Beispiel #1
 public ParameterDefinition AddParameter(string parameter, string label, bool isRealized)
     return(Children.AddChild(new ParameterDefinition(this, parameter, label)
         IsRealized = isRealized
 public MotionDefinition(IAnimationDefinition parent, Motion motion)
     Name       = motion != null ? : "NULL";
     Parent     = parent;
     Motion     = motion;
     Type       = motion is BlendTree ? MotionType.BlendTree : MotionType.AnimationClip;
     IsRealized = true;
     if (motion is BlendTree blendTree)
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(blendTree.blendParameter))
                     new ParameterDefinition(this, blendTree.blendParameter, nameof(blendTree.blendParameter))));
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(blendTree.blendParameterY))
                     new ParameterDefinition(this, blendTree.blendParameterY, nameof(blendTree.blendParameterY))));
         foreach (ChildMotion blendTreeChild in blendTree.children)
Beispiel #3
 public ParameterDefinition AddParameter(bool isRealized, string name)
     return(Children.AddChild(new ParameterDefinition(this, name)
         IsRealized = isRealized
Beispiel #4
 public Category AddElement(AudioElement e)
     if (e.transform.parent == null || !e.transform.parent.GetComponent <Category>())
         if (!categories.GetChild("Default"))
             categories.AddChild(new GameObject("Default", typeof(Category)).GetComponent <Category>());
         elements.AddChild(e, categories.GetChild("Default").transform);
         elements.AddChild(e, e.transform.parent);
         return(e.transform.parent.GetComponent <Category>());
        /// <summary>
        /// A function which will be used to add a child and sets it's parent to this
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="K">The type of the child</typeparam>
        /// <param name="childToAdd">The child itself</param>
        /// <param name="load">A flag to indicate whether we wish to call LoadContent on the child</param>
        /// <param name="initialise">A flag to indicate whether we wish to call Initialise on the child</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual K AddChild <K>(K childToAdd, bool load = false, bool initialise = false) where K : BaseObject

            // Set the parent to be this
            childToAdd.Parent = this;

            return(Children.AddChild(childToAdd, load, initialise));
        /// <summary>
        /// A function called right at the start of the game to add our player's station to this control.
        /// We load and initialise the station too and handle all parenting problems.
        /// We have a separate function, because the station is a special card and we do no want it to go through the same pipeline as the normal CardShipPairs (i.e. AddChild)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stationCardPair"></param>
        public void AddStation(CardObjectPair stationCardPair)
            Debug.Assert(stationCardPair is CardStationPair);

            // Do a shallow reparent - we do not want to go through AddChild because it will do unnecessary things to this station
            // Instead we have to manually do a bit of hacking
            bool dontWantToBeAddedViaAddChild = false;
            stationCardPair.ReparentTo(this, dontWantToBeAddedViaAddChild);       // This does set up our new parent however
            Children.AddChild(stationCardPair, true, true);

            stationCardPair.LocalPosition = StationPosition;
 public VrcParameterDefinition AddParameter(VRCExpressionParameters.Parameter parameter)
     return(Children.AddChild(ParameterFactory.Create(this, parameter)));
        private async void button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string errorList = "";

            if (cmb_childAcademicType.SelectedIndex == -1)
                errorList += "Choose an academic type.\n";
            if (cmb_childBirthOrder.SelectedIndex == -1)
                errorList += "Choose child birth order.\n";
            if (cmb_childEducationType.SelectedIndex == -1)
                errorList += "Choose the education type.\n";
            if (cmb_childGender.SelectedIndex == -1)
                errorList += "Choose a gender.\n";
            if (txt_childName.Text == "")
                errorList += "Child name cannot be empty.\n";
            if (txt_whatsAppPhone.Text == "")
                errorList += "WhatsApp Number cannot be empty.\n";
            if (num_childAcademicYear.Value == null || num_childAge == null)
                errorList += "Numeric values cannot be null.\n";
            if (txt_guardianName.Text == "")
                errorList += "Guardian Name cannot be empty!\n";
            if (num_childAcademicYear != null && num_childAcademicYear.Value >= 10)
                errorList += "Maximum value for allowed academic year is 10";

            errorList += CheckPhoneNumber(txt_whatsAppPhone);
            if (!errorList.Contains("Phone can only consist of numbers."))
                errorList += CheckPhoneNumber(txt_fatherPhone);
            if (!errorList.Contains("Phone can only consist of numbers."))
                errorList += CheckPhoneNumber(txt_motherPhone);

            if (errorList != "")
                await this.ShowMessageAsync("Check the following!", errorList, MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative);


            if (Globals.Children.ToList().Exists(x => x.Value.Name == txt_childName.Text || x.Value.WhatsAppPhone == txt_whatsAppPhone.Text))
                if (EditedChild == null || (EditedChild != null && EditedChild.Name != txt_childName.Text))
                    if (await this.ShowMessageAsync("Are you sure", "There exist a child with the same name/whatsApp number\nAre you sure you want to continue", MessageDialogStyle.AffirmativeAndNegative) == MessageDialogResult.Negative)

            Child newChild = new Child()
                Name              = txt_childName.Text,
                Age               = Convert.ToInt32(num_childAge.Value),
                GuardianName      = txt_guardianName.Text,
                GuardianType      = (rb_mother.IsChecked == true) ? 0 : 1,
                FatherPhone       = txt_fatherPhone.Text,
                MotherPhone       = txt_motherPhone.Text,
                FatherJob         = txt_fatherJob.Text,
                MotherJob         = txt_motherJob.Text,
                WhatsAppPhone     = txt_whatsAppPhone.Text,
                MotherQualifier   = txt_motherQualification.Text,
                Gender            = cmb_childGender.SelectedIndex,
                AcademicYear      = (cmb_childAcademicType.SelectedIndex * 10) + (Convert.ToInt32(num_childAcademicYear.Value)),
                EducationType     = cmb_childEducationType.SelectedIndex,
                ChildBirthOrder   = cmb_childBirthOrder.SelectedIndex,
                ChildTraits       = CalcBits(chk_traits_social, chk_traits_leading, chk_traits_edgy, chk_traits_cooperative, chk_traits_goodSpeaker),
                ChildHandling     = CalcBits(chk_problem_askHelp, chk_problem_worries, chk_problem_leaveProblem, chk_problem_solveProblem),
                ChildFreeTime     = CalcBits(chk_freeTime_drawing, chk_freeTime_games, chk_freeTime_tv, chk_freeTime_handwork),
                RegisteredCourses = new List <Class>(),

            foreach (CheckedObject val in courses_listView.Items)
                if (val.Checked)

                if (EditedChild == null)
                    newChild.Id = EditedChild.Id;

                //int coursesCost = 0;
                //for(int i = 0; i < newChild.RegisteredCourses.Count; i++)
                //    if (i == 0) //100% of first course
                //        coursesCost += Globals.Courses[newChild.RegisteredCourses[i].CourseId].Cost;
                //    else        //50% of every course after
                //        coursesCost += Globals.Courses[newChild.RegisteredCourses[i].CourseId].Cost/2;
                //await this.ShowMessageAsync("Courses Price", "Total price for chosen courses are: " + coursesCost + " EGP.");
            catch (Exception ex)

 public TransitionDefinition AddTransition(AnimatorTransitionBase transition, StateDefinition from, StateDefinition to)
     return(Children.AddChild(new TransitionDefinition(this, transition, from, to)));
 public StateDefinition AddState(string name = null)
     return(Children.AddChild(new StateDefinition(this, name)));
Beispiel #11
 public ParameterDefinition AddParameter(VRCExpressionsMenu.Control.Parameter parameter)
     return(Children.AddChild(new ParameterDefinition(this,;
 public MotionDefinition AddMotion(Motion motion)
     return(Children.AddChild(new MotionDefinition(this, motion)));
Beispiel #13
 public ConditionDefinition AddCondition(ParameterDefinition parameter, bool whenTrue)
     return(Children.AddChild(new ConditionDefinition(this, whenTrue ? AnimatorConditionMode.If : AnimatorConditionMode.IfNot, 0, parameter.Name)));
Beispiel #14
 public ConditionDefinition AddCondition(AnimatorCondition condition)
     return(Children.AddChild(new ConditionDefinition(this, condition)));
 public MenuControlDefinition AddControl(string name = null)
     return(Children.AddChild(new MenuControlDefinition(this, name)));
 public MenuControlDefinition AddControl(VRCExpressionsMenu.Control control)
     return(Children.AddChild(new MenuControlDefinition(this, control)));
Beispiel #17
 public MotionDefinition AddMotion(bool isBlendTree = false, string name = null) => Children.AddChild(new MotionDefinition(this, isBlendTree, name));
 public MotionDefinition AddMotion(string name, bool isBlendTree)
     return(Children.AddChild(new MotionDefinition(this, isBlendTree, name)));
Beispiel #19
 public MotionDefinition AddMotion(Motion motion) => Children.AddChild(new MotionDefinition(this, motion));
Beispiel #20
 public MenuDefinition AddMenu(VRCExpressionsMenu menu)
     return(Children.AddChild(new MenuDefinition(this, menu)));
Beispiel #21
 public VrcParameterDriverDefinition AddParameterDriverDefinition(VRCAvatarParameterDriver driver)
     return(Children.AddChild(new VrcParameterDriverDefinition(this, driver)));
Beispiel #22
 public StateMachineDefinition AddStateMachine(AnimatorStateMachine stateMachine)
     return(Children.AddChild(new StateMachineDefinition(this, stateMachine)));
Beispiel #23
 public AnimatorLayerDefinition AddLayer(AnimatorControllerLayer controllerLayer)
     return(Children.AddChild(new AnimatorLayerDefinition(this, controllerLayer)));
 private StateDefinition AddState(AnimatorState state)
     return(Children.AddChild(new StateDefinition(this, state)));
Beispiel #25
 public AnimatorParameterDefinition AddParameter(AnimatorControllerParameter parameter)
     return(Children.AddChild(new AnimatorParameterDefinition(this, parameter)));
 public TransitionDefinition AddTransition(StateDefinition from, StateDefinition to, string name = null)
     return(Children.AddChild(new TransitionDefinition(this, from, to, name)));
 private AnimatorDefinition AddAnimator(AnimatorController animator, AnimatorDefinition.AnimatorType type)
     return(Children.AddChild(new AnimatorDefinition(this, animator, type)));