Beispiel #1
    // =====================================================================================================
    public Chip GetActiveChip(Chip.ChipType chipType)
        Transform grid = (chipType == Chip.ChipType.SKILL) ? SkillsGrid.transform : TurretsGrid.transform;

        foreach (Transform tile in grid)
            if (tile.childCount > 0)
                Chip chipScript = tile.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Chip>();
                if (chipScript.Type == chipType && chipScript.IsActive)

    private void updateMouseUp()
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
            if (_draggedObject != null && _originSocketObject != null)
                // target socket raycast
                LayerMask    layerMask            = (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("SocketsLayer"));
                RaycastHit2D hit                  = Physics2D.Raycast(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition),, 0.0F, layerMask);
                Collider2D   targetSocketCollider = hit.collider;

                // check if dragged chip allowed in the target socket & already contained chip can switch places with it
                bool isDraggedChipAllowedInTargetSocket = true;
                if (targetSocketCollider != null)
                    // allow by type
                    Chip.ChipType draggedChipType = _draggedObject.GetComponent <Chip>().Type;
                    string        targetSocketTag = targetSocketCollider.gameObject.tag;

                    if (draggedChipType == Chip.ChipType.TURRET && targetSocketTag == "SkillSocketTag")
                        isDraggedChipAllowedInTargetSocket = false;
                    if (draggedChipType != Chip.ChipType.TURRET && targetSocketTag == "TurretSocketTag")
                        isDraggedChipAllowedInTargetSocket = false;

                    // allow by contained chip can switch with it (for example, dragged socketed turret can't switch with
                    // inventory skill because it'll couse the skill to replace the turret...)
                    if (targetSocketCollider.transform.childCount > 0)
                        Chip.ChipType containedChipType = targetSocketCollider.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Chip>().Type;
                        string        originSocketTag   = _originSocketObject.tag;

                        if (containedChipType == Chip.ChipType.TURRET && originSocketTag == "SkillSocketTag")
                            isDraggedChipAllowedInTargetSocket = false;
                        if (containedChipType != Chip.ChipType.TURRET && originSocketTag == "TurretSocketTag")
                            isDraggedChipAllowedInTargetSocket = false;

                if (targetSocketCollider != null && isDraggedChipAllowedInTargetSocket)
                    // if target socket contains chip, move it to the origin socket of dragged chip (switch places)
                    if (targetSocketCollider.transform.childCount > 0)
                        GameObject containedChip = targetSocketCollider.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
                        Inventory.Instance.PutOnChip(containedChip, _originSocketObject.transform);

                    // place chip in target socket
                    Inventory.Instance.PutOnChip(_draggedObject, targetSocketCollider.transform);

                    // save to file
                else // if leave drag not on socket - back to origin socket
                    _draggedObject.transform.position = _originSocketObject.transform.position;
                    Inventory.Instance.PutOnChip(_draggedObject, _originSocketObject.transform);

                _draggedObject      = null;
                _originSocketObject = null;