public void Arrange()
            _repository = new ClaimRepository();
            _content    = new ClaimContent(3, ClaimType.Car, "Blown tire on interstate.", 500.00, new DateTime(2021, 1, 1), new DateTime(2021, 2, 1));

        public void TestAll()
            ClaimContent claim1 = new ClaimContent(1, "House", "Tree Fell on Roof", 500.00d, new DateTime(2019, 01, 22), new DateTime(2019, 01, 24), true);


            ClaimContent claim2 = new ClaimContent(2, "Car", "Car Accident on I-69", 250.00d, new DateTime(2019, 02, 23), new DateTime(2019, 03, 01), true);


            ClaimContent claim3 = new ClaimContent(3, "Theft", "Stolen Pancakes", 4.00d, new DateTime(2019, 03, 20), new DateTime(2019, 03, 22), false);


            //bool properlyAdded = _claimRepo.HasContent();

            Console.WriteLine($"{_claimRepo.ViewNextClaim()} {_claimRepo.GetClaimQueue()}");


            bool hasContent = _claimRepo.HasContent();


            int newClaimNum = _claimRepo.GetClaimNumber();

            Assert.AreEqual(4, newClaimNum);
        public void ProcessNextClaim()

            Queue <ClaimContent> listOfClaims = _contentRepo._claimsQueue;
            ClaimContent         firstClaim   = listOfClaims.First <ClaimContent>();

            Console.WriteLine($"ClaimID: {firstClaim.ClaimID} \n" +
                              $"Type: {firstClaim.ClaimType} \n" +
                              $"Description: {firstClaim.Description} \n" +
                              $"Amount: ${firstClaim.ClaimAmount} \n" +
                              $"DateOfAccident: {firstClaim.DateOfIncident} \n" +
                              $"DateOfClaim: {firstClaim.DateOfClaim} \n" +
                              $"IsValid: {firstClaim.IsValid} ");
            Console.WriteLine("Do you want to deal with this claim now (y/n)?");
            string userInput = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();

            switch (userInput)
            case "y":
                Console.WriteLine("Claim processed");

            case "n":
Beispiel #4
        public void Arrange()
            _repo    = new ClaimContentRepository();
            _content = new ClaimContent(7, "car", "fender bender", new DateTime(1997 / 5 / 30), new DateTime(1997 / 6 / 10), 560.56, true);

Beispiel #5
        public void DefaultValues()
            _repo    = new ClaimRepo();
            _content = new ClaimContent(1, TypesOfClaims.Car, "Crash", 4999, new DateTime(2020, 12, 9), new DateTime(2020, 12, 10), true);

Beispiel #6
        public void EnterNewClaim()
            Console.WriteLine("Enter claim id: ");
            string claimIDString = Console.ReadLine();
            int    claimID       = int.Parse(claimIDString);

            Console.WriteLine("Enter claim type: \n" +
                              "1. Car\n" +
                              "2. Home\n" +
                              "3. Theft\n");
            string    typeAsString = Console.ReadLine();
            int       typeAsInt    = int.Parse(typeAsString);
            ClaimType type         = (ClaimType)typeAsInt;

            Console.WriteLine("Enter claim amount: ");
            string  claimAmountString = Console.ReadLine();
            decimal claimAmount       = decimal.Parse(claimAmountString);

            Console.WriteLine("Enter date of incident: (Example: 9/8/2009) ");
            string   dateOfIncidentString = Console.ReadLine();
            DateTime dateOfIncident       = DateTime.Parse(dateOfIncidentString);

            Console.WriteLine("Enter date of claim: (Example: 9/8/2009) ");
            string   dateOfClaimString = Console.ReadLine();
            DateTime dateOfClaim       = DateTime.Parse(dateOfClaimString);

            ClaimContent content = new ClaimContent(claimID, type, claimAmount, dateOfIncident, dateOfClaim);

Beispiel #7
        private void EnterANewClaim()
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter a Claim ID");
            string claimIDAsString = Console.ReadLine();
            int    claimID         = int.Parse(claimIDAsString);

            Console.WriteLine("Please select a Claim Type\n" +

                              "1 Car\n" +
                              "2 Home\n" +
                              "3 Theft\n" +
                              "4 Exit");
            string input = Console.ReadLine();

            ClaimType typeofclaim = (ClaimType)int.Parse(input);

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter a description of this claim");
            string description = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter a claim amount");
            string  claimAmountAsString = Console.ReadLine();
            decimal claimAmount         = decimal.Parse(claimAmountAsString);

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the date of the incident(yyyy/mm/dd");

            DateTime dateOfIncident = DateTime.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the date of the claim (yyyy/mm/dd");
            DateTime dateOfClaim = DateTime.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            ClaimContent newClaimContent = new ClaimContent(typeofclaim, claimID, description, claimAmount, dateOfIncident, dateOfClaim);

        public void TestGetClaimsQueue()
            Queue <ClaimContent> tempVar = new Queue <ClaimContent>();

            //tempVar hold the data from GetClaimsQueue
            tempVar = repoWindow.GetClaimsQueue();

            //building out control data
            Queue <ClaimContent> controlData = new Queue <ClaimContent>();
            ClaimContent         claim1      = new ClaimContent("1", (ClaimType)1, "Car accident on 465.", Decimal.Parse("400.00"), DateTime.Parse("2018-04-25"), DateTime.Parse("2018-04-27"), true);
            ClaimContent         claim2      = new ClaimContent("2", (ClaimType)2, "House fire in kitchen.", Decimal.Parse("4000.00"), DateTime.Parse(" 2018-04-11"), DateTime.Parse("2018-04-12"), true);
            ClaimContent         claim3      = new ClaimContent("3", (ClaimType)3, "Stolen pancakes.", decimal.Parse("4.00"), DateTime.Parse("2018-04-27"), DateTime.Parse("2018-06-01"), false);


            //Because these are in queues comparing them would cause a dequeue
            //and loss of data to testing method - so we compare them in arrays
            ClaimContent[] tempArray = new ClaimContent[tempVar.Count];
            tempVar.CopyTo(tempArray, 0);

            ClaimContent[] controlArray = new ClaimContent[controlData.Count];
            controlData.CopyTo(controlArray, 0);

            //comparing the 2 arrays
            Assert.AreEqual(controlArray[0].Description, tempArray[0].Description);
            //dont need arrays here
Beispiel #9
        public void TakeCareOfClaim()
            Queue <ClaimContent> contentQueue = _claimRepo.GetContentQueue();
            ClaimContent         nextClaim    = contentQueue.Peek();

            Console.WriteLine("Would you like to take care of this claim?");
            Console.WriteLine($"\nClaim ID: {nextClaim.ClaimID}\n" +
                              $"Claim Type: {nextClaim.Type}\n" +
                              $"Claim Amount: {nextClaim.ClaimAmount}\n" +
                              $"Date of Incident: {nextClaim.DateOfIncident}\n" +
                              $"Date of Claim: {nextClaim.DateOfClaim}\n" +
                              $"Is it Valid: {nextClaim.IsValid}\n");
            string response = Console.ReadLine();


            switch (response)
            case "Y":
                Console.WriteLine("Item has been removed.");
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter any key to continue... ");

            case "N":
        public void IsValidClaimTest()
            ClaimContent claimOne   = new ClaimContent(1, ClaimType.Car, "Car accident on 465", 400.00m, new DateTime(2018, 04, 25), new DateTime(2018, 04, 27), true);
            ClaimContent claimTwo   = new ClaimContent(2, ClaimType.Home, "House fire in kitchen", 4000.00m, new DateTime(2018, 04, 11), new DateTime(2018, 04, 18), true);
            ClaimContent claimThree = new ClaimContent(3, ClaimType.Theft, "Stolen pancakes", 1000.00m, new DateTime(2018, 04, 27), new DateTime(2018, 06, 01), false);

            bool actual   = _repoTest.IsValid(claimOne);
            bool expected = true;

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

            bool actualTwo = _repoTest.IsValid(claimTwo);
            bool expectTwo = true;

            Assert.AreEqual(expectTwo, actualTwo);

            bool actualThree = _repoTest.IsValid(claimThree);
            bool expectthree = false;

            Assert.AreEqual(expectthree, actualThree);
        // Review Claim
        private void ReviewClaim()

            ClaimContent nextClaim = _claimsRepo.HandleNextClaim();

            Console.WriteLine($"ClaimID: {nextClaim.ClaimID}\n" +
                              $"Type: {nextClaim.TypeOfClaim}\n" +
                              $"Description: {nextClaim.Description}\n" +
                              $"Amount: {nextClaim.ClaimAmount}\n" +
                              $"DateOfAccedent: {nextClaim.DateOfIncident}\n" +
                              $"DateOfClaim: {nextClaim.DateOfClaim}\n" +
                              $"IsValid: {nextClaim.IsValid}");

            Console.WriteLine("Would you like to handle this claim? (Y/N)");
            string handleClaim = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();

            if (handleClaim == "y")
                Console.WriteLine("The claim was successfully proccesed. Press any key to go back to the menu.");
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to go back to the main menu.");
Beispiel #12
        private void DisplayContentByNumber()

            Console.WriteLine("Enter a claim you would like to display");

            int claimId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            ClaimContent content = _contentRepo.GetContentByNumber(claimId);

            if (content != null)
                Console.WriteLine($"Claim ID: {content.ClaimId}\n" +
                                  $"Claim Type: {content.ClaimType}\n" +
                                  $"Description: {content.Description}\n" +
                                  $"Date of incident: {content.DateOfIncident}\n" +
                                  $"Date of claim: {content.DateOfClaim}\n" +
                                  $"Claim Amount: {content.ClaimAmount}\n" +
                                  $"Valid: {content.Valid}");
                Console.WriteLine("no claim by that number");
        public void ClaimContentObject()
            ClaimContent contentOne = new ClaimContent();

            contentOne.ClaimAmount = 200m;
            decimal expected = 200m;

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, contentOne.ClaimAmount);

            ClaimContent content = new ClaimContent(1, ClaimType.Car, 300m, DateTime.Today, DateTime.Today);

            int       expectedID             = 1;
            ClaimType expectedType           = ClaimType.Car;
            decimal   expectedClaimAmount    = 300m;
            DateTime  expectedDateOfIncident = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime  expectedDateOfClaim    = DateTime.Today;
            bool      expectedIsValid        = true;

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedID, content.ClaimID);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedType, content.Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedClaimAmount, content.ClaimAmount);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedDateOfIncident, content.DateOfIncident);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedDateOfClaim, content.DateOfClaim);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedIsValid, content.IsValid);
Beispiel #14
        public void AddClaim_ShouldGetNotNull()
            ClaimContent torres = new ClaimContent(1, TypesOfClaims.Car, "Car Accident on 465.", 400, new DateTime(2018, 4, 25), new DateTime(2018, 4, 27), true);


Beispiel #15
        public void UpdateExistingContent_ShouldMatchGivenBool(int originalNumber, bool shouldUpdate)
            ClaimContent newContent = new ClaimContent(7, "car", "fender bender", new DateTime(1997 / 05 / 30), new DateTime(1997 / 06 / 10), 560.56, true);

            bool updateResult = _repo.UpdateExistingContent(originalNumber, newContent);

            Assert.AreEqual(shouldUpdate, updateResult);
        public void AddClaimToQueueTest()
            ClaimContent    claim      = new ClaimContent();
            ClaimRepository repository = new ClaimRepository();
            bool            addClaim   = repository.AddClaimToQueue(claim);

        public void TestDisplayClaim()
            ClaimContent tempVar     = repoWindow.DisplayClaim();
            ClaimContent controlData = new ClaimContent("1", (ClaimType)1, "Car accident on 465.", Decimal.Parse("400.00"), DateTime.Parse("2018-04-25"), DateTime.Parse("2018-04-27"), true);

            Assert.AreEqual(controlData.Description, tempVar.Description);
        public void RemoveClaimFromQueueTest()
            ClaimContent claim = _repository.GetClaimByID(3);

            bool removeResult = _repository.RemoveClaimFromQueue(claim);

        public void MUpdateExistingClaimTest()
            ClaimContent newClaim = new ClaimContent(2, ClaimType.Home, "Blown tire on interstate.", 500.00, new DateTime(2021, 1, 1), new DateTime(2021, 2, 1));

            bool updateResult = _repository.UpdateExistingClaim(3, newClaim);

Beispiel #20
        public void UpdateExistingContent_ShouldReturnTrue()
            ClaimContent newContent = new ClaimContent(7, "car", "fender bender", new DateTime(1997 - 5 - 30), new DateTime(1997 - 6 - 10), 560.56, true);

            bool updateResult = _repo.UpdateExistingContent(1, newContent);

Beispiel #21
        public void Test_CreateNewClaim()
            ClaimContent testClaim = new ClaimContent();

            bool expected = _testRepo.CreateNewClaim(testClaim);

        private void AddNewClaim()
            ClaimContent newClaim = new ClaimContent();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter Claim ID:");
            string idOfClaim    = Console.ReadLine();
            int    newIDOfClaim = int.Parse(idOfClaim);

            newClaim.ClaimID = newIDOfClaim;

            Console.WriteLine("Enter claim type: (Enter NUMBER)\n" +
                              "1. Car\n" +
                              "2. Home\n" +
                              "3. Theft");
            string typeOfClaim = Console.ReadLine();
            int    intOfClaim  = int.Parse(typeOfClaim);

            newClaim.ClaimType = (TypesOfClaims)intOfClaim;

            Console.WriteLine("Enter a claim description: ");
            string claimDesc = Console.ReadLine();

            newClaim.Description = claimDesc;

            Console.WriteLine("Amount of Damage: ");
            string claimCost    = Console.ReadLine();
            double costAsDouble = double.Parse(claimCost);

            newClaim.ClaimAmount = costAsDouble;

            Console.WriteLine("Date of Accident:");
            string   dateOfAcc  = Console.ReadLine();
            DateTime dateAsDate = DateTime.Parse(dateOfAcc);

            newClaim.DateOfIncident = dateAsDate;

            Console.WriteLine("Date of Claim:");
            string   dateOfClaim     = Console.ReadLine();
            DateTime claimDateAsDate = DateTime.Parse(dateOfClaim);

            newClaim.DateOfClaim = claimDateAsDate;

            Console.WriteLine("Is this claim valid? (y/n)");
            string validate = Console.ReadLine().Trim().ToLower();

            if (validate == "y")
                newClaim.IsValid = true;
                newClaim.IsValid = false;

Beispiel #23
        private void seedContentList()
            ClaimContent numberOne   = new ClaimContent(1, "car", "broken tire", new DateTime(2006 / 10 / 25), new DateTime(2006 / 12 / 25), 600.10, false);
            ClaimContent numberTwo   = new ClaimContent(2, "car", "broken tire", new DateTime(2006 / 10 / 25), new DateTime(2006 / 12 / 25), 600.10, false);
            ClaimContent numberThree = new ClaimContent(3, "car", "broken tire", new DateTime(2006 / 10 / 25), new DateTime(2006 / 12 / 25), 600.10, false);

        public void TestAddClaimToQueue()
            ClaimContent controlData = new ClaimContent("1", (ClaimType)1, "Car accident on 465.", Decimal.Parse("400.00"), DateTime.Parse("2018-04-25"), DateTime.Parse("2018-04-27"), true);

            int tempVar = repoWindow._claimsQueue.Count;

            Assert.AreEqual(4, tempVar);
        // Seed Method
        private void SeedClaim()
            ClaimContent carAccident = new ClaimContent(1, ClaimType.Car, "Wreck on I-69", 1500m, "08/20/2020", "09/14/2020", true);
            ClaimContent homeClaim   = new ClaimContent(2, ClaimType.Home, "Kitchen fire", 5500m, "08/10/2020", "09/09/2020", true);
            ClaimContent theftClaim  = new ClaimContent(3, ClaimType.Theft, "Stolen phone", 1000m, "07/30/2020", "09/14/2020", false);

        private void DefaultClaims()
            ClaimContent torres   = new ClaimContent(1, TypesOfClaims.Car, "Car Accident on 465.", 400, new DateTime(2018, 4, 25), new DateTime(2018, 4, 27), true);
            ClaimContent owen     = new ClaimContent(2, TypesOfClaims.Home, "House fire in kitchen.", 4000, new DateTime(2018, 4, 11), new DateTime(2018, 4, 12), true);
            ClaimContent ruudberg = new ClaimContent(3, TypesOfClaims.Theft, "Stolen bike.", 4, new DateTime(2018, 4, 27), new DateTime(2018, 6, 01), false);

        public void ManagerDealWithClaim()
            if (_claimRepo.HasContent())
                Console.WriteLine(">Take Care of Next Claim");
                //public ClaimContent content =_claimRepo.DealWithClaim();
                ClaimContent content = _claimRepo.ViewNextClaim();

                string[]  headers          = new string[] { "ClaimID", "Type", "Description of Accident", "Amount", "Date of Accident", "Date of Claim", "IsValid" };
                UI_Format ConsoleFormatter = new UI_Format(1, UI_Format.Align.Left, headers);

                #region DATA

                string[][] data = new string[][] {
                    new string[] {
                        $"{content.ClaimNumber}", $"{content.ClaimType}", $"{content.ClaimDescription}", $"${content.ClaimAmount}", $"{content.DateOfAccident}", $"{content.DateOfClaim}", $"{content.IsValid}"

                ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(data);
                ConsoleFormatter.RePrint(arr); //Get data variable from the link in the description

                Console.WriteLine($">Would You Like to Deal With This Claim? (Y/N)");
                string nextClaimInput = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                switch (nextClaimInput)
                case "y":
                case "yes":

                case "n":
                case "no":

                Console.WriteLine($">Take Care of Next Claim" +
                                  $"\nGood Work! All Claims Have Been Dealt With!" +
                                  $"\nLet's Work on Adding New Claims to Deal With!" +
                                  $"\nPress Enter to Return to the Manager Menu...");
        public void AddNewClaimtoQueueTest()
            ClaimContent claimOne = new ClaimContent(1, ClaimType.Car, "Car accident on 465", 400.00m, new DateTime(2018, 04, 25), new DateTime(2018, 04, 27), true);

            int expected = 1;
            int actual   = _repoTest.GetListOfClaims().Count;

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        public void EnterNewClaimTest()
            ClaimContent content = new ClaimContent();

            bool addClaim = _repoTest.EnterNewClaim(content);

        // Create New Claim
        private void CreateNewClaim()
            ClaimContent newClaim = new ClaimContent();

            // ClaimID
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the new ClaimID:");
            string claimIDAsString = Console.ReadLine();

            newClaim.ClaimID = int.Parse(claimIDAsString);

            // ClaimType
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the new Claim Type Number:\n" +
                              "1. Car\n" +
                              "2. Home\n" +
                              "3. Theft");
            string claimTypeAsString = Console.ReadLine();
            int    claimTypeAsInt    = int.Parse(claimTypeAsString);

            newClaim.TypeOfClaim = (ClaimType)claimTypeAsInt;

            // Description
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the description of the new claim:");
            newClaim.Description = Console.ReadLine();

            // ClaimAmount
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the amount of new claim");
            string claimAmountAsString = Console.ReadLine();

            newClaim.ClaimAmount = decimal.Parse(claimAmountAsString);

            // DateOfIncident
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the date of the incident the claim occured: (mm/dd/yyyy)");
            newClaim.DateOfIncident = Console.ReadLine();

            // DateOfClaim
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the date the new claim was submitted: (mm/dd/yyyy)");
            newClaim.DateOfClaim = Console.ReadLine();

            // IsValid
            Console.WriteLine("Is the date of the claim within 30 calendar days of the incident date? (Y/N)");
            string isValidString = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();

            if (isValidString == "y")
                newClaim.IsValid = true;
                newClaim.IsValid = false;
