Beispiel #1
         * 添加封禁聊天室成员方法
         * @param  chatroom:聊天室信息,memberIds(必传支持多个最多20个),minute:封禁时长,以分钟为单位,最大值为43200分钟。(必传)
         * @return ResponseResult
        public async Task <ResponseResult> Add(ChatroomModel chatroom)
            string message = CommonUtil.CheckFiled(chatroom, PATH, CheckMethod.ADD);

            if (null != message)
                return(RongJsonUtil.JsonStringToObj <ResponseResult>(message));

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            ChatroomMember[] members = chatroom.Members;
            foreach (var member in members)
                sb.Append("&userId=").Append(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(member.Id, UTF8));

            sb.Append("&chatroomId=").Append(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(chatroom.Id, UTF8));
            sb.Append("&minute=").Append(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(chatroom.Minute.ToString(), UTF8));
            string body = sb.ToString();

            if (body.IndexOf("&", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                body = body.Substring(1, body.Length - 1);

            string result = await RongHttpClient.ExecutePost(AppKey, AppSecret, body,
                                                             RongCloud.ApiHostType.Type + "/chatroom/user/block/add.json", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

            return(RongJsonUtil.JsonStringToObj <ResponseResult>(
                       CommonUtil.GetResponseByCode(PATH, CheckMethod.ADD, result)));
Beispiel #2
         * 添加聊天室白名单成员方法
         * @param  chatroom:聊天室.Id,memberIds 聊天室中白名单成员最多不超过 5 个。(必传)
         * @return ResponseResult
        public async Task <ResponseResult> Remove(ChatroomModel chatroom)
            if (chatroom == null)
                return(new ResponseResult(1002, "Paramer 'chatroom' is required"));

            string message = CommonUtil.CheckFiled(chatroom, PATH, CheckMethod.REMOVE);

            if (null != message)
                return(RongJsonUtil.JsonStringToObj <ResponseResult>(message));

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("&chatroomId=").Append(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(chatroom.Id, UTF8));

            ChatroomMember[] members = chatroom.Members;
            foreach (var member in members)
                sb.Append("&userId=").Append(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(member.Id, UTF8));

            string body = sb.ToString();

            if (body.IndexOf("&") == 0)
                body = body.Substring(1, body.Length - 1);
            string result = await RongHttpClient.ExecutePost(AppKey, AppSecret, body,
                                                             RongCloud.ApiHostType.Type + "/chatroom/user/whitelist/remove.json", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

            return(RongJsonUtil.JsonStringToObj <ResponseResult>(CommonUtil.GetResponseByCode(PATH, CheckMethod.REMOVE, result)));
Beispiel #3
         * 删除聊天室保活方法
         * @param  chatroom: 聊天室信息,id(必传)
         * @return ResponseResult
        public async Task <ResponseResult> Remove(ChatroomModel chatroom)
            string message = CommonUtil.CheckFiled(chatroom, PATH, CheckMethod.REMOVE);

            if (null != message)
                return(RongJsonUtil.JsonStringToObj <ResponseResult>(message));

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("&chatroomId=").Append(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(chatroom.Id, UTF8));
            string body = sb.ToString();

            if (body.IndexOf("&", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                body = body.Substring(1, body.Length - 1);

            string result = await RongHttpClient.ExecutePost(AppKey, AppSecret, body,
                                                             RongCloud.ApiHostType.Type + "/chatroom/keepalive/remove.json", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

            return(RongJsonUtil.JsonStringToObj <ResponseResult>(
                       CommonUtil.GetResponseByCode(PATH, CheckMethod.REMOVE, result)));
Beispiel #4
        static void Main(String[] args)
            RongCloud rongCloud = RongCloud.GetInstance(appKey, appSecret);
            //自定义 api地址方式
            //RongCloud rongCloud = RongCloud.getInstance(appKey, appSecret,api);

            Distribute distribute = rongCloud.Chatroom.distribute;

             * API 文档:
             * 聊天室消息停止分发
            ChatroomModel chatroomModel = new ChatroomModel()
                Id = "d7ec7a8b8d8546c98b0973417209a548"
            ResponseResult result = distribute.Stop(chatroomModel);

            Console.WriteLine("stopDistributionMessage:  " + result.ToString());

             * API 文档:
             * 聊天室消息恢复分发方法(每秒钟限 100 次)
            ResponseResult resumeResult = distribute.Resume(chatroomModel);

            Console.WriteLine("resumeDistributionMessage:  " + resumeResult.ToString());
        public async Task <IActionResult> Join([FromBody] ChatroomModel chatroom)
            var user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(User.Identity.Name);

            var result = await _databaseProvider.Join(user, chatroom.Id);

        public async Task <IActionResult> PostAsync([FromBody] ChatroomModel model)
            var user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(User.Identity.Name);

            var chatroom = await _databaseProvider.CreateChatroom(user.Id, model.Name);

Beispiel #7
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            RongCloud rongCloud = RongCloud.GetInstance(appKey, appSecret);
            //自定义 api地址方式
            //RongCloud rongCloud = RongCloud.getInstance(appKey, appSecret,api);

            Ban ban = rongCloud.Chatroom.ban;

             * API 文档:
             * 添加聊天室全局禁言
             * */
            ChatroomMember[] members =
                new ChatroomMember()
                    Id = "qawr34h"
                new ChatroomMember()
                    Id = "qawr35h"
            ChatroomModel chatroom = new ChatroomModel()
                Members = members,
                Minute  = 5

            ResponseResult result = await ban.Add(chatroom);

            Console.WriteLine("addGagUser:  "******"ListGagUser:  "******"removeBanUser:  " + removeResult);
        static void main(String[] args)
            RongCloud rongCloud = RongCloud.GetInstance(appKey, appSecret);
            //自定义 api地址方式
            //RongCloud rongCloud = RongCloud.getInstance(appKey, appSecret,api);

            Whitelist whitelist = rongCloud.Chatroom.whiteList;

             * API: 文档
             * 添加聊天室用户白名单
             * */
            ChatroomMember[] members =
                new ChatroomMember()
                    Id = "qawr34h"
                }, new ChatroomMember()
                    Id = "qawr35h"
            ChatroomModel chatroom = new ChatroomModel()
                Id      = "d7ec7a8b8d8546c98b0973417209a548",
                Members = members

            ResponseResult addResult = whitelist.User.Add(chatroom);

            Console.WriteLine("add whitelist:  " + addResult.ToString());

             * API 文档:
             * 获取聊天室用户白名单
             * */

            WhiteListResult getResult = whitelist.User.GetList(chatroom);

            Console.WriteLine("get whitelist:  " + getResult.ToString());

             * API 文档:
             * 删除聊天室用户白名单
             * */

            ResponseResult removeResult = whitelist.User.Remove(chatroom);

            Console.WriteLine("remove whitelist:  " + removeResult.ToString());

        public ActionResult Chat(ChatRequestModel request)
            var response = new PartialViewModel();

            var user = UserService.GetUser(request.User.Id);

            if (user == null || user.Role == Models.User_Model.RoleLevel.Blocked)
                response.Logout = true;

            int chatroomId = 0;

            if (request.RawChatroomIdValue != null)
                chatroomId = request.RawChatroomIdValue.GetHashCode();
            int parentChatroomId = chatroomId; //temporary during initial testing

            string chatroomName = request.ChatroomName;

            if (!ChatroomService.DoesChatroomExist(chatroomId))
                ChatroomService.CreateChatroom(chatroomId, chatroomName);

            var joinErrors = SecurityService.CanUserJoinChatroom(request);


            if (joinErrors.Count == 0)
                if (!ChatroomService.AddUserToChatroom(chatroomId, parentChatroomId, request.User.Id, request.UserHandle))
                    response.AddError("Error adding user into chatroom.");

            var chatroomModel = new ChatroomModel()
                ChatroomId       = chatroomId,
                ChatroomName     = chatroomName,
                ParentChatroomId = parentChatroomId,
                UserHandle       = request.UserHandle,
                UserId           = request.User.Id

            //response.Data = PartialView("~/Views/Chatroom/_Chat.cshtml", chatroomModel);
            response.Data = RenderPartialViewToString(this.ControllerContext, "~/Views/Chatroom/_Chat.cshtml", chatroomModel);

        public async Task <ChatroomModel> CreateRoomAsync(string userId, ChatroomModel model)
            var entity = _chatroomFactory.Map(model);

            entity.CreatedById = userId;

            await _dbContext.Chatrooms.AddAsync(entity);

            await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

Beispiel #11
        //Helper method for creating a chatroom since MVC uses controller contexts to route the user to the chat partial view page/
        //We don't need that routing here, all we need is the logic or 99% above that line so just replicate it here and
        //This will create a chatroom and add the user to it
        //The chatrrom only exists in memory while the tests are run. Each new build refreshes
        public ChatResponseTestModel createChatroomAndAddUser(ChatRequestModel request)
            var response = new ChatResponseTestModel();

            int chatroomId = 0;

            if (request.RawChatroomIdValue != null)
                chatroomId = request.RawChatroomIdValue.GetHashCode();
            int parentChatroomId = chatroomId; //temporary during initial testing

            string chatroomName = request.ChatroomName;

            if (!ChatroomService.DoesChatroomExist(chatroomId))
                ChatroomService.CreateChatroom(chatroomId, chatroomName);

            var joinErrors = SecurityService.CanUserJoinChatroom(request);


            if (joinErrors.Count == 0)
                if (!ChatroomService.AddUserToChatroom(chatroomId, parentChatroomId, request.User.Id, request.UserHandle))
                    response.AddError("Error adding user into chatroom.");

            var chatroomModel = new ChatroomModel()
                ChatroomId       = chatroomId,
                ChatroomName     = chatroomName,
                ParentChatroomId = parentChatroomId,
                UserHandle       = request.UserHandle,
                UserId           = request.User.Id

            response.ChatroomModel = chatroomModel;

        static void Main(String[] args)
            RongCloud rongCloud = RongCloud.GetInstance(appKey, appSecret);
            //自定义 api地址方式
            //RongCloud rongCloud = RongCloud.getInstance(appKey, appSecret,api);

            Keepalive keepalive = rongCloud.chatroom.keepalive;

             * API 文档:
             * 添加保活聊天室
            ChatroomModel chatroom = new ChatroomModel()
                Id = "d7ec7a8b8d8546c98b0973417209a548"
            ResponseResult addResult = keepalive.Add(chatroom);

            Console.WriteLine("add keepalive result" + addResult.ToString());

             * API 文档:
             * 删除保活聊天室
            ResponseResult removeResult = keepalive.Remove(chatroom);

            Console.WriteLine("keepalive remove" + removeResult.ToString());

             * API 文档:
             * 获取保活聊天室
            ChatroomKeepaliveResult result = keepalive.GetList();

            Console.WriteLine("keepalive getList" + result.ToString());
Beispiel #13
        static void main(String[] args)
            RongCloud rongCloud = RongCloud.GetInstance(appKey, appSecret);
            //自定义 api地址方式
            //RongCloud rongCloud = RongCloud.getInstance(appKey, appSecret,api);

            Gag gag = rongCloud.Chatroom.gag;

             * API 文档:
             * 添加禁言聊天室成员方法想(在 App 中如果不让某一用户在聊天室中发言时,可将此用户在聊天室中禁言,
             * 被禁言用户可以接收查看聊天室中用户聊天信息,但不能发送消息.)获取某用户的黑名单列表方法(每秒钟限 100 次)

            ChatroomMember[] members =
                new ChatroomMember()
                    Id = "qawr34h"
                new ChatroomMember()
                    Id = "qawr35h"
            ChatroomModel chatroom = new ChatroomModel()
                Id      = "hjhf07kk",
                Members = members,
                Minute  = 5

            ResponseResult result = gag.Add(chatroom);

            Console.WriteLine("addGagUser:  "******"hjhf07kk"
            ListGagChatroomUserResult chatroomListGagUserResult = gag.GetList(chatroom);

            Console.WriteLine("ListGagUser:  "******"hjhf07kk",
                Members = members

            ResponseResult removeResult = gag.Remove(chatroom);

            Console.WriteLine("rollbackGagUser:  " + result.ToString());

Beispiel #14
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            RongCloud rongCloud = RongCloud.GetInstance(appKey, appSecret);
            //自定义 api地址方式
            //RongCloud rongCloud = RongCloud.getInstance(appKey, appSecret,api);

            Block block = rongCloud.Chatroom.block;

            ChatroomMember[] members =
                new ChatroomMember()
                    Id = "qawr34h"
                }, new ChatroomMember()
                    Id = "qawr35h"

             * API 文档:
             * 添加封禁聊天室成员方法

            ChatroomModel chatroom = new ChatroomModel()
                Id      = "d7ec7a8b8d8546c98b0973417209a548",
                Members = members,
                Minute  = 5

            ResponseResult result = await block.Add(chatroom);

            Console.WriteLine("addBlockUser:  "******"d7ec7a8b8d8546c98b0973417209a548",
                Members = members

            //ResponseResult removeResult = block.remove(chatroom);
            //Console.WriteLine("removeResult:  " + removeResult.ToString());

             * API 文档:
             * 查询被封禁聊天室成员方法
            ListBlockChatroomUserResult getResult = await block.GetList("d7ec7a8b8d8546c98b0973417209a548");

            Console.WriteLine("getListBlockUser:  " + getResult);
Beispiel #15
        static void Main(String[] args)
            RongCloud rongCloud = RongCloud.GetInstance(appKey, appSecret);
            //自定义 api地址方式
            //RongCloud rongCloud = RongCloud.getInstance(appKey, appSecret,api);

            Chatroom chatroom = rongCloud.Chatroom;

             * API 文档:
             * 创建聊天室
             * */
            ChatroomModel[] chatrooms =
                new ChatroomModel()
                    Id = "OIBbeKlkx", Name = "chatroomName1"
                new ChatroomModel()
                    Id = "chatroomId2", Name = "chatroomName2"
            ResponseResult result = chatroom.Create(chatrooms);

            Console.WriteLine("create:  " + result.ToString());

             * API 文档:
             * 销毁聊天室
             * */
            ChatroomModel chatroomModel = new ChatroomModel()
                Id = "chatroomId2"

            //ResponseResult chatroomDestroyResult = chatroom.Destroy(chatroomModel);
            //Console.WriteLine("destroy:  " + chatroomDestroyResult.ToString());

             * API 文档:
             * 查询聊天室成员demo
             * */

            chatroomModel = new ChatroomModel()
                Id    = "OIBbeKlkx",
                Count = 10,
                Order = 1

            ChatroomUserQueryResult chatroomQueryUserResult = chatroom.Get(chatroomModel);

            Console.WriteLine("queryUser:  "******"e5ZnCtyfE",
                ChatroomId = "OIBbeKlkx"

            CheckChatRoomUserResult checkMemberResult = chatroom.IsExist(member);

            Console.WriteLine("checkChatroomUserResult:  " + checkMemberResult.IsInChrm);
Beispiel #16
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateRoom(ChatroomModel model)
            var chatroom = await _chatroomsLogic.CreateRoomAsync(User.GetUserId(), model);

            return(CreatedAtAction(nameof(GetRoom), new { id = chatroom.Id }, chatroom));
Beispiel #17
 public Chatroom Map(ChatroomModel chatroom) => new Chatroom
     Id          = chatroom.Id,
     Name        = chatroom.Name,
     CreatedById = chatroom.CreatedById