public ClassCodeElement Build()
            classCodeElement = new ClassCodeElement(targetClassName);
            classCodeElement.Summary.Add("Convenience class to access Animator states and parameters.");
            classCodeElement.Summary.Add("Edits will be lost when this class is regenerated. ");
            classCodeElement.Summary.Add("Hint: Editing might be useful after renaming animator items in complex projects:");
            classCodeElement.Summary.Add(" - Right click on an obsolete member and select Refactor/Rename. ");
            classCodeElement.Summary.Add(" - Change it to the new name. ");
            classCodeElement.Summary.Add(" - Delete this member to avoid comile error CS0102 ... already contains a definition ...''. ");
            string versionString = "" + DateTime.Now;

            classCodeElement.AddAttribute(new GeneratedClassAttributeCodeElement(versionString));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.DefaultNamespace))
                classCodeElement.NameSpace = new NameSpaceCodeElement(config.DefaultNamespace);
            if (config.GenerateMonoBehaviourComponent)
                AwakeMethod = PrepareAwakeMethod();
                AwakeMethod = PrepareConstructors();
            EventManagerInitialiser = PrepareEventManagerInitialiserMethod();
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialises templateEngine and builds newClass and existingClass.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The classes.</returns>
        CodeGeneratorResult BuildClasses()
            TemplateLookup      templateLookup = new TemplateLookup(config);
            CodeGeneratorResult result         = templateLookup.GetPathToTemplate(className);

            if (result.Success)
                result = templateEngine.Prepare(templateLookup.TemplateConfig);
                if (result.NoSuccess)
                newClass = builder.Build();
                if (newClass.IsEmpty())
                    return(result.SetError("No Input", "The input seems to be invalid. Check that there are any states or parameter to process."));
                Logger.Debug("New: " + newClass);
                if (!existingClassBuilder.HasType())
                    Logger.Info("Generating source for " + className + " the very first time");
                try {
                    existingClassBuilder.MethodBinding = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public |
                                                         BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.NonPublic;
                    existingClassBuilder.MethodInfoFilter = (MethodInfo mi) => mi.Name.StartsWith("Is") ||
                                                            mi.Name.StartsWith("Set") || mi.Name.StartsWith("Get") || mi.Name == "IdToName" ||
                                                            mi.Name == "Update" || mi.Name == "FixedUpdate";
                    existingClass = existingClassBuilder.Build();
                    // little bit dirty hack: we don't want special methods like Update to participate in the regular
                    // workflow i.e. mark as obsolete to be regenerated once with code throwing NotImplementedException.
                    // So if settings have changed, mark them as obsolete to force their removal
                    List <GenericMethodCodeElement> updateMethods = existingClass.Methods.FindAll(
                        (GenericMethodCodeElement m) => m.Name == "Update" || m.Name == "FixedUpdate");
                    updateMethods.ForEach((GenericMethodCodeElement m) => m.Obsolete = true);
                } catch (System.Exception ex) {
                    Logger.Warning(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace);
                    result.SetError("Error", "Oops. An unexpected error occurred. Details" + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace);