private void CreateControls(Item item, string fields = "")
            var textfields = GetTextFields(item);
            foreach (var field in textfields)
                var border = new GridPanel()
                    Width = Unit.Percentage(90),
                    Columns = 2
                var checkbox = new Checkbox()
                    Header = field.DisplayName,
                    HeaderStyle = "font-weight:bold",                    
                    ID = Control.GetUniqueID("ctl_cb"),                    
                    Checked = fields.Contains(string.Concat("|", field.Name, "|"))
                border.Controls.Add(new Literal { Text = "<br/>" });
                border.Controls.Add(new HtmlTextArea()
                        ID = checkbox.ID.Replace("cb","ta"),
                        Rows = 5,
                        Cols = 27,
                        Value = field.Value,

 public static MvcHtmlString UxCheckbox(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper,
     string label,
     string group,
     string value = "",
     bool selected = false,
     LabelPosition position = null,
     CheckColor color = CheckColor.Blue,
     bool disabled = false,
     string clientId = null)
     var check = new Checkbox(label, group, value, selected, position, color, disabled, clientId);
     return htmlHelper.RenderUxControl(check);
Beispiel #3
        private void BuildCombat()
            const int  PAGE      = 8;
            ScrollArea rightArea = new ScrollArea(190, 60, 390, 380, true);

            _innocentColorPickerBox = CreateClickableColorBox(rightArea, 0, 0, Engine.Profile.Current.InnocentHue, "Innocent color", 20, 0);
            _friendColorPickerBox   = CreateClickableColorBox(rightArea, 0, 0, Engine.Profile.Current.FriendHue, "Friend color", 20, 0);
            _crimialColorPickerBox  = CreateClickableColorBox(rightArea, 0, 0, Engine.Profile.Current.CriminalHue, "Criminal color", 20, 0);
            _genericColorPickerBox  = CreateClickableColorBox(rightArea, 0, 0, Engine.Profile.Current.AnimalHue, "Animal color", 20, 0);
            _murdererColorPickerBox = CreateClickableColorBox(rightArea, 0, 0, Engine.Profile.Current.MurdererHue, "Murderer color", 20, 0);
            _enemyColorPickerBox    = CreateClickableColorBox(rightArea, 0, 0, Engine.Profile.Current.EnemyHue, "Enemy color", 20, 0);

            _queryBeforAttackCheckbox = CreateCheckBox(rightArea, "Query before attack", Engine.Profile.Current.EnabledCriminalActionQuery, 0, 30);

            Add(rightArea, PAGE);
        Checkbox AddOption(float x, string text, string tip, bool isChecked)
            Checkbox checkbox = new Checkbox();

            checkbox.Label.Text      = text;
            checkbox.Label.TextColor = selectedTextColor;
            checkbox.CheckBoxColor   = selectedTextColor;
            checkbox.ToolTip         = defaultToolTip;
            checkbox.ToolTipText     = tip;
            checkbox.IsChecked       = isChecked;
            checkbox.Position        = new Vector2(x, optionPos);
            optionPos += optionSpacing;

Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// See actions in XIB file. For Button acion is "ButtonPressed:"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        public void ButtonPressed(NSButton sender)
            // coz there are bugs in mono JIT, so advanced techniques used to build assembly currently causes errors in some cases.. (  Microsoft's VES currenly normally handles such code  )
            // dont allow proxy objects be directly boxed like Console.WriteLine( "Pressed {0}", sender );
            // also don't directly convert to base type line Console.WriteLine( "Pressed {0}", (NSObject)sender );
            // use follow workaround Console.WriteLine( "Pressed {0}", new NSObject( sender ) );
            //Console.WriteLine( "Pressed {0}", sender );
            Console.WriteLine("Pressed {0}", sender.ToString());

            var value = new Random().NextDouble();

            Checkbox.setState_(Checkbox.state() ^ 1);
        Checkbox AddOption(float x, string key, bool isChecked)
            Checkbox checkbox = new Checkbox();

            checkbox.Label.Text      = GetText(key);
            checkbox.Label.TextColor = selectedTextColor;
            checkbox.CheckBoxColor   = selectedTextColor;
            checkbox.ToolTip         = defaultToolTip;
            checkbox.ToolTipText     = GetText(string.Format("{0}Info", key));
            checkbox.IsChecked       = isChecked;
            checkbox.Position        = new Vector2(x, optionPos);
            optionPos += optionSpacing;

Beispiel #7
        protected override View CreateControl(string bindingName, Type fieldType)
            if (fieldType != typeof(bool) && fieldType != typeof(bool?))
                Debug.WriteLine($"field:{bindingName} error. Wrong type {fieldType.ToString()} should be bool");

            _checkbox = new Checkbox

            _checkbox.SetBinding(Checkbox.CheckedProperty, new Binding(bindingName, BindingMode.TwoWay, new NullableConverter(), fieldType));

Beispiel #8
        protected void NuevoEnvio(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
            grdArchivos.Disabled = true;

            for (int i = 1; i < 17; i++)
                Checkbox chk = ComponentManager.Get("chkDoc" + i.ToString()) as Checkbox;
                chk.Value    = 0;
                chk.ReadOnly = false;

            fileSelector.ReadOnly = false;

            btnGuardarArchivo.Hidden  = false;
            btnCancelarArchivo.Hidden = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// 绑定checkbox,点击Grid之后打勾
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 /// <param name="chb"></param>
 public void BindCheck(string data, Checkbox chb, CheckboxGroup chbGroup)
     string[] List = string.IsNullOrEmpty(data) ? new string[] { } : data.Split(',');
     CheckGroupClear(chb, chbGroup);
     foreach (string str in List)
         for (int i = 0; i < chbGroup.Items.Count(); ++i)
             if (chbGroup.Items[i].Tag.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == str.Trim().ToUpper())
                 chbGroup.Items[i].Checked = true;
Beispiel #10
        public void ChooseModificationScope(Scope scope)
            string name = "";

            if (scope == Scope.OtherPartsOfTheStudy)
                name = "Other parts of the study";
            if (scope == Scope.StudyTeamMemberInformation)
                name = "Study team member information";
            Checkbox scopePurpose = new Checkbox(By.XPath(".//td[text()='" + name + "']/../td[1]/table/tbody/tr/td/input[1]"));

Beispiel #11
        public override void Setup(Panel parent)
            Vector2 pos = settingsStartPos;

            // About this effect
            AddTipPanel(parent, TextManager.Instance.GetLocalizedText("colorBoostTip"));

            // Enable toggle
            enableCheckbox = AddCheckbox(parent, TextManager.Instance.GetLocalizedText("enable"), ref pos);
            enableCheckbox.OnToggleState += EnableCheckbox_OnToggleState;

            // Radius slider
            radiusSlider           = AddSlider(parent, TextManager.Instance.GetLocalizedText("radius"), 500, ref pos);
            radiusSlider.OnScroll += RadiusSlider_OnScroll;
            radiusSlider.SetIndicator(0.1f, 50.0f, DaggerfallUnity.Settings.ColorBoostRadius);

            // Intensity slider
            intensitySlider           = AddSlider(parent, TextManager.Instance.GetLocalizedText("intensity"), 10, ref pos);
            intensitySlider.OnScroll += IntensitySlider_OnScroll;
            intensitySlider.SetIndicator(0.0f, 1.0f, DaggerfallUnity.Settings.ColorBoostIntensity);

            // Dungeon Scale slider
            dungeonScaleSlider           = AddSlider(parent, TextManager.Instance.GetLocalizedText("dungeonScale"), 80, ref pos);
            dungeonScaleSlider.OnScroll += DungeonScaleSlider_OnScroll;
            dungeonScaleSlider.SetIndicator(0.0f, 8.0f, DaggerfallUnity.Settings.ColorBoostDungeonScale);

            // Interior Scale slider
            interiorScaleSlider           = AddSlider(parent, TextManager.Instance.GetLocalizedText("interiorScale"), 80, ref pos);
            interiorScaleSlider.OnScroll += InteriorScaleSlider_OnScroll;
            interiorScaleSlider.SetIndicator(0.0f, 8.0f, DaggerfallUnity.Settings.ColorBoostInteriorScale);

            // Exterior Scale slider
            exteriorScaleSlider           = AddSlider(parent, TextManager.Instance.GetLocalizedText("exteriorScale"), 80, ref pos);
            exteriorScaleSlider.OnScroll += ExteriorScaleSlider_OnScroll;
            exteriorScaleSlider.SetIndicator(0.0f, 8.0f, DaggerfallUnity.Settings.ColorBoostExteriorScale);

            // Dungeon falloff
            dungeonFalloffSlider           = AddSlider(parent, TextManager.Instance.GetLocalizedText("dungeonFalloff"), 80, ref pos);
            dungeonFalloffSlider.OnScroll += DungeonFalloffSlider_OnScroll;
            dungeonFalloffSlider.SetIndicator(0.0f, 8.0f, DaggerfallUnity.Settings.ColorBoostDungeonFalloff);
Beispiel #12
        public TreeTest(ControlBase parent) : base(parent)
            TreeControl tree = new TreeControl(parent);

            tree.SelectionChanged += (o, e) =>
                if (tree.SelectedChildren.Count == 2)
                    tree.SelectedChildren[1].Parent.RemoveChild(tree.SelectedChildren[1], true);
            tree.Margin = Margin.Five;
            Checkbox cb = new Checkbox(parent);

            cb.Dock          = Dock.Bottom;
            cb.Text          = "Multiselect";
            cb.CheckChanged += (o, e) =>
                tree.AllowMultiSelect = cb.IsChecked;
            tree.Dock             = Dock.Fill;
            tree.AllowMultiSelect = true;
            cb.IsChecked          = tree.AllowMultiSelect;
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                var root = tree.AddNode("root " + i);
                if (i == 0)
                    for (int ix = 0; ix < 100; ix++)
                        var node = root.AddNode("for large scale");
                for (int ix = 0; ix < 10; ix++)
                    var node = root.AddNode("child " + ix + " of root " + i);
                    if (i == 0)
                        node.AddNode("subnode that has a really long label so we can trigger the scrollbar................").AddNode("f**k you").AddNode("seriously").AddNode(" i want to die");
                if (i == 1 || i == 5 || i == 8)
        private void Video(Panel leftPanel, Panel rightPanel)
            // Basic settings
            AddSectionTitle(leftPanel, "basic");
            resolution = AddSlider(leftPanel, "resolution",
                                   Array.FindIndex(resolutions, x => x.width == DaggerfallUnity.Settings.ResolutionWidth && x.height == DaggerfallUnity.Settings.ResolutionHeight),
                                   resolutions.Select(x => string.Format("{0}x{1}", x.width, x.height)).ToArray());
            resolution.OnScroll += Resolution_OnScroll;
            fullscreen           = AddCheckbox(leftPanel, "fullscreen", DaggerfallUnity.Settings.Fullscreen);
            //exclusiveFullscreen = AddCheckbox(leftPanel, "exclusiveFullscreen", DaggerfallUnity.Settings.ExclusiveFullscreen);
            fullscreen.OnToggleState += Fullscreen_OnToggleState;
            //exclusiveFullscreen.OnToggleState += ExclusiveFullscreen_OnToggleState;
            runInBackground        = AddCheckbox(leftPanel, "runInBackground", DaggerfallUnity.Settings.RunInBackground);
            qualityLevel           = AddSlider(leftPanel, "qualityLevel", DaggerfallUnity.Settings.QualityLevel, QualitySettings.names);
            qualityLevel.OnScroll += QualityLevel_OnScroll;
            string[] filterModes = new string[] { "Point", "Bilinear", "Trilinear" };
            mainFilterMode  = AddSlider(leftPanel, "mainFilterMode", DaggerfallUnity.Settings.MainFilterMode, filterModes);
            guiFilterMode   = AddSlider(leftPanel, "guiFilterMode", DaggerfallUnity.Settings.GUIFilterMode, filterModes);
            videoFilterMode = AddSlider(leftPanel, "videoFilterMode", DaggerfallUnity.Settings.VideoFilterMode, filterModes);

            y = 0;

            // Advanced settings
            AddSectionTitle(rightPanel, "advanced");
            fovSlider            = AddSlider(rightPanel, "fovSlider", 60, 80, DaggerfallUnity.Settings.FieldOfView);
            terrainDistance      = AddSlider(rightPanel, "terrainDistance", 1, 4, DaggerfallUnity.Settings.TerrainDistance);
            shadowResolutionMode = AddSlider(rightPanel, "shadowResolutionMode",
                                             DaggerfallUnity.Settings.ShadowResolutionMode, "Low", "Medium", "High", "Very High");
            dungeonLightShadows  = AddCheckbox(rightPanel, "dungeonLightShadows", DaggerfallUnity.Settings.DungeonLightShadows);
            interiorLightShadows = AddCheckbox(rightPanel, "interiorLightShadows", DaggerfallUnity.Settings.InteriorLightShadows);
            exteriorLightShadows = AddCheckbox(rightPanel, "exteriorLightShadows", DaggerfallUnity.Settings.ExteriorLightShadows);
            string textureArrayLabel = "Texture Arrays: ";

            if (!SystemInfo.supports2DArrayTextures)
                textureArrayLabel += "Unsupported";
                textureArrayLabel += DaggerfallUnity.Settings.EnableTextureArrays ? "Enabled" : "Disabled";
            AddInfo(rightPanel, textureArrayLabel, "Improved implementation of terrain textures, with better performance and modding support");
            retroRenderingMode = AddSlider(rightPanel, "retroRenderingMode",
                                           DaggerfallUnity.Settings.RetroRenderingMode, "Off", "320x200", "640x400");
            postProcessingInRetroMode = AddSlider(rightPanel, "postProcessingInRetroMode",
                                                  DaggerfallUnity.Settings.PostProcessingInRetroMode, "Off", "Posterization (full)", "Posterization (-sky)", "Palettization (full)", "Palettization (-sky)");
Beispiel #14
        public JournalGump() : base(Constants.JOURNAL_LOCALSERIAL, 0)
            Height  = 300;
            CanMove = true;
            CanCloseWithRightClick = true;
            Add(_gumpPic           = new GumpPic(160, 0, 0x82D, 0));
            Add(_background        = new ExpandableScroll(0, _diffY, Height - _diffY, 0x1F40)
                TitleGumpID = 0x82A

            const ushort DARK_MODE_JOURNAL_HUE = 903;

            string str   = "Dark mode";
            int    width = FontsLoader.Instance.GetWidthASCII(6, str);

            Checkbox darkMode;

            Add(darkMode = new Checkbox(0x00D2, 0x00D3, str, 6, 0x0288, false)
                X         = _background.Width - width - 2,
                Y         = _diffY + 7,
                IsChecked = ProfileManager.Current.JournalDarkMode

            Hue = (ushort)(ProfileManager.Current.JournalDarkMode ? DARK_MODE_JOURNAL_HUE : 0);
            darkMode.ValueChanged += (sender, e) =>
                var ok = ProfileManager.Current.JournalDarkMode = !ProfileManager.Current.JournalDarkMode;
                Hue = (ushort)(ok ? DARK_MODE_JOURNAL_HUE : 0);

            _scrollBar = new ScrollFlag(-25, _diffY + 36, Height - _diffY, true);

            Add(_journalEntries = new RenderedTextList(25, _diffY + 36, _background.Width - (_scrollBar.Width >> 1) - 5, 200, _scrollBar));


            Add(_hitBox                = new HitBox(160, 0, 23, 24));
            _hitBox.MouseUp           += _hitBox_MouseUp;
            _gumpPic.MouseDoubleClick += _gumpPic_MouseDoubleClick;

            World.Journal.EntryAdded += AddJournalEntry;
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the Checkboxes to select indexes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">
        /// The name.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="header">
        /// The header.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="selected">
        /// The selected.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="indexMap">
        /// The index map.
        /// </param>
        private void BuildIndexCheckbox(string name, string header, ListString selected, ListString indexMap)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(name, "name");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(header, "header");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(selected, "selected");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(indexMap, "indexMap");
            var child = new Checkbox();

            child.ID      = Control.GetUniqueID("dk_");
            child.Header  = header;
            child.Value   = name;
            child.Checked = selected.Contains(name);
            this.Indexes.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />"));
Beispiel #16
        protected IActionResult CommonReplaces(string htmlName)
            var html = this.getHtml.GetContent(htmlName);

            var script = TagHelper.ToHtml(HtmlHelper.GetBodyScript());

            html = html.Replace("{{script}}", script);
            var css = TagHelper.ToHtml(HtmlHelper.GetHeadCss());

            html = html.Replace("{{css}}", css);
            html = html.Replace("{{copyright}}", HtmlHelper.GetCopyRight());
            html = html.Replace("{{navbar}}", Navigation.GetNavbar());
            html = html.Replace("{{footernav}}", HtmlHelper.GetFooter());

            if (htmlName == HtmlFile.ContactUsHtml)
                html = html.Replace("navbar navbar-primary navbar-transparent navbar-absolute", "navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top");

            if (htmlName == HtmlFile.IndexHtml)
                html = html.Replace("{{ManualRotatingCards}}", new ManualRotatingCard().ToHtml());
                html = html.Replace("{{table}}", new Table().ToHtml());
                html = html.Replace("{{Tooltips}}", Tooltip.Generate());
                html = html.Replace("{{Popovers}}", Popovers.Generate());
                html = html.Replace("{{buttons}}", Button.Generate());
                html = html.Replace("{{pickSizeButtons}}", XSmallButton.Generate());
                html = html.Replace("{{ColoredButton}}", ColoredButton.Generate());
                html = html.Replace("{{Input}}", LabeledInput.Generate());
                html = html.Replace("{{Checkbox}}", Checkbox.Generate());
                html = html.Replace("{{RadioButton}}", RadioButton.Generate());
                html = html.Replace("{{ToggleButton}}", ToggleButton.Generate());
                html = html.Replace("{{Dropdown}}", new Dropdown().ToHtml());
                html = html.Replace("{{Textarea}}", new Textarea().ToHtml());
                html = html.Replace("{{SelectPicker}}", new SingleSelect().ToHtml());
                html = html.Replace("{{MultipleSelect}}", new MultipleSelect().ToHtml());
                html = html.Replace("{{Tags}}", new HtmlTag().ToHtml());

            if (htmlName == HtmlFile.ScheduleHtml)
                html = html.Replace("{{ManualRotatingCards}}", new SchedulePage().ToHtml());

        /// <summary>
        /// Функция инициализации чекбоксов версии ПО
        /// </summary>
        private void Initialize_CheckBox_Software_Labels()
            Query_Dysplay_Checkboxes_Software_Label = new List <Checkbox>();
            foreach (string str in m.Software_Labels)
                Checkbox added_checkbox = new Checkbox(str);
                added_checkbox.CheckboxChanged += CheckboxChanged_Handler;

            // получение статистики
            foreach (Checkbox checkbox in Query_Dysplay_Checkboxes_Software_Label)
                IEnumerable <Model.Verification_Results_by_Case> results = m.Results_by_Case.Where(x => x.Software_Label.Equals(checkbox.Name)).Select(x => x);
                checkbox.Amount = results.Count();
Beispiel #18
    public void CheckboxDiscovery()
        IReadOnlyCollection <IWebElement> Checkboxes = Driver.FindElements(By.CssSelector("input[type=\"checkbox\"]"));

        Console.Write("With .attribute('checked')");
        foreach (IWebElement Checkbox in Checkboxes)

        Console.WriteLine("With .selected?");
        foreach (IWebElement Checkbox in Checkboxes)
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a checkbox option.
        /// </summary>
        private Checkbox AddCheckbox(Panel panel, string text, string tip, bool isChecked)
            Checkbox checkbox = new Checkbox();

            checkbox.Label.Text      = text;
            checkbox.Label.TextColor = itemColor;
            checkbox.Label.TextScale = itemTextScale;
            checkbox.CheckBoxColor   = itemColor;
            checkbox.ToolTip         = defaultToolTip;
            checkbox.ToolTipText     = tip;
            checkbox.IsChecked       = isChecked;
            checkbox.Position        = new Vector2(0, y);
            y += itemSpacing;

        public void WhenCheckBoxInvoked_ThenViewModelIsUpdated(string key, string value)
            var values = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { key, value }

            var component = new Checkbox();

            component.ViewComponentContext = ViewComponentTestHelper.GetViewComponentContext();

            ViewViewComponentResult result      = component.Invoke(values) as ViewViewComponentResult;
            CheckBoxModel           resultModel = (CheckBoxModel)result.ViewData.Model;

            Assert.AreEqual(value, ViewComponentTestHelper.GetPropertyValue(resultModel, key));
        private void SetChannelValue(string function, ComboBox combo, Checkbox check, InputManager.JoyStickAxis defaultAxis)
            bool inverted = false;

            InputManager.JoyStickAxis axis = owner.InputManager.GetAxis(function, out inverted);
            switch (axis)
            case InputManager.JoyStickAxis.X:

            case InputManager.JoyStickAxis.Y:

            case InputManager.JoyStickAxis.Z:

            case InputManager.JoyStickAxis.Rx:

            case InputManager.JoyStickAxis.Ry:

            case InputManager.JoyStickAxis.Rz:

            case InputManager.JoyStickAxis.Slider1:

            case InputManager.JoyStickAxis.Slider2:

            case InputManager.JoyStickAxis.None:
            check.IsChecked = inverted;
Beispiel #22
        public MatchLobbyPlayerSection(Player Player, MatchLobby Lobby, bool Enabled)
            : base("match-lobby-player-section")
            this.Player = Player;

            var header = new Button("match-lobby-player-section-header")
                DisplayedString = Player.Name
            var select = new Select <ArmyConfiguration>("match-lobby-player-section-select");
            var ready  = new Checkbox("match-lobby-player-section-checkbox");

            select.Add(new SelectionOption <ArmyConfiguration>("match-lobby-player-section-select-option")
                DisplayedString = "Spectator",
                Value           = null
            foreach (ArmyConfiguration a in Lobby.Scenario.ArmyConfigurations)
                select.Add(new SelectionOption <ArmyConfiguration>("match-lobby-player-section-select-option")
                    DisplayedString = a.Faction.Name,
                    Value           = a
            if (Enabled)
                select.OnChange += HandleArmyConfigurationSelected;
            select.Position = new Vector2f(0, header.Size.Y + 6);
            select.Enabled  = Enabled && !Lobby.GetPlayerReady(Player);
            select.SetValue(i => i.Value == Lobby.GetPlayerArmy(Player));

            if (Enabled)
                ready.OnChange += HandlePlayerReadyStateChanged;
            ready.Position = new Vector2f(Size.X - ready.Size.X - 16, 0);
            ready.Value    = Lobby.GetPlayerReady(Player);
            ready.Enabled  = Enabled;

Beispiel #23
        public override void Setup(Panel parent)
            Vector2 pos = settingsStartPos;

            // About this effect
            AddTipPanel(parent, TextManager.Instance.GetLocalizedText("retroModeTip"));

            // Mode slider
            string[] modes = new string[]
            modeSlider           = AddSlider(parent, TextManager.Instance.GetLocalizedText("mode"), modes.Length, ref pos);
            modeSlider.OnScroll += ModeSlider_OnScroll;
            modeSlider.SetIndicator(modes, DaggerfallUnity.Settings.RetroRenderingMode);

            // PostProcess Slider
            string[] postProcessModes = new string[]
            postProcessSlider           = AddSlider(parent, TextManager.Instance.GetLocalizedText("postProcess"), postProcessModes.Length, ref pos);
            postProcessSlider.OnScroll += PostProcessSlider_OnScroll;
            postProcessSlider.SetIndicator(postProcessModes, DaggerfallUnity.Settings.PostProcessingInRetroMode);

            // Aspect Correction Checkboxes
            // Not using a slider as the sudden rescale in UI can cause aspect to bounce back and forth based on mouse position while dragging slider thumb
            AddLabel(parent, TextManager.Instance.GetLocalizedText("retroModeAspectCorrection"), ref pos);
            pos.y += yIncrement;
            aspectCorrectionOff = AddCheckbox(parent, TextManager.Instance.GetLocalizedText("off"), ref pos);
            aspectCorrectionOff.OnToggleState        += AspectCorrectionOff_OnToggleState;
            aspectCorrectionFourThree                 = AddCheckbox(parent, TextManager.Instance.GetLocalizedText("FourThree"), ref pos);
            aspectCorrectionFourThree.OnToggleState  += AspectCorrectionFourThree_OnToggleState;
            aspectCorrectionSixteenTen                = AddCheckbox(parent, TextManager.Instance.GetLocalizedText("SixteenTen"), ref pos);
            aspectCorrectionSixteenTen.OnToggleState += AspectCorrectionSixteenTen_OnToggleState;
Beispiel #24
        static Checkbox LoadCheckbox(Stream fs)
            var obj = new Checkbox(ReadString(fs), ReadString(fs), ReadFont(fs), ReadInt(fs), ReadInt(fs), ReadBool(fs))
                Enabled           = ReadBool(fs),
                Visible           = ReadBool(fs),
                Width             = ReadInt(fs),
                Height            = ReadInt(fs),
                BackgroundBottom  = ReadColor(fs),
                BackgroundTop     = ReadColor(fs),
                BorderColor       = ReadColor(fs),
                ForeColor         = ReadColor(fs),
                MarkColor         = ReadColor(fs),
                MarkSelectedColor = ReadColor(fs)

        public TimePeriodsPage VerifyTimeViewsOnCalendar(List <string> months)

            foreach (var month in months)
                var validateTimePeriod =
                    new Checkbox(By.XPath(
                                     $"//*[@id='timePeriods-panel']//div[@class='applied-values__item-name' and contains(text(),'{month}')]"))



        public void chkTipoPessoa_Check(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
            Checkbox chk          = (Checkbox)sender;
            int      IdTipoPessoa = int.Parse(e.ExtraParams["IdTipoPessoa"]);

            if (chk != null)
                if (IdTipoPessoa == (int)Constantes.TipoPessoa.Aluno)
                    PanelResponsaveis.Disabled = !chk.Checked;

                if (IdTipoPessoa == (int)Constantes.TipoPessoa.Responsavel)
                    PanelCadastroDependentes.Disabled = !chk.Checked;
Beispiel #27
    private void RefreshControls()

        GameObject[] temp = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Button");
        for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++)
            Button button = temp[i].GetComponent <Button>();
            if (!Controls.Contains(button))

        temp = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Slider");
        for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++)
            Slider slider = temp[i].GetComponent <Slider>();
            if (!Controls.Contains(slider))

        temp = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Checkbox");
        for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++)
            Checkbox checkbox = temp[i].GetComponent <Checkbox>();
            if (!Controls.Contains(checkbox))

        temp = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Spin");
        for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++)
            Spin spin = temp[i].GetComponent <Spin>();
            if (!Controls.Contains(spin))
Beispiel #28
        private void BuildSounds()
            const int  PAGE      = 2;
            ScrollArea rightArea = new ScrollArea(190, 60, 390, 380, true);

            _enableSounds = CreateCheckBox(rightArea, "Sounds", Engine.Profile.Current.EnableSound, 0, 0);

            ScrollAreaItem item = new ScrollAreaItem();
            Label          text = new Label("- Sounds volume:", true, 0, 0, 1);

            _soundsVolume = new HSliderBar(150, 5, 180, 0, 100, Engine.Profile.Current.SoundVolume, HSliderBarStyle.MetalWidgetRecessedBar, true, 1);

            _enableMusic = CreateCheckBox(rightArea, "Music", Engine.Profile.Current.EnableMusic, 0, 0);

            item = new ScrollAreaItem();
            text = new Label("- Music volume:", true, 0, 0, 1);

            _musicVolume = new HSliderBar(150, 5, 180, 0, 100, Engine.Profile.Current.MusicVolume, HSliderBarStyle.MetalWidgetRecessedBar, true, 1);


            _footStepsSound    = CreateCheckBox(rightArea, "Footsteps sound", Engine.Profile.Current.EnableFootstepsSound, 0, 30);
            _combatMusic       = CreateCheckBox(rightArea, "Combat music", Engine.Profile.Current.EnableCombatMusic, 0, 0);
            _musicInBackground = CreateCheckBox(rightArea, "Reproduce music when ClassicUO is not focused", Engine.Profile.Current.ReproduceSoundsInBackground, 0, 0);

            _loginMusic = CreateCheckBox(rightArea, "Login music", Engine.GlobalSettings.LoginMusic, 0, 40);

            item = new ScrollAreaItem();
            text = new Label("- Login music volume:", true, 0, 0, 1);
            _loginMusicVolume = new HSliderBar(150, 5, 180, 0, 100, Engine.GlobalSettings.LoginMusicVolume, HSliderBarStyle.MetalWidgetRecessedBar, true, 1);

            Add(rightArea, PAGE);
Beispiel #29
        public FCheckBox()
            myLayout.Margin = new Thickness(10, 0, 10, 0);
            var myScroll = new ScrollView();
            var myStack  = new StackLayout();

            myScroll.Content = myStack;


            HtmlLabel kerdes = new HtmlLabel();

            kerdes.Text     = Constans.aktQuestion.question_title;
            kerdes.FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Medium, typeof(Label));
            kerdes.Margin   = new Thickness(1, 1, 1, 10);

            foreach (var item in Constans.aktQuestion.choices)
                string   buttonDuma = item;
                Checkbox button     = new Checkbox();
                if (item.Substring(item.Length - 2, 2) == ";O")
                    button.KellEOther = true;
                    buttonDuma        = item.Substring(0, item.Length - 2 - 1);
                button.Text = buttonDuma;
                //button.HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start;
                //button.FontSize = "Large";
                button.FontSize        = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Medium, typeof(Label));
                button.BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent;
                button.Margin          = new Thickness(10, 0, 10, 0);
                button.Padding         = new Thickness(1, -5, 1, -5);

                //button.Opacity = 1;
                button.CheckedChange += Button_CheckedChange;
                button.EntryChange   += Button_EntryChange;
Beispiel #30
        public MapSelectView()
            mTitleLabel = new Label
                FontSize = 30.0f,
                Position = new Vector2(30.0f, 15.0f),
                Size     = new Vector2(float.MaxValue, 40.0f),
                Text     = "Please select the map you want to edit"

            mLabelScroll = new Scrollbar
                Vertical = true

            mAlphabeticCheckbox = new Checkbox
                Checked = true,
                Text    = "Sort alphabetically",
                Size    = 16

            mFilterBox = new EditBox
                Width = 200

            mFilterDesc = new Label
                Color               = Brushes.White,
                FontSize            = 16,
                HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignment.Leading,
                VerticalAlignment   = ParagraphAlignment.Center,
                Size      = new Vector2(float.MaxValue, 18),
                Multiline = false,
                Text      = "Filter maps:"

            mFilterBox.TextChanged += OnUpdateFilterText;

            mAlphabeticCheckbox.CheckChanged += (box, check) => OnChangeAlphabeticalOrder(check);
            mLabelScroll.ScrollChanged       += OnScroll;
Beispiel #31
        private void load()
            Add(pauseCheckbox = new OsuCheckbox
                LabelText        = "Pause",
                RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.None,
                AutoSizeAxes     = Axes.Y,
                Width            = 100,
                Origin           = Anchor.TopLeft,
                Anchor           = Anchor.TopLeft,
                Margin           = new MarginPadding {
                    Top = 40f, Left = 10f
                Depth   = Single.NegativeInfinity,
                Current = { BindTarget = pausedBindable }

            pausedBindable.ValueChanged += e => Player?.SetGameplayClockPaused(e.NewValue);
        public void SelectRoles(params Roles[] roles)
            string name = "";

            foreach (var role in roles)
                switch (role)
                case Roles.CoInvestigator:
                    name = "Co-investigator";

                case Roles.DataAnalyst:
                    name = "Data Analyst";

                case Roles.ResearchAssistant:
                    name = "Research Assistant";

                case Roles.Statistician:
                    name = "Statistician";

                case Roles.LayObserver:
                    name = "Lay Observer";
                var chkbox = new Checkbox(By.XPath(".//td[contains(.,'" + name + "')]/../td/table/tbody/tr/td/input[1]"));
                Trace.WriteLine("Checking option: " + role);
Beispiel #33
        protected override void Initialize()
            _checkbox1 = new Checkbox { Location = new Point { Left = 3, Top = 4 }, Text = "Checkbox tentative" };

            _img1 = new Image()
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays all current publishing schedules ordered by date and time
        /// </summary>
        private void RenderAllSchedules()
            StringBuilder sbHeader = new StringBuilder();
            sbHeader.Append("<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"0\">");
            sbHeader.Append("<col />");
            sbHeader.Append("<col />");
            sbHeader.Append("<col />");
            sbHeader.Append("<col />");
            sbHeader.Append("<tr style=\"background:#e9e9e9\">");
            sbHeader.Append("<td nowrap=\"nowrap\"><b>" + "Item" + "</b></td>");
            sbHeader.Append("<td nowrap=\"nowrap\"><b>" + "Action" + "</b></td>");
            sbHeader.Append("<td nowrap=\"nowrap\"><b>" + "Date" + "</b></td>");
            sbHeader.Append("<td nowrap=\"nowrap\"><b>" + "Delete" + "</b></td>");
            AllSchedules.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(sbHeader.ToString()));

            IEnumerable<PublishSchedule> allSchedules = _scheduledPublishRepo.AllUnpublishedSchedules;
            foreach (var schedule in allSchedules)
                if (schedule.InnerItem != null)
                    StringBuilder sbItem = new StringBuilder();
                    // Item name and path
                    sbItem.Append("<tr style='background:#cedff2;border-bottom:1px solid #F0F1F2;'>");
                    Item scheduledItem = schedule.ItemToPublish;
                    sbItem.Append("<td><b>" + scheduledItem.DisplayName + "</b><br />" + scheduledItem.Paths.FullPath + "</td>");

                    // Is publishing/unpublishing
                    sbItem.Append("<td style='border-left:1px solid #F0F1F2;'>");
                    string isUnpublishing = schedule.Unpublish ? "Unpublish" : "Publish";
                    sbItem.Append("</td><td style='border-left:1px solid #F0F1F2;'>");

                    // Current scheudled publish date and time
                    AllSchedules.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(sbItem.ToString()));
                    DateTime pbDate = schedule.PublishDate;
                    AllSchedules.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(pbDate.ToString(_culture)));

                    // Pick new date and time
                    DateTimePicker dtPicker = new DateTimePicker();
                    dtPicker.ID = "dt_" + schedule.InnerItem.ID;
                    dtPicker.Width = new Unit(100.0, UnitType.Percentage);
                    dtPicker.Value = DateUtil.ToIsoDate(schedule.PublishDate);
                    AllSchedules.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</td>"));

                    // Delete schedule
                    AllSchedules.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<td style='border-left:1px solid #F0F1F2;'>"));
                    Checkbox deleteCheckbox = new Checkbox();
                    deleteCheckbox.ID = "del_" + schedule.InnerItem.ID;

                    AllSchedules.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</td></tr>"));

            AllSchedules.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table"));
Beispiel #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the credits screen, an overlay screen, and its contents.
        /// </summary>
        public OptionScreen()
            : base(new Point(800, 600), new Rectangle(0, 0, Core.ClientBounds.Width, Core.ClientBounds.Height), Color.White, 0.9f)
            // Load textures.
            mFrameHor = Core.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures/wallTop");
            mFrameVer = Core.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures/wallSide");

            // Calculate frame positions.
            int width = 52;
            mFrameHorPos1 = new Rectangle(mPosition.X, mPosition.Y, mPosition.Width, width);
            mFrameHorPos2 = new Rectangle(mPosition.X, mPosition.Y + mPosition.Height - width, mPosition.Width, width);
            mFrameVerPos1 = new Rectangle(mPosition.X, mPosition.Y + width, width, mPosition.Height - width * 2);
            mFrameVerPos2 = new Rectangle(mPosition.X + mPosition.Width - width, mPosition.Y + width, width,
                                          mPosition.Height - width * 2);

            // Create checkboxes.
            int chkX = mPosition.X + 96;
            int chkStartY = mPosition.Y + 128;
            mChkFullscreen = new Checkbox(new Vector2(chkX, chkStartY), "Show in fullscreen");

            int chkStrideY = mChkFullscreen.Size.Y + 16;
            mChkPlaySounds = new Checkbox(new Vector2(chkX, chkStartY + chkStrideY), "Play sounds");
            mChkShowShapes = new Checkbox(new Vector2(chkX, chkStartY + chkStrideY * 2), "Show shapes on balls");
            mChkShowHelpAim = new Checkbox(new Vector2(chkX, chkStartY + chkStrideY * 3), "Show helper aim");

            // Create shortcut keys text list.
            mShortcutKeys = new List<TextLine>();
            float textScale = 0.8f;
            int txtEndX = mPosition.X + mPosition.Width - 96;
            Color txtKeyCol = Color.Goldenrod;
            mShortcutKeys.Add(new TextLine("Ctrl + Enter", txtKeyCol, new Vector2(txtEndX, mChkFullscreen.TextPosition.Y),
                                           false, textScale));
            mShortcutKeys.Add(new TextLine("S or F8", txtKeyCol, new Vector2(txtEndX, mChkPlaySounds.TextPosition.Y),
                                           false, textScale));
            mShortcutKeys.Add(new TextLine("F1", txtKeyCol, new Vector2(txtEndX, mChkShowShapes.TextPosition.Y), false,
            mShortcutKeys.Add(new TextLine("F2", txtKeyCol, new Vector2(txtEndX, mChkShowHelpAim.TextPosition.Y), false,

            // Create other texts.
            Color titleColour = new Color(142, 217, 184, 255);
            Color txtCol = Color.Ivory;
            int infoStartY = chkStartY + chkStrideY * 4 + 16;
            mSettingsTitle = new TextLine("Settings", titleColour, new Vector2(chkX, chkStartY - 64));
            mShortcutTitle = new TextLine("Shortcut", titleColour, new Vector2(txtEndX, chkStartY - 64), false);
            mInfoTitle = new TextLine("In-game key commands", titleColour,
                                      new Vector2(chkX, infoStartY));
            mInfoText1 = new TextLine("To pause the game, press the 'P' key.\n",
                                      txtCol, new Vector2(chkX, infoStartY + chkStrideY), true, textScale);
            mInfoText2 = new TextLine("To move the mouse cursor to the middle\nof the score board, " +
                                      "press the 'Space' key.",
                                      txtCol, new Vector2(chkX, infoStartY + chkStrideY * 2 - 8), true, textScale);
            mShortcutKeys.Add(new TextLine("P", txtKeyCol, new Vector2(chkX + 452, infoStartY + chkStrideY),
                                           true, textScale));
            mShortcutKeys.Add(new TextLine("\nSpace", txtKeyCol, new Vector2(chkX + 448,
                                                                                 infoStartY + chkStrideY * 2 - 8),
                                           true, textScale));

            // Add buttons.
            mButtons = new List<Button>();

            int centerX = (int)(mPosition.X + mPosition.Width * 0.5f);
            int btnWidth = 336;
            int btnHeight = (int)(width * 0.95f);
            int btnHalfPadding = 16;
            int btnY = mPosition.Y + mPosition.Height - btnHeight;
            mButtons.Add(new Button(BtnCloseClick,
                                    new Rectangle(centerX - btnWidth - btnHalfPadding, btnY, btnWidth, btnHeight),
            mButtons.Add(new Button(BtnSaveClick,
                                    new Rectangle(centerX + btnHalfPadding, btnY, btnWidth, btnHeight),
                                    "Save & Return"));
Beispiel #36
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var mainPanel = new Panel();
            mainPanel.Name = "mainPanle";
            mainPanel.Width = Application.STANDARD_ROOT_BOUNDARY.Width - 12;
            mainPanel.Height = Application.STANDARD_ROOT_BOUNDARY.Height - 6;
            mainPanel.Top = 3;
            mainPanel.Left = 6;

            #region Left Side
            var leftBox = new Groupbox();
            leftBox.Name = "leftBox";
            leftBox.Header = "Left Box";
            leftBox.Top = leftBox.Left = 0;
            leftBox.Width = mainPanel.Width / 2;
            leftBox.Height = mainPanel.Height;

            var lblLeftStatus = new Label("Status:");
            lblLeftStatus.Name = "lblLeftStatus";

            lblLeftStatusText = new Label();
            lblLeftStatusText.Name = "lblLeftStatusText";
            lblLeftStatusText.Left = lblLeftStatus.Text.Length;
            lblLeftStatusText.Width = leftBox.Width - lblLeftStatus.Width;
            lblLeftStatusText.Align = ContentAlign.Right;

            var btnLeftIncrement = new Button("Increment");
            btnLeftIncrement.Top = 1;
            btnLeftIncrement.Name = "btnLeftIncrement";
            btnLeftIncrement.Pressed += BtnLeftIncrementOnPressed;

            var btnLeftClear = new Button("Clear");
            btnLeftClear.Top = 2;
            btnLeftClear.Name = "btnLeftClear";
            btnLeftClear.Pressed += (sender, eventArgs) => lblLeftStatusText.Text = "";

            var txtLeftText = new Textbox();
            txtLeftText.Text = "asd123";
            txtLeftText.Top = 3;
            txtLeftText.Left = 21;
            txtLeftText.Width = 10;
            txtLeftText.BackColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
            txtLeftText.ForeColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
            txtLeftText.Name = "txtLeftText";
            txtLeftText.EnterPressed += (sender, eventArgs) => lblLeftStatusText.Text = txtLeftText.Text;

            var btnLeftSetText = new Button("Set this text =>");
            btnLeftSetText.Top = 3;
            btnLeftSetText.Name = "btnLeftSetText";
            btnLeftSetText.Pressed += (sender, eventArgs) => lblLeftStatusText.Text = txtLeftText.Text;

            var chkLeftMoveDir = new Checkbox("Move button up");
            chkLeftMoveDir.Top = 5;
            chkLeftMoveDir.Left = 12;
            chkLeftMoveDir.Name = "chkLeftMoveDir";
            chkLeftMoveDir.Checked = CheckState.Unchecked;

            var prgLeftMoveButton = new Progressbar();
            prgLeftMoveButton.Top = 6;
            prgLeftMoveButton.Left = 12;
            prgLeftMoveButton.Name = "prgLeftMoveButton";
            prgLeftMoveButton.Width = chkLeftMoveDir.Text.Length + 4;
            prgLeftMoveButton.Value = 10;

            var lblLeftPrgDesc = new Label(@"^ Progressbar ^");
            lblLeftPrgDesc.Top = 7;
            lblLeftPrgDesc.Left = 14;
            lblLeftPrgDesc.Name = "lblLeftPrgDesc";

            var myPlayground = new Playground(7, 14);
            myPlayground.Name = "playground";
            myPlayground.Top = 9;
            myPlayground.Left = 14;
            myPlayground.BackColor = ConsoleColor.Blue;
            myPlayground.ForeColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
            myPlayground[0, 0] = 'x';
            myPlayground[2, 2] = 'x';
            myPlayground[4, 4] = 'x';
            myPlayground[6, 6] = 'o';
            myPlayground[4, 8] = 'x';
            myPlayground[2, 10] = 'x';
            myPlayground[0, 12] = 'x';

            var btnLeftMove = new Button("Move");
            btnLeftMove.Top = 4;
            btnLeftMove.Name = "btnLeftMove";
            btnLeftMove.Pressed += (sender, eventArgs) =>
                    var mv = chkLeftMoveDir.Checked == CheckState.Checked ? -1 : 1;
                    if(btnLeftMove.Top + mv < btnLeftMove.Container.Height - 3 &&
                       btnLeftMove.Top + mv > 3)
                        btnLeftMove.Top += mv;
                    prgLeftMoveButton.Value = (int)(((btnLeftMove.Top - 2) / (float)(btnLeftMove.Container.Height - 6)) * 100);


            #region Right Side
            var rightBox = new Groupbox();
            rightBox.Name = "rightBox";
            rightBox.Header = "Right Box";
            rightBox.Top = 0;
            rightBox.Left = mainPanel.Width / 2;
            rightBox.Width = mainPanel.Width / 2;
            rightBox.Height = mainPanel.Height;

            var rightRightBox = new Groupbox();
            rightRightBox.Name = "rightRightBox";
            rightRightBox.Header = "Checkbox!";
            rightRightBox.Top = 1;
            rightRightBox.Width = rightBox.Width / 2 - 2;
            rightRightBox.Height = 8;
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                rightRightBox.Add(new Checkbox("Foo" + i) { Name = "foo" + i, Top = i });

            var rightLeftBox = new Groupbox();
            rightLeftBox.Name = "rightLeftBox";
            rightLeftBox.Header = "Radiobutton!";
            rightLeftBox.Top = 1;
            rightLeftBox.Left = rightBox.Width / 2 - 2;
            rightLeftBox.Width = rightBox.Width / 2 + 2;
            rightLeftBox.Height = 8;
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                rightLeftBox.Add(new RadioButton("Bar" + i) { Name = "bar" + i, Top = i });

            var lblRightRadioDesc = new Label("Radiobuttons can have groups:");
            lblRightRadioDesc.Top = rightLeftBox.Height + 2;
            lblRightRadioDesc.Name = "lblDesc";
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                rightBox.Add(new RadioButton("asd" + i) { Text = "Group" + (i / 3),
                                                          Name = "chk" + i.ToString(),
                                                          Top = (i % 3) + rightRightBox.Height + 3,
                                                          Left = (i / 3) * 15 + 2,
                                                          ComboboxGroup = "grp" + (i / 3) });



            var app = new Application(mainPanel);
            app.FocusManager = new FocusManager(mainPanel, btnLeftIncrement);
            app.Name = "FoggyConsole";
        private System.Web.UI.Control GetVariableEditor(Hashtable variable)
            object value = variable["Value"];
            string name = (string) variable["Name"];
            string editor = variable["Editor"] as string;
            Type type = value.GetType();

            if (type == typeof (DateTime) ||
                (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor) &&
                 (editor.IndexOf("date", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1 ||
                  editor.IndexOf("time", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)))
                var dateTimePicker = new DateTimePicker
                    ID = Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_"),
                    ShowTime = (variable["ShowTime"] != null && (bool) variable["ShowTime"]) ||
                               (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor) &&
                                editor.IndexOf("time", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1),
                dateTimePicker.Value = value is DateTime ? DateUtil.ToIsoDate((DateTime)value) : (string)value;
                return dateTimePicker;

            if (type == typeof (Item) ||
                (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor) && (editor.IndexOf("item", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)))
                var item = (Item) value;
                var dataContext = new DataContext
                    DefaultItem = item.Paths.Path,
                    ID = Control.GetUniqueID("dataContext"),
                    DataViewName = "Master",
                    Root = variable["Root"] as string ?? "/sitecore",
                    Parameters = "databasename=" + item.Database.Name,
                    Database = item.Database.Name,
                    Selected = new[] {new DataUri(item.ID, item.Language, item.Version)},
                    Folder = item.ID.ToString(),
                    Language = item.Language,
                    Version = item.Version

                var treePicker = new TreePicker
                    ID = Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_"),
                    Value = item.ID.ToString(),
                    DataContext = dataContext.ID
                treePicker.Class += " treePicker";
                return treePicker;

            if (type == typeof(bool) ||
                (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor) && (editor.IndexOf("bool", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)))
                var checkBox = new Checkbox
                    ID = Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_"),
                    Header = (string) variable["Title"],
                    HeaderStyle = "margin-top:20px; display:inline-block;",
                    Checked = (bool) value
                checkBox.Class = "varCheckbox";
                return checkBox;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editor))
                bool showRoles = editor.IndexOf("role", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1;
                bool showUsers = editor.IndexOf("user", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1;
                bool multiple = editor.IndexOf("multiple", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1;
                if (showRoles || showUsers)
                    UserPicker picker = new UserPicker();
                    picker.Style.Add("float", "left");
                    picker.ID = Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_");
                    picker.Class += " scContentControl textEdit clr" + value.GetType().Name;
                    picker.Value = value.ToString();
                    picker.ExcludeRoles = !showRoles;
                    picker.ExcludeUsers = !showUsers;
                    picker.DomainName = variable["Domain"] as string ?? variable["DomainName"] as string;
                    picker.Multiple = multiple;
                    picker.Click = "UserPickerClick(" + picker.ID + ")";
                    return picker;

            Control edit;
            if (variable["lines"] != null && ((int)variable["lines"] > 1))
                edit = new Memo();
                edit.Attributes.Add("rows", variable["lines"].ToString());
            else if (variable["Options"] != null)
                edit = new Combobox();
                string[] options = ((string) variable["Options"]).Split('|');
                int i = 0;
                while (i < options.Length)
                    var item = new ListItem()
                        Header = options[i++],
                        Value = options[i++],
                edit = new Edit();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)variable["Tooltip"]))
                edit.ToolTip = (string)variable["Tooltip"];
            edit.Style.Add("float", "left");
            edit.ID = Control.GetUniqueID("variable_" + name + "_");
            edit.Class += " scContentControl textEdit clr"+value.GetType().Name;
            edit.Value = value.ToString();

            return edit;
 protected virtual void BuildIndexCheckbox(string name, string header, ListString selected, ListString indexMap)
     Assert.ArgumentNotNull(name, "name");
     Assert.ArgumentNotNull(header, "header");
     Assert.ArgumentNotNull(selected, "selected");
     Assert.ArgumentNotNull(indexMap, "indexMap");
     var child = new Checkbox();
     child.ID = Control.GetUniqueID("dk_");
     child.Header = header;
     child.Value = name;
     child.Checked = selected.Contains(name);
     Indexes.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />"));
Beispiel #39
        protected override void Initialize()
            _checkbox1 = new Checkbox { Location = new Point { Left = 3, Top = 4 }, Text = "Checkbox tentative" };
            _checkbox1.CheckedChanged += checkbox1_CheckedChanged;

            _checkbox2 = new Checkbox { Location = new Point { Left = 3, Top = 6 }, IsChecked = true, Text = "Checkbox checked" };

            _checkbox3 = new Checkbox { Location = new Point { Left = 3, Top = 8 }, IsChecked = false, Text = "Checkbox unchecked" };

            _checkbox4 = new Checkbox { Location = new Point { Left = 3, Top = 10 }, IsChecked = false, Text = "Checkbox disabled", IsEnabled = false };

            _label1 = new Label { Location = new Point { Left = 3, Top = 12 }, Text = "Label" };

            _radioButton1 = new RadioButton { Location = new Point { Left = 3, Top = 14 }, Text = "Radio unchecked" };

            _radioButton2 = new RadioButton { Location = new Point { Left = 3, Top = 16 }, Text = "Radio checked", IsChecked = true };

            _radioButton3 = new RadioButton { Location = new Point { Left = 3, Top = 18 }, Text = "Radio checked", IsChecked = true, IsEnabled = false };

            _textBox1 = new TextBox { Location = new Point { Left = 3, Top = 20 } };
            _textBox1.TextChanged += textBox1_TextChanged;

            _button1 = new Button { Location = new Point { Left = 3, Top = 22 }, Width = 10 };
            _button1.Pressed += button1_Pressed;

            _button2 = new Button { Location = new Point { Left = 16, Top = 22 }, Width = 10, IsEnabled = false, Text = "Disabled button" };
            _button2.Pressed += button2_Pressed;

            _progressBar1 = new ProgressBar { Location = new Point { Left = 3, Top = 2 }, Width = 74 };

            _bnext1 = new Button { Location = new Point { Left = 40, Top = 22 }, Width = 10, Text = "Next 1", Tag = 1 };
            _bnext1.Pressed += bNextPressed;

            _bnext2 = new Button { Location = new Point { Left = 51, Top = 22 }, Width = 10, Text = "Next 2", Tag = 2 };
            _bnext2.Pressed += bNextPressed;

            _bnext3 = new Button { Location = new Point { Left = 62, Top = 22 }, Width = 10, Text = "Next 3", Tag = 3 };
            _bnext3.Pressed += bNextPressed;

            _panel1 = new BorderPanel
                Location = new Point { Left = 28, Top = 3 },
                Size = new Size { Height = 7, Width = 25 }

            var subRadiobuton1 = new RadioButton
                Location = new Point
                    Left = 1,
                    Top = 1

            var subRadiobuton2 = new RadioButton
                Location = new Point
                    Left = 1,
                    Top = 3

            var subRadiobuton3 = new RadioButton
                Location = new Point
                    Left = 1,
                    Top = 5

            _comboBox1 = new ComboBox
                Location = new Point {Left = 29, Top = 12},
                VisibleItemsCount = 7
                "EntityFX", "Green.Dragon", "Guzalianna", "Prozz", "Aik2029", "Zombie", "Wesker", "Perez", "Chuvak", "Magistr", "Mad", "XOBAH",

            RootPanel.AddChild(new Checkbox { Location = new Point { Left = 29, Top = 14 }, Text = "Checkbox for overlapp" });

            RootPanel.AddChild(new BorderPanel { Location = new Point { Left = 29, Top = 16 }, Size = new Size {Width = 15, Height = 3} });

            StatusStrip = new StatusStrip();
            StatusStrip.AddChild(new StatusStripLabel
                Text = "Item 1"

            StatusStrip.AddChild(new StatusStripLabel
                Text = "Item 2"

            _timeStripItem = new StatusStripLabel
                Text = "Item 3",
                ItemLocation = StatusStripItemLocationEnum.Right

            StatusStrip.AddChild(new StatusStripLabel
                Text = "Item 4",
                ItemLocation = StatusStripItemLocationEnum.Right

            StatusStrip.AddChild(new StatusStripButton
                Text = "But 1",
                ItemLocation = StatusStripItemLocationEnum.Left

            StatusStrip.AddChild(new StatusStripButton
                Text = "But 2",
                ItemLocation = StatusStripItemLocationEnum.Left

            _statusStripProgressBar = new StatusStripProgressBar
                Text = "P: {0}",
                Width = 14,
                Minimum = 0,
                Value = 16,
                Maximum = 25


            _timer.Elapsed += timer_Elapsed;

            _timer2.Elapsed += _timer2_Elapsed;
Beispiel #40
        public override void OnEnter()
            DefaultFont = Game.Content.Load<SpriteFont>(ContentPaths.Fonts.Default);
            GUI = new DwarfGUI(Game, DefaultFont, Game.Content.Load<SpriteFont>(ContentPaths.Fonts.Title), Game.Content.Load<SpriteFont>(ContentPaths.Fonts.Small), Input);
            IsInitialized = true;
            Drawer = new Drawer2D(Game.Content, Game.GraphicsDevice);
            MainWindow = new Panel(GUI, GUI.RootComponent)
                LocalBounds = new Rectangle(EdgePadding, EdgePadding, Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - EdgePadding * 2, Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - EdgePadding * 2)
            Layout = new GridLayout(GUI, MainWindow, 10, 6);

            Label label = new Label(GUI, Layout, "Options", GUI.TitleFont);
            Layout.SetComponentPosition(label, 0, 0, 1, 1);

            TabSelector = new TabSelector(GUI, Layout, 6);
            Layout.SetComponentPosition(TabSelector, 0, 1, 6, 8);

            TabSelector.Tab graphicsTab = TabSelector.AddTab("Graphics");

            GroupBox graphicsBox = new GroupBox(GUI, graphicsTab, "Graphics")
                WidthSizeMode = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit,
                HeightSizeMode = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit

            Categories["Graphics"] = graphicsBox;
            CurrentBox = graphicsBox;

            GridLayout graphicsLayout = new GridLayout(GUI, graphicsBox, 6, 5);

            Label resolutionLabel = new Label(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Resolution", GUI.DefaultFont)
                Alignment = Drawer2D.Alignment.Right

            ComboBox resolutionBox = new ComboBox(GUI, graphicsLayout)
                ToolTip = "Sets the size of the screen.\nSmaller for higher framerates."

            foreach(DisplayMode mode in GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.SupportedDisplayModes)
                if(mode.Format != SurfaceFormat.Color)

                if (mode.Width <= 640) continue;

                string s = mode.Width + " x " + mode.Height;
                DisplayModes[s] = mode;
                if(mode.Width == GameSettings.Default.ResolutionX && mode.Height == GameSettings.Default.ResolutionY)
                    resolutionBox.CurrentValue = s;

            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(resolutionLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1);
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(resolutionBox, 1, 0, 1, 1);

            resolutionBox.OnSelectionModified += resolutionBox_OnSelectionModified;

            Checkbox fullscreenCheck = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Fullscreen", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.Fullscreen)
                ToolTip = "If this is checked, the game takes up the whole screen."

            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(fullscreenCheck, 0, 1, 1, 1);

            fullscreenCheck.OnCheckModified += fullscreenCheck_OnClicked;

            Label drawDistance = new Label(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Draw Distance", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider chunkDrawSlider = new Slider(GUI, graphicsLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.ChunkDrawDistance, 1, 1000, Slider.SliderMode.Integer)
                ToolTip = "Maximum distance at which terrain will be drawn\nSmaller for faster."

            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(drawDistance, 0, 2, 1, 1);
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(chunkDrawSlider, 1, 2, 1, 1);
            chunkDrawSlider.OnValueModified += ChunkDrawSlider_OnValueModified;

            Label cullDistance = new Label(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Cull Distance", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider cullSlider = new Slider(GUI, graphicsLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.VertexCullDistance, 0.1f, 1000, Slider.SliderMode.Integer)
                ToolTip = "Maximum distance at which anything will be drawn\n Smaller for faster."

            cullSlider.OnValueModified += CullSlider_OnValueModified;

            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(cullDistance, 0, 3, 1, 1);
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(cullSlider, 1, 3, 1, 1);

            Label generateDistance = new Label(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Generate Distance", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider generateSlider = new Slider(GUI, graphicsLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.ChunkGenerateDistance, 1, 1000, Slider.SliderMode.Integer)
                ToolTip = "Maximum distance at which terrain will be generated."

            generateSlider.OnValueModified += GenerateSlider_OnValueModified;

            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(generateDistance, 0, 4, 1, 1);
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(generateSlider, 1, 4, 1, 1);

            Checkbox glowBox = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Enable Glow", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.EnableGlow)
                ToolTip = "When checked, there will be a fullscreen glow effect."

            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(glowBox, 1, 1, 1, 1);
            glowBox.OnCheckModified += glowBox_OnCheckModified;

            Label aaLabel = new Label(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Antialiasing", GUI.DefaultFont)
                Alignment = Drawer2D.Alignment.Right

            ComboBox aaBox = new ComboBox(GUI, graphicsLayout)
                ToolTip = "Determines how much antialiasing (smoothing) there is.\nHigher means more smooth, but is slower."
            aaBox.AddValue("2x MSAA");
            aaBox.AddValue("4x MSAA");
            aaBox.AddValue("16x MSAA");

            foreach(string s in AAModes.Keys.Where(s => AAModes[s] == GameSettings.Default.AntiAliasing))
                aaBox.CurrentValue = s;

            aaBox.OnSelectionModified += AABox_OnSelectionModified;

            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(aaLabel, 2, 0, 1, 1);
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(aaBox, 3, 0, 1, 1);

            Checkbox reflectTerrainBox = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Reflect Chunks", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.DrawChunksReflected)
                ToolTip = "When checked, water will reflect terrain."
            reflectTerrainBox.OnCheckModified += reflectTerrainBox_OnCheckModified;
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(reflectTerrainBox, 2, 1, 1, 1);

            Checkbox refractTerrainBox = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Refract Chunks", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.DrawChunksRefracted)
                ToolTip = "When checked, water will refract terrain."
            refractTerrainBox.OnCheckModified += refractTerrainBox_OnCheckModified;
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(refractTerrainBox, 2, 2, 1, 1);

            Checkbox reflectEntities = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Reflect Entities", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.DrawEntityReflected)
                ToolTip = "When checked, water will reflect trees, dwarves, etc."
            reflectEntities.OnCheckModified += reflectEntities_OnCheckModified;
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(reflectEntities, 3, 1, 1, 1);

            Checkbox refractEntities = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Refract Entities", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.DrawEntityReflected)
                ToolTip = "When checked, water will reflect trees, dwarves, etc."
            refractEntities.OnCheckModified += refractEntities_OnCheckModified;
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(refractEntities, 3, 2, 1, 1);

            Checkbox sunlight = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Sunlight", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.CalculateSunlight)
                ToolTip = "When checked, terrain will be lit/shadowed by the sun."
            sunlight.OnCheckModified += sunlight_OnCheckModified;
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(sunlight, 2, 3, 1, 1);

            Checkbox ao = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Ambient Occlusion", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.AmbientOcclusion)
                ToolTip = "When checked, terrain will smooth shading effects."
            ao.OnCheckModified += AO_OnCheckModified;
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(ao, 3, 3, 1, 1);

            Checkbox ramps = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Ramps", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.CalculateRamps)
                ToolTip = "When checked, some terrain will have smooth ramps."

            ramps.OnCheckModified += ramps_OnCheckModified;
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(ramps, 2, 4, 1, 1);

            Checkbox cursorLight = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Cursor Light", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.CursorLightEnabled)
                ToolTip = "When checked, a light will follow the player cursor."

            cursorLight.OnCheckModified += cursorLight_OnCheckModified;
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(cursorLight, 2, 5, 1, 1);

            Checkbox entityLight = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Entity Lighting", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.EntityLighting)
                ToolTip = "When checked, dwarves, objects, etc. will be lit\nby the sun, lamps, etc."

            entityLight.OnCheckModified += entityLight_OnCheckModified;
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(entityLight, 3, 4, 1, 1);

            Checkbox selfIllum = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Ore Glow", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.SelfIlluminationEnabled)
                ToolTip = "When checked, some terrain elements will glow."

            selfIllum.OnCheckModified += selfIllum_OnCheckModified;
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(selfIllum, 3, 5, 1, 1);

            Checkbox particlePhysics = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout, "Particle Body", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.ParticlePhysics)
                ToolTip = "When checked, some particles will bounce off terrain."

            particlePhysics.OnCheckModified += particlePhysics_OnCheckModified;
            graphicsLayout.SetComponentPosition(particlePhysics, 0, 5, 1, 1);

            TabSelector.Tab graphics2Tab = TabSelector.AddTab("Graphics II");
            GroupBox graphicsBox2 = new GroupBox(GUI, graphics2Tab, "Graphics II")
                HeightSizeMode = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit,
                WidthSizeMode = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit
            Categories["Graphics II"] = graphicsBox2;
            GridLayout graphicsLayout2 = new GridLayout(GUI, graphicsBox2, 6, 5);

            Checkbox moteBox = new Checkbox(GUI, graphicsLayout2, "Generate Motes", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.GrassMotes)
                ToolTip = "When checked, trees, grass, etc. will be visible."

            moteBox.OnCheckModified += MoteBox_OnCheckModified;
            graphicsLayout2.SetComponentPosition(moteBox, 1, 2, 1, 1);

            Label numMotes = new Label(GUI, graphicsLayout2, "Num Motes", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider motesSlider = new Slider(GUI, graphicsLayout2, "", (int) (GameSettings.Default.NumMotes * 100), 0, 1000, Slider.SliderMode.Integer)
                ToolTip = "Determines the maximum amount of trees/grass that will be visible."

            graphicsLayout2.SetComponentPosition(numMotes, 0, 1, 1, 1);
            graphicsLayout2.SetComponentPosition(motesSlider, 1, 1, 1, 1);
            motesSlider.OnValueModified += MotesSlider_OnValueModified;
            TabSelector.Tab gameplayTab = TabSelector.AddTab("Gameplay");
            GroupBox gameplayBox = new GroupBox(GUI, gameplayTab, "Gameplay")
                WidthSizeMode = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit,
                HeightSizeMode = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit
            Categories["Gameplay"] = gameplayBox;

            GridLayout gameplayLayout = new GridLayout(GUI, gameplayBox, 6, 5);

            Label moveSpeedLabel = new Label(GUI, gameplayLayout, "Camera Move Speed", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider moveSlider = new Slider(GUI, gameplayLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.CameraScrollSpeed, 0.0f, 20.0f, Slider.SliderMode.Float)
                ToolTip = "Determines how fast the camera will move when keys are pressed."

            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(moveSpeedLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1);
            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(moveSlider, 1, 0, 1, 1);
            moveSlider.OnValueModified += MoveSlider_OnValueModified;

            Label zoomSpeedLabel = new Label(GUI, gameplayLayout, "Zoom Speed", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider zoomSlider = new Slider(GUI, gameplayLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.CameraZoomSpeed, 0.0f, 2.0f, Slider.SliderMode.Float)
                ToolTip = "Determines how fast the camera will go\nup and down with the scroll wheel."

            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(zoomSpeedLabel, 0, 1, 1, 1);
            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(zoomSlider, 1, 1, 1, 1);
            zoomSlider.OnValueModified += ZoomSlider_OnValueModified;

            Checkbox invertZoomBox = new Checkbox(GUI, gameplayLayout, "Invert Zoom", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.InvertZoom)
                ToolTip = "When checked, the scroll wheel is reversed\nfor zooming."

            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(invertZoomBox, 2, 1, 1, 1);
            invertZoomBox.OnCheckModified += InvertZoomBox_OnCheckModified;

            Checkbox edgeScrollBox = new Checkbox(GUI, gameplayLayout, "Edge Scrolling", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.EnableEdgeScroll)
                ToolTip = "When checked, the camera will scroll\nwhen the cursor is at the edge of the screen."

            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(edgeScrollBox, 0, 2, 1, 1);
            edgeScrollBox.OnCheckModified += EdgeScrollBox_OnCheckModified;

            Checkbox introBox = new Checkbox(GUI, gameplayLayout, "Play Intro", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.DisplayIntro)
                ToolTip = "When checked, the intro will be played when the game starts"

            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(introBox, 1, 2, 1, 1);
            introBox.OnCheckModified += IntroBox_OnCheckModified;

            Checkbox fogOfWarBox = new Checkbox(GUI, gameplayLayout, "Fog of War", GUI.DefaultFont, GameSettings.Default.FogofWar)
                ToolTip = "When checked, unexplored blocks will be blacked out"

            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(fogOfWarBox, 2, 2, 1, 1);

            fogOfWarBox.OnCheckModified += fogOfWarBox_OnCheckModified;

            Label chunkWidthLabel = new Label(GUI, gameplayLayout, "Chunk Width", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider chunkWidthSlider = new Slider(GUI, gameplayLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.ChunkWidth, 4, 256, Slider.SliderMode.Integer)
                ToolTip = "Determines the number of blocks in a chunk of terrain."

            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(chunkWidthLabel, 0, 3, 1, 1);
            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(chunkWidthSlider, 1, 3, 1, 1);
            chunkWidthSlider.OnValueModified += ChunkWidthSlider_OnValueModified;

            Label chunkHeightLabel = new Label(GUI, gameplayLayout, "Chunk Height", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider chunkHeightSlider = new Slider(GUI, gameplayLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.ChunkHeight, 4, 256, Slider.SliderMode.Integer)
                ToolTip = "Determines the maximum depth,\nin blocks, of a chunk of terrain."

            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(chunkHeightLabel, 2, 3, 1, 1);
            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(chunkHeightSlider, 3, 3, 1, 1);

            chunkHeightSlider.OnValueModified += ChunkHeightSlider_OnValueModified;

            Label worldWidthLabel = new Label(GUI, gameplayLayout, "World Width", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider worldWidthSlider = new Slider(GUI, gameplayLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.WorldWidth, 4, 2048, Slider.SliderMode.Integer)
                ToolTip = "Determines the size of the overworld."

            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(worldWidthLabel, 0, 4, 1, 1);
            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(worldWidthSlider, 1, 4, 1, 1);
            worldWidthSlider.OnValueModified += WorldWidthSlider_OnValueModified;

            Label worldHeightLabel = new Label(GUI, gameplayLayout, "World Height", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider worldHeightSlider = new Slider(GUI, gameplayLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.WorldHeight, 4, 2048, Slider.SliderMode.Integer)
                ToolTip = "Determines the size of the overworld."

            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(worldHeightLabel, 2, 4, 1, 1);
            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(worldHeightSlider, 3, 4, 1, 1);
            worldHeightSlider.OnValueModified += WorldHeightSlider_OnValueModified;

            Label worldScaleLabel = new Label(GUI, gameplayLayout, "World Scale", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider worldScaleSlider = new Slider(GUI, gameplayLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.WorldScale, 2, 128, Slider.SliderMode.Integer)
                ToolTip = "Determines the number of voxel\nper pixel of the overworld"

            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(worldScaleLabel, 0, 5, 1, 1);
            gameplayLayout.SetComponentPosition(worldScaleSlider, 1, 5, 1, 1);
            worldScaleSlider.OnValueModified += WorldScaleSlider_OnValueModified;

            TabSelector.Tab audioTab = TabSelector.AddTab("Audio");

            GroupBox audioBox = new GroupBox(GUI, audioTab, "Audio")
              WidthSizeMode = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit,
              HeightSizeMode = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit
            Categories["Audio"] = audioBox;

            GridLayout audioLayout = new GridLayout(GUI, audioBox, 6, 5);

            Label masterLabel = new Label(GUI, audioLayout, "Master Volume", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider masterSlider = new Slider(GUI, audioLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.MasterVolume, 0.0f, 1.0f, Slider.SliderMode.Float);
            audioLayout.SetComponentPosition(masterLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1);
            audioLayout.SetComponentPosition(masterSlider, 1, 0, 1, 1);
            masterSlider.OnValueModified += MasterSlider_OnValueModified;

            Label sfxLabel = new Label(GUI, audioLayout, "SFX Volume", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider sfxSlider = new Slider(GUI, audioLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.SoundEffectVolume, 0.0f, 1.0f, Slider.SliderMode.Float);
            audioLayout.SetComponentPosition(sfxLabel, 0, 1, 1, 1);
            audioLayout.SetComponentPosition(sfxSlider, 1, 1, 1, 1);
            sfxSlider.OnValueModified += SFXSlider_OnValueModified;

            Label musicLabel = new Label(GUI, audioLayout, "Music Volume", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Slider musicSlider = new Slider(GUI, audioLayout, "", GameSettings.Default.MusicVolume, 0.0f, 1.0f, Slider.SliderMode.Float);
            audioLayout.SetComponentPosition(musicLabel, 0, 2, 1, 1);
            audioLayout.SetComponentPosition(musicSlider, 1, 2, 1, 1);
            musicSlider.OnValueModified += MusicSlider_OnValueModified;

            TabSelector.Tab keysTab = TabSelector.AddTab("Keys");
            GroupBox keysBox = new GroupBox(GUI, keysTab, "Keys")
                WidthSizeMode = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit,
                HeightSizeMode = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fit
            Categories["Keys"] = keysBox;

            KeyEditor keyeditor = new KeyEditor(GUI, keysBox, new KeyManager(), 8, 4);
            GridLayout keyLayout = new GridLayout(GUI, keysBox, 1, 1);
            keyLayout.SetComponentPosition(keyeditor, 0, 0, 1, 1);

            GroupBox customBox = new GroupBox(GUI, Layout, "Customization")
                IsVisible = false
            Categories["Customization"] = customBox;

            GridLayout customBoxLayout = new GridLayout(GUI, customBox, 6, 5);

            List<string> assets = TextureManager.DefaultContent.Keys.ToList();

            AssetManager assetManager = new AssetManager(GUI, customBoxLayout, assets);
            customBoxLayout.SetComponentPosition(assetManager, 0, 0, 5, 6);

            Button apply = new Button(GUI, Layout, "Apply", GUI.DefaultFont, Button.ButtonMode.ToolButton, GUI.Skin.GetSpecialFrame(GUISkin.Tile.Check));
            Layout.SetComponentPosition(apply, 5, 9, 1, 1);
            apply.OnClicked += apply_OnClicked;

            Button back = new Button(GUI, Layout, "Back", GUI.DefaultFont, Button.ButtonMode.ToolButton, GUI.Skin.GetSpecialFrame(GUISkin.Tile.LeftArrow));
            Layout.SetComponentPosition(back, 4, 9, 1, 1);
            back.OnClicked += back_OnClicked;

Beispiel #41
 internal static HandleRef getCPtr(Checkbox obj) {
   return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
Beispiel #42
        private void BuildFormPanel()
            this.cbxReminder = new Checkbox  {
                Ref = "../../../hasReminder",
                BoxLabel = "Reminder:",
                DataIndex = "HasReminder",
                Checked = false

            this.dfReminder = new DateField
                Ref = "../../../reminder",
                Disabled = true,
                DataIndex = "Reminder",
                Width = 135

            this.taskSubject = new TextField
                AllowBlank = false,
                FieldLabel = "Task&nbsp;Subject",
                DataIndex = "Title",
                Anchor = "100%"

            this.dueDate = new DateField
                AllowBlank = false,
                FieldLabel = "Due Date",
                DataIndex = "DueDate",
                Width = 135

            this.taskCategory = new DropDownField
                  AllowBlank = false,
                  LazyInit = false,
                  FieldLabel = "Task List",
                  DataIndex = "Name",
                  Editable = false,
                  Mode = DropDownMode.ValueText,
                  Ref = "../../../taskCategory",
                  Component =
                      new TreePanel
                          Height = 150,
                          Shadow = ShadowMode.None,
                          UseArrows = true,
                          AutoScroll = true,
                          Animate = true,
                          RootVisible = false,
                          Cls = "tasks-tree",
                          Root =
                              new TreeNode("root")
                          SelectionModel =
                              new DefaultSelectionModel()

            this.description = new HtmlEditor
                HideLabel = true,
                DataIndex = "Description",
                Anchor = "100% -150",
                EnableSourceEdit = false,
                EnableFont = false

            this.formPanel = new FormPanel
                 Region = Ext.Net.Region.Center,
                 LabelWidth = 75,
                 ButtonAlign = Alignment.Right,
                 MinButtonWidth = 80,
                 BaseCls = "x-plain",
                 Ref = "taskForm",
                 Cls = "task-window", RenderFormElement = false,

                 CustomConfig =
                     new ConfigItem("margins", "10 10 5 10", ParameterMode.Value)

                 Items =
                     new BoxComponent
                         Hidden = true,
                         Ref = "../taskMessage",
                         AutoEl =
                             Cls = "taskMessage"
                     new Container
                         Cls = "x-plain",
                         Layout = "Hbox",
                         Anchor = "100%",
                         Height = 30,
                         Items =
                             new Container
                                 Width = 250,
                                 Layout = "Form",
                                 Cls = "x-pain",
                                 Items =
                             new Container
                                 Flex = 1,
                                 Layout = "Form",
                                 Cls = "x-plain",
                                 LabelWidth = 55,
                                 Items =
                     new BoxComponent
                         AutoEl =
                             Cls = "divider"
                     new Container
                         Layout = "HBox",
                         Anchor = "100%",
                         Cls = "x-plain",
                         Height = 30,
                         Items =
                             new Container
                                 Width = 80,
                                 Layout = "Form",
                                 Cls = "x-plain",
                                 HideLabels = true,
                                 Items =
                             new Container
                                 Flex = 1,
                                 Layout = "Form",
                                 Cls = "x-plain",
                                 HideLabels = true,
                                 Items =

            this.Buttons.Add(new Button ("OK"));
            this.Buttons.Add(new Button ("Cancel"));

Beispiel #43
        public override void OnEnter()
            DefaultFont = Game.Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Default");
            GUI = new DwarfGUI(Game, DefaultFont, Game.Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Title"), Game.Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Small"), Input);
            IsInitialized = true;
            Drawer = new Drawer2D(Game.Content, Game.GraphicsDevice);
            MainWindow = new Panel(GUI, GUI.RootComponent);
            MainWindow.LocalBounds = new Rectangle(EdgePadding, EdgePadding, Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - EdgePadding * 2, Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - EdgePadding * 2);
            Layout = new GridLayout(GUI, MainWindow, 10, 4);
            Label label = new Label(GUI, Layout, "GUI Elements", GUI.TitleFont);
            Layout.SetComponentPosition(label, 0, 0, 1, 1);

            Checkbox check = new Checkbox(GUI, Layout, "Check 1", GUI.DefaultFont, true);
            Layout.SetComponentPosition(check, 0, 1, 1, 1);

            Checkbox check2 = new Checkbox(GUI, Layout, "Check 2", GUI.DefaultFont, true);
            Layout.SetComponentPosition(check2, 0, 2, 1, 1);

            Button apply = new Button(GUI, Layout, "Apply", GUI.DefaultFont, Button.ButtonMode.PushButton, null);
            Layout.SetComponentPosition(apply, 2, 9, 1, 1);

            Button back = new Button(GUI, Layout, "Back", GUI.DefaultFont, Button.ButtonMode.PushButton, null);
            Layout.SetComponentPosition(back, 3, 9, 1, 1);

            Label sliderLabel = new Label(GUI, Layout, "Slider", GUI.DefaultFont);
            Layout.SetComponentPosition(sliderLabel, 0, 3, 1, 1);
            sliderLabel.Alignment = Drawer2D.Alignment.Right;

            Slider slider = new Slider(GUI, Layout, "Slider", 0, -1000, 1000, Slider.SliderMode.Integer);
            Layout.SetComponentPosition(slider, 1, 3, 1, 1);

            Label comboLabel = new Label(GUI, Layout, "Combobox", GUI.DefaultFont);
            comboLabel.Alignment = Drawer2D.Alignment.Right;

            Layout.SetComponentPosition(comboLabel, 0, 4, 1, 1);

            ComboBox combo = new ComboBox(GUI, Layout);
            combo.CurrentValue = "Foo";
            Layout.SetComponentPosition(combo, 1, 4, 1, 1);

            back.OnClicked += back_OnClicked;

            GroupBox groupBox = new GroupBox(GUI, Layout, "");
            Layout.SetComponentPosition(groupBox, 2, 1, 2, 6);

            Texture2D Image = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("pine");
            string[] tags = {""};
            DraggableItem image = new DraggableItem(GUI, groupBox,new GItem("Item", new ImageFrame(Image, Image.Bounds), 0, 1, 1, tags));
            image.LocalBounds = new Rectangle(50, 50, Image.Width, Image.Height);

            Label imageLabel = new Label(GUI, image, "Image Panel", GUI.DefaultFont);
            imageLabel.LocalBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, Image.Width, Image.Height);
            imageLabel.Alignment = Drawer2D.Alignment.Top | Drawer2D.Alignment.Left;

            GridLayout groupLayout = new GridLayout(GUI, groupBox, 1, 2);

            DragManager dragManager = new DragManager();

            DragGrid dragGrid = new DragGrid(GUI, groupLayout, dragManager, 32, 32);
            DragGrid dragGrid2 = new DragGrid(GUI, groupLayout, dragManager, 32, 32);

            groupLayout.SetComponentPosition(dragGrid, 0, 0, 1, 1);
            groupLayout.SetComponentPosition(dragGrid2, 1, 0, 1, 1);

            foreach(Resource r in ResourceLibrary.Resources.Values)
                if(r.ResourceName != "Container")
                    GItem gitem = new GItem(r.ResourceName, r.Image, 0, 32, 2, 1);
                    gitem.CurrentAmount = 2;

            ProgressBar progress = new ProgressBar(GUI, Layout, 0.7f);
            Label progressLabel = new Label(GUI, Layout, "Progress Bar", GUI.DefaultFont);
            progressLabel.Alignment = Drawer2D.Alignment.Right;

            Layout.SetComponentPosition(progressLabel, 0, 5, 1, 1);
            Layout.SetComponentPosition(progress, 1, 5, 1, 1);

            LineEdit line = new LineEdit(GUI, Layout, "");
            Label lineLabel = new Label(GUI, Layout, "Line Edit", GUI.DefaultFont);
            lineLabel.Alignment = Drawer2D.Alignment.Right;

            Layout.SetComponentPosition(lineLabel, 0, 6, 1, 1);
            Layout.SetComponentPosition(line, 1, 6, 1, 1);
