public JsonResult GetAllocatedClassroomsByDepartment(int departmentId)
            //all the isAllocated classroom for this department
            var classroom = _classRoomManager.GetAllocatedClassroomsByDepartment(departmentId);
            //As class room allocation is having all the course id we are selecting the distinct course id from them
            var allocatedCourse = classroom.Select(c => c.Course).Distinct().Select(a => new
                CourseId = a.Id // if i select (c => c.Course.Id) anonymous object creation not possible
            //Bringing all the courses by department id
            var courses = _courseManager.GetAllCourses().Where(c => c.DepartmentId == departmentId).ToList();
            //After bringing all the course id only joining the distinct courseId we have from class room allocation tbl
            var allocatedClassroomInfo = allocatedCourse.Join(courses, a => a.CourseId, c => c.Id, (ac, cls) => new
                CourseId     = ac.CourseId,
                CourseName   = cls.CourseName,
                CourseCode   = cls.CourseCode,
                ScheduleInfo = ScheduleInfo(departmentId, ac.CourseId).ToString()//sending department id, and distinct course id for schedule info

            //From that department's all the courses we are selecting rest of the courses id except the id's from clsrm alctn tbl
            var unallocatedCourses = courses.Select(c => new { CourseId = c.Id }).Except(allocatedClassroomInfo.Select(c => new { CourseId = c.CourseId })).Select(c => new
                CourseId = c.CourseId
            //Joining those id with the course tbl, and setting the schedule info as not scheduled
            var unallocatedCoursesInfo = unallocatedCourses.Join(courses, u => u.CourseId, c => c.Id, (u, ua) => new
                CourseId     = ua.Id,
                CourseName   = ua.CourseName,
                CourseCode   = ua.CourseCode,
                ScheduleInfo = "Not Scheduled Yet"

            // Union between alctd classroom courseId and all the other course id and their properties
            var allocatedClassroom = unallocatedCoursesInfo.Union(allocatedClassroomInfo).OrderBy(c => c.CourseId).ToList();
