// Token: 0x060014DE RID: 5342 RVA: 0x00060E00 File Offset: 0x0005F000 private Class_463 pmethod_3819(Class_463 arg_0, Class_364 arg_1) { if (arg_1 != Class_364.Always) { return(arg_0 | Class_463.Null); } return(arg_0); }
// Token: 0x060014E3 RID: 5347 RVA: 0x0006101C File Offset: 0x0005F21C private Class_463 cmethod_3824(Type arg_0, Class_364 arg_1) { Class_463 class_ = Class_463.None; if (arg_1 != Class_364.Always && Class_514.IsNullable(arg_0)) { class_ = Class_463.Null; if (Class_514.IsNullableType(arg_0)) { arg_0 = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(arg_0); } } Class_496 typeCode = Class_499.GetTypeCode(arg_0); switch (typeCode) { case Class_496.Empty: case Class_496.Object: return(class_ | Class_463.String); case Class_496.Char: return(class_ | Class_463.String); case Class_496.Boolean: return(class_ | Class_463.Boolean); case Class_496.SByte: case Class_496.Int16: case Class_496.UInt16: case Class_496.Int32: case Class_496.Byte: case Class_496.UInt32: case Class_496.Int64: case Class_496.UInt64: case Class_496.BigInteger: return(class_ | Class_463.Integer); case Class_496.Single: case Class_496.Double: case Class_496.Decimal: return(class_ | Class_463.Float); case Class_496.DateTime: case Class_496.DateTimeOffset: return(class_ | Class_463.String); case Class_496.Guid: case Class_496.TimeSpan: case Class_496.Uri: case Class_496.String: case Class_496.Bytes: return(class_ | Class_463.String); case Class_496.DBNull: return(class_ | Class_463.Null); } throw new Class_318("Unexpected type code '{0}' for type '{1}'.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, typeCode, arg_0)); }
// Token: 0x06001552 RID: 5458 RVA: 0x00065B7C File Offset: 0x00063D7C private bool lmethod_3918(Class_296 arg_0, object obje_0, Class_350 arg_1, Class_454 arg_2, Class_454 arg_3, out Class_349 arg_4, out object arg_5) { if (!arg_3.prop_10 && arg_3.prop_11 && this.kmethod_3937(arg_0, arg_3, obje_0) && this.lmethod_3938(arg_0, arg_3, obje_0)) { if (arg_3.prop_0 == null) { arg_3.prop_0 = this.field_3.field_11.tmethod_3542(arg_3.prop_7); } arg_5 = arg_3.prop_5.pmethod_2309(obje_0); arg_4 = (arg_3.prop_0.field_7 ? arg_3.prop_0 : this.cmethod_3904(arg_5)); if (this.pmethod_3909(arg_5, arg_3)) { if (this.lmethod_3908(arg_5, arg_3, arg_4, arg_1, arg_2)) { arg_3.xmethod_3701(arg_0); this.xmethod_3911(arg_0, arg_5); return(false); } if (!this.smethod_3910(arg_0, arg_5, arg_3, arg_4, arg_1, arg_2)) { return(false); } if (arg_5 == null) { Class_464 class_ = arg_1 as Class_464; Class_364 class_2 = arg_3.field_0 ?? (((class_ != null) ? class_.prop_1 : null) ?? Class_364.Default); if (class_2 == Class_364.Always) { throw Class_417.gmethod_3103(null, arg_0.prop_3, "Cannot write a null value for property '{0}'. Property requires a value.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, arg_3.prop_1), null); } } return(true); } } arg_4 = null; arg_5 = null; return(false); }
// Token: 0x060014DD RID: 5341 RVA: 0x000608BC File Offset: 0x0005EABC private Class_459 lmethod_3818(Type arg_0, Class_364 arg_1, bool bool_0) { Class_462.NClass_1 nclass_ = new Class_462.NClass_1(); nclass_.field_7 = arg_0; Class_517.ArgumentNotNull(nclass_.field_7, "type"); string text = this.kmethod_3817(nclass_.field_7, false); string text2 = this.kmethod_3817(nclass_.field_7, true); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { Class_459 class_ = this.field_1.xmethod_3531(text); if (class_ != null) { if (arg_1 != Class_364.Always && !Class_462.gmethod_3823(class_.prop_7, Class_463.Null)) { class_.prop_7 |= Class_463.Null; } if (bool_0 && class_.prop_2 != true) { class_.prop_2 = new bool?(true); } return(class_); } } if (this.field_2.Any(new Func <Class_462.NClass_0, bool>(nclass_.nmethod_6))) { throw new Class_318("Unresolved circular reference for type '{0}'. Explicitly define an Id for the type using a JsonObject/JsonArray attribute or automatically generate a type Id using the UndefinedSchemaIdHandling property.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, nclass_.field_7)); } Class_349 class_2 = this.prop_1.tmethod_3542(nclass_.field_7); Class_299 class_3; if ((class_3 = class_2.prop_3) != null || (class_3 = class_2.prop_4) != null) { Class_459 class_4 = class_3.vmethod_2135(); if (class_4 != null) { return(class_4); } } this.pmethod_3809(new Class_462.NClass_0(nclass_.field_7, new Class_459())); if (text2 != null) { this.prop_2.prop_0 = text2; } if (bool_0) { this.prop_2.prop_2 = new bool?(true); } this.prop_2.prop_1 = this.vmethod_3815(nclass_.field_7); this.prop_2.prop_6 = this.dmethod_3816(nclass_.field_7); if (class_3 != null) { this.prop_2.prop_7 = new Class_463?(Class_463.Any); } else { switch (class_2.field_5) { case Class_448.Object: this.prop_2.prop_7 = new Class_463?(this.pmethod_3819(Class_463.Object, arg_1)); this.prop_2.prop_0 = this.kmethod_3817(nclass_.field_7, false); this.xmethod_3821(nclass_.field_7, (Class_464)class_2); goto IL_519; case Class_448.Array: { this.prop_2.prop_7 = new Class_463?(this.pmethod_3819(Class_463.Array, arg_1)); this.prop_2.prop_0 = this.kmethod_3817(nclass_.field_7, false); Class_376 cachedAttribute = Class_470.GetCachedAttribute <Class_376>(nclass_.field_7); bool flag = cachedAttribute == null || cachedAttribute.AllowNullItems; Type collectionItemType = Class_514.GetCollectionItemType(nclass_.field_7); if (collectionItemType != null) { this.prop_2.prop_18 = new List <Class_459>(); this.prop_2.prop_18.Add(this.lmethod_3818(collectionItemType, (!flag) ? Class_364.Always : Class_364.Default, false)); goto IL_519; } goto IL_519; } case Class_448.Primitive: { this.prop_2.prop_7 = new Class_463?(this.cmethod_3824(nclass_.field_7, arg_1)); if (!(this.prop_2.prop_7 == Class_463.Integer) || !nclass_.field_7.IsEnum || nclass_.field_7.IsDefined(typeof(FlagsAttribute), true)) { goto IL_519; } this.prop_2.prop_28 = new List <Class_361>(); IList <Class_506 <long> > namesAndValues = Class_505.GetNamesAndValues <long>(nclass_.field_7); using (IEnumerator <Class_506 <long> > enumerator = namesAndValues.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Class_506 <long> class_5 = enumerator.Current; Class_361 item = Class_361.smethod_2560(class_5.Value); this.prop_2.prop_28.Add(item); } goto IL_519; } break; } case Class_448.String: break; case Class_448.Dictionary: { this.prop_2.prop_7 = new Class_463?(this.pmethod_3819(Class_463.Object, arg_1)); Type type; Type arg_2; Class_514.GetDictionaryKeyValueTypes(nclass_.field_7, out type, out arg_2); if (!(type != null)) { goto IL_519; } Class_349 class_6 = this.prop_1.tmethod_3542(type); if (class_6.field_5 == Class_448.Primitive) { this.prop_2.prop_24 = this.lmethod_3818(arg_2, Class_364.Default, false); goto IL_519; } goto IL_519; } case Class_448.Dynamic: case Class_448.Linq: this.prop_2.prop_7 = new Class_463?(Class_463.Any); goto IL_519; case Class_448.Serializable: this.prop_2.prop_7 = new Class_463?(this.pmethod_3819(Class_463.Object, arg_1)); this.prop_2.prop_0 = this.kmethod_3817(nclass_.field_7, false); this.tmethod_3822(nclass_.field_7, (Class_367)class_2); goto IL_519; default: throw new Class_318("Unexpected contract type: {0}".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, class_2)); } Class_463 value = (!Class_514.IsNullable(class_2.prop_0)) ? Class_463.String : this.pmethod_3819(Class_463.String, arg_1); this.prop_2.prop_7 = new Class_463?(value); } IL_519: return(this.smethod_3810().nprop_1); }