), (1, 8), (1, 20),
                (2, 5), (2, 6), (2, 15), (2, 16),
                (3, 2), (3, 3), (3, 10), (3, 11),
                (4, 8), (4, 9), (4, 17), (4, 18),
                (5, 9), (5, 10),
                (6, 13), (6, 14), (6, 19), (6, 20)
            }.Select(x => new BanClassroomPeriodTimeslot()
                ClassroomId = x.classroomId, PeriodTimeslotId = x.periodTimeslotId

            modelBuilder.Entity <BanClassroomPeriodTimeslot>().HasData(banClassrooms);


            #region Факультеты

            var faculty1 = new Faculty()
                Id = 1, Name = "Факультет информационных технологий и управления", ShortName = "ФИТУ"
            var faculty2 = new Faculty()
                Id = 2, Name = "Строительный факультет", ShortName = "СФ"
            var faculty3 = new Faculty()
                Id = 3, Name = "Механический факультет", ShortName = "МФ"
            var faculty4 = new Faculty()
                Id = 4, Name = "Энергетический факультет", ShortName = "ЭНФ"
            var faculty5 = new Faculty()
                Id = 5, Name = "Технологический факультет", ShortName = "ТФ"
            var faculty6 = new Faculty()
                Id = 6, Name = "Факультет транспорта и логистики", ShortName = "ФТиЛ"
            var faculty7 = new Faculty()
                Id = 7, Name = "Факультет инноватики и организации производства", ShortName = "ФИОП"
            var faculty8 = new Faculty()
                Id = 8, Name = "Факультет геологии, горного и нефтегазового дела", ShortName = "ФГГНГД"
            var faculty9 = new Faculty()
                Id = 9, Name = "Институт фундаментального инженерного образования", ShortName = "ИФИО"

            modelBuilder.Entity <Faculty>().HasData(faculty1, faculty2, faculty3, faculty4, faculty5, faculty6, faculty7, faculty8, faculty9);


            #region Кафедры

            var department1 = new Department()
                Id = 1, Name = "Программное обеспечение вычислительной техники", FacultyId = faculty1.Id
            var department2 = new Department()
                Id = 2, Name = "Информационные и измерительные системы и технологии", FacultyId = faculty1.Id
            var department3 = new Department()
                Id = 3, Name = "Автоматика и телемеханика", FacultyId = faculty1.Id

            var department4 = new Department()
                Id = 4, Name = "Промышленное, гражданское строительство, геотехника и фундаментостроение", FacultyId = faculty2.Id
            var department5 = new Department()
                Id = 5, Name = "Градостроительство, проектирование зданий и сооружений", FacultyId = faculty2.Id

            var department6 = new Department()
                Id = 6, Name = "Технология машиностроения", FacultyId = faculty3.Id
            var department7 = new Department()
                Id = 7, Name = "Мехатроника и гидропневмоавтоматика", FacultyId = faculty3.Id

            var department8 = new Department()
                Id = 8, Name = "Электромеханика и электрические аппараты", FacultyId = faculty4.Id
            var department9 = new Department()
                Id = 9, Name = "Электрические станции и электроэнергетические системы", FacultyId = faculty4.Id
            var department10 = new Department()
                Id = 10, Name = "Электроснабжение и электропривод", FacultyId = faculty4.Id

            var department11 = new Department()
                Id = 11, Name = "Высшая математика", FacultyId = faculty9.Id
            var department12 = new Department()
                Id = 12, Name = "Физика и Фотоника", FacultyId = faculty9.Id

            modelBuilder.Entity <Department>().HasData(department1, department2, department3, department4,
                                                       department5, department6, department7, department8, department9, department10, department11, department12);


            #region Учебные группы

            var group1 = new Group()
                Id = 1, Name = "ФИТУ 1-1, 1-2", StudentsCount = 45, CoursesNumber = 1
            var group2 = new Group()
                Id = 2, Name = "ФИТУ 1-1", StudentsCount = 15, CoursesNumber = 1, ParentGroupId = 1, DepartmentId = department1.Id
            var group3 = new Group()
                Id = 3, Name = "ФИТУ 1-2", StudentsCount = 30, CoursesNumber = 1, ParentGroupId = 1, DepartmentId = department2.Id

            var group4 = new Group()
                Id = 4, Name = "ФИТУ 2-3Б, 2-4", StudentsCount = 40, CoursesNumber = 2
            var group5 = new Group()
                Id = 5, Name = "ФИТУ 2-3Б", StudentsCount = 10, CoursesNumber = 2, ParentGroupId = 4, DepartmentId = department2.Id
            var group6 = new Group()
                Id = 6, Name = "ФИТУ 2-4", StudentsCount = 30, CoursesNumber = 2, ParentGroupId = 4, DepartmentId = department3.Id

            var group7 = new Group()
                Id = 7, Name = "ФИТУ 3-1, 3-4", StudentsCount = 40, CoursesNumber = 3
            var group8 = new Group()
                Id = 8, Name = "ФИТУ 3-1", StudentsCount = 20, CoursesNumber = 3, ParentGroupId = 7, DepartmentId = department1.Id
            var group9 = new Group()
                Id = 9, Name = "ФИТУ 3-4", StudentsCount = 20, CoursesNumber = 3, ParentGroupId = 7, DepartmentId = department3.Id

            var group10 = new Group()
                Id = 10, Name = "ФИТУ 4-3Б, 4-4", StudentsCount = 32, CoursesNumber = 4
            var group11 = new Group()
                Id = 11, Name = "ФИТУ 4-3Б", StudentsCount = 15, CoursesNumber = 4, ParentGroupId = 10, DepartmentId = department2.Id
            var group12 = new Group()
                Id = 12, Name = "ФИТУ 4-4", StudentsCount = 17, CoursesNumber = 4, ParentGroupId = 10, DepartmentId = department3.Id

            modelBuilder.Entity <Group>().HasData(group1, group2, group3, group4, group5, group6, group7, group8, group9, group10, group11, group12);


            #region Должности преподавателей

            var post1 = new Post()
                Id = 1, Name = "Ассистент кафедры ПОВТ", Description = "асс. каф. ПОВТ"
            var post2 = new Post()
                Id = 2, Name = "Cтарший преподаватель кафедры ПОВТ", Description = "ст. преп. каф. ПОВТ"
            var post3 = new Post()
                Id = 3, Name = "Доцент кафедры ПОВТ", Description = "доц. каф. ПОВТ"
            var post4 = new Post()
                Id = 4, Name = "Профессор кафедры ПОВТ", Description = "проф. каф. ПОВТ"

            var post5 = new Post()
                Id = 5, Name = "Доцент кафедры АиТ", Description = "доц. каф. АиТ"
            var post6 = new Post()
                Id = 6, Name = "Профессор кафедры АиТ", Description = "проф. каф. АиТ"

            var post7 = new Post()
                Id = 7, Name = "Профессор кафедры ФиФ", Description = "проф. каф. ФиФ"
            var post8 = new Post()
                Id = 8, Name = "Доцент кафедры ВМ", Description = "доц. каф. ВМ"

            modelBuilder.Entity <Post>().HasData(post1, post2, post3, post4, post5, post6, post7, post8);


            #region Преподаватели

            var teacher1 = new Teacher()
                Id = 1, FirstName = "Константин", SecondName = "Соколов", MiddleName = "Алексеевич", PostId = post5.Id, DepartmentId = department3.Id, Gender = GenderType.Male, Birthday = new DateTime(1986, 9, 3)
            var teacher2 = new Teacher()
                Id = 2, FirstName = "Светлана", SecondName = "Сычёва", MiddleName = "Игоревна", PostId = post3.Id, DepartmentId = department1.Id, Gender = GenderType.Female, Birthday = new DateTime(1984, 11, 29)
            var teacher3 = new Teacher()
                Id = 3, FirstName = "Семён", SecondName = "Хромченко", MiddleName = "Сергеевич", PostId = post4.Id, DepartmentId = department1.Id, Gender = GenderType.Male, Birthday = new DateTime(1980, 8, 15)
            var teacher4 = new Teacher()
                Id = 4, FirstName = "Анатолий", SecondName = "Петров", MiddleName = "Львович", PostId = post7.Id, DepartmentId = department12.Id, Gender = GenderType.Male, Birthday = new DateTime(1972, 7, 18)
            var teacher5 = new Teacher()
                Id = 5, FirstName = "Оксана", SecondName = "Кириченко", MiddleName = "Якововна", PostId = post8.Id, DepartmentId = department11.Id, Gender = GenderType.Female, Birthday = new DateTime(1978, 2, 6)

            modelBuilder.Entity <Teacher>().HasData(teacher1, teacher2, teacher3, teacher4, teacher5);


            #region Ограничения "Преподаватель - Таймслот в планируемом периоде"

            var banTeachers = new List <(int teacherId, int periodTimeslotId)>()
                (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4),
                (2, 5), (2, 6), (2, 7), (2, 8),
                (3, 9), (3, 10), (3, 11), (3, 12),
                (4, 13), (4, 14), (4, 15), (4, 16),
                (5, 17), (5, 18), (5, 19), (5, 20)
            }.Select(x => new BanTeacherPeriodTimeslot()
                TeacherId = x.teacherId, PeriodTimeslotId = x.periodTimeslotId

            modelBuilder.Entity <BanTeacherPeriodTimeslot>().HasData(banTeachers);


            #region Дисциплины

            var course1 = new Course()
                Id = 1, Name = "Информационные технологии"
            var course2 = new Course()
                Id = 2, Name = "Электротехника"
            var course3 = new Course()
                Id = 3, Name = "Базы данных"
            var course4 = new Course()
                Id = 4, Name = "Программирование"
            var course5 = new Course()
                Id = 5, Name = "Компьютерные сети"
            var course6 = new Course()
                Id = 6, Name = "Физика"
            var course7 = new Course()
                Id = 7, Name = "Математика"
            var course8 = new Course()
                Id = 8, Name = "Линейная алгебра"

            modelBuilder.Entity <Course>().HasData(course1, course2, course3, course4, course5, course6, course7, course8);


            #region Таблица связка "Преподаватель - Дисциплина"

            var teacherCourse1 = new TeacherCourse()
                TeacherId = teacher1.Id, CourseId = course1.Id
            var teacherCourse2 = new TeacherCourse()
                TeacherId = teacher1.Id, CourseId = course2.Id
            var teacherCourse3 = new TeacherCourse()
                TeacherId = teacher2.Id, CourseId = course3.Id
            var teacherCourse4 = new TeacherCourse()
                TeacherId = teacher2.Id, CourseId = course4.Id
            var teacherCourse5 = new TeacherCourse()
                TeacherId = teacher3.Id, CourseId = course5.Id
            var teacherCourse6 = new TeacherCourse()
                TeacherId = teacher4.Id, CourseId = course6.Id
            var teacherCourse7 = new TeacherCourse()
                TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course7.Id
            var teacherCourse8 = new TeacherCourse()
                TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course8.Id

            modelBuilder.Entity <TeacherCourse>().HasData(teacherCourse1, teacherCourse2, teacherCourse3, teacherCourse4,
                                                          teacherCourse5, teacherCourse6, teacherCourse7, teacherCourse8);


            #region Таблица связка "Учебная группа - Дисциплина"

            var groupCourse1 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group1.Id, CourseId = course1.Id
            var groupCourse2 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group2.Id, CourseId = course1.Id
            var groupCourse3 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group3.Id, CourseId = course1.Id

            var groupCourse4 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group4.Id, CourseId = course2.Id
            var groupCourse5 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group5.Id, CourseId = course2.Id
            var groupCourse6 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group6.Id, CourseId = course2.Id

            var groupCourse7 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group7.Id, CourseId = course3.Id
            var groupCourse8 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group8.Id, CourseId = course3.Id
            var groupCourse9 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group9.Id, CourseId = course3.Id

            var groupCourse10 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group10.Id, CourseId = course4.Id
            var groupCourse11 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group11.Id, CourseId = course4.Id
            var groupCourse12 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group12.Id, CourseId = course4.Id

            var groupCourse13 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group10.Id, CourseId = course5.Id
            var groupCourse14 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group11.Id, CourseId = course5.Id
            var groupCourse15 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group12.Id, CourseId = course5.Id

            var groupCourse16 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group2.Id, CourseId = course6.Id
            var groupCourse17 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group3.Id, CourseId = course6.Id

            var groupCourse18 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group5.Id, CourseId = course7.Id
            var groupCourse19 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group6.Id, CourseId = course7.Id

            var groupCourse20 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group8.Id, CourseId = course8.Id
            var groupCourse21 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group9.Id, CourseId = course8.Id

            modelBuilder.Entity <GroupCourse>().HasData(groupCourse1, groupCourse2, groupCourse3, groupCourse4, groupCourse5, groupCourse6, groupCourse7,
                                                        groupCourse8, groupCourse9, groupCourse10, groupCourse11, groupCourse12, groupCourse13, groupCourse14, groupCourse15,
                                                        groupCourse16, groupCourse17, groupCourse18, groupCourse19, groupCourse20, groupCourse21);


            #region Виды учебных занятий

            var lessonType1 = new LessonType()
                Id = 1, Name = "Лекция"
            var lessonType2 = new LessonType()
                Id = 2, Name = "Практ. зан."
            var lessonType3 = new LessonType()
                Id = 3, Name = "Лаб. зан."

            modelBuilder.Entity <LessonType>().HasData(lessonType1, lessonType2, lessonType3);


            #region Учебные единицы

            var teachingUnit1 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 1, GroupId = group1.Id, TeacherId = teacher1.Id, CourseId = course1.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType1.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit2 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 2, GroupId = group2.Id, TeacherId = teacher1.Id, CourseId = course1.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit3 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 3, GroupId = group2.Id, TeacherId = teacher1.Id, CourseId = course1.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit4 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 4, GroupId = group3.Id, TeacherId = teacher1.Id, CourseId = course1.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit5 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 5, GroupId = group3.Id, TeacherId = teacher1.Id, CourseId = course1.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1

            var teachingUnit6 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 6, GroupId = group4.Id, TeacherId = teacher1.Id, CourseId = course2.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType1.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit7 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 7, GroupId = group5.Id, TeacherId = teacher1.Id, CourseId = course2.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit8 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 8, GroupId = group5.Id, TeacherId = teacher1.Id, CourseId = course2.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit9 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 9, GroupId = group6.Id, TeacherId = teacher1.Id, CourseId = course2.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit10 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 10, GroupId = group6.Id, TeacherId = teacher1.Id, CourseId = course2.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1

            var teachingUnit11 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 11, GroupId = group7.Id, TeacherId = teacher2.Id, CourseId = course3.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType1.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit12 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 12, GroupId = group8.Id, TeacherId = teacher2.Id, CourseId = course3.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit13 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 13, GroupId = group8.Id, TeacherId = teacher2.Id, CourseId = course3.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit14 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 14, GroupId = group9.Id, TeacherId = teacher2.Id, CourseId = course3.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit15 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 15, GroupId = group9.Id, TeacherId = teacher2.Id, CourseId = course3.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1

            var teachingUnit16 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 16, GroupId = group10.Id, TeacherId = teacher2.Id, CourseId = course4.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType1.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit17 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 17, GroupId = group11.Id, TeacherId = teacher2.Id, CourseId = course4.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit18 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 18, GroupId = group11.Id, TeacherId = teacher2.Id, CourseId = course4.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit19 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 19, GroupId = group12.Id, TeacherId = teacher2.Id, CourseId = course4.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit20 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 20, GroupId = group12.Id, TeacherId = teacher2.Id, CourseId = course4.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1

            var teachingUnit21 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 21, GroupId = group11.Id, TeacherId = teacher3.Id, CourseId = course5.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType1.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit22 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 22, GroupId = group11.Id, TeacherId = teacher3.Id, CourseId = course5.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit23 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 23, GroupId = group11.Id, TeacherId = teacher3.Id, CourseId = course5.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1

            var teachingUnit24 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 24, GroupId = group12.Id, TeacherId = teacher3.Id, CourseId = course5.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType1.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit25 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 25, GroupId = group12.Id, TeacherId = teacher3.Id, CourseId = course5.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit26 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 26, GroupId = group12.Id, TeacherId = teacher3.Id, CourseId = course5.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1

            var teachingUnit27 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 27, GroupId = group2.Id, TeacherId = teacher4.Id, CourseId = course6.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType1.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit28 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 28, GroupId = group2.Id, TeacherId = teacher4.Id, CourseId = course6.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit29 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 29, GroupId = group2.Id, TeacherId = teacher4.Id, CourseId = course6.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1

            var teachingUnit30 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 30, GroupId = group3.Id, TeacherId = teacher4.Id, CourseId = course6.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType1.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit31 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 31, GroupId = group3.Id, TeacherId = teacher4.Id, CourseId = course6.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit32 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 32, GroupId = group3.Id, TeacherId = teacher4.Id, CourseId = course6.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1

            var teachingUnit33 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 33, GroupId = group5.Id, TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course7.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType1.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit34 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 34, GroupId = group5.Id, TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course7.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit35 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 35, GroupId = group5.Id, TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course7.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1

            var teachingUnit36 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 36, GroupId = group6.Id, TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course7.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType1.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit37 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 37, GroupId = group6.Id, TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course7.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit38 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 38, GroupId = group6.Id, TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course7.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1

            var teachingUnit39 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 39, GroupId = group8.Id, TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course8.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType1.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit40 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 40, GroupId = group8.Id, TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course8.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit41 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 41, GroupId = group8.Id, TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course8.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1

            var teachingUnit42 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 42, GroupId = group9.Id, TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course8.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType1.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit43 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 43, GroupId = group9.Id, TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course8.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit44 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 44, GroupId = group9.Id, TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course8.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1

            modelBuilder.Entity <TeachingUnit>().HasData(
                teachingUnit1, teachingUnit2, teachingUnit3, teachingUnit4, teachingUnit5,
                teachingUnit6, teachingUnit7, teachingUnit8, teachingUnit9, teachingUnit10,
                teachingUnit11, teachingUnit12, teachingUnit13, teachingUnit14, teachingUnit15,
                teachingUnit16, teachingUnit17, teachingUnit18, teachingUnit19, teachingUnit20,
                teachingUnit21, teachingUnit22, teachingUnit23, teachingUnit24, teachingUnit25,
                teachingUnit26, teachingUnit27, teachingUnit28, teachingUnit29, teachingUnit30,
                teachingUnit31, teachingUnit32, teachingUnit33, teachingUnit34, teachingUnit35,
                teachingUnit36, teachingUnit37, teachingUnit38, teachingUnit39, teachingUnit40,
                teachingUnit41, teachingUnit42, teachingUnit43, teachingUnit44);


            #region Таблица связка "Учебная единица - Тип аудитории по назначению"

            var teachingUnitClassroomTypes = new List <(int teachingUnitId, int classroomTypeId)>()
                (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 2), (5, 3),
                (6, 1), (7, 2), (8, 3), (9, 2), (10, 3),
                (11, 1), (12, 2), (13, 3), (14, 2), (15, 3),
                (16, 1), (17, 2), (18, 3), (19, 2), (20, 3),
                (21, 1), (22, 2), (23, 3), (24, 1), (25, 2), (26, 3),
                (27, 1), (28, 2), (29, 3), (30, 1), (31, 2), (32, 3),
                (33, 1), (34, 2), (35, 3), (36, 1), (37, 2), (38, 3),
                (39, 1), (40, 2), (41, 3), (42, 1), (43, 2), (44, 3)
            }.Select(x => new TeachingUnitClassroomType()
                TeachingUnitId = x.teachingUnitId, ClassroomTypeId = x.classroomTypeId

            modelBuilder.Entity <TeachingUnitClassroomType>().HasData(teachingUnitClassroomTypes);


            #region Ячейки расписания


            #region  оли

            var role1 = new Role()
                Id = 1, Name = "Administrator", Description = "Администратор веб-приложения"
            var role2 = new Role()
                Id = 2, Name = "Methodist", Description = "Методист учебного отдела ВУЗа"
            var role3 = new Role()
                Id = 3, Name = "Teacher", Description = "Преподаватель"

            modelBuilder.Entity <Role>().HasData(role1, role2, role3);


            #region Страницы

            var webPage1 = new WebPage()
                Id = 1, Name = "Редактирование факультетов", Path = @"^(/administration/faculties)"
            var webPage2 = new WebPage()
                Id = 2, Name = "Редактирование кафедр", Path = @"^(/administration/departments)"

            modelBuilder.Entity <WebPage>().HasData(webPage1, webPage2);


            #region Ограничения "Роль-страница"

            var banRoleWebPage1 = new BanRoleWebPage()
                RoleId = role2.Id, WebPageId = webPage2.Id

            modelBuilder.Entity <BanRoleWebPage>().HasData(banRoleWebPage1);


            #region Пользователи

            var user1 = new User()
                Id         = 1,
                Login      = "******",
                Password   = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes("123")),
                FirstName  = "Игорь",
                SecondName = "Николаев",
                MiddleName = "Германович",
                IsLocked   = false,
                Gender     = GenderType.Male,
                RoleId     = role1.Id

            var user2 = new User()
                Id         = 2,
                Login      = "******",
                Password   = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes("123")),
                FirstName  = "Сергей",
                SecondName = "Иванов",
                MiddleName = "Владимирович",
                IsLocked   = false,
                Gender     = GenderType.Male,
                RoleId     = role2.Id

            var user3 = new User()
                Id         = 3,
                Login      = "******",
                Password   = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes("123")),
                FirstName  = "Ульяна",
                SecondName = "Зиновьева",
                MiddleName = "Григорьева",
                IsLocked   = false,
                Gender     = GenderType.Female,
                RoleId     = role2.Id

            var user4 = new User()
                Id         = 4,
                Login      = "******",
                Password   = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes("123")),
                FirstName  = "Анатолий",
                SecondName = "Петров",
                MiddleName = "Львович",
                IsLocked   = false,
                Gender     = GenderType.Male,
                RoleId     = role3.Id

            var user5 = new User()
                Id         = 5,
                Login      = "******",
                Password   = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes("123")),
                FirstName  = "Константин",
                SecondName = "Соколов",
                MiddleName = "Алексеевич",
                IsLocked   = true,
                Gender     = GenderType.Male,
                RoleId     = role3.Id

            modelBuilder.Entity <User>().HasData(user1, user2, user3, user4, user5);


Beispiel #9
 public ClassroomType Update(ClassroomType entity)
Beispiel #10
 public void Delete(ClassroomType entity)
Beispiel #11
 public ClassroomType Add(ClassroomType entity)