Beispiel #1
        public void Test2()
            var classBlock = new ClassBlock("TestClass");

            var method1 = new MethodBlock("LoopName");

            method1.Parameters = new FieldBlock[]
                new FieldBlock("name", typeof(string).ToDynamic())

            IfBlock   if1   = new IfBlock();
            ElseBlock else1 = new ElseBlock();

            if1.Condition = new OperationBlock(
                new GetterBlock(method1.Parameters[0], new PropertyBlock("Length", null)),
                new ValueBlock(3));

            if1.Add(new ReturnBlock(method1.Parameters[0]));

            else1.Add(new ReturnBlock(new ValueBlock("!")));


Beispiel #2
        public TranslationResult Translate(ClassBlock classBlock, ScopeAccessInformation scopeAccessInformation, int indentationDepth)
            if (classBlock == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("classBlock");
            if (scopeAccessInformation == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("scopeAccessInformation");
            if (indentationDepth < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("indentationDepth", "must be zero or greater");

            // Outside of classes, functions may be declared multiple times - in which case the last one will take precedence and it will be as if the
            // others never existed. Within classes, however, duplicated names are not allowed and would result in a "Name redefined" compile-time error.

            /* TODO: Fix this to allow properties and functions - no name may be present for both and none may have multiple get, let, set accessors
             * var classFunctionsWithDuplicatedNames = classBlock.Statements
             *      .Where(statement => statement is AbstractFunctionBlock)
             *      .Cast<AbstractFunctionBlock>()
             *      .GroupBy(function => function.Name.Content, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
             *      .Where(group => group.Count() > 1)
             *      .Select(group => group.Key);
             * if (classFunctionsWithDuplicatedNames.Any())
             *      throw new ArgumentException("The following function name are repeated with class " + classBlock.Name.Content + " (which is invalid): " + string.Join(", ", classFunctionsWithDuplicatedNames));

            // Apply Class_Initialize / Class_Terminate validation - if they appear then they must be SUBs (not FUNCTIONs) and they may not have arguments
            var classInitializeMethodIfAny = classBlock.Statements
                                             .Where(statement => statement is AbstractFunctionBlock)
                                             .Cast <AbstractFunctionBlock>()
                                             .FirstOrDefault(function => function.Name.Content.Equals("Class_Initialize", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            if (classInitializeMethodIfAny != null)
                if (!(classInitializeMethodIfAny is SubBlock) || classInitializeMethodIfAny.Parameters.Any())
                    throw new ArgumentException("A class' Class_Initialize may only be a Sub (not a Function) with zero arguments - this is not the case in class " + classBlock.Name.Content);
                if (!classInitializeMethodIfAny.Statements.Any(s => !(s is INonExecutableCodeBlock)))
                    // If Class_Initialize doesn't do anything then there's no point adding the complexity of calling it (same for Class_Terminate,
                    // except that there's even more complexity that can be avoided in that case - see below)
                    classInitializeMethodIfAny = null;
            var classTerminateMethodIfAny = classBlock.Statements
                                            .Where(statement => statement is AbstractFunctionBlock)
                                            .Cast <AbstractFunctionBlock>()
                                            .FirstOrDefault(function => function.Name.Content.Equals("Class_Terminate", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            if (classTerminateMethodIfAny != null)
                if (!(classTerminateMethodIfAny is SubBlock) || classTerminateMethodIfAny.Parameters.Any())
                    throw new ArgumentException("A class' Class_Terminate may only be a Sub (not a Function) with zero arguments - this is not the case in class " + classBlock.Name.Content);
                if (!classTerminateMethodIfAny.Statements.Any(s => !(s is INonExecutableCodeBlock)))
                    // If Class_Terminate doesn't do anything then there's no point adding the complexity involved in supporting it
                    classTerminateMethodIfAny = null;

            // Any error-trapping in the parent scope will not apply within the class and will have to be set explicitly within the methods and
            // properties if required
            scopeAccessInformation = scopeAccessInformation.SetErrorRegistrationToken(null);

            var classContentTranslationResult = TranslateForClass(
                scopeAccessInformation.Extend(classBlock, classBlock.Statements.ToNonNullImmutableList()),
                indentationDepth + 1

            if (classContentTranslationResult.UndeclaredVariablesAccessed.Any())
                // Valid VBScript would not allow an undeclared variables to be present at this point. Any undeclared variables would be become
                // implicitly declared within functions or properties and may not exist at all outside of them (the only things allows within a
                // class are explicit variable declarations - Dim / Private / Public - and functions / properties).
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid content - it should not be possible for there to be any undeclared variables within a class that aren't within one of its functions or properties");
            var explicitVariableDeclarationsFromWithClass = classContentTranslationResult.ExplicitVariableDeclarations;

            classContentTranslationResult = new TranslationResult(
                new NonNullImmutableList <VariableDeclaration>(),     // The ExplicitVariableDeclarations will be translated separately below
                new NonNullImmutableList <NameToken>()                // We've just confirmed that there will be no UndeclaredVariablesAccessed references
            var translatedClassHeaderContent = TranslateClassHeader(
                (classInitializeMethodIfAny == null) ? null : classInitializeMethodIfAny.Name,
                (classTerminateMethodIfAny == null) ? null : classTerminateMethodIfAny.Name,

            if (classContentTranslationResult.TranslatedStatements.Any())
                translatedClassHeaderContent = translatedClassHeaderContent.Concat(new[] { new TranslatedStatement("", 0, classBlock.Name.LineIndex) });
            var lineIndexOfLastStatement = classContentTranslationResult.TranslatedStatements.Any()
                                ? classContentTranslationResult.TranslatedStatements.Max(s => s.LineIndexOfStatementStartInSource)
                                : classBlock.Name.LineIndex;

                   .Add(new TranslatedStatement("}", indentationDepth, lineIndexOfLastStatement)));
Beispiel #3
        private IEnumerable <TranslatedStatement> TranslateClassHeader(
            ClassBlock classBlock,
            ScopeAccessInformation scopeAccessInformation,
            NonNullImmutableList <VariableDeclaration> explicitVariableDeclarationsFromWithinClass,
            NameToken classInitializeMethodNameIfAny,
            NameToken classTerminateMethodNameIfAny,
            int indentationDepth)
            if (classBlock == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("classBlock");
            if (scopeAccessInformation == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("scopeAccessInformation");
            if (explicitVariableDeclarationsFromWithinClass == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("explicitVariableDeclarationsFromWithClass");
            if (indentationDepth < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("indentationDepth", "must be zero or greater");

            // C# doesn't support nameed indexed properties, so if there are any Get properties with a parameter or any Let/Set properties
            // with multiple parameters (they need at least; the value to set) then we'll have to get creative - see notes in the
            // TranslatedPropertyIReflectImplementation class
            string inheritanceChainIfAny;

            if (classBlock.Statements.Where(s => s is PropertyBlock).Cast <PropertyBlock>().Any(p => p.IsPublic && p.IsIndexedProperty()))
                inheritanceChainIfAny = " : " + typeof(TranslatedPropertyIReflectImplementation).Name;                 // Assume that the namespace is available for this attribute
                inheritanceChainIfAny = "";

            var className = _nameRewriter.GetMemberAccessTokenName(classBlock.Name);
            IEnumerable <TranslatedStatement> classInitializeCallStatements;

            if (classInitializeMethodNameIfAny == null)
                classInitializeCallStatements = new TranslatedStatement[0];
                // When Class_Initialize is called, it is treated as if ON ERROR RESUME NEXT is applied around the call - the first error will
                // result in the method exiting, but the error won't be propagated up (so the caller will continue as if it hadn't happened).
                // Wrapping the call in a try..catch simulates this behaviour (there is similar required for Class_Terminate).
                classInitializeCallStatements = new[] {
                    new TranslatedStatement(
                        "try { " + _nameRewriter.GetMemberAccessTokenName(classInitializeMethodNameIfAny) + "(); }",
                        indentationDepth + 2,
                    new TranslatedStatement("catch(Exception e)", indentationDepth + 2, classBlock.Name.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement("{", indentationDepth + 2, classBlock.Name.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement(_supportRefName.Name + ".SETERROR(e);", indentationDepth + 3, classBlock.Name.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement("}", indentationDepth + 2, classBlock.Name.LineIndex)
            TranslatedStatement[] disposeImplementationStatements;
            CSharpName            disposedFlagNameIfAny;

            if (classTerminateMethodNameIfAny == null)
                disposeImplementationStatements = new TranslatedStatement[0];
                disposedFlagNameIfAny           = null;
                // If this class has a Clas_Terminate method, then the closest facsimile is a finalizer. However, in C# the garbage collector means
                // that the execution of the finalizer is non-deterministic, while the VBScript interpreter's garbage collector resulted in these
                // being executed predictably. In case a translated class requires this behaviour be maintained somehow, the best thing to do is
                // to make the class implement IDisposable. Translated calling code will not know when to call Dispose on the classes written
                // here, but if they are called from any other C# code written directly against the translated output, having the option of
                // taking advantage of the IDisposable interface may be useful.
                // - Note that when the finalizer is executed, the call to Dispose (which then calls the Class_Terminate method) is wrapped in
                //   a try..catch for the same reason as the Class_Initialize call, as explained above. The only difference is that here, when
                //   we call _.SETERROR(e) there is - technically - a chance that the "_" reference will have been finalised. Managed references
                //   should not be accessed in the finaliser if we're following the rules to the letter, but this entire structure around trying
                //   to emulate Class_Terminate with a finaliser is a series of compromises, so this is the best we can do. The SETERROR call is
                //   ALSO wrapped in a try..catch, just in case that reference really is no longer available.
                // - Also note that IDisposable's public Dispose() method is explicitly implemented and that the method that this and the
                //   finaliser call is named by "_tempNameGenerator" reference and that it is "private" instead of the more common (for
                //   correct implementations of the disposable pattern) "protected virtual". This is explained below, where the class
                //   header is generated.
                disposedFlagNameIfAny = _tempNameGenerator(new CSharpName("_disposed"), scopeAccessInformation);
                var disposeMethodName = _tempNameGenerator(new CSharpName("Dispose"), scopeAccessInformation);
                disposeImplementationStatements = new[]
                    new TranslatedStatement("~" + className + "()", indentationDepth + 1, classTerminateMethodNameIfAny.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement("{", indentationDepth + 1, classTerminateMethodNameIfAny.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement("try { " + disposeMethodName.Name + "(false); }", indentationDepth + 2, classTerminateMethodNameIfAny.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement("catch(Exception e)", indentationDepth + 2, classTerminateMethodNameIfAny.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement("{", indentationDepth + 2, classTerminateMethodNameIfAny.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement("try { " + _supportRefName.Name + ".SETERROR(e); } catch { }", indentationDepth + 3, classTerminateMethodNameIfAny.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement("}", indentationDepth + 2, classTerminateMethodNameIfAny.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement("}", indentationDepth + 1, classTerminateMethodNameIfAny.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement("", indentationDepth + 1, classTerminateMethodNameIfAny.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement("void IDisposable.Dispose()", indentationDepth + 1, classTerminateMethodNameIfAny.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement("{", indentationDepth + 1, classTerminateMethodNameIfAny.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement(disposeMethodName.Name + "(true);", indentationDepth + 2, classTerminateMethodNameIfAny.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement("GC.SuppressFinalize(this);", indentationDepth + 2, classTerminateMethodNameIfAny.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement("}", indentationDepth + 1, classTerminateMethodNameIfAny.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement("", indentationDepth + 1, classTerminateMethodNameIfAny.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement("private void " + disposeMethodName.Name + "(bool disposing)", indentationDepth + 1, classTerminateMethodNameIfAny.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement("{", indentationDepth + 1, classTerminateMethodNameIfAny.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement("if (" + disposedFlagNameIfAny.Name + ")", indentationDepth + 2, classTerminateMethodNameIfAny.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement("return;", indentationDepth + 3, classTerminateMethodNameIfAny.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement("if (disposing)", indentationDepth + 2, classTerminateMethodNameIfAny.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement(_nameRewriter.GetMemberAccessTokenName(classTerminateMethodNameIfAny) + "();", indentationDepth + 3, classTerminateMethodNameIfAny.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement(disposedFlagNameIfAny.Name + " = true;", indentationDepth + 2, classTerminateMethodNameIfAny.LineIndex),
                    new TranslatedStatement("}", indentationDepth + 1, classTerminateMethodNameIfAny.LineIndex)
                if (inheritanceChainIfAny == "")
                    inheritanceChainIfAny = " : ";
                    inheritanceChainIfAny += ", ";
                inheritanceChainIfAny += "IDisposable";

            // The class is sealed to make the IDisposable implementation easier (where appropriate) - the recommended way to implement IDisposable
            // is for there to be a "protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)" method, for use by the IDisposable's public Dispose() method,
            // by the finaliser and by any derived types. However, there may be a "Dispose" method that comes from the VBScript source. We can work
            // around this by explicitly implementating "IDisposable.Dispose" and by using the "_tempNameGenerator" reference to get a safe-to-use
            // method name, for the boolean argument "Dispose" method - but then it won't follow the recommended pattern and be a method name
            // "Dispose" that derived types can use. The easiest way around that is to make the classes sealed and then there are no derived
            // types to worry about (this could be seen to be a limitation on the translated code, but since it's all being translated from
            // VBScript where all types are dynamic, one class could just be swapped out for another entirely different one as long as it
            // has the same methods and properties on it).
            var classHeaderStatements = new List <TranslatedStatement>
                new TranslatedStatement("[ComVisible(true)]", indentationDepth, classBlock.Name.LineIndex),
                new TranslatedStatement("[SourceClassName(" + classBlock.Name.Content.ToLiteral() + ")]", indentationDepth, classBlock.Name.LineIndex),
                new TranslatedStatement("public sealed class " + className + inheritanceChainIfAny, indentationDepth, classBlock.Name.LineIndex),
                new TranslatedStatement("{", indentationDepth, classBlock.Name.LineIndex),
                new TranslatedStatement("private readonly " + typeof(IProvideVBScriptCompatFunctionalityToIndividualRequests).Name + " " + _supportRefName.Name + ";", indentationDepth + 1, classBlock.Name.LineIndex),
                new TranslatedStatement("private readonly " + _envClassName.Name + " " + _envRefName.Name + ";", indentationDepth + 1, classBlock.Name.LineIndex),
                new TranslatedStatement("private readonly " + _outerClassName.Name + " " + _outerRefName.Name + ";", indentationDepth + 1, classBlock.Name.LineIndex)

            if (disposedFlagNameIfAny != null)
                    new TranslatedStatement("private bool " + disposedFlagNameIfAny.Name + ";", indentationDepth + 1, classBlock.Name.LineIndex)
            classHeaderStatements.AddRange(new[] {
                new TranslatedStatement(
                        "public {0}({1} compatLayer, {2} env, {3} outer)",
                    indentationDepth + 1,
                new TranslatedStatement("{", indentationDepth + 1, classBlock.Name.LineIndex),
                new TranslatedStatement("if (compatLayer == null)", indentationDepth + 2, classBlock.Name.LineIndex),
                new TranslatedStatement("throw new ArgumentNullException(\"compatLayer\");", indentationDepth + 3, classBlock.Name.LineIndex),
                new TranslatedStatement("if (env == null)", indentationDepth + 2, classBlock.Name.LineIndex),
                new TranslatedStatement("throw new ArgumentNullException(\"env\");", indentationDepth + 3, classBlock.Name.LineIndex),
                new TranslatedStatement("if (outer == null)", indentationDepth + 2, classBlock.Name.LineIndex),
                new TranslatedStatement("throw new ArgumentNullException(\"outer\");", indentationDepth + 3, classBlock.Name.LineIndex),
                new TranslatedStatement(_supportRefName.Name + " = compatLayer;", indentationDepth + 2, classBlock.Name.LineIndex),
                new TranslatedStatement(_envRefName.Name + " = env;", indentationDepth + 2, classBlock.Name.LineIndex),
                new TranslatedStatement(_outerRefName.Name + " = outer;", indentationDepth + 2, classBlock.Name.LineIndex)
            if (disposedFlagNameIfAny != null)
                    new TranslatedStatement(disposedFlagNameIfAny.Name + " = false;", indentationDepth + 2, classBlock.Name.LineIndex)
                    v => new TranslatedStatement(
                        base.TranslateVariableInitialisation(v, ScopeLocationOptions.WithinClass),
                        indentationDepth + 2,
                new TranslatedStatement("}", indentationDepth + 1, classBlock.Name.LineIndex)
            if (disposeImplementationStatements.Any())
                classHeaderStatements.Add(new TranslatedStatement("", indentationDepth + 1, classTerminateMethodNameIfAny.LineIndex));
            if (explicitVariableDeclarationsFromWithinClass.Any())
                classHeaderStatements.Add(new TranslatedStatement("", indentationDepth + 1, explicitVariableDeclarationsFromWithinClass.Min(v => v.Name.LineIndex)));
                    explicitVariableDeclarationsFromWithinClass.Select(declaredVariableToInitialise =>
                                                                       new TranslatedStatement(
                                                                               "{0} object {1} {{ get; set; }}",
                                                                               (declaredVariableToInitialise.Scope == VariableDeclarationScopeOptions.Private) ? "private" : "public",
                                                                           indentationDepth + 1,