Beispiel #1
        public string CodeToString(ChessExitCode c)
            switch (c)
            case ChessExitCode.Success: return("Success");

            case ChessExitCode.TestFailure: return("TestFailure");

            case ChessExitCode.ChessFailure: return("ChessFailure");

            case ChessExitCode.ChessDeadlock: return("Deadlock");

            case ChessExitCode.ChessLivelock: return("Livelock");

            case ChessExitCode.ChessTimeout: return("Timeout");

            case ChessExitCode.ChessNonDet: return("NonDeterminism");

            case ChessExitCode.ChessInvalidTest: return("InvalidTest");

            case ChessExitCode.ChessRace: return("Race");

            case ChessExitCode.ChessInvalidObservation: return("InvalidObservation");

            case ChessExitCode.ChessIncompleteInterleavingCoverage: return("IncompleteInterleavingCoverage");

            default: throw new ArgumentException();
Beispiel #2
        private void ReportErrorAndExitRaw(string message, ChessExitCode code, bool genRepro, bool fromExitCallback, Exception ex)

            MErrorInfo errorInfo = ex == null ? null : new MErrorInfo(ex);

            // It's only safe to write to the results printer if we aren't in the exit callback
            if (!fromExitCallback)
                // TODO: action? This var will always have the value of String.Empty.
                var action = "";
                if (message != "")
                    MChessChess.ReportError(message, action, errorInfo);
                else if (code != 0)
                    // we have an error code but no message.
                    var newMessage = new ChessResult(code).ToString();
                    MChessChess.ReportError(newMessage, action, errorInfo);


            if (genRepro)
                // must call after all ReportWarning/ReportError calls
                // Note: The MChessChess.Done already implicitly calls CloseResults, so
                // we only need to explicitly call it otherwise.

            // Invariant: this should be the only exit in the engine!!!
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a chess results.xml file into the xml element representing a MCUT test result.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="run"></param>
        /// <param name="xtaskResults"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static XElement ChessXResultsToXTestResult(XElement xtaskResults, int?processExitCode, int?taskID)
            // default to processing the chess results
            if (xtaskResults == null || xtaskResults.Name != XChessNames.Results)

            // Rename the chess results element
            xtaskResults.Name = XChessNames.ChessResults;

            // For Chess results, we really only care about the results and actions available for each result
            var results = (from xr in xtaskResults.Elements(XChessNames.Result)
                           let rType = EntityUtil.ParseMChessResultType((string)xr.Element(XChessNames.Label))
                                       let acts = from xa in xr.Elements(XChessNames.Action)
                                                  select new {
                Type = EntityUtil.ParseMChessResultActionType((string)xa.Attribute(XNames.AName)),
                Race = (int?)xa.Attribute(XChessNames.ARace)
                           select new {
                Type = rType,
                Description = (string)xr.Element(XChessNames.Description),
                XError = xr.Element(XConcurrencyNames.Error),
                Actions = acts,
                XSchedule = xr.Element(XChessNames.Schedule),
            //var resultsActions = (from xa in xtaskResults.Elements(XChessNames.Action)
            //                      select new {
            //                          Type = EntityUtil.ParseMChessResultActionType((string)xa.Attribute(XNames.AName)),
            //                          Race = (int?)xa.Attribute(XChessNames.ARace)
            //                      });

            var errorResults = results.Where(r => r.Type == MChessResultType.Error).ToList();

            // Lets just assert that we only have one error, or else the 2nd error is the "Abnormal termination" error
            Debug.Assert(errorResults.Count <= 1 || (errorResults.Count == 2 && errorResults[1].Description.StartsWith("Abnormal termination"))
                         , "According to the ResultsPrinter.cpp, there should only ever be one Error returned from Chess."

            ChessExitCode?chessExitCode = null;

            if (processExitCode.HasValue)
                chessExitCode = (ChessExitCode)processExitCode.Value;

            // First try to read from the results xml file
            XElement      xchessFinalStats = xtaskResults.Element(XChessNames.FinalStats);
            ChessExitCode?resultExitCode   = null;

            if (xchessFinalStats != null)
                resultExitCode = xchessFinalStats.Attribute(XChessNames.AExitCode).ParseXmlEnum <ChessExitCode>();

            ChessExitCode exitCode = resultExitCode ?? chessExitCode ?? ChessExitCode.Unknown;

            Debug.WriteLineIf(chessExitCode.HasValue && resultExitCode.HasValue && resultExitCode.Value != chessExitCode.Value
                              , String.Format("Task ({0}): The exit code from the process doesn't match the exit code reported in the results.xml file. process: {1}; result file: {2}."
                                              , taskID ?? -1
                                              , chessExitCode
                                              , resultExitCode

            TestResultType resultType;
            string         msg;

            // Detect unit test errors first
            if (exitCode == ChessExitCode.UnitTestAssertFailure)
                resultType = TestResultType.AssertFailure;
                Debug.Assert(errorResults.Count != 0);
                msg = errorResults[0].Description;
            else if (exitCode == ChessExitCode.UnitTestAssertInconclusive)
                resultType = TestResultType.Inconclusive;
                Debug.Assert(errorResults.Count != 0);
                msg = errorResults[0].Description;
            else if (exitCode == ChessExitCode.UnitTestException)
                resultType = TestResultType.Exception;
                Debug.Assert(errorResults.Count != 0);
                msg = errorResults[0].Description;
            else if (errorResults.Count != 0)
                msg = errorResults[0].Description;

                if (exitCode == ChessExitCode.ChessRace)
                    resultType = TestResultType.DataRace;
                else if (exitCode == ChessExitCode.ChessLivelock)
                    resultType = TestResultType.Livelock;
                else if (exitCode == ChessExitCode.ChessDeadlock)
                    resultType = TestResultType.Deadlock;
                    resultType = TestResultType.Error;
            else if (results.Any(r => r.Type == MChessResultType.Race))
                resultType = TestResultType.DataRace;
                msg        = results.Where(r => r.Type == MChessResultType.Race).First().Description;
            else if (exitCode != ChessExitCode.Success)
                resultType = TestResultType.Error;
                msg        = String.Format("Chess returned a non-zero exit code: {0}({1})", (int)exitCode, exitCode);
                resultType = TestResultType.Passed;
                msg        = "Passed"; // Just let the UI use it's own msg for a passing test.
            Debug.Assert(msg != null);

            // If there's a single xerror, then propagate it to the root
            var xerrors = (from r in results
                           where r.XError != null
                           select r.XError)
            var singleXError = xerrors.Count() == 1 ? xerrors.Single() : null;

            // Compose the final test result element
            return(TestResultUtil.CreateXTestResult(resultType, msg, null
                                                    , new XAttribute(XTestResultNames.AChessExitCode, exitCode)
                                                    , singleXError
                                                    , xtaskResults
Beispiel #4
 public ChessResult(ChessExitCode code)
     this.Code      = code;
     this.Exception = null;
Beispiel #5
 public ChessResult(ChessExitCode code, Exception exception)
     this.Code      = code;
     this.Exception = exception;
Beispiel #6
 private void ReportErrorAndExit(string message, ChessExitCode code, bool genRepro, Exception ex)
     ReportErrorAndExitRaw(message, code, genRepro, false, ex);
 public ExpectedChessResultAttribute(ChessExitCode exitCode)
     ExitCode = exitCode;
 public ExpectedChessResultAttribute(string key, ChessExitCode exitCode)
     Key      = key;
     ExitCode = exitCode;