Beispiel #1
            public void ChatProductCardElement(RadChat radchat)
                ChatProductCardDataItem productCard = new ChatProductCardDataItem(Image2.ToImage(), "Arrive & Drive", "Rating 7/10",
                                                                                  "With our Arrive & Drive Packages, the only thing you will have to think about is driving. We make it simple for you to get more of what you love. We streamline the " +
                                                                                  "entire process and have everything ready for you when you arrive at the track so you can get straight to racing.", "Packages from $340", null, null);

                Author          author  = new Author(adminImg2.ToImage(), "Ben");
                ChatCardMessage message = new ChatCardMessage(productCard, author, DateTime.Now);

Beispiel #2
            // Chat Cards / Carousel

            public void Add_CarouselMessage(RadChat radchat)
                Telerik.WinControls.UI.ChatImageCardDataItem imageCard = new ChatImageCardDataItem(Image1.ToImage(),
                                                                                                   "Benjamin Vilanders", "Senior Architect",
                                                                                                   "As a Senior Architect his experience in the industry allows him to take on increased responsibility. Like other architects, he design buildings " +
                                                                                                   "and makes sure they are structurally sound. Due to his track record of quality performance, Benjamin also serves as a manager, a mentor, an advisor and coordinator.",
                                                                                                   null, null);

                ChatProductCardDataItem productCard = new ChatProductCardDataItem(Image2.ToImage(),
                                                                                  "Arrive & Drive", "Rating 7/10",
                                                                                  "With our Arrive & Drive Packages, the only thing you will have to think about is driving. We make it simple for you to get more of what you love. We streamline the " +
                                                                                  "entire process and have everything ready for you when you arrive at the track so you can get straight to racing.", "Packages from $340",
                                                                                  null, null);

                ChatWeatherCardDataItem weatherCard = new ChatWeatherCardDataItem("Florence", Image3.ToImage(),
                                                                                  "33°C", "Humidity: 76%", "Dew: 31°C",
                                                                                  "Pressure: 1031 mb", "Wind Speed: 15 km/h NW");

                List <FlightInfo> flights = new List <FlightInfo>();

                flights.Add(new FlightInfo("Los Angelis", "LAX", DateTime.Now.AddDays(7), "New York", "JFK", DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).AddHours(5.5)));
                flights.Add(new FlightInfo("New York", "JFK", DateTime.Now.AddDays(14).AddHours(3), "Los Angelis", "LAX", DateTime.Now.AddDays(14).AddHours(9.1)));
                ChatFlightCardDataItem flightCard = new ChatFlightCardDataItem("Andrew Fuller", flights, Image4.ToImage(), "$341", null);

                List <BaseChatCardDataItem> cards = new List <BaseChatCardDataItem>();

                Author author = new Author(Image3.ToImage(), "Ben");

                ChatCarouselMessage carouselMessage = new ChatCarouselMessage(cards, author, DateTime.Now);
