Beispiel #1
        private static IEnumerable <XElement> CreateHexagramLabels(double centerX, double centerY, double innerRadius, double outerRadius)
            foreach (var hexagram in HexagramLL.HexagramsByInnerTrigram)
                // S: 345, E: 355

                // S: 355, E: 5

                var point = CircleMath.GetPoint(
                    HexagramOffset - (hexagram.Lines[0].StartDegree + (hexagram.Lines[5].EndDegree - hexagram.Lines[0].StartDegree).Truncate(360) / 2.0),
                    innerRadius + (outerRadius - innerRadius) / 2.0,

                var text = SvgBuild
                           .Text(point.X, point.Y, hexagram.Number.ToString())
                           .AddAttribute("text-anchor", "middle")
                           .AddAttribute("alignment-baseline", "central")
                           .AddAttribute("style", "font-family: Arial; font-size:20px");
                // TODO: Add text style
                // TODO: Fix angle wrapping EndDegree - StartDegree

                yield return(text);
Beispiel #2
        protected override void CustomStart()
            circleMath = new CircleMath(vertexCountPerCircle);

            vertices = new Vector3[vertexCountPerCircle + 1];

            indices = new int[vertexCountPerCircle * 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                if (i != 0)
                    indices[i * 2 - 2] = i - 1;
                    indices[i * 2 - 1] = i;

            if (generateUV)
                uv = new Vector2[vertexCountPerCircle + 1];
                float uvStep = 1f / vertices.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                    uv[i] = new Vector2(i * uvStep, 0);
Beispiel #3
 private static IEnumerable <XElement> CreateZodiacDivisions(double centerX, double centerY, double radius)
     foreach (var number in Enumerable.Range(0, 12))
         var point = CircleMath.GetPoint(30 * number, radius, centerX, centerY);
         yield return(SvgBuild.Line(centerX, centerY, point.X, point.Y, "stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.2"));
Beispiel #4
 private static IEnumerable <XElement> CreateHexagramLineMarkers(double centerX, double centerY, double innerRadius, double outerRadius)
     foreach (var angle in HexagramLL.LineStarts.SelectMany(x => x.Value))
         var point1 = CircleMath.GetPoint(HexagramOffset - angle, innerRadius, centerX, centerY);
         var point2 = CircleMath.GetPoint(HexagramOffset - angle, outerRadius, centerX, centerY);
         yield return(SvgBuild.Line(point1.X, point1.Y, point2.X, point2.Y, "stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.2"));
Beispiel #5
 private static IEnumerable <XElement> CreateHexagramDivisions(double centerX, double centerY, double innerRadius, double outerRadius)
     foreach (var hexagram in HexagramLL.LineStarts)
         var point1 = CircleMath.GetPoint(HexagramOffset - hexagram.Value[0], innerRadius, centerX, centerY);
         var point2 = CircleMath.GetPoint(HexagramOffset - hexagram.Value[0], outerRadius, centerX, centerY);
         yield return(SvgBuild.Line(point1.X, point1.Y, point2.X, point2.Y, "stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.4"));
Beispiel #6
        public IEnumerable <XElement> CreateZodiacs(double centerX, double centerY, double innerRadius, double outerRadius)
            foreach (var index in Enumerable.Range(0, 12))
                var         innserStart = CircleMath.GetPoint(GetAngle(index * 30), innerRadius, centerX, centerY);
                PathBuilder path        = new PathBuilder(innserStart.X, innserStart.Y);

                foreach (var subIndex in Enumerable.Range(1, 6))
                    var inner = CircleMath.GetPoint(GetAngle(index * 30 + subIndex * 5), innerRadius, centerX, centerY);
                    path = path.LineTo(inner.X, inner.Y);

                foreach (var subIndex in Enumerable.Range(0, 7))
                    var outer = CircleMath.GetPoint(GetAngle(index * 30 + 30 - subIndex * 5), outerRadius, centerX, centerY);
                    path = path.LineTo(outer.X, outer.Y);

                yield return(SvgBuild
                             .AddSvgStyle($"fill: {Rgb.From(100, index * 10 + 120, 100)}"));

                var zodiacCenter = CircleMath.GetPoint(GetAngle(index * 30 + 15), innerRadius + (outerRadius - innerRadius) / 2.0, centerX, centerY);

                var zodiacPath = PathBuilderParser
                                 .Parse("M 64.28125,95.179581 L 64.28125,91.398331 C 64.281226,88.419171 63.635393,83.106676 62.34375,75.460831 C 61.760395,71.856687 60.802062,68.106691 59.46875,64.210831 C 58.114565,60.252532 56.6979,57.148369 55.21875,54.898331 C 54.072902,53.190039 52.70832,52.335874 51.125,52.335831 C 49.333324,52.335874 48.083325,53.023373 47.375,54.398331 C 46.72916,55.669204 46.406243,57.054619 46.40625,58.554581 C 46.406243,61.721281 47.541659,64.585861 49.8125,67.148331 L 44.5,67.148331 C 42.666664,64.335862 41.749998,61.367115 41.75,58.242081 C 41.749998,54.971288 42.624997,52.40879 44.375,50.554581 C 46.187494,48.637961 48.385408,47.679628 50.96875,47.679581 C 54.302069,47.679628 56.906233,49.054627 58.78125,51.804581 C 60.906229,54.908788 62.67706,58.679617 64.09375,63.117081 C 65.093725,66.346276 65.937474,69.919189 66.625,73.835831 C 67.312472,69.919189 68.156222,66.346276 69.15625,63.117081 C 70.489553,58.783784 72.260384,55.012954 74.46875,51.804581 C 76.343713,49.054627 78.947878,47.679628 82.28125,47.679581 C 84.864538,47.679628 87.062453,48.637961 88.875,50.554581 C 90.624949,52.40879 91.499948,54.971288 91.5,58.242081 C 91.499948,61.367115 90.583283,64.335862 88.75,67.148331 L 83.4375,67.148331 C 85.708287,64.585861 86.843703,61.721281 86.84375,58.554581 C 86.843703,57.054619 86.520787,55.669204 85.875,54.398331 C 85.166621,53.023373 83.916623,52.335874 82.125,52.335831 C 80.541626,52.335874 79.177044,53.190039 78.03125,54.898331 C 76.552047,57.148369 75.135381,60.252532 73.78125,64.210831 C 72.447884,68.106691 71.489552,71.856687 70.90625,75.460831 C 69.614554,83.106676 68.968721,88.419171 68.96875,91.398331 L 68.96875,95.179581 L 64.28125,95.179581")
                                 .Rotate(GetAngle(index * 30 + 15 - 90))
                                 .Translate(zodiacCenter.X, zodiacCenter.Y)

                yield return(SvgBuild
                             .AddSvgStyle("fill: #440044"));
Beispiel #7
        protected override void DrawSpecific(SKCanvas canvas, int width, int height)
            using (new SKAutoCanvasRestore(canvas))
                float radius = 0f;

                switch (DescribtionPosition)
                case DescribtionArea.Default:
                    radius = Math.Min((width / 2f) - Padding, (height / 2f) - Padding);
                    canvas.Translate(width / 2, height / 2);

                case DescribtionArea.LeftAndRight:
                    radius = Math.Min((width / 2f) - Padding - DescribtionSpace, (height / 2f) - Padding);
                    canvas.Translate(width / 2, height / 2);

                case DescribtionArea.Left:
                    radius = Math.Min((width / 2f) - Padding - DescribtionSpace / 2f, (height / 2f) - Padding);
                    canvas.Translate(DescribtionSpace / 2f + (width / 2f), height / 2f);

                case DescribtionArea.Right:
                    radius = Math.Min((width / 2f) - Padding - DescribtionSpace / 2f, (height / 2f) - Padding);
                    canvas.Translate(-DescribtionSpace / 2f + (width / 2f), height / 2f);

                if (Rotation != 0)

                //Create the inner and outer clip.
                //If its a polygon
                if (IsPolygon)
                    canvas.ClipPath(CircleMath.GetPolygonPath(InnerCirclePropoertionAnimated * radius, InnerCorners), SKClipOperation.Difference, antialias: IsAntiAliased);
                    canvas.ClipPath(CircleMath.GetPolygonPath(radius, OuterCorners), SKClipOperation.Intersect, antialias: IsAntiAliased);
                //If its a circle
                    canvas.ClipPath(CircleMath.GetCirclePath(InnerCirclePropoertionAnimated * radius), SKClipOperation.Difference, antialias: IsAntiAliased);
                    canvas.ClipPath(CircleMath.GetCirclePath(radius), SKClipOperation.Intersect, antialias: IsAntiAliased);

                //If there are no Figures, draw a placeholder and return
                if (FigureAccesses == null || FigureAccesses.Count == 0)
                    using (var paint = new SKPaint()
                        Color = PlaceHolderColor,
                        IsAntialias = IsAntiAliased,
                        Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill
                    }) canvas.DrawPath(CircleMath.GetPiePath(radius, 0, CircleRadius), paint);

                //Draw the Pie pieces for every figure

                //the sum of all values, adjusted by their animation
                float valueSum = FigureAccesses.Sum(x => x.AnimatedValue);
                //if the sum is 0, then the valuesum is set to 1 because the circle needs a valuesum > 0
                if (valueSum == 0)
                    valueSum = Math.Max(valueSum, 1);

                //The starting position as portion of the full circle angle, going from 0 to 1
                //Gets adjusted after every figure by the portion of the radius that figure demands
                float position = 0;

                foreach (FigureAccess figure in FigureAccesses)
                    //Create The pie shaped path
                    float  circlePortion = figure.AnimatedValue / valueSum;
                    SKPath path          = CircleMath.GetPiePath
                        radius: radius,
                        fromRad: position * CircleRadius,
                        toRad: (position + circlePortion) * CircleRadius

                    //Draw the clipped pie shape
                    using (var paint = new SKPaint()
                        Color = figure.Color,
                        IsAntialias = IsAntiAliased,
                        Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill
                    }) canvas.DrawPath(path, paint);

                    //Increase the position for the next figure
                    position += circlePortion;
Beispiel #8
        private static IEnumerable <XElement> CreateHexagrams(double centerX, double centerY, double innerRadius, double outerRadius)
            foreach (var hexagram in HexagramLL.HexagramsByInnerTrigram)
                var inner1 = CircleMath.GetPoint(HexagramOffset - hexagram.Lines[0].StartDegree, innerRadius, centerX, centerY);
                var inner2 = CircleMath.GetPoint(HexagramOffset - hexagram.Lines[5].EndDegree, innerRadius, centerX, centerY);
                var outer1 = CircleMath.GetPoint(HexagramOffset - hexagram.Lines[0].StartDegree, outerRadius, centerX, centerY);
                var outer2 = CircleMath.GetPoint(HexagramOffset - hexagram.Lines[5].EndDegree, outerRadius, centerX, centerY);

                var points = new[]
                    new SvgPoint(inner1.X, inner1.Y),
                    new SvgPoint(outer1.X, outer1.Y),
                    new SvgPoint(outer2.X, outer2.Y),
                    new SvgPoint(inner2.X, inner2.Y)

                string color = null;
                switch (hexagram.InnerTrigram)
                case Trigram.Force:     // Heaven
                    color = "#ffb3ff";

                case Trigram.Field:     // Earth
                    color = "#80ff80";

                case Trigram.Shake:     // Thunder
                    color = "#ffff64";

                case Trigram.Gorge:     // Water
                    color = "#4d93ff";

                case Trigram.Bound:     // Mountain
                    color = "#cccccc";

                case Trigram.Ground:     // Wind
                    color = "#99ffff";

                case Trigram.Radiance:     // Fire
                    color = "#ff6666";

                case Trigram.Open:     // Swamp
                    color = "#00b3a0";

                color = Rgb
                        .WithSaturation(7 * (hexagram.CircleIndex() % 8))

                // var color = HexagramLL.FillColors[hexagram.Number];

                var polygon = SvgBuild
                              .Polygon(points, $"hexagram_{hexagram.Number}")
                              //.AddAttribute("class", "hexagram");
                              .AddAttribute("style", $"fill:{color}");

                yield return(polygon);