Beispiel #1
        private bool insertNewCheckFace(string code, string machineCode, string mode, string base64, DateTime dateTime, string wifiName)
            // *** LINQ *** find employee by email *** database ***
            Employee employee = _unitOfWork.Repository <Employee>().Find(x => x.EmployeeCode == code);
            // *** LINQ *** find FaceMachine by machinecode *** database ***
            FaceScanMachine faceScanMachine = _unitOfWork.Repository <FaceScanMachine>().Find(x => x.MachineCode == machineCode);

            //init checkface table and notification table
            if (employee != null && faceScanMachine != null)
                int modeData = int.Parse(mode);
                checkFace = new CheckFace()
                    Active            = true,
                    EmployeeId        = employee.Id,
                    FaceScanMachineId = faceScanMachine.Id,
                    Mode       = modeData,
                    StoreId    = faceScanMachine.StoreId,
                    CreateTime = dateTime,
                    Image      = base64 != null ? base64 : null,
                    Statuts    = 1,//new
                    IpWifi     = wifiName

                _unitOfWork.Repository <CheckFace>().Insert(checkFace);

                return(_unitOfWork.Commit() > 0 ? true : false);
Beispiel #2
        private bool insertNewNotification(CheckFace checkFace)
            //find checkfaceId by empId and machineId
            List <CheckFace> checkFaces = _unitOfWork.Repository <CheckFace>().GetAll().Where(x => x.EmployeeId == checkFace.EmployeeId && x.FaceScanMachineId == checkFace.FaceScanMachineId).ToList();

            if (checkFaces != null)
                foreach (var items in checkFaces)
                    if (items.CreateTime == checkFace.CreateTime)
                        Notifications notification = new Notifications()
                            Active      = true,
                            EmployeeId  = checkFace.EmployeeId.Value,
                            CheckFaceId = items.Id,
                            CreateDate  = checkFace.CreateTime,
                            Title       = title,

                        _unitOfWork.Repository <Notifications>().Insert(notification);

                        return(_unitOfWork.Commit() > 0 ? true : false);

        private string insertRequestInData(WorkShiftRequest request)
            string json = null;

            int      empId      =;
            string   nameWifi   = request.nameWifi;
            string   content    = request.content;
            DateTime createTime = request.createTime;
            int      storeId    = getStoreIdByEmpId(empId);

            //new request
            CheckFace requestWorkShift = new CheckFace()
                Active     = true,
                EmployeeId = empId,
                StoreId    = storeId,
                IpWifi     = nameWifi,
                Content    = content,
                CreateTime = createTime

            _unitOfWork.Repository <CheckFace>().Insert(requestWorkShift);

            json = _unitOfWork.Commit() > 0 ? "success" : "failed";

Beispiel #4
        //check time attendance
        private int checkTimeAttendace(CheckFace checkFace)
            // *** LINQ *** get all data workingShift by employee Id in checkFace
            List <WorkingShift> workings = _unitOfWork.Repository <WorkingShift>().GetAll().Where(x => x.Active == true && x.EmployeeId == checkFace.EmployeeId).ToList();

            foreach (var items in workings)
                if (DateTime.Compare(items.CheckMin.Value, checkFace.CreateTime) <= 0 && DateTime.Compare(items.CheckMax.Value, checkFace.CreateTime) >= 0)

Beispiel #5
        private bool updateWorkShiftAttendance(CheckFace checkFace)
            int workShiftId = checkTimeAttendace(checkFace);

            if (workShiftId != -1)
                // *** LINQ *** get row data workshift update
                WorkingShift working = _unitOfWork.Repository <WorkingShift>().Find(x => x.Active == true && x.Id == workShiftId);
                //update status -  checkTime - modeAttendance
                working.Status            = true;
                working.CheckInExpandTime = checkFace.CreateTime.TimeOfDay;
                working.ModeAttendance    = checkFace.Mode;
                // *** LINQ *** save change data
                return(_unitOfWork.Commit() > 0);