Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Method which handles span tag, new version of Fieldwords giving properties to the span tag with ancestor class
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="styleName"></param>
 /// <param name="tagStyleName"></param>
 /// <param name="clsAttrib"></param>
 /// <param name="isAncestor"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private string HandleSpanStyles(string styleName, string tagStyleName, ClassAttrib clsAttrib, ref bool isAncestor)
     if (styleName != string.Empty && (tagStyleName.IndexOf("span") == 0 || tagStyleName.IndexOf("div") == 0))
         if (isAncestor)
             _classInfo.Ancestor = clsAttrib;
             styleName           = tagStyleName + Common.SepAncestor + styleName;
             isAncestor          = false;
             styleName = tagStyleName + styleName;
             ClassAttrib cc = new ClassAttrib();
             cc.ClassName = clsAttrib.ClassName;
         _baseClassName      = tagStyleName;
         clsAttrib.ClassName = _baseClassName;
Beispiel #2
        public void SetClassAttrib()
            _classAttrib = new ClassAttrib();
            string    className = "testa";
            ArrayList attribute = new ArrayList();

            _classAttrib.SetClassAttrib(className, attribute);
            Assert.AreEqual(className, _classAttrib.ClassName, "SetClassAttrib test Failed");
            Assert.AreEqual(attribute, _classAttrib.Attribute, "SetClassAttrib test Failed");
Beispiel #3
        public static ClassAttrib GetUuidFromProperty(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo prop)
            //Check if this has a UUID attached.
            ClassAttrib propAttr = null;

            foreach (var attr in prop.GetCustomAttributes(true))
                if (attr.GetType() == typeof(ClassAttrib))
                    propAttr = (ClassAttrib)attr;

Beispiel #4
        public new void Ancestor()
            _classInfo = new ClassInfo();
            ClassAttrib _expectedClassAttrib = new ClassAttrib();
            ClassAttrib _outputClassAttrib   = new ClassAttrib();

            string    className = "testa";
            ArrayList attribute = new ArrayList();

            _expectedClassAttrib.SetClassAttrib(className, attribute);

            _classInfo.Ancestor = _expectedClassAttrib;
            _outputClassAttrib  = _classInfo.Ancestor;
            Assert.AreEqual(_outputClassAttrib.ClassName, _expectedClassAttrib.ClassName, "CoreClass test Failed");
            Assert.AreEqual(_outputClassAttrib.Attribute, _expectedClassAttrib.Attribute, "CoreClass test Failed");
Beispiel #5
        public static RpDbTable ReadTable(Stream s, Type[] types, RpDbDatabase database)
            //Read the table name.
            string name = ReaderTools.ReadString(s);
            //Read the type
            string typeName = ReaderTools.ReadString(s);
            //Determine the type.
            Type t = null;

            //Loop through types and find match.
            foreach (Type tt in types)
                if (tt.ToString() == typeName)
                    t = tt;
            //Check if it was found.
            if (t == null)
                throw new Exception("Failed to find type '" + typeName + "'.");
            //Create the object.
            RpDbTable table = new RpDbTable(name, t, database);
            //Read the number of entries.
            UInt32 entryCount = ReaderTools.ReadUInt32(s);
            //Read number of types.
            UInt16 typeCount = ReaderTools.ReadUInt16(s);

            //Read the type table in. This'll give us the order.
            Writer.PropIdPair[] order = new Writer.PropIdPair[typeCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < typeCount; i++)
                //Read in.
                UInt16      typeId = ReaderTools.ReadUInt16(s);
                ClassAttrib attr   = null;
                System.Reflection.PropertyInfo chosenProp = null;
                //Find this in the object.
                foreach (var prop in table.type.GetProperties())
                    //Check the UUID.
                    ClassAttrib propAttr = Writer.TableWriter.GetUuidFromProperty(prop);
                    //If there is no UUID, skip this.
                    if (propAttr == null)
                    //Add this to the order if it matches
                    if (propAttr.uuid == typeId)
                        attr       = propAttr;
                        chosenProp = prop;
                if (attr != null && chosenProp != null)
                    order[i] = new Writer.PropIdPair(chosenProp, typeId);
                    Console.WriteLine("No attr found for ID " + typeId.ToString() + ".");
            table.typeOrder = order;
            //Now that we know the order of the types, we can read it in.
            //Skip 32 bytes of reserved data.
            s.Position += 32;
            //Read each of the offsets in. Add them to the dict as we go.
            for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++)
                //Read offset
                UInt32 offset = ReaderTools.ReadUInt32(s);
                //Read UUID
                UInt32 uuid = ReaderTools.ReadUInt32(s);
                table.uuidLookup.Add(uuid, offset);
            //Now, the data begins. Add the flag.
            table.tableDataOffset = s.Position;
            //We can now continue to the next table.
Beispiel #6
        public static void WriteTable(Stream s, RpDbTable table)
            //First, write the table name.
            //Write the type name.
            WriterTools.WriteString(s, table.type.ToString());
            //Now, write the number of entries.
            WriterTools.WriteUInt32(s, (UInt32)table.GetNumberOfEntries());
            //Write the type table now. Go through each attribute in the type.
            //Determine the order.
            List <PropIdPair> order = new List <PropIdPair>();

            foreach (var prop in table.type.GetProperties())
                //Check the UUID.
                ClassAttrib propAttr = GetUuidFromProperty(prop);
                //If there is no UUID, skip this.
                if (propAttr == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("(debug) Skipping because no attr.");
                //Add this to the order.
                order.Add(new PropIdPair(prop, propAttr.uuid));
            //Now, write number of types.
            WriterTools.WriteUInt16(s, (UInt16)order.Count);
            //Write the type table itself.
            foreach (PropIdPair o in order)
                WriterTools.WriteUInt16(s, o.typeid);
            //Skip 32 bytes of reserved space.
            s.Position += 32;
            //Now, we'll find all the entries and put them in a stream.
            //We'll create a stream for the actual data and copy it here later.
            MemoryStream dataStream = new MemoryStream();
            //We'll now find and include data.

            //First, find new entries.

            List <UInt32> uuidsToSkip = new List <uint>(); //These are the UUIDs that we will skip when we copy directly from the unmodified enteries.

            foreach (RpDbTableEntry entry in table.modifyBuffer.Values)
                //Check if this key exists in the uuid lookup. If it does, this is a UPDATED entry. If it doesn't, this is a NEW entry.
                bool existsBefore = table.uuidLookup.ContainsKey(entry.uuid);
                //Add this now.
                UInt32 offset = ValueWriter.WriteEntry(dataStream, s, entry, order);
                //Add this to the written dictonary, but also add it to the skipped list so we don't rewrite it.
                entry.offset = offset;
                //Make sure we know the offset.
                if (!existsBefore)
                    //If this wasn't already in the lookup table, add it.
                    table.uuidLookup.Add(entry.uuid, offset);
                    //Update the offset now.
                    table.uuidLookup[entry.uuid] = offset;

            //Now, we'll add existing, untouched, files.
            foreach (var entry in table.uuidLookup)
                //Check if this is in the "uuidstoskip" list.
                if (!uuidsToSkip.Contains(entry.Key))
                    //We'll copy this to the new one.
                    //TODO: COPY!!!!!!!!!!!
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

            //Now that that is done, we can copy the data stream to the main stream.
            dataStream.Position = 0;
Beispiel #7
        private ClassAttrib ClassNode(TreeNode classNode)
            ClassAttrib clsAtt    = new ClassAttrib();
            ArrayList   clsAttrib = new ArrayList();

            ClassAttribute classAttribute;
            ArrayList      classCollection = new ArrayList();

            string className = GetFirstChild(classNode);

            if (OutputType == Common.OutputType.XELATEX)
                className = Common.ReplaceCSSClassName(className);
            _baseClassName = className;

            foreach (TreeNode node in classNode.Nodes)
                if (node.Text == "ATTRIB")
                    classAttribute = GetAttribValue(node);

            foreach (ClassAttribute classAttrib in classCollection)
                if (string.Compare(classAttrib.AttributeSeperator, "HASVALUE") == 0)
                    if (OutputType != Common.OutputType.EPUB)
                        classAttrib.AttributeValue = classAttrib.AttributeValue.Replace("-", "");
                        classAttrib.AttributeValue = classAttrib.AttributeValue.Replace("_", "");
                    className              = className + Common.SepAncestor + classAttrib.AttributeValue;
                    _baseClassName         = _baseClassName + Common.Space + classAttrib.AttributeValue;
                    _baseClassName         = Common.SortMutiClass(_baseClassName);
                    _specificityWeightage += 10;
                else if (string.Compare(classAttrib.AttributeSeperator, "ATTRIBEQUAL") == 0)
                    string attribute;
                    classAttrib.AttributeValue = classAttrib.AttributeValue.Replace("\"", "");
                    if (classAttrib.Name == "lang")
                        attribute = classAttrib.AttributeValue; // remove string "lang"
                    else if (classAttrib.Name == "src")
                        attribute = "src";
                        className = classAttrib.AttributeValue;

                        attribute = classAttrib.Name + classAttrib.AttributeValue;
                    className = className + Common.SepAttrib + attribute;
                    _specificityWeightage += 10;
                else if (string.Compare(classAttrib.AttributeSeperator, "BEGINSWITH") == 0)
                    string attribute;
                    classAttrib.AttributeValue = classAttrib.AttributeValue.Replace("\"", "");
                    if (classAttrib.Name == "lang")
                        attribute = classAttrib.AttributeValue;                         // remove string "lang"
                        attribute = classAttrib.Name + classAttrib.AttributeValue;
                    className = className + Common.SepAttrib + attribute;
                    _specificityWeightage += 10;
                else if (classAttrib.AttributeSeperator.Length == 0)
                    className = className + Common.SepAttrib + classAttrib.Name;
                    _specificityWeightage += 10;
            clsAtt.SetClassAttrib(className, clsAttrib);
Beispiel #8
        private void ClassAndProperty(TreeNode tree)
            string styleName    = string.Empty;
            string tagName      = string.Empty;
            string tagStyleName = string.Empty;

            _specificityWeightage = 0;
            ClassAttrib clsAttrib  = new ClassAttrib();
            bool        isAncestor = false;

                _classInfo = new ClassInfo();
                foreach (TreeNode node in tree.Nodes)
                    switch (node.Text)
                    case "TAG":
                        _classInfo.Tag = ClassNode(node);
                        _classInfo.CoreClass.SetClassAttrib(string.Empty, _classInfo.Tag.Attribute);
                        _classInfo.TagName     = Common.LeftString(_classInfo.Tag.ClassName, Common.SepAttrib);
                        tagName                = GetFirstChild(node) + Common.SepTag;
                        tagStyleName           = _classInfo.Tag.ClassName;
                        tagStyleName           = GetImageAttrib(tagStyleName);
                        styleName              = HandleSpanStyles(styleName, tagStyleName, clsAttrib, ref isAncestor);
                        _specificityWeightage += 1;

                    case "CLASS":
                        if (isAncestor)
                            _classInfo.Ancestor = clsAttrib;
                            styleName           = Common.SepAncestor + styleName;
                            isAncestor          = false;
                        isAncestor = true;
                        clsAttrib  = ClassNode(node);
                        string tagClassName = tagName + clsAttrib.ClassName;
                        styleName              = tagClassName + styleName;
                        clsAttrib.ClassName    = _baseClassName;
                        _specificityWeightage += 10;

                    case "PARENTOF":
                        _classInfo.ParentPrecede = _classInfo.Precede;
                        styleName  = Common.SepParent + styleName;
                        isAncestor = false;

                    case "PRECEDES":
                        _classInfo.Precede = clsAttrib;
                        styleName          = Common.sepPrecede + styleName;
                        isAncestor         = false;

                    case "PSEUDO":
                        _classInfo.Pseudo = GetPseudo(node);
                        styleName         = styleName + Common.SepPseudo + _classInfo.Pseudo;

                    case "PROPERTY":
                        if (clsAttrib.ClassName == string.Empty)     // tag (div,span,..)without className}
                            styleName = tagStyleName;
                            _classInfo.CoreClass = clsAttrib;
                        Property(node, styleName);
                _classInfo.SpecificityWeightage = _specificityWeightage;
                _classInfo.StyleName            = styleName;
                if (!CssClassOrder.Contains(_classInfo.CoreClass.ClassName))

                if (_baseClassName != null)
                    SetSpecificityClass(_baseClassName, _classInfo);
            catch (Exception ex)