public void SetCinemaVariable(CinemaArgument newVar)
     arg             = newVar;
     slider.maxValue = arg.GetValues().Length - 1;
     labelText.text  = arg.GetLabel();
     valueText.text  = arg.GetSelectedValue();
Beispiel #2
            public string GetMetaPath(int[] argidx)
                // >>> Compute meta path

                // Start with name pattern
                string metapath = namePattern;

                // Split path and extension
                string ext = Path.GetExtension(metapath);

                metapath = metapath.Substring(0, metapath.Length - ext.Length);

                List <string> metaPathAdditions = new List <string>();

                // Insert default values for parameters
                int p = 0;

                foreach (Parameter parameter in parameters)
                    if (metapath.Contains("{" + + "}"))
                        metapath = metapath.Replace("{" + + "}", parameter.defaultStrValue);

                // Insert argument names
                for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; ++i)
                    CinemaArgument argument = arguments[i];
                    string         argStr   = "{" + + "}";

                    /*DependencyMap dependencyMap;
                     * if(associations.TryGetValue(argument, out dependencyMap) && !ValidateAssociation(dependencyMap, argidx, paramidx, paramvalid, out depthValid, out lumValid))
                     * {
                     *      // Dependencies not satisfied for argument
                     *      if(metapath.Contains(argStr))
                     *              metapath = metapath.Replace(argStr, argument.defaultStrValue);
                     *      continue;
                     * }*/

                    if (metapath.Contains(argStr))
                        metapath = metapath.Replace(argStr, argument.strValues[argidx[i]]);
                        metaPathAdditions.Add( + "=" + argument.strValues[argidx[i]]);


                // Assemble final path (relative to Cinema database directory)
                return(metapath + (metaPathAdditions.Count != 0 ? Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + string.Join(new string(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, 1), metaPathAdditions) : "") + ".json");
    //Set parameters based on their definitions in the given JSONObject
    public void parseParameters(JSONObject json)
        if (json.HasField("path"))
            directory = CinemaArgument.TrimQuotes(json["path"].ToString());

        if (json.HasField("online"))
            online = bool.Parse(json["online"].ToString());

        if (json.HasField("size"))
            pixelScale = float.Parse(json["size"].ToString());

        if (json.HasField("alphaColor"))
            Vector3 color = DatabaseManager.VectorFromJson(json["alphaColor"]);
            alphaColor = new Color(color.x, color.y, color.z);
            hasAlpha   = true;

        if (json.HasField("alphaThreshold"))
            alphaThreshold = float.Parse(json["alphaThreshold"].ToString());

        if (json.HasField("alphaSoftness"))
            alphaSoftness = float.Parse(json["alphaSoftness"].ToString());

        if (json.HasField("minPhi"))
            minPhi      = float.Parse(json["minPhi"].ToString());
            phiRescaled = true;

        if (json.HasField("maxPhi"))
            maxPhi      = float.Parse(json["maxPhi"].ToString());
            phiRescaled = true;

        if (json.HasField("minTheta"))
            minTheta = float.Parse(json["minTheta"].ToString());

        if (json.HasField("maxTheta"))
            maxTheta      = float.Parse(json["maxTheta"].ToString());
            thetaRescaled = true;

        if (json.HasField("invertPhi"))
            invertPhi = bool.Parse(json["invertPhi"].ToString());

        if (json.HasField("invertTheta"))
            invertTheta = bool.Parse(json["invertTheta"].ToString());

        if (json.HasField("phiAlignment"))
            phiAlignment = float.Parse(json["phiAlignment"].ToString());

        if (json.HasField("thetaAlignment"))
            thetaAlignment = float.Parse(json["thetaAlignment"].ToString());
Beispiel #4
                public IEnumerator <LayerDescription> GetEnumerator()
                    LayerDescription layer = new LayerDescription();

                    /*Dictionary<string, string> imageParameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                     * for(int i = 0; i < store.arguments.Length; ++i)
                     *      imageParameters.Add(store.arguments[i].name, store.arguments[i].strValues[argidx[i]]);*/

                    // Start with name pattern
                    layer.imagepath = store.namePattern;

                    // Split path and extension
                    string ext = Path.GetExtension(layer.imagepath);

                    layer.imagepath = layer.imagepath.Substring(0, layer.imagepath.Length - ext.Length);

                    // Up to this point depth-path == luminance-path == image-path
                    layer.imageDepthPath = layer.imageLumPath = layer.imagepath;

                    string depthExt = ".im";

                    if (store.depthNamePattern != null)
                        layer.imageDepthPath = store.depthNamePattern;
                        depthExt             = Path.GetExtension(layer.imageDepthPath);
                        layer.imageDepthPath = layer.imageDepthPath.Substring(0, layer.imageDepthPath.Length - ext.Length);

                    // Iterate dependent parameter combinations
                    int[]  paramidx   = new int[store.parameters.Length];
                    bool[] paramvalid = new bool[store.parameters.Length];
                    bool   done;

                        LayerDescription _layer             = new LayerDescription(layer);
                        List <string>    pathAdditions      = new List <string>();
                        List <string>    depthPathAdditions = new List <string>();
                        List <string>    lumPathAdditions   = new List <string>();

                        for (int i = 0; i < store.parameters.Length; ++i)
                            paramvalid[i] = true;
                        for (int i = 0; i < store.parameters.Length; ++i)
                            DependencyMap dependencyMap;
                            bool          depthValid, lumValid;
                            if (paramvalid[i] == true && store.associations.TryGetValue(store.parameters[i], out dependencyMap) && !ValidateAssociation(dependencyMap, argidx, paramidx, paramvalid, out depthValid, out lumValid))
                                // Dependencies not satisfied for store.parameters[i]
                                paramvalid[i] = false;
                                i             = 0;                     // Restart loop

                        // Append dependent parameters
                        bool hasDepth = store.depthNamePattern != null, hasLum = false;
                        _layer.isFloatImage = false;
                        int p = 0;
                        foreach (Parameter parameter in store.parameters)
                            string strValue = parameter.strValues[paramidx[p]];

                            /*// Check if any associations are violated when association.parameter is set to strValue
                             * string[] validValues;
                             * bool isValid = true;
                             * foreach(Association _association in store.associations)
                             *      if(_association.dependencyMap.TryGetValue(parameter, out validValues) && Array.IndexOf(validValues, strValue) == -1)
                             *      {
                             *              isValid = false;
                             *              break;
                             *      }
                             * if(!isValid)
                             * {
                             *      continue;
                             * }*/

                            DependencyMap dependencyMap;
                            bool          depthValid = true, lumValid = true;
                            if (store.associations.TryGetValue(parameter, out dependencyMap) && !ValidateAssociation(dependencyMap, argidx, paramidx, paramvalid, out depthValid, out lumValid))
                                // Dependencies not satisfied for parameter

                            if (_layer.imagepath.Contains("{" + + "}"))
                                _layer.imagepath      = _layer.imagepath.Replace("{" + + "}", strValue);
                                _layer.imageDepthPath = _layer.imageDepthPath.Replace("{" + + "}", depthValid ? (parameter.depthValue != null ? parameter.depthValue : strValue) : parameter.defaultStrValue);
                                _layer.imageLumPath   = _layer.imageLumPath.Replace("{" + + "}", lumValid ? (parameter.lumValue != null ? parameter.lumValue : strValue) : parameter.defaultStrValue);
                                if (parameter.types != null && parameter.types[paramidx[p]] == "value")
                                    _layer.isFloatImage = true;
                                pathAdditions.Add( + "=" + parameter.strValues[paramidx[p]]);

                                if (parameter.depthValue != null)
                                    hasDepth = true;
                                if (depthValid)
                                    depthPathAdditions.Add( + "=" + (parameter.depthValue != null ? parameter.depthValue : strValue));

                                if (parameter.lumValue != null)
                                    hasLum = true;
                                if (lumValid)
                                    lumPathAdditions.Add( + "=" + (parameter.lumValue != null ? parameter.lumValue : strValue));

                        // Insert argument names
                        for (int i = 0; i < store.arguments.Length; ++i)
                            CinemaArgument argument = store.arguments[i];
                            string         argStr   = "{" + + "}";

                            DependencyMap dependencyMap;
                            bool          depthValid = true, lumValid = true;
                            if (store.associations.TryGetValue(argument, out dependencyMap) && !ValidateAssociation(dependencyMap, argidx, paramidx, paramvalid, out depthValid, out lumValid))
                                // Dependencies not satisfied for argument
                                if (_layer.imagepath.Contains(argStr))
                                    _layer.imagepath      = _layer.imagepath.Replace(argStr, argument.defaultStrValue);
                                    _layer.imageDepthPath = _layer.imageDepthPath.Replace(argStr, argument.defaultStrValue);
                                    _layer.imageLumPath   = _layer.imageLumPath.Replace(argStr, argument.defaultStrValue);

                            if (_layer.imagepath.Contains(argStr))
                                _layer.imagepath      = _layer.imagepath.Replace(argStr, argument.strValues[argidx[i]]);
                                _layer.imageDepthPath = _layer.imageDepthPath.Replace(argStr, depthValid ? (argument.depthValue != null ? argument.depthValue : argument.strValues[argidx[i]]) : argument.defaultStrValue);
                                _layer.imageLumPath   = _layer.imageLumPath.Replace(argStr, lumValid ? (argument.lumValue != null ? argument.lumValue : argument.strValues[argidx[i]]) : argument.defaultStrValue);
                                if (argument.types != null && argument.types[argidx[i]] == "value")
                                    _layer.isFloatImage = true;
                                pathAdditions.Add( + "=" + argument.strValues[argidx[i]]);

                                if (argument.depthValue != null)
                                    hasDepth = true;
                                if (depthValid)
                                    depthPathAdditions.Add( + "=" + (argument.depthValue != null ? argument.depthValue : argument.strValues[argidx[i]]));

                                if (argument.lumValue != null)
                                    hasLum = true;
                                if (lumValid)
                                    lumPathAdditions.Add( + "=" + (argument.lumValue != null ? argument.lumValue : argument.strValues[argidx[i]]));


                        // Assemble final paths (relative to Cinema database directory)
                        _layer.imagepath      = _layer.imagepath + (pathAdditions.Count != 0 ? Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + string.Join(new string(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, 1), pathAdditions) : "") + ext;
                        _layer.imageDepthPath = hasDepth ? _layer.imageDepthPath + (depthPathAdditions.Count != 0 ? Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + string.Join(new string(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, 1), depthPathAdditions) : "") + depthExt : null;
                        _layer.imageLumPath   = hasLum ? _layer.imageLumPath + (lumPathAdditions.Count != 0 ? Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + string.Join(new string(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, 1), lumPathAdditions) : "") + ext : null;
                        _layer.paramidx       = new int[paramidx.Length];
                        Array.Copy(paramidx, _layer.paramidx, paramidx.Length);
                        _layer.paramvalid = new bool[paramvalid.Length];
                        Array.Copy(paramvalid, _layer.paramvalid, paramvalid.Length);

                        yield return(_layer);

                        // Get next parameter combination -> paramidx[]
                        done = true;
                        for (int i = 0; i < store.parameters.Length; ++i)
                            if (paramvalid[i] == false || ++paramidx[i] == store.parameters[i].values.Length)
                                paramidx[i] = 0;
                                done = false;
                    } while(!done);
Beispiel #5
                private bool ValidateAssociation(DependencyMap dependencyMap, int[] argidx, int[] paramidx, bool[] paramvalid, out bool depthValid, out bool lumValid)
                    depthValid = lumValid = true;

                    // Validate the following:
                    // <association>: {
                    //     <dependency1>,
                    //     <dependency2>
                    // }

                    /* // Variant 1:
                     * // Return satisfied(<dependency1>) && satisfied(<dependency2>)
                     * foreach(KeyValuePair<CinemaArgument, string[]> dependency in dependencyMap)
                     * {
                     *      Parameter dependentParameter = dependency.Key as Parameter;
                     *      if(dependentParameter != null) // If dependency.Key is a parameter
                     *      {
                     *              if(paramvalid[Array.IndexOf(store.parameters, dependentParameter)] == false)
                     *                      return false;
                     *              int dependentParameterIndex = Array.IndexOf(store.parameters, dependentParameter);
                     *              string dependentParameterStrValue = dependentParameter.strValues[paramidx[dependentParameterIndex]];
                     *              if(Array.IndexOf(dependency.Value, dependentParameterStrValue) == -1)
                     *                      return false;
                     *              if(dependentParameter.depthValue != null && Array.IndexOf(dependency.Value, dependentParameter.depthValue) == -1)
                     *                      depthValid = false;
                     *              if(dependentParameter.lumValue != null && Array.IndexOf(dependency.Value, dependentParameter.lumValue) == -1)
                     *                      lumValid = false;
                     *      }
                     *      else // If dependency.Key is an argument
                     *      {
                     *              CinemaArgument dependentArgument = dependency.Key;
                     *              int dependentArgumentIndex = Array.IndexOf(store.arguments, dependentArgument);
                     *              string dependentArgumentStrValue = dependentArgument.strValues[argidx[dependentArgumentIndex]];
                     *              if(Array.IndexOf(dependency.Value, dependentArgumentStrValue) == -1)
                     *                      return false;
                     *              if(dependentArgument.depthValue != null && Array.IndexOf(dependency.Value, dependentArgument.depthValue) == -1)
                     *                      depthValid = false;
                     *              if(dependentArgument.lumValue != null && Array.IndexOf(dependency.Value, dependentArgument.lumValue) == -1)
                     *                      lumValid = false;
                     *      }
                     * }
                     * return true;*/

                    // Variant 2:
                    // Return satisfied(<dependency1>) || satisfied(<dependency2>)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <CinemaArgument, string[]> dependency in dependencyMap)
                        Parameter dependentParameter = dependency.Key as Parameter;
                        if (dependentParameter != null)                        // If dependency.Key is a parameter
                            if (paramvalid[Array.IndexOf(store.parameters, dependentParameter)] == false)

                            int    dependentParameterIndex    = Array.IndexOf(store.parameters, dependentParameter);
                            string dependentParameterStrValue = dependentParameter.strValues[paramidx[dependentParameterIndex]];
                            if (Array.IndexOf(dependency.Value, dependentParameterStrValue) == -1)

                            if (dependentParameter.depthValue != null && Array.IndexOf(dependency.Value, dependentParameter.depthValue) == -1)
                                depthValid = false;
                            if (dependentParameter.lumValue != null && Array.IndexOf(dependency.Value, dependentParameter.lumValue) == -1)
                                lumValid = false;
                        else                         // If dependency.Key is an argument
                            CinemaArgument dependentArgument = dependency.Key;

                            int    dependentArgumentIndex    = Array.IndexOf(store.arguments, dependentArgument);
                            string dependentArgumentStrValue = dependentArgument.strValues[argidx[dependentArgumentIndex]];
                            if (Array.IndexOf(dependency.Value, dependentArgumentStrValue) == -1)

                            if (dependentArgument.depthValue != null && Array.IndexOf(dependency.Value, dependentArgument.depthValue) == -1)
                                depthValid = false;
                            if (dependentArgument.lumValue != null && Array.IndexOf(dependency.Value, dependentArgument.lumValue) == -1)
                                lumValid = false;

Beispiel #6
            public static CinemaStore Load(string filename)
                CinemaStore store = new CinemaStore();

                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));
                dynamic      meta;

                try {
                    meta = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(sr.ReadToEnd());
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    Global.cle.PrintOutput("Error parsing info.json: " + ex.Message);

                try {
                    store.namePattern = meta.name_pattern;
                catch {}
                if (store.namePattern == null)
                    Global.cle.PrintOutput("Error parsing info.json: Missing entry in info.json: name_pattern");
                try { store.depthNamePattern = meta.depth_name_pattern; } catch {}
                JObject argumentsMeta = null;

                try {
                    argumentsMeta = meta.arguments;
                catch {}
                if (argumentsMeta == null)
                    Global.cle.PrintOutput("Error parsing info.json: Missing entry in info.json: arguments");
                store.pixel_format = "R8G8B8";
                JObject metadata = null;

                try {
                    metadata = meta.metadata;
                catch {}
                if (metadata != null)
                    JToken t;
                    if (metadata.TryGetValue("pixel_format", out t))
                        store.pixel_format = t.Value <string>();
                        if (Array.IndexOf(new string[] { "R8G8B8", "I24" }, store.pixel_format) == -1)
                            Global.cle.PrintOutput(string.Format("Warning parsing info.json: pixel_format is '{0}' (expected 'R8G8B8' or 'I24')", store.pixel_format));
                            store.pixel_format = "R8G8B8";
                        Global.cle.PrintOutput("Warning parsing info.json: Missing entry in info.json metadata section: pixel_format");
                    Global.cle.PrintOutput("Warning parsing info.json: Missing entry in info.json: metadata");

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JToken> argumentMeta in argumentsMeta)
                    CinemaArgument carg;
                    Parameter      parameter;

                    string type = (string)argumentMeta.Value["type"];
                    if (type == "range")
                        // argumentMeta describes image dimension

                        // Create CinemaArgument from JToken
                        parameter = null;
                        carg      = new CinemaArgument();

                          = argumentMeta.Key;
                        carg.label           = argumentMeta.Value["label"].ToObject <string>();
                        carg.strValues       = argumentMeta.Value["values"].ToObject <string[]>();
                        carg.defaultStrValue = argumentMeta.Value["default"].ToObject <string>();
                        if (Array.IndexOf(carg.strValues, carg.defaultStrValue) == -1)
                            Global.cle.PrintOutput(string.Format("Error parsing info.json: Values of argument '{0}' don't contain default ('{1}')",, carg.defaultStrValue));

                        store.argumentMap.Add(argumentMeta.Key, carg);
                    else if (type == "option" || type == "hidden")
                        // argumentMeta describes option
                        carg = parameter = new Parameter();

                          = argumentMeta.Key;
                        parameter.label           = argumentMeta.Value["label"].ToObject <string>();
                        parameter.strValues       = argumentMeta.Value["values"].ToObject <string[]>();
                        parameter.defaultStrValue = argumentMeta.Value["default"].ToObject <string>();
                        if (Array.IndexOf(carg.strValues, carg.defaultStrValue) == -1)
                            Global.cle.PrintOutput(string.Format("Error parsing info.json: Values of argument '{0}' don't contain default ('{1}')",, carg.defaultStrValue));

                        parameter.isField   = (string)argumentMeta.Value["isfield"] == "yes" ? true : false;
                        parameter.isLayer   = (string)argumentMeta.Value["islayer"] == "yes" ? true : false;
                        parameter.type      = (string)argumentMeta.Value["type"];
                        parameter.isChecked = new bool[parameter.strValues.Length];

                        if (type == "option")
                            for (int i = 0; i < parameter.strValues.Length; ++i)
                                parameter.isChecked[i] = true;
                            for (int i = 0; i < parameter.strValues.Length; ++i)
                                parameter.isChecked[i] = false;
                            parameter.isChecked[Array.IndexOf(parameter.strValues, parameter.defaultStrValue)] = true;

                        store.parameterMap.Add(argumentMeta.Key, parameter);
                        Global.cle.PrintOutput(string.Format("Error parsing info.json: Type field of argument '{0}' is '{1}' (expected 'range', 'option' or 'hidden')", argumentMeta.Key, type));

                    try { carg.types = (string[])argumentMeta.Value["types"].ToObject <string[]>(); } catch {}
                    if (carg.types != null && carg.types.Length != carg.strValues.Length)
                        Global.cle.PrintOutput(string.Format("Error parsing info.json: Types field of argument '{0}' contains a different number of elements than values field (# values = {1}, # types = {2})", argumentMeta.Key, carg.strValues.Length, carg.types.Length));

                    object[] values = argumentMeta.Value["values"].ToObject <object[]>();
                    if (carg.types != null)
                        int depthIdx = Array.IndexOf <string>(carg.types, "depth");
                        if (depthIdx != -1)
                            carg.depthValue = carg.strValues[depthIdx];
                            values          = values.RemoveAt(depthIdx);
                            carg.strValues  = carg.strValues.RemoveAt(depthIdx);
                            carg.types      = carg.types.RemoveAt(depthIdx);
                            if (parameter != null)
                                parameter.isChecked = parameter.isChecked.RemoveAt(depthIdx);

                        int lumIdx = Array.IndexOf <string>(carg.types, "luminance");
                        if (lumIdx != -1)
                            carg.lumValue  = carg.strValues[lumIdx];
                            values         = values.RemoveAt(lumIdx);
                            carg.strValues = carg.strValues.RemoveAt(lumIdx);
                            carg.types     = carg.types.RemoveAt(lumIdx);
                            if (parameter != null)
                                parameter.isChecked = parameter.isChecked.RemoveAt(lumIdx);
                    object defaultValue = argumentMeta.Value["default"].ToObject <object>();

                    Dictionary <string, int> strValueIndices = null;
                    if (defaultValue.GetType() == typeof(string))
                        if (!float.TryParse((string)defaultValue, out carg.defaultValue))
                            strValueIndices = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                            strValueIndices[(string)defaultValue] = 0;
                            carg.defaultValue = 0.0f;
                    else if (defaultValue.GetType() == typeof(long))
                        carg.defaultValue = (float)(long)defaultValue;

                    carg.values = new float[values.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; ++i)
                        if (strValueIndices != null)
                            // Values are indices of unique strings (mapping through strValueIndices)
                            int index;
                            if (!strValueIndices.TryGetValue((string)values[i], out index))
                                strValueIndices[(string)values[i]] = index = strValueIndices.Count;
                            carg.values[i] = (float)index;

                        if (values[i].GetType() == typeof(string))
                            float.TryParse((string)values[i], out carg.values[i]);
                        else if (values[i].GetType() == typeof(long))
                            carg.values[i] = (float)(long)values[i];
                store.arguments = new CinemaArgument[store.argumentMap.Count];
                store.argumentMap.Values.CopyTo(store.arguments, 0);
                store.parameters = new Parameter[store.parameterMap.Count];
                store.parameterMap.Values.CopyTo(store.parameters, 0);
                Array.Sort(store.parameters, new ParameterComparer());

                JObject associationsMeta = null;

                try {
                    associationsMeta = meta.associations;
                catch {}

                if (associationsMeta != null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JToken> associationMeta in associationsMeta)
                        Parameter      parameter;
                        CinemaArgument argument;
                        DependencyMap  dependencyMap;
                        if (store.parameterMap.TryGetValue(associationMeta.Key, out parameter))
                            store.associations.Add(parameter, dependencyMap = new DependencyMap());
                        else if (store.argumentMap.TryGetValue(associationMeta.Key, out argument))
                            store.associations.Add(argument, dependencyMap = new DependencyMap());
                            throw new Exception(string.Format("Association for inexistent parameter '{0}'", associationMeta.Key));

                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JToken> dependencyMeta in (JObject)associationMeta.Value)
                            string[] validValues;
                            if (dependencyMeta.Value.HasValues)
                                validValues = (string[])dependencyMeta.Value.ToObject <string[]>();
                                validValues    = new string[1];
                                validValues[0] = (string)dependencyMeta.Value;

                            Parameter      dependentParameter;
                            CinemaArgument dependentArgument;
                            if (store.parameterMap.TryGetValue(dependencyMeta.Key, out dependentParameter))
                                dependencyMap.Add(dependentParameter, validValues);
                            else if (store.argumentMap.TryGetValue(dependencyMeta.Key, out dependentArgument))
                                dependencyMap.Add(dependentArgument, validValues);
                                throw new Exception(string.Format("Association depends on inexistent parameter or argument '{0}'", dependencyMeta.Key));

Beispiel #7
 public Association(CinemaArgument parameter, DependencyMap dependencyMap)
     this.parameter     = parameter;
     this.dependencyMap = dependencyMap;
Beispiel #8
     * Loads the database
    private void LoadDatabase()
        panelTitle.text = databaseParams.getDirectory().Substring(databaseParams.getDirectory().LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) + 1);

        //Reads file into JSONObject
        Stream file;

        if (!databaseParams.getOnline())
            file = File.OpenRead(databaseParams.getDirectory() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "info.json");
            WebClient client = new WebClient();
            file = client.OpenRead(databaseParams.getDirectory() + "/" + "info.json");
        StreamReader reader    = new StreamReader(file);
        JSONObject   json_data = new JSONObject(reader.ReadToEnd());

        //Load arguments into CinemaVariable objects
        if (json_data.HasField("arguments"))
            arguments = new CinemaArgument[json_data["arguments"].Count];
            throw new Exception("Error reading JSON: Couldn't find field 'arguments'");
        //Read name_pattern
        if (json_data.HasField("name_pattern"))
            name_pattern = CinemaArgument.TrimQuotes(json_data["name_pattern"].ToString());
            throw new Exception("Error reading JSON: Couldn't find field 'name_pattern'");

        //Iterates through arguments, initializes phi and theta if found,
        //Creates a varPanel for the others
        int skipped = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++)
            arguments[i] = new CinemaArgument(json_data["arguments"][i]);
            if (arguments[i].GetLabel().Equals("phi"))              //Argument is phi
                phiVar    = arguments[i];
                phiValues = new float[phiVar.GetValues().Length];
                for (int j = 0; j < phiValues.Length; j++)
                    phiValues[j] = float.Parse(phiVar.GetValues()[j]);
            else if (arguments[i].GetLabel().Equals("theta"))              //Argument is theta
                thetaVar    = arguments[i];
                thetaValues = new float[thetaVar.GetValues().Length];
                for (int j = 0; j < thetaValues.Length; j++)
                    thetaValues[j] = float.Parse(thetaVar.GetValues()[j]);
            else               //Argument is neither phi nor theta
                if (arguments[i].GetValues().Length > 1)
                    //Instantiates a varPanel for this argument
                    GameObject varPanel = Instantiate <GameObject>(argPanelPrefab);
                    varPanel.transform.SetParent(controlPanel.transform, false);
                    varPanel.transform.Translate(0, -0.5f - (0.7f * (i - skipped)), 0);
                    panelFooter.transform.Translate(0, -0.7f, 0);
                    argPanelControls controls = varPanel.GetComponent <argPanelControls>();
                else                     //Argument is skipped if there is only one value for it

        //Set up background alpha material if this database has alpha
        if (databaseParams.getHasAlpha())
            Material mat = new Material(alphaShader);
            mat.SetColor("_AlphaColor", databaseParams.getAlphaColor());
            mat.SetFloat("_AlphaThreshold", databaseParams.getAlphaThreshold());
            mat.SetFloat("_AlphaSoftness", databaseParams.getAlphaSoftness());
            GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().material = mat;
    }     //end LoadDatabase()