Beispiel #1
    //This function is called each time it is your turn
    //Return true to end your turn, return false to ask the server for updated information
    public override bool run()
        // Print out the current board state
        for (int rank = 8; rank > 0; rank--)
            for (int file = 1; file <= 8; file++)
                bool found = false;
                // Loops through all of the pieces
                for (int p = 0; !found && p < pieces.Length; p++)
                    // determines if that piece is at the current rank and file
                    if (pieces[p].getRank() == rank && pieces[p].getFile() == file)
                        found = true;
                        // Checks if the piece is black
                        if (pieces[p].getOwner() == 1)
                            Console.Write(" ");
                        // prints the piece's type
                        Console.Write((char)pieces[p].getType() + " ");
                if (!found)
                    Console.Write("   ");

        // Looks through information about the players
        for (int p = 0; p < players.Length; p++)
            // if playerID is 0, you're white, if its 1, you're black
            if (players[p].getId() == myID)
                Console.Write(" (ME)");

                // update timeRemaining
                timeRemaining = players[p].getTime();
            Console.WriteLine(" time remaining: " + players[p].getTime());

        // if there has been a move, print the most recent move
        if (moves.Length > 0)
            Console.Write("Last Move Was: ");
            Console.WriteLine(files[moves[0].getFromFile() - 1] + "" + moves[0].getFromRank() + "-" + files[moves[0].getToFile() - 1] + "" + moves[0].getToRank());

        // <-- END OF STOCK AI.cs CODE --> //

        // print current move number
        Console.WriteLine("\nMove " + turnNumber().ToString("D3") + "\n========\n");

        // add to GameState List and update ChessBoard
        if (moves.Length <= 1)
            board = new ChessBoard(ref pieces, myID);
            states.Add(new GameState(null, null));
            ChessMove lastMove = ChessMove.GetChessMove(moves[0].getFromFile(), moves[0].getToFile(), moves[0].getFromRank(), moves[0].getToRank(),
                                                        moves[0].getPromoteType(), states[states.Count - 1].enPassant);
            board = new ChessBoard(ref pieces, myID);
            states.Add(new GameState(states[states.Count - 1], lastMove));

        // display current score information for player
        Console.Write("Score for ");
        if (myID == ChessBoard.WHITE)
        else if (myID == ChessBoard.BLACK)
        int material = Score.GetMaterialScore(myID);
        int position = Score.GetPositionScore(myID);
        // int mobility = Score.GetPositionScore(myID);
        int pawn_structure = Score.GetPawnStructureScore(myID);
        int king_safety    = Score.GetKingSafetyScore(myID);

        Console.WriteLine("Net Material = " + material);
        Console.WriteLine("Net Position = " + position);
        //Console.WriteLine("Net Mobility = " + mobility);
        Console.WriteLine("Net Pawn Structure = " + pawn_structure);
        Console.WriteLine("Net King Safety = " + king_safety + "\n");
        Console.WriteLine("Overall Score = " + (material + position + /*mobility +*/ pawn_structure + king_safety) + "\n");

        // if playing as human, get move from console prompt
        while (HUMAN_PLAYER)
            // get legal moves for this position
            List <ChessMove> legalMoves = MoveGen.GenerateMoves(myID, false);

            // prompt user for move
            Console.Write("Enter a move ([from] [to] <promotion type>): ");
            string[] humanMove = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');

            // get origin square
            int humanFromFile = 0, humanFromRank = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                if (humanMove[0][0] == files[i])
                    humanFromFile = i + 1;
            humanFromRank = (int)Char.GetNumericValue(humanMove[0][1]);

            // get destination square
            int humanToFile = 0, humanToRank = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                if (humanMove[1][0] == files[i])
                    humanToFile = i + 1;
            humanToRank = (int)Char.GetNumericValue(humanMove[1][1]);

            // if promotion type is specified, get the promotion piece from move
            int humanPromote = 0;
            if (humanMove.Length > 2)
                humanPromote = (int)humanMove[2][0];

            // check for legality of human move
            bool isLegal = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < legalMoves.Count; i++)
                ChessMove m = legalMoves[i];
                if ((ChessMove.GetFile(m.GetFromSq()) + 1) == (uint)humanFromFile &&
                    (ChessMove.GetRank(m.GetFromSq()) + 1) == (uint)humanFromRank &&
                    (ChessMove.GetFile(m.GetToSq()) + 1) == (uint)humanToFile &&
                    (ChessMove.GetRank(m.GetToSq()) + 1) == (uint)humanToRank)
                    isLegal = true;

            // if move is legal, make move
            if (isLegal)
                // get Piece associated with move
                Piece humanPiece = pieces[FindPiece(humanFromFile, humanFromRank)];

                // make move
                humanPiece.move(humanToFile, humanToRank, humanPromote);
            else if (!isLegal)
                Console.WriteLine("ILLEGAL MOVE. Please input a legal move.\n");

        // reset TIME_EXPIRED and timer
        TIME_EXPIRED = false;

        // reset history table
        history = new HistoryTable();

        // run ABMiniMax
        int  moveScore = 0, n = 0, toFile = -1, toRank = -1;
        uint fromSq = 0, toSq = 0, thePiece = 0;

        depth = 0;
        List <ChessMove> completeBestMoves = new List <ChessMove>(0);

        while (!TIME_EXPIRED)
            depth                  += 1;
            nodes                   = 0;
            Search.MAX_DEPTH        = depth;
            Search.NULLMOVE_ALLOWED = true;
            Search.FOLLOW_PV        = true;
            Search.PV               = new List <ChessMove>(0);
            int score = Search.PVABMiniMax(0, Search.SMALL_NUM, Search.LARGE_NUM);
            if (score != Score.TIME_EXPIRED_SCORE)
                moveScore         = score;
                completeBestMoves = new List <ChessMove>(Search.PV);

            // select random move from bestMoves List
            if (completeBestMoves.Count > 0)
                n = generator.Next(0, completeBestMoves.Count - 1);

                // get bestMove info
                fromSq   = completeBestMoves[n].GetFromSq();
                thePiece = completeBestMoves[n].GetPiece();
                toSq     = completeBestMoves[n].GetToSq();
                toFile   = (int)((toSq % 8) + 1);
                toRank   = (int)((toSq / 8) + 1);

                // print bestMove info
                Console.WriteLine("Best Move: " + completeBestMoves[n].GetMoveString() + ", Score: " + moveScore + ", Depth: " + depth + " (t = " +
                                  (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0).ToString("F3") + "s, nodes = " + nodes + ")");

            // if checkmate is found, stop searching
            if (score == Score.CHECKMATE_WIN_SCORE)

        // output number of best moves
        Console.WriteLine("completeBestMoves = " + completeBestMoves.Count);

        // make bestMove
        pieces[FindPiece(fromSq, thePiece)].move(toFile, toRank, completeBestMoves[n].GetPromoteType());

        // update ChessBoard and GameState List
