private void Handle(CheckEndOfLineEvent e)
     // Check to see if Ego entity "car" or "opps_x" has crossed the finish line
         (egoComp, endofline) =>
         // If any car crosses the finish line, then game ends
         if ( > endofline.transform.position.y)
             // Following is a play line to see how to add a component to an entity
             // Issue the pause component to the car the just crossed the finish line
             Ego.AddComponent <PauseComponent>(egoComp);
             // Invoke the event that causes the EndOfGameSystem to turn on "Game Over" text
             EgoEvents <EndOfGameEvent> .AddEvent(new EndOfGameEvent(true));
Beispiel #2
    public override void Update()
            (ego, player) =>
            float moveVertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
            if (gameIsOver)
                // do nothing is game is over
                if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.UpArrow))
                    Vector3 now = player.transform.position;
                    player.transform.position = new Vector3(now.x, now.y + player.speed, now.z);
                    // invoke an event to check if the player car has crossed the line
                    if ( == "Player")
                        var eve = new CheckEndOfLineEvent(ego);
                        EgoEvents <CheckEndOfLineEvent> .AddEvent(eve);

 public override void Update()
         (ego, opponentcar, speed) =>
         if (gameIsOver)
             // do nothing is game is over
             Vector3 now = opponentcar.transform.position;
             opponentcar.transform.position = new Vector3(now.x, now.y + speed.speed, now.z);
             // invoke an event to check if the car has crossed the line
             //     ego is the current GameObject / EgoComponent (happens to be Opps_x car)
             var eve = new CheckEndOfLineEvent(ego);
             EgoEvents <CheckEndOfLineEvent> .AddEvent(eve);