private static bool smethod_4(Class722 A_0, Class722 A_1) { if ((A_0.method_19() < 3) || (A_1.method_19() < 3)) { return(false); } Class887 class2 = new Class887(A_0, A_1); for (int i = 0; i < A_0.method_19(); i++) { class2.method_3(A_0.method_20(i).method_2()); class2.method_11(i); class2.method_13(A_0.method_10(i + 1)); Class448 class3 = smethod_10(A_0, i); for (int j = 0; j < A_1.method_19(); j++) { class2.method_15(j); smethod_5(class2, class3); } } if (class2.method_8()) { smethod_12(class2, true); smethod_12(class2, false); } return(class2.method_8()); }
private static void smethod_20(Class722 A_0, Class722 A_1, Class444 A_2) { bool flag; int num = A_2.method_2(); int num2 = A_2.method_3(); int num3 = smethod_22(A_0, num, false); int num4 = smethod_22(A_0, num, true); int num5 = smethod_22(A_1, num2, false); int num6 = smethod_22(A_1, num2, true); Class448 class2 = smethod_23(A_0, num, num4); Class448 class3 = smethod_23(A_1, num2, num5); PointF tf = smethod_24(class2); PointF tf2 = smethod_24(class3); Class448 class4 = new Class448(A_0.method_20(num).method_2(), A_1.method_20(num2).method_2()); Class448 class5 = new Class448(tf, tf2); if (flag = Class448.smethod_8(class4, class5)) { class2 = smethod_23(A_0, num, num3); class3 = smethod_23(A_1, num2, num6); tf = smethod_24(class2); tf2 = smethod_24(class3); } if (tf != PointF.Empty) { A_0.method_6(flag ? num : num4, new Class886(tf)); } if (tf2 != PointF.Empty) { A_1.method_6(flag ? num6 : num2, new Class886(tf2)); } num4 = smethod_22(A_0, num, true); num6 = smethod_22(A_1, num2, true); A_0.method_3(num4, A_1.method_9(num6)); }
internal static bool smethod_6(Class448 A_0, Class447 A_1, PointF[] A_2, bool A_3) { if (!Class447.smethod_2(A_0, A_1, A_2, A_3)) { return(false); } return(A_0.method_17(A_2[0])); }
internal static bool smethod_7(Class448 A_0, Class448 A_1, PointF[] A_2) { if (!Class447.smethod_3(A_0, A_1, A_2)) { return(false); } return(A_0.method_17(A_2[0]) && A_1.method_17(A_2[0])); }
private static bool smethod_7(Class448 A_0, Class887 A_1, bool A_2) { if (A_0.method_17(A_2 ? A_1.method_4() : A_1.method_2())) { smethod_8(A_0, A_1, A_2); return(true); } return(false); }
private static void smethod_8(Class448 A_0, Class887 A_1, bool A_2) { A_1.method_9(true); Class886 class2 = A_2 ? A_1.method_1().method_20(A_1.method_14()) : A_1.method_0().method_20(A_1.method_10()); class2.method_1(VertexType.Intersection); if (!smethod_9(A_0, A_1, A_2, true, class2) && !smethod_9(A_0, A_1, A_2, false, class2)) { smethod_11(A_2 ? A_1.method_18(A_1.method_10()) : A_1.method_19(A_1.method_14()), A_2 ? A_1.method_20(A_1.method_10()) : A_1.method_21(A_1.method_14()), A_2 ? A_1.method_2() : A_1.method_4(), A_2 ? A_1.method_4() : A_1.method_2()); } }
private static bool smethod_9(Class448 A_0, Class887 A_1, bool A_2, bool A_3, Class886 A_4) { if (spr.ᜀ(A_3 ? A_0.method_15() : A_0.method_16(), A_4.method_2())) { Class886 class2 = A_2 ? A_1.method_0().method_20(A_3 ? A_1.method_10() : A_1.method_12()) : A_1.method_1().method_20(A_3 ? A_1.method_14() : A_1.method_16()); class2.method_1(VertexType.Intersection); class2.method_3(A_4.method_2()); return(true); } return(false); }
private static bool smethod_6(Class448 A_0, Class887 A_1, bool A_2, int A_3) { if (A_0.method_17(A_2 ? A_1.method_4() : A_1.method_2())) { (A_2 ? A_1.method_0().method_20(A_3) : A_1.method_1().method_20(A_3)).method_1(VertexType.Intersection); smethod_8(A_2 ? A_1.method_18(A_3) : A_1.method_19(A_3), A_2 ? A_1.method_20(A_3) : A_1.method_21(A_3), A_2 ? A_1.method_2() : A_1.method_4(), A_2 ? A_1.method_4() : A_1.method_2()); A_1.method_9(true); return(true); } return(false); }
private static bool smethod_2(Class448 A_0, int A_1, Class448[] A_2) { PointF[] tfArray2 = new PointF[] { PointF.Empty }; for (int i = 0; i < A_2.Length; i++) { if (((i != (A_1 - 1)) && (i != A_1)) && Class448.smethod_5(A_2[i], A_0, tfArray2, true)) { return(true); } } return(false); }
private Class448[] method_9(int A_0, int A_1) { int num = this.method_10(A_0, A_1) + 1; Class448[] classArray = new Class448[num]; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { int num3 = this.method_3(A_0 + i); int num4 = this.method_3((A_0 + i) + 1); classArray[i] = new Class448(this.class722_0.method_20(num3).method_2(), this.class722_0.method_20(num4).method_2()); } return(classArray); }
private static bool smethod_6(Class448 A_0, Class448 A_1, Class887 A_2) { bool flag = false; if (smethod_7(A_0, A_2, true)) { flag = true; } if (smethod_7(A_1, A_2, false)) { flag = true; } return(flag); }
private static void smethod_4(Class887 A_0, Class448 A_1, int A_2, int A_3) { PointF[] tfArray = new PointF[1]; A_0.method_5(A_0.method_1().method_20(A_3).method_2()); Class448 class2 = smethod_7(A_0.method_1(), A_3, A_0.method_4()); if (!smethod_5(A_1, class2, A_0, A_2, A_3)) { bool flag = Class448.smethod_5(A_1, class2, tfArray, true); A_0.method_7(tfArray[0]); if ((flag && !A_0.method_6().Equals(class2.method_16())) && !A_0.method_6().Equals(A_1.method_16())) { smethod_8(A_0.method_18(A_2), A_0.method_20(A_2), A_0.method_2(), tfArray[0]); smethod_8(A_0.method_19(A_3), A_0.method_21(A_3), A_0.method_4(), tfArray[0]); A_0.method_9(true); } } }
private static void smethod_5(Class887 A_0, Class448 A_1) { A_0.method_5(A_0.method_1().method_20(A_0.method_14()).method_2()); A_0.method_17(A_0.method_1().method_10(A_0.method_14() + 1)); Class448 class2 = smethod_10(A_0.method_1(), A_0.method_14()); if (!smethod_6(A_1, class2, A_0)) { PointF[] tfArray = new PointF[1]; bool flag = Class448.smethod_5(A_1, class2, tfArray, true); A_0.method_7(tfArray[0]); if ((flag && !spr.ᜀ(A_0.method_6(), class2.method_16())) && !spr.ᜀ(A_0.method_6(), A_1.method_16())) { smethod_11(A_0.method_18(A_0.method_10()), A_0.method_20(A_0.method_10()), A_0.method_2(), tfArray[0]); smethod_11(A_0.method_19(A_0.method_14()), A_0.method_21(A_0.method_14()), A_0.method_4(), tfArray[0]); A_0.method_9(true); } } }
private void method_13(DxfVersion fileVersion) { if (this.bool_2 || this.dwgVersion_0 < DwgVersion.Dwg1021 || (fileVersion <= DxfVersion.Dxf14 || fileVersion >= DxfVersion.Dxf21)) { return; } if (this.stream_1 != null) { throw new Exception("String stream is expected to be null."); } if (this.uint_0 <= 0U) { return; } this.stream_1 = (Stream) new PagedMemoryStream(1024L, 1024); Class448 class448 = new Class448((DwgReader)null, this.stream_0); class448.imethod_5(this.long_0 + (long)this.uint_0); int num = (int)class448.imethod_21((PagedMemoryStream)this.stream_1); }
private static bool smethod_5(Class448 A_0, Class448 A_1, Class887 A_2, int A_3, int A_4) { return(smethod_6(A_0, A_2, true, A_3) || smethod_6(A_1, A_2, false, A_4)); }
internal static bool smethod_8(Class448 A_0, Class448 A_1) { PointF[] tfArray = new PointF[] { PointF.Empty }; return(smethod_7(A_0, A_1, tfArray)); }
public abstract void Visit(Class448 c);
public override void Visit(Class448 c) { }
private static PointF smethod_24(Class448 A_0) { return(A_0.method_18(0.002f)); }